The scenario for the alumni reunion evening is funny.

Join the “” community!
In contact with:

"So we met..."
Before the start of the event, all graduates line up for a school-wide
1. Construction
2. Submission of the report
3. Statistics – congratulations
4. Call
5. Going to the gym
The ceremonial meeting of graduates in the hall.
(against the background of the presentation)
1. “Evening of school friends” Nikolaychuk M.V. music no. 1
2. Performance of the ceremonial squad "Phoenix" music No. 2
(after the drumbeat, the presenters come out)
Presenter 1
What are you doing here? (guests’ answers)
Presenter 2
Oh, did you come to the evening meeting?
Well! Then Good evening!
Presenter 1
Then, we begin!
(The Phoenix Squad finish their performance and leave, on stage
the presenters remain)
Music No. 3 (background)
Presenter 1
When the dawn rises above the windows,
When the moon and the sun are in half,
It doesn't matter who's going to school now,
And it is important that she always be...
Presenter 2
There is a special day in February.

Bright, sunny, big.
The day the school celebrates
All your graduates!
Presenter 1
And friendly faces
Then everything lights up.
What day is it? Let's answer together:
"It's Graduation Day!"
Presenter 2
School is like a bouquet of flowers,
Waiting for the meeting time.
So let it last for many years
We will remember this evening.
In a few minutes
The stage will light up.
This evening everyone is waiting for us
Always in the school hall.
Presenter 1
Hello, hello, meeting evening!
We must cherish traditions.
Graduates day today
And we are talking about you.
A flurry of applause awaits you,
Congratulations, compliments -
Together: Evening of meetings!
Presenter 2
How to measure endless feelings
What's raging in our hearts
Presenter 1
How to measure talent and art
Curiosity in children's eyes
Presenter 2
So let's put it all together

Children's laughter and ability to love
Presenter 1
And multiply everything by desire
Be happy be kind
Presenter 2
What will we get?
Presenter 1
A huge number
And there is no need to count it
Just know
What to our school
There are many more centuries left to stand!
Presenter 1
Today is our school's anniversary
Let us all congratulate her boldly!
For all of us, you are dearer than you!
You will continue to teach children for many years to come!
Presenter 2
From the boys and girls we congratulate everyone
We wish you all good luck and health on this day
All the best and inspiration
Our school! Happy birthday!
Song “Happy Birthday” music No. 4
I have been friends with our school for a long time.
This noisy holiday is ours.
I wish the school less grief,
May more success await her.
So happy birthday, school, happy birthday.

All your friends congratulate you.
Our School is the best in the world!
Our School I love you!
How much have you endured, how much have you endured?
The snow and cold have passed by.
And students
You are loved by everyone
Be beautiful despite the years.
Presenter 2
Well, did you say hello to school?
Presenter 1
Well, yes and what?
Presenter 2
Now it's my turn!
Hello, Dear friends!
We are glad to see familiar faces in this festive hall!

Presenter 1
Do you know everyone?
Presenter 2
Yes, sure! It’s written all over their faces that they are theirs! The creativity is immediately visible
positive, communicative! Because they all graduated from our school.
And how great it is that they all gathered here today to remember their friends and
first love, teachers and your desk, remember the exciting trill
school bell. After all, each of you was waiting for him once, though mostly
parts from the lesson, and very rarely to the lesson!
Presenter 1
Let's call everyone to class now.
Presenter 2
To class? Yes, each of those present heard the bell a million times, sat
in class, went to the blackboard...What is interesting, touching here?

Presenter 1
Yes, don’t be surprised, we’ll invite you to the lesson.
(the girl runs with the bell and rings the bell loudly)
When the cheerful bell rang for you,
Promising 100 cherished roads,
you didn’t believe that very soon
Your heart will call you back to school.
Presenter 2
You didn’t know how dear your class would become,
Where you spent so many years!
No, these years were not in vain,
And their warm light illuminated your path.
Presenter 1
School guiding star
And a lighthouse blinking in the darkness.
School is something that lasts forever
In your destiny, classmates.
Presenter 2
Each of you sitting in the hall spent 9, 10, 11 years at school, and
maybe someone is 12. However, it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that all this time
there were teachers next to you.
Presenter 1
How quickly and menacingly the earth turns,
And school teachers are getting old!
I don't have the strength to watch them grow old
But they are still young at heart
Presenter 2
The years will fly by, you will pass by the school -
As before, young people are noisy at the door.
A school teacher– he has aged so much! –
In deep wrinkles and white hair.
Presenter 1
The shoulders are hunched, the jacket is baggy,

And he looks as if he is guilty of something.
How quickly the years go by
And school teachers are getting old!
Presenter 2
We salute you teachers who are now on their
rest. Today we speak on behalf of every heart, on behalf of every graduate
We say to you - Together: Thank you!
Presenter 1
You will always remain next to us,
Because we always need you.
So you will never grow old.
Together: Never! Never! Never!
Presenter 2
And we continue our lesson and G.V. Goncharuk,
Podsosova O.A. and Trostyanaya N.A.
Presenter 1
What are you going to ask them? homework?
Presenter 2
Well, what homework? The director just calls them, but what is she for?
she'll tell you herself!
Music No. 5
(the director comes out, reads out his thanks, hands over flowers)
Presenter 1: Teacher's Heart... Well, what can you compare it with?
Presenter 2: With the cosmic Galaxy, which has no boundaries?
Presenter 1: Or maybe with the bright Sun, which gives people light?
Presenter 2: With the depths of the sea, which sleeps for hundreds of years?
Presenter 1: No, we won’t compare! And we will say: “Knock!”

Teacher's Heart -
Presenter 2
For you, veterans of teaching work, this musical gift sounds
Group "Inspiration" "Teacher's Waltz" music No. 6
Presenter 2 music No. 7
Unfortunately, today there are not many with us who would have every right
share our celebration. They will never come to us again.
Presenter 1
They usually leave without saying goodbye
Without whispering your farewell words.
Perhaps, without going on a long journey,
In that long journey dreams and dreams.
Even if they are not with us, we remember them,
Teachers who were so close
And everyone will never forget them,
as if they were somewhere nearby
Let's be silent for a while and remember our teachers and mentors.
Dance "Candles" music No. 8
Presenter 2
And life goes on!
Presenter 1
Let it continue, and with it, our lesson continues.
Presenter 2
Maybe we can arrange a change?
Presenter 1
Not a bad idea! Change, change!
Presenter 2
What will we do for our guests during the break?

Presenter 1
We will ask our director to do this
(welcome speech from the school director) (the girl runs with the bell and
rings loudly at this time the director comes out) music No. 9 (noise
effects of change)
(After congratulations, the girl runs again with the bell).
Presenter 2
We continue our lesson.
(the intro of a children's song about physical education sounds, verse 1) music No. 10
Presenter 1
Shall we continue our lesson with physical education?
Presenter 2
No, of course, we can’t do physical exercise right now, our
there is no guest uniform.
Presenter 1
So you want to say that our guests are out of shape?
Presenter 2
I didn’t mean that, but about uniform in the sense of clothing. I think it's physical
Our graduates always keep their shape perfectly!
But we can remember our athletes.
Presenter 1
Yes, indeed, for as long as the school has existed, we have been in it for as long
athletes who defended the honor of the school went and continue
go to regional and regional competitions, achieved and continue to achieve
achieve high results, receive prizes, medals,
sports categories.
(presentation by athletes of past years)
Presenter 2
There are no shortcuts in sports,
And there are no accidents.
Find out in training
they are a winning formula.

This is tenacity and courage
Strength of hands and vigilance of eyes,
This is the honor of our native school,
Inspiring us all.
Presenter 1
They are fighting guys.
And they are quite capable
All world records
Donate not only to school
And to my big native country.
Mastery matures over the years.
And their finest hour will come.
It’s not in vain, friends, that he’s sick
Our school is only for you.
Presenter 2
And in order not to be unfounded, we invite a 9th grade student to the stage.
Athlete, winner of regional kettlebell competitions. This year he
surpassed the Khabarovsk Territory record in kettlebell lifting in his weight class
categories. Meet Alexander Samofalov
Number with weights music No. 11
(the girl runs with the bell and rings loudly)
Presenter 2
No, don’t be alarmed, this is not the end of the lesson, this is just its continuation.
Presenter 1
Where are you, school books?
And homework?
Who is sitting at the desk now?
Behind the fourth by the window?
Presenter 2
Your girls got married
Your boys got married.
And for you, for classmates,
The whole country became a class.

Presenter 1
You are already called by your patronymic
Our generation is the youngest.
But everyone values ​​school friendship,
Just like in the old days.
Presenter 2
For each other you are still -
The same girls and boys.
For whom, simply,
The whole country became a class.
Presenter 1
You know, we are learning some kind of fake lesson!
Presenter 2
Well, what don’t you like again?
Presenter 1
In a real lesson, the teacher asks for homework. Here you
ask your students? You ask! The student who didn't learn
Is the lesson afraid that he might be called to the board? Fears! And we are nothing
we ask, no one is afraid of us. It's not even interesting!
Presenter 2
Is this how you want our guests to respond? Yes please! We are not now
Let's just ask, but also find out who is present in this room today.
Game chant “It’s me, it’s me, these are all my friends!” (explain the conditions
The presenters take turns reading
1.Who does not change his roots
native VILLAGE glorifies
Praise, honor and honor to you
Who settled here?
2. Let's say hello for now,
those who are here from afar,
Who are our birds?
From near and far abroad?

3. (To teachers)
Well, who is sitting now?
And admires us:
On their graduates
without taking your kind eyes off?
4. He who built himself a house,
celebrated a housewarming party in the house
and now he lives in it,
survived this fun?
5. There is nothing more beautiful in this world
live in your own apartment
Who is the owner?
Who's the lucky one? Who's the hero?
6. We are experienced parents,
Someone with more, let's put it bluntly?
Who became mom and dad a little early,
Whose children are older than 15 years old?
7. Let's continue about children
heroic families.
Who the hell has the wrong one?
The large family?
8. Who is still single,
Who holds his own tail with a pipe?
to whom I wish happiness,
To start a family faster.
9. Live and learn
who has a life like this?
Are there any students among you?
Who is it, stand up now?
10 Who is on the site, on the famous
Adorable classmates
Still trying to find it?
Who hangs up on the network?

11. Who, despite the burden of life,
Found an opportunity, means, time
And today I’m very happy
return a few years back?
12. You were all good!
Everyone screamed their hearts out!
And as a reward from us
The song will be performed now!
“Inspiration” “Odnoklassniki” music No. 12
Presenter 1
The years spent at school gave you a lot of good things: true friends,
first love. Meaningful glances, teasing smiles, sighs - so,
First love is probably born. School love... Does she have
continuation? Of course have!
Presenter 2
Do you know how many times the walls of our school heard words of declaration of love...
You can't count!
(presentation of married couples)
Presenter 1
The bell rang at our school
The corridors began to hum again,
But my friends are completely unaware
Why isn't he waiting for change?
Presenter 2
He wanted to be with her longer
Accidentally touch your hands
They say it's just love
Spun above them for the first time...
Presenter 1
Do you know how many graduates formed families after leaving school?
couples!? Many, very many. And now they continue to study within the walls of the school
children. And who knows, maybe they will find their first, never to be repeated, here.
love for life.

Performance of "Waltz" Arthur, Lyuba music No. 13
Presenter 2
It was recently, it was a long time ago...
You played football and went to the cinema...
They wrote funny lines to each other.
During the lessons it was like magpies chattering.
And in their dreams, forgetting themselves, they looked out the window.
It was recently, it was a long time ago.
Presenter 1
You will appreciate the school only then
When years flash by like moments.
She will often dream about her at night.
No one will forget their school years!
Presenter 2
On this bright, wonderful evening,
To the February chords,
I greet everyone warmly,
Within the walls of the best school.
Presenter 1
Here you grew up, grew up,
We gained strength for life.
We had fun as best we could,
During the breaks, we studied.
You haven't changed at all
We've only matured a little,
Yes, they put on seriousness,
However, how prettier they have become.
Let the fun embrace you
On this very good evening,
Presenter 1
Are any of you ready?
Should I speak at this place now?
Don't be shy, come out boldly

Tell us a little about yourself
You can sing and dance
We wish your teachers happiness!
Song “School” Sokolova I, Lapshina N. music No. 14
Presenter 2
And just like many years ago,
The teacher looks at the class.
And it seems that a stern look
He asked: “Why are you silent?”
And the heart knows what to say
Yes, all the words are not these.
It’s easy to answer with a hint,
It's not easy to be in charge.
Presenter 1
I have an idea! Let's ask the graduates what they were most afraid of,
when did they go to school?
Q: 2 (mini survey of viewers) (during the survey they should come to the conclusion that at school they
were afraid to take the exam)
Q: 1 (the presenter concludes) To successfully pass the exams, you need.....
(be well prepared for it)
Presenter 2
I suggest a consultation. We will answer one question:
School... My school... What is it like?
(graduates must select as many synonymous words as possible)
There is a constant in it teaching staff, means patient, .......,
Presenter 1
There are a lot of smiling faces here, which means she’s happy, ……, …….,
Presenter 2
Its graduates are always welcome here, which means it’s hospitable, ……., …

Presenter 1
Here they are ready to help every student, which means they are responsive, …….., …….,
Presenter 2
Former students bring their children and grandchildren here, which means beloved,.....,
Together: This is what it is, our school!
Presenter 1
The school is changing programs, reprinting textbooks, and improving
technical base, the form of taking the exam changes, but it never changes
the state a student experiences before an exam. However now
you will see this, maybe someone will remember themselves in the exam.
Performance 8th grade skit “Exams” music No. 15
Presenter 2
Dear graduates!
Our evening is coming to an end.
We thank everyone who came to this meeting.
The school doors are always open for you.
And wherever you are, no matter what happens to you
Know that there is a place on earth where you will always be welcome
Where you will always be welcome
This is your home school.
Presenter 1
We wish you success in your studies and work, happiness, health and prosperity!
Be kind, energetic, strong in spirit.
Presenter 2
Remember that your successes, your joy are our successes and our joy.
Don’t forget your home school and come here more often, they remember you here,
love and are waiting for you.
Presenter 1
The evening of the meeting does not end there.
It continues in your former classes!
Good teachers are waiting for you there
And old school friends.

Presenter 2
And now we all repeat together two sentences 1 “We promise”
2 – “No way”
Now you will listen carefully and finish only
the last phrase in the sentence, be careful the answers may not be
Always rhyme with meaning, don't get caught.
The presenters read the text one by one
1. We are smart, cheerful,
We don't drink alcohol!
Shall we have a nice walk?
Guests: We promise!
2. We were invited to a holiday,
And we forgot to undress.
Shall we sit at the table in a coat?
Guests: No way!
3. Our glasses, our dishes,
Like other dishes,
We won't fill it today...
Guests: We promise!
4. We will interrupt everyone,
Argue, quarrel, shout,
As if we know everything in the world?
Guests: No way!
5. We will sing and dance,
Smile, flirt,
Can we remember our youth together?
Guests: We promise!
6. Jokes away, smiles too,
It's no good to have fun here!
Who laughs? Let's kick him out?
Guests: No way!
7. We don’t sit sullenly in the corner,
Away from games and noise,

Are we going full blast?
Guests: We promise!
8. Let's enjoy gossip
And to find fault with each other:
Everything is not this, everything is not that...
Guests: No way!
9. Let's remember that soon
Children will come to our school again
Will everything be okay here?
Guests: We promise!
Presenter 2
You and I are the owners of this house,
Thank you very much that you came to us!
But so that you don't get bored,
Listen to my short order.
Don't sit at the table for a long time,
We ate a little and hit the dance floor - dance!
Tired of dancing? Let's Play!
And receive gifts for winning the game.
In general, do you understand me?
So that we don't get bored, friends,
Let's have fun together
And as young people say – “let’s hang out”!
Final song “Wish” group “Inspiration” music No. 16
Presenter 2
And we say goodbye to all of you:
"See you again, friends,
All together: And goodbye!"

Homecoming evening at school. Scenario "Hello, hello, meeting evening"

First-graders run onto the stage - a girl and a boy. They hold the school bell and ring the bell for the start of the holiday. Then they go down from the stage, walk along the hall, go out into the school corridor, without stopping ringing.

The song “Wonderful School Years” is played.
Presentation about the school. On the screen.

Immediately after the song, the presenters take the stage.

Presenter 1
Hello, dear friends!
Presenter 2
Hello graduates different years, favorite teachers
Presenter 1
Thank you for not forgetting your school and coming to us to meet with friends and teachers.
Presenter 2
Welcome to the evening meeting
To my home school this evening.
Presenter 1
It was no coincidence that we started our evening with the song “School Years” and with a bell.
With this song and with this bell you began your studies. They sounded on the ruler on the memorable day of September 1, when you first sat down at your desk.
Presenter 2
They sounded on the day when the school accompanied you on a long voyage across the ocean called “Life”.
Presenter 1
We hope that this song and this call will become a reliable bridge connecting you to your home school.
Presenter 2
The school years have flown by,
You have not been schoolchildren for a long time,
But you will never forget school -
Childhood memories are here for all years.
Presenter 1
But before the holiday, friends, we will begin,
Now we will conduct a roll call here.
Be careful, shout loudly,
Don't miss your graduation year!

The presenters begin the roll call of graduates with last year graduation, while celebrating the anniversary years of graduates.

Presenter 1

Year 2018! - ___ Human
Presenter 2
Year 2017! - ____Human
Presenter 1
Year 2016! - ____person Etc.
The roll call continues until the very first year of graduation.

Presenter 1
Thank you for coming to the holiday,
They brought the warmth of their hearts with them.
What a joy it is to meet everyone at school -
Get together for an evening meeting once a year!
Presenter 2
Your friends in class and school,
You will see your teachers again.
Today, like many years ago,
"Welcome!" - they say at the entrance.
Presenter 1
Winters and springs have flown by.
You have long become adults.
But let's remember your school days.
Calls and changes again.
Presenter 2
First love.
Teachers who were close to you!

The first time you came to first grade -
They could neither write nor read.
You carried flowers to the line.
To you beautiful shape put it on..

First class is the first call.
There were joys, there were hardships,
Our teacher and first lesson -
It started like this school years.

Do you remember it was around
A sea of ​​colors and sounds.
From mother's warm hands
The teacher took your hand.

He ushered you into first grade.
Solemn and respectful.
Your hand now
In the hand of your teacher.

The pages of the books turn yellow.
The names of the rivers change
But you are his student
Then, now and forever.

And if life is big,
Willingly or unwittingly,
You suddenly betray your soul,
He will be in great pain.

And if in a harsh hour
You will stand like a man.
A smile will shed immediately
Rays of kind wrinkles.

Give in the fresh wind
Let her burn brighter -
From mother's warm hands
The teacher took your heart...

Presenter 1
Yes, the teacher at all times was famous for his work, and we students will be grateful to them all our lives for the warmth that they gave us, for the knowledge that they gave us.

Presenter 2
At our holiday there are teachers who are on well-deserved rest, let's greet them

Presenter 1
You will always remain next to us,
Because we always need you.
So you will never grow old.
Never! Never! Never! (all labor veterans are listed).

Presenter 2
For you, our dear teachers, 7th grade performs the Waltz

Waltz performed by 7th grade.
Presenter 1
And yet, what is school?
Presenter 2
School in our memory is bright classrooms,
Presenter 1
School is a blackboard covered with chalk,
Presenter 2
Strict teachers
Presenter 1
A diary lost somewhere
Presenter 2
Parent notations,
Presenter 1
First love…

Presenter 2
And how wonderfully the bell rang from the last lesson! Hooray! Books flew into the briefcase like birds!
Presenter 1
The locker room is crowded. The school doors thundered victoriously with fireworks! The schoolyard was filled with joyful cries! Hooray! Lessons are over!
Presenter 2
And in the schoolyard the poplar leaves are falling... The autumn winds are blowing... And the school years are running after the wind...

Presenter 1
Where does school begin? Of course from the director.
Presenter 2
Parting words like a second mother,
The school principal wants to tell you!
Meet Artemenko N.N.

Director's speech
Presenter 1
The walls will smell of distant youth,
The familiar white poplar will snow,
As if the world had never known change:
On the same faces - the same light lies.
Presenter 2
So let at least one evening a year let the inexorable time recede, and memory take us back to the past, distant for some, not so distant for others, to that time of apprenticeship, which, I have no doubt, is remembered with tenderness and warmth by all those gathered here .

The song “Our school is a miracle” is performed

Presenter 2
And now we will see how graduates of our school remember everything they were taught at school.
Presenter 1
Let's start the first lesson.
Presenter 2
Today we have integrated lessons. And in the first lesson we will remember History, Geography, Biology, Chemistry and Literature.

1. In the novel “Destruction” by Fadeev, from the following characters participating: Metelitsa, Morozko, Snegurochka, Grandfather Frost
2. Complete the quote: “I go out alone ...” to work, to the road, to the bear
3. Substances that consist of two elements, one of which is oxygen, these are acids, oxides, alkalis
4. Karl Marx wrote... Radical, Integral, Capital
5. When adding numbers, we get a product, sum, quotient, many
6. Which question cannot be answered in the affirmative? (Are you sleeping?)
7. Which branch does not grow from the tree? (Railway)
8. Which regular in kitchens, canteens and restaurants has a mustache longer than his legs? (At the cockroach)
9. A continent with no rivers. (Antarctica)
10. Between what two identical letters can you put a small horse and get the name of the country? (Japan)
11. What colored seas do you know? (Black, White, Red. Yellow)
12. Birds whose wings are covered with scales. (Penguins)
13. Where can’t you find a dry stone? (In water)
14. Time for harvesting grain. (Strada)
15. Where is it better for a hare to run - uphill or downhill? (Uphill)
16. Which flower has male and female name? (Ivan da Marya)
17. Which elephant doesn’t have a trunk? (At the chess room)
18. Which month has 28 days? (In any)

Presenter 1
You completed all the tasks with dignity, which means it was not in vain that our respected teachers taught you.

Presenter 2
You were all good!
Everyone screamed their hearts out!
And as a reward from us
The dance will be performed now!

Dance performed by the younger group

Presenter 2
And now a lesson in musical art
Presenter 1
So that you don't get bored,
Let's try to play.
Let's go back to your childhood for a moment,
Let's have a little fun and laugh!

Presenter 2
And those who will actively play,
We will give them gifts!

Presenter 1
So, let's start the game,
It’s time to explain the conditions to me!
"Your favorite song!"
You will all sing it together.
3 teams are invited to the stage: the class teacher and 3 people from the same year of graduation.

Game "Song"
In 1 minute you need to put together the words of your favorite song from individual words.

Presenter 1
Who can collect it faster?
He will be the first to sing us a song!

Words from children's songs are written on the leaves. “A grasshopper was sitting in the grass”, “Antoshka”, “Let them run clumsily”, “Clouds”, “Two cheerful geese”, “Or maybe a crow”, “White boats”, “Pinocchio”, “Blue carriage”.

Presenter 2
Time flies quickly, everything changes.
Colleges and lyceums are appearing everywhere.
And among them is our usual one,
Our high school is great!
Presenter 1
You will appreciate the school only then
When years flash by like moments.
She will often dream about her at night.
No one will forget their school years!
Presenter 2
I dream about a school scene,
Your first roles
First applause!
First success!
And you are happy!
You are the best!

The sketch “Othello and Desdemona”, grade 9, is performed without announcement.

Presenter 1
Wit and ingenuity
They have helped you in your life more than once.
If you don't mind the time,
Prove it to us now.

Presenter 2
Let's play a little more
It's very boring to live without a game,
After all, the game helps many
Remember your childhood and love life!

Game "Auction"
The one who guesses correctly receives the named prize. If there are pauses in the hall, the presenters can give small hints about the items being played.

Lot No. 1
White, sizzling, aromatic foam and a lot of pleasure. That's all there is to say about this lot! (Soap.)
Lot No. 2
A fun product that will brighten up any holiday! (Balloon.)
Lot No. 3
This lot will make any woman beautiful, no matter how old she is! (Mascara, varnish - any cosmetic product.)
Lot No. 4
And this is an absolutely necessary item! He will instantly dispel any darkness! (Candle.)
Lot No. 5
Evening lights of restaurants, coffee in bed, Hilton Hotel! Buy this lot - an indispensable attribute of the sweet life! (Chocolate.)
Lot No. 6
Are you tired, frustrated, tired of life? Smile - and everything will pass! This lot will give you a sincere smile. (Toothpaste.)

Presenter 2
And now it's a fun break

Presenter 1
Our school is rich in talent!
The guys give you their art!

Spanish dance "Cha-cha-cha" 7th grade.

Presenter 1
And now lesson 2, it will be integrated - mathematics and linguistics.
Presenter 2
5 school graduates are invited.
Presenter 1
Now we will find out which of you knows these two subjects better.
And so we begin to remember oral counting. Let's count it like this. The first graduate calls the first number - one. Second - second, but in English, third - again in Russian, 4 - in English, etc. the graduate who makes a mistake is eliminated. We will involve our teacher as independent experts in English Oksana Viktorovna and mathematics teacher Zinaida Mikhailovna Apasova So, let's begin.....
Presenter 2
You did a great job. It's clear that you didn't go to school in vain.
Presenter 1
And now a lesson in literature and Russian language
Presenter 2.
Lesson topic: oral essay on the topic: “Let's remember our school years.”
Presenter 1
Graduates! Are any of you ready
Should I perform on this stage now?
Don't be shy, come out boldly,
Tell us a little about yourself.
Presenter 2
You can sing and dance,
We wish our teachers happiness.

Speech by graduates.

Presenter 1
We see that you know how to work mentally, and now let’s see how you remember your physical education lessons.
Presenter 2
We invite 2 graduates and 2 graduates.

A competition for girls - who can jump rope the most, and for men - who can do more push-ups.

Presenter 1
After such a lesson, you need to give your soul and body a rest. For you dance performed by 7th grade

The skit “Absurd Things” performed by 9th graders.

Presenter 1

The destinies of all graduates turned out differently.
Presenter 2
Different paths have been chosen. Among our graduates there are doctors, builders, and executives.
Presenter 1
Lawyers, representatives of working professions,
Presenter 2
Entrepreneurs, athletes, law enforcement officers.
Presenter 1
And each of them is a person with a capital letter.
Presenter 2
They say that we do not choose the roads, but they choose us.
Presenter 1
Our school has been standing for 44 years. A small island in the ocean of life.
Presenter 2
Regimes changed, leaders came and went...
Presenter 1
Ideals and values ​​were crumbling...
Presenter 2
The history of our school, like a drop of water, reflects the history of our country.
Presenter 1
The story that pierced the destinies of teachers passed through the destinies of students.
Presenter 2
The school has made a big leap forward. Updated offices, new technologies, student government. Participation of school teachers and students in competitions, competitions, and olympiads at the district, regional, and Russian levels. Life at school is simply in full swing.
Presenter 1
And the students in it remain the same perky, cheerful, sometimes playful children.
Presenter 2
But it won't be long before
Presenter 1
And your children are just like you
Presenter 2
Will leave this school
Presenter 1
But neither you, nor we, nor they will ever forget
Presenter 2
That they graduated from this particular secondary school.
Presenter 1
School No. 12 in the village of Novoalekseevskogo
Presenter 2
And today we want to introduce new tradition Evenings for our school's alumni
Presenter 2
Let's all stand up together and sing the anthem of the graduates of our secondary school No. 12.
Each graduate was given the words of a song upon entering.
Again, again we all came to our school,
Here we are gathered again.
On this winter and very cheerful evening
My friends and I came to meet.
Chorus: Through the years, through the distances
On any road, to the side of any
You won't say goodbye to school
School doesn't say goodbye to you.
There were so many different adventures at school,
How much we had to go through at school...
People remember this, without exception,
Is it possible to forget all this?

Presenter 1
Our funny lessons are over
Presenter 2
We hope that they were not in vain, and you, at least for a short time, found yourself in the land of childhood, in a land called school life.
Presenter 1
Clean classrooms are empty and quiet,
A sunbeam wanders across the map.
White verses have not been erased from the boards
And old desks are painted...
The leaves have fallen from the poplars again,
Time flies by quickly without school -
School childhood becomes dearer over the years,
How I would like to return to him...

Presenter 2
Native classes, windows, walls
And the dear old bell,
Calling us to change
And returning to class.
An unsolvable mystery -
A lesson without edge, without end...
And someone's nose, broken in the fight
Here, at the school porch...
No, you can't hide the time
Even though a year and a month are forgotten,
And yet sometimes sometimes
The past makes my heart ache...

Presenter 1
Let the years rush by quickly and boldly
Like the waters of raging rivers -
But the haven of childhood,
But the haven of the heart
The school will remain forever!
Presenter 2
Good luck, dear graduates!
Leading together
See you again!

The song “Where does childhood go” is playing?

MBOU Petrovskaya Secondary School

Scenario "Homecoming Evening"

Compiled by the 11th grade class teacher

Velichko Lyubov Petrovna

Scenario "Homecoming Evening"

Song to the tune of “What is Autumn” by the group “DDT”. (teachers)

What happens at school in winter?

Something changes suddenly

Just one day in February

Such a day comes -

For many years in a row, but only once.


Since you are back here again,

School is always with you!

The school welcomes guests on this day,

The noise does not subside in the corridors.

New graduates fill the school today:

You can hear laughter and conversations everywhere!

(The last two lines - 2 times.)


The school will tell all of you “Hello!

Do you remember me, dear, or not?”

Since you are back here again,

School is always with you!

Everyone knows what school is -

First victory and success.

And today everyone in the room understands this.

We remember school almost in tears.

(The last two lines - 2 times.)


You have already learned a lot in life,

And everyone has their own path.

You won't get your school years back, we understand.

That's why we're a little sad!


(11th grade) A medley of songs about school sounds. The soundtrack ends with the song “When we leave the school yard” from the movie “The Prank.” The hosts of the evening appear on stage.

School Medley

On the first fine day of September

I timidly entered under the bright arches.

The first teacher and the first lesson -

This is how the school years begin.

The school years are wonderful,

With friendship, with a book, with a song.

How fast they fly

You can't turn them back.

Will they fly by without a trace?

No, no one will ever forget

School years.

Don't spin the colorful globe,

You won't find it there

That country, a special country,

Which we sing about.

Our old planet

Everything has been studied for a long time,

But this country is big

Forever White spot.

Let this country

The trains don't go, the trains don't go.

Us moms for the first time

They bring you here by the hand.

In this ringing, cheerful country

They greet us like new residents.

This country is always in my heart.

Write different letters

With a thin feather in a notebook

They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.

They teach children not to offend children at school,

They teach at school, they teach at school.

Two by two is four,

Two by two is four.

Two by two is four,

Two by two is four.

Everyone in the whole world knows this.

Two by two is four,

Two by two is four.

Not three, not five -

You should know it.

Two by two is four,

Two by two is four.

And not six, not seven -

This is clear to everyone.

The sun is shining above us -

Not life, but grace.

To those who are responsible for us,

It's high time to understand.

To those who are responsible for us,

It's high time to understand.

We are little children

We want to go for a walk.

And they tell us that

The leg is shorter than the hypotenuse.

And I say that's enough

I'm tired of this burden.

Pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-- pa-pa-pa


Pa - pa - pa - pa - pa - pa - pa - pa

The streams ring and the years roll by,

Like melt water

And we are growing, and we want it so much


Teachers, you remain in our

Childhood forever.

And the boys.

Teachers, you remain in our

Childhood forever.

For you we will forever be girls

And the boys.

When we leave the school yard

To the sounds of an ageless waltz,

The teacher takes us to the corner

And again back, and again to him in the morning.

Meet, teach and part again,

When we leave the school yard.

Our teachers, thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

The earth will forever be beautiful through your work.

Our teachers, thank you very much.

Our teachers, thank you very much


Hello, dear graduates of the Petrovsky School. It was no coincidence that we opened the evening with a song medley about school. We wanted you to remember your school days.

On graduation party you promised not to forget your school and your teachers who were always there for you. We say “thank you” to you for coming to this evening, and therefore keeping your word. Thank you.

Please welcome the graduates

IN 1 To our comrades and friends:

AT 2 To our teachers and students:

IN 1 To yesterday's, today's and future graduates:

AT 2 To everyone who shares with us the worries, anxieties and joys of school life:

IN 1 Dedicated to our festive evening, the alumni reunion evening!

IN 1 Thank you for not forgetting your school and coming to us to meet with friends and teachers.

AT 2 The school in your memory is bright classrooms,

IN 1 School is a blackboard covered with chalk,

AT 2 Strict teachers

IN 1 A diary lost somewhere

AT 2 Parent notations,

IN 1 First love:

AT 2 How wonderfully the bell rang for you from your last school lesson! "Hooray!" - You shouted. Books flew into the briefcase like birds!

IN 1 The locker room is crowded. The school doors thundered victoriously with fireworks! The schoolyard was filled with joyful cries! Hooray! Lessons are over!

AT 2 And in the schoolyard the trees are shedding their leaves: The autumn winds are walking: And the school years are running after the wind:

The song “Frecked Girl” is playing. (Velichko L.P. and Chumakova L.G.)

Some a year, some 2, some 10 years ago,
Having walked his way, he left these walls.
And here the bells are still ringing,
Lessons are going on, changes are rushing.

And you came to meet your youth,
Where they remember, love and know you.
You have made good friends here,
And, leafing through thick textbooks,

You explored the world, learned to live,
Work, relax and have fun:
And we tried to keep it in our hearts


School time... How many joys and disappointments, discoveries and mistakes there are in these best years childhood. Eh, I wish I could start all over again... But time cannot be turned back. All that remains is to remember...

The presenter descends into the hall with a microphone. Approaching the audience, he conducts a quick interview at random.

    Do you remember the name of your first teacher?

    In what subject did you get a first A?

    Why did you get a bad mark?

    What was your favorite subject?

    What did you like to eat most at the buffet?

    Did you carry toys in your schoolbag in first grade?

    Have you pulled girls' pigtails?

    Do you remember your last lesson?

    Who was sitting next to you at the desk?

  • Did you carry your classmate's briefcase when you saw her off after class? Do you remember what her name was?

    Do you remember, dear graduates, what games you played during breaks?

Graduates respond.


For each of us, school is, of course, not only the knowledge gained, fives and fours, twos and remarks in the diary “Tomorrow to school with my parents!”


These, of course, are the kindest, most respected people in life - teachers.

We are a piece of your heart, vulnerable and noble, reverent and energetic, tireless and patient, worthy and irreplaceable. Believe me, we are very grateful to you for your work.


I would like to note that, after all, school is also childhood, and childhood is a game. Cheerful, mischievous, noisy, fast. And I want to spend this evening exactly like this, remembering my childhood, or rather, plunging into it completely.


Our call: “Let’s go headlong into childhood!”


Of course, within reason.

You've probably noticed that every age and every generation has its own games. Modern schoolchildren prefer computer or TV games. We will not lag behind them, and we invite you to play one such game similar to the television game “Field of Miracles”.

Musical theme plays

We ask you to guess an eight letter word. Only you will solve it in a special way. Each letter of this word has its own task.

(There is a board with cards on the stage, back side which contain the letters of the word “DIRECTOR”.)


So here we go.

I will make riddles, charades, ask questions, but the answers to them, namely the first letters of these words, will be the letters of our encrypted word.

1. Beginning – note,

Then the deer decoration,

And together - a place

Busy traffic. (road - horns, letter D)

2. Which bird is made up of a letter and a river? (i - Volga, letter I)

3. There was barely a breath of winter,

They are always with you.

Two sisters will warm you up,

Their name is... (mittens, letter P)

4. Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman,

She doesn’t sew anything herself,

And in the needle all year round. (spruce, letter E)

The ending is at the bottom of the pond,

And the whole thing is in the museum

It will be found without difficulty. (picture, letter K)

6. Son with father,

Yes, son and father,

Yes, grandfather and grandson?

Were there many of them? (three, letter T)

7. How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach?

(one, the rest are not on an empty stomach, letter O)

8. Write the name of the note,

Add a name quickly -

And I'll swing along the road,

Or I'll shoe your feet. (re – Zina, letter P)

The audience names the letters. The word “Director” appears on the board.


The word has been solved. I can only say that all school graduates who participated in today’s meeting are welcomed by the school director Anna Vladimirovna Bulanova.

The school director greets the assembled graduates in the hall.

DIRECTOR. Good evening, our dear graduates! We are sincerely glad that those whose ringing voices filled the school with life a year or ten years ago have gathered within these walls again. Whose victories and defeats were the source of joy and sorrow for the teachers. And may many of you already be mentors yourself. For those who enter the classroom with excitement and love every day, you are still students.
With love and gratitude, we are pleased to welcome you, dear teachers: both those who work today, and those who gave their talent, soul and heart to the school, and still do not forget their second home, their school.

The walls will smell of distant youth,
The familiar white poplar will snow,
As if the world had never known change:
On the same faces - the same light lies.

1st presenter.
Today we want to tell graduates about our school life. Maybe they will recognize themselves in today's students.

The screensaver of the “Time” program plays.

1st presenter. The program “School International” is on air. Responsible release!
2nd presenter. Exciting release!

1st presenter. Everyone understands what school means to us, what an important place it occupies in the government budget.
2nd presenter. School, teachers, students. One can feel the daily concern of the president, the government, the Duma, the governor and many other organizations and officials.
1st presenter. After long meetings, reflections, and debates, we decided to settle on a school that concentrated the best pedagogical discoveries, methodological experiments, and had talented, smart students.
1st presenter. All the best! The best!
2nd presenter. Our report from Petrovskaya high school Milyutinsky district Rostovsko th region leader. Now let's walk through the quiet school floors, look into the classrooms... And here is the principal's office.

Action 1

Scene “From High School”

Act 2

The presenters come to the director.

Presenters. Hello, Mr. Director! We are from the School International program. We are filming a report about your school.
Director. Hello. Very nice. Let me show you our school.

They walk down the corridor together. Towards a student, bending under the weight of his backpack.

Presenters. Mister Director, just look how hard it is for him! He bends under the weight of textbooks and notebooks. Poor thing! We will send a letter to MPs immediately State Duma about the overload of schoolchildren.

The director helps put the backpack on the table and pulls out a bottle of Fanta, chips, magazines, cigarettes, cosmetics, a player, CDs...

Director. Where are the books and notebooks?
Student. And here! (Takes out a small notebook.)
Director. Well done! I see that you are ready for lessons.
Student. What's going on in the corridor?
Director. Where?
Student. And over there...
Director. Yes, this seems to be a date. How touching...

The duet (Knyshov K. and Khoruzhaya M.) performs the song “First Date” from the repertoire of “Star Factory-3” (M. Weber and N. Malinin).

How short this school corridor is.
And the way home is twice as short.
You don’t leave, you wait, I see from behind the curtains.
Come on, wait, it’s spring outside!

Chorus (sing together):
First date, homework...
No hints needed here

And all the cheat sheets are in vain.
First date, homework,
All words from the main
In the world of primers.

I'll see you again tomorrow at the big one,
You are a class younger, the letter is also “B”.
You smile, I’ll pass by -
And this is my first lesson to you!

Act 3

Director. And here we have a physics room...

Director. This is our new teacher giving big hopes in educating the future generation. Let's move on.

Here is the class teacher of the eleventh grade, and next to her is the class monitor.

The class teacher and the head boy are talking.

"Classroom teacher. Well, Natasha, how was your day?
Headman. The day passed without any special incidents, Lyubov Petrovna. Half the class fled the physics test. Isaeva N. and Posledova A. left the first lesson for a rehearsal in the assembly hall for five minutes, and returned at the end of the sixth lesson. Skulovets proved to Natalya Alexandrovna using history that there are heroes of capitalist labor. Radilovets burned through Starun’s tights in chemistry and asked Elena Viktorovna how to make “Duru” toilet soap at home. Pavlova went for physical treatment, and Gorshunova volunteered to conduct her. The rest of the girls took Ustimenko to get vaccinated, because she is terribly afraid of injections. Goncharov and Starchenkov went to the store for buns after the second lesson and still haven’t returned. Knyshov drove the car to a car service center. And further…
Classroom teacher. Enough! And this without any incidents!? Parents! Parents to school immediately!
Director. And here we have a disco. Would you like to see?


Presenters. That's cool! Class! Mister Director! How do children live at your school? And in general, what can you say about your school?
Director. And today we have a meeting evening, and you can ask the students and graduates of our school themselves about this.

Short scenes. Lyubov Petrovna! (the girls say) PThe Azans posted leaflets all over the school, and we slowly stole them, listen to what is written here.

. Student 1.“I lost my diary. I ask you not to return the finder under any circumstances. A solid reward is guaranteed. Sema Rasteryashkin.”
Student 2."There are wooden slingshots, single-shot, long-range, with a polished

a pen, an optical sight and a tight elastic band. It hits! Well, just finally! For questions regarding wholesale supplies, please call: 232-323."
Student 3.“Subscription is underway for the first issue of the secret directory “Where you can commit bad behavior”. We are waiting for your orders. Phone: 333-222.”
Student 4.“I give curly bruises. Inexpensive! For just two gingerbreads. I’m waiting on the corner of Sibiryakov-Gvardeytsev Street and the alley behind the school. Ask Pavlik.”
Student 5."An inveterate hooligan wants to meet a weak girl who has long braids, who runs slowly. Send your suggestions to Vaska Bulavkina in the Fingal application.
P.S. I ask the girls who do sambo, karate and wushu not to disturb Vaska.”

Sketch!0 grade

Good memory about the alumni meeting evening - photograph.
So let at least one evening a year let the inexorable time recede, and memory take us back to the past, distant for some, not so distant for others, to that time of apprenticeship, which, I have no doubt, is remembered with tenderness and warmth by all those gathered here ..


LEADING. The lesson of memories is over.

And just like many years ago,
The teacher looks at the class.
And it seems that a stern look
He asked: “Why are you silent?”
And the heart knows what to say
Yes, all the words are not these.
It’s easy to answer with a hint,
It's not easy to be in charge.

Games with alumni

At a certain moment of the celebration, you can ask the guests their last names and enter these last names in order into the text of a previously prepared prediction. It will turn out funny and fun. And the text could be something like this (the named surnames will fit in the spaces left):

"Today everyone will say more kind words ___________

Today everyone will sing the most _______.

_______ will dance the most.

_______ will laugh loudest.

He will tell a funny story from school life.

And __________________ will give _______ a thousand rubles to the school.

He will gladly give you his TV..

In the summer he will come to help with the repairs _______

The most beautiful today is _______.

The most shy person today is _______.

The most cheerful person today is _______.

In an hour, _______ will say that he (s) is the coolest.

After an hour and a half, _______ will say that he sneezed on everyone.

And _____________________ will say a wish to everyone present.

Game for graduates We read rap. the audience is divided into 3 parts: solos, backing vocalists and backup dancers. Solo part: “Our director is the coolest!”, backing vocal part: “success awaits him everywhere!”, and backup dancer part: “E - Her!”. Then I gesture in random order to different groups, they perform their parts (in chorus). It turns out cool.

AT 2. Dear graduates, now we invite you to go back in time and remember school life. We ask you to answer our questions.

    A place that students don't like to go to. (Board).

    Surprise on the teacher's chair. (Button).

    Dating club for parents and teachers. (Parent meeting).

    Flat globe. (Map).

    Album for parents' autographs. (Diary)

    From 2 to 5. (Grade).

    A place where children serve 11 years. (School).

    A signal for the beginning and end of torment. (Call)

    School-wide president. (Director).

    Available in every class. (Board).

    All teachers are looking forward to this. (Vacation).

    You can't live on this at school. (Salary).

IN 1. You know, guys, we still have problems that we still cannot solve.

AT 2. What problems are you talking about?

IN 1. Well, firstly, a universal method of cheating from under a teacher’s nose has not yet been invented.

Secondly, why, when Socrates said back in the 5th century BC: “I know that I know nothing,” he was called a genius of philosophy, and when we say this phrase to a teacher, he thinks quite the opposite?

And why is there only 24 hours in a day, all you have time to do is go to a class, hang out with friends, but you’re always missing a few hours for lessons. It’s unfair, this figure should be rounded to 30.

And also this eternal problem of “fathers and sons”. Someone is always misunderstanding someone: either we are adults, or they are us:

For you, dear guests, the song “Adults and Children” sounds.

Express interview with graduates.

(questions are written on a card, the presenter invites graduates to choose any one).

1. Have you ever wanted to burn a school magazine?

2. Where does childhood go?

3. Which teacher has the most memorable voice? Why?

4. Do you often run away from class?

5. Who did you like to copy from?

6. Who is the youngest in your class?

7. Which “5” was the most joyful for you?

8. What subject have you studied for 11 years and its name has not changed in 11 years?

9. What is your favorite moment in class?

10. Yours favorite place At school?

11. Yours future profession?

12. Your wishes to teachers and your former classmates.

The final song performed by "And you know, it will still happen."

You broke up a long time ago
They scattered in all directions.
Remained only in memory
These years are forever.
And again you are drawn to school,
This is very important to you -
Conversations, cheerful laughter,
Sadness and joy in half.

And your heart suddenly starts beating,
And it's hard to realize
That childhood will not return,
But you can remember.

We need such meetings
To keep your heart warm.
And solemn speeches
It's better to just put it off.
Need a heartfelt conversation
And the shine of kind eyes,
Both wonderful and magical
Evening where they love you.

Friends! Wherever fate takes you,
They will always wait for you with love,
Don't forget us
And come to school sometimes!

The evening of the meeting does not end there,
It continues in your former classes.

Good teachers are waiting for you there
Both school and old friends!
And we say goodbye to you all

Song "Graduate Anthem" (to the tune of The Song Stays with the Man)

Again, again you all came to our school,

Here we are gathered again.

On this winter and very cheerful evening

You and your friends came to meet.

Through the years, across the distances

On any road, to the side of any

You won't say goodbye to school

School doesn't say goodbye to you.

There were so many different adventures at school,

How much we had to go through at school...

People remember this, without exception,

Is it possible to forget all this?

Together:"See you again, friends! And goodbye!"


2013 year


Authorscript: LipinskayaSvetlanaPetrovna, teacher- organizerMBOU SECONDARY SCHOOL 1 G. Severomorsk

The hall is festively decorated. Music is playing. Guests are gathering in the hall. A thematic presentation is on the screen. Announcement of the beginning of the evening. The lights turn off... Voices are heard in the darkness, flashlights are shining. The dialogue between the brownies beginsKuzi and Nafani .

Have you looked in the pots?

I looked, there was nothing left ( sighs).

Ugh, gluttons, they gobbled it all up again... They can’t leave even a single piece of meat...

Yes, whoever goes to school and who doesn’t leave the cafeteria, they all gobble it up, they won’t burst!

I'll have to eat breadcrumbs again and wash it down with water ( sighs). Kuzka, hear, there is some noise in the hall, there is no order...

Yes, something is wrong, let’s check what’s going on there...

The brownies run out into the hall, shine lanterns on the guests, and run in panic through the rows.

Oh, oh,hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Oh, oh, oh why is this here?

It’s a disgrace what’s going on, there’s no rest for decent brownies after a hard week of work….

And who do we have here?

Move around assembly hall, wailing, stop near the graduates of 2012. The lights in the hall turn on.

Kuzya, look, look, these are our last year’s graduates!!!

Oh, how pretty, how cute, but they’ve become too skinny and don’t eat well.

You are our dears, you are our relatives! And how they grew up, they became prettier, they became exhausted!!! How can you live without us?

They hug the graduates and go to the chairs near the stage. The lights above the stage turn on, fanfare sounds, and the presenters come out.

Presenter 1:

Hello dear friends:

Graduates of different years, favorite teachers!

Presenter 2:

Welcome to the evening meeting

To my home school this evening.

Presenter 3:

Thank you for coming to the holiday,

They brought the warmth of their hearts with them.

Presenter 1:

What a joy it is to meet everyone at school -

Get together for an evening meeting once a year!

Presenter 2:

Your friends in class and school,

You will see your teachers again.

Presenter 3:

Today, like many years ago,

"Welcome!"(together)- they say at the entrance.

    Song "Evening of school friends"

They go on stagefirst graders (read poetry):

The calendar changes pages so habitually.
The evening of the meeting has been announced today with us.
Well, after it, you will, of course, dream about the Firebird
And you will dream about your favorite class.

The sun will wink at you - not a bad omen,
Even if you stand on your left foot.
You are already adults - and you know it,
But at heart you are still the same students.

As children we think: we will soon become adults,
They will call us strictly by our first and patronymic names.
But today you are again - Sashi, Vanya, Marusya and Tanya.
This evening will stretch the thread back to childhood again.

School is our home, which is impossible to forget,
Memory itself calls here, within these dear walls.
That's why you may be a little worried today,
That our holiday will plunge you back into your school youth.

Presenter 1: Dear friends! We gathered in this cozy hall to meet with classmates and teachers, to remember the wonderful school years, to return to childhood.

Presenter 2: School is amazing house! Everything is mixed up here: childhood and maturity, youth and romance, science and art, dreams and real life. In this house there is joy and tears, meetings and partings.

Presenter 3: School... You leave it, but you will dream about it for a long time. They say you dream about what you are missing in life. And they say something else: you truly begin to appreciate only what you will lose forever.

    Song "Small Country"

Presenter 1: Today we are glad to see graduates of different years within the school’s walls. We are one big school family! And all those who came to the evening meeting are different generations of this family - one friendly team that our beloved school united within its walls.

Presenter 2: Someone graduated from school thirty years ago, someone twenty-five, twenty, ten... And I really want to ask each of those sitting in the hall: “How can you live without us?”

Presenter 3: And, of course, it’s very interesting to know our yesterday's graduates, graduates of 2012, how were their first months? independent life, life without school.

The floor is given to the class of 2012.

Presenter 1: Well, that's very interesting stories Well done! Achieve your goals, break new ground, make your dreams come true. Let everything work out in the most wonderful way in your new non-school life!

    Dance "Sambo"

Presenter 1: School time... So much joy and disappointment, discoveries and mistakes occur in these best years of childhood. Eh, I wish I could start all over again... But time cannot be turned back. All that remains is to remember...

Presenter 2: And there can be a lot of memories. After all, our school has raised more than one generation of wonderful graduates. How many of their girls and boys, young sparrows, left the walls of their beloved school?

Presenter 3: Well, a lot. Our school had the most graduations, and all because it was the very first school in the city of Severomorsk! This year we celebrated the 65th anniversary of the school, our school!

Presenter 1: Yes, in 65 years you can remember a lot, what didn’t happen during those fighting school years. Dear graduates, let's remember the simplest everyday life from your school life...

The presenters (2 people) go down to the hall to conduct a quick interview. Approaching the audience, they ask questions at random.

    Do you remember the name of your first teacher?

    In what subject did you get a first A?

    Why did you get a bad mark?

    What was your favorite subject?

    What did you like to eat most at the buffet?

    Did you carry toys in your schoolbag in first grade?

    Have you pulled girls' pigtails?

    Do you remember your last lesson?

    Who was sitting next to you at the desk?

    Did you carry your classmate's briefcase when you saw her off after class? Do you remember what her name was?

    Do you remember, dear graduates, what games you played during breaks?

What year did you graduate from school?
- Who was yours class teacher?
- What office was your class?
-Which teacher do you remember most?
- What good things have happened in your life since leaving school?
- What is your most vivid memory of your school years?
- Would you like to return to your school days?
- Remember which of you sat on the last desk?
- What would you like to wish future graduates of the school?
- What can you wish for the school?

Presenter 1: Thank you for your concise, sincere answers!

    Song "Our School"

Brownies appear in the hall.

Well, look, everyone is sitting joyful and beautiful. Apparently you really miss school.

Why not be bored! There is no need to learn lessons, they already know everything, the school rules are no longer the law for them... After 10 pm you can be on the street... So let them sit and remember their childhood.

So it is, it’s just that I have a passion for candy, let’s go through the batteries and look, maybe someone hid it where?

Just wait, Kuzya, you just ate enough crackers... You better take a closer look ( looks into the hall), over there ( points towards where the 1993 graduates are sitting. - 20 years)…

Faces that are somehow painfully familiar, Nafan, like family, but they haven’t been seen at school for a long time...

Well, of course, my family, just look... They graduated from school 20 years ago.

It’s immediately obvious that everything is in order with them, and especially with food, look how solid they are! Important. And yet, how have you been without us for all these twenty years?

The floor is given to the class of 1993.

The brownies leave.

Presenter 1:

You broke up a long time ago

They scattered in all directions.

Remained only in memory

These years are forever.

And again you are drawn to school,

This is very important to you -

Conversations, cheerful laughter,

Sadness and joy in half.

Presenter 2:

We need such meetings

To keep your heart warm.

And solemn speeches

It's better to just put it off.

Need a heartfelt conversation

And the shine of kind eyes,

Both wonderful and magical

Evening where they love you.

    Song « In the footsteps of the Bremen musicians" performed by the school quartet "RockTime"

Presenter 1: And now, dear graduates, we invite you to the lesson .

Presenter 2: Exactly for the lesson, you heard right. You are in the classroom where an integrated literature lesson will now take place and foreign language. Attention, be prepared to listen and complete tasks.

Presenter 3: We will read out the Russian translation of foreign proverbs, and you must name a Russian proverb that is similar in meaning. Do not break discipline, raise your hands and answer in unison.

Presenter 1: A Vietnamese proverb translated into Russian sounds like this: “A leisurely elephant reaches its goal faster than a frisky stallion.”

Presenter 2: Finnish: “He who asks will not get lost.”

(“Language will take you to Kyiv.”)

Presenter 3: Indonesian: “The squirrel jumps very briskly, and sometimes breaks down.”

(“The horse has four legs, and he stumbles.”)

Presenter 1: English: “A lady leaving a car thereby increases its speed.”

(“A woman with a cart makes it easier for a mare.”)

Presenter 2: The lesson went well, it’s very nice that our graduates are the smartest...

Presenter 3: And now for a musical break.

    Song "Matryoshka"

Presenter 1:

Meeting evening, meeting evening

Not marked on the calendar

But it’s written in the heart

For you and me!

Presenter 3:

The long-awaited meeting evening

Let it last forever

Let the calls come to you today

This evening they call again

Presenter 1:

Your years and worries

Leave it at the doorstep

And almost unnoticeable

This evening gray hair

Presenter 3:

Happy from the North and the South

You will meet a friend today

Despite the passing years

Friendship is strong!

7. Song "Friendship"

Presenter 2: This is all good, of course: graduates, friendship, reunion evening... I just wonder who parked their car incorrectly near the school? ( turns to the hall) Isn't it you, dear graduates?

Presenter 1: What happened? Stop talking in riddles?

Presenter 2: Well, what could happen if the car is parked incorrectly? (pause) Road accident!

Presenter 3: Nightmare! Is there an accident near the school?

Presenter 2: Well, let's assume that it could happen... But not with the cars of our graduates, because they all know the rules traffic excellent, but if they forgot something, the UID team will remind them now...

8. Song "Safe Island" performed by the school team of the Judiciary

The brownies appear in the hall again. They stretch.

Nafanya, I’m starting to get tired of all this fun. I’m getting old, I wish I could listen to a fairy tale and go to bed...

Don't be ashamed, Kuzma! Once a year there is such a holiday at school, and you either demand sweets or need to sleep... You are still young to cry, only a hundred years old. Better do something useful...

But for me now the most useful thing is to retire on a soft pillow and listen to my great thoughts. Oh, Nathan, look... How come I didn’t recognize them before ( points towards graduates of 1983)

Indeed, look! These are our thirty-year-olds!

Why is this so?

Yes, because they graduated from school 30 years ago.

Yes, you and I were still young then, we had just moved to this school.

I remember, I remember where it is. And they were all such exemplary Octobers, pioneers, however, just like those who graduated from school twenty years ago. Those were glorious times!

A lot has changed. How can you live without us, dear graduates?

The floor is given to the class of 1983.

9. Song “About Beloved School”

Using your knowledge, ingenuity, ingenuity and sense of humor, try to answer the questions of a comic quizzes(the quiz is conducted by the teacher-organizer)

Arithmetic mean

Give the arithmetic mean:

briefcase and backpack (knapsack);

women and fish (mermaid);

men and horse (centaur);

mare and donkey (mule);

sock and stocking (golf);

cola and fives (three);

hedgehogs and snakes (barbed wire);

apple and peach (nectarine);

bicycle and motorcycle (moped);

tram and train (electric train);

orange and lemon (grapefruit);

shoes and boots (boots);

piano and accordion (accordion);

refrigerator and fan (air conditioning);

At the end of the quiz, participants are awarded prizes. The presenters and all students participating in the concert program rise to the stage to the music. Domovyats distribute the words of the graduates' anthem to graduates in the hall. The words of the same hymn are displayed on the screen.

Organizing teacher: Well, now we will all perform together the traditional Anthem of our school reunion. After all, it is in it that they sound very correct important words: You won't say "Goodbye" to school

School doesn't say goodbye to you...

After all, every graduate of our school must remember that the door at school is always open for him!

Music sounds, everyone in the hall sings the Anthem.


Again, again we all came to our school,
Here we are gathered again.
On this bright and cheerful evening
My friends and I came to meet.


Through the years, across the distances
On any road, to the side of any
You won't say goodbye to school
School doesn't say goodbye to you.

There were so many different adventures at school,
How much we had to go through at school...
People remember this, without exception,
Is it possible to forget all this?

A year or ten years - we won’t count everything...
They wait and remember you and me everywhere, always
Our, our very dear people -
It's only you - Teachers!

Presenter 1:

The school years have flown by,

You have not been schoolchildren for a long time,

But you will never forget school -

Childhood memories are here for all years.

Presenters together:"See you again, friends, and goodbye!"

The ceremonial part of the event ends. Background music is playing.

Gift from graduates of 1998 to teachers of MBOUSOSH No. 1 in Severomorsk.

An alumni reunion evening is a meeting with your childhood and youth, it’s an occasion to remember school and have fun, like in previous years. This opportunity is given funny scenes about teachers and students at the graduation party in 2019.

We offer funny scene about school life at the homecoming evening, which is called “Bandits”.

School class, students sit with their eyes down on the floor. The door swings wide open and the teacher appears.

- Hello, bandits, lazy people, slobs, losers! Stand up, bandits! Sit down, bandits! Get up, sit down!

One of the students sits down and gets up at the wrong time.

- Petrov, two for inattention!

The original skit for the evening of the meeting with graduates continues, and the teacher opens the magazine

- Who is absent?
- S...s..s..
- Is Sidorov not there? "Two" to Sidorov.
- S...s...s...
- Is Smirnov not there? "Two" to Smirnov.
- S...s...s...

- And you have a “two” so that you don’t stutter! Now let's check how you completed your homework. Here you are, Petrov, solved one hundred and fifteen test problems?!
- No, I just decided one hundred and five...
- Two! And you, Zvezdochkina?
Gets up from the first desk excellent student with two huge bows:
- Yes.
- You're lying! You copied it from him! (Points to the poor student on the last desk.)

The skit for the 2016 alumni reunion evening is continued by the teacher and the poor student.

- Hey, you, from the last desk... March to the blackboard!

The student, trembling, comes to the board, spreads his legs and raises his hands up.

- Are there any cheat sheets?!
- No.
– What if you think about it carefully?
- I forgot them at home.
“Didn’t you forget your head at home?” So, I wasn’t prepared! Two!!!

The student, sobbing, goes to his place, and the skit about school life at the graduation party continues.

teacher(looks at his watch and addresses the class):
- There are five minutes left until the end of the lesson. This means you will have time to do a small test. Those who solve twenty out of ten problems will receive a “three”. I'll give the rest "twos".

The guys are whispering. teacher:
- Everyone be silent! Hand out the leaves! Collect leaves!

Excellent student Zvezdochkina(pulls out his hand):
- But I didn’t have time...
- Be silent! Everyone stand up! I say stand up, bandits! Sit down, bandits! Get up! And if this happens again, I will call ro-di-te-ley to school! I'm telling you, loser!

The student from the back row falls to the floor.

- Well, what a contingent! And where did they find these slackers...

A comic skit for a graduation party ends with the words of a student who gets up and looks around the class in bewilderment:
- It’s so good that I only dreamed of all this! And at our school everything was different!


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