School holiday New Year. “Once Upon a New Year” - a class sketch for the New Year

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The most long-awaited, most wonderful holiday - New Year- just around the corner! And you need to meet him unforgettably!

We offer a truly universal New Year's scenario for a school where there is everything: fairy-tale characters, riddles, games, competitions, poems, and even remade songs and dances!

The scenario of a wonderful fairy-tale New Year's Eve is also suitable for students primary classes, and for high school students. It will not leave indifferent a completely adult audience - teachers, parents, invited guests - everyone, without exception, will have a lot of fun and interesting!

In addition, our script is quite easy to prepare and simple to organize.
So, let's get ready for the New Year at school!

Props, scenery and music

The Christmas tree should have lights with multiple modes (this is important)!

Song recordings:

1. “Russian Santa Claus!”

2. " New Year's toys, candles and firecrackers” (Khoralov A).

3. “Tease of Santa Claus!” children's song.

4. Song “Game with Santa Claus!” (Zheleznovs).

5. Record the ringing of a bell.

6. Music from the cartoon “Prostokvashino”.

7. Recording of the “backing track” of the song Shapoklyak from the film “Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka.”

8. Recording light instrumental music.


1. Leading. Dressed formally: white top, dark bottom.

2. Presenter. Dressed formally: white top, dark bottom.

3. Father Frost.

4. Snow Maiden.

5. Baba Yaga. Dressed in long skirt, jacket, vest, tied with a warm scarf crosswise on top. On his head is a dark scarf. One ear sticks out, the other is hidden. Long tufts of hair escape from under the scarf.

6. Water. Dressed in all green or swamp color. You can take a camouflage uniform. Tied up with "mud". On her head is a green shaggy wig, hair in different directions. And there's a frog glued to the wig.

7. Cheshire smart cat. Dressed in a soft tracksuit. The tail is attached to the back. On the head there is a headband with ears. A cat's face is drawn on the face with a cosmetic eyeliner: a nose, mustache, eyebrows and a wide smile. There are round glasses on his nose. In his hands is a basket with apples and pears.

Scene #1

The song “New Year's toys, candles and crackers” is played (Khoralov A). The Leader and the Presenter appear.

Leading: "Hello!"

Presenter: « Good evening! The celebration of a real miracle, which happens only once a year, is getting closer and closer!”

Leading: “Oh, are you talking about a birthday?!”

Presenter: “Of course, that too an important event, but... for each of us individually! And I’m talking about the New Year - a holiday that is celebrated only in a friendly and very cheerful team!”

Leading: “Yes, and this fabulous holiday only happens once a year!”

Presenter: “But for our long-awaited New Year to come, it must be celebrated very cheerfully, with interesting competitions, riddles, songs!

Leading: “Everything is correct! But the most important thing is that on New Year’s Eve a real wizard who knows how to make all wishes come rushing to us on a reindeer sleigh!”

Presenter: “And what’s his name, guys? Help me remember!”

All (in unison): "Santa Claus!"

Presenters (clap their hands): "Right! Exactly!


"On this fabulous night,

When the blizzard swirls,

We need to drive away sorrows,

Support each other!”



They gathered in a crowd

Everyone is getting ready for the New Year!

Let’s hurry up, you and I too!”

The presenters leave. The Snow Maiden appears.

Snow Maiden:

"Who am I? Tell me, do you know my name?

Can you guess by appearance?

I am the only granddaughter of Santa Claus!

Come on, tell me loudly, what is my name? A?.."

All (in unison): "Snow Maiden!"

Snow Maiden: "Right! It's me! I am so glad to come visit you! I'm so glad to see you! You are all so elegant, beautiful and, I’m just sure, very, very smart! Right? I'm not wrong ( smiling)? Oh, where is our Grandfather Frost? Hasn’t he come to you yet?”

(The guests shake their heads.)

Snow Maiden: “Probably got lost, he’s already old! Imagine how many thousands of years it is! Shall we call him? Help me please!"

Everyone shouts in unison three times: "Santa Claus!"

The song "Russian Santa Claus" sounds! and, Santa Claus appears.

Father Frost:

“How long did it take to get there?

I'm up to you, my friends!

To the New Year's fun!

Are you happy?! And how glad I am!

Near the decorated Christmas tree,

I will gather all my friends!

I will give gifts to everyone,

I will bestow good luck and happiness!

And I wish you good health,

I'll tell you riddles!

Well, are you ready, friends?

Am I starting the holiday?!”

All (in unison): "Yes!"

Father Frost:

“These riddles are not simple,

Expensive gifts for them!

Can you guess it? Great!

I personally congratulate everyone!”

Father Frost (makes the first riddle):

“Two friendly and warm sisters

In winter they warm their hands...(mittens!)"

Snow Maiden:

“Beautiful and fragile fluff,

A gentle one is circling above us... (Snowflake!)"

Father Frost:

"Fast as a tongue twister,

Icy winter... (Slide!)"

Snow Maiden:

“There is sadness for the New Year,

Frost creates... (Ice!)

Walk more carefully

And take care of your health!”

Father Frost:

Multi-colored lanterns hang on the Christmas tree,

Glass, beautiful balls... (Toys!)

Snow Maiden:

Surprisingly, you are happy with him,

It's so beautiful when it's outside... (Snowfall!)

Father Frost: “Oh, how great you are! All my magical riddles have been solved!”

Snow Maiden: “Grandfather Frost, look what a beautiful Christmas tree we have here!”

Father Frost: “And, really! What an elegant Christmas tree! But for some reason the lights on it don’t light up!”

Snow Maiden: “Oh, Grandfather, what should we do? What should I do? Maybe we can call the smartest Cheshire cat? He knows everything! He’s read so many books in his nine cat lives!”

Scene #2

The bell is ringing.

Snow Maiden:

"Who's there? Who's there outside the window?

Does it ring a bell?

Then the cat came running with a basket!

He's in a hurry to join us for the holiday!

Decorating the Christmas tree!

Gathers us all!

He sings songs with us,

Our Cheshire Smart Cat!

To the music from the cartoon "Prostokvashino" the Cheshire smart cat comes out with a basket.

Cheshire Cat: "Hello, my dear! Hello, Grandfather Frost, hello, Snow Maiden! Well, what happened here? Before I could go on vacation to my magical fairy-tale dacha, you need my help again.”

Snow Maiden: “Very, very necessary, cat! Look at our Christmas tree! She is so beautiful and ready to celebrate the New Year! But the lights on it still don’t light up, what should you do? You are so smart and prudent! Tell me, please!

Cheshire Cat (looking closely, he walks around the Christmas tree, talking to himself): “Yeah... uh-huh... Got it! All clear! She's been bewitched! More precisely, they enchanted you so that your holiday would never begin!”

Father Frost: “Who are these robbers here?! Who dared to cross me and Christmas trees bewitch! Ruining the kids’ holiday?!”

Cheshire Cat: “Yes, here they are, ugly and dirty tricks!”

Scene #3

Baba Yaga comes out. Together with her is her friend Vodyanoy. The backing track of the song Shapoklyak from the cartoon about Cheburashka plays.

Baba Yaga (sings):

"Who helps people?

He's wasting his time!

A friend told me

Friend since childhood - Shapoklyak!

Now I know for sure!

Believe me, friends -

Good deeds,

You can’t become famous!”

(The backing track of the song about the merman plays.)

Water (sings):

“I am a merman, I am a merman,

I invite everyone home

After all, in my swamp,

It even seems cozy!

And the New Year is with me,

Like a holiday with the Star!”

(The backing track of the song “Two Stars” sounds.)

Vodyanoy and Baba Yaga (sing while hugging):

“Two stars, two bright nasty things!

Ready for some mischief for the New Year!

We’ll have a party, we promise you!”

Baba Yaga:

“Yes, unfortunately, people are stupid,

Celebrating the New Year!


“They build hopes, big plans,

They dream of living without hassle!”

Baba Yaga:

"Only now, we promise,

Steal your holiday!


If we and the guests couldn’t

Join your company!"

(Chorus repeated.)

Father Frost: “Oh, you scoundrels! Look what they came up with! So, what do you want?!”

Baba Yaga: “So that you complete all our tasks!”

Water: "That's it!"

(Father Frost swings his staff at them. The Snow Maiden and the Cheshire Cat stop him.)

Snow Maiden:

“No need to be angry, Grandfather,

Let's have fun!"

Cheshire Cat:

"Oh, what's for this?

Friends, do we need it?

Turn on the music!

Let's dance together!"

Competition No. 1

The competition is held to the song “Game with Santa Claus!”

You can take part in the competition even while sitting!

The song is about different parts of the body. As soon as any of them is mentioned, Father Frost, the Snow Maiden and the Cheshire Cat show movements with these parts of the body.
Hands (“flashlights”, “claps”, “swinging in different directions”, etc.), legs (“stomping”, “heel, toe and stamping”, etc.), shoulders (“circular movements of the shoulders” , raise, lower”, etc.,) barrels (“turns of the body”, “wobbling”, etc.), jumping (legs “bounce”, etc.).

During this dance game Baba Yaga and Vodyanoy are trying to confuse the participants, and instead of arms, for example, they show movements with legs and so on.

Father Frost: “Oh, I’m tired of you, friends! This is where we had fun!”

Scene #4

Snow Maiden: “Well, Santa Claus, maybe you and I can light the Christmas tree? Hit with the magic staff! Make us all happy!”

Father Frost:

“Help me, friends!

I can't live without you!

Let's shout together: One, two, three!

Christmas tree - come on, burn!

(Everyone shouts along with Father Frost, the Snow Maiden and the Cheshire Cat. Father Frost knocks his staff three times. The Christmas tree lights up, but in a weak mode. Baba Yaga and Vodyany rejoice and clap their hands.)

Snow Maiden: “What should we do, Cheshire cat? It burns, of course, but not as brightly as we would like!”

Cheshire Cat: “Well, Grandfather Frost, it’s time to play games and competitions to properly light the New Year’s tree!”

Father Frost:

“And that’s true!

So, the time to be shy is over,

It's time to participate in competitions

And play games!

The Snow Maiden will help me,

He will put everything on the shelves,

He will explain what and how much!

Come on, quickly, let’s begin!”

Scene #5

(Light instrumental music plays.)

Competition No. 2 “Snowball on Duty!”

This is a massive game, the more participants the better.

Everyone who wants to play stands in a circle. The Snow Maiden gives them 1 snowball (a ball wrapped in white cloth).

To the music, participants throw a ball to each other. The participant who has the ball in his hands says a word associated with the New Year or winter. For example: “snow”, “frost”, “Christmas tree”, “cold”, “icicle”.

The one who repeats himself or delays in answering is eliminated.
The game continues until the moment when only 2 participants remain in the circle, one of whom will ultimately be the winner.

The prize could be a toy, chocolate or school supplies.

Competition game No. 3 “Fairytale Dancer”

This game can be played among both students and guests.

To play, you need to prepare in advance a bag with notes containing the names of fairy-tale characters. For example: “Baba Yaga”, “Bear”, “Fox”, “Merman”, “Puss in Boots”.

To the accompaniment of cheerful, active music, each participant draws 1 note from the bag. Then, one by one, they go out to dance, getting used to their role as a fairy-tale character. For example, if there is a note with the role of Baba Yaga, you can run around, dancing around the dance floor, imitating flight on a mortar or broom.

During the dance, the audience must guess which character the participant is portraying.

Scene #6

Snow Maiden: “What great fellows they are! How much fun we had! How they played! Try it, Grandfather Frost, maybe now our Christmas tree will delight us with its lights and finally break the spell?”

Father Frost: “Come on, let’s all do it together: One, two, three! Shine Christmas tree!"

The most powerful mode is turned on and the Christmas tree lights up with bright lights. Everyone claps their hands and rejoices. Baba Yaga and Vodyanoy are roaring loudly in the corner of the hall. The hosts of the New Year's Eve party appear.

Leading: “And who here is crying bitterly? Who's crying?"

Presenter: “We still didn’t have enough tears at the New Year’s holiday. What's happened?"

Baba Yaga: “What, what?.. We also want to celebrate the New Year!”

Water: "Yes!"

Baba Yaga: “Look, how much fun you have, not like ours...”

Water: "That's it!"

Leading: “So, it turns out that you want to come to us for the New Year’s holiday, but they won’t let you in?”

Baba Yaga and Vodyanoy: “That’s right, they don’t let me in!”

Presenter: “Or maybe it’s all because you’re just used to doing nasty things to people? Maybe you’ll try to do good deeds and speak kind words from the heart?”


Discuss which room for celebrating the New Year with your classmates is most suitable for you. If you want to have an evening of remembrance or summing up in a close circle of only students in your class, then plan to hold this event in your office. If you like crowded and noisy parties, then you should invite children from a parallel class and organize a disco or a competitive program for children from two or three.

Decorate the room to create a festive atmosphere. Be sure to place the Christmas tree in the center and hang as many inflatable balloons and garlands as possible. Don't forget to consider lighting too. It should change throughout the evening. During competitions and performances, bright lighting is necessary, but during a dance program, dim lighting or color music is better.

Prepare your own Christmas tree decorations in advance. However, don't forget about fire safety. Instead of toys made of paper or cotton wool, it is better to hang fruits or candies on the Christmas tree, beautifully tying them with multi-colored shiny threads. Write also original congratulations on self-made postcards. These can be wishes in poetic or comic form for classmates and class teacher.

Think over the holiday scenario in advance. Distribute roles among your comrades. You need to choose the hosts of the celebration (preferably a girl and a boy), as well as the guys who will take part in the theatrical performance.

Find out what the coming New Year will be like by eastern calendar and try to reflect in the script what the coming year has in store for all representatives of the Zodiac signs. You can play, for example, such a game. Ask the guys to unite in groups according to their belonging to one or another zodiac sign. Next, one of the presenters in a tiger costume (if the coming year of the Tiger) or some other representative zodiac sign(dog, bull, etc.) can, turning to the guys one by one, tell them about the future. In addition, he can present them with pre-prepared souvenirs: horoscopes with wishes or amulets for each representative of the zodiac sign.

Hold a variety of competitions that will not only be entertaining, but will also help unite your team. The guys can independently, based on personal sympathies, unite into groups to participate in competitions or, as they have already divided, according to their zodiac sign.

Ask team representatives to depict something without words, using gestures, and their teams must guess the subject of the image.

Invite the children to depict one of the winter species sports Moreover, the participants must sequentially, with their eyes closed, draw just one detail, and their comrades must continue to depict what they had planned.

These competitive tasks will amuse your friends and help create a good and relaxed atmosphere during the New Year celebrations.

Prepare New Year's posters in advance. This must be done in advance by announcing a competition for the best poster. During the holiday, ask the children to evaluate the creativity of their classmates and put a token in a pre-prepared pocket. Announce the winner and give him a sweet prize.

Also hang a blank Whatman paper on the wall and invite the children to write wishes for their friends on it.

Don't prepare a lot of treats this evening. It will be enough to prepare drinks ( mineral water or juices), fruits and place on tables.

Video on the topic

Organization new year old holidays in school- a fun and entertaining process, because the New Year is one of the most beloved and long-awaited holidays not only for children of all ages, but also for adults. And in school New Year can be a special event even for schoolchildren. They may not be little children anymore, but they still want to believe in the fairytale Santa Claus and magic. New Year's Eve.


Start preparing for the holiday and creating a New Year's atmosphere a couple of weeks before New Year's Eve. For students junior classes Organize for the best New Year's drawing or poem. And summing up the results of the competition with the presentation of prizes will be beautiful element New Year's party programs. Younger students will also enjoy Santa's Mail, which they can use to send letters with wishes for the New Year. It will be interesting for high school students to design a wall newspaper with congratulations for teachers and students, as well as organize a New Year's play for kids. It enjoys well-deserved success among students at the best toy for the school Christmas tree.

It just so happened that anyone New Year's scenario- for a school class, a corporate party or just a group of friends - it’s not complete without competitions. But sometimes the same fun trials “migrate” from one festive scenario in another and are no longer perceived as something bright and unusual. We offer you to diversify your New Year's scenario with unconventional competitions - they are suitable for teenage schoolchildren and adults.

New Year's dictionary

For this competition, you need to prepare cards with all the letters of the alphabet, excluding b, ы, b, j. You will also need an opaque container.

The presenter announces that a “Special Holiday Dictionary” is being prepared for publication. Each participant pulls out a card with a letter and immediately names a New Year-themed word and gives it a funny or original interpretation. All words are written on the board or poster to avoid repetition.

Let's make a snowman

The competition participants are divided into pairs. The facilitator gives each pair a roll of toilet paper, a baby bucket and peeled carrots. One member of the pair “makes a snowman” from the second - wraps it around him toilet paper, puts a bucket on his head and “sticks” his carrot nose. The couple that “makes a snowman” the fastest wins.

Option: by giving pairs of guests identical sets of tinsel, unbreakable Christmas tree decorations, garlands, cut out paper snowflakes and clothespins, you can hold a similar “Dress up the Christmas tree” competition. Whoever “dresses up” his partner faster and more effectively wins.

Song competition

New Year's themed words are written on cards or pieces of paper: frost, snow, ice, Christmas tree, frost, round dance, etc. Everything is put into an opaque container - a box, a hat. The host approaches the guests one by one, asks them to draw out a card and sing a line from the song where the drawn word appears. Other guests also join in, reminiscing and singing. The last person to remember the line from the song wins. The presenter can support the participants with auctioneer techniques: “It’s cold for a small Christmas tree in winter - one! It’s cold in winter - two! Three!”

Chinese calendar

All guests will participate in this competition. The presenter announces that the first to be invited to the stage are those born in the year of the Rat.

Guests must complete one of the following tasks (at the host's choice):

  1. Use gestures and sounds to depict the animal under whose sign you were born.
  2. Remember as many fairy tales as possible, literary works and cartoons in which this animal is the main or almost the main character.
  3. Compose a New Year's greeting on behalf of this animal.

Then, according to the zodiac circle, all the other guests complete the tasks in a similar way.

Animal sequence and ideas for the competition:

  • Year of the Rat (Mouse) - “The Nutcracker”, “Hen Ryaba”, “Turnip”, “Teremok”, “Nils’ Journey”, “Cheburashka and the Crocodile Gena”, “Ratatouille”.
  • Year of the Ox - " Goby is coming, swings...", "Bull - straw barrel", "Wolf and calf".
  • Year of the Tiger - " Striped flight", "Winnie the Pooh and everything, everything, everything...".
  • Year of the Rabbit - "Brother Rabbit", "Well, Just Wait!", "Alice in Wonderland".
  • Year of the Dragon - “Serpent Gorynych”, “Kill the Dragon”, “How to Train Your Dragon”.
  • Year of the Snake - "Mowgli", "Rikki-Tiki-Tavi".
  • Year of the Horse - "The Little Humpbacked Horse", "The Headless Horseman".
  • Year of the Goat - “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”, “The Cat’s House”.
  • Year of the Monkey - "Monkey and Glasses", "38 Parrots".
  • Year of the Rooster - “The Golden Cockerel”, “The Bean Seed”, “The Bremen Town Musicians”.
  • Year of the Dog - “101 Dalmatians”, “Cat and Dog”, “Vacation in Prostokvashino”, “The Wizard of the Emerald City”.
  • Year of the Boar - “The Three Little Pigs”, “The Pig Farm and the Shepherd”, “The Adventures of Funtik the Pig”.

Vegetable competition

Two teams of 3-4 people are selected from among the guests. Their goal is to explain to their pantomime opponents what is depicted on the card given to them. They also show the picture to the audience to make it more interesting. The cards can depict any plants - trees, shrubs, flowers. The guessing team can ask leading questions that can be answered “yes” or “no” (by moving the head). For example: “Is this a tree?”, “Is this a thorny bush?”, “Is this a garden flower?”


The host announces that it is time for a competition dedicated to the 12 months of the year. First, those guests whose birthdays fall in the spring months come out. Together they complete three tasks.

First: name all the names of people associated with the three spring months (April, Martha, May and Maya).

Second: they remember at least one poem or song that talks about spring (“I love a thunderstorm in early May”), read an excerpt or sing a verse.

Third: they remember films about spring (“Spring on Zarechnaya Street”).

All other guests perform tasks according to the same principle: after the spring ones - summer ones, then autumn and winter ones.

New Year's competitions for fifth graders. Leisure, hobbies. Child from 10 to 13. New Year competitions for fifth graders. Help, give me ideas or links. Today my daughter and her friend were given the task of preparing competitions for the fire, which will take place the day after tomorrow.


1. "Happy New Year!"
The guys stand in a circle, leading blindfolded, in the middle. Everyone stretches out their hands to the driver, he shakes hands (one) and says: “Happy New Year!” The owner of the hand replies: “And you too!” You can change your voice. If the leader guesses by voice who answered him, then he becomes the leader.
2. Home preparation required.
A hole the size of a child’s face is cut out on a sheet of thick paper (for drawing) in A3 format. A recognizable object is drawn around the hole (snowflake, butterfly, sailor, Doctor Aibolit, fungus, etc.). The driver sits on a chair and looks out the hole, like through a window. Everyone can see who he is, except himself. Using questions Is it living (non-living, animal, can fly, etc.)? must guess who he is.
This competition has been going great for us for three years now. The drawings are sketchy, but easily recognizable.
3. Gemini
Two children take each other by the waist. They have one hand left free. And they have to do something that requires both hands: put a cap on a bottle, cut a circle out of a piece of paper

Yesterday my 5th grader had her New Year's Eve.
Among the competitions were:
1. Drawing the symbol of the year on the board blindfolded (2 people participate at the same time, the winner of the pair is determined by the class)
2. Children stand in a circle and pass the tangerine from hand to hand to the music. The music stops. The one who has the tangerine in his hands sings, dances or recites a poem.
3. Pair competition: Participants are given 2 sheets. You need to walk from one end of the classroom to the other without stepping on the floor. One sheet is placed, the foot is placed on it, then another sheet is placed, the second foot is placed on it, etc.
4. “Sticky”: body parts are written on small pieces of paper (thigh, hand, head, waist, elbow, etc. can be repeated)
Children take turns pulling out pieces of paper and must stick the written parts to the previous participant. It turns out to be a funny caterpillar)

6 competitions for New Year's scenario: for schoolchildren and adults. Competitions for the New Year's scenario - New Year's celebration at school, class, at work. Raising a child from 7 to 10 years old: school, relationships with classmates, parents and teachers, health...


1. Well, for example, remember a fairy tale/cartoon/story where there is a dog/cat/ant, etc.
2. Collect quotes either from well-known works or from those that were taught in class - only really recognizable ones - when you read a quote, you need to remember what kind of work it is.
3. Tasks like - naming dishes/fruits/writers - the last one to name is the winner.

And vice versa - come up with words from a word (well, for example CLAPPER)

The “Children Read Poems” competition has become one of the largest projects within the Year of Literature. Among the participants: children, teenagers, families, kindergarten groups and entire classes from central cities and small towns.

6 competitions for the New Year's scenario: for schoolchildren and adults. Competitions for the New Year's scenario - New Year's celebration at school, class, at work. For example, traditional banquets with an entertainer (including variety acts in the program...

Competitions for the New Year? - gatherings. Child from 7 to 10. The theme of the competition is “New Year, Winter and Christmas” - young readers recite the poetry of classics, contemporaries and even poems of their own composition. 6 competitions for the New Year's scenario: for schoolchildren and adults.

Festive event at school “New Year!”

The most long-awaited and favorite holiday for many is the New Year. All the people are waitinghim with excitement, hoping and believing that he will be better, luckier, happier. It's no secret that it is the most awaited event for schoolchildren. After all, for them the New Year is not only the winter holidays, but all kinds of entertainment, competitions, and surprises.Skillfully and thoughtfully organizing a New Year's holiday and filling it with the necessary content is the task of an intelligent teacher who loves children. What is the best way to do this so that the guys have enough memories to last whole year?

Firstly, like any holiday, you need to prepare in advance for the New Year: decorate the Christmas tree, decorate your room or classroom, etc. Of course, you can get by with store-bought ones for this. Christmas tree toys, garlands. But it is better, in our opinion, if the holiday decoration is made by children with their own hands.

Let it be a snowflake cut out of a napkin, or a familiar paper lantern, or a garland of rings. The main thing is that the child then sees his toy and feels involved in the preparations for the holiday.

Secondly, you need to think through the holiday entertainment program: learn poems, songs, prepare various competitions, games, select musical accompaniment. Prepare and deliver invitations to guests in advance. And also take care of the prizes!

Thirdly, you need to make a New Year's costume together with your parents. It’s enough to turn on your imagination, add a little skill, patience and model a wonderful costume from fabric scraps, paper, fur, and old clothes. By the way, there is one very important, in our opinion, positive point: no one will have such an outfit.

Fourthly, on the eve of the New Year, adults need to think about gifts for their children. Sweet gift sets are traditional. But, probably, everyone expects some kind of miracle from the New Year! Everyone, especially children, associates this holiday with the fulfillment of their cherished dreams.

Maybe from a letter to Santa Claus that you write and send with your child, or maybe from simple communication with children, a caring and loving parent will find, in our opinion, the opportunity to find out what his son or daughter would like to receive as a gift . And he will make every possible effort to ensure that a child’s dream comes true, and that the feeling of magic does not leave the child’s soul for as long as possible.

The Christmas tree was great this year. There is beauty in the hall! Despite the fact that the children were of different ages, everyone seemed to find it interesting. The script is very original. And the songs are so funny. I liked that all the children were involved - they sang and danced in a round dance. At the end of the holiday there was a photo session with Santa Claus. Many thanks to the teachers who organized this event and the children participating in the performance. We express our gratitude to the sponsors A. N. Golikov and V. A. Mikhailov, who always give gifts to children.

With what pleasure our children have been making trips to the christmas tree in Western Dvina. How much joy and impressions they receive.

In conclusion, I would like to say that everyone needs positive emotions, especially children.

May the New Year that we celebrate happy year will come into our lives! And all the good things we dream about will come true, will come true, will happen!

Teacher of the MBOU "Pervomaiskaya secondary school" Utyashova G.S.

The next school year is coming to an end, and very soon there will be a change Yellow Dog, symbolizing the passing year, Yellow will come Earth Pig— 2019. The entire school community is looking forward to the upcoming New Year's holidays. Of course, the children have 2 whole weeks of winter holidays ahead of them. Finally, you can take a break from endless lessons and homework. Traditionally, every school conducts New Year's party for grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and teachers are developing interesting scenario festive event. It can be a traditional masquerade with original outfits, or a matinee filled with all kinds of competitions, games, and quizzes. We bring to your attention 13 ideas of interesting and fun competitions at school for the New Year 2019, which will seem funny, cool and quite energetic for children. And remember that such classes will not pass without a trace for the children; they will certainly affect their self-realization in later life.

Types of New Year competitions for schoolchildren

To mark the end of winter educational period at school and celebrate the New Year 2019, teachers strive to bring as much joy and fun as possible into each class, fill them with an atmosphere of kindness and anticipation of New Year's magic and miracle. During this period, the entire school staff, both children and teachers, should feel the full power of the strong and inextricable friendship of this educational institution, its unity. To do this, you have to create entire scenarios that contain a list of fun activities for children different ages. The most interesting and famous ones are selected, which will certainly appeal to all children without exception. After all, children, first of all, should relax as much as possible, recharge with positive emotions, relax, and only then show off their intellectual abilities. To do this, we give you as an example the following good and humorous competitions that simply need to interest and entertain all primary and secondary school students.

Sports competitions:

  • "Centipede";
  • “Who will jump further”;
  • "Snake";
  • "Strong Men";
  • “Chair gymnastics”;
  • "Circus People";
  • "Drunken Caterpillar" and much more.

Dance competitions:

  • "Dance Sport";
  • "Dancing with Fruit";
  • "Dancing with Balloons";
  • "Ice Dancing";
  • "The island is narrowing";
  • "Primitive Dance";
  • “Pick a pair”, etc.

Creative competitions:

  • “Oh, the dress,”;
  • "Frog Race";
  • "Table setting";
  • "Florists";
  • “Word is code”;
  • "Animals from the Forest";
  • “Riddles at the bottom” and so on.

Comic competitions:

  • "Surprise";
  • "Chairs on stage";
  • “We’ll figure it out for three”;
  • "Fast Walkers";
  • "The most attentive";
  • “Button and loop”;
  • "Dress each other" and much more.

Intellectual competitions:

  • “Drawing by Concepts”;
  • "Remember the details";
  • "Company Poem";
  • "Detectives";
  • "Pun";
  • "Situations";
  • Damaged fax" and so on.

These and many other competitions would be great to hold at school for the New Year 2019, so that children do not have to get bored and wait for the New Year’s event to end soon.

Competition "Open the lock"

The rules of this competition are quite simple; each participant is given one padlock and a set of keys by the presenter. The contestant's task is to find the key that fits the lock as quickly as possible and open it. The first one to complete the task becomes the winner and receives a gift. The lock can be hung on the cabinet in which the prize will lie.

Video about New Year competitions for children and parents

Competition "Abracadabra"

To participate in this competition for the New Year 2019, you need to form 2-3 teams, come up with an original New Year's name and choose a captain. While the children are busy with this, the presenter school board it is necessary to write several columns of different words (the number of columns depends on the number of teams formed) with rearranged syllables and letters. You can capitalize the letter with which the word begins to make the task a little easier. The task of each team is to write the correct word next to each hidden word. Whoever completes the task faster receives a reward from the presenter.

Try to choose words that will correspond to the New Year's theme, for example:

  • egsnurkaoch (Snow Maiden);
  • elak (Christmas tree);
  • darokpo (gift);
  • knakuili (vacations);
  • azprnikd (holiday);
  • jinsenak (snowflake);
  • yefervekr (fireworks), etc.

Competition "Walk"

To play this game at school you will need skittles and blindfolds. The pins must be arranged like a snake. Children are divided into two teams and each player is blindfolded. Holding hands, they need to walk a given distance and touch as few pins as possible. Each pin knocked down is one penalty point. At the end of the competition, the number of penalty points for each team is calculated; whoever has the fewest is the winner.

Competition "Artists"

In the center of the circle or stage are two easels with paper. The leader calls two groups of five people. At the signal from the leader, the first from the group take the coal and draw the beginning of the picture; at the signal, they pass the coal to the next one. The task is for all five competitors to draw a given drawing faster than their opponents. Everyone must participate in drawing. The tasks are not difficult, often just draw:

  • locomotive;
  • bike;
  • steamship;
  • truck;
  • tram;
  • airplane, etc.

Such exciting competition on New Year 2019, spent at school by teachers, children will remember for a long time.

Competition "Holiday Menu"

Competition "Turnip"

Two teams of 6 children each take part in this performance. This is grandfather, grandmother, Bug, granddaughter, cat and mouse. U opposite wall hall 2 chairs. On each chair there is a turnip - a child wearing a hat with a picture of a turnip.
Grandfather starts the game. At a signal, he runs to the turnip, runs around it and returns, the grandmother clings to him (takes him by the waist), and they continue running together, again go around the turnip and run back, then the granddaughter joins them, etc. At the end of the game, The mouse is caught by a turnip. This competition is won by the team that pulls out the turnip the fastest. New Year 2019 with these fun games will be a real holiday for schoolchildren.

Competition “Who? Where? When?"

All participants in the competition, which is held at school, sit at the table. Each of them has a piece of paper and a pen. The presenter asks everyone the question: “Who?” At the very top of the sheet, the contestants write their answer - what came to mind (friend, parrot, teacher, starling, etc.), after which they bend the paper so that it was impossible for others to read the word they wrote and passes it to their neighbor on the right . Then the presenter asks next question: “Where?”, and the participants again write their answer, fold the edge of the sheet and pass it to the friend sitting on the right.

Thus, you need to ask about 10 questions:

  • "When?"
  • "with whom?"
  • "to whom?"
  • "at what time?"
  • "Why?"
  • "For what?"

The presenter collects all the notes and begins to read out the resulting “stories.” It happens that you get quite funny and humorous proposals that will make anyone laugh on New Year 2019.

Competition "Musical reliefs"

To entertain children for the New Year 2019, you can also hold a fun dance competition called “Musical Reliefs.” The presenter turns on the music for 10 - 20 seconds. At this time, all participants in the game can dance, jump, gallop, in short, perform any active physical actions until the music stops. Immediately after the host turns off the music, players must sit or lie down on the floor as quickly as possible. The last one to do this is out of the game. In this way, the game continues until one player remains - the winner.

Competition "Prize in Riddles"

This competition is as follows: take a prize, wrap it in paper, and stick the contents of any riddle onto the wrapper. Turns around again. And again the riddle sticks. And so ten times. The players sit in a circle. The presenter gives one a prize wrapped in ten wrappers. The player removes one wrapper, sees the riddle, and reads to himself. If he guessed it, he says the riddle; if not, he reads the riddle out loud; whoever guessed it gets the right to further unwrap the prize and everything continues according to the same pattern. The one who guesses the riddle and gets to the very end wins.

Thus, the child will not only take part in this event, which is held at school on New Year 2019, but also, if you’re lucky, will win the coveted prize.

Competition "Snowballs"

An equally exciting competition that will interest all children for the New Year 2019 and help them relax after a busy school period. To do this, children are divided into two teams and choose a captain, to whom the leader hands an empty bag. The remaining players should make themselves 3-4 snowballs from paper. At the presenter’s signal, the contestants begin to throw their snowballs into the bag held by the captain. The captain can help with this, but catching snowballs with your hands and putting them in your bag is prohibited. The winner is the team whose bag contains the most snowballs.

Competition "Christmas trees"

This - funny competition, recommended for use in schools as it will allow children to have some fun. Participants stand in a circle. The presenter announces the conditions. Christmas trees can be different: high, low, wide and thin. When the leader pronounces the word “high”, the children should raise their hands up, “low” - sit down, “wide” - make the circle wider, “thin” - make the circle narrower. The music turns on and the game begins. The presenter tries to confuse the children by pronouncing words in different sequences and repeating. The participant who does not perform the required action is eliminated from the game, which then continues according to the same scenario. For the New Year 2019, such a game will give Have a good mood to all participants and spectators.

Video: artist competition

Competition "Who am I?"

The guys are divided into two teams and choose one person each to guess their character. This player receives a piece of paper on which the word will be written: cartoon character, movie, fairy tale hero, any animal, etc. He is forbidden to look at this sheet. The competitor faces his team and shows them what is written on the sheet. The task is for the player to guess which character was indicated on the paper by the presenter. At the same time, it is allowed to ask only questions to which members of his team can answer only “yes” or “no”.

Possible questions:

The one who wins in this New Year's competition, held at school, who can guess the hidden character faster.


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