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Cats at any age remain playful and find toys for themselves in the most different things- from flying midges to any objects lying on the floor. Due to the fact that it can be difficult to find something to play with at home, a cat’s active pastime ends with torn wallpaper, scattered clothes, broken dishes and other problems. To avoid such troubles, you need to get a good toy for your pet. You can not only buy it at a pet store, but also make it yourself.


Toys for cats must meet a number of basic requirements. Before you start making such a thing with your own hands, you should familiarize yourself with them.

  • Large cat toys are safer, especially if you plan to make them for a small kitten. If you follow this requirement, you will protect the animal from accidentally swallowing a small object (which can end badly).
  • A cat toy should not be too heavy. Otherwise, the animal will not be very comfortable playing with it. And if you are making a thing for a baby, then a heavy toy may even pose a danger to him - you will need to throw it very carefully so that it does not accidentally fall on the kitten.
  • It is not recommended to make them too hard, because about them little kitty may damage teeth.
  • The toy should not have sharp or other dangerous parts that could injure the pet.
  • The manufacturing material must be safe and environmentally friendly, otherwise the toy can cause serious harm to the pet’s health, because he will, one way or another, chew it.

If all the requirements are met, you will protect your cat from accidental injuries and pain.

Simple options

You can make simple and uncomplicated toys for cats and cats. Animals will like such things no less than expensive attributes for games. Such options are made quickly without wasting money. Available and inexpensive materials can be used. Some simple toys should even be made from available materials.

Let's take a look at some options for simple but exciting toys for cats.


Cats especially love teasing toys. Such things always immediately attract the attention of pets and can keep them busy for a while. for a long time. For example, one of the most successful options could be a homemade fishing rod for a cat. When playing with this item, the owner always takes a direct part, which makes the animal even more happy. If the owner does not want to spend time on this, the fishing rod can be made with a longer rod so that you can play with the animal without getting up from your chair.

To make such an exciting toy, you will need the following components:

  • a stick of any size or a rod from a fishing rod purchased in a store;
  • blue ribbon;
  • lace;
  • insulating tape;
  • feathers;
  • special construction knife;
  • glue gun.

Let's take a step-by-step look at how to make a fishing rod toy for a cat.

  • First, take a stick of the desired length.
  • Now decorate it in an interesting way by wrapping a ribbon on top. The remainder can be cut off with a knife.
  • Next, leaving gaps of equal length, stick electrical tape onto the stick.
  • Tie the prepared feathers using a lace.
  • To make the thing rustle louder, it is permissible to tie additional ribbons.
  • Cut the end of the tape with scissors and carefully glue it.
  • Now connect the cord to the feathers and stick using a glue gun.

As a result, you will get a good teaser for your cat. Such a thing will not only be interesting for your pet, but will also make it possible to use it for a long time.

As soon as the old nozzle becomes very frayed or the cat gets tired of it, it can be replaced with something new.

If you know how to knit well, you can make a knitted mouse or fish for your cat. Such yarn toys will attract a lot of attention. The same things can be made from thick textiles. The best materials in this case it will be:

  • fleece;
  • felt;
  • faux suede;
  • drape;

Anyone can make a mouse teaser for a cat. To do this you will need the following manipulations:

  • cut out a triangle from the selected fabric or fur, sew its two sides;
  • now carefully fill the resulting bag with cotton wool, leftover yarn or foam rubber;
  • Pull up the edge you didn't sew;
  • attach a tail and ears to the toy.

The most popular and easiest to make teasers will be cute pompoms or brooms. Such things can be made from fleece fabric or knitwear. You just need to carefully cut a few strips, wrap them with a cord in the middle several times, and then tighten them tightly. This concludes the exciting tease. It is advisable to use fabrics that are brighter and richer in color for its manufacture - such a toy will attract more attention.

From an old glove you can make an original octopus toy or any other funny creature you can come up with. Instead of a glove, it is permissible to use an old sock that has lost a pair or another similar item. Embroider bright eyes of unknown monsters on these things - you can use buttons or beads for this. The main thing is to sew them well so that they do not fall off and the cat does not accidentally swallow them.

You can make fluffy pompoms from wool threads.

Or you can resort to another interesting solution - put fluffy and soft covers on wine corks, similar in shape to candy wrappers.

The teasers must be properly secured to make it more convenient for the cat to have fun with them. There are several options on how to do this.

  • You can secure the resulting teaser toy to a string or thick, strong thread.
  • Often teasers are attached to sticks (as in the case of a fishing rod for cats).
  • It is allowed to combine these two methods of securing the toy. The end result will be something similar to a fishing rod.

The most common options, attached to a string, are good because they can be used to tease the animal, drive it until it is completely tired, and then simply hang the thing on a special bracket or door handle. The kitten will be able to play with a homemade toy on its own when it gains strength, or when it is in an appropriate playful mood.

Toys on sticks involve the owner's participation in games. But it is possible to find methods in which the pet has fun on its own, without a person. For example, you can use a tree that is not too hard, but more flexible materials– small plastic tubes, metal springs, thick rubber. Such toys can be fixed on a special stand.

When the kitten attacks them, they will spring back sharply, resisting the pet, which will definitely provoke him.


The ideal entertainment for a cat is playing with a rattle. The latter make appropriate sounds that attract a lot of pets' attention. Such toys can be quickly and easily made with your own hands. At the same time, neither extra strength, you won’t have to spend either time or money - the work will be elementary.

For example, you can literally build a rattle for a cat from scrap materials in just a few minutes:

  • a round container for lollipop or kinner surprise;
  • small items - fish oil capsules, cereals or peas;
  • tape and scissors.

The process of making a rattle for cats will be very simple and quick.

  • Take a round container.
  • Pour into it selected small parts that will become a source of noise when moving. It is best to use fish oil or cereal.
  • Snap the case tightly so that small parts do not fall out.
  • To make the item more reliable, it should be additionally sealed with tape at the joints.

You can make a rattle not from one, but from several plastic cases (Kinder Surprise containers are best suited). Such a bundle can be connected using dense or wool threads. Such a thing will not roll under the sofa or other pieces of furniture, and there will be more noise from it - this will definitely please the cat and attract his attention.

Homemade rattles for mustachioed pets are the easiest and fastest to make. True, they create a lot of noise.

And this applies not only to the sounds coming from the rolling small parts in the case, but also to the stomping of cat paws during “races” with such things.

Complex products

DIY for cats and kittens different ages You can make not only simple, but also more complex toys. These can be interesting educational and educational things that will develop the intelligence of animals. Let's look at some interesting toys of this kind that will definitely please your mustachioed pets.


If you want to really keep your pet occupied for a long time, you can make exciting interactive toys for him. Such things not only keep pets occupied for a long time, they are also educational.

So, you can make a very interesting and unusual toy for a cat with your own hands from plumbing pipes. To make such a thing, you will need to stock up on the following components:

  • 4 plastic “knees”;
  • insulating tape;
  • drill;
  • a special construction knife;
  • blowtorch;
  • 4-5 ping pong balls.

The assembly of such an original interactive toy will consist of several stages.

  • Take 4 special plumbing outlets.
  • The first step will be to connect the two knees. They will need to be wrapped with insulation at the edges to make the joint more dense and reliable.
  • Connect the remaining parts of the pipes in pairs.
  • At the next stage, the two resulting blanks will need to be connected to each other in order to ultimately obtain a vicious circle of the correct shape.
  • Carefully drill holes at random. They should be of such a size that a cat's paw can easily fit in and not get stuck.
  • There will be burrs and protruding elements at the edges of the holes made. They will definitely need to be cleaned thoroughly, otherwise the cat may get injured or feel pain by placing its paw there. It will be most convenient to do the stripping using a construction knife.
  • To make the edges perfectly smooth and neat, you can resort to melting them with a blowtorch or lighter. It would be a good idea to go over the areas to be treated with a piece of sandpaper.
  • Now you can place ping pong balls into the inside of the structure. After this, the toy can be considered finished.

Similar structures can be made not only from plumbing pipes. Shoe boxes made of cardboard and special food containers are also suitable for this. As for the ping pong balls, they can also be changed.

Instead, many owners use their pet's favorite treats. In this case, the end result will be a kind of play dispenser feeder. To get to the food, the animal will need to make a lot of movements, and it will not be possible to immediately eat all the treats at once.


Intelligent toys for cats are wonderful solutions, since they have a positive effect not only on the pets’ mood, but also on their mental development. For a cat to learn something new, it is not at all necessary to build closed systems with hidden balls, treats or balls of wool. Instead of such structures, It is permissible to make real labyrinths.

Labyrinths for cats can be made from the most different materials. For example, knitted tunnels with multi-colored balls sewn to their walls will seem very interesting to the animal. Such a labyrinth cannot be called too complicated; it is most suitable for a kitten.

To do such a thing, you will need:

  • 100 g thick yarn (three any beautiful colors);
  • crochet hook No. 5;
  • wire with a diameter of 3 mm;
  • hook No. 2;
  • thin yarn to make balls.

Let's look at how to make such a thing for a kitten.

  • The pipe should be knitted in the round with double crochets. The diameter of our item will be 22 cm. Such a design will consist of three main parts.
  • The outer halves of the product should be 22 cm in length, and the middle - 24 cm.
  • Cast on a chain of 70 loops and connect into a ring. Knit in stitches, making a yarn over. At the beginning of each row, knit 3 chain stitches to make a rise.
  • Next, all 3 elements will need to be connected by tying single crochets with yarn of contrasting color. When you fasten all the elements of the maze, do not forget to fix the wire.
  • Multi-colored balls will need to be knitted in a circle for the design. For this purpose, you will need to cast on a chain of 4 chain loops, and then connect it into a ring. Next, in the center of the last stitch you will need to knit 8 stitches without making double crochets.
  • On the second row you will need to make increases, doubling every second column. In the third row you will need to double every third column. The fourth row should be made without increases, and the fifth - with decreases in every third column. As for the 6th row, decreases will also be needed here, but in every second column.
  • Next, all the loops will need to be tightened. For the lace, you will need to knit 10-12 loops from the tightened section of the balls, without cutting the thread. The balls can be sewn to the resulting pipe at random.

A wonderful maze that can be assembled into a whole play complex for a cat can be made from ordinary cardboard boxes. Of course, to create similar design it usually takes much longer than with simple intellectual toys for pets. But as a result, you can get a fascinating little thing that your cat will definitely love and attract its attention.

There are a great many variations of domestic cat mazes.

The structure of such a structure can be almost anything - it all depends on the owner’s idea and his imagination.

So, a wonderful design of a cat maze should turn out from plywood sheets. On one sheet of this material, using glue, various sticks and planks, the labyrinth will need to be doubled. In addition to the resulting structure, it is worth laying other parts, for example, yogurt cups or containers left over from chicken eggs. In the resulting maze you will need to place treats that the cat loves. To get to them, overcoming all obstacles, your pet will have to think carefully and concentrate.

Makes wonderful labyrinths for cats from simple cardboard boxes. You just need to take several of these items and fasten them together by making holes different sizes to make overcoming obstacles more fun. It is better to fasten different parts of the labyrinth together not in a straight line, but by making turns and branches.

There is one more interesting option labyrinth. Inside the boxes same sizes You will need to make grooves for the pet, then align them and glue or fasten them using tape. There is no need to put lids on the boxes. The cat will be able to move freely through such an original and intricate labyrinth from below, or make jumps from above. In the boxes you can hide treats that your pet loves, or put small toys.

Any cat loves to sit in boxes, and playing in them is a special pleasure for these pets. Some owners show their imagination and build entire castles and caves from cardboard boxes or paper bags.

Moreover, from such materials you can make wonderful houses for pets.

What else can you do?

A wonderful and useful toy for cats and kittens is a tooth brush. Kittens, like children, often have itchy teeth. If you don’t give the animal something that it can chew, then it will look for it itself. It is because of this that wires, shoes and other necessary things in the house most often suffer. To avoid such problems, you can build a teeth-cleaning toy for your pet. It is acceptable to give to kittens rubber children's toys or rings, however, they are rarely of interest to mustaches.

In its natural habitat, a cat will always find entertainment, be it a running bug or a leaf flying in the wind. At home, a bored pet does not know what to do with himself and comes up with games on his own. The result is torn wallpaper, tattered furniture and night racing with noise and roar. The solution to the problem will be toys that will brighten up your leisure time. pet and help him satisfy his hunting instinct.

Why cats need toys

A cat is a predatory animal by nature, which needs to constantly move and hunt for prey. Therefore, active games are not only entertainment, but also a necessity of life. Many owners, due to their busy lives, cannot constantly entertain their furry pet. In this case, you should purchase appropriate gaming products that will help your pet occupy himself independently for some time.

If the cat is left alone, its leisure time should be occupied with various toys.

The main reasons for purchasing cat toys:

  • maintain good physical shape of the animal - during games, muscles are strengthened and blood circulation improves;
  • satisfy “predatory” instincts;
  • protect the house from the pranks of a bored pet;
  • help an animal left alone get rid of depression;
  • promotes cat mental activity;
  • help curb aggression towards another pet living in the neighborhood;
  • Strengthens the relationship between cat and owner.

The role of toys in a kitten's life

It is very difficult for a kitten, separated from its mother and the noisy company of brothers and sisters, to adapt to an unfamiliar environment. Toys will help the baby survive stress and get used to the new home and its inhabitants. At the age of three to four months, your pet’s teeth begin to change. During this period, the kitten needs to constantly chew on something. Properly selected toys will help the little creature dull the pain when changing baby teeth.

The owner should periodically change the kitten’s toys and take part in joint games.

The toy helps the kitten:

  • adapt faster to a new environment;
  • experience stress after breaking up with your mother;
  • develop faster physically;
  • gain experience and become familiar with the environment;
  • sharpen growing claws;
  • remove plaque and massage the gums when changing teeth;
  • during joint games, establish close contact between the owner and the pet;
  • quickly get used to other animals living in this house.

A kitten, like a child, quickly gets bored with the same toy. The owner needs to periodically delight the baby with new products and participate in joint games.

My cat Cecilia, at the age of two months, fell in love with a yellow rubber duck. Even, most likely, not a duck, but some kind of hybrid of a duck and a swan, because the toy had a long swan neck. The duck was almost the same size as little Tsilya, but this did not bother the cat at all. She slept with this toy and dragged it to the feeding trough. Often the duck was lying around in a bowl of water, and sometimes it was forgotten near the tray. The love continued for some time, and when Tsili’s teeth began to change, my cat simply gnawed the neck of her spiritual affection. Our Cicily has some kind of unhealthy love for rubber products, so to prevent the duck from being gradually eaten, we had to eliminate it from the cat. The swan duck was replaced with chewy sausages and happily forgotten. By the way, Tsilya still loves these sausages to bits.

How to choose a toy for a cat

In order for the toy to truly interest your pet, you should pay attention to important points:

  • the material from which the toy is made must be ergonomic and not have a strong odor;
  • You should not use a toy of poisonous colors, as this may scare away the animal;
  • no need to buy toys too small size, since the pet may swallow or choke on a small object;
  • You should not give your cat a heavy toy, otherwise it will be difficult for the pet to move it;
  • It is not recommended to give your pet an overly hard toy, so that he does not hit the sharp corners of the product or break his teeth on a hard surface;
  • The toy can be easily washed.

Cats perceive most colors in dull colors. But, there are various shades of gray. For the best visual perception For a cat, it is better to buy toys in a contrasting or gray color.

When choosing a toy, you should pay attention to the pet’s individual character traits, health status and age restrictions. For example, if a cat gains a lot of weight after sterilization, give preference to those toys that stimulate the animal to move. For a cat with poor eyesight, toys with soundtrack. The best option- offer your pet several toys and from this draw a conclusion about the preferences of your furry friend.

What sense organs should toys act on in order to attract the animal’s attention:

  • vision - glowing, moving, shaking toys (balls, laser pointer, sunbeams, running mice and various interactive structures);
  • hearing - bells, imitation of bird voices, rustling, ringing, grinding;
  • touch - fur or pile, similar to the skin of an animal;
  • taste and smell - specifically smelling material, adding favorite aromas to the toy (fish, poultry, meat, catnip, honeysuckle, etc.).

DIY cat toys

Some cats are absolutely indifferent to expensive store-bought toys, but are happy to play with an old tennis ball, a plastic lid, or a shiny candy wrapper found under the table. To guess which toy your pet will like, you don’t have to empty the shelves of specialized stores or keep track of advanced new products on the Internet. The easiest way is to make a device for games with your own hands. To do this, you only need imagination and available materials that can be found in any home. Even small children can make the simplest structures.

The most basic way to entertain a cat is to throw a crumpled piece of paper on the floor, making an impromptu ball. You can simply give your pet a ball of thread to be torn to pieces. A written notebook sheet can easily be turned into a simple bow or paper airplane. The main thing is that the animal is interested homemade toy. To do this, you need to show the cat how to use the toy, or better yet, take part in joint games with your pet.

A ball of thread is the most basic toy for a furry friend

Before entertaining your pet with homemade products, you need to consider the types of toys that you can make with your own hands:

  • ball - round rolling objects of any size, color and material;
  • bait toy - various mice, rats and other animals made of soft material;
  • pendulum - in the form of a swinging pompom;
  • toys with food - inside there is a treat for the pet;
  • rattles - toys that make sound;
  • teasers - fishing rods with feathers and other toys that the cat hunts for;
  • interactive toys - designs that develop the intelligence of an animal.

At the end of the game, the cat must catch the prey in order to satisfy the hunting instinct inherent at the genetic level. If this does not happen, the cat begins to get nervous and loses interest in games.

Mouse for cat

The best toy for a cat is a stuffed mouse. Sewing it is not difficult at all. Even small family members can take part in the process of making a toy.

Materials and tools needed for work:

  • pattern;
  • thick fabric of any color;
  • stuffing material (cotton wool, padding polyester, padding polyester, etc.);
  • thread and needle or sewing machine;
  • scissors;
  • chalk or soap for tracing the pattern.

Master class on making a stuffed mouse:

  1. Make a toy pattern. It consists of two side parts, a tummy, ears and a tail.

    First you need to make a pattern for the toy

  2. Transfer the pattern to the fabric. Trace the stencil with chalk strictly along the outline.

    We trace the pattern strictly according to the stencil

  3. Cut out all the details.

    Using scissors, cut out the blanks along the contour

  4. Place the sides of the body together and stitch or machine stitch.

    Fold the sides and sew them together

  5. Sew the belly to the side pieces, leaving a small hole to turn the body inside out.

    Sew the tummy to the sides

  6. Turn out the body parts.

    Turn the torso right side out

  7. Fill tightly with filler, helping to compact the padding polyester with a pencil.

    Stuffing the toy with filler

  8. Sew a ponytail. Fold the strip in half and stitch, without sewing all the way to the end in the wide part.

    Sew the tail and turn it right side out

  9. Insert the unfinished end of the tail into the mouse and sew with a hidden seam.

    Insert the tail into the remaining hole and sew up the body

  10. Sew the ears by folding the two pattern pieces together and turning them inside out.

    Sew the ears from two parts and turn them inside out

  11. Sew them one by one to the mouse.

    Sew on the finished ears one by one

  12. Embroider or draw eyes and nose.

    Embroider eyes and nose

Video: DIY cat mouse

There are many more ways to make a mouse for your pet with your own hands. Mice can be made of fur, leather and other available material. It is better if the toy does not have small parts in the form of beads and buttons, because the cat can swallow them and choke.

Homemade ball

The cat doesn't need an expensive store-bought ball at all. She will happily bounce around a plastic lid or an old tennis ball. Even a hastily made ball from an unnecessary piece of paper will make your pet quite happy.

To make a simple ball-shaped device, you only need food foil.

The process of making a foil ball:

A pet ball can be made from any available material - paper, thread, fur, and even an old sock. You can fill it with padding polyester or cotton wool, and add catnip grass (popularly called catnip) to the filler for more interest in the toy.

Many cats love catnip. Experts believe that this herb saves cats from stress. However, for the most part, small kittens are indifferent to catnip.

My cat is eight months old, but she is completely indifferent to catnip. We took catnip in drops and sprinkled it on the scratching post. Absolutely no reaction. But it seems that our favorite has found a new passion. Recently, my mother was going through things in her wardrobe and found a raccoon collar from an old jacket. I suspect that this is not a raccoon, but a painted cat, because Cecilia immediately took a fancy to the skin. Recently she has been carrying the fur in her teeth, putting it to sleep next to her and playing with it for a long time. Tsilya seems to consider the collar to be her close relative, because she often grumbles at him and sometimes beats him. I don’t know how long this affection will last, but as long as the cat is captivated by a harmless toy, we are calm about it.

Fishing rod for a cat

Cats love to hunt for elusive objects. Using a fishing rod, you can keep your cat occupied for hours. The owner is directly involved in this game, so the pet doubly appreciates such games. For particularly lazy owners, you can make a fishing rod with a long rod to tease the animal while sitting in a chair.

For a homemade fishing rod you will need:

  • a stick of any size or a rod from a store fishing rod;
  • ribbon of any color;
  • lace;
  • insulating tape;
  • feathers;
  • construction knife;
  • glue gun.

Step-by-step instructions for making a fishing rod with your own hands:

  1. Take a stick of the required length.

    Take a stick of any length

  2. Decorate the stick by wrapping required quantity electrical tape on a stick. Cut the rest with a construction knife.

    Wrap a little electrical tape around a stick

  3. Apply electrical tape at equal distances.

    At the same distance we decorate the fishing rod with electrical tape

  4. Tie the feathers with a cord.

    We tie the feathers with a cord

  5. For additional rustling, you can tie ribbons.

    For additional rustling we attach ribbons

  6. Cut the end of the tape with scissors and glue it.

    Cut the end of the tape and glue it

  7. Connect the lace with feathers and the stick using a glue gun.

    We connect the lace with feathers and the stick with a glue gun

    This is what a homemade fishing rod looks like

Fishing rods for cats are a universal version of a teasing toy, because tired or worn-out attachments can be constantly changed. Rustling ribbons, furry mice, laces, dry blades of grass and even an ordinary piece of rag will become an excellent object for hunting.

Photo gallery: fishing rod attachments

Curtain brush is one of simple nozzles for cats Oddly enough, cats really like foam curlers. A light piece of fabric or handkerchief will act as bait for a cat. Cats can play with paper bows for hours. A small soft toy will be an excellent attachment for a fishing rod

DIY pompom for a cat

Cats react to any movement, so a toy that swings like a pendulum will attract attention and, perhaps, become a favorite pastime for your pet. Making a pompom is very simple, and the material for it can be found in any home.

To make a pompom you will need:

  • woolen threads of any color (you can make a pompom from threads of a contrasting color);
  • two disks with holes in the middle (the larger the hole, the smaller the pompom);
  • scissors, preferably manicure ones.

The process of making a homemade pompom:

  1. Take colored threads and two cardboard disks with round holes inside.

    We take threads and pre-cut cardboard disks with holes in the middle

  2. Unwind some of the threads. The main thing is that they fit into the inner hole of the disk.

    We take part of the threads so that they go into the hole

  3. Place two disks together.

    Connecting two disks together

  4. Start winding the thread around the discs.

    Let's start wrapping cardboard discs with nticks

  5. Wrap several layers. The more layers, the more magnificent the pompom.

    The more layers, the more magnificent the pompom

  6. Cut the threads between the discs from the outside.

    Cut the threads between the discs with nail scissors

  7. Use a thread to tie a pompom between the disks.

    We pull the pompom with a thread in the middle

    Pull it several times and secure it well.

    We wrap the thread between the discs several times and fasten well

  8. Remove the discs by inserting threads through the holes.

    Remove cardboard disks by pulling them through the holes or using scissors

  9. Give it to the cat to play with.

    The cat really likes to play with the pompom

Video: how to make a pompom for a cat at home

Pompoms can be made not only from threads, but also from scraps of material, pieces of fur and plush. The good thing about the Pom Pom toy is that the cat can play with it without the intervention of the owner.

Food toy for furry pet

Food toys can be made from very simple materials in minutes. The main task for the pet will be to extract its favorite treat from the toy. And the longer this process, the more the cat likes it.

For a basic toy with food you will need:

The process of making a toy with treats:

  1. Take a toilet paper roll and cat food.

    To make a pet food toy, you will need a toilet paper frame and cat food.

  2. Randomly cut holes in it stationery knife. The holes should be of such a size that the cat food can slip through the holes.

    Use a utility knife to make holes the size of a cat food pellet.

  3. Check if the food fits through the holes.

    Let's see if the feed pellets fit through the holes

  4. Press the edge of the sleeve and press it inward with a crushing motion.

    Press on one edge of the sleeve, pressing it inward

  5. Press the second edge to form the bottom of the box.

    Using a creasing motion, close the second edge of the bottom.

  6. Add food.

    We put cat food inside the improvised box

  7. Close the second hole of the sleeve with the same crushing movements.

    Closing the other side of the sleeve

  8. Give the cat a box to play with.

This toy can be made from a plastic bottle or container. The main thing is that the container is clean and has no foreign odors.

Video: several DIY cat toys

By independently obtaining food from such toys, the cat will become thoroughly tired and will require much less attention to itself. Sometimes, after such games, the animal is quite disappointed when it receives food in an ordinary bowl.

Homemade cat rattle

You can make basic cat rattles with your own hands in just a few minutes.

Basic pet toys created in a few minutes

Source materials:

  • container for Chupa Chups, Kinder Surprise or shoe covers;
  • small items: fish oil capsules, cereals, peas, etc.;
  • scotch;
  • scissors.

The process of making a cat rattle:

  1. Take a container from Chupa Chups, Kinder Surprise, or shoe covers.

    Throwing ping pong balls into a cat maze

  2. Invite the cat to test the design.

Video: interactive cat toy

Similar toys can be made from a shallow food container or cardboard box from under the shoes. If you replace the ping pong balls with your favorite treats, you will get a kind of dispenser feeder. To get food, the pet will have to move a lot, and it won’t be possible to eat all the food at once. Such designs are very useful for overweight cats.

Dangerous toys for cats

  1. It is strictly not recommended to put chocolate and grapes in toys. Chocolate is harmful to animals; grapes are easy to choke on.
  2. You should not make toys with elements such as buttons, beads and other small parts. A cat may swallow and choke on the fittings.
  3. It is better to use white paper for toys. Newspapers containing ink may be toxic.
  4. Toys on a string can be extremely dangerous for a kitten. If a child becomes entangled in a rope, he or she may suffocate in this structure.
  5. Toys with springs are also unsafe. The pet often tears off the toy, and the exposed spring with its sharp ends seriously injures the animal.
  6. Boxes, beloved by cats, are also fraught with danger. If the hole in the box is small, there is a chance that the pet will get stuck in it.

Before giving a new toy to an animal, you should make sure it is reliable and durable. The best way is to test the product in a co-op game.

My cat is absolutely indifferent to store-bought toys, and she’s not particularly interested in homemade ones. The best toys for her it is plastic caps from bottles, ear sticks, cocktail straws and other rubbish that the cat constantly fishes out from somewhere. But Tsili's favorites among toys are rubber products. Our miracle dearly loves silicone hair bands, which we hide from her, though with with varying success. Air balloons It’s a taboo in our house, because Tsilya not only pierces them, but also eats them with great appetite. The anti-scratch guards that we used at one time were completely chewed off. They even made Tsilya sick more than once, which is why we refused to use this accessory. The veterinarian told us that sometimes they extract incredible objects from the stomachs of cats, so you need to carefully monitor what your pets play with. We are trying to find toys for Tsile that will interest the animal and certainly will not harm him.

Photo gallery: cats play with homemade toys

Little kittens need toys to hunt A ball of thread is one of the most simple options toys Boxes and bags are some of the most favorite entertainment for cats. Cats love soft knitted toys Cats love to hunt for fishing rods with a variety of baits. You can even keep a kitten occupied with a roll of toilet paper. An interactive toy can be made from a cardboard box

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To take care of leisure time for your pet, you can make simple toys for cats with your own hands.

To do this, you can use cardboard boxes, paper, old teddy bears and other available materials.

You can make a cat toy with your own hands using minimal costs funds and time.

  • 2 Pompom - a light toy for kittens
  • 3 How to make a fragrant toy
  • 4 Miniature rattle
  • 5 Another option for a soft toy
  • 6 What is an interactive toy
  • 7 Option for an interactive toy made from pipes
  • 8 A complex labyrinth made from improvised means
  • 9 The simplest and most accessible

We knit balls of yarn

If you have an old ball of yarn lying around, give it to your kitten. Surely during the game it will be interesting for him to watch how the ball turns into an infinitely long thread. True, after such fun you will have to rewind the ball again.

“Piercing gaze”

For all the colors of the rainbow

Playful curl

Miniature rattle

The next cat toy idea is to create a rattle.

The sound-making beads inside will attract the pussy's attention.

The cat will chase her like prey and try to catch her.

To create a toy you will need:

  • medicine bottle;
  • beads or other elements that will rattle inside;
  • cover and/or tape.

Wash the empty jar; if there is a label, remove it.

Then place the beads inside.

Alternatively, you can use any small items such as seeds or bells.

The toy must be tightly closed so that the cat cannot reach the contents.

If the lid is not tight enough, you can wrap the neck with regular tape.

Toilet paper rolls come in handy too.

You can pamper your kitten with anything. Even a roll of toilet paper! Decorate it with fun things and the fun is ready!

Let the fluffy ride the cars

Even a toy red cat will amuse your pet

Wonderful frogs on a string

From a Kinder Surprise egg and buttons

If there are children in the house who are not averse to occasionally enjoying Kinder surprises, your cat is lucky. Inside the sweet egg there is always a box of toys, which is usually thrown away. But put several small buttons inside and close tightly (or better yet, glue the halves together so that the filling does not fall out).

The cat will be happy to chase this new toy across the floor; the rattling buttons inside will definitely attract his attention and he won’t get tired of the toy for a long time. In addition, it is strong and durable, and if it gets lost under furniture, make another one.

You can quickly make a toy for your pet from almost anything you currently have on hand. But it’s so important to keep him busy, especially if at the moment you cannot give him all your attention. Use these 10 cool ideas to keep your cat entertained!

Gambling stick

Anything can be attached to a rope - sewn circles, hearts, pompoms, feathers. They will greatly comfort the kitten.

A complex labyrinth made from improvised means

To take care of their pet, some owners buy comfortable carriers, clippers, closed trays, collars, and in order to entertain him, they build complex game labyrinths.

Although it will take more time to make such a toy for a cat with your own hands, you will only need available materials for it.

You can see ideas using egg containers, parts cut out of plastic bottles, yogurt cups and much more.

The cat found a toy tunnel

To create entertainment for the cat, take a sheet of plywood.

A labyrinth is created on it using glue, various sticks and planks.

Additionally, other elements listed above are also included.

The cat needs to figure out how to get around obstacles and get treats.

Mouse Hunt

Surprise your cat by decorating your mouse with a bright long tail.

The design of this mouse couldn't be easier! Fill a cone-shaped bag with soft filling, sew on ears, a tail, and the pet has prey at his complete disposal.

How to make a soft toy for a cat

With just basic sewing skills, you can sew your own soft toy.

The traditional option is a stuffed mouse.

To make a mouse for a cat with your own hands, you will need following materials and tools:

  • thick fabric;
  • interlining;
  • cotton wool for stuffing;
  • pattern (can be seen below);
  • threads;
  • sewing machine.

First, the patterns of the lower part and one side need to be transferred to the fabric that is selected for sewing.

Then turn the workpiece over to the other side and move the second side part. Cut along the lines.

Pattern for a mouse

To make the mouse look like a real one, it needs to have a tail and ears.

For the tail, cut out a strip of fabric measuring 2.5x10 cm.

The resulting part is stitched lengthwise, leaving a couple of centimeters to the end, and carefully turned inside out.

To prepare the material for the ears, the fabric is folded with the wrong side inward, interlining is placed between the layers and ironed.

Then the pattern is transferred to this material and cut out.

Now all that remains is to sew the prepared parts, leaving a small hole for the stuffing and tail.

The sewn mouse should be turned right side out and filled with cotton wool.

To distribute the filler inside the toy, you can use a regular pencil.

When the stuffing is completed, the tail blank is inserted into the remaining hole with the raw edge. Everything is sewn together with a hidden seam.

Now you need to fold the blanks for the ears in half and sew them on.

Embroidery is suitable for decorating the eyes, nose and antennae. You can simply draw them.

The soft toy is ready, and you can give it to your furry pet or leave it next to bowl with food (among famous brands Purina Van, Brit, Leonardo).

Another mouse idea

Important! Given the enthusiasm and energy of cats, the seams of soft toys should be strong enough.

funny feather

The slightest breath of breeze will stir the air feathers, attracting the attention of your kitten.

Box with a secret

In addition to balls, you can place any other objects inside, the main thing is that they are safe for the animal

You can create a real attraction from an ordinary cardboard box:

  1. We cut several holes and put balls or balls inside the box.
  2. They shouldn't roll out, so assembled structure need to be secured with tape.

Cats love to explore unusual boxes, and your efforts will definitely be appreciated.

Toy from an ordinary box: video

"Who's there?" Let's play peek-a-boo

With this game your cat will definitely not get bored. Treat him with a fun activity. It will be enough to cut out the figures in the box and put inside everything that might interest a curious pet. Balls, beads, skeins, spools of thread are an excellent option.

Cat puzzle

The elusive mouse on a stick. Shall we try to catch it?

Made from PVC pipes

If there are no leftovers on the farm PVC pipes, can be purchased at any hardware store 4 bends sewer pipes and connect them.

Cut holes in the pipes slightly larger than the cat's paw (don't forget to sand the holes so that their edges are smooth). Place balls or a plastic Kinder Surprise egg inside. The cat will chase them around the entire perimeter of the pipes and try to get them.

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Making a fluffy pompom

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Heart mouse for a cat - master class

From any piece of fabric, leather, or suede you can make this heart-mouse for a cat. This toy can be filled with different “fillings” - you can take dry catnip, chamomile, wheatgrass, barley, oats. You cannot take plants that are poisonous to cats: datura, wormwood, hogweed, henbane, poppy. If you stuff your mouse with fresh grass, collect it away from the roads, in a clean area, and be sure to wash it in water and then dry it with a napkin.

So, we have decided on the filling, all that remains is to sew the mouse itself. You can sew several mice for your pet and fill them with different herbs - then you can determine exactly what attracts your cat more. We offer you our master class on sewing a mouse step by step.

To work you will need:

  1. Fabric (small pieces).
  2. Grass.
  3. Sample.
  4. Needle, scissors, thread.
  5. A stick or pencil for stuffing the “mouse”.
  6. Tailor's pins.
  7. Rope.
  8. Thick needle.

We print or draw the toy pattern by hand. The dotted line indicates the line along which we will sew 2 parts. Using two points - the place that we are missing - we will turn the toy inside out through it.

Place the 2 parts of the mouse with the right sides facing inward. We pin the pattern with pins.

Trim off excess fabric.

We cut a piece of rope equal to 16 cm. We need to insert the rope into the center of the heart so that it protrudes 1 cm.

We insert a piece of rope inside two parts of the toy.

Let's see: we will sew on the wrong side, we have already inserted the “tail” of the mouse. Don't forget to leave an unstitched section for turning the toy inside out.

We sewed 2 parts and turned them right side out. We fill the toy with chopped grass through the unstitched area; it is more convenient to do this through a funnel.

We compact the grass with a stick or pencil more firmly, let the mouse be plump.

Sew up the remaining hole. We take a thick needle and thread a rope into the eye. This will be a mouse's whisker.

We tie thick knots at both ends of the mustache. Tie more knots - it will be more interesting for the cat to untangle them.

You can sew 2 eyes from felt, but this is not necessary. Even without this, the cat will understand that it is a mouse; everything on the mouse is in place: the mustache and the tail.

Let's cast a fishing rod

A voluminous fish - you can't miss it!

A feather instead of a tail

And someone has already enjoyed it!

Decorate the fish with shiny scales

Pompom - a light toy for kittens

Another option for a soft toy for a kitten or adult cat is a pompom.

It’s even easier to make than a mouse or a fish.

  1. Gather fabric strips of equal length.
  2. Fold the resulting bundle in half and tie it tightly in the center.
  3. Cut strips on the fold.
  4. Distribute the ponytails evenly.

This completes the pompom for the cat.

All that remains is to cut at the fold

Fluffy fur mouse with feathers on a round plastic ball

Reviews (Russia): 320 / Orders (World): 1,400

The toy from the HOUSEEN company is made on the tumbler principle. The fluffy furry mouse with feathers sits on a small stick on a round plastic ball with a weight of 5.5 mm in diameter. Ball halves different color. You can also choose the color of the mouse at your discretion. The toy is durable. She will definitely attract the attention of your pet and he will be happy to play with her.

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Teasing rod with feathers and bell

Reviews (Russia): 550 / Orders (World): 2,300

This cheap, bright toy will provide leisure time with your cat. On a long rod there are colorful feathers and a small bell. The rod is made of durable black plastic, the bell is made of metal and has a golden color. By manipulating the rod, you can monitor the behavior of your pet, develop its hunting instincts and make it move.

Buy on Aliexpress

Wool products

A cat playing with a ball of wool is a textbook image. As with bags, you just need to throw a ball to the animal, having first secured the free end. If at first there is no interest, roll the ball in front of her and draw her attention to the toy. If you are afraid that the animal will choke on the threads, first wrap the ball in foil.

Wool makes wonderful pom-poms:

  1. Wrap the thread generously around the fork and pull it with a pendant in the middle and secure it with a knot.
  2. Remove the resulting workpiece from the fork.
  3. Cut the main body of thread with scissors on both sides of the puff.

A pom-pom can be hung on a doorknob, under an opening, and can also be used to decorate the labyrinths and locks discussed above. A pompom will replace a paper or cardboard pendulum - it all depends on the kitten’s preferences.

Learn to knit and a whole world of products will open up for you self made, which you can make not only for yourself, but also for your pets. Knitted balls with rice filling, colorful woolen mice, birds, fish.

To practice, try knitting a wool cover for wine cork. Cork is a natural and non-toxic material, you can safely give it to your pet for use. A woolen cover will extend the life of the cork; it can be easily improved later by sewing on ears and a tail; Instead of a boring blank, you get a dense mouse on a string.

What's a cat's life like? A game!

If cats could read, they would make the phrase of the great Shakespeare their motto. Owners of furry pets know that if a pet refuses to play, it means something is wrong with its health. A well-fed cat in good health will never ignore advances. At this moment, instinct awakens in the little predator. But you can’t go against nature: tracking down prey, waylaying it, catching up and capturing it - this behavior is characteristic of a real hunter.

There are no kittens that don't like to play

If the kitten is deprived of games, he will hone his skills on your furniture, wires and other surrounding objects. If you don't want destruction, play with it. Joint fun brings people and pets closer together. If there is no emotional connection, a harmful cat may grow up and shit in the owner’s shoes.

It is important not to tire your baby: it is better to spend 10–15 minutes on active entertainment several times a day than half an hour to an hour in a row. The older the kitten gets, the longer he will be able to hunt for toy mice and other prey.

Beginning cat breeders sometimes complain that a healthy pet does not want to play with them. Perhaps they are being too assertive and scaring the kitten or preventing him from taking the initiative. We must remember that this is a small hunter, and the owner only manages his prey. Therefore, allow the cat to dominate during play, give in to him if he grabs a toy.


A backpack with a transparent porthole for comfortable transportation of a cat.

Price: 2,568 rubles.

Shoulder bag with mesh door.

Price: from 776 rubles.

Mazes and puzzles

Cats love educational toys. In mazes and puzzles they hide a small prize that the animal needs to find.

These structures can keep the pet occupied for a long time, but the prey must become available to the hunter at some point.

Why do pets need toys?

For adult cats, toys are an integral part of life in an apartment.

Kittens, of course, need entertainment because they find themselves alone after a noisy company of brothers and sisters. For the little bundle, a toy becomes an opportunity to cope with stress. Considering that the owner is not always within reach, the kitten needs to direct its curiosity somewhere, and the hunting instincts do not sleep and require development.

Imitation of hunting and pursuit is also necessary for adult cats. Play provides physical activity, which guarantees health.

In addition, toys for cats are a good reason to distract them from interior items, as well as an opportunity to save flowers and wallpaper. From idleness, a cat may well become interested in trinkets that are dear to his heart.

Having built a homemade toy for a cat, you can be sure that she will appreciate love and attention.

Scented toy is not for everyone

Making such a tasty-smelling toy is a good chance to arouse the kitten’s interest in a new item. In this case, it is enough to have at home:

  • sewing supplies;
  • small pieces of relatively dense fabric (linen, cotton);
  • polyethylene, “able” to rustle;
  • dried catnip (catnip);
  • decorative elements - ribbons, pompoms, cords.

First, make a drawing of the future bag (square, rectangle, oval).

  1. The pattern is transferred to the fabric, then a sachet is cut out from it, leaving seam allowances: 2 parts are cut out, they must be absolutely identical.
  2. The blanks are applied to each other front side, sew by hand or on a sewing machine, leaving a small hole.
  3. After turning the product inside out, pieces of polyethylene and catnip are placed in it, and the hole is sewn up.
  4. Decorate the toy at your discretion - with pompoms, ribbons or laces.

An easier way is to use it as a bag finished products left without a pair - children's mittens or socks. In this case, you only need to tighten the open edge with a strong thread and tie it in a knot. Most easy option without sewing - a knot with grass, in this case no manipulations other than tying are required at all.

It should be noted that there are some “wrong” creatures in the world from the family of feline predators. They don't react to this plant at all. If the owners “caught” such a kitten, then there is a high probability of completely ignoring this fragrant toy.

Electronic Wireless Remote Control Mouse Toy for Cat

Reviews (Russia): 410 / Orders (World): 5,100

The remote control mouse develops your cat's hunting instincts. The remote control has only 2 buttons that allow you to move the mouse. It can move back and forth over a distance of up to 10 m. The mouse is powered by 3 batteries, the remote control by 2. Charging lasts for several hours. The mouse itself is made of soft plastic.

Buy on Aliexpress

A teaser for playing in a group

Such toys, in which the owners take the same active part as the kittens, are liked by both: for people it is entertainment, for kids it is an opportunity to hunt for very difficult - resourceful - prey. To make such a craft, you need to get a stick that can bend. The ideal would be a fishing rod purchased in a store. In addition, you will need to prepare:

  • electrical tape;
  • a ribbon of any color: for example, blue for a gentleman, pink for a lady;
  • a few feathers;
  • construction knife;
  • glue gun;
  • lace.

This is one of the simplest options, so there are no difficulties on the way to the goal.

  1. First, the fishing rod is decorated: a ribbon is tightly wound around it. The excess is cut off with a knife. Fix the strips with electrical tape wound at regular intervals.
  2. Using a cord, make a bouquet of feathers; if desired, short strips of ribbon are glued to it.
  3. The cord with the teasers attached is glued to the stick.

This toy is good because it makes it quite easy to replace a frayed attachment, creating a new “stimulant” for the kitten. It can be a pompom made of knitwear or fleece, cut into small strips. They are folded, wrapped in the middle with a cord, and tightened tightly. The rope with the teaser is attached to the rod with the same glue.

An alternative to imperfect feathers would be the same mouse attached to a stick with a rope. Or a small ball of yarn with a well-fixed (threaded several times and then tied) thread.

Toilets and mats

Spacious cat litter box with removable grid.

Price: from 1,295 rubles.

A rug with a special texture that collects leftover litter from cat paws.

Price: 579 rubles.

DIY paper crafts

Plastic plastic allows you to create full-fledged origami figures: a mouse, a fish, a bird, a butterfly, and so on. Check what your kitten likes to hunt the most: put together several different figures and play with each one in turn.

If the animal turns out to be indifferent to the figures, make a tassel: cut a colored A4 sheet lengthwise, cut half into a fringe and wrap it around a stick (a pencil will do). An option for the lazy is just a crumpled sheet. It won’t always work, but it’s worth a try: what if your cat is a dog at heart, and he likes to bring abandoned things to his owner.

Mouse is a number one hit

There is no need to even mention how popular this couple is - a cat and a mouse, so such a toy is an almost obligatory accessory. If the housewife knows how and loves to knit, then a rodent can be knitted, but products made from thick textiles are no less attractive to kittens and cats. The range of candidates for the role of a mouse is large. This:

  • drape;
  • suede (artificial);
  • felt;
  • fleece

In addition to the fabric, you need to prepare:

  • sewing supplies;
  • holofiber, cotton wool or foam rubber; their replacement is leftover yarn.

The operation will not take much effort or much time.

  1. First, a triangle is cut out from the selected material, then its two sides are sewn together.
  2. One or more fillers are tightly stuffed into the resulting bag. The edge is basted, then the seam is pulled together and the thread is tied.
  3. Ears and a tail are cut out of the fabric, and these elements are sewn on very securely.

It is better to draw the eyes of the mouse, since the sewn beads will become a big threat to the baby. They can be replaced with small buttons, but only if it will be very difficult for the “naturalist” to get to the threads holding them in place.

A soft toy can be more than just a mouse, although ears and a tail make for an exciting journey through the rooms with the prey. With the same success they sew fish, birds, tigers or piglets. Small balls sewn together and yarn are used to make insects with legs, such as caterpillars.

Toys for adult animals

A bad owner is one who doesn't play with his cat. As already mentioned, play for a domestic predator is the most important part of a full life. Of course, an adult, respectable cat does not need as much running and jumping as a young creature. However, without regular active leisure, the animal quickly loses its shape. You don’t want your pet to become lazy, overweight, and end up in the record books as the fattest cat.

This is the fattest cat in Mexico, he doesn't care about games anymore

Entertainment for big cats is no different: use the same ideas of teasers, puzzles, rattles and scratchers that you have already worked out for the kitten. But don't forget to add something new that your pet hasn't played with yet. Old toys can get boring, but the unknown awakens curiosity.

A healthy cat is always ready to play

But sometimes it happens that there is a pause in the games, and the cat has lost the habit of hunting habits. He does not react to the old proven mice, feather dusters, pompoms and other exciting objects. At the same time, you know for sure that the animal is healthy. This means that we will have to teach him to play again.

The game increases the cat's mood

A large toy will help solve the problem. Give your cat a soft faux fur friend. It is better if the gift is a copy of a real animal rather than a cartoon one. That is, a cat, dog, rabbit or someone else in life size. To make friendship happen right away, try rubbing the toy with catnip (catnip) or spraying it with a spray containing an infusion of this herb. Let the cat get used to his new friend, and then make him come to life. Let him jump, run and attack with your help.

An adult cat will frolic like a kitten if you can stir him up

Catnip, or catnip, has a stimulating effect on animals, but not as strongly as valerian. The substance nepetalactone, which the plant contains, is irritating nervous system cats. But, as scientists assure, catnip does not have an addictive effect and does not harm health. And approximately 30% of cats do not react to it at all. Kittens under the age of six months are also indifferent to it.

Catnip excites cats, but not as much as valerian

It is no coincidence that toys for cats are made in the form of mice, fish and birds. Little hunters instinctively react to the silhouette of their prey. If they are allowed to choose, they will prefer toys that are as similar as possible to real living creatures. When our kitten Timon was allowed to roam around the house, he chose a ferret from IKEA from a variety of soft toys. It turned out to be not quite the right size for him, but satisfied Tim gladly dragged the large booty into his house.

Of all the toys, the cat will prefer the one that most resembles a real animal.

If there are no soft toys or it’s a shame to give them up to be torn to pieces, make a traditional fish mouse for an adult and slightly lazy cat. And put a little dry catnip in the stuffing.

Don't forget to treat your pet with boxes and paper bags from time to time. Just leave them in sight. He himself will figure out what to do with them.

Adult cats, like babies, love tunnels, bags and boxes

A radical way to cheer up a bored cat is to make him a real friend, not a toy one. An aquarium with fish is the simplest thing. It will, of course, interest the animal, but it can put a passive pet in a contemplative mood. But another kitten in the house will definitely add play, fun and movement to the measured life of the fluffy lazy person.

Video: making felt toys with catnip

For cats, play is not entertainment, but a vital necessity. Predators must lie in wait and catch up with prey; for this they have keen eyes, strong muscles, sharp claws and teeth. Domestic cats are equipped with this formidable arsenal, but they live on everything ready-made, surrounded by care and comfort. Only play allows them to express their hunting essence, throw out accumulated energy, and give stress to their body and mind. If you regularly forget to play with your pet, don’t be surprised that he damages furniture and wallpaper, behaves provocatively, or, conversely, has become completely indifferent and passive. Cat games are also useful for the owner: while having fun with his pet, he receives a lot of positive emotions, develops dexterity and speed of reaction, otherwise you can fall under a hot clawed paw.

Today we bring to your attention an article on the topic: “how to make a toy for a cat or kitten with your own hands” from professionals for people. We tried to fully cover the topic. If something is not clear, then experts are ready to answer all questions in the comments.

If a kitten does not have toys, he will scratch furniture, chew the owner's things, and so on. This cannot become a habit. You can go to the store, but it’s cheaper and more practical to make toys for kittens with your own hands. We will make toys from the simplest ones, inexpensive materials. It doesn’t matter to a kitten whether the toy is homemade or bought in a store. So we will use this.

Let's start by answering the question - what objects do little kittens like to play with? Kittens love everything small, rustling, bright, and furry.

Let it be a ball of thread, a ribbon, a string, a piece of paper on a string, paper bag(do not confuse with cellophane, a cat can suffocate in cellophane). Kittens, like most babies, only accept toys and objects for play while they are new. One or two days later they get tired of playing with one toy.

A homemade toy, if made with skill, will keep your pet as occupied as a store-bought one.

What items will be useful for your pet to play with:

  1. Ping pong balls. It is better to choose balls made of durable plastic so that the cat does not bite through the ball.
  2. Carton boxes. Any will do: flat and rectangular, large and small. It is enough to make a few holes in the lid with scissors, and the kitten is busy.
  3. A small ball of crumpled paper or aluminum food foil.
  4. Wine bottle corks. They are from natural material, large and light. Kittens love to chew them and roll them on the floor.
  5. Pencils. Throw a pencil to the kitten and let him run after it.
  6. Empty thread spools. They roll well on the floor.
  7. Any pompom (fur, woolen thread). The pompom is sewn to a string and tied to a chair.

We have already told you how to make a soft toy for a cat. Our task today is to do more simple toys for a kitten. It takes very little time and effort to make a set of different toys for your pet. For the set we will need:

  1. Food foil (not to be confused with another).
  2. Feathers or Christmas tree decorations.
  3. A box from under a centimeter.
  4. 2 any covers.
  5. Small knitted toy.

We put round vitamins (fish oil) inside the box, in case the kitten opens it. We need a rattling or rustling toy - this will make it more interesting for the cat to play. You can cover the edge of the box with a piece of tape, but this is not necessary.

What do we do with these items? We pull the thread out of the ball (tail). Cut a piece of foil and wrap it around the ball. Wrap it tightly so that the kitten cannot unwind it right away. A knitted soft toy is also wrapped in foil, leaving its “tail” of thread. Sew or tie a thread. Inside the wrapper you get a soft little mouse. If you don’t have a knitted item at hand, wind 2 balls of yarn, a large one and a smaller one - this will be the body of the “mouse”.

A toy made from two lids: make a hole in one lid with scissors, thread a thread, and tie a knot inside. We put vitamins inside (you can use pieces of food). Cover the cut with a piece of tape on top. Here is a simple set for the game. We hope that our ideas will be useful to you.

Such toys do not require human participation. The kitten can play this game on its own. For example, make him a game out of a flat cardboard box. A pizza box, a parcel box, old boots, etc. will do. The kitten should try to reach with its paw the object that is inside the box.

To work you will need:

  1. Cardboard box.
  2. Scissors.
  3. Scotch.
  4. Pieces of cardboard.

Small ping pong balls or any other balls.

Using scissors, we make holes in the box: 2 pieces on the sides and 6-8 pieces on top. We tape a cardboard jumper inside with tape to prevent the box from flattening.

Close the box and seal all the corners with tape:

We push the balls through the hole into the box. The kitten’s task is to chase them back and forth with his paw.

In your house there is nowhere to escape from the claws of a cat who climbs everywhere, destroys furniture and does not want to play with a boring candy wrapper?

You can make simple and cute toys with your own hands that will attract the attention of even the smallest and most nimble kitten.

There is not a single cat in the world that would not like to catch a mouse. Even if it’s not entirely real.

We will need:

  • Thick fabric - cotton, linen, wool
  • Sewing machine
  • Threads
  • Nonwoven
  • Holofiber or cotton wool for stuffing
  • The pattern is easy to find on the Internet, we also offer our own version

We transfer the pattern details from paper to the main, thick fabric. First you need to cut out one lower and one side part of the body from the fabric. Then you need to turn the template for the side part and cut out the second one. In order to make a tail for the mouse, cut out a strip of fabric 2.5x10 cm - it should not be rectangular in shape, but with inclined edges, as in the picture, so that it is convenient to stitch.

Everyone knows the beneficial properties natural wine. A glass of a good, aged drink not only lifts your mood, but also serves as a source of vitamins and natural antioxidants.

Nice to have at home several bottles on different cases life - dry light table wines or rich fortified wines, sweet sherry or aromatic vermouth.

Best way to store wine bottles on special racks or shelves, in a horizontal position.

Shelves for storing wine bottles can be made from any materials. The main requirements for materials are that they must be strong enough and have an expressive, decorative appearance.

The most common material for making wine racks is natural wood . The simplest and very stylish shelves can be easily made by hand.

Wooden shelf

The presented carpentry product consists from several square modules . The number of modules and their location can be changed during the manufacturing process.

In order to make one such modular element you will need the following tools and materials:

  • wooden or plywood boards 15 - 20 mm thick, about 25 cm wide;
  • wood screws with countersunk head 35x2.5 and nails 30-40 mm;
  • wood hacksaw carpentry;
  • end plane;
  • rasp;
  • chisel with a working part width of 10 - 15 mm;
  • jigsaw, electric drill with a wood drill with a diameter of 2 mm;
  • sanding paper, with grit P150 - P180;
  • masking tape;
  • wood glue;
  • furniture varnish, brush;
  • hammer.

Manufacturing and assembly

Manufacturing done in this order:

The manufactured module can be used individually, or make several of them and connect them to each other with screws from the inside.

Screw caps when twisted, you can slightly recess it into the wood and disguise it with putty of the appropriate color. In this case, the putty areas must be additionally coated with a layer of varnish.

Note! Before sawing, cover the future cuts with masking tape. This will prevent the formation of rough chips when sawing plywood and boards across the grain.

Country style shelf

Original shelf for placing wine bottles country style It may work out if it is possible to find several railway spikes.

For work will be needed:

  • even number crutches;
  • cutting boards about 25 - 30 mm thick, possible with small cracks and uneven ends. The length of the board can be different - it all depends on the number of bottles that are supposed to be placed. The best board is made from coniferous species - pine, cedar;
  • glue, the most suitable is epoxy, transparent;
  • angle grinder (grinder) with cutting disc for metal;
  • drill with a Forstner drill or “feather” with a diameter of 14 mm;
  • file or rasp;
  • wire brush.

Manufacturing stages

Country style shelves are made in the following order:

  1. Carefully brush the edge of the board with a wire brush. along the grain to get a textured wavy surface. The board can be pre-burnt gas burner. With this treatment, the softer fibers will be removed with a brush, while the harder, “winter” fibers will remain. The board will look like aged;
  2. Drill holes for crutches, give them rectangular shape file or rasp;
  3. Use a grinder to cut off the pointed part of each crutch. about 3 cm;
  4. Apply glue liberally on the inner surface of the sockets and crutches, insert them into the sockets and fix until the epoxy resin hardens;
  5. Coat the product with varnish. The shelf is ready. You can hang it on the wall, strengthening the canopies on the reverse side.

To prepare mastic, take beeswax and heat it in a water bath with the addition of a small amount of turpentine. Apply the liquid hot composition to the wood, in 5-7 minutes remove excess with a rag. Through 3-4 hours Polish the surface with a soft cloth or hair brush.

Various options for making wine shelves are presented in this video:


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