Scenario for the graduation party “Journey Through Fairy Tales” in a multi-age kindergarten group. Graduation with your favorite fairy-tale characters

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Graduation party script kindergarten: “A journey through your favorite fairy tales”

1 Presenter: Today it’s light in our hall

The guys gathered at last time.

There will be a sea of ​​joy and a drop of sadness,

They are leaving us for first grade!

2 Presenter: It’s light and elegant in this room now!

Everyone has a lively, excited look.

Today we are a big holiday celebrate:

We are seeing our children off to school!

Meet me kindergarten, their graduates!

(there is a performance of children who come out in pairs, after everyone is introduced, the children perform a waltz)

Reb.: Hello, moms, dads and guests!

Hello, our dear kindergarten!

We look forward, with special excitement

We were waiting for our big holiday!

Reb.: Here comes our first high school graduation!

And May the wizard, admire for yourself.

Showered tender lilacs

Beautiful, fragrant flowers.

Reb.: The sun is a cheerful ray

He happily knocks on the windows,

And we are proud today

An important word « Graduate» !

Reb.: Here we were taught how to play,

Dance and sing without knowing boredom,

And we had fun

Magic sounds to the music!

Reb.: We grew up here and became smarter,

Solve problems, compose stories

And draw different pictures!

Reb.: There are pictures on the wall,

And flowers on the window.

If I want, I’ll jump,

On a toy horse!

Reb.: This is such a nice house!

We grow in it every day,

And when we grow up,

Let's go to school together!

Song: " Kindergarten house for children" (Music by K. Kostin, lyrics by T. Kersten, K. Kostin)

Reb.: I’ll tell you a secret,

I am always sure of that.

Teachers and children -

Real friends!

Reb.: There are so many different professions in the world,

But I want to talk about one thing,

Who cares so much about little children?

People who know no peace.

Reb.: People who don’t get enough sleep

They are cutting something, sewing interesting things,

They sculpt, draw, write poetry,

The role is rehearsed, songs are sung.

Reb.: There is no end or limit to inventions,

They can do anything.

Something that others would be tired of

These bear with patience alone!

Reb.: They can do everything, they can do everything,

People with a broad, kind soul.

No evil can overcome them!

They are Teachers with a capital letter!

Reb.: Educating is a good calling!

Be in love, understand and, of course, forgive,

Be an example in everything, show compassion,

To educate means to give to others.

Reb.: Our garden is sad today,

And we are a little sad.

That the day of farewell has come,

And a long road awaits us.

Reb.: More than once we will remember how we played,

And how many things there were here!

How to draw in the evenings

And the forest and the mother and the stream!

Reb.: Like good books loved.

How did you go on excursions?

To know everything, everything, everything about life!

Reb.: Yes, we are just a little sad,

And time cannot be turned back.

And we want, now guys,

About the life of the garden tell.

"Farewell Song" (Music and lyrics by Bokach)

Reb.: Dressed up kindergarten -

You won't know directly.

Your best outfit

Mom puts it on.

And pressed trousers

Hands washed clean

And the excitement is just us

Escorted to 1st grade!

Reb.: We ate delicious dinners,

We slept in the bedroom at a quiet hour,

And in the frosty winter

We fed the birds more than once!

Reb.: Answered in class,

Listened to the story in silence,

They were noisy, funny,

Naughty kids.

Reb.: We are leaving today,

Like birds from a nest.

It's a shame we have to say goodbye

WITH children forever!

Reb.: And today, on the farewell day,

We will not lose heart

We will be in kindergarten for a long time

A kind word to remember.

song: "Goodbye kindergarten"

1st ved: Expensive Graduates! Today is yours last holiday V kindergarten, and everyone says goodbye to you kindergarten.

Children of the second younger group enter.

2nd ved: The kids came to the holiday today,

We brought you our wishes!

1st:Reb. ml. groups: You'll be going to school soon,

Please don't be lazy.

We wish you guys

Study well!

2nd child ml. gr.: You rarely played with us,

Called kids

Sometimes we were offended

They didn't give us toys!

3rd child ml. gr.: But now you are not like that,

You are big now.

We have come to congratulate you

Welcome to first grade!

Children performing a dance "Goodbye toys", passing toys to children. The kids leave to the music The children sit down

1st lead: You and never a fairy tale,

Never break up.

Let the years go by,

TO come back to fairy tales again.

Gives fairy tales magic,

Teach us all to be wiser.

There good will punish evil.

The kinder is stronger.

2nd lesson: The heroes of your sleighs are in a hurry

Congratulate all your friends.

Graduates! Meet me soon

You have numerous guests!

Queen Book comes out

Queen Book: Hello guys! Do you recognize me? I, Queen Book, invite you to journey to the land of fairy tales. You see, I have a magic book in my hands. Now we will look together at what time we'll get into a fairy tale. (shows title fairy tales) . Right! This fairy tale 12 months!

Suddenly, the princess runs into the hall, followed by the teacher.

Princess: But I’m telling you, I don’t want to study!

Teacher: Your Majesty, this is simply necessary, you will not be able to read or sign a single royal document!

Princess: Why do I need this? After all, I have you, Vseznay Akademievich.

Teacher: Yes, but I’m already old, you can say. It's time for me to retire, Your Majesty.

Princess: No pensions! You are still healthy and strong. You have your whole life ahead of you. Come on, arms to the sides, up, forward, reach right hand to the tip of the nose (teacher does). So good! Now march! Let's run! Great! Serve for another 50 years!

Teacher:(wearily) But Your Majesty...

Princess: None "But". Serve me until... until I become as smart as you.

Teacher: Yes, but how can you become like that if you don’t want to learn at all?

Leading: Guys, do you understand anything? I'm nothing. Now I find out what this princess is doing at our holiday. Dear princess, please explain what you are doing here?

Princess: What! Who dares to contact me?

Presenter: Excuse me, but I don’t know how to address you.

Princess: Well, they say that I’m stupid and don’t want to study. Darling, you don’t know basic things! Royalty is called "Your Majesty"

Leading: I see, now I’ll know. So, Your Majesty, what are you doing on our holiday?

Princess: How is your holiday, but I don’t know anything about it? Why didn't you inform me?

Leading: We didn’t think that you would want to celebrate with us a holiday dedicated to our graduates who go to school.

Princess: School again! I don't want to hear anything about her. It’s as if you can’t know everything without learning. What did you learn in kindergarten?

Teacher: Guys, now let’s check if you are ready to go to 1st grade. If you agree, then shout YES, YES, YES!

And if you don’t agree, then NO, NO, NO!

Attention, let's begin:

We'll go to school in the fall - Yes, yes, yes.

We'll find friends there - Yes, yes, yes

We will study at school - Yes, yes, yes

And with friends we will fight - No, no, no

We'll sleep in class - No, no, no

We will take the diary to school - Yes, yes, yes

To get deuces - No, no, no

Let's play with dolls - No, no, no

We will solve problems - Yes, yes, yes

We will become students - Yes, yes, yes

We will do the homework ourselves - Yes, yes, yes. !

I ask you to answer me,

What will we take to school?

We put notebooks in the briefcase, Yes, yes, yes

We also need slingshots No, no, no

Album for drawing Yes, yes, yes

Set the school on fire with matches, no, no, no

Notebooks to write Yes, yes, yes

Let's take outfits for the dolls, No, no, no

Felt pens and paints are needed Yes, yes, yes

Call your mom's mobile Yes, yes, yes

Plasticine for sculpting Yes, yes, yes

We'll take the kitten to school No, no, no

We put the gun in the briefcase No, no, no

Pills for treatment No, no, no

The textbook will definitely come in handy. Yes Yes Yes!

1st Ved.:. These are our children

Everyone wants to know the world

Let's wish them good luck

So that all problems are solved.

2nd Ved.: A rooster flew up onto the fence,

I also met a vuh there.

How many roosters are there?

Who has the answer? (3)

1-Ved.: Three apples from the garden

The hedgehog brought

The most rosy

Gave it to Belka.

Gladly a gift

Got a squirrel

Count the apples

Is the hedgehog on his plate? (2)

2nd Ved.: A squirrel sits on a cart,

Gives away his nuts -

To the fat-fifted bear,

Bunny with a mustache,

Little fox-sister,

Sparrow, titmouse.

How many animals did you count? (6)

1st Ved.: Mother brought toys

And I brought it to the guys:

Gave Masha a balloon,

And Tanyusha has a samovar,

Son Vanya - a drum.

My daughter Milochka has a sofa.

How many toys did your mother give you? (4)

2nd Ved.: Our children can do a lot

Sing and draw and poetry tell.

And when they go to school, they will gain even more knowledge.

Now they will sing you a song about what they teach at school.

Song: "They teach at school"

Princess: My Majesty wants to know, what else can you learn at school?

Princess: Is it really possible to get all this knowledge at school?

Leading: If you try, it’s possible.

Princess: Then I also want to go to school. Take me with you.

Leading: Shall we take it?

Princess: Well, I ran to get ready ( screams: “Mums, nannies, I’m going to school, get your suitcases ready.”)

the curtain closes, meanwhile the scenery changes.

Queen Book: well, my dears, let's go visit another fairy tale. Let's see what our next fairy tale. Look guys, this is what we have fairy tale(shows) (children's answers) Right! These are Geese and swans!

The curtain opens, and there is Baba Yaga...

Baba Yaga (on a broomstick):Stop! Stop! Stop! Where the hell are you going? I'll tell you told me to sleep! Did you dare disobey my mistress? Completely out of hand! She’s seen enough of all kinds of dances on TV, then give her a lambada, then a Macarena, or suddenly she wants to dance ballroom dancing, and then she caught fire! I wanted to learn oriental dance. And I was preparing, killer whales, for your holiday. I always wanted to surprise you, I was in a hurry to get to you! I found out that you were going here, but I wasn’t invited…. I want to go to first grade with you!

Episode 2: Wait, Baba Yaga, how old are you?

Baba Yaga:One hundred!

1 presenter: How many?

Baba Yaga: Well, two hundred! And what?

2 presenter: Too much...

Baba Yaga: By the way, it’s never too late to learn.

Baba Yaga: Of course not, but I can shoot sparrows with a slingshot, put buttons under a chair, pull girls’ pigtails, pinch, whistle, scream (trying to hang down, nothing works) Ugh! The whistle is broken! I ride on a broom. Drin! Drin! I can teach you! This is how you get to school!

2nd presenter: What's it like to go to school on a broom?

Baba Yaga: And like this (shows)

1 ved: No, Baba Yaga, children will go to school neat, beautiful, with bouquets. Fathers and mothers will see them off. But this skill is not needed in school.

Baba Yaga: What do you need?

Children read a sentence made up of letters on blocks or on a magnetic board "Attention, school is coming soon"

Baba Yaga: Right! Now let's find out what our parents will do when their children go to school. Dear parents, we have a school lottery, to my question, pull the ticket, the answer is loud speak: (parents take turns pulling answers from Baba Yaga’s basket (mom, dad, dog, etc.)

1. Who will set the alarm clock in the evening?

2. Who will monitor the first-grader’s uniform?

3. Who will get up at 6 am?

4. Who will eat breakfast first?

5. To whom? I'll have to pack my briefcase?

7. Who will cry when left without strength?

8. Who is to blame if a child gets a bad grade?

9. Who will go to the meetings?

10. Who will take the first grader to school?

Baba Yaga: Well, now I see that children and their parents are ready to enter first grade. Therefore, all I can do is wish you guys a happy and easy path to the heights of knowledge.

Baba Yaga says goodbye, the curtain closes.

Queen Book: Well, let's go visit another one fairy tale! Let's see which one Let's go visit a fairy tale.... Shows. Learned? This is Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka!

The curtain opens, cartoon music plays and Shapoklyak comes out with a briefcase. (grabs the children’s noses, pulls their bows, scares them with Lariska) .

Shapoklyak: Hello, my dears! Children are stumps, mischievous and playful. You are yours we recognized our beloved grandmother? Yes, yes - it’s me, Grandma Shapoklyak, and what are you doing here?

Leading: We are taking the kids to school.

Shapoklyak: I am the most important teacher, I am a professor of all sciences. Who loves ugliness, my best friend. The kids are going to school and they need our advice. After all, they don’t have any stakes or deuces in their portfolios yet. Don't trust anyone, kids, there's no better grade than a D. You guys don’t do exercises in the morning, don’t go to school, you better sleep longer, and whoever gets A’s, Shapoklyak doesn’t play with them.

Leading: By the way, dear Shapoklyak, what’s in your briefcase, can you show us?

Shapoklyak: Okay, so be it, I’ll show you (takes it out of the briefcase). Here is a funny toy called a rattle, an elephant with a hole in its side lies here to spite the enemy. I'll pour water into it, I'll shower all of you at school (sprays children and parents). Beads to dress up and a slingshot to defend yourself with. Buttons to put on chairs and Lariska to scare

Leading: Granny, aren’t you tired of harming and bothering everyone? Maybe it’s better for you to sit quietly and read a newspaper?

Shapoklyak: Why don’t you read them, I know everything better than you.

Leading: Well, then, please answer, is the bear a wild or domestic animal?

Shapoklyak: The bear is domestic, small, shaggy. He looks like a monkey, guys. He eats carrots and potatoes and can eat soup with a spoon.

Leading: Do you guys agree? (Children's answers)

Leading: Yes, Granny Shapoklyak, you shouldn’t be proud of yourself. You need to go to kindergarten, learn from our children.

Shapoklyak: Well, here’s another thing, I don’t mess with you. You laugh at grandma. By the way, where is my briefcase, where did it go? Shapoklyak: Well, the guys surprised you, it was not in vain that they taught you. Just don’t go to school, you’ll be lost at school. There is only science, ugh, melancholy! Eh, boredom!

Child: And we are a joyful people, we drive boredom out of the gates,

If we just want, we’ll cheer everyone up in an instant,

And now we really want to dance for you.

Dance "Rock'n'roll", at the end of the dance everyone leaves, Shapoklyak also dances.

Shapoklyak: Well done! Guys, I see you are ready to go to school! I wish you good luck so that you only get A's in your studies!

says goodbye, the curtain closes.

Queen Book: Well, that's all, ours the journey has come to an end. And if you also make friends with a book, you will be able to handle any task! At school you read a lot interesting books. They will open you to a wonderful world of knowledge! And your first book will be an ABC book!

Child:: If you know the letters,

And you will hear at the same hour

Amusing story!

Reb.: Do you know how old it is?

The sun gives us its light,

Why are there flowers in winter?

And in winter the fields are empty.

Reb.: You will recognize your native land

Peaceful, strong and big.

The book is a good friend to us.

Read it and find out for yourself!

Queen Book: Yes, you really are great! You were taught everything in kindergarten They were taught that it was time to say goodbye, see you again at school.

Reb.: The years passed unnoticed,

The time for farewell is coming.

Today we are in kindergarten,

We're spending our last day!

Reb.: Today we are with kindergarten

We say goodbye forever.

Now we need to study.

We're going to school!

Reb.: Nowadays, no, it’s not easy to manage a kindergarten.

Every day there are a million questions

All of them need to be solved.

She knows no rest, no peace.

Still young, and besides, pretty,

Hardworking and energetic:

And I’m ready to work on weekends,

And even at night she can’t really sleep.

Nobody to us the garden here will not replace it!

And the Department really appreciates her!

Will find an approach to anyone,

He will find his own “key” for each one.

Reb.:! You are the boss's right hand,

It was difficult for you sometimes

So that in garden the entire pedagogical process

It was like "Wonderland"

Teacher councils, master classes,

All the worries cannot be counted.

Don't forget about seminars.

Our honor to the Methodist!

Reb.: There’s a whole lot of things to do on the farm,

But the caretaker copes.

He's on his feet all the time

His day passes on the run.

There's a lot to do -

Sometimes you can’t count all the things to do:

Give out powder and soda,

Give soap and dishes.

Maintain property records.

Either take it away or bring it.

On it the device of each groups:

You need nails and screws,

Products, both board and timber.

But he can handle this burden!

Reb.: Medical staff

He kept us healthy.

And vaccinations and green stuff -

A child's best friends!

Who will give us vitamins?

A tablet, ascorbic acid?

Who will set the thermometer?

Will it save us from pain?

Of course - Svetlana Alexandrovna!

Reb.: White sheet,

Apron and scarf,

You will go around the whole white light -

You won't find a better laundress!

Reb.: The speech therapist is trying,

He works with us

The letters are all in a row now

I'm glad you go!

Reb.: For health and figure,

And for leg and arm strength

For physical education classes

The physical teacher will take the children!

Reb.: Psychology is a science,

It’s not an easy thing, brothers.

Without a psychologist in our age

Man will not be able to live!

Reb.: We are with our musician

Ready to sing until dawn,

Polonaises and quadrilles,

The Poles haven't forgotten either!

Reb.: Dear cooks,

Always feed deliciously!

Look at us:

These cheeks are simply classy!

Reb.: Our group is always clean

Both the floor and the dishes sparkle

Our nanny in the morning

Brings order everywhere

That's why everything glitters and sparkles.

He will bring food to the group on time,

He will feed us delicious food and give us supplements.

Without it, the teacher is simply in trouble!

You always need a helper nearby!

Reb.: Our favorite teacher:

The best one

Kind, sensitive and attentive, like a mother

We came to your group with desire,

Because they were waiting for us there and loved!

song "Teacher"

Reb.: We are leaving kindergarten

AND we wish to tell you all,

So that loved you always

We will never forget!

Reb.: If we were very naughty,

You scolded us a little.

We lived together in the kindergarten.

But you still need to say goodbye.

And at this farewell hour

We kiss you hard!

We say thank you to everyone

And we thank you for everything.

1 Host: Remember little friend,

Mine native kindergarten!

Here you took the first step

To a new and big world!

2 Leader: Learn, work and win,

Don't get tired of dreaming.

Mine don't forget kindergarten,

At least the years will fly by!

The floor is given to our manager

Scenario graduation party in kindergarten

Fanfare sounds

1 Presenter

Sound the fanfare! And blow the trumpets!

The children are rushing to the joyful holiday.

Today we are seeing the kids off to school.

It's time to say goodbye to kindergarten.

To the song “Beautiful Far Away,” children go out and perform formations

2 presenter
Today, guys, we see you off,
We wish you more fives and fours,
So that every teacher at school can say

“You worked really hard in kindergarten!”

1 Child
Today they see us off
To the land of wonders and knowledge
And we go to first grade,
Thank you, good bye!

2 Child
Year after year for five years in a row
We came to kindergarten
Cheerful, satisfied,
But those days are gone
Today we are graduates
And tomorrow we will be schoolchildren.

3 Child
It's not for nothing that we are mothers today
Congratulations from the heart
We became students
We're not kids anymore.

Children sing the song “We Were Preschoolers”

4 Child

Days after days rush by quickly,

They rush and never turn back!
It’s a pity to part with the garden,

But I also want to go to school!

5 Child

Today is a bright spring day,

So exciting for us
Summer will fly by unnoticed,

We will be greeted by school, first grade.

6 Child

There are desks and a blackboard waiting for us,

Textbooks, bookmarks,
Rulers, pens, diaries,

Pencil cases and notebooks.

7 Child

A cheerful bell will call us,

And, a little timidly, for the first time,
We will enter the school with bouquets,

To our very best first class.

8 Child

And the teacher will meet you at the door,

Our faithful friend for many days,
And a big noisy family

New girlfriends and friends.

9 Child

We read so many books at school

Page after page!

Farewell, our dear kindergarten!


We are all going to learn!

The song “In September the bell rings cheerfully” is performed. Children sit down

Vovka rides into the group (on a children’s bicycle, all disheveled.

1 Presenter
Oh, guys, who came to us? Some kind of boy?
Who are you and where are you from?

I am Vovka Morkovkin, I live next to your kindergarten.
I heard cheerful music and came to find out what was happening here.

1 Presenter
Today is our graduation, our kids are leaving for school, and we are seeing them off. They can take you with them too.

To school?! They don't even know what awaits them there! Do one thing, then do another. If you do it wrong, the teacher will give you a bad grade and your parents will give you a bad grade! No, I don't want to go to school!

2 Presenter
You, Vovka, don’t rush to answer. First listen to what the guys tell you about school.

10 Child:
To find your way,
To keep up with life,
To keep pace with the people,
You must become literate.

11 Child
If you want to build a bridge
Observe the movement of stars
Drive a machine in the field
Or drive the car up
Do a good job at school
Study conscientiously!

12 Child
If you know the letters
Can you read books?
And you will hear at the same hour
Fascinating story.

1 Presenter
Well, Vovka, have our children convinced you that you need to go to school?

I don't want to go to school. I'd rather ride a bike.
Rides in circles on a bicycle.)

2 Presenter
Wait, Vovka, listen to the scary song - this is what will happen to you if you don’t go to school!

Song "If there were no schools"

Did our song scare you?

Vovka (scratches the back of his head)
Yes, it seems like you should go to school... Only at school it’s all on your own, yes, on your own... But I want to “ royal life"! Just do nothing.

1 Presenter
Everything is clear...You want to live like in a fairy tale. Well, then you have a direct road to Far Far Away kingdom. Go.

Yes, it's easy to say - go. Where should we go?

2 Presenter
Well, what, what, it’s as easy as shelling pears, I must say magic words.

I don't know any magic words.

1 Presenter
Guys, let's help Vovka say the magic words.

Children say: ENE, BENE, RABA .
The presenters praise the children

1 Presenter
Oh, guys, we can’t leave Vovka alone, in case he still needs our help. He doesn’t know anything, he can’t do anything. And the road to the distant kingdom is long, with obstacles. Shall we recover together with him?

Children: Yes!

2 Presenter
And now you need to repeat the magic words with your eyes closed. We just have to close our eyes tightly, otherwise we won’t get into the fairy tale.
(children close their eyes, turn around themselves
and say magic words)
The background is magical music. There is a song about fairy tales.

Music is playing. Enter the Scientist Cat

Cat. Hello! As soon as I left for a while on my fabulous business, so many people gathered right there at my Lukomorye that there was nowhere to take a step.

2 Presenter. Don't be offended, cat, that we disturbed your peace of mind. Today we have a big holiday.

Cat. Holiday? Well, that's another matter! I really love holidays. Can I help you with anything? After all, I’m not an ordinary cat, but a fabulous one.


Hey, who are you?

Cat. Scientist Cat!

Who, who-o-o?

Cat. Scientist Cat!

And where are you from?

From a fairytale .

Wow!!! Come on, teach me some wisdom.

Please! Let's start with the simplest. Now we will check our graduates to see how they are ready for school, ask them questions, and you, Vovka, study and remember!

Cat. To every question I ask you must answer “This is me, this is me, These are all my friends!”

Who very very very soon
Walking together to school?

Which one of you will arrive in class?
An hour late?

Who keeps things in order
Pens and notebooks?

Which one of you is a kid?
Walking around dirty from ear to ear?

Answer in unison in a moment
Who is the main student here?

Who takes care of clothes
Does he put it under the bed?

Cat: Well done! We completed the task. Well, now I want our respected parents to take an oath. You must say YES loud and clear!
1. Will we always help children with their studies? - Yes!
2. So that the school is proud of its children? -Yes!
3. Are formulas to remember nonsense for you? -Yes!
4. Will we be as wise as a star in the sky? - Yes!
5. When the school holiday ends, shall we go for a walk with the children then? -Yes!
Well done! And the parents managed everything. There won't be any problems with them at school. Guys, do you know the letters? Tell me, what else can you do? Can you read? Well done! Okay, now I'll check. Answer, Vovka, what are words made of?

Vovka. Words?

Cat . Do not you know! How many letters in the alphabet do you know?

Vovka. No!

Cat. Do your graduates know?

Presenter. Of course they do, they’ll even sing to you about it!

The song “33 dear sisters” is performed

Game "Names"

Cat. Guys, are you getting ready for school?(children's answer) Do you know vowel sounds?(children's answer) We'll check it now. Find the vowels in your name(asks 2 or 3 year old children what letters they have). Now listen to me carefully and be sure to answer!

Answer and game "Vowels"

Those who have the letter “A” shouted “Hurray!”»

Whoever has the letter “O” - come on, every one of you, shout back to me - in a friendly, cheerful manner, “Hello!”

Who has the letter “I” - point to yourself!

Whoever has the letter “I”, together we will sing MI-MI

Who has the letter “E” - let’s say “BE” together

And now the boys and girls also clap our hands loudly.

Presenter. Our children and poems know about vowels! Listen here!

The letter "A" is the head of everything,
She looks respectable
Because the letter "A"
The alphabet begins!

There is no angle in this letter
That's why it's round.
Before that she was round -
I could have rolled.

Above the meadows in the blue
The letter "E" flies by.
This is a swallow in the spring
Returns home.

Here is the letter “I” in a zigzag -
Like lightning, look.
Ira didn’t play games,
Ira looked for “I” in the words.

Early in the morning by the river
Fishermen are fishing.
If the catch is not nonsense,
It will be a delicious soup.

The letter “Y” should not be at the beginning,
But both you and we have met
That letter, picking the saffron milk cap
And gliding on fast skis.

The letter "E" on "S" marvels,
It's like looking in a mirror.
There is definitely a resemblance
Only there is no language!

Vovka . Wow! You did great!

Cat. That's why children should go to school, where they will be taught how to write these letters correctly. And you, my friend, still need to study.

Vovka. I don't want to study, I want to play!

Cat. Well, this can be fixed. Let's play the game "Magic Circle":

The game "Magic Circle" is played »
2 easels, attach. 2 sheets in the middle of which circles are depicted. Children must use felt-tip pens to turn the circle into a letter, complete something, and add the missing elements. The letters should be: B, V, O, R, F, Yu, Ya, b, b, y). Call 2 people at a time.
Vovka. Is this a game? A game is when you rush after each other, knocking someone down... I don’t want to! I won't! Everyone teaches me, even here, in a fairy tale, they piled up!...

Presenters and Cat (in chorus)
Yeees! ( thoughtfully, drawn out) – (gathered in a circle, whispering)

Apparently you need to go to the distant kingdom!

Vovka (scowling)
What didn't I see there?

1 Presenter
"And there… (mysterious) ... There are two from the casket, identical in appearance.

2 Presenter
Whatever you order them, they will do everything for you!

That's it!

Presenters and Cat (in chorus)

Eh! How to get there?

Go straight, and so as not to get lost - here!
(gives him a ball of thread)

OK! Bye! ( throws the ball towards the exit and runs after it)

Presenters and Cat (in chorus)
Good riddance!

Cat . It’s time for me to return to the fairy tale too. Goodbye, guys!

(Dunno runs in to the music with a briefcase in his hands, disheveled)

Dunno. Hello shorties! I'm not late? Phew, looks like I'm on time. Yesterday I watched TV until late at night, today I barely woke up.I could barely drag my briefcase. Wow, so many people! Why are you here?

Presenter. Where are you going like this?

Dunno. Where is this going? To school, of course! So my short friends, from the flower city, are also getting ready for school.

(approaches some guys, shakes hands and calls)

Hello, Pilyulkin!

Hello, Sineglazka,

Hello Donut,

Hello, Flower,

Hello, Tube!

Hello, Znayka!

Hello Grumpy!

Hello button!

Presenter. Wait, wait! What kind of shorties are these, from what flower city? These are kids from kindergarten.

Dunno. You see, like in a fairy tale, and in a fairy tale, various miracles happen, I’ve already been there, but I’ve never been to school. I really dream of going there. They say that during recess there, it’s very interesting, you can run, jump, and scream!

Presenter. And I thought they were going to school to study. Guys, do you agree with me?

Children. Yes!

Presenter. Our kids are ready for school.

Dunno. Why should I study, I already know everything, I can read, I can write, I can sing, I can draw, I even write poetry. Listen here.

I am a poet, my name is Dunno,

From me to you a balalaika!

Do you want me to write a poem about this boy now? (He walks and thinks.) Here! Ready!

Your Vanyusha will go back to nursery in a year.

Presenter. Vanyusha? To the nursery?! You got everything mixed up, because Vanyusha is leaving for school.

Dunno . Yes, you don’t understand anything about poetry. After all, this is me for the sake of rhyme, so that it would be consistent. Well, then I’ll write about this girl:

Our Varya cries loudly:

She has a ball in her briefcase,

And textbooks, notebooks

They are at home under the crib.

Presenter. No, Dunno, this is not about our Varya. She is attentive, responsible, and will take what she needs to school. And in order to become a poet, you need to study a lot.

Dunno . Oh, just think, poetry!

But I can sing!

Maestro, music soon!( Sings.)

Staining a notebook with blots

And, like a chicken, write

Only get D's

And offend girls

They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.

Presenter. Well, he made me laugh. I mixed up all the words. You better listen to how to sing this song correctly.

The song “What They Teach at School” is performed

Presenter Well, you may write poetry quite well, but now we’ll check how you can count!

Dunno. Well, just think, I count faster than anyone in the flower city.

Presenter. Well, we have problems too. Try and count!

Game "Solve the problem" (then the guys decide)

Math problems.
1) There is a corner in the house -
Toys live there:
Lion, elephant and rhinoceros,
Doll and frog.
How many toys live in the corner?
2) Seven funny little bears
They rush into the forest for raspberries.
But one of them is tired
I fell behind my comrades.
Now find the answer
How many bears are there ahead?
3) There are five mice along the way
They rush to school happily.
And under everyone's arm
One textbook at a time.
How many new books
In diligent mice. (

Dunno. Your tasks are very difficult, I can’t handle them; something would be easier.

Game “Be careful!”

To the music, children run around in all directions, Dunno says any number from one to five, and the children, accordingly, must stand either one at a time, or in pairs, or in threes, etc. etc.

Dunno. Well, okay, someday I’ll learn. But I really love watching the short guys perform. Dance please!

The dance “Twice two is four” is performed

Untidy runs into the hall to the music.
Untidy. Ho-ho-ho! Here I am! It will be hard for you, friends!
My name is Untidy, I love disorder!
Disorders in behavior, disturbances in mood,
And also when everything in the briefcase is complete chaos!

Presenter: Our children are not like that, but completely, completely different:
Our children are neat, thrifty and tidy.
There are no untidy people among them, and everything is in order!

Untidy: So I believed you! Do you know how many friends I have who are just like me? Wow, so many! You see there last row two are hiding (points to parents ). These are my old friends. They also sat on the last desk at school and their entire diary was hung with twos. Hello friends! (waves).

Presenter : Don't make things up, Untidy! Such good children cannot have poor fathers. You're confusing them with someone else!

Untidy: How can you confuse, how can you confuse!? Look how they smiled at me, they recognized me! OK OK! Stop praising your children and their parents. Better prove that they are like that. Cheerful, neat, okay!

Untidy looks around and comes across Dunno's backpack.

Untidy. Yeah! Whose backpack is this?

Dunno. Well, mine! And what?

Untidy. This is exactly what I need (looks into it). Oh, lovely! What a mess!

Dunno . Didn’t they teach you not to climb into other people’s backpacks?

Untidy . But who will teach me?

Presenter. Our kids never do that, right?

Children. Yes!

Untidy: Just think, I wonder if they can quickly and neatly put things in order in this backpack? Will their parents be able to help them?
Game "September 1"
2 families are invited to play: mother, father and child. Each family stands in front of a table on which there are school and other supplies, balloon, several branches of artificial flowers. Next to the table is a school bag. The presenter announces the conditions: at the alarm signal, the child must collect a school bag, dad must inflate and tie a balloon, mom must collect a bouquet, tying it with a ribbon. Whoever is the first to say the words: “We are ready for school!” wins.

Untidy: Oh, what order you have! There is no untidiness among you!

Dunno. They did a great job putting together my briefcase! Thanks guys!

Presenter . Our graduates can not only assemble a briefcase, but also sing perky ditties, listen!


    We will sing ditties for you

The ones you don't know.

Have fun, don't study,

You understand.

    We'll go to school soon

And we will sing to you about this.

Leaving kindergarten

How difficult is 1st grade?

    I go to school with flowers

I hold my mother's hand.

Because of lush bouquet

I don't find any doors.

    The new uniform is on,

New shirt.

Look at me

What a first-grader I am!

    I'm in every lesson in class

I will sing songs

So that our teacher

You didn't have to get bored with me!

    Mom, I will study at “4” and “5”.

I can't be lazy at all

You need to become a businessman.

    I have a concern now

And I don’t know what to do.

Mom and dad are at work

Who should carry a briefcase?

    We played with dreams in the kindergarten,

They picked the key to the heart.

We'll come to the teacher

We'll find the key for it.

9 In the morning they wake you up, but they won’t get you through,

Raise, don't lift,

We decided not to go to bed

So as not to suffer from getting up!

10. We sang ditties for you

And we go to 1st grade.

Goodbye, goodbye

Don't worry about us.

Untidy. Goodbye, guys,I’ll run to look for untidy graduates in another kindergarten!

Dunno .

Oh, and I have no time to chat,

It's high time to run away

Hurry up, get ready,

Start studying.

Untidy runs away with Dunno

Presenter. Today we have children at our celebration who do not go to school,But want to express their wishes to the graduates. Let's give them the floor!

Secrets-tips for first-graders.

1 Child :

Wake up early in the morning
Wash yourself well
So as not to yawn at school,
Don't peck your nose at your desk!

2 Child:

Train yourself to order
Don't play hide and seek with things
Treasure every book,
Keep your briefcase clean!

3 Child:

Don't giggle in class
Don't move the chair back and forth.
Respect the teacher
And don't bother your neighbor!

4 Child:

Don't be teasing, don't be arrogant,
Try to help everyone at school.
Don't frown in vain, be bolder
And you will find friends!

5 Child

That's all our advice,
There are none wiser or simpler,
You, my friend, don’t forget them...
All. Goodbye! Good luck!

They take out the chest. Vovka enters and approaches the chest.

Hey, ( leans towards the chest) Two from the casket - Identical from the face!

Two people jump out of the casket


Are these the same two of you?

Two. A-ha!

Vovka . Well, are you really going to do everything for me?

Two. A-ha!

Vovka . What, do you know how to do everything?

Two. A-ha!

Vovka. Is that all?

Two. A-ha!

Vovka . Well, that means it’s like this... Do it for me... What should I do? I don't even know (approaches presenter). What should I do, tell me?

Presenter. Eh, Vovka, Vovka! Yes, you need to be able to do a lot to go to school.

Vovka . Can you do a lot?

Two. A-ha!

Vovka . Why would they think of doing this? Ah, I came up with it! Play the instruments for me, and I’ll listen, I love listening to music!

Two. A-ha!

Two people take out plumbing tools from a chest.

Vovka . Oh! Oh! Hilarious! Made me laugh! You need musical instruments, take everything back!

Two. A-ha!

They take out the musical notes and bring them to Vovka.

Vovka . That's all in order, now play and have more fun!

The two play randomly, Vovka covers his ears.

Vovka . Stop it now! Get out!

The two sit on the chest.

Vovka . I can't even listen to music.

Presenter. But our children know how to play musical instruments, listen!

Children playing instruments

Vovka . I even rested my soul, thank you, I made you happy. Oh! I'm kind of hungry! Two from the casket!

Two. A-ha!

Vovka . Immediately knead the dough and bake me some sweet pies!

Two. A-ha!

They take out a basin, put firewood in it, sprinkle it with flour, salt, sugar and begin to knead the dough.

Vovka . What are you doing! Even I would never have thought of this! Get out!

The two run back

Vovka . What else can I come up with? (scratches the back of his head)

Vovka. Invented! I want the biggest, most delicious lollipop!

Two people pull out lollipop

Vovka . Wow, two! Let's go here.

Two begin to unwrap and then suck lollipops

Vovka . So this is candy for me! I'm the one who has to suck them!

Two. Don’t worry, Vovka, this kind of work is harmful for you! We will work for you! Huh?

Vovka . Well, get out! It won't work that way! I don't want this fairy tale anymore!

Leading. Well, Vovka, in order to get good grades, you need
Good exercise!

Yes, guys, you convinced me, I need to go to school. I'll go pack my briefcase and get ready for school! Goodbye! See you on September 1st!

Children take flowers and line up in a semicircle.

Leading. Dear mothers, fathers, grandparents, everyone who has gathered in our hall today! Our holiday has come to an end, the last holiday in kindergarten. There will be many more holidays ahead, fun and interesting, but they will already take place within the walls of the school.

Final recitation of graduates

1 child

OK it's all over Now! It's time to say goodbye!

And the school is waiting for yesterday's preschoolers!

Everything is ahead of us, but only in kindergarten

We will never return.

2 reb

We want to say thank you

For this ball, for this evening,

Kiss you tenderly and hug you.

Say, wiping away a tear: “See you soon.”

3 reb.

We are sad, very sorry to leave.

We promise to visit our garden!

But the time has come to say goodbye,

We want to say “thank you” to everyone!

4 children

We say thank you very much,

For the fact that we are lives led,

For loving us with all our souls

That you always forgave our pranks!

5 reb.

Now we are older - and by a lot,

We grow every day and every moment!

Life calls us forward, the road calls us -

The world of knowledge is so vast and great!

6 children

The future is just around the corner,

Dreams become reality!

We are like chicks that are gaining strength,

Which is needed for height!

7 reb.

So may the sun shine on you more generously,

From all the guys near and far

To you, those who sent pets to school,

We send our respects - from heaven to earth!

8 reb

We say goodbye to the garden
Let's sing the song together.
Never, nowhere, guys,
We won't forget about him

Farewell Waltz “Parting Comes”


And now we give the floor to our dear parents.

A word of congratulations to parents . Gifts of flowers to kindergarten staff

The head of the preschool educational institution is invited to present diplomas and gifts.

1 Presenter

Good luck,

Good afternoon, kids!

In the brightest, luckiest hour!

Let from every book you read

The clear sun is pouring down on you.

2 Presenter

Lots of good things to do

What awaits you ahead!

We wish you

Bon Voyage.

To the song “We have been a friendly family for five years,” the children take a lap of honor.

This is the first significant event in a child’s life, the first step on his way to life achievements and discoveries of the world, so I want this day to be remembered and leave behind bright and warm memories. How to arrange this? Much depends on the desires and capabilities of parents and the administration of the child care institution. Of course, it would be great to entrust all this to professionals, inviting animators or a holiday agency who will arrange for children and adults to be completely immersed in a fairy tale or a modern animated story.

But you can organize everything on your own and the holiday, even if held in a traditional format, will still turn out to be soulful and memorable. You can take one of your favorite children's classics as the basis for the scenario line.

Perhaps the organizers of such a holiday will find the ideas of our proposed scenario useful Graduation in kindergarten "Magic Keys", the main theme and lyrical line of which, if desired, can be strengthened by inventing, for example, small souvenirs in the form of “magic keys” as gifts from a kindergarten for young graduates.

Scenario for the graduation party in the kindergarten "Magic Keys".

Children and teachers come out to the music. The ceremonial start of the holiday. Welcome words from the teachers. Children sit on chairs. The speakers go to the middle.


We came here as kids

Just five years ago,

Parents did not even dream then,

What kind of kindergarten will become ours?


Here we were greeted with care, affection,

And here we all found friends.

In the garden they read good stories to us.

Here we have become older, smarter.


Time flew by quickly for us

And today is our graduation.

It's sad, but what can you do?

We are parting with you, our kindergarten.


We don't want to, but we have to say goodbye.

With you, dear dear kindergarten.

We need to get ready for school.

And you - meet new guys.

Song “Goodbye, kindergarten” - track 1

Poetic words of gratitude from children to teachers


To help children

To teach and entertain them,

All mothers have a substitute,

The guardian of their own children.

He will comb his hair, wipe his nose,

Will answer any question

It will always console you when there is trouble,

Without teachers, well, simply, nowhere.


Our mothers brought

We go hand in hand to kindergarten in the morning.

You were someone else's aunts,

And then they became family.

We were fed, clothed,

They braided our hair,

We were taught and helped

And they scolded me just a little.


Educator - sounds proud.

It's like a second mother.

Your word was firm

And we were so stubborn.

How much patience did you have?

So much affection and care.

Come to us even on Sunday

I'm eager to go to kindergarten.


After summer comes autumn.

Preschool children will go to school.

We will be replaced very soon

New guys will come.

You'll love them too

And they won't forget you.

Let them be a little like us,

But they will be different.

Educator: It's very sad to part with you guys. But what can you do, you are growing and you need to move on. Do you guys remember what you were like when you came to kindergarten?

Children's photos of graduates can be shown on the screen in the background.


We didn't know how to eat ourselves

We didn't want to listen to adults.

We often doused ourselves with soup

And they took a very long time to get dressed.


We cried, asked to see our mother,

They were such naughty people.

They were babbling something inaudibly,

But you still understood us.


We didn't know how to dance

No singing, no drawing.

Although we were sometimes lazy,

But we learned everything.

Educator: And the kids came to us to congratulate you.

Comic performance by kids.

Kids in caps and bibs crawl out on all fours - track 2 plays. They dance, then recite poems.

1 child: We have come to congratulate you.

You are going to first grade.

2nd child: You study for straight A's,

And look, don't be lazy.

3rd child: We'll grow up a little

We will also come to your school.

(The kids leave)

Educator: Let's summarize. Over the course of 5 years in kindergarten, you drew 50 km of paper, listened to a thousand hours of music, and danced countless dances. You also ate 10 tons of porridge and drank 150 liters of compote. Isn't that why you grew up so quickly?

Ditties for the cooks.

In our kindergarten

The cooks are all top class.

This is how they prepare their dishes,

That lunch is like a miracle.

At the tables, each of us

He sits very quietly.

How about we start having lunch?

It's already crackling behind the ears.

Our parents can't

Feed on the weekend.

We'll eat up this week

We need to digest everything.

Here we gained strength

Not by days, but by hours.

And for that we thank you

Let's tell our chefs.

Educator: But listen to what our children dream about on the threshold of a new life.

Sketch at kindergarten graduation "Who to be!?"

(Participate: presenter (one of the graduates) and three girls (graduates)

Leading: Three girlfriends met

Warm May evening.

And we daydreamed a little,

What awaits them all next?

1 girl: When I finish school,

I will receive a certificate

And I'll go to work right away

Kindergarten teacher garden.

I will love children

Feed only fruits.

And for semolina for porridge

I will give a ban in our garden.

2nd girl: To kindergarten? Yes, what are you talking about! Firstly,

You don't have the nerves.

Children love to scream like that,

Run, sing. Don't you know?

You try to become a mother,

Raise one.

And you’ll like it, you’ll understand

You will become a teacher.

3rd girl: But I will become an artist,

I'll visit different countries

People will ask for an autograph

I will be filming in Hollywood.

They will give me flowers,

Just talk about me.

Everyone will run after me

Call him a superstar.

2nd girl: Everyone wants to hit the stars.

Do you think it's easy?

You can't just achieve success like that

To become a star, you have to work hard.

3rd girl: Well, who do you want to become?

Do you give advice to everyone?

2nd girl: I do not know yet,

I choose who I should be.

First I'll go to school,

And then I will decide.

Without studying I will tell everyone,

You won't become anything.

Costume game block at the graduation "Golden Key"

(Pinocchio runs in)

Pinocchio: Oh, where did I end up, what do you have here? And why are you all so dressed up?

Educator: You, Pinocchio, ended up in kindergarten. Our guys have a holiday today - graduation. They are about to go to school.

Pinocchio: To school?! Yes, what are you talking about? Yes, do you know what school is? (Children answer). You don't understand anything. School is all about the schedule, homework, don’t talk in class, remember what they say. In general, nothing good.

Educator: What are you saying, Pinocchio? Listen to what would happen if there were no schools.

Children dance and sing the song “If There Were No Schools.” - track 3

(Malvina enters)

Malvina: Ah, there you are. Pinocchio, you ran away from class again. You'll never learn anything that way. Well done guys, they got ready for school. They probably know how to count and read. That's right, guys. (children answer). Well, then guess my riddles.

Pinocchio: Just to teach someone.

Riddles for graduates "Fun Math"

1. I picked mushrooms in the forest,

I take them to my home.

Three chanterelles, five white ones.

2. The crop grew in our garden bed.

Count all the vegetables:

Two tomatoes, five cucumbers,

There is only one pumpkin. Who is ready to answer? (eight).

3. Grandmother had two kittens.

Grandmother sewed slippers for kittens.

Answer which of the guys is ready,

How many paws do two kittens have? (eight).

4. Three crucian carp lived in the lake,

Duck with duckling and two geese.

How many birds can you count?

Who's ready, raise your hand (four).

Game with letters "Collect the word"

Malvina: Well done! Here's another task for you. You need to assemble a word from letters.

(Two people collect words each. Pinocchio helps)

Malvina: And they know how to solve riddles and put words together. Look, Pinocchio, how smart the children are, you should learn from them. Tell me, guys, have you already bought your briefcases? Do you know how to collect them? Let's check it out.

Game "Collect a briefcase"

Two teams of 3-4 people. Like “Fun Starts” Each team has a table with school supplies. And also toys, etc. etc. (what is not needed for school). One team member at a time runs up to the table and collects what they need at school into a briefcase. Each participant is checked: everything is taken out of the briefcase and evaluated. Pinocchio tries to confuse the children, slipping them toys.

(Artemon enters)

School riddles of Artemon

Artemon: There you are? And I'm looking for you. Why are there so many guys here and everyone is so handsome? It's probably your holiday.

Pinocchio: Just imagine, they are getting ready for school.

Malvina: The guys are not only beautiful, but also smart. And today is their graduation. They say goodbye to kindergarten.

Artemon: It's sad to say goodbye. Let's dance to make it more fun. You can Dance?

Dance “We are little stars” - track 4

Artemon: Guys, do you already know everything about school? I'll check it now


Sometimes I’m in a line, sometimes I’m in a cage.

Children write numbers and letters in me. (Notebook)

I have a beautiful house.

Notebooks and pens live in it.

I wear it to school every day.

I will ask you to name this house. (Briefcase)

All knowledge lives in it,

Assignments are also written.

Each lesson has its own

He will be your faithful assistant. (Textbook)

Pencils are stored in it,

Pens are also stored in it.

Maybe the kids don’t know

And you tell me what kind of thing it is. (Pencil case)

(Karabas runs in)

Karabas: Yeah, gotcha, bad kids. Who else is this? Are they the same mediocre kids as you?

Educator: These are children from kindergarten. They are very smart and can sing and dance well. But you, Karabas, should learn from them kindness, friendship and good manners. Let's, guys, sing a song about kindness to Karabas.

Song about kindness - track 5

Karabas laughs cheerfully.

Educator: Why did this make you so happy?

A cheerful song-remake of Karabas-Barabas

(Karabas sings to the tune of “My neighbor plays the clarinet and trumpet”):

How can I not have fun?

How not to sing, not to dance.

I'm cured of anger

I will help everyone.

So thank you guys

You are now my friends.

Don't be afraid of me,

I became cheerful and kind.

Karabas: Friends, it's time for us to return to our theater. Everything will be different for us now. And we wish you guys good grades at school. And, most importantly, remember the magic key to knowledge will be found by each of you who strives for it and works hard!

(Karabas, Malvina, Buratino, Artemon leave)

Educator: Not only are we sad today, your toys are also sad. Now other guys will play with them.

Graduate: Goodbye, beloved toys,

Bears, bunnies, dolls are beautiful.

Textbooks and notebooks are waiting for us.

Other kids will come to you.

Dance with toys "Goodbye toys" - track 6

We gave our souls to you

We gave you our warmth.

And we loved you like family.

Your mothers were replaced for you.

You were the best kids

We will never forget you

And we won’t hold back our tears.

You were the best kids.

Without words,

No tears,


At the crossroads of two roads,

Saying goodbye to the kindergarten now,

And leaving for a long time,

Don't forget about us.

At the crossroads of two roads,

Saying goodbye to the kindergarten now,

And leaving for a long time,

Don't forget about us.

When will you leave us

And your group will be empty,

Your heart will become sadder.

Silence will come unexpectedly.

When you leave us,

Come and visit the kindergarten

And report your successes,

We are always glad to see you.

Without words,

No tears,

Without words, without tears and without worries.


At the crossroads of two roads,

Saying goodbye to the kindergarten now,

And leaving for a long time,

Don't forget about us.

At the crossroads of two roads,

Saying goodbye to the kindergarten now,

And leaving for a long time,

Don't forget about us.

Parents' response.

Congratulations to graduates.


Snezhana Valerievna,

musical director

Zavodoukovsky urban district

Direction: “Artistic and aesthetic development”

Educational field "Music"


Develop children's creativity in all types of musical activities


  1. Create an atmosphere of friendly attention to children preparatory group.
  2. Development of a positive sense of self associated with a state of liberation, self-confidence, a sense of one’s own emotional well-being, and one’s importance in the children’s team.
  3. Introduce Russian folk and world musical culture.
  4. Develop communication skills.

Preliminary work:

  • Individual and group lessons with children;
  • Familiarity with the songs used at the holiday;
  • Introducing and learning the movements of Russian dance, waltz, polka.

Hall decoration

The hall can be decorated for this special day balloons, fresh flowers in vases. On the curtains you can attach letters of the alphabet, numbers, cut out from bright colored paper, as well as children's toys: balls, dolls, cars, etc. On the central wall you can make an image of first-graders - boys and girls with briefcases in their hands, with the inscription at the top - “Soon to school!”

The recording “Small Country” is playing

The presenter enters:

It’s light and elegant in our hall now,

And there are lush bouquets everywhere.

Today we invited guests to the holiday,

We accompany our children to school

“Waltz” by E. Doga sounds Children enter the hall in pairs. They are dancing.

“Waltz”, at the end the children stand in a semicircle near the central wall

Ved: From year to year 5 years in a row

Did you come to kindergarten?

Cheerful, satisfied,

But those days are gone

Today you are graduates

And tomorrow you will be students!

Children read

1. So my preschool childhood flew by,

We are on the threshold of a different life!

2. Let the blue bird remain in memory

This is a difficult day for everyone.

3.We met many times

Celebration in this hall

But one like this one

We didn't know yet.

4. The best holiday,

Sad and cheerful

Today we are in kindergarten

Accompanies you to school.

Song “Goodbye to the garden” music by A. Fillipenko, lyrics by T. Volgina.

(parting ensues)

5.Yes, there is something to tell us today,

What to praise and give thanks for

Kindergarten, you are our dear, any!

We can't live without you

Ved: You've just been born - your mom and dad

We decided that you will go to this kindergarten, look!

Well, so that you get comfortable in kindergarten as quickly as possible

Taught you to do many things:

Dress, wash and go to bed

Have time to get to the potty and don’t whine, don’t scream,

Hold the spoon correctly

So that you don’t fight, don’t bite, don’t be capricious, just like that!

Children of the 2nd junior group enter to the music (K. Orbakaite “Sponges in a Bow”)

Playback 2nd junior group: In the first spring leaves

Our kindergarten now

Junior group boys

We came to congratulate you

Kindergarten is our second home, We will remember it more than once

You were happy in it. Childhood is sonorous and you

Here they taught you, tried

You worked diligently

Ved: Guys! Invite your little ones to the dance you did when you were little.

Dance "Squat"(Estonian folk song, lyrics by J. Entin)

(after the dance the kids leave, the children sit down in preparation)

6. We gathered in this hall,

To say “Goodbye” to everyone!

7.Why should we say goodbye?

We just arrived, right?

8. We have grown up, we have become older

It's time for us to go to school

9. And with toys today

We must say goodbye

The music of “Tumblers” sounds (music by Z. Levin, lyrics by Z. Petrova)

The girls enter. avg. gr.

We have come to say goodbye to you

And we want to wish you

Only fours and fives

Receive in lessons

Dance “Tumblers” (music by Z. Levin, lyrics by Z. Petrova)

10. We are parting today

And we're a little sad

We would stay in the “Fairy Tale” with you,

But we want to be students!

Ved: thanks the girls from the middle group... they leave.

Ved: Guys! We still have guests! Meet them.

To the song “Children's. Garden" includes older children.

Reb. senior group: Today is the last time we are together,

Old, reliable friends

Our song flies to the sky

It's time to say goodbye to kindergarten

Song "Children's" Garden" (music by A. Fillipenko, lyrics by T. Volgina) then leave

11.We will sing, dance, have fun here!

Or maybe a miracle will really happen

Let's continue the holiday quickly

It's time for us, friends, to entertain our guests!

12. There are many sad and funny fairy tales in the world

And we can’t live in the world without them

Well, this “Fairy Tale” is dearest to us,

After all, we lived in the “Fairy Tale” for many, many days!

13. Because it’s called a “Fairy Tale”

Our native kindergarten

And “Skazka” sees off its children to 1st grade!

"Fairy tale"! "Fairy tale"! bright, cheerful!

Today you are also glad that we went to school!

Song “Goodbye, kindergarten” (music by G. Levkodimov, lyrics by V. Malkov)

(“Behind the low fence”)

Fairy enters(the song of the Storyteller Vasilisa sounds, arrangement by S. Tulikova, lyrics by O. Vysotskaya)

Fairy: Good afternoon! Here I am!

Do you all know me?

I'm guys, Fairy Tales Fairy

That's not my name for nothing

I'm walking with you

And I draw and sing,

I won't let you get bored

And I don’t let you be lazy

Many songs were sung in this hall,

The most favorite of them is “song about Russia”

Sounded here

And now it will sound again

(children stand in a semicircle near the central wall)

“Song “My Russia” music. Struve, words by N. Solovyova

Fairy: Across Russia now

Folk traditions

Show us now

Favorite Russian dance

Dance “Livenskaya Polka” [arranged by M. Iordansky] (sitting down)

Fairy: It's not an easy holiday for us.

It only happens once

And today to kindergarten

It’s not for nothing that guests rush to visit us

B. Yaga runs in:(music sounds "B. Yaga" by P. I. Tchaikovsky)

Holiday?! In a Fairy Tale?!

These are the times!

I'm offended by you!

I've been flying to you all year for all the holidays

I didn’t know about this one!

And you got me the most main holiday not invited

Fairy: Don't be offended B. Yaga!

No one is invited to today’s celebration; all the guests are happy to come themselves.

And we all forgive you

And we invite you to the holiday!

B. Yaga: (mockingly) Well, thank you for forgiving me

And they invited me to the holiday.

And now I ask you: “Where are you going now?”

Song: We are going to 1st grade (music by M. Marutaev, lyrics by O. Vysotskaya)

B. Yaga: Oh, and you are a master at singing!

It’s you who sing at every holiday!

Got the hang of it!

What will you do at school?!

It’s not just that you have to be able to sing!

Let me test your knowledge. Solve the problem

And you, Fairy, don’t tell me!

Two donkeys were walking along the road

How many tails did the neck have?

(children's answers)

B. Yaga: Oh, you mathematicians!

Yes, do necks have tails?

I see stumps here

My favorite attribute

(takes out 3 stumps one at a time, sits on one)

Let's start training - monitoring!

(counts 1,2, so several times, won’t understand where the third one is)

B. Yaga: disgraced, cries: I got lost in 3 stumps!

Fairy: Grandma can't stop crying:

1 – stump and 2 stump

3rd doesn't know where

And she sits on it, shedding tears!

B. Yaga gets up, counts, rejoices: I have found it, my dear!

My cute little stumps! (hugs, strokes them)

I can't part with you!

I'll play with my friends

Shall we play? (to the children)

(places stumps in different corners)

How can we tell them apart? (to children)

I'm listening to your suggestions! (toys sit down)

We stand in a circle near our favorite tree stump.

Let's play! 1 year - children jump around the stump

2g. - scatter around the hall

3g. - at the end of the music they run to the tree stump.

B. Yaga rearranges toys:

Fantasize, dance!

Do you guys know how to put together briefcases?

Ved: We will try to collect

But where can I get briefcases?

B. Yaga: Come on, Fairy, help me out!

Give us your briefcases!

Fairy: Very glad to please:

Give you briefcases

You, Yagusya, wait,

Bring me 2 balls

I'll make briefcases from them

And this is where the fun begins!

(B. Yaga goes to get the balls)

Ved: There are many dances in the world

And children dance them everywhere

With balalaika and flowers

With rattles and flags

1,2,3,4,5 you can’t dance them all

Dance “Kazakh” (“Kyzylkumda aulim”)

Appears B. Yaga: Well, Fairy! Receive (serves balls)

Give us your briefcases

Fairy: Ball, roll the ball (throws balls on the floor behind the screen,

And come back to us with a briefcase, a table with briefcases rolls out)

GAME: “Who will collect the briefcases most quickly?”

B. Yaga: How much noise and fun

Everyone is in a good mood!

I see the children have grown up

And much wiser

It's time for you to go to school.

Goodbye, kids!

Fairy: You, grandma, wait,

Don't leave for good

Don't forget kindergarten

Visit “Fairy Tale” on holiday! (B. Yaga leaves)

Fairy: Well, we have to wait a long time for guests,

Let's continue the holiday

14. But the sisters are friendly,

Girls are very necessary

Don't lag behind us in anything

Song “Lesson” (music by T. Popatenko, lyrics by M. Evensen)

L. Alice and K. Basilio enter the hall

Fox: Wow! Finally got there

Cat: What are you doing? Are you going to school? (to children)

Both: IN New Year we were with you

You have become friends for us

Hello! Hello! (they walk and shake hands)

Malvina has prepared gifts for you. Pinocchio carried, carried, but didn’t deliver!

Ha ha ha: We stole them and took them for ourselves

Why do you need them? You don't even know the letters

Fox: Do you know?! Well, okay, we'll give you everything,

If you survive 3 terrible tests

(the cat shows 10 fingers, the fox corrects)

Fox: Test 1: Math

1.On the way, 5 little mice are hurrying happily to school.

And everyone has one textbook under their arm.

How many new books do the diligent mice have?

2. Bright house, reliable home piglets need

To hide in that house and from the winter cold

The house will have a kitchen and a basement with a boiler room,

And each builder has a separate room

How many rooms do friendly piglets need?

Fox: This test was performed well

Next test: logical-rhythmic

So that again on a good journey the verse will flow like a river

Help him a little: say a word.

1. The fly gasped at first, “Oh, what lace!”

And she got caught in the lace and disappeared......

Poor thing, it’s like she’s stuck in the mud......

2.Cracked since the morning:

It's time, it's time! What time is it?

She's such a hassle,

When it cracks (magpie).

Fox Kotu: Let’s come up with more difficult tests for them,

Otherwise you will have to give away all the gifts!

Cat: listen carefully. Imagine that I have five candies. L. Alice asked for one candy. How many candies do I have left? (to children).

Cat: five!

Ved: Why five?

Cat: And I won’t give candy to anyone, I love candy myself.

Cat: Well, you know how to dance and

You can purr, that is, you can sing songs,

Do you know how to do a Russian round dance?!

Ved: We can! And with great pleasure!

Cat: Well done! Come on, Alice, think!

You're the smartest one here!

We must give them the most terrible test!

Fox: Well, of course, I came up with it! Only not the worst, but the most beautiful

I love the Polka dance (dances a little)

Let them dance! This task is very difficult

Ha ha ha! This is where they will definitely lose!

Fairy: Come on, girls, dance

Amuse all your guests

"Dance of the Ducklings" (French folk song)

Ved: Basilio! Can you answer us?

To always be healthy,

What should we do in the morning?

Cat: Everyone should know this:

Everyone needs to sleep more

Ved: Children is the correct answer?

Children: No!

Ved: So that we can grow strong

Clever and brave

In the morning we are in kindergarten

Everyone did exercises

Fox: What? Did you do it every morning?

Like real athletes?

Children: Yes!

Fairy: Well, L. Alice and K. Basilio! Did the children pass all the tests? So!

Now, guys, let's give the Fox and the Cat a test?

Children: We come to you with a riddle

The riddle is tricky and funny:

In the forest knock-knock

In the hut a blunder-blunder

In the hand ding-ding

Top top on the floor

Cat: Hammer! Knock Knock

Fox: Pies! Blooper

Cat: No, no, not pies, but bells: ding-ding

Fox: came up with it, Basilio! Yes, these are top-top heels

Fairy: Oh you! This riddle has not been solved

This is a balalaika.

15.Oh, stomp your foot, stomp your right one

I'll go dance, even if I'm small

16. Lanky crane

Went to the mill

I saw a wonder

Ved: What did he see there?

Guys: We'll show you now!

Round dance “Long Crane” (Russian folk)

Cat: Listen, Alice, how smart and pretty the kids are, let’s join their group

Let's ask

Fox: Maybe we will get some of the gifts too?

Cat: What are you all about gifts?

I want to be friends with these guys.

And it's time to return the gifts to the guys!

Fox: oh, I'm playing too much! I completely forgot. (they give gifts, something for school)

Cat and Fox:

That's it, it's time to part ways

You will now be called to class

This young and old school bell (go away)

Fairy: Many times I came to you with a fairy tale:

When you were little with Kolobok, Turnip, Pockmarked Hen,

Masha and the Bear. Previously, you were afraid of B. Yaga, Koshchei, Barmaley,

Now you know that they are not so scary anymore

I'm leaving, but I'm not saying goodbye forever. After all, at school we will meet new fairy tales

Don't forget the "fairy tale"

Visit us more often (leaves)

Ved: There's a lot I'd like to say today

But, unfortunately, cannot be expressed in words

How hard it is to say goodbye to you

With our graduates

17. The kindergarten gave us warmth

And drove away the shadow of sadness

Here good spirit always reigned

And a holiday every day.

Song “Oh, I got up early” (Russian folk)

Dramatization “Petya goes to school”

Ved: It’s Petrusha’s holiday today:

He's walking down the street

Surprising all the people

Only Petya is not alone,

Let's take a look at Petya

Adults and children are watching

And the train is coming for Petya. (Petya appears, mom with a bouquet, dad with a briefcase, grandmother with a pie, grandfather with a crutch)

Ved: Who is in a hurry for Petya?

Mother: mommy!

Ved: Who is running after Petenka?

Dad: daddy!

Ved: who is hobbling after Petya?

B: grandmother!

Ved: Who groans, but catches up?

D: grandfather!

Ved: Tell us why you clung to him?

Is Petya a locomotive? What trailers did you bring?

Mother: Who will button the shirt?

Children: Myself.

Dad: Who will carry the briefcase?

Children: Myself.

Bab: Who will butter the bun?

Children: myself.

Grandfather: Who will tie the shoes?

Children: Myself.

Mother: But he’s still small!

Dad: But he’s still weak!

Bab: He's so pampered!

Grandfather: He's so painful!

Mother: Have pity on him, my first-grader

Dad: I took time off from work

To take his worries

Bab: My grandson is getting thin

I'll give him a pie

Grandfather: Skip to class

I'll tie a shoelace for him

Ved: This is just nonsense, no good!

We'll take him away from you, come on in, Petrusha, to class!

Soon Petya will answer you everything with “I myself!”

Children: Don't be like children

For this one, for Petya.

Ved: reads the poem “September Morning” by muses.

Moms! I have long known the lightness of your steps,

You all start this day with irons.

On an ironed dress

The gaze lingers a little,

Maybe you remember an old school outfit,

The daughter will wake up and try on the unbudded bow

The son will check his briefcase like an astronaut’s tablet.

Different roads await them, the path is both steep and not easy:

From the unknown alphabet to the invisible stars,

From funny first-graders to broad-shouldered guys,

From your favorite classic to your favorite.

And tired of oblivion, silent, lonely

The children are eagerly awaiting the old school bell.

Song “It’s good next to mom” (music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by T. Volgina)

Poem about Dad: Dad invented the alarm clock,

So that I don't oversleep class.

I attached it firmly to the bell

Hefty hammer.

Ditties about dad

18. We are performing today

Let's sing and dance

All the guys have a school holiday

It will be fun to meet

19. We are cheerful guys if you play a polka

There is no need to beg us - everyone is ready to dance

Polka “Dance with me, my friend” (English folk song arranged by I. Arseeva)

Children stand in a semicircle

Ved: Well, that's all, the time has come

which we have been waiting for a long time

We gathered for the last time

In our cozy room

20. Thanks to everyone who taught us, took care of us,

Who gave us a lot of strength

Cooked for 1st grade

21. Thank you to the teachers for your kindness and warmth.

We were next to them

And on a gloomy day it’s light!

22. Natalya Vasilievna! Anastasia Sergeevna! Elena Vasilievna!

You pitied us, you loved us

You raised us like flowers

It's a pity that we can't see you

Take it with you to 1st grade

23. We love the teacher,

We will never forget

Let's bring our own one day

Future children here

24. Snezhana Valerievna!

Thank you for all your concerns

You had a lot of work during the holidays:

And how to write scripts and taught how to perform

Songs to sing and dance

Listen to music, understand it.

Song “Teacher” (music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by T. Volgina)

25. Thanks to our doctors

That we are not afraid of colds

Don't look at anyone

All of them are heroes!

26. Galina Vladimirovna! Keeps the group in order for a whole year!

And the teacher will be replaced

And it will bring beauty here

And he washes and scrubs everything all day long!

27. The cooks give us porridge

On holiday they bake pancakes here

This is not a simple matter

Feed us here all day!

28. The caretaker is busy all day

I want to see everything is okay

At night he sews suits for us

And the costumes are just classy

You've seen them now.

29. Also thanks to the janitors and our kind laundress

We will never forget your concern for us!

30. And to our director – Tatyana Georgievna

To get into Pushkin's fairy tale

She would have asked for a fish, not a queen, to become

So that the fish sends us

Sponsors of the rich in the garden

31. And she has countless worries!

To Olyam, Kolyam, Masham

There was something to drink and eat,

So that we have enough toys

All: May everyone be happy!

32. We just need to say goodbye

With dear kindergarten

The school will be very happy

First graders like this

Strong, brave and cheerful

The friendliest of the guys.

All: Hello school (2 times)

Goodbye, kindergarten.


The children leave to the song “What do they teach at school?” (V. Shainsky)

We invite teachers preschool education Tyumen region, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra publish your methodological material:
- Pedagogical experience, original programs, methodological manuals, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scripts educational activities, projects, master classes (including videos), forms of work with families and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?

On the last day that the children will spend in kindergarten, they are invited to do an unforgettable fabulous trip to the princess's ball. There will be games, competitions and gifts as a reward for overcoming obstacles.


Farewell to kindergarten in a solemn atmosphere.


Balloons, congratulation banners, toys. Small tables and chairs are provided for children.

Required attributes:

  • Map of the kingdom, which shows the travel route: Fairytale Glade – Milk River – Mountains – Deep Forest – Palace;
  • Milky fabric - river, strong rod;
  • An image of a mountain on paper, in the middle there is a camouflaged door;
  • Cards with numbers;
  • Brooms, dustpans, baskets;
  • A ball of thick thread;
  • Various items for the game “Build a Briefcase”;
  • Cards with the letters w, k, o, l, a;
  • Gifts for children.


  • Presenter
  • Apple tree
  • Baba Yaga
  • Herald
  • Princess

Progress of the event

Presenter: Hello, guests of our holiday! Today is the most important day for kindergarten students. On this day they will have to say goodbye to games and fun in order to step onto the next step. Here they are – graduates! Greet them with loud applause!

The graduates come out and perform a dance, then go to the tables.

Presenter: Dear graduates! A significant day has come for you - you are saying goodbye to our kindergarten. Summer will pass, and you will cross the school threshold and strive for knowledge. By the way, today there will be a ball at the royal palace - Their Majesties, the King and Queen, are celebrating the seventh birthday of their daughter, the Princess. Do you want to go to this ball?

The children answer.

Presenter: Then I propose to take a trip to a real fairy tale. If we pass all the tests with dignity, we will go to the ball in the royal palace! So the journey begins. Close your eyes and imagine a fairy-tale meadow.

“Fairy-tale” music sounds and the Fairy comes out.

Hello children! Are you also in a hurry to go to the ball?

Presenter: Of course, it's an important event in a fairytale kingdom!

Then you need to hurry up, because the ball is about to start!

Presenter: We would hurry, but we don't know where to go. Show us the way, please.

The fairy takes out a map of the kingdom, on which the path to the palace is marked with arrows.

Fine. Here is a map for you, it will show you the way. And it’s time for me - I need to choose the best Nice dress for Cinderella to shine despite the machinations of her evil stepmother (runs away).

Presenter (hangs the map on the wall): Guys, help me figure out the map. Where do you think we are now?

Children: In a fairy meadow.

Presenter: That's right, here she is, look. So where is the palace? Is he really that far away? To get to the palace, you will need to swim across the milk river with jelly banks, get over high mountains, which are guarded by Koshchei the Immortal, go through the dark dense thicket where Baba Yaga herself lives! Our path will be very difficult, but we will manage. Really, guys?

The children answer.

Presenter: I thought that difficulties would not frighten you. So, you can hit the road. And along the way, let’s remember what we did in kindergarten.

Children perform poems about life in kindergarten, gratitude to the teachers, the cook, and the manager. After the performance of the readers, a milky fabric - a river - is lined on the stage.

Presenter: How imperceptibly time flew by. Guys, look, we are already at the river bank. But the river is not simple - milky, with jelly banks. Do you know what fairy tale it appears in?

Children:"Swan geese".

Presenter: Do you know this fairy tale well? Then tell me, who helped the children escape from the geese?

Children answer: stove, river, apple tree. Apple tree comes out.

Apple tree: Hello guys. Where are you going?

Presenter: We're going to the Princess's ball, but here's the problem We don’t know how to get around the river.

Apple tree: You will not be able to go around the river, and you will not find a ford. And if you want to swim across, you will get stuck in the milk and drown. But I can help you cross the river.

Presenter: That would be great.

Apple tree: But you remember that in the fairy tale the girl did not immediately fulfill our requests, so she had to do everything at the last moment, in a hurry. The geese-swans almost grabbed them then.

Presenter: Still, politeness is one of the main qualities of a person.

Apple tree: And I would like to know if you know polite words.

Conducts the “Polite Words” survey. Graduates take turns saying greetings, farewells, thanks, and apologies.

Apple tree: Well done, you know a lot of words. I think that you use them in life too. Therefore, I will help you. Take this rod - it will help you cross the river.

The game “Jump Over the River” is played. Children, leaning on a rod, jump over the river. The apple tree helps them, then says goodbye and leaves. The children take their seats.

Presenter: Guys, we passed the river safely. Go ahead. And so that time doesn’t drag so slowly, let’s sing a song.

Children go on stage and sing a song about kindergarten. Towards the end of the song, the scenery of the mountain is brought out and installed in the background.

Presenter: Guys, look at the mountains! Do you remember who guards them?

Children: Koschei the Deathless.

Presenter: He's probably wandering around here somewhere. You need to keep your eyes open so as not to fall into his skillfully placed traps. Let's see if he's here.

The presenter and the children put their palm to their forehead, “peer” to the left and right. A quiet threatening melody sounds and Koschey comes out.

Well hello. Why did you come?

Presenter: We want to go to the Princess's ball!

What if I don't let you in?

Presenter: Let us in please. Today is the kids' graduation - the last day in kindergarten. When else will they get into a fairy tale?

Do you really want to go to the ball?

The children answer.

Even if I miss you, you will not be able to go around the mountains or fly over them. So it’s not even up to me whether you get to the ball or not!

Presenter: Even if you miss it, we’ll figure out how to get over the mountains.

I don’t even know... If only you can cope with the task. But the task will not be easy! Will you do it?

Presenter: Well, of course. After all, we really want to go to the ball!

Then let's check how well you can count.

Conducts the game "Funny Counting". Children are divided into 2 groups, each of which receives cards with different numbers, which all players receive one at a time. The participants’ task is to stand so that the numbers are in order, and then in reverse order.

Not just smart, but also fast, dexterous guys! Amazing! Why do you need school? Stay with me, I will teach you a lot: to frighten, to take away, to conquer.

Presenter: I think that the guys don’t want to become like you, Koschey. Don't be offended, but evil will never defeat good.

You're right. Well, okay, if you don’t want to – as you wish! I’ll let you pass further, but the mountains, most likely, won’t let you through (leaves).

Presenter: Guys, the mountains will really be very difficult to get around. What should we do now?

The Fairy comes on stage, sneezes, wipes her red nose.

Apchhi! Guys, you've already come so far! Well done! Apchhi!

Presenter: Yes, Fairy. But we don’t know how to go further. The mountains are very high and wide. By the way, why are you sneezing?

I do not know. Apchhi! As soon as she began to fly to the mountain, she began to sneeze. Apchhi!

Presenter: You are probably allergic to dust. It's so dusty here that you want to sneeze yourself.

I can't fly in such conditions. And it's too long to walk.

Presenter: Don't be afraid, Fairy. We will help you. Really, guys?

The children answer.

Then you will need magic brooms to sweep away this dust (gives the leading broom).

Presenter: Well, now everything around is clean and cozy. You, Fairy, can fly further.

Yes, and you can go safely.

Presenter: But how? We don't know how to fly!

And you don't need to. While you were cleaning up here, I found a through passage in the mountain to the opposite side. We'll see you at the ball! Good luck (leaves).

The presenter approaches the scenery and opens the “door” in the mountain. Together with the graduates, they emerge from the other side of the mountain.

Presenter: Hooray! All we have to do is go through the dense forest, and we will be in the palace! But wait! What if we get lost? What do we do?

Baba Yaga comes out.

Baba Yaga: Don't get lost, darlings! I will help you!

Presenter: Something is unclean here. Baba Yaga herself volunteered to help! What trap are you preparing for us?

Baba Yaga: What kind of trap? I can say I’m happy for the Princess. I wish her only happiness. And today the father invited so many people to the palace, but did not take into account one thing: the Princess was only 7 years old, and all the guests were already over 20. She will be bored with them, and you will cheer her up.

Presenter: Then we will accept help from you. Just which one?

Baba Yaga: This magical ball will help you pass through the forest (hands over the ball). But you only need to follow him with your eyes closed, otherwise all the magic will evaporate.

Presenter: Thank you, Grandma Yaga. We are grateful to you for your help.

Baba Yaga: Please. Just don’t offend the Princess (leaves).

Presenter: And we will go to the forest. But remember what Baba Yaga said? Everyone needs to be blindfolded.

While the children are blindfolded, a pattern of dense thread is laid out on the floor, but so that it does not intersect. Then the game “Walk along the thread” is played. Children take off their shoes and take turns walking along the thread. Then the guys go to their places.

Presenter: Guys! Listen!

The bugle sounds. The Herald enters the stage.

Herald: Attention! Attention! The ball dedicated to the Princess's seventh birthday is declared open! We invite everyone to the palace (leaves)!

The Princess and Fairy appear on the stage. Children perform a dance.

Princess: Guys! I'm so glad you came today! We can play with you and have fun!

Games and competitions are held

"Pack your briefcase"

From various items put in your backpack only those that will be useful at school.

"Treasured Word"

Find cards with letters that are hidden in the hall and make up the word “school” from them.

"School Riddles"

Riddles on school topics.

Presenter: So we had some fun. Now it's time to go back - home.

Wait! What about gifts? Do kids need magic pens that will write for them? Or magic pencils that will draw whatever they want? Or a magic book that you don’t need to read - it speaks itself?

Presenter: If our children have such objects, they will never learn to write, draw, read, or count. Therefore, Fairy, we do not need such gifts.

Exactly. After all, you won’t always have a magic pen at hand to write something... then I’ll give you something else! Magical too!

He hands the children folders containing creative kits that will help the children paint brighter, sculpt smoother, and glue more accurately.

Presenter: But for these gifts, guys, let’s thank the Fairy.

The children thank the Fairy. Then the Fairy and the Princess say goodbye, and the graduates “return” to the kindergarten: they sing a song about the kindergarten.

Presenter: Guys, our last magical journey is over. But you still have many miracles ahead, and even more magic. And now I would like to reward you with memorable gifts.

Children are awarded certificates and graduate folders. Then there is a response from the parents of the graduates.


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