Download the lunar calendar program to your computer. Moon calendar

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Stages of Russia's Lunar Path

At the first stage, from 2016 to 2026, it is planned to study the Moon with automatic devices. It is planned to land the automatic interplanetary stations "Luna-25" and "Luna-27" in the vicinity of its South Pole, study the regolith and physical conditions in the polar region using the "Luna-26" station, as well as deliver lunar soil to Earth at the "Luna" station -28".
As a result, scientists intend to find out the composition and physicochemical characteristics lunar polar regolith, as well as select the most promising area in the region of the South Pole of the Moon for the future deployment of a lunar test site and lunar base. The second stage of the program includes conducting manned flights in cislunar space and deploying the first elements of lunar space infrastructure, including the creation of a Russian lunar test site; the deep space exploration program is planned for periods after 2030.

Within two years, 2030 to 2032, Russian cosmonauts will begin landing on the Moon and begin building the base itself. The third stage of lunar exploration and development is scheduled for 2036-2050. There is no confirmed information yet about what will happen at this time. But we can assume that during this time the installation, adjustment and commissioning of all modules of the habitable base should be completed.

"The price of the issue"
The Russian program for the exploration and study of the Moon has acquired not only real features, but its cost has also become known. Specialists from Roscosmos, Rosatom, and the Institute of Comic Research took part in the preparation of the program. Russian Academy Sciences (RAS), Kurchatov Institute and Central Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering (TsNIIMash).

The draft “Long-term program for deep space exploration” has already been sent to the Government of the Russian Federation for approval. A record amount of about 12.5 trillion is planned to be spent on its implementation by 2050. rubles
According to the authors of the project, only 10% of the funds will be used to develop space technology for the lunar program. The bulk of the money will be spent on operating and maintaining space technology.

Project selection on a competitive basis
For the first time, the choice of a project for a habitable station on the Moon will be carried out through a competitive system.
“We don’t yet know what kind of project it will be, but after the launch of the Spectrum series spacecraft, a new one should be launched promising project, which will be implemented in the second half of the next decade,” said Lev Zeleny, director of the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
The Russian company Lean Industrial (Skolkovo resident) was the first to respond. Its general designer, Alexander Ilyin, announced his readiness to create a base on the Moon within ten years after the relevant decision is made. Its cost is preliminary assessment firm, will amount to 550 billion rubles, i.e. 4 times cheaper than calculated by Roscosmos and the Russian Academy of Sciences.
According to Ilyin, the project involves the use of already existing technology and funds that can be created in the next five years. Thus, it is proposed to use the modernized heavy Angara as a launch vehicle. The ship, according to the designer, can be created on the basis of the hulls of the descent module and the service compartment of the Soyuz, and the landing lunar module can be based on the Fregat upper stage.

The company already knows where the first lunar settlement can be deployed - on Mount Malapert in the region south pole Moons. “This is a fairly flat plateau with direct visibility of the Earth, which provides good conditions for communication and is convenient place for landing. Present on the mountain 89 percent of the time solar lighting, and the duration of the night, which happens only a few times a year, does not exceed 3-6 days,” explains Ilyin.
The initiative of the Lean Industrial company has already been appreciated by the director of the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Lev Zeleny. “We will consider what the guys from Skolkovo are offering to be an Artek fantasy. It's good that they dream. They have talented people on their team. Some of their developments may be useful in the future,” he said.

Many may ask, why do I need a lunar calendar on a mobile device? - but the answer is very simple, the influence of the moon on human life very difficult to overestimate. Depending on the lunar phases, you can harmoniously arrange your personal life, plan big deals, trips or purchases, there is even a whole science about this. Download the application Moon calendar for android, You can absolutely free on our website. The lunar calendar has a simple and very clear interface in pictures; even inexperienced users will be able to understand all the options. The calendar will be appreciated by people who are interested in esotericism or those who are interested in their future and how they can influence it and make it better.

For those users who are not yet aware Moon calendar is a type of calendar based on the period of changing lunar phases. You have probably noticed more than once that on some days you wake up cheerful, full of strength and energy, and on others you are already in a depressed mood in the morning. Analysis of the lunar phases determines in advance a person’s behavior and the state of his health. The states of your well-being, if you observe more carefully, occur cyclically, in accordance with a certain phase of the lunar calendar. It should be noted that the moon most of all influences emotional condition- women, since they are more susceptible compared to the male body. During the new moon, a person is more weakened and exhausted, the energy resources of your body are at a minimum. As the Moon grows, your energy will accumulate, right up to the full moon.

Using the Lunar Calendar application, you will receive individual recommendations for every day. The list of available tips covers categories such as: health (including healthy eating), recommendations for people doing yoga, water procedures and cleaning, recommendations for gardeners, filling or implementation by chakras, relationships, of course, a symbol lunar day, phases of the moon and a description of your zodiac sign.

All information is presented in interesting graphic and understandable text formats. Thousands of users have already evaluated and tested this utility. Try to learn to plan ahead important events in your life with the help of the lunar calendar, and you will definitely you will achieve success in all your affairs and endeavors. You can download the Lunar calendar for Android completely free of charge on our website.

An electronic lunar calendar that allows you to find out the exact lunar day in your area, as well as astrological recommendations for that day. This program combines the functionality of many highly specialized calendars and allows you to obtain both general data about the lunar day and information regarding health, finances, relationships, mood and agriculture!

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Our ancestors were more sensitive to the world around them than we are and tried to do everything possible to live in harmony with it. In particular, they carefully observed the various manifestations of the elements and tried to build chains of certain patterns from their observations. It is on the basis of such observations that all modern sciences arose!

However, you and I have now all become very educated, trusting only the data of official science (which, by the way, today has encountered a number of cases that cannot be explained from traditional scientific positions) :). We, for the most part, tend to characterize everything that does not fit into the framework of a materialistic worldview as “old wives' tales.”

If you are one of these materialists, then you don’t have to read this article any further (or better yet, download the following program and think a little;)...). However, if you believe that life on our planet obeys laws that are much more complex than those described in textbooks, then I suggest you familiarize yourself with the program TNR MoonLight.

At its core, this program is an electronic lunar calendar that allows you to find out accurate data about the current position of the Moon in the sky and its impact on our lives! The advantage of this particular program is the opportunity to find out not only the general characteristics of each lunar day, but also to receive recommendations about your health, career, personal life and even summer cottage farming :).

IN Lately There are plenty of different software lunar calendars, but there are quite a few of them that stand out. You can compare TNR MoonLight with the not very popular, but quite powerful program Moon to Help:

Comparison with a paid analogue

From the comparison it is clear that TNR MoonLight does not have a built-in dream book and biorhythm calculator. But the lunar calendar (which is actually why we set up this program for ourselves) is much better and more convenient here.

The only disadvantage of TNR MoonLight is that to use the program for free, you will have to receive and enter a new free license key into it once a month. In my opinion, this is not such a minus, but if this is critical for you, then you can buy a permanent key on the program’s website, the cost of which starts from 160 rubles.

Program installation

The installation of the program itself will not cause you any problems, since it is done using a standard installer (which you will download from our website). But preparation for launch will require some additional movements. This is due to receiving a free key.

So, after completing the normal installation, not a program window will open in front of us (as we are usually used to), but a browser window with two pages of the official website. The first one will contain information about TNR MoonLight, but the second one will contain information on how to get a free key! Here you will see a list of all developer programs for which you can get free keys:

In this list, our lunar calendar is in first place and we need to click on it. In the window that opens, we will be asked to familiarize ourselves with the license, according to which we do not have the right to disclose the received key. We accept the conditions by clicking on the special button and receive our key for the month:

All we need is to select this key and copy it.

The program will launch and will work for a month without any restrictions!

But you can not enter any keys and use TNR MoonLight in test mode. To do this, you need to click another button - “Continue without activation”. IN in this case program:

  1. will block your access to the list of cities (but will leave the opportunity to enter coordinates manually);
  2. will disable the function of adding notes;
  3. will block access to additional sections of information except for “General characteristics of the day.”

Setting the Observer Location

So, we will assume that you did use the free key and activated the program, so let’s start setting it up. And the first thing you need to do is indicate your city in which you are currently located.

You can do this by clicking on the button with the ellipsis after the first text field (upper left corner), in which Moscow is listed by default (my Lebedin in the screenshot :)):

Next, the “Terrain Settings” window will open, which will contain fields for displaying the name settlement and him geographical coordinates. First of all, try to find your city in the program list, which can be opened by clicking on the button with the ellipsis after the “Name” (city) field.

In the “City Directory” window, use the “ Quick search" to check if your city is in the database. If it exists, then you will only need to double-click on its name and its coordinates will be automatically entered into the corresponding settings fields.

If your locality is not on the list, then you can set its coordinates yourself by using a search on the Internet or in any electronic geographic atlases.

Working with the program

After entering the coordinates of your current location, you will receive accurate data about the position of the Moon in your area:

It's time to take a closer look at the program interface. Essentially, it consists of three panels:

  • top panel tools, where the terrain, date and time settings, as well as program options are located;
  • side panel, which contains basic astronomical and astrological data about the current position of the Moon;
  • main panel, which displays a variety of Additional Information and there is a calendar in which you can make your own notes.

By default, we have two information panels in front of us. The side (left) displays information about:

  • current lunar day;
  • its duration;
  • phase and visibility of the moon;
  • sunrise/sunset and satellite culminations;
  • phase change dates;
  • current coordinates of the Moon, relative to the zodiac constellations;
  • as a lunar day.

On the right we can read the general characteristics of the current lunar day. But that is not all! In addition to general data, we can also receive information regarding some specific aspects of our lives. To do this, click on the field that says “ general characteristics day" and you will see a list of all available forecasts:

An interesting feature is the “Born on this day” section. With its help, you can find out what fate may have destined for you at birth. To do this, select the appropriate section and use the date box on the top panel to indicate the day and time of your birth:

You will receive two blocks of information with a forecast regarding the zodiac sign in which the Moon was at the time of your birth, as well as regarding the lunar day. Based on this data, you can judge your destiny!

Please note that you can print received blocks of information from any section using the “Print” button, which is located to the right of the list of categories.

Working with the calendar

In addition to “Descriptions”, there is another “Calendar” tab in the main work area:

On this tab you will find the usual monthly calendar, which will contain notes from the lunar calendar. These notes include information about the lunar day and the zodiac sign in which the Moon will be located.

In addition to the calendar, this tab contains sections for creating (on the right) and displaying (under the calendar) notes, searching for the desired date of a specific lunar day, as well as deciphering the qualities of lunar days relative to the zodiac circle.

To create a note, we just need to select the desired day in the calendar and in the “Notes” section click the “Add / Edit” button. In the window that appears, enter the text of the note (which, by the way, will be saved in a separate file in “My Documents”) and click “Ok”. The date for which the note was created will be marked with a green corner, by pointing at it we can read what is written there in a pop-up window:

We can either delete or extend notes for past days. Moreover, we can extend it according to several parameters:

  • the next day;
  • on the next same day of the next lunar month;
  • to the next Moon in the same zodiac sign;
  • to the next Moon in the next sign;
  • for the next complete coincidence of the day and zodiac sign.

This way we can count and celebrate successful or bad days for years to come!

Program settings

In addition to the basic settings we have already discussed, TNR MoonLight also has additional settings that concern not so much functionality as appearance applications. All of them are in the “Options” and “Service” lists, which are located on the top panel of the program’s working window:

In “Options” all settings are sorted into five groups: the first contains the already familiar dialogue for indicating the location, the second and third contain interface settings (colors, type of zodiac on the left panel, etc.), the fourth and fifth include options related with the display of various information and the operation of the program in general (the “Settings” list).

Having configured appearance TNR MoonLight window, we can also look at the “Service” section:

Here are collected various additional features regarding working with notes (import and export), as well as activating the program (if you did not do this during installation) and feedback from support. That's all:).

Advantages and disadvantages of the program

  • the ability to accurately set the coordinates of the lunar observation point;
  • detailed data on the current position of the Moon;
  • characteristics of each lunar day depending on the zodiac;
  • expanded characteristics of days with a description of the impact on life, health, career, etc.;
  • built-in calendar with the ability to make notes.
  • you need to renew your license every month;
  • there is no information about the time when the Moon is without a course (not in any of the constellations).


Despite the problems with monthly activation, TNR MoonLight is by far the most successful implementation of the lunar calendar for PC.

Firstly, this program allows you to accurately indicate the coordinates of your locality, and this affects the accuracy of calculations of the change of lunar days. Secondly, it provides us not only with basic information about the general influence of a particular lunar day and zodiac sign, but also allows us to obtain data related specifically to health, finances, relationships, mood, and even gardening or hair cutting.

That is, all those functions that are usually found in different separate programs are collected in one - TNR MoonLight! Use it to your health, and may the Moon promise you only good luck and prosperity!

P.S. Permission is granted to freely copy and quote this article, provided that an open active link to the source is indicated and the authorship of Ruslan Tertyshny is preserved.

The importance of the lunar calendar and the phases of the moon is extremely great; it is not surprising that many would like to know what phase of the moon is expected on a given day. In order to receive necessary information you can use special applications for Android devices that allow you to determine with maximum accuracy what phase the moon will have on a specific day. Modern applications for Android have wide functionality and allow you to get all the information the user needs. In addition to the current phases of the moon, you can set any date in the filter, and the application will show all the necessary information. Users are offered full information about the rising and setting of the Moon, the Sun, the length of the day and coordinates in certain time day and night. Note that most applications use the user’s current geolocation (possibly if the Android device is equipped with a GPS sensor) and based on data about the user’s coordinates, specific time indicators are calculated. A number of applications use data from weather satellites, which allows you to make an accurate forecast of the presence or absence of clouds during the day or at night.

Weather data is not displayed on the screen, with rare exceptions in a number of applications. Depending on the type of application and the data provided, lunar calendar applications for Android can use only GPS data, or use Internet traffic to obtain a variety of third-party information. Download applications lunar calendar for android users can either from specialized Internet sites with software or directly from the official application store. In the latter case, everything software Immediately after downloading, it will unpack on its own and install on your mobile gadget. There are many paid and free applications. Among the lunar calendar applications for Android, we can highlight the Lunaric program, which has wide software functionality and at the same time is easy to use. The application allows you to customize the information provided to the user. Wide functionality allows you to easily obtain all the necessary information about the phases of the moon on a given day. The application takes up minimal space, so you can easily download it even when using 3G traffic. There are several versions of the program, which are slightly improved and modernized as they are released.


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