How long does wine and beer disappear from the body? To drink or not to drink, or how long does it take for wine to dissipate?

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Wine shelves markets are bursting with abundance. There's red, white and pink here. How not to give in to temptation and miss a glass of wine, or even a bottle. Problems happen later, when you need to drive or show up for work, and the question arises how long it takes for the wine to disappear from the body to the point where the traffic police are not interested in you.

Features of wine as an alcoholic drink

This variety of hop product is the oldest. Wine was made when the existence of beer, vodka, whiskey, etc. was known. no one suspected. Real wine meant using grapes as raw material. This is still relevant today - the use of other fruits or berries in the preparation technology automatically excludes the drink from the wine category.

In addition, wine products are also very diverse. Drinks differ according to the following criteria:

  • the variety of grapes used (white, pink, red);
  • strength (dry, semi-dry, fortified);
  • quality (manufacturing technology and aging play a role);
  • price (ordinary wines are quite affordable; for a bottle of an exclusive drink you will have to pay more than one average salary).

Despite the special status of wines in the alcoholic hierarchy, the drink remains alcoholic, that is, containing ethyl alcohol. Dry wine contains 7-9%, semi-dry 9-13%, fortified wine 16-19% alcohol. From this it is clear that it is very problematic to determine exactly how long it takes for the ethanol contained in drunk wine to disappear. Approximate indicators of the time period required for the wine to weather away are determined using various tables and calculators. But at the same time, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of wine as a drink, the physiology of ethanol excretion and some features that affect how quickly complete sobering up occurs after a glass or liter of a certain wine product.

How does alcohol leave the body?

Regardless of the category of drink consumed, the absorption process ethyl alcohol into the blood begins in the mouth, where about 5% of alcohol enters the body through the mucous membrane. By the way, for wine this figure is higher if the wine product is worthy of being “savored”. The lion's share of alcohol continues to be absorbed in the stomach and upper intestines - here 75-90% of ethanol goes into the blood. The more abundant the snack, the less alcohol will be absorbed in these organs. But since it is not customary to drink wine heavily, this indicator for such drinks is always higher than for strong alcohol.

A few minutes after the first portion of alcohol is absorbed, the process of its elimination, or as many put it, “weathering,” begins. Ethanol is a poison for the body, so its elimination is not delayed for a long time. The main organ that does this is the liver. In response to the entry of alcohol into the blood, the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase is produced, which promotes the breakdown of ethanol molecules into safe carbon dioxide and water. If the amount or biochemical activity of the enzyme does not correspond to the volume of ethanol entering the blood, part of the latter is broken down into intermediate products - organic aldehydes and acids. These substances no longer have the fun properties of alcohol, but are superior to it in toxicity. Thanks to these products, many people experience a hangover that occurs with a significant overdose of alcohol.

Partially, up to 10%, alcohol is excreted unchanged by the kidneys with urine, the lungs with exhaled vapors and the skin with sweat secretions. Because of this, a heavily drunk person reeks of alcohol. The toxic products of alcohol metabolism are also eliminated in the same way. But besides alcohol, wine contains other substances, many of which are also absorbed into the blood and then must be disposed of. This is especially true for low-quality wine products. This increases the load on the liver and, to a greater extent, on the kidneys. The removal of by-products contained in wine makes the weathering of ethanol itself longer. For this reason, ethyl alcohol takes longer to disappear from the body than vodka, for example, if you recalculate the volume of drinks consumed to pure alcohol.

Important! A separate category is the so-called powder wines, which have low cost and appropriate quality. Cleansing the body of such products of dubious quality will take much longer to produce.

Factors influencing the rate of elimination of alcohol from the blood

It doesn't take much observation to notice that different people react to alcohol differently. Usually, whoever gets drunk faster takes longer to recover from drinking. What determines how long it takes for alcohol to dissipate in a given situation? The rate at which alcohol will dissipate is influenced by many factors, the main ones being:

  1. The volume of drink consumed and its strength. It is clear that a glass of vodka and the same volume of dry wine will disappear within different period time.
  2. Body mass. The greater the weight, the faster the ethyl alcohol and its breakdown products disappear.
  3. Age. In a young body, metabolic processes occur much faster, including the metabolism of ethanol.
  4. Floor. The female body eliminates alcohol approximately a quarter of the time than the male body.
  5. Health status. Availability chronic diseases, especially systemic ones, cause slower breakdown and weathering of alcohol. The removal of ethyl alcohol from the blood will slow down in case of functional kidney or liver failure.
  6. Taking medications. The use of drugs that are toxic to the kidneys or liver will reduce the rate of elimination of ethanol and alcohol toxins.
  7. Conditions. In the fresh air, sobering occurs faster than indoors with high humidity and temperature.

The listed factors will influence not only how long the wine evaporates, but also the overall well-being after drinking a wine product or other alcoholic drinks.

How long does it take for wine to be released?

We found that the rate of elimination of alcohol consumed as part of wine will be influenced by a variety of factors. In addition, the strength of the drink and its quality will affect weathering. In order to at least approximately determine the complete removal of wine from the body, there are averaged data for each weight category. The table below shows rates for healthy middle-aged men and women. The calculation took 200 grams of semi-dry wine, 12% strength.

Body weight, kg men women
50-60 2 hours 49 minutes 3 hours 40 minutes
60-70 2 hours 33 minutes 3 hours 03 minutes
70-80 2 h 03 min 2 hours 41 minutes
80-90 1 hour 47 minutes 2 hours 21 minutes
90+ 1h 23 min 1 hour 52 minutes

Increasing or decreasing the volume of alcohol consumed will change the table data provided. If 200 grams of wine dissipates in about 2 hours, 400 grams will dissipate twice as long in 4-4.5 hours. If you have to drive a car, it is better to play it safe and wait about half an hour after the time calculated using the table. More reliable way Make sure there are no extra ppm in the blood - use one of the models of household breathalyzers. The instruments show an error, but it is not so large as to be misleading.

One way or another, we often have to deal with the procedure of taking alcohol into the body. This is also due to historical traditions, as well as a lot of holidays and birthdays. People sometimes drink for no reason: to relax, relieve stress, etc. But if you go to work tomorrow or drive a car, then it would be useful to find out how long it takes for alcohol to disappear from our body.

Bad influence alcohol on our body It has been proven a long time ago and one cannot be indifferent to this. Alcohol, and especially its harmful components, cause unique harm, first of all, to the digestive organs. The liver is considered one of the most vulnerable organs. Alcohol simply kills its cells and thereby disrupts metabolism. Liver cirrhosis is the most common disease among alcoholics, leading to death. The human cardiovascular system and brain also suffer.

Factors influencing the release of alcohol from the body

The removal of alcohol from our body is influenced by many factors that should always be taken into account. Everyone's body is built differently, therefore, after what time alcohol disappears from the body should be considered as average statistical indicators.

  1. Firstly, the age of the person who drank alcohol and his dimensions (height, weight) influence.
  2. Secondly, general health, namely liver, kidneys, heart, etc.
  3. Thirdly, the dose of alcohol consumed, its strength and the amount of snacks eaten.

An important factor- how long the person took alcohol and what doses. Currently, such a factor as the quality of alcohol has begun to play a special role. Nowadays, you can often find counterfeit products on store shelves instead of high-quality factory products, and it is clear that such swill will remain in our body for a longer period.

How long does it take for alcohol to leave the body?

Usually, to find out, experiments are carried out on humans. average height and weight 70-75 kilograms. He drinks various alcoholic beverages and uses a breathalyzer (a device that shows the concentration of alcohol in the exhaled air, in ppm) to take readings. Tests are carried out at certain intervals until the device shows 0 ppm, that is, the body is completely cleared of alcohol.

First, let's analyze the results after drinking strong drinks. Thus, tests have shown that 100 ml of vodka disappears after 4.5 hours, cognac after 5 hours, and whiskey takes the longest to disappear. Since these drinks are of the same strength, production technology and the presence of side components play a role here. Moonshine takes the longest to excrete home production, because its strength is very difficult to determine, and the presence of impurities and fusel oils plays an important role.

Women will probably be more interested in the question: how quickly do low-alcohol drinks (champagne, dry wine) dissipate? It should be noted that Women's bodies struggle with alcohol a little longer than men's.. For example, with the same 200 grams of wine drunk, a female breathalyzer on average shows slightly higher ppm than the stronger sex. And also 100 grams of champagne consumed by the stronger sex takes about 50 minutes, and for women at least 2 hours. This proves that females and males have different degrees of the body’s fight against alcohol. Below, we find out from the table how long it takes for women and men to leave the body of wine. The results are given after taking 200 ml of this drink inside.

Table 1.

Weight (in kg.) Time (hours) Men Time (hours) Women
<60 2,5 3,3
60-70 2,35 3,1
70-80 2,15 2,55
80-90 2,05 2,4
>90 1,45 2,25

How long does it take for beer to leave the body?

Many people are interested in how long it takes for it to disappear 1 or 2 liters of beer from our body and how many ppm are in a bottle of beer. For some reason it is believed that beer is harmless, low alcohol drink and you can drink it as much as you want because there is only 0.3 ppm of alcohol in a bottle of beer. Therefore, beer feasts are often not limited to 1 or 2 liters of beer. If we take into account that 0.5 liters of beer disappears in 3.5 hours, then we can calculate the amount of time depending on the amount drunk.

This point of view is wrong. Naturally, if you drink a bottle of light beer with 4-5% strength, then big problems it won’t, it will quickly disappear from the body. There are unique people who can drink 4-5 liters of beer at once, which can lead to long-term exit alcohol and it will be very harmful for the body. This a large number of fluid leads to increased stress on the kidneys and heart muscles. Below we will give a table: how long it takes for beer to evaporate: 0.5 liters, 1 liter, 1.5 liters, 2 liters, 2.5 liters, depending on the person’s weight. We will also find out how long it takes for beer to leave the body.

table 2.

Body weight kg. How long does it take for 0.5 liter beer to dissipate? , exit time in hours How long does it take for 1 liter of beer to dissipate? , exit time in hours How long does it take for 1.5 liter beer to dissipate? , exit time in hours How long does it take for 2.0 liter beer to dissipate? , exit time in hours How long does it take for 2.5 liters of beer to dissipate? , exit time in hours
up to 60 3,5 8 10 14 17
60-70 3,5 7 9 12 15
70-80 3 6 8 9 13
80-90 3 5 5 9 8
90-100 3 5 5 8 8
over100 3 4 4 8 8

How to speed up the body's cleansing of alcohol

First of all, if a big feast awaits you, with numerous alcoholic products, we need to prepare for it, then sobering up will pass much faster. Be sure to have something to eat before the feast; a small sandwich will do so that your stomach is not empty. Some people advise taking a sip of sunflower oil or eating a piece butter. It would also be nice to have a drink a raw egg.

You can take some medicines. About three hours before the celebration you need to drink 5-6 tablets of activated carbon, and as soon as you sit down at the table, take one or two more. The charcoal will have an absorbent effect and you won't get drunk as much. There are a number of special tablets, but it is better not to get carried away with them, otherwise they can harm the body. Before taking them, it is better to consult with medical worker.

If, nevertheless, the next day you feel that you have had too much, then there are a number of activities which will help you quickly part with alcohol in your body:

But in order not to complete this entire list, It's better to control yourself the night before, do not abuse it to prevent poisoning of the body.

So, in this article we looked at how long it takes for alcohol to leave the body and what factors influence this. We paid a lot of attention to our favorite drink, beer. We found out how long it takes for 1 liter of beer to disappear from the body, and how long it takes for 2 liters of beer to disappear.

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Every driver sooner or later wonders: “How long does it take for alcohol to wear off?” The table, which was specially developed by doctors, provides a fairly accurate answer. But it is necessary to take into account that the average statistical data is given there. There are a number of nuances that affect the rate at which alcohol is removed from the human body.

Alcohol elimination table

It is worth emphasizing that medical data on the breakdown and removal of alcohol breakdown products concern healthy people. Moreover, the individual peculiarity of alcohol breakdown, for which a special enzyme is responsible, is not taken into account in the calculations. We are talking about statistical averages. Therefore, if you want to clarify this point, you can take the results indicated in the table (see table below) and compare them with your own. For example, you can find out how long it takes for beer to dissipate using a breathalyzer (sold in pharmacies). Comparing the results with the indicators in the table will help to understand the individual characteristics of the metabolism of a particular person.

How long does it take for alcohol to disappear - Table complete removal alcohol from the body in hours depending on the amount drunk per 100, 300 and 500 g

Permissible standards for ethanol content

The amount of alcohol in the blood is measured in special units - ppm (‰). The indicator is calculated as follows: the content of pure ethanol in 1 liter of blood is estimated, the indicator 1 ‰ means that in the test sample the ethanol content is 1 ml in 1 liter of blood.

It should be noted that some concessions in the current legislation regarding blood alcohol content are not related to the permission to drink a small amount of alcohol before driving a car. There are products that do not contain alcohol at all, which, when broken down, change the amount of ppm in the body. “Classical” examples are kefir or kvass. Actually, this is related to the permission to drive a vehicle with a blood content of 0.35 ‰/0.16 ‰ in exhaled air.

The recommended break after drinking alcohol is a day. If it is not possible to wait this period, doctors recommend adding 2 to 3 hours to the data in the table (after what time alcohol disappears from the body) to be sure that alcohol is completely removed.

Do not forget that driving in a state of AO ( alcohol intoxication) – a serious offense and a high risk of various accidents due to the driver’s inability to adequately assess the situation on the roads, slow reaction, etc. Remember that when getting behind the wheel with a minimum amount of alcohol in the blood, the driver risks not only his license and money, but also his life (his own, passengers and other participants traffic).

This table shows how long it takes not only alcohol to dissipate, but also other drinks - kvass, kefir, juice

Factors influencing alcohol withdrawal

When figuring out how long it takes for alcohol to leave the body, you need to take into account that this parameter is influenced by the following factors:

This is why it is recommended to take a longer break between driving and drinking alcohol to allow the alcohol to wear off. Moreover, for you personally, the removal of ethanol may take longer (compared to the average statistical data indicated in the tables).

The data on how long it takes for beer (or another drink) to disappear from the body differs between men and women, and this should also be taken into account by female drivers. Add 2 hours to the table data.

How to speed up the weathering of alcohol

There are many tips on how to sober up quickly. It is possible to contact a doctor. They will not only assess the person’s condition realistically, but also, with the help of special solutions, will help to quickly get rid of the decay products of the alcohol consumed. In this case, the question of how long it takes for vodka or another drink to dissipate will not be relevant. At home they will help:

  • Vitamin C (tablets or products containing it in large quantities);
  • Drink plenty of fluids;
  • Activated carbon;
  • Overheating the body to speed up the elimination of alcohol through sweat (sauna, bathhouse, etc.).

Alcohol disappears faster if you visit a bathhouse and take hot bath or have a big meal

Don’t forget, by artificially accelerating the removal of alcohol from the body, you are only relieving symptoms, but not fully correcting your mental state. Those. the risk of inadequate and inhibited reactions while driving remains.

Therefore, you should not take risks and get behind the wheel even after a series of procedures that can reduce the time it takes for alcohol to disappear. The absence of fumes (it indicates incomplete decomposition of alcohol) and ppm in the blood after intensive withdrawal is not always a guarantee of complete safety while driving in traffic with its rapidly changing conditions.

So, you have found out how long it takes for alcohol to dissipate. The table and breathalyzer will help the driver navigate the question of whether it is worth getting behind the wheel a few hours after a feast. But it is best to wait a day after the last drink to be sure that there are no consequences of drinking alcohol.

Video: How long does it take for alcohol to disappear from the body?

How do you know how long after drinking alcohol you can drive? It is best to use a breathalyzer, but disposable household ones have a large error, so their readings may differ greatly from the verified devices used by traffic police officers. It is quite expensive to keep professional devices at home, so it is necessary to accurately determine How long does it take for alcohol to dissipate? impossible. But as an alternative, you can use our tables for removing alcohol from the body - they allow you to accurately calculate the time required for this.

Let's look at what generally happens to the body when drinking alcohol. Alcohol is absorbed through the walls of the stomach into the blood, enters the brain and poisons it, causing intoxication. Up to 25% of ethyl alcohol is excreted from the body in pure form along with sweat, breath and urine (traces in the exhalation are detected by a breathalyzer; if there is any disagreement with the result, the driver donates urine or blood). The remaining 75% is captured and broken down by the liver, first into acetaldehydes, and then into elementary particles.

Note that the process of processing alcohol by the body is completely individual - the withdrawal time depends on the person’s weight, gender, general health, liver condition and the amount of alcohol consumed. The liver can process up to 100 grams of strong alcohol without any problems, but everything else drunk puts an excessive burden on it and poisons the body with acetic acid (this is what causes the so-called fume).

To calculate correctly removal of alcohol from the body you need to understand how the counting is generally done. The unit of measurement used for this is ppm. 1 ppm is 1 gram of pure 100% alcohol per 1 liter of blood.

The output standards are approximately as follows:

  1. The male liver processes about 0.15 ppm per hour.
  2. The female liver processes 0.1 ppm per hour.

These indicators are approximate, but practice usually confirms the theory. In addition, the state of intoxication may vary depending on the type of drink consumed, the amount and type of snack, the general condition of the patient and his psychosomatic factors.

How long does it take

We decided to present the data as a table, describing it for an average man, 40 years old, without illness, weighing 80 kg. If you want to know How long does it take for alcohol to dissipate? Table will help you correctly calculate this indicator. Please remember that according to legal requirements, the permissible amount of alcohol in the exhalation is 0.15 ppm, in the blood - up to 0.35 ppm. We also indicate the time required for the complete removal of alcohol from the body.

Type of alcoholVolume, mlExcretion from the body, h
Vodka50 1,5
100 4,30
330 13,5
500 19
Wine200 2,5
1500 17
Beer500 2
1000 4
3000 16

As you can see, there is no linear progression: the more you drink, the longer it takes for the alcohol to leave the body. Below we will give another a table of how long it takes for alcohol to disappear from the body - it shows the dependence of the amount drunk on a person’s weight.

How long does it take for vodka to evaporate?

In order to compile this table, an experiment was conducted. A man, 35 years old, 175 cm tall and weighing 90 kg, drank 350 grams of classic forty-proof vodka with cold meat appetizer (sliced ​​meat) and juice. Measurements were made using blood, as they are more accurate. The result looks like this:

It is noteworthy that intoxication occurs unevenly. Immediately after the first shot, the device showed 0.8 ppm. The test subject drank the second glass after 3 minutes; the measurement showed only 0.2 ppm. The third glass was drunk after 7 minutes (that is, the total procedure lasted 10 minutes, a total of 350 grams of vodka was drunk), the device showed 2.8 ppm.

Why did such a jump occur? Due to the fact that the first glasses reacted with gastric juice and were actually neutralized by it. If the experiment had been stopped at 200 grams, then after some time the level of intoxication would have risen to 1.5 ppm. How long does it take for 200 grams of vodka to dissipate? In our case, this took about 8-9 hours. But the third glass dealt a “control blow” and caused serious intoxication in the subject.

And one more thing - if you drink cognac, whiskey, brandy or other alcoholic products with a strength of 40 percent, but produced by distillation, then approximately 15-20 percent should be added to the calculated data. The fact is that they contain fusel oils, which add flavor to the product. These oils negatively affect the liver and inhibit its functioning, delaying the process of alcohol leaving the blood.

How long does it take for wine to age?

Since ladies often prefer wine, the experiment was carried out with a woman. A 750 ml bottle of dry red wine (alcohol content 12%) was purchased. The patient's parameters are 35 years old, height 178, weight 65 kg. The wine was consumed for about 20 minutes, only fruit was used as an appetizer.

Here the “side-by-side” picture is as follows - after the first, the device showed 0.5 ppm, after the second 0.7, after the third - 1.2. That is, intoxication occurred more or less linearly, and not as in the case of vodka. And if a man could theoretically drive after two drinks, the woman immediately had to go home by taxi, without even trying to sober up (she would have to wait at least 8 hours to reach the required limit). Therefore, if libations occurred at night, then it is better not to drive in the morning.

How long does beer last?

Now let's look at a more popular and favorite drink among young people - classic light lager beer with an alcohol content of no more than 5%. The test was carried out on a subject aged 25 years, height 180 cm and body weight 75 kilograms. He drank one and a half liters of beer within 10 minutes (3 glasses).

What happened to the subject's body? After the first glass, he detected 0.58 ppm. After 4 minutes the second glass was drunk, the measurement showed 0.71. After another 6 minutes, the third glass was drunk, the indicator returned to 0.6 ppm. This jump occurs because there are gas bubbles in the beer, which allows the alcohol to be absorbed into the blood faster.

So, how long does it take for alcohol to disappear from the blood? , if you drink one and a half liters of beer? After only 7-8 hours of sleep, you can safely get behind the wheel - there will be no trace of yesterday's libations.

Let's summarize

We looked at the three most popular drinks - vodka, wine and beer. In case of taking distillates or strong drinks, multiply required time by 1.2-1.3, for liqueurs and liqueurs by 0.7-0.6. And remember that these are only approximate data, because each body reacts differently to alcohol poisoning.Alcohol is a poison that is mentally and physically addictive, therefore try to reduce its consumption to a minimum. And if you need to go somewhere in the morning, then it’s better not to drink in the evening - you will feel more confident and won’t worry about being caught by the traffic police. And it will be much easier to argue with them if you haven’t been drinking.

We urge you not to drive if you have been drinking. It's better to call a taxi and let a sober driver take you home. In Russia, almost 20% of road accidents are caused by drunk drivers - there is no need to increase these statistics.

You can talk as much as you like about the dangers of alcohol and its harmful effects on human health. But it’s hard to argue with the fact that today he accompanies us everywhere. And even the most responsible and prudent person sometimes gets lost in a situation with unplanned drinking. Here it is important to understand how long it will take for alcohol to completely leave the body or at least decrease to an acceptable level.

Features of cognac absorption

Each type of alcohol has its own characteristics of absorption and elimination by the body. This depends, first of all, on the strength of the drink, also on the gas content (champagne and sparkling wines are absorbed into the blood much faster than still wines), the presence of impurities and additives (pure alcohol and vodka will disappear faster than noble whiskey, gin or cognac).

Cognac is one of the most difficult alcoholic drinks for the body to process. Due to its high strength, its vapors take a long time to dissipate. Protecting the body from instant intoxication, the stomach turns on a special protective mechanism. It temporarily closes the valve on its way to the small intestine, where the bulk of alcohol is absorbed into the blood. Vodka, like cognac, completely passes into the blood only after a few hours.

But cognac, unlike alcohol purified during distillation, will erode much worse. The tannins and tannins obtained during aging in a barrel take longer to be broken down by the human liver. Therefore, the rate of elimination of even 100 grams of cognac is almost an hour faster than the elimination of the same amount of vodka.

Calculation of cognac withdrawal time

If you have to drive after drinking even a small portion of cognac, you cannot rely only on a subjective assessment of your own sobriety. The ethanol contained in alcohol affects the entire body in general and the brain in particular. Attacked central nervous system does not completely control a person’s perception of the surrounding reality.

For an objective assessment, there is the concept of alcohol content in the human body. There are two levels: alcohol content in the blood and in the exhaled air. The measurement is made in ppm or grams per liter. Such a study can be carried out either using a breathalyzer or a blood test. This is difficult to do at home. That's why there are special tables.

So, to determine how long the cognac you consumed the day before wears off, let’s turn to the following table, where you can determine the time of sobering up by the amount you drink.

Approximate time for removal of cognac (40-42°) from the body

Drank 60 kg 70 kg 80 kg 90 kg 100 kg
100g 6 h 05 min 5 hours 13 minutes 4 hours 34 minutes 4 h 04 min 3 hours 39 minutes
300 grams 18h 16 min 15 h 40 min 13 h 42 min 12 hours 11 minutes 10 hours 58 minutes
500 grams 30 h 27 min 26 h 06 min 22 h 50 min 20 h 18 min 18 h 16 min

Factors influencing the rate of excretion of cognac

As can be seen from the table, a person’s weight significantly influences the process of deintoxication of the body. Fat people they get drunk much slower and sober up faster than their slimmer partners.

You should also make a separate adjustment for the floor. Alcohol stays in the female body longer than in the male body. To determine how long it takes for cognac consumed by a woman to dissipate, you need to add an average of 40 minutes to the above figures.

Another physiological factor is the general state of human health and the presence of diseases. Of course, a weakened body is less able to fight the aggressive effects of alcohol, including cognac. It is worth paying attention to age. The older a person is, the slower metabolic processes occur. Accordingly, alcohol is eliminated more slowly.

Interestingly, even nationality influences this process. The body of Asian people contains very few enzymes responsible for the breakdown of ethanol. For them, drinking strong drinks such as cognac is extremely undesirable.

Secondary, but no less important are external factors. Ambient temperature matters. In a warmer and stuffier room, intoxication occurs faster, and sobering up more slowly. Fresh air and low ambient temperature help ensure that cognac vapors disappear as quickly as possible.

And of course, don’t forget about satiety. The fact that a full stomach absorbs incoming alcohol better than an empty stomach does not require much proof.

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