How much do electrician services cost, and what is included in the list of electrical installation works? What types of electrical installation work are there and when do you need a permit from Electrical Installation from ING Service?

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When performing electrical installation work, you need to take into account that it consists of a whole set of tasks, the solution of which is necessary for the subsequent connection of devices and devices operating from the electrical network.

This stage of construction or repair work is one of the main ones, because it is thanks to electricity that a person can live in his home in complete comfort.

Cost of work
Name Price
Installation of cable cross-section up to 2.5mm from 50 rub.
Installation of cable cross-section up to 6mm from 65 rub.
Installation of cable cross-section up to 10mm from 85 rub.
Installation of cable cross-section up to 16mm from 100 rub.
Installation of cable cross-section up to 25mm from 155 rub.
Tightening the cable into the corrugation from 30 rub.
Installation of cable duct from 60 rub.
Installation of technical recesses from 150 rub.
Installation of a socket box from 60 rub.
Disconnecting the distribution box from 400 rub.
Installation of electrical panel from 1200 rub.
Installation of circuit breaker from 170 rub.
Installation of electric meter from 1000 rub.
Installation of socket, switch from 200 rub.
Installation of lamp, sconce from 400 rub.
Chandelier installation from 500 rub.
Hole installation from 100 rub.
Grilling from 140 rub.

Initial stage of electrical installation work

Before starting work, specialists develop a power supply project aimed at eliminating any inaccuracies or errors at the stage of all work. In the event that a deviation from the project occurs, all further work should be suspended as it could be life-threatening.

In addition to the development of the project, the calculation of the total electrical loads supplied to the network from all connected electrical consumers is carried out.

After that, obsolete or failed sources of the power supply system are dismantled.

Quite often, new elements are installed in existing grooves, which sometimes require preliminary preparation.

If work is carried out in a new building, then all niches are completed in full.

List of works related to electrical installation

  • Laying cable lines;
  • connecting electrical appliances;
  • installation of electrical products;
  • checking the interaction of electrical circuit elements;
  • connecting lighting devices and other electrical equipment;
  • carrying out Internet wires, telephone lines and television cables.

In addition to basic electrical installation work, there are also Additional services: wall chipping, adjustment of mounted electrical appliances.

An indicator that all work was carried out at the proper level is the coordinated work of all installed systems and uninterrupted transmission of electricity.

All electrical work in the house should be entrusted only to qualified electricians, since self-installation far from safe. Finding qualified specialists is not at all difficult. Masters of the EuroGarant company in Yekaterinburg will carry out all necessary work actually top level. Find out our prices for electrical installation work. You can order electricity directly from our website by simply submitting a request. Or call the numbers provided.

Other services of the Eurogarant company

Modern systems almost all operate using electricity, which leads to the installation of similar paths in almost every home. Such operations are performed only by experienced specialists.

This allows you to eliminate all sorts of troubles and accidental damage to structures that will lead to a fire or short circuit.

Main stages

Electric installation work- this is a relatively complex and lengthy procedure, especially when it comes to facilities where similar systems are being installed from scratch. Such operations can be divided into several successive stages:

  1. Preparation involves arrangement and installation special types fasteners for specific electrical devices.
  2. Transportation of structures that are planned to be used in such systems. At this stage, their complete installation is carried out in accordance with modern standards and safety rules.
  3. Functionality check. This stage is very important, as it allows you to identify system shortcomings and correct them.

Operations during installation of electrical networks

Electrical installation work includes several different operations:

  • Planning the location and securing the cable. Here they can use both hidden and open method installation, which depends on the needs or requirements of the client.
  • Replacement of switches, sockets. This also involves setting them up, checking and restoring their functionality. In some cases, these elements may also be transferred from one location to another.
  • Replacement, installation and configuration work of all types lighting fixtures(chandeliers, lamps, etc.).
  • Installation of meters, protective systems RCD, etc.
  • Installation and calculation of the panel board. All functional systems are also connected to it.
  • Installation of a grounding system, as well as arrangement of lightning rods and other protective structures.
  • Network laying. These operations include installation of fiber optic or TV cable, followed by connection to a specialized system.

Electrical installation work is a full range of operations to ensure optimal functioning of the facility and safe use electricity.

Always have two stages:

The initial stage occurs at the first stage of repair, redevelopment or immediately after the construction of walls. It includes marking, wiring, mechanical work, installation of socket boxes and distribution cabinets.

The final stage occurs after finishing floors, walls, ceilings and accommodates the installation of sockets, power consumers, lamps.

All electric installation work include the following stages:

1. Dismantling work - removal of old wires and electrical equipment, sockets, switches. To perform dismantling, it is necessary to turn off the power to the room at the electrical distribution panel to avoid electric shock.

2. Marking – marking the location of cables, installation of sockets and other equipment. Getting acquainted with the laying of the rest utility networks(alarm system, heating, water supply, sewerage and everything else). If necessary, the design documentation is changed and entered into the project.

3. Mechanical work– punching through the walls is carried out to install the cable and bring power into the room. Before gating (cutting grooves in the wall for cables), it is necessary to check the walls for the presence of old wiring if electrical installation work is being carried out after repairs.

4. Laying cables and electrical wiring – direct laying of cables and wires. It has two methods of execution: open and hidden.

  • Hidden wiring is wiring that is installed using grooves under a layer of plaster. Mainly used for residential purposes, office buildings, as the safest to use.

  • Open wiring is wiring that is installed along the plane of walls and ceilings; the wires are secured with glue or with special staples. Mainly used in country houses, technical rooms.
  • 5. Installation of electrical equipment (sockets, lamps) - installation and connection of electrical equipment (sockets, switches, lamps) to pre-laid wires.

    6. Connecting electrical wires into a single system - actually connecting all cords and wires into one power supply system for the room.

    7. Checking the electrical circuit - commissioning work is carried out.

    For this:

  • Inspect and check the installed electrical equipment for compliance project documentation and dogmas of electrical installation work.

  • Measure the insulation resistance of electrical wiring.

  • Check the presence of an electrical circuit and the quality of grounding devices.

  • Check the performance of the RCD.

  • Check the quality of fastening of socket units.

  • Check the quality of fastening hooks for hanging chandeliers.
  • It is impossible to imagine modern life or production without electricity. It is used both for and for the operation of various types of devices, communications, etc.

    Electrical installation work means a complex construction work carried out during new construction, or modernization and reconstruction of buildings and structures for various purposes, and involving installation electrical networks electrical equipment. Such work includes laying external and internal networks, installation of starting and protective equipment, installation electrical panels, boxes, electric lighting. GOST-23887-79 defines electrical installation work as installation of electrical products or their components having current-carrying elements.

    The purpose of electrical installation is to connect consumers to sources of electricity, from installing sockets to providing a system uninterrupted power supply the entire object. The quality and timing of electrical installation directly depend on the skills of the team of specialists.

    In the process of performing electrical installation work, performers face such the most difficult tasks, such as automation of work processes or installation of electrical systems in complex production chains.

    Electrical installation work must be carried out taking into account a number of standards, such as – Rules for the installation of electrical power supply (PUE), Building codes and rules (SNiP), instructions from manufacturers of electrical equipment.


    At the facilities for various purposes are carried out the following types electrical installation work:

    Installation of electrical wiring and equipment;

    Installation protective equipment, boards, counters;

    Setting up external and internal lines;

    Installation of electric lighting systems;

    Electrical work;

    Installation of working power electrical equipment;

    Introduction and adjustment of electricity sources;

    Low-current systems and commissioning;

    Installation and adjustment of video surveillance, communication and alarm systems.

    Our specialists are sufficiently qualified to carry out electrical installation work at any level, including:

    Installation of cables, switches, sockets, and other accessories;

    Replacement of old wiring and installation of new equipment;

    Commissioning of modern uninterrupted sources electricity;

    Setting up electric lighting;

    Installation of video surveillance and alarm systems, network setup,


    The main task of specialists installing electrical wiring is to ensure safety, reliability and compliance of the power supply system with the required level of energy consumption. Incorrectly carried out electrical work significantly increase the risk of emergency situations, posing a threat to material property, life and health of surrounding people. Thus, in industrial facilities that have highest power equipment, cables should be laid with increased margin bandwidth, providing best level reliability.

    When carrying out work, technical measures are taken to ensure the safety of work, in accordance with current standards:

    Protective shutdowns;

    Hanging prohibitory posters;

    Checking for no voltage;

    Grounding installation;

    Fencing the workplace and posting warning signs.

    Not only the comfort and standard of living of people, but also the stability of the operation of enterprises and the economy as a whole depend on electrical installation and reliability in the work of electricians. In cooperation with VI Energy, your electrical equipment will work reliably and without interruption.

    When turning to electricians for services, many do not even know what these services even include. Everything is especially murky with the services of private traders, who can give up work halfway and never give guarantees of results. This happens quite often: you call an electrician based on one of the advertisements in the newspaper or on a free resource on the Internet, describe the problem and agree on a time of arrival. Not only does the electrician not arrive on time, but in the process of work it also turns out that you will have to pay another thousand or two more. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to call specialists from trusted companies that clearly regulate what is included in electrician services.

    Transparent estimates

    To understand how much and what you pay for, the company draws up design and estimate documentation. The first part is rather intended for masters, and also so that you can more clearly imagine how everything will look in the end. But the estimate is intended specifically for you. There are two types of estimates: good and bad. If the estimate only indicates total amount, as well as a vague list of works, then this is bad. If every ruble is written down, this is good, then you will understand what and how much you paid.

    A clear list of works

    When concluding, or rather signing, a contract for the provision of services, make sure that it lists absolutely all the work, for example:

    • Replacing wiring
    1. Removing the old shield
    2. Removing old wiring
    3. Dismantling old electrical equipment (sockets, switches)
    4. Installation of shield and RCD
    5. Installation of new wiring
    6. Installation of electrical equipment (sockets, switches)
    • Connecting a washing machine

    This is what a fairly complete list of works looks like, for each of which you must receive quality guarantees for a certain period. In the estimate for each item there will be three to five more sub-items reflecting the consumption of material resources, for example:

    • Connecting a washing machine
    1. Copper wire PVA 2.5 – 10 meters = 320 rubles
    2. Waterproof socket – 1 pc. = 270 rubles
    3. Differential automatic – 1 pc. = 1150 rubles
    4. Work – 800 rubles

    The figures are approximate. The point is that the entire amount is sorted out. Do you understand what electrician services you pay what the materials cost.

    What does an electrician do?

    This is a deeper topic. It all depends on tolerances. There are electricians who should not be allowed close to electrical equipment at all, but more about them later. Tolerances are classified into categories, where the maximum is the fifth category. With the second or third category, the master can perform any wiring work inside objects, perform work on networks with a power not exceeding 1000V. In principle, it is important for you that the electrician generally has permission to work, but private traders often do not have these permissions, as well as guarantees that everything will be fine after their departure.

    Advisory part

    Electrician services is a complex that consists not only of working with wires and equipment, but also with a person. It is important to teach the customer how to properly use a well-designed and equipped electrical network. Counseling has great importance and at the initial stage, when it is necessary to calculate the expected loads, draw up a project in accordance with human needs. It is equally important to follow the recommendations of the master, then electrician services will not be needed for a long time, since the networks will not be overloaded. But do not forget, before calling a specialist, to clarify in what order the services are provided, what is included in the estimates, and whether any guarantees of results are given.


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