Glossary of terms in Counter Strike. What is var in CS GO

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In contact with:

gg - good game - good game, or gg wp - good game well played - good game well played (usually said at the end of a game or match, the loser usually speaks first, thereby indicating that he gives up)
gl - good luck - good luck (said to the opponent before the game)
hf - have fun - have fun (also before the game, often used together or instead of gl - gl&hf)
n1 - nice one or number one - not bad or number one (usually about the frag)

Second most important:

Hello, hi, ky, qq - Greeting, hello.
bl - bad luck - unlucky
bg - bad game - bad game(usually written by losing lamaks as an excuse)
gh - good half or good hunt - good half (half played well - 15 rounds for one side) or a successful hunt (the wish is used less often).
eco - eco-round, zero - round without purchase, used to save money for the next rounds, in order to save up for more serious weapons.
nk - nice kill - good kill
nt - nice try - nice try
gj - good job - good job
ns - nice shoot - cool shot!
wd - well done - well done - good job (to teammates)
save - save (save) - When a player realizes that he can no longer win the round for his team, he simply runs away and saves the weapon for the next round.
drop - weapon release - that is, your teammate asks to give him a weapon
rdy - ready - ready/ready
sorry, sry - sorry - sorry
hp - Health - health, life

Spoken English in CS GO:

afk - away from keyboard - moved away from the keyboard
btw - by the way - by the way, finally
fu - f..k you - go to... (everything is clear)
stfu - shut ta f..k up - shut up (everything is clear here too)
wtf? - what the - what the f... am I?
brb - be right back - I'll be back soon
omg - oh my god - oh my god
omfg - oh my f….g god - (an even cooler statement, usually when something incredible happens in the game, an unreal frag or something like that)
1337 - elite - elite (often used by noobs in clan names)
bb - bye bye - bye bye
kk (k) - ok - okay
сya (cyaz) – see you - see you
np - no problem - no problem
lol - laughing out loud - laughing very loudly (indicates laughter)
rofl - rollin on the floor laughing - rolling on the floor laughing (same thing)
nvm - nevermind - it doesn’t matter
imho - in my humble opinion - in my humble opinion
imo - in my opinion - in my opinion
TT - crying (two eyes from which tears flow, used in upper case)
pls, plz - please - please
w8 - wait - wait
gtg - got to go - need to go
thx, ty - thank you - thank you
LMAO - laughing my ??? off - I'm laughing so hard my ass is about to fall off

Key terms:

Contra, kstrike, KS, CS are abbreviated names for the game Counter Strike.
Config - a set of parameters that allows you to optimally configure cs for comfortable game; involves the use of variables together with aliases;
is individual for each player.
Connect - connection to the server.
Ping - the speed of exchange (latency) of information with the server (the lower the ping, the better the connection).
TT, Tera - Terrorists (team of terrorists).
CT, CT, Cops, counters - Counter-Terrorists (team of counter-terrorists).
Spectrator - watching the game without participating in it.
Enemy - Enemy.
Teamplay (teamplay) is a team game.
Frag is an enemy you killed; the number of frags and deaths is recorded in a table and your place in the team is determined.
Console is a command line called up in the game with the tilde “~” key.
Map, Mapa, Map - map in Counter Strike.
Demo (Demo) is the gameplay of an individual player or the entire game recorded in a special file, with its help you can expose cheaters.
Resp, Respawn, respawn - the place where teams of terrorists and counter-terrorists appear.
Father, dad, ???????????? - cool player.
Clan (clan) - a team consisting of 2 or more players (maximum for the game 5).
Clan War (clan war), cw - war of clans, one team plays against another.
Skill - a player’s gaming skill, which includes all the characteristics characteristic of a professional player, such as: reaction speed, high level possession of weapons, quick assessment of the situation and much more.
Aim is a player’s characteristic that allows him to quickly and accurately aim at any desired place on the enemy’s body (by default, the head) and inflict the maximum possible damage in the shortest possible time.
Cheater - a player who uses specialized programs, which give him clear advantages over other players.
Aimbot (Aim) is a cheat that gives you incredible accuracy (by default - to the head).
WH, Wallhack - a cheat that allows you to look through walls, is scorched by many servers and anti-cheats, it is not recommended to use it so as not to spoil your reputation.
Anti-Cheats is a program that monitors (prohibits) the use of cheats.
Headshot (headshot) - hit in the head to death.
Camper (camper) - a player who is absent from the active action area outside of connection with the completion of a team task, plays for himself, does not help anyone, hides behind boxes, walls and other places and kills enemies.
Ears are headphones.
Leaver, Leaver - A player who leaves the game before its logical conclusion. This is usually the name given to people who specifically quit the game when they start losing.
LS (Low Skill) - low level games.
MS (Middle Skill) - average level of play.
HS (Hight Skill) - high level of play.
PS (Pro Skill) - Pro game level.
Bots (bots) - computer players.
Noob (Noob), lamer (Lamer) - a novice player who plays poorly.
Meat, Bot, Farsh, bomj (meat, bot, minced meat, bum) - synonyms for the word Noob, but more offensive to the player.
Random (random) - a situation when a person holding the trigger when shooting, i.e. shooting with a clip in very long bursts almost at random, accidentally hitting the enemy’s head.
Check - briefly scanning the territory for the presence of the enemy.
Rush (rush) - fast movement from respawn to given point. Characterized by complete disregard for enemy actions.
Arcade player is a player who plays for surprise, i.e. one runs out into the danger zone, which is controlled by enemies.
Def/Hold - defense of a specified area of ​​the map, tactics of the game “from defense” / killing arcade players.
Lag / Bug - bad connection / game (map) errors.
Splash - indirect damage when a projectile causes damage with a blast wave.
Strafe (strafe), strafe - move sideways, keeping the target in front of the “eyes”.
Up - replanting
Device is one of the accepted designations for weapons in Counter-Strike.
Burst - shooting multiple rounds.
Plant (Plant), bmb (Bomb) - an explosive device that must be delivered to Bomb Place by terrorists.
Bomb Place (Bomb Place), plant (plant) - a place for planting a bomb by terrorists on maps of the “de_” type.
HE, HaE - fragmentation grenade.
Fb (flash, flash drive) - blinding grenade.
Smoke (smoke), smoke - smoke grenade.

Violation terms:

Admin (admin) - a player who keeps order in the game.
TK, Team Kill (Team kill) / TA, Team Attack - killing a teammate / attacking a teammate.
Flood - writing meaningless or unreasonably frequently repeated messages using the say and team_say commands, or through voice messages into the microphone
Troublemaking - creation various kinds problems.
Laming (laming) - deviation from completing a task and carrying out actions not related to the goals of the game.
Lagger - a player with a slow or poor-quality connection, which is why he moves not smoothly, but in jumps.
Kick (kick) - Ejection from the server. Light administrative punishment for minor violations of gaming discipline.
Slay - killing a player by an admin. Punishment.
Slap - a kick to a player by an admin. Subtracts from 0 to 100 hp.
Ban (Ban) - “Heavy” administrative punishment. Kicked from the server with a ban on further entry. Punishable from 1 minute to infinity (permament), based on the severity of the violation (permament is usually issued for cheating).

Radio command terms:

Radio Commands general purpose) - called by the "z" key by default.

1. Cover me - Need cover.
2. You Take the Point - Take this point.
3. Hold this Position - Hold this point.
4. Regroup Team - Regroup.
5. Follow me - Follow me.
6. Taking Fire, Need Assistance - Came under fire and needs help.

Group Radio Commands - Called up with the "x" key by default.

1. Go go go! - Forward forward forward!
2. Team, Fall Back - Back!
3. Stick Together Team - Team, let's not disperse!
4. Get in Position and wait for my go - Take this point and wait for my order!
5. Storm the Front - Let's go on the attack!
6. Report in, team - Team, report!

Radio Responses/Reports - Called with the "c" key by default.

1. Affirmative / Roger that - Yes / Got it.
2. Enemy Spotted - I see the enemy.
3. Need Backup - Everyone, come to me, I need help.
4. Sector Clear - Everything is clean here.
5. I’m in position - I’m in place.
6. Reporting in - I am reporting.
7. She's gonna blow! Get out there, it's gonna blow! - Let's run! a bomb is about to blow everything away here!
8. Negative - No / disagree!
9. Enemy down - The enemy is dead.

Tired of seeing your opponent's blood but not killing him? Suddenly it turns out that the game registered the shot incorrectly and it went wide? It's all about the low tickrate. What is this, why the tick rate in the CS GO game should be 128 and how to raise it to such a number - in this article!

  1. What is tickrate in CS GO
  2. How to make a high tick rate

What is tickrate in CS GO

Tickrate is a unit of measurement of the frequency of sending and receiving data packets between the game server and the CS GO client. The tick rate number is the number of packets that the client sends and receives per second. The maximum tickrate on CS GO servers cannot exceed 128 units.

A large tickrate means maximum synchronization with the server, not differing even by a fraction of a second. And this is very important for playing MM and in the professional arena.

What does tickrate affect in CS GO?

This value directly affects the speed of information exchange between the game and the server. The higher the tickrate number, the more often packets are transmitted. And, therefore, information about the location of opponents, the flight of bullets, and so on is updated faster.

With tickrate 64, the speed of information exchange will be two times lower than with 128. That is, you can shoot your opponent in the head - but he will move just a few pixels. And with a tickrate of 64, a gamer will notice this twice as late as with a tickrate of 128.

Of course, for ordinary CS GO players, differences of hundredths of seconds are insignificant. But gamers, from fairly high ranks to professionals, will see the difference between 128 tickrate and 64. And clearly not in favor of the latter.

How to make a high tick rate

Professionals always play to their maximum potential. This also applies to technical parameters. Therefore, on professional servers there is always a maximum tick rate of 128 units. This allows you to completely control the situation in CS GO.

Following the example of eSports players, you need to set the maximum tick rate. Otherwise, you will have to play on the “slow” exchange of packets between the computer and the server. The result is missed frags and a spoiled mood.

First of all, you need to check what the tick rate is now. To do this, you need to write in the console:

net_graph 1

After this, all connection parameters will be displayed, including the one you are looking for. At the same time, it will also be shown depending on the server on which the player is currently located.

To increase the tick rate, you need to add several commands to your game. But first, you should go to Steam, open the “Library” and select CS GO by right-clicking. In the menu that opens, find the line “Properties” and in the new window find “Launch options” in CS GO. You need to enter the command in them:

- tickrate 128

cl_updaterate "128"

cl_cmrate "128"

rate "128000"

These commands will change the quality of synchronization with the server in better side. There are enough of them to set 128 tick on your client.

After the settings, the tickrate did not change in MM: what to do?

When a gamer registers changes on his side, he must remember: the server also has a maximum frequency for receiving and sending packets. So in the case when the server’s tickrate is less than the player’s, this value will be cut to be equal to the server’s. For example, if a player has a tickrate of 128, and the server has 64, then everyone will play at 64. Therefore, it is important to choose sites with a maximum tickrate of 128, like professional CS GO players.

Official Valve servers are not capable of running at 128 tickrate. Everyone is plowing on the 64th. Therefore, if you need to write high value only for matchmaking - you don’t even have to try. Will not help.

If the tick rate is very important, you can look for analogues of MM - for example, FACEIT or ESEA. For the majority of such services, the value 128 is specified.

Good day, friends. This article will be educational and we will touch on the topic of terminology in cs go. Here we will collect all the most frequently encountered terms and compile a kind of cs go dictionary. We will describe and explain each of them.

Quite a lot of people, mostly who have just started playing cs go, do not understand the most important cs go terms that are absolutely necessary for playing in a team. This article is more suitable for beginners, but experienced players can also look through our cs go dictionary, maybe you will find something interesting. After reading this article you will know: what is push, eco and what does smurf mean, as well as much more cs go slang.

Please write in the comments the words that you do not understand and we will add them to the dictionary of cs go terms and explain their meanings.

Dictionary of gaming terms cs go

  • Push or Rush ( English Push, Rush) — quick exit of the team to the selected point. Push is done in order to take it with speed and surprise. You can push both for T and for CT. Terrorists push in order to enter the site and quickly plant a bomb. CTs are pushed in order to take them by surprise, because in the usual game CTs wait in sites and do not push forward.
  • Plant ( English Plantside) - a place to plant a bomb. On each of the maps there are A and B sites. The plant itself is also called the bomb that the terrorists carry, as well as the installation of the bomb.
  • Fake, fake ( English Fake) in simple words to fake means to deceive. Terrorists can run to site A, throw a grenade, and when the Counter-Terrorists begin to move from B to A, the attack will turn around and quickly go in the other direction. When defusing a CT bomb, you just make a defuse sound, and then look at the point where the T can come out, this is also called a fake defuse.
  • Boost ( English Boost) - landing in a place where it is impossible to climb alone. Almost all maps have places where you can climb if a teammate gives you a lift. This can give you important gains.
  • Kill ( English Kill) - killing the enemy.
  • Armor ( English Armor) - armor
  • Check, check ( English Check) - check any of the positions, when you go through the map, you must not forget to check all sorts of places where the enemy may be sitting. Sooner or later you will meet someone.
  • Lurker ( English Lurker) - the position of an attacking player who operates away from the entire team, who listens, collects information and waits for pressure from the enemy.
  • Exchange- to trade means to kill the enemy who just killed your teammate. This will bring you to remain numerically equal to the enemy.
  • Eco ( English Eco) — In cs go slang, an economic round. After a lost round, your team may have little money, which will not be enough for a good purchase. In the Eco round, players either buy nothing or buy a cheap pistol such as a P250, Tec-9, or Five-Seven.
  • Save, save ( English Save) — save means saving weapons and armor for the next round. If you feel like you're running out of time or can't win a round, the best maneuver is to save your weapon for the next round to try to win it. To save, you need to choose the farthest and most secluded place from enemies.
  • Teamplay ( English Teamplay) - team game. If teammates do everything very clearly, everyone fulfills their role and gives good information - this can be called good teamplay.
  • Teammate ( English Teammate) - teammate.
  • Rep ( English Respawn) - the place where Terrorists and Counter-Terrorists appear.
  • Haye, haeshka- explosive grenade
  • Flash drive, blind ( English Flash) - blinding grenade
  • Smoke- smoke grenade.

Common phrases, abbreviations and slang cs go

  • Aim ( English Aim) - shooting. The ability to quickly and accurately aim and kill enemies.
  • Cheater ( English Cheater) - a player who uses third-party programs to help kill enemies. See through walls, automatically shoot and aim.
  • Kemper ( English Camper) - a player who sits in the respawn area for almost the entire round and waits for the enemy.
  • Nychka- a secluded place in a corner or other place, sitting in which you are hard to see and you can kill enemies if they come out nearby.
  • Device ( English Device) - this is what weapons are called in CS:GO. Also dev1ce is the nickname of a player in the Astralis team.
  • Smurf ( English Smurf) - a player who has a main account with a high rank and plays on a second account with players weaker than him. Where he easily leads his team to victory.

If you learn and use gaming slang cs go, it will be much easier for you to express your thoughts in the game and understand other players. We also advise you to read

The most common terms and explanations for them are presented below. Familiar SP The peculiarities of this term on Sourceplay servers are noted.

Admin- server administrator. The person responsible for maintaining order on the server. Like all people, he is capable of making mistakes.

Admin- a set of administrator rights, the ability to be an administrator.

Aim, aimbot- a type of cheat that allows the player to automatically hit a given area of ​​the enemy’s body (hitbox), without particularly bothering with aiming.

Antirecoil- a type of cheat that allows the player to shoot without recoil, which gives a significant advantage.

Anti cheat- a program that monitors (prohibits) the use of cheats.

Ban- “Heavy” administrative punishment. Ejection from the server with a ban on further entry from 1 minute to infinity.

Bomb place, boom- a place for planting a bomb by terrorists on maps of the “de” type, indicated by Latin letters (A, B).

Bomb- both, in fact, the bomb itself and the player carrying it.

Volhak- a type of cheat that allows the player to see the enemy despite walls, doors, boxes, etc.

Grena- Explosive grenade. Hit in terms of volume. Particularly effective when hitting a crowd.

Demo- a file containing audiovisual information about the round. With its help, you can expose troublemakers, get acquainted with the tactics of fathers, etc. SP Demos are recorded automatically on every map played.

Defuse- defuse the bomb.

Length(Sniper at length) - This refers to a long open area of ​​the map that is well covered by fire.

Smoke smoke, smoke- a smoke grenade designed to hide one's own location and actions.

Pledges, Hosts- Hostages. They are saved by CTs on CS maps.

Kalash- Kalashnikov assault rifle, the main weapon of T.

Camper- a player who is absent from the active action zone outside of the execution of a team task.

Camping- when a member or members of the attacking team remain in respawn for a very long time. SP punishable (up to a ban for 1 hour).

Kik- Release from the server. Light administrative punishment for minor violations of gaming discipline.

Intestine- A narrow, long, closed, dimly lit area of ​​the map.

Clan- a kind of command with all the ensuing consequences.

Clanwar- a match between clans.

Colt, emka- M4a1, the main weapon of the CT.

Connect- meeting of players in real life.

Counters, CT- Team of counter-terrorists.

Config- a set of typical player settings and operations in the form of scripts (for example, buying weapons, etc.). Individual for each player.

Lag- a short-term disconnection between the player and the server. At the moment of lag, the player freezes, after the connection is restored, he regains control.

Lamer, bot, noob, meat- an inept player.

Mapa- Game card.

Lighthouse- MyAC, a type of anti-cheat.

Monitoring- (obtaining information about the location of moving objects on the map (players, weapons, bombs, hostages) differently than through your own monitor or speakers/headphones. SP Equates to using cheats (permanent ban).

Multihack- a set of cheats.

Mouse, rat- take a position in a secluded place, waiting for the enemy to leave, hoping for the effect of surprise.

Nosmoke- a type of cheat that makes the smoke in the game transparent.

Noflash- a type of cheat that prevents the player from being blinded by a flash-bang grenade.

Father- a skilled player.

Stick, AVP- AWP sniper rifle.

Ping- server response time. The Ministry of Health warns: high ping leads to lags.

Prop- perform intentional and unintentional actions that interfere with the gameplay of teammates (difficulty in moving, blinding, etc.).

Radarhack- a type of cheat that allows the player to see the location on the radar of not only teammates, but also opponents.

Unban- operation of removing the ban. SP depending on the circumstances, it can be either paid or by agreement (unban due to insufficient evidence, mitigation of punishment).

Rush- fast movement from respawn to a given point. Characterized by complete disregard for enemy actions. It is used when breaking through defensive positions with at least 2 people.

Rep.- The area of ​​the map where the team appears at the beginning of the round. Here you can purchase weapons and equipment.

Skin- visual display of player models, weapons, environment, etc.

Skinhack- a type of cheat that allows the player to notice and distinguish opponents using the color designation of player models that differs from the generally accepted ones. For example, bright red Ts and bright blue CTs.

Spectator, Spectator- a player in Spectator mode (observer, English). Does not take part in the game.

Speedhack- a type of cheat that gives the player an advantage in shooting and running speed.

Spray- an image (picture, avatar) that appears when you press the corresponding key in the game. SP the use of incorrect sprays (swear words, porn, insults) is punishable up to a 1-day ban.

Stat, rank- the position in the server statistics corresponding to this player.

Statistician- a person who plays to improve statistics.

TA(Team Attack) - a deliberate attack by a player from his team. Not encouraged by other players. SP If you get carried away, you can be punished (up to a ban for 1 week).

Terrors, T- Team of terrorists.

Test- shooting at the expected location of the enemy through obstacles (walls, doors, boxes), in the hope of a successful defeat.

Teak- “frame” in the demo. Indicated by a number.

TK(Team Kill) - deliberate murder. SP equal to TA.

Flecha, blind- Stun grenade. Temporarily blinds the enemy and one's own. SP Intentionally using flashes in respawn and rush to blind teammates is punishable. Equal to TA.

Flood- writing meaningless or unreasonably frequently repeated messages using the say and team_say commands. SP punishable (stub/kick).

FPS, FPS- the number of frames per second on the monitor screen produced by the video card and computer. FPS usually characterizes the performance of a computer and video card.

Frag- killed enemy.

Headshot- hit in the head area (almost always lethal).

Champ- championship between several teams.

Cheater- a player who uses cheats.

Cheats- specialized programs that provide clear advantages over other players, regardless of their class. SP with a positive diagnosis - permanent ban.

Shawl, random- an accidental, unexpected hit.

Forceps- a sapper kit that allows you to defuse a bomb in a shorter time.

The four most common (everyone should know):

gg - good game - good game, or gg wp - good game well played - good game well played(usually said at the end of a game or match, the loser usually speaks first, thereby indicating that he gives up)
gl - good luck - Good luck(to the opponent before the game)
hf - have fun - have some fun(also before the game, often used together or instead of gl - gl&hf)
n1 - nice one or number one - not bad or number one(usually about the frag)

Less frequently used:

Hello, hi, ky, qq - Greetings, hello.
bl - bad luck - bad luck
bg - bad game - bad game(usually written by losing lamaks as an excuse)
gh - good half or good hunt - good half(played well half - 15 rounds per side) or have a good hunting(wish is used less often).
eco - eco-round, zero - round without purchase, is used to save money for the next rounds, in order to save up for more serious weapons.
nk - nice kill - good kill
nt - nice try - nice try
gj - good job - good job
ns - nice shoot - cool shot!
wd - well done - well done - good job(to teammates)
save - save (save)- When a player realizes that he will no longer be able to win the round for his team, he simply runs away and saves the weapon for the next round.
drop - weapon release- that is, your teammate asks to give him a weapon
rdy - ready - ready/ready
sorry, sry - sorry - sorry
hp - Health point - health, life

A few more found in chats (not necessarily in games):

afk - away from keyboard - walked away from the keyboard
btw - by the way - by the way, lastly
fu - f..k you - go to...(all clear)
stfu - shut ta f..k up - shut the fuck up(everything is clear here too)
wtf? - what the - What the f... am I?
brb - be right back - I'll be back soon
omg - oh my god - Oh my God
omfg - oh my f....g god- (an even cooler statement, usually when something incredible happens in the game, an unreal frag or something like that)
1337 - elite - elite(often used by noobs in clan names)
bb - bye bye - bye bye
kk(k) - ok - OK
сya (cyaz)see you - see you
n.p. - no problem - No problem
lol - laughing out loud - I laugh very loud(denotes laughter)
rofl - rolling on the floor laughing - I'm rolling on the floor laughing(the same)
nvm - nevermind - doesn't matter
imho - in my humble opinion - in my humble opinion
imo - in my opinion - in my opinion
TT - cry(two eyes from which tears flow, used in upper case)
pls, plz - please - Please
w8 - wait - Wait
gtg - got to go - Need to go
thx, ty - thank you - Thank you
LMAO - laughing my off - I'm laughing so hard my ass is about to fall off

Designations on maps (English): (click on the picture to enlarge)

Key terms:

Contra, kstrike, KS, CS- abbreviated names of the game Counter Strike.
Config- a set of parameters that allows you to optimally configure cs for a comfortable game; involves the use of variables together with aliases;
is individual for each player.
Connect- connection to the server.
Ping- speed of exchange (latency) of information with the server (the lower the ping, the better the connection).
TT, Tery- Terrorists (team of terrorists).
CT, CT, Cops, counters- Counter-Terrorists (team of counter-terrorists).
Spectrator- observing the game without participating in it.
Enemy- The enemy.
Teamplay- team game.
Frag- the enemy you kill, the number of frags and deaths is recorded in the table and your place in the team is determined.
Console- command line, called up in the game with the tilde "~" key.
Map, Map, Map- map in Counter Strike.
Demo- the gameplay of an individual player or the entire game recorded in a special file, with its help you can expose cheaters.
Resp, Respawn, respawn- the place where teams of terrorists and counter-terrorists appear.
Father, dad- cool player.
Clan- a team consisting of 2 or more players (maximum for the game is 5).
Clan War (clan war), cw- clan war, one team plays against another.
Skill- a player’s gaming skill, which includes all the characteristics characteristic of a professional player, such as: reaction speed, high level of weapon proficiency, quick assessment of the situation and much more.
Aim- a player’s characteristic that allows him to quickly and accurately aim at any desired place on the enemy’s body (by default, the head) and inflict the maximum possible damage in the minimum possible time.
Cheater- a player who uses specialized programs that give him clear advantages over other players.
Aimbot (Aim)- a cheat that gives you incredible accuracy (by default - to the head).
WH, Wallhack- a cheat that allows you to look through walls, is scorched by many servers and anti-cheats, and is not recommended to be used so as not to spoil your reputation.
Anti-Cheats- a program that monitors (prohibits) the use of cheats.
Headshot- hit in the head to death.
Camper- a player who is absent from the active action zone, unrelated to the completion of a team task, plays for himself, does not help anyone, hides behind boxes, walls and other places and kills enemies.
Ears- headphones.
Leaver, Leaver- A player who leaves the game before its logical conclusion. This is usually the name given to people who specifically quit the game when they start losing.
LS (Low Skill)- low level of play.
MS (Middle Skill)- average level of play.
HS (High Skill)- high level of play.
PS (Pro Skill)- Pro game level.
Bots- computer players.
Noob (Noob), lamer (Lamer)- a beginner player who plays poorly.
Meat, Bot, Farsh, bomj (meat, bot, minced meat, bum)- synonyms for the word Noob, but more offensive to the player.
Random- a situation when a person holding the trigger while shooting, i.e. shooting with a clip in very long bursts almost at random, accidentally hitting the enemy’s head.
Check- short-term scanning of the territory for the presence of the enemy.
Rush- fast movement from respawn to a given point. Characterized by complete disregard for enemy actions.
Arkadnik- a player who plays for surprise, i.e. one runs out into the danger zone, which is controlled by enemies.
Def/Hold- defense of the specified area of ​​the map, tactics of the game "from defense" / killing arcade players.
Lag / Bug- poor connection / game (card) errors.
Splash- indirect damage, when the projectile causes damage with a blast wave.
Strafe (strafe), strafe- move sideways, keeping the target in front of your “eyes”.
Up- replanting
Device- one of the accepted designations for weapons in Counter-Strike.
Burst- shooting several rounds.
Plant (Plant), bmb (Bomb)- an explosive device that must be delivered to Bomb Place by terrorists.
Bomb Place, plant- a place for terrorists to plant a bomb on maps of the "de_" type.
HE, HaE- fragmentation grenade.
Fb (flash, flash drive)- blinding grenade.
Smoke (smoke), smoke- smoke grenade.

Violation terms:

Admin (admin)- a player who keeps order in the game.
TK, Team Kill (Team kill) / TA, Team Attack- killing a teammate/attacking a teammate.
Flood- writing meaningless or unreasonably frequently repeated messages using the say and team_say commands, or through voice messages into the microphone
Troublemaking- creating various kinds of problems.
Laming- deviation from completing a task and performing actions not related to the goals of the game.
Lagger- a player with a slow or poor-quality connection, which is why he moves not smoothly, but in jumps.
Kick- Release from the server. Light administrative punishment for minor violations of gaming discipline.
Slay- killing a player by an admin. Punishment.
Slap- kick of the player by the admin. Subtracts from 0 to 100 hp.
Ban- “Heavy” administrative punishment. Kicked from the server with a ban on further entry. Punishable from 1 minute to infinity (permament), based on the severity of the violation (permament is usually issued for cheating).

Radio command terms:

Radio Commands - These are called up with the "z" key by default.

1. Cover me- We need cover.
2. You Take the Point- Take this point.
3. Hold this Position- Hold this point.
4. Regroup Team- Regroup.
5. Follow me- Follow me.
6. Taking Fire, Need Assistance- Came under fire, need help.

Group Radio Commands - Called up with the "x" key by default.

1. Go go go!- Forward forward forward!
2. Team, Fall Back- Back!
3. Stick Together Team- Team, let's not disperse!
4. Get in Position and wait for my go- Take this point and wait for my order!
5. Storm the Front- Let's go on the attack!
6. Report in, team- Team, report!

Radio Responses/Reports - Called with the "c" key by default.

1. Affirmative / Roger that- Yes / Got it.
2. Enemy Spotted- I see the enemy.
3. Need Backup- Everyone, come to me, I need help.
4. Sector Clear- Everything is clean here.
5. I"m in position- I'm here.
6. Reporting in- I'm reporting.
7. She"s gonna Blow! Get out there, it"s gonna blow!- Let's run! a bomb is about to blow everything away here!
8. Negative- No / I don’t agree!
9. Enemy down- The enemy is dead.


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