Table setting for 30 people. Table setting: correct arrangement of cutlery

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The holiday begins with a feast! And no one will argue with this for sure. We have long been accustomed to immediately remembering food, drinks and desserts when we talk about the past holiday.

If some kind of celebration is being prepared, they also first of all think about the festive table and various dishes. But the decoration of the table and the arrangement of dishes also play a huge role!

A beautiful festive table setting can completely transform a holiday and take the event to a completely different level. At the same time, you are not supposed to arrange dishes, arrange forks and spoons in a random order. It is important to know a number of nuances.

People for long years They have already developed unique “formulas”, the observance of which ensures comfort at the festive table for everyone. Serving is a real art. Remember the main nuances so that your table is truly elegant. A few interesting ideas for decorating a holiday table will also always come in handy.

Basic rules for serving a holiday table

Let's immediately note a few nuances. These rules are universal for any table setting, regardless of the occasion for the holiday. It is important to pay attention to the choice of serving items. They should reflect the thematic focus of the feast and fit into the interior and design of the room as harmoniously as possible.

You should select dishes, napkins, plates and cutlery according to color, shape and materials, design, so that all items together create a single ensemble. It is advisable to avoid dissonance. You also need to take into account the color of textiles: tablecloths, napkins.

It is worth remembering that setting a festive table is needed not only to create a pleasant atmosphere and a special festive mood, but also to ensure comfort. Each guest should be comfortable using dishes, cutlery, and napkins. To do this, the placement of all items is thought out, optimal distances between them.

There is also traditional sequence, in which they usually serve festive table.

Vases with flowers will become worthy decoration any holiday table. Even at business lunches and official receptions they are mandatory elements table decoration.

Remember that cutlery and glassware must be more than just clean. On a properly set holiday table, these items are sure to sparkle. To do this, they are first washed, then thoroughly dried, and then polished with napkins until shiny.

Plates for serving the festive table

Please note: the plates themselves can be real works of art, true table decorations. Sometimes it is they who determine the thematic focus of the feast. Therefore, approach the choice of plates and sets carefully. For special occasions, you can purchase dishes separately.

Of course, it is important to remember how arrange the plates correctly during table setting.

  • Smooth the tablecloth again, make sure there are no wrinkles or litter on it. Start arranging. There should be plates in front of each guest. You cannot place them on the very edge of the table. The approximate distance from the plate to the edge is usually two centimeters. Professional waiters instantly determine the required distance from the edge of the table by placing their middle and index fingers between it and the plate.
  • When the occasion is solemn, it is worth using the so-called “double plates”. You first place a small dinner plate, and then place the snack plate on it. Since the plate should not slide, you need to place a napkin between the dishes.
  • There are also special pie plates, which are located to the left of the main ones. The distance from the pie plate to the snack bar should be 5-12 cm.
  • If the feast is especially solemn, all the edges of the plates are placed on the same line, clearly. This is how small and pie plates are lined up.

The centers of all plates must be located along the same line.

Place your plates correctly. Be sure to take into account that there will be vases, salad bowls, and cutlery on the table. Each guest should feel comfortable and be able to move calmly without touching their neighbors at the table.

Cutlery for serving a festive table

Now it's time to learn how to properly place cutlery for a festive table setting. IN ordinary life We are used to reducing the number of forks and spoons to a minimum and placing cutlery in random order. But when serving for a holiday, this approach should be avoided. Remember all the details.

There is no need to arrange all the devices in a row. If the menu only has appetizers, you won't need cutlery. They are needed only for main hot courses.

All cutlery should be perpendicular to the edge of the table, parallel to each other.

When dessert utensils are required, they should be placed in front of the plate. First the knife, then the fork and spoon. The fork handle turns to the left, and the spoon and knife handles turn to the right.

Glassware plays a huge role on every table. Wine glasses and glasses decorate the table and become eye-catching decorative details. At the same time, their practical function is also important. For example, the comfort of guests can largely depend on the shape of the glasses. Some models are uncomfortable to drink from, some don’t fit well in the palm.

Let's learn how to properly arrange glassware.

  • You can place glassware in the center, to the right of the plates. If the wine glass is placed in the center, it should be behind the plate. When they want to place a wine glass on the right, it should be placed in the place where the end of the first knife intersects with the upper edge of the plate. Mineral water and juice are poured into this glass.
  • For fruit drinks and kvass, you need to put a mug. The handle is turned to the right.
  • Glass, glass for alcoholic drinks placed to the right of the main wine glass. When the assortment of drinks is large, the wine glass should be placed on the left, and all glassware for alcohol should be placed to the right of the plate.
  • You should not place more than three items in one row. This already creates discomfort and looks ugly.

The distance between wine glasses and glasses should be approximately one centimeter.

Glasses, shot glasses, wine glasses for table setting

Spaciousness and view glassware depend on what drink will be in it.

In accordance with the rules of etiquette, it is customary to assign a separate glass for each drink.

For vodka, use a regular glass, for fortified wine, a Madeira glass. A separate glass is reserved for dry white wine. Champagne is poured into glasses with a capacity of 180-210 ml. If dry red wine is served, it should be accompanied by a special Rhine wine glass. Juices and water are poured into a glass, the capacity of which can be 250-350 ml.

It’s great if all the glasses and wine glasses are in harmony with each other.

Napkins also occupy a prominent place in table settings. They can give the entire table a special look and create a thematic design. Interestingly, folding napkins is a whole science. You can create peacocks, water lilies, candles and ties from them.

It is important to select napkins by color and size so that they are in harmony with the tablecloth, dishes, and the interior of the room in which the special event is being held. Then the feast will be magnificent. It is believed that when setting the table it is necessary to use cloth napkins.

It’s good when they harmonize with the tablecloth in color and texture. Sometimes they immediately purchase sets that include textiles for serving. However, the original design solutions are also in demand. For example, napkins and tablecloth contrast. But napkins should still be combined with dishes, vases or plates.

Use clean, starched napkins. Usually the napkin is placed on a plate; you can place it on the right.

It is not customary to wipe your mouth with cloth napkins. These accessories perform decorative function, sometimes they are placed on the knees.

Paper ones are used for hygienic purposes.

Holiday table setting ideas

Tables are set in different ways. Any holiday table can be given an extraordinary, memorable look, and the decor can be themed.

The table setting deserves special attention for a romantic dinner. A woman will be able to capture the imagination of her beloved if she creates such a small miracle on the table. It is better to avoid too bright colors and stick to a few primary colors.

For example, red plates, napkins, flowers and candles of the same shade will be in perfect harmony with red glasses. A decorative heart, golden cutlery, white plates and transparent wine glasses, and a snow-white flower vase fit perfectly into this table setting.

The table setting looks very original in nautical style. It is suitable for lunch with family friends, New Year's breakfasts. A decorative light tree in a blue vase is placed in the center of the table; the surface of the table is decorated with a delicate blue cloth.

Transparent glasses harmonize perfectly with white plates and glass vases for dessert, light napkins. On the plates are small plates of bright turquoise color in the shape of shells.

The festive table for the New Year is also decorated in an original way. If friends decide snack before New Year's Eve, you can limit yourself to the arrangement of basic cutlery, white plates and transparent glasses. The main decoration will be gifts in translucent fabric, placed on plates on napkins, and a festive composition of red candles and artificial pine needles.

Well designed New Year's table when the table setting contrasts shades of brown, beige and green. Bright Christmas balls in a white plate can become a real table decoration. Napkins are sometimes placed in the form of wallets. This is how accessories become symbols of prosperity in the coming year.

, even very modest, also captivates with harmony. Plates can be placed directly on the table when it is so beautiful, made of natural wood. The red fabric in the center becomes a bright detail, there are balls on it and Christmas trees stand on it. Elegant country style captivates at first sight.

You can come up with your own ways to serve the holiday table. Take into account all the nuances, remember the rules. Then any festive feast will go perfectly.

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What needs to be done before setting the table?

First of all, carefully inspect all the items that will be served on the table. They should not be dirty, worn or broken. There may be no flaws or cracks on the dishes; otherwise, such saucers, plates or cups should not be served.

Make sure all glasses and glasses are also crystal clear. Before serving, wipe them with cloth napkins to give them shine.

Pay special attention to serving spices on the table. Be sure to prepare a salt shaker, pepper shaker, mustard pot, and bottles for oils and vinegar. Make sure they are completely dry and clean before filling these items. By the way, in no case should you overfill such dishes. The spices in it should fill a little more than half of the entire space to avoid spillage during further use.

Setting the table as the final stage of preparation for a meal

Before placing items, the table is often covered with a tablecloth. There are also some nuances here. Before laying the table, you should first straighten it in the air so that later it is easy to align the corners. The tablecloth should be clean and ironed, without any stains.

After it is laid, you can start setting the table. It is worth remembering the order according to which objects should be arranged. First, they put porcelain dishes, if such, of course, are available. Next, cutlery is laid out near the plates, and only then glasses and wine glasses.

Depending on the type of meal, there are also different kinds serving. If this is not a holiday meal, then it will be divided into:

  • table setting for breakfast;
  • table setting for dinner;
  • table setting for dinner.

Each of these types of serving has its own characteristics.

If the table is set for morning meal , that is, for breakfast, it should have stands for paper napkins, plates for pies, etc. standard set cutlery, a teaspoon is added.

For lunch meal Be sure to place a stand plate for subsequent changes of dishes. In addition to the fork, which is placed on the right, a knife and a spoon (table and dessert) are placed to the left of the plate. There must be a wine glass on the table, which is placed in front.

For lunch Be sure to use both paper napkins and linen ones, which people then put on their laps. There is no need to put the dinner plates down right away - they are taken out only if the appropriate dishes are served.

Deserves special attention table setting for dinner . In addition to the main course plate, there is a pie and appetizer plate right in front of it. When setting the table for dinner, it would be appropriate to place several cutlery, for example, two knives, or several forks. The latter, by the way, must have the teeth towards the top. There should be salt and pepper in the middle of the table, which are at the same time within easy reach for everyone who will be dining.

Sometimes it is acceptable to place an ashtray on the edge of the table, but before doing this you need to find out for sure whether there are smokers among the guests. Table setting during dinner can be supplemented with many more items depending on the dishes served.

Proper table setting cannot do without the appropriate arrangement of glasses. Let's talk about them in more detail.

First of all, you should remember that each drink needs its own, separate vessel. Red wine must be served in tall, convex glasses. This is not just a matter of etiquette. When served in this way, the area of ​​interaction between the drink and the air increases, which allows a person to more subtly feel all the notes of the aromatic bouquet.

Very often people make the mistake of serving white wine in the same glasses. In fact, lower bowls are suitable for this drink, which allow you to keep the drink cool for a long time.

Convex glasses are also best suited for a skate - thanks to this, it will not lose its properties.

It is best to buy glasses separately for holidays and for ordinary days. Festive table setting requires sophistication from dinnerware sets. This also applies to wine glasses. You can also diversify your stock with glasses for unusual drinks, such as cocktail bowls or whiskey and rum glasses.

All glasses and wine glasses can be washed in dishwasher, with the exception of those covered with gold or other similar ornaments - they require more careful treatment, so they are washed by hand in warm water.

Any table setting scheme includes the correct supply of napkins, be they paper or fabric.

Do not wrap the napkins too tightly so that the guest cannot quickly unwrap them. You also need to take into account the fact of hygiene - this particular serving item should be located where it will not be constantly touched with fingers, thereby introducing infection.

Nowadays, a very common tactic is to roll napkins into a cone shape during dinner. They are also often folded into fours, giving them the shape of an envelope. Many restaurants also use other shapes to serve napkins, such as a tulip, fan or boat.

Folding napkins for table settingis a real art; many Western establishments are famous precisely for their correct presentation.

So, let's move on to the most important thing - to the right choice dishes for dishes.

To serve bread, either pie plates or small bread bins are used - it depends on the number of people at the table. If you don't have a separate bowl for bread, you can use any dessert plate.

Special attention should be paid to serving cold appetizers. There are separate table dishes for each type. Absolutely all pickles, marinades and salads are served in salad bowls - they can be of different sizes, their quantity varies depending on the guests and the dishes served.

All fish gastronomy should be served in special fish trays or simply in oblong dishes. Meat and cheese slices are placed in ordinary oval plates. You can also put various kinds of canapes, sandwiches, and banquet dishes there. Vases can be used not only for sweets and fruits, but also for exclusive salads. To serve the sauce, be sure to use special small cups, in which you need to leave a long spoon for the sauce itself.

It should be remembered that for serving first courses, plates are brought already during the meal; they are under no circumstances placed during serving.

You can use special cups for the broth. They also serve cream soups, purees, and so on.

For first courses with a high density (for example, meat soups), choose deep plates. By the way, unlike broth bowls, they can be placed on the table during serving, and dessert plates can be placed under them for a change of dishes. To serve soup or broth on the table, you should purchase a large bowl, from which lunch will be served right at the table.

For second courses, you can use ordinary plates - they come in both round and square.

Dessert is served in small dessert plates.

Hot drinks are served depending on their type: tea is served in medium-sized cups and saucers, and a teapot can be placed on the table for brewing so that everyone can top it up if necessary; Small cups are used for coffee. In addition, when serving hot drinks, you should also take out creamers, milk jugs and sugar bowls. Before each meal, you should carefully calculate the number of necessary items on the table.

The order in which all dishes are served is also important. These rules do not change regardless of the type of meal.

The first courses should be served before the guests sit down to the table. After the majority have stopped eating, all soup bowls are removed from the table. If the sorting was done correctly, plates for second courses are placed under the deep plates for first courses.

This was also invented so that the hostess or service staff would not have to run around the guests again to set the table correctly before each one. Dessert is served only when all other dishes have already been cleared from the table.

Also, before serving dessert or drinking tea, remove all cutlery, salt and pepper shakers, and oil and vinegar bottles.

Items for table setting

Table setting items must be selected especially carefully. First of all, you should pay attention to the bar glass. As mentioned above, the entire meal depends on the correct serving of drinks.

It should be remembered that the higher the strength of the drink, the smaller the volume of the glass should be. There are two types of wine glasses for wine; for champagne, a flute glass is used. This type of glass is narrowed, so the drink does not have time to evaporate. For juice, water and non-alcoholic cocktails, use a glass called a highball. Beer should be served in special tall glasses. Vodka is drunk in small glasses or glasses. There are special glasses for whiskey average size called old fashion.

It is worth considering that crystal glassware contains lead, so drinking from such glasses is often not allowed.

Many housewives like to show off good porcelain during the holidays. To serve such dishes to the table, you should also take into account some nuances.

Typically, a porcelain dinnerware set includes regular and deep plates. When setting the table, the latter are placed from below, and tureens are placed on them. In deep porcelain plates, unlike ordinary tureens, you can serve not only first courses, but also some second courses. Small porcelain plates also come in different varieties. Some of them are used not only for serving desserts, but also main courses and even appetizers. For tea or coffee, you should choose appropriate porcelain sets.

Now let's look at the variety of cutlery.

Etiquette rules require that separate cutlery be used for each dish. Large spoons are used for soups. For eating main courses, it is preferable to use forks. In addition, according to etiquette, there should be several types of knives on the table. For meat, knives with pointed ends are served.

You should also pay attention to the placement of forks, if there are several of them. The dinner fork has four tines and is used primarily for side dishes. There is also a fork for lemons, for meat, for fish, for snails and many others. Dessert cutlery is also served on the table.

Of course, time takes its toll, and now the arrangement of cutlery has changed a lot, as well as their use.

Separately, I would like to talk about table linen. Various napkins, tablecloths, and textiles have always been an integral part of any meal. For example, a well-chosen tablecloth can turn even the most ordinary dinner into a real gala reception.

This particular serving item should be selected especially carefully. This should be done based on the size of the table. If it is rectangular, then the tablecloth should freely cover the entire tabletop. In this case, the legs may be visible. The situation is different with a round table - there the corners of the tablecloth should completely cover them.

So, proper serving table and following all the rules of this etiquette will make your meal truly unforgettable.

Table setting ideas - photos

Table setting for everyone existing rules- this is always a sign of attention from the owner of the house to his guests. Unfortunately, you don’t see a properly set table very often today, especially at home. However, table setting is a real art, mastering which, you bring beauty into your life. That is why it is so important to know the rules of table setting - in order to be able to create a festive atmosphere in your home every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and in holidays surprise your guests with fancy decor, intricately folded napkins and luxurious tableware.

Sequence of table setting

The table should be set according to next plan: tablecloth; dishes; cutlery; glasses, wine glasses, glasses; napkins; table decoration. To begin with, table setting may seem like a really complicated science to some, but after some time, when setting the table according to the rules becomes a habit, it will seem to you that this task is easier than ever!

Table setting begins with laying out a tablecloth on the table. It would seem, what could be simpler? Throw the tablecloth over the table - and it's done. Actually exist certain rules on this score.

Firstly, the tablecloth must be perfectly ironed and have a presentable appearance. There is nothing good about setting the table with a crumpled tablecloth or oilcloth. The smoothed tablecloth, or rather its corners, should fall opposite the table legs, covering them evenly. There are also requirements for the descent of the tablecloth on all sides - at least 25 cm and, in no case, lower than the seat of the chair.

Such requirements were not introduced by chance, since a tablecloth on the table that is too small looks unsightly, and if it is too large, it causes inconvenience to guests. Once you've covered the table with a tablecloth, it's time to start arranging the plates.

Types of plates

The purpose of most of the plates from the table above can be easily guessed by their name; however, there are also dishes that are not entirely obvious. A pie plate is used to serve croutons, pies or bread. The chill plate is used to serve various snack dishes, such as oysters, salads or stews. The menu plate, as you can easily guess from its shape, is used to serve several types of salads or side dishes at once. It is also used for serving fondue. Scrambled eggs are served in an egg plate, jam, preserves or honey are placed in a rosette, and a bowl is intended for serving fresh berries, jellies and fruit salads.

What kind of plates you place on the table on a holiday or weekday evening depends on the number of dishes served. Serving a two-course dinner requires one plate, and a four-course dinner requires different plates.

Naturally, the plates on your table should be perfectly clean and dry. It is advisable to polish them to a shine before serving.

According to the rules, a snack plate (see table above) is located opposite each chair. You shouldn’t put it on the very edge of the table, it doesn’t look very presentable! The pie plate is placed to the left of the diner, as you can see in the photo above.

If you are setting a table with several dishes, in this case you place small dinner plates, etc., under the appetizer plates.

Types of cutlery

  • 1,2,3,4,6,31 - spoons: coffee, tea, dessert, table, for making coffee, for ice cream;
  • 5, 7, 8, 9 — tongs: large pastry tongs, for asparagus, for ice, small pastry tongs;
  • 10 - device for trimming cigars;
  • 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 26 - forks: lemon, lemon, cocotte, fish, dessert, dessert, snack, snack, table fork for main courses;
  • 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 25 - knives: for second fish courses, dessert, dessert, snack, snack, table knife for main courses;
  • 24 - ladle;
  • 27, 28, 29, 30 — blades: pastry, for pate, for fish, caviar;

After arranging the plates, you should immediately lay out all the necessary cutlery. Knives are placed to the right of the plates, forks to the left. A tablespoon is placed near the knife. For a multi-course holiday dinner, the utensils should be laid out as follows, starting to the right of the plate: table knife, fish knife and appetizer knife. On pie plate you put down the butter knife. If first courses are intended to be served, a soup spoon is placed between the diner and the fish knives. If fish is not included on the holiday table, a tablespoon is placed instead of a fish spoon. To the left of the plates are forks corresponding to knives in the same order in which the knives are laid out: table, fish, diner.

Also, cutlery should not be piled on top of each other; the distance between forks and spoons should be about 1 cm.

Table setting: glasses, wine glasses, glasses

To the right, behind the plates, we place the glasses from largest to smallest. Depending on what drinks will be served on the table, glasses for water, white/red wine, champagne, a glass for juice, a glass for spirits and glasses are sequentially displayed. When displaying glasses, you should hold them by the stem to avoid leaving fingerprints on the glasses themselves.

Table setting: napkins

What's a holiday table without napkins? Napkins are not only a wonderful table decoration, but also a very practical thing. Napkins come in linen and paper. Cloth napkins are not intended for wiping your hands or face; there are disposable paper napkins for this purpose. Good housewives usually decorate fabric napkins beautifully so that guests can put them on their laps.

Table decor

Regardless of whether you are having a holiday dinner or a daily breakfast, a properly set table involves decorating it with flower arrangements, vases with fruit, the same fabric napkins, dishes with bright vegetables, etc.

It is difficult to imagine a holiday table without fish slices, which go well with most main dishes.

An important role in serving assorted fish is played by its design. After all, few people would want to taste a dish that looks inappropriate.

To properly serve fish, you need to adhere to several rules that will help pleasantly please your guests.

How to beautifully serve fish on a festive table: serving

In addition to the basic cutlery, when serving sliced ​​fish, you should add additional:

  • Knife with a dull blade, shaped like a spatula
  • Fork with three prongs
  • Fish platter

The list of dishes that will decorate the festive table can be very diverse. Everything depends only on the culinary skills of the hostess and the taste preferences of the guests.
However, it should be borne in mind that it is customary to open the festive table with light dishes - snacks.

Appetizers whose main ingredient is fish include:

Successfully serving appetizers before serving main courses plays an important role. Pleasantly surprising guests at initial stage feast, you guarantee yourself unambiguous success when serving the remaining dishes.

The absence of a properly decorated table can ruin any festive feast. Just one original fish dish should make your visitors want to quickly try the rest.


Before serving, the sprat is thoroughly cleaned and the head is removed. Then, beautifully placed on a plate and decorated with eggs, herbs, cucumbers, onions (optional) and on top thin layer covered with mayonnaise.

Canned fish

This type of seafood is removed from the jar, excess oil is removed and transferred to porcelain dishes or trays. The decoration can be green lettuce leaves placed under the fish.

Jellied fish

Cooking tasty jellied fish, without proper experience, can be a difficult task for any housewife. An important component of this dish is broth. Properly prepared broth is the key to an excellent aspic.

Jellied fish - festive table setting

Jellied fish - serving for the festive table

Sticking to good recipe, you can cook truly delicious jellied fish and make an unforgettable impression on your guests.
The finished dish is decorated with vegetables (green peas, bell peppers, tomatoes, capers) and herbs.

Wine is a frequent accompaniment to fish on the table. It goes well with seafood and helps to fully develop and enjoy the taste of the dish.

As a rule, white wine is served with fish dishes. But depending on the taste preferences of the owner and guests, it can also be dry red or pink wine.

Decoration of fish dishes: options, photos

First meal

A liquid fish dish is almost always decorated with herbs and served in a heated bowl.

Second courses

  • Serving is usually done in the same container in which the fish dish was prepared.
  • Before serving, the finished dish is stored in the place where it was prepared (in the oven or frying pan).
  • It is advisable to serve dishes cooked in the oven immediately so that they do not cool down.

Stuffed fish can be served whole so that guests can appreciate its appearance, and then start tasting it.

The finished dish, depending on its size, is served whole or in separate portions, garnished with lemon slices, herbs and olives. You can supplement the dish with a small amount of side dish.

  • It is recommended to cut and prepare the fish immediately before serving. If you do this a few hours before serving, you will make a big mistake, as the dish will lose its freshness and taste.
  • The optimal temperature for cold appetizers is 10-15°C.
  • The number of servings on one dish should be no more than 10 pieces.

There are no specific rules for decorating assorted fish. To achieve success, you just need to use your imagination and creativity.

Some tips for good design fish slices:

  • To carefully cut the fish, use a sharp knife.
  • The individual slices should be small and more or less the same size.
  • Try to place as many different types of fish as possible on a separate plate. The varieties of white and red fish are effectively combined.
  • When placing fish, use classic vegetables for fish: olives, lemon slices.

Serving hot smoked fish

Decorating a festive fish table is a fairly lengthy procedure that requires patience and originality. By putting a little love and imagination into this matter, you can create a real masterpiece. The main thing is not to overdo it and you will definitely hear rave reviews from your guests.

Video: Sliced ​​fish for the festive table. How to beautifully lay out sliced ​​fish?

Table setting is a sign of good manners and hospitality of the hostess, so it is very important that the set table is replete with not only tasty and steaming dishes, but also beautiful elements, correctly arranged knives and forks.

This fascinating and certainly creative activity will be discussed in this article. Here you will find recommendations for correct layout cutlery, as well as photos of serving in different styles and flowers.

Since ancient times, eating was not just an everyday activity. Gathering in company big table, a seemingly simple dinner became something of a celebration.

At the table they didn’t just eat food prepared in advance, people communicated, shared news and their thoughts. As a result, such a concept as table setting was born.

The correct and beautiful arrangement of cutlery and dishes gave the festive table a special look, and with the advent of the first rules of table etiquette, proper table setting became an integral part of any feast.

Moreover, in ordinary home conditions, it’s not even a matter of etiquette. In fact, it’s just nice when there is order and a special atmosphere on the table.

But let's get down to the basic rules that will help you decorate the holiday table.

What you need to know about table setting

First of all, make sure that all dishes and cutlery are clean. To do this, first, without exception, all devices should be wiped with a warm and damp towel, and then polished dry with a dry one. Make sure that there are no water stains on the utensils and dishes.

The tablecloth must be carefully ironed. Its edges should hang down from the table by 25-30 centimeters, so that the corners slightly hide the table legs. Many housewives, in fear for the tablecloth, cover it with oilcloth on top, however, according to the rules of table setting and etiquette, this is unacceptable if you are receiving guests.

Number of cutlery on the table for each plate in different situations may be different. It all depends on the dishes that will be served during the meal.

Well, the last “golden” rule is that the location and type of equipment for each guest should be completely the same.

Proper table setting

Take a look at the following image:

Shown in the photo classic table setting table according to European etiquette. The picture shows all types of cutlery as an example. Of course, you most likely won’t need the entire “set,” so looking at this picture, you can arrange the cutlery in the same way, but leaving only what is necessary on the table (depending on the dishes).

For example, for an ordinary classic Russian dinner, it is enough to leave a pie plate for bread and butter, a spoon for the first course, a fork for the main course, a table knife, a decorative and soup plate, and a glass for water. In each specific case, something may change, for example, if there is dessert on the dinner menu, it is worth adding the appropriate cutlery to the table.

Types of napkins and their location

Napkins are one of the most important accessories on the holiday table. There are two main types of napkins - fabric and paper. Cloth napkins (large in size) are usually intended to be placed on the guest's lap (to prevent food from getting on clothes).

Paper napkins are usually used directly for eating, and they should be located in the center of the table, so that they are accessible to everyone. If the table is large, it is worth placing napkins in several places so that everyone at the table has direct access to them.

By the way, napkins can be placed on the table either in a regular napkin holder or by making original figures out of them. Below in the picture, you can see the four most regular options figurines made from napkins. As you can see in the photo, beautiful table setting table largely depends on appearance napkins and their colors.

By the way, if the feast does not include a first course, then a beautifully folded napkin should be placed on each guest’s plate, but remember that in this case all napkins must be the same, and in the center of the table there must be a supply of them at the rate of 2-3 napkins per guest .

Table setting - photos with examples

Above in the photo, you saw classic version table setting, however, it is not at all necessary to strictly follow these rules if more interesting ideas. You can decorate the table perfectly different ways, the main thing is that the main devices are located in in the right places, and the rest is at the discretion of the hostess.

Let us separately celebrate such a holiday as New Year. Everyone's favorite feasts can be not only tasty, but also beautiful.


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