Skits for Teacher's Day, funny and humorous, download and watch videos. An interesting scenario for a teacher's day at school

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Spending a holiday at school dedicated to Teacher's Day will help you in a fun and unusual way original script. The program will be complemented by funny and tear-jerking skits for Teacher's Day, telling about the work of teachers. We have collected ideas for writing skits about tests and a teacher's first day at school for elementary, middle and high schools. Unusual numbers with texts and video examples will help you write unusual scenario holiday.

Funny scenes for Teacher's Day at school - cool ideas and examples of numbers

Our readers will be helped to create funny and cool scenes for the holiday Teacher's Day at school. simple ideas and examples. We have selected for you original numbers about writing tests different subjects. Funny and somewhat realistic productions will definitely appeal to all school teachers.

Ideas for funny skits at school for Teacher's Day

For many schoolchildren, writing tests seems like a real challenge. Therefore, the topic of passing tests and solving complex problems can be used to compose funny skits. For example, students can beat a strict teacher who is trying to take away crib sheets or phones from students. Or you can talk about how teachers check tests after passing them. You can see examples of such scenes in our next videos. Ready-made texts can be used for quick preparation own numbers.

Video examples of cool and funny skits for Teacher's Day at school

With the help of our selection of video productions about taking tests, students of secondary and high school will be able to easily write new funny skits for Teacher's Day. If desired, texts from the examples can be borrowed to perform similar acts or to supplement with other more sparkling jokes.

Funny skits for high school on Teacher's Day - examples and ideas for productions

High school students usually prepare a real school concert for Teacher's Day. It may include funny skits, ditties, and musical battles. Our examples and ideas will help you create an original script. Using them, high school students can easily create really funny skits for Teacher's Day.

Ideas for funny skits for Teacher's Day from high school students

To make the finished numbers fun, high school students are advised to spice up funny story real life facts. In their funny performances, high school students can tell:

  • about the difficult life of a teacher during exams;
  • about communication (or discussion among students) in the staff room;
  • about the teacher's happiness of going home after a hard day at work;
  • about how teachers have to be at school when they have a cold because of tests and tests.

Any life situation can be presented in a funny and cool way if you spice it up with sparkling jokes. The idea for a skit about a teacher's first day at a new school is quite funny. For example, high school students can tell how a teacher is afraid of modern children or how he earns authority in front of poor students. In such a cool production, many teachers will be able to recognize their first day at school.

Video examples of funny skits from high school students for Teacher's Day

Video examples will help our readers write a simple and at the same time funny text for a production about a teacher’s first day at school, as well as about the pressing problems of teachers. They will allow you to choose the most successful jokes and create really cool numbers.

Cool skits for Teacher's Day for primary school - ideas and examples of texts

For students primary classes We have selected short funny skits for Teacher's Day. Using simple examples texts and video numbers, it will not be difficult to create an unusual and cool program of events. For students in grades 1-2, it is better to break such productions into 3-4 parts and include them in the script between different competitions, song numbers or skits with poetry readings. But students in grades 3-4 can perform all comic performances at once.

Ideas for creating funny skits for elementary school students for Teacher's Day

Primary school students will be most interested in talking not about the teachers themselves, but about their studies. Funny children's jokes can be used as the basis for skits from schoolchildren in grades 1-4. The guys just have to choose who will play what role and rehearse the number well. For example, for performances, elementary school students can use the following texts:

Teacher: Petrov, what book about famous travelers have you read?
Student Petukhov: “Frog Traveler”

Teacher: Kozyavin, please answer, what is the life expectancy of a mouse?
Disciple Kozyavin: Well, Mary Ivanna, it depends entirely on the cat.

Teacher: Khomyakov, answer why people need nervous system?
Disciple Khomyakov: To be nervous.

A student asks the teacher: Ivan Ivanovich, did you have a tablet as a child?
Teacher: No, what are you talking about, there were no computers then!
Student: What did you play?
Teacher: On the street!

Teacher: Let's listen to how you learned homework. Whoever answers first will receive a higher point.
Student Ivanov (raises his hand and shouts): Mary Ivanna, I will be the first, give me three at once!

What does the phrase "Sisyphean labor" mean?
- This means useless work. For example, you learned a lesson, but they didn’t ask you!

Sveta, let me carry your briefcase!
- Yes, it’s not heavy.
- Yes, and I’m not strong!

How do you say “Gogol-Mogol” in English?
- “Shakespeare-Mexpeare”!

Also in the making funny skits For the Teacher's Day holiday, the video examples we have selected will also be useful to them. They also talk about the “difficult” life of the kids and their attempts to understand all the difficulties modern sciences.

Original skits from students - funny video examples for Teacher's Day

Make up not just funny, but also original skits For the holiday of Teacher's Day at school, our readers will be helped by a selection of the best video examples. In them you will also find performances by middle and high school students. Sparkling jokes from different productions can be combined into one number or included in different parts of the script.

According to tradition, on Teacher's Day, October 5, 2019, primary school concerts are held at which children perform poems and songs in honor of teachers, dance numbers, fragments of performances and small scenes for Teacher's Day for grades 1-4.

Comic skits for Teacher's Day from primary school students

Funny scenes For the Day, primary school teachers will not require students to memorize large texts; moreover, special costumes and props are not needed to perform them.

We offer you examples of mini-skits for Teacher's Day for grades 1-4 that will appeal to young viewers.

Teacher: “Ivanov, how much will it be if six is ​​divided by two?”
Student: “What are we going to share, Sergei Petrovich?”
Teacher: “Well, let’s say six oranges.”
Student: “And between whom?”
Teacher: “Between you and Sidorov.”
Student: “Then five oranges for me and one for Sidorov. Now, if the tomatoes were divided, then it would be a different matter.”
Teacher: “Okay, how much will it be if six tomatoes are divided by two?”
Student: “It will be six.”
Teacher: “Why?”
Student: “But I don’t like tomatoes, Sidorov will get them all.”

In the next scene for junior classes On Teacher's Day, the teacher and student also take part. The teacher invites the children to solve the problem and calls Vovochka to the board.

Teacher: “The condition of the problem is as follows: dad bought 1 kilogram of sweets, and mom bought another 2 kilograms. How many …"
(Vovochka jumps up and runs to the door.)
Teacher: “Vovochka, where are you going?!”
Student: “I ran home, I have candy!”

And here is another sketch for Teacher's Day for grades 1-4 with the participation of a careless student.

teacher: “Petya, bring your diary here. I’ll put another two on it.”
Peter: “But I don’t have it.”
teacher: “And where is he?”
Peter: “And I gave it to Fedka. Let him scare his parents!”

Another funny scene for Teacher's Day for primary school is a miniature in which two boys are kicking a soccer ball in the yard.

“Who is that making so much noise in your apartment?” - asks one.
“This is my grandfather explaining to my dad how to solve my math problem,” his friend replies.

And this mini-scene for Teacher's Day takes place at the beginning of the lesson.

teacher: “Vovochka, why are you late?”
Vovochka: “You said it yourself, Marya Ivanovna, that it’s never too late to learn!”

And one more sketch for primary school for Teacher's Day.

Pupil says to the teacher: “Anna Petrovna, I can’t make out what you wrote in my notebook.”
For what teacher replies: “I wrote: write legibly!”


The cold has already begun to breathe,


Teacher's Day! Listen with your heart

In these sounds that are dear to us.

Everything related to youth, childhood,

We owe it to the teachers!


You are always young at heart,

Sharing work and joys with us,

Our strict ones, our relatives,

Patient teachers!


For your wisdom and patience

We want to thank you.

I wish I could collect all the flowers in the world

And give it to you today!


Presenter : There is not a single person today who would not remember his favorite teachers, mentors, educators!


Presenter : And how kind, patient and ageless the soul should be.


Presenter. The floor for congratulations goes to the school director, Viktor Vasilyevich Zarubin.


Let in this hall at this hour

The lights are burning brighter!

And again we congratulate you,

Your teachers!

Song "About Teachers"


From A to Z, to any discovery

The path begins with you.

May the work of the teacher be glorious,

May Teacher's Day be glorious.

Your day, teachers!

Song. “My teacher” 6th grade boys


Leading. Teacher's Day is a holiday

Dance "Hedgehogs"


Poems "About Educators"

There is no more honorable work in the world. Who came up with the idea of ​​judging age?

Than a teacher's work is hectic. By the number of years lived?

We will never forget you. Well, if you are full of cheerfulness,

And we will be worthy of your love! If you love white light.

If you filled the world with colors,

Where black is missing

If you don't skimp on caresses

And dreamy like a poet,

If you are looking for something new

And you are not attracted to peace,

Then you are a teacher from God,

Always remain like this!


For honest work, which is akin to a feat.

For your life, which is alien to peace,

For apprenticeship, the happiest days,

Our teacher, take your bow to the ground!

Song "Give me a smile" Pivkina Regina


How to find words worthy

How to say without unnecessary phrases,

That we are very grateful to you.

That we love you very much.

Song: “Happy Teacher’s Day” Sung by Tatyana Pikaikina

Dance. "Arivo"



Happy hopes to you.

Great recognition

Presenter. Among many professions, a teacher has always stood and still stands in a special place. Everyone deals with him, no matter who they later become.


Song. " Little country"

Song “I miss you” by Sveta Kondratyev.

Presenter . We always remember them, our teachers and educators, and on this festive day we would like to say especially warm words of love and gratitude.


Ditties . 8th grade boys.

Presenter. The teaching profession is very difficult; it requires a lot of patience and understanding from a person. It mainly consists of difficult ones. But interesting everyday life. however, today is our dear teachers’ professional holiday. And they, of course, are worthy of the most sincere and warm congratulations and wishes addressed to you.

Song “Dedication to the Teacher” 5-7 girls.


Dance. "Hot Dancing"



Our dear, dear teachers

For your dedicated work,

Given to their students.

Dance "Lala pop"


Lineva Lena

Presenter. This house is amazing - a school! Everything is mixed up here: childhood and maturity, youth and romance. Science and art. Dreams and real life. There is joy and tears in this house. Meetings and partings.


Sketch “Teacher of the Future”

Song "Miracle School" Fomin Lesha

Presenter. Dear teachers, may it be so that in your life

You were always surrounded by children who were bright and kind. Like flowers

So that the school is a safe haven for everyone -

Happy, bright, full of kindness!


Presenter. And we, your students, in turn, will try to please you with our achievements as often as possible, even after leaving the school walls. Never forget those people who helped us understand the world.

Pivkina Regina “Sensation”


Smart and kind students!

Dance "Si-SA"



Presenter. Once again, happy holiday to you!

We wish you happiness, joy,

doubly good health.

And the simplest

Live longer on earth!


Presenters together: All the best!


On an autumn day, when at the threshold

The cold has already begun to breathe,

The school celebrates Teacher's Day,

A holiday of wisdom, knowledge, labor.


You are always young at heart,

Sharing work and joys with us,

Our strict ones, our relatives,

Patient teachers!


Leading. Dear, dear teachers! We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday - Teacher's Day!

Leading: Our teachers and educators are selfless people. What a huge heart you need to have to spend it so generously on us day after day, year after year!———————————-

Leading. The burden of a teacher is not light. These are people who have raised more than one generation.



Let in this hall at this hour

The lights are burning brighter!

And again we congratulate you,

Your teachers!

Song "About Teachers"Makeeva, Starostina, Dorogaykina sing


Leading: Thank you, dear teachers, for being you, for being who you are, and we love you all very much!

We once again congratulate you on your holiday!

We wish that all your dreams and wishes come true.

Song. "First teacher" 5-7 boys

Leading. Teacher's Day is a holidaynot only our teachers, but also all school staff. Today we say a big thank you to the cook and technical staff for good attitude to us. We congratulate them with all our hearts and wish them happiness, health and prosperity.

Dance "Hedgehogs"


Leading . Educator! what a word that is near and dear to the heart! A person forgets a lot; a lot is erased from his memory over time. years pass. Memories of childhood and youth fade, but the memory of beloved teachers is timeless.

Poems "About Educators"



How to find words worthy

How to say without unnecessary phrases,

That we are very grateful to you.

That we love you very much.

Song: “Teacher” Sung by Tatyana Pikaikina

Dance. "Arivo"


Leading. Our dear teachers, how I want to tell you extraordinary words and give something unusual. If we could, we would give each of you a million red roses. But even such gratitude is incommensurate with the great wealth that you have given us. They gave us knowledge, faith in our strengths, in the purity and kindness of human relationships. To the ideals of goodness and justice.

Poems “About Dear Teachers” 1-4 grade boy



You are good fairies, leading to knowledge,

Giving joy, bringing light.

Happy hopes to you.

Great recognition

And new finds, and new victories!

Poem "To Teachers" by Kondratieff.


Leading. And there is not a person on earth who would not remember his teacher with a kind word. Who gave me a ticket to a great life.

Song. " Little country"


Leading . Today to you, our dear ones. To our loved ones, all the flowers, all the best wishes.

Ditties . 8th grade boys.


Leading. We want to congratulate you and sincerely thank you for that. What you give us is the most important thing in life - knowledge. With your hard work you make us smart people ready to take on life path. Happy holiday to you. dear teachers!

Dance. "Hot Dancing"



Congratulations from Anatoly Mikhailovich Pivkin “Instrumental Melody”



Our dear, dear teachers

Let me say a big thank you

For your dedicated work,

For your generosity. For the warmth of my heart

Given to their students.

Dance "Lala pop"


Leading. Thank you for your hard work. From all of us present here!

Musical gift "Teacher took your hand" sounds Lineva Lena


Leading. people who once came here at the call of their hearts. They will never leave this house, always seething with passions, because someone very accurately once called school “sweet hard labor”

Sketch “Teacher of the Future”

Song "Miracle School" Fomin Lesha


Leading. Let her important work that you do every day. Brings you only joy.


Leading. Let them settle in your family forever

Fun, luck, love for each other,

We wish you happiness. Health of course.

Smart and kind students!

Meet the ensemble of teachers on stage. With the song “Teachers have no time to grow old.”

Dance "Si-SA"


Leading. Don't you dare forget your teachers.

They worry about us and remember us.

And in the silence of thoughtful rooms

They are waiting for our returns and news.

Meet the ensemble “Sudarushka” on stage. "Anthem of Educators"


Leading . Dear, dear teachers!

Leading. All good things come to an end sooner or later. Our festive concert has also quietly come to an end.

Leading together. All the best!

Explanatory note

Over the long years of its existence, our traditional holiday has “accumulated” many poetic and prosaic congratulations and “leaders” to concert numbers. From year to year they “migrate” from script to script. And it’s difficult to come up with something new and original.

In my opinion, a traditional holiday in a particular school is valuable precisely because of its “local” flavor: in each educational institution there are their own “star” talents (readers, vocalists, dancers, etc.), whose performances uniquely color any event.

However, you can prepare several surprise details that will make a traditional event bright and memorable.

I bring to your attention a holiday scenario with surprises for teachers.

Celebration script for Teacher's Day

Surprise 1

Students write targeted congratulations to their teachers on sticky notes in advance. Stickers are attached to a stand, which is located at the entrance to the school.

Meeting teachers at the entrance, the attendants invite teachers to remove congratulations addressed to them from the stand.


Surprise 2

The hall is decorated with bouquets of “living” (fallen, of course, but not yet dried) flowers. autumn leaves maple and rowan branches. They are everywhere: on the walls, in vases on window sills, on the stage - yellow, red, crimson. The hall looks bright and festive. Smells like autumn.

Sounds like "School Waltz"

Ved.1: Hello, school.

Ved.2: Hello, dear teachers, students and guests of our holiday.

Ved.1: Dear teachers! We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday - Teacher's Day.


May autumn be in the yard whole month,
Today suddenly there was a breath of spring,
Flowers bloom today in every heart:
Teacher - today is your holiday!


The path of a teacher is not a mistake,
After all, this is not work, but fate,
Today all the love, all the looks and smiles,
Today, everything in the world is for you!

Ved.2: The floor is given to the school director...

(Word by the director, rewarding teachers)

Ved.1: There is no teacher without students. This means that today is a holiday not only for them, but also for everyone who studied and is studying. Everyone studied at school: our grandparents, mothers and fathers, and even you, our respected teachers. It turns out that Teacher's Day is a national holiday.


Wonderful routes of exploration
We're on a life's journey
From the ABC book to the secrets of the universe,
From school desks to sunny heights.


And in this continuous ascent,
As a guide, attentive and strict,
Leads by work and inspiration
Comrade and mentor - TEACHER.


1st class congratulations:

1. Our teacher!
Nothing can be measured
Everything that you gave to us.

2. You taught us to love and believe,
With all my heart now
We are grateful to you!

3. Who teaches us?

4. Who is tormenting us?

5. Who gives us knowledge?

6. This is our school teacher -

Amazing people.

7. It’s clear and bright with you,

The soul is always warm.

8. And forgive me if it’s on time

The lesson was not learned.

9. We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts

All our teachers

And we wish everyone good health



Teacher's Day is a special holiday. Today every person celebrates it, because whoever he is - a president, a sailor, a driver, a doctor, a musician - first of all, he is someone’s former student. School teaches us all the ABCs of life.


We, friends, taught in childhood
Our alphabet from A to Z...
There is great power in letters,
When can we read them?


Let's play: name some letters of the alphabet and remember the qualities that school teaches us. For example, A - neatness... What is the next letter? What quality of a person can you name with the letter “B”?

Surprise 3

Game with the audience. There is a presentation on the screen. The slides open gradually after the response from the audience has been heard.


The music playing in the background is “What They Teach at School”


You give us your strength,
Open up the distance and heights!
We could say a lot of words
But in one big "Thank you"
They all merged today.


But today we congratulate not only teachers, but also our dear educators.

The teacher knows everything, he can do everything,

At least he doesn’t expect affection from life.

Stops children running

He will enter the thundering hall.

He writes poetry, draws,

Cooks, and knits, and sews,

Plays on stage, dances

And even, imagine, he sings!

This song sounds for you.

(to the tune of the song "Smile" from the movie "Carnival Night")

If you sometimes feel sad and sad,

If someone in your group is being naughty,

This is not on purpose or on purpose,

Our energy is just bubbling.


So let's all the excitement

Let's forget at this hour.

And good mood

Will not leave you again.

If we don’t answer well in class,

If we forget to learn the rules,

We also get what we deserve,

But we know how to hide our grief.


Surprise 4

Festive comic fortune-telling lottery (it is necessary to prepare tickets and predictions for each teacher present)


There is an ancient belief among teachers that all predictions made on this day come true! Shall we check?


Let's check! And now we offer you a holiday lottery predicting your fate. We ask teachers to pull out a ticket! (the presenter walks around the hall, approaching each teacher)

(music background)

№1 - Button- This month you will be given something beautiful from clothes

№2 - Wheel- this month you will win a car if you buy a lottery ticket.

№3 - Flower- this month you will become even sweeter and more beautiful

№4 - Candy- A sweet, sweet life awaits you this month

№5 - 10 kopecks- You will receive a salary increase

№6 - Bay leaf - Great success awaits you in your work

№7 - Geographic map- a trip awaits you this month

№8 - Pepper- be careful, you might quarrel with your friend

№9 - Dummy- this year you will have an addition to your family

№10 - heart- A romantic adventure awaits you this month

№11- Ring- this year you will definitely attend a wedding

№12 - Crown- we congratulate you, today you are the queen of our holiday!

№13 - Snow (on the head)- surprise check

№14 - Pasta - be careful, there are a lot of false promises waiting for you

№15 - Umbrella- only good weather awaits you in your family

№16 - Spoon- wait for guests

№17 - Fur coat- expect a cold winter

№18 - Lips- Alas! Your hopes will not come true

№19 - Shovel- this year you will definitely find a treasure!


At the lesson the teacher is with us,

And calm down for you and me:

There is a lot of useful knowledge

It will be given to the children.


Without a teacher - we know for sure -

We can't live in this world,

And that’s why your work is important

From childhood we will appreciate everything.

A skit is being performed for you.


Music by G.V. Sviridov "Time, forward." A cameraman appears (somewhere off to the side) and a reporter with a microphone.

The reporter: Hello, Dear friends! Welcome to the TV news program “Vremya”. We are reporting from the walls of boarding school No. 5. Everyone understands what school means to each of us, what an important place it occupies in the minds of our government. One can feel the daily concern of the President, the Duma, and the Governor for the school and its students...

The reporter: We are talking with the school director. (The parody role of the director with a somewhat caricatured appearance is played by children.)

Get to know us... What is special about your school?

Director. Mmmm... We need to think about it.

The reporter: Think about it. Do you have any favorite students?
Director:(Shrugs shoulders). Who will tell you the truth!
The reporter: What's your favorite class?

Director: Well-o-o-o-o, my dears...

The reporter: Thank you very much for the interesting interview. Let's go through the school corridors to the classrooms. (A student runs out with a huge briefcase). And here comes the student! Just look how hard it is for him, he bends under the weight of textbooks and notebooks! Poor thing! We will immediately send a request to Duma deputies about the overload of children.

(The director helps the child put the backpack on the table and begins (so that everyone can see it) to pull out a huge bottle of Fanta, magazines, a large bag of chips, a player, CDs, headphones...)
Director: Where are the books and notebooks?

Student: And here! (In his hands is a small notebook.)

Director: Well done! I see that you are ready for classes.

The reporter: As you can see, this is a school of joy and happy childhood! And we say goodbye to you. See you again on air!

Ved.1: Thanks guys for the congratulations. And we continue.

Ved.2: The comic poem “Dos and Don’ts” will be read to you by...


Explain to me friends:

Why can't I do everything?

You can't sing in physical education,

Jump on literature

I can’t eat at work,

You can't sleep anywhere at all.

Lena told me:

- You are as stupid as a log!

You can eat and you can sing,

Jump, sleep, look out the window,

And you can chat with your girlfriend,

Just be very careful

Unnoticed, quietly...

I exclaimed: “You are a coward!

I'm not stupid, I'm brave!

That’s why I can’t do everything!”

Elena Duke


Let's remember the teachers - veterans of our school. This poem is dedicated to them.


You are a Teacher with a very big letter,

With a young and beautiful soul!

How many for long years how many winters

Do you give your soul to the young?

And so the soul for many years

Remains young -

You will be full of happiness and health!

Bouquets of flowers are presented to veteran teachers.



Everyone chooses for themselves
woman, religion, road.
To serve the devil or the prophet -
everyone chooses for themselves.

Everyone chooses for themselves
a word for love and for prayer.
A sword for a duel, a sword for battle
everyone chooses for themselves.

Everyone chooses for themselves.
Shield and armor. Staff and patches.
A measure of final retribution.
Everyone chooses for themselves.

Everyone chooses for themselves.
I also choose as best I can.
I have no complaints against anyone.
Everyone chooses for themselves.

Yuri Levitansky


So you once chose a path for yourself. This road led you to school. Some have walked along this road for their entire lives, while others have just stepped onto it. We have prepared a slide show for you called “The Road of Life”. Let's watch it together...

Surprise 5

Slideshow for teachers about teachers.

Invitation to the stage and congratulations to teachers-“celebrants of the day” (according to teaching experience)


We meet at school today

Happy holiday of teachers.

You accept, dear ones,

Congratulations from all the children!


For affection, kindness, care,

We want to thank everyone.

I wish I could collect all the flowers in the world

And give it to you today!

Surprise 6

Gifts are given to all teachers (“Children are the flowers of life” - a handmade craft)


And at the end of our holiday, a congratulatory video for you.

Surprise 7

Congratulatory video


Thank you all for your attention. Our holiday concert is over.

Scenario for Teacher's Day in elementary school.

Presenter 1. Good afternoon, dear teachers, veterans of teaching work, whose work was connected with the school, students, guests. Today is our holiday, a professional holiday - Teacher's Day!

Presenter 2 . Today we give you not only flowers and smiles. We say “Thank you” for your work, for the patience and skill that you show to each of your students.

    On this day, when at the threshold

The cold has already begun to breathe,

The school celebrates teacher's day -

A holiday of wisdom, knowledge, labor.

    Teacher's Day! Listen with your heart
    In these sounds that are dear to us
    Everything related to youth, childhood,
    We owe it to the teachers!

    3. The bitterness of the first annoying mistake,
    The sweetness of the first difficult victories
    -Let everything be reflected in a smile,
    Radiating wisdom and light.

    4. You are always young at heart,
    Sharing work and joy with us.
    Our strict ones, our relatives,
    Patient teachers!

    5. You give us a lot of strength
    And love - no matter what.
    How much do you believe in us! - and perhaps
    No one can believe like that.

    6. Neither yesterday, nor today, nor tomorrow
    The candle of that faith will not go out
    Without a teacher there is no astronaut,
    Engineer, poet, doctor.

    7. Life tells you to teach, and for us to learn.
    Your experience is a treasure of wisdom
    Everything we took from you will be useful
    And it will become a hundred times more significant.

    8. Teach light, sensitivity, truth
    Our souls and our minds
    Everything you ask us in life,
    We will try to fulfill it.

    9. May the sun shine on you more generously!
    And from everyone who is near and far away,
    We send you greetings - from all pets
    And bow from heaven to earth!

    10. For affection, kindness, care,
    We want to thank everyone.
    I wish I could collect all the flowers in the world
    And give it to you today!

    11. Health to you! Damn the disease!
    Live a century without knowing tears,
    And if it suddenly becomes difficult,
    We ask you not to hang your nose!

    12. Let in this hall, at this hour
    The lights are burning brighter
    And again we congratulate you,
    Your teachers!

Children sing the song “Congratulations” to the tune of V. Shainsky’s song “What They Teach at School.”

1. Dear teachers

From loved ones, from children

Always be healthy

And never cry

We wish, we wish, we wish.

(three lines 2 times)

2. Don’t shout or play pranks,

Don't break the glass in the windows

We promise, we promise, we promise.

Those who teach us

And he gives his whole soul

Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations.

(3 lines 2 times)

Ved.1.-Who teaches us?

Ved.2. -Who is tormenting us?

Ved.1 . - Who gives us knowledge?

Ved.2. - This is our school teacher -

Wonderful people.

Ved.1. - It’s clear and bright with you,

Ved.2 - My soul is always warm.

Ved.1. - And forgive me if it’s on time,

The lesson was not learned.

Ved.2. - We sincerely congratulate you

Ved.1. -All our teachers!

Together: - And we wish everyone good health

From prankish children!

Children perform a song to the soundtrack based on “This world was not invented by us”

    Today we are talking

“Thank you” to your family

For the sincerity of the soul

For your kindness.

You gave us

Wonderful school world

In the language of good

Everyone speaks in it.

Chorus: The school world was not invented by us,
the school world was not invented by me,

The school world is rich in wonders

The teacher in it is a great wizard.

    Just one time

Each of us

Sometimes first class

And the graduation party.

Dear teacher,

Congratulate from the bottom of my heart

They want you today

All children of the Earth!

The chorus is the same.

Sketch "Children's Conversation".

There was nothing to do.

Who's on I was walking in the street,

Who rested in the after-school program?

1 student. And I have a nail in my pocket! Here! And you?

2 student. And we have a guest today! And you?

3 student. And today we have a cat

I gave birth to kittens yesterday.

The kittens have grown a little

But they don’t want to eat from a saucer.

4 student. And we have gas in the kitchen. And you?

5 student. And we have running water. Here.

6 student. And from our window

The Polyanskaya school is visible.

1 student. And from our window -

The office is a bit laborious.

2 student. We have a fun class!

This time.

3 student. We found a gas mask - that's two.

4 student. And fourthly, our teacher

Came to my house

Because in the corridor

I was running around like crazy.

5 student. How crazy? So what's wrong?

But to the neighbors, for example,

A policeman came.

6 student. And we got a black eye.

And you?

1 student. And we have a duty class.

And you?

2 student. And your sister Nyura is a fool.

She has few convolutions -

That's what the teacher told us.

3 student. In the classroom it's a neighbor's neighbor

I was reading a book after lunch.

4 student. A book? This is bullshit.

With a briefcase - yes!

5 student. But our teacher is cool,

1 student. Very kind and cheerful,

2 student. Exemplary - indicative,

3 student. In a word, simply

All: Wonderful.

There was no point in arguing.

Ditties performed by children:

    Let's start singing ditties,

Please don't laugh.

There are a lot of people here,

We can be shy.

    Our Lyosha is at recess

He smokes.

He was always ruddy

It turned yellow like a lemon.

    Petya ran away from music

I got into botany.

His answer was not bad:

Do, re, mi, fa, salt, peas.

    Kolya came out to answer,

But I didn't know where to start.

He was silent for an hour, then he said:

"Anna Pavlovna, call"

    Our Vova is at recess

I checked the strength of the walls.

He tried so hard

That he was all in a cast.

    I decided there was no point

Do boxing

I'll become a dentist

Everyone is afraid of him.

    Our teacher is very strict

We didn't go to class!

How happy he was.

That he is freed from us.

    All the ditties were sung,

We think we're good

So clap more friendly

We tried our best!

Ved.1. Strict and affectionate,

Wise and sensitive,

For those who have gray hair at the temples,

For those who have recently left the walls of the institute.

Those who are considered middle-aged.

Ved.2. To those who told us the secrets of discoveries,

Teaches you to achieve victories in work,

To everyone whose proud name is Teacher,

Low bow and warm greetings!

Song to the tune of “In secret to the whole world...”

    I will tell everyone, everyone, everyone and everyone

I, I, I don't keep secrets:

We, we, we cannot live without school,

All my friends count.

Here, here, here comes the teacher to class

He, he, he, he thinks, will give us a lesson,

But, but our plan is completely different,

And he talks to himself.

CHORUS: La-la-la, zhu-zhu-zhu,

In secret to the whole world,

I'll tell you what happened!

    But, but then he suddenly asked me,

And, and again I grabbed the deuce,

And, and, and then my neighbor, -

I'm having no luck today!

Here, here, here in. our second language

No, no, a deuce is enough for me alone

I, I, I try my best

So that the teacher doesn't ask.

CHORUS: La-la-la, zhu-zhu-zhu,

As I do to my mother, my poor mother,

Shall I show you my diary?

    BBC - biology is on.

What a wonderful lesson!

But, but I have to go out urgently -

Otherwise my life is lost!

Hee hee I want to know chemistry

And, and I teach conscientiously,

But, but I'm scared of explosions

And I don’t undertake to do the experiment.

CHORUS: La-la-la, zhu-zhu-zhu

It will only make things worse for you

If I can show you experience.

    They take us, us, us to the director,

But, but after a few minutes,

To us, to us, to us, of course, everything will be forgiven

And they will only scold you a little.
You, you, you are my teachers,

No, no, don't be angry with me.

I, at least sometimes I play pranks,

But I sincerely love you all!

CHORUS: La-la-la, zhu-zhu-zhu

In secret to the whole world,

I'll tell you about it!

Children read poetry:

    Our dear teachers!

We promise you to learn

Only four and five

So that you can be proud of us,

To be able to do everything and know a lot.

    We will study, we will work,

We will repay you more than once for your kindness!

For your love, for your worries

Please accept a big thank you from us!

    Thank you for being inquisitive in your work,

That they are always patient with us, restless people,

Because you couldn't live without us,

Thank you, dear ones! Thank you very much!

    IN family life we wish you happiness,

May your children love you deeply.

Let bad weather pass you by,

And let it be sunny every hour!

    We congratulate you on your holiday,

Never grieve about anything

And we wish you never to get sick,

Have a happy life, success in everything!

    We wish everyone without exception

Good health, joy, kindness,

More optimism and patience,

May tomorrow be better than yesterday.

The song “We wish you happiness!”

Ved.1. Dear teachers! Dear veterans! May joy and luck accompany you today, as always!

Ved.2. May the sky above us be especially deep and clear!

Ved.1. Let the fresh wind carry away the clouds that threaten anxiety and danger.

Ved.2. Let the warmth, care and attention of loved ones warm you at the family hearth!

Ved.1. May all your wishes come true!

Together: Happy holiday, dear teachers!


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