Solar water heater for a summer house from an old refrigerator. What can be made from an old boiler: smokehouse, barbecue, receiver What can be made from old titanium

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We were going to send the old one storage water heater to the landfill? Do not hurry. It will still serve you usefully. How to remake old boiler with your own hands, we will tell you below.

Conversion options are suitable for storage models because the basis is the tank.

Useful products from a water heating tank

IN in capable hands Any item that has served its useful life is turned into a useful product for the home or garden. There are many examples of this. We will reveal the secrets of making the most interesting of them.

solar collector

In the article “” you will find materials on making a collector from other available materials. Here we will tell you how to make a collector from an unnecessary tank. It will serve as a replacement central water supply during summer period, and will also be indispensable in the country.

What you need for homemade:

  • water heater tank;
  • chisel;
  • hammer;
  • metal brush;
  • black paint;
  • plywood sheet;
  • Styrofoam;
  • glass;
  • bars 50x50 mm;
  • foil;
  • hoses;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • antiseptic for wood processing.


  1. To remove the metal tank, you will have to remove the lining.
  2. Take a chisel and a hammer or grinder. Do not spare the shell and thermal insulation, you need a completely cleaned container.
  3. If it becomes rusty, thoroughly clean the surface with a metal brush. Then find the leak and seal it.
  4. Degrease the surface, cover it with black paint for effective heating.
  5. To increase the level of efficiency of the product, you need to organize thermal insulation. For this purpose, a housing is made.
  6. Assemble the frame from stored timber. The structure should be twice as wide as the tank.
  7. WITH inside Cover the frame with sheets of plywood. WITH outside lay the foam and cover it with plywood again.
  8. Place stands inside the housing to prevent the heater from rolling. Attach the board to the base of the body, make marks and cut out supports.
  9. If the collector is located on the street all year round, treat the box with an antiseptic and paint it.
  10. Installing reflective elements will help increase heating efficiency.
  11. Place the foil at an angle so that the rays hit the surface of the collector.
  12. Connect water hoses to the outlets.
  13. Cover the structure with glass.
  14. Seal all cracks with foam.

You can decorate the container with plastic. In winter, the water must be drained.


What else can be made from a water heater? If you want to be original, build a grill with a stove. Initially, you will need metal pipes that need to be welded. They will serve as a firebox.

Weld a metal tank on top. Pre-cut off its top part.

Install a bar in the inlet of the pipe on which the firewood will burn.

Thanks to the rocket firebox, the grill maintains the temperature well, so the meat comes out juicy.

You can make a barbecue grill, as shown in the photo:

To do this, a smaller part of the body is cut off and placed on fastenings to another part to form a container with a lid.

A handle is welded on top for convenient use, and spacer legs are welded on the bottom.

Smokehouse from a water heater

The principle is similar to a barbecue. IN in this case It is advisable to use a boiler with a volume of at least 80 liters. Cut off the top by 10 cm. Install hinges for the lid.

A handle is also welded on top, so the lid can be removable.

You need to install a plate underneath to collect fat. There are holders for hanging meat inside the structure. The ventilation hole at the bottom will serve to release smoke inside.

Potbelly stove

This useful and compact device can be installed in any room. The main thing is the possibility of bringing the pipe to the street.

  • Prepare the body. Use a grinder to remove all pipes and elbows.
  • Make a shallow slit lengthwise.
  • Remove the casing and remove the insulating foam.
  • Clean out the tank.
  • Consider that the location of the heating element should be at the top.
  • Use chalk to mark two openings: the firebox and the door. Cut them out.
  • Weld the pipe holes.
  • Install handles and latches on the doors.
  • Weld three or four supports at the bottom of the structure.
  • In the place of the heating element, cut a circle and install a pipe for ventilation.

Water dispenser

If your boiler is leaking, turn it into a sink. To do this, clean the tank using the technology described above. Cut off the top part with a grinder. The leads for the pipes and fittings also need to be cut. Treat the surface: clean, prime, paint. The inside of the container can be coated with white paint.

Close one pipe hole with a plug. Place the tube and faucet on the other. Attach a handle to the cut part and organize the lid. It will protect the water from debris.


By sawing the container into two equal halves, you can use them for planting flowers, herbs, and vegetables. It all depends on the size. The products can be installed in a greenhouse. To do this, weld the support to the back side and fill the inside with earth.

If parts of the body are primed, painted and beautifully decorated, they can be used as flower beds and unusual decor on the street.


This is not a joke, but the idea of ​​Greek designer Nelly Trakido. Today it is fashionable to remodel unnecessary items into unusual and useful things for the home.

Using metal tools and paint, the designer turned an unwanted tank into a stylish bench. The legs from the old stool. The seats are removable. Covers can be changed according to your mood.

If you don't know how to use unnecessary equipment, show your imagination. Every item can be given a second life. The use of a water heater is not limited to these examples. Home craftsmen make them receivers for compressors. You can watch the video for more details:

You can also organize an unusual trash can. If the tank volume is small, the product will look stylish in the interior. Create!

You can even make your own welding machine or a sawmill, but when you need to make a device with your own hands that will be used in everyday life, then provision comes to the fore safe operation products.

Homemade water heater

A homemade water heater will be used by all family members who may only have a vague idea about electrical resistance, voltage and current. To minimize the likelihood of an accident, you will need to manufacture the device in accordance with all electrical safety rules.

Do-it-yourself water heater: choosing the type of device

Despite the fact that it is much easier to make a storage device at home, you should first of all consider the assembly option. Such Appliances will allow you to instantly heat the water, and electricity will be consumed only when the device is turned on. Unlike boilers, installing a flow-through device does not require much space, and you also do not need to insulate the device.

To heat water in both options, a heating element is used, but for the manufacture flow device you will need to purchase a more powerful element.

Powerful water heating element

From additional details you can’t do without using an RCD. This device will automatically disconnect the contacts if a leak occurs electric current. You should also stock up copper wires large section and tools for work.

DIY instantaneous water heater

To make an instantaneous water heater, you should prepare the necessary tools:

  1. Welding machine (inverter).
  2. Electrodes.
  3. Grinder with a nozzle for removing rust.
  4. Hammer.
  5. Drill with a set of metal drills.
  6. Kern.

For the instantaneous version of the water heater, you will need the following materials:

  1. A steel pipe, the length and diameter of which slightly exceed the width and length of the heating element.
  2. Electric water heating element with a power of 4 kW.
  3. Sheet steel 3 mm thick.
  4. Anti-corrosion paint.
  5. Bolt and nut M14.

When everything you need is prepared, you can begin manufacturing the device. The first thing you need to do is clean it thoroughly. metal surfaces from rust. To do this, you need to use a grinder with an attachment.

Grinder with a nozzle for removing rust

Then from metal sheet a rectangle is cut, the minimum side of which should slightly exceed the outer diameter metal pipe. On the cut metal sheet, 2 holes are made with a drill, the diameter of which should be 1 mm greater than the thickness of the heating element leg. To position the holes at the required distance from each other, the ends of the contact rods should be lowered into white paint and then lean the ends of the contacts against the plate, trying to make the marks equidistant from the side edges of the plate. When the paint dries a little, it is necessary to drill into the metal along the white dots.

On next stage The plate prepared in this way should be welded to the end of the pipe. Before performing this operation, the part must be lightly grabbed so that the previously made holes are exactly in the middle. After the side plug is welded, the metal protruding beyond the outer diameter of the pipe is cut off with a grinder or gas cutter.

Next, having marked 2 points with a core at a distance of 20 mm, which must be on the same line, use a drill to make holes with a diameter of 19 mm. These holes are necessary for welding threaded pipe sections to connect the water supply and remove the heated liquid.

Considering the need for grounding, an extended M14 nut must be welded to the pipe, to which the conductor will be connected using a bolt.

In the next step, the electric heating element should be placed inside the pipe. The legs of the device should be carefully installed in the previously made holes, and then tighten the fastening nuts with sufficient force. When installing the heating element, be sure to put rubber washers on the threaded part of the legs.

Sealing washers for heating elements

Washers should be installed on the inside and outside of the device, and for greater reliability, apply high-temperature sealant to the surface of the gaskets.

Then the opposite end of the metal pipe should be hermetically sealed. A square piece of sheet steel should also be cut for this purpose. The side of the square must be at least 50 mm larger than the outer diameter of the pipe. For reliable connection The device with the plate must be laid on a flat surface, then the device with its heating element legs turned upside down must be installed exactly in the middle of the square so that the device’s nozzles are located strictly perpendicular to any of the edges of the lower square and carefully weld the metal, trying not to overheat the homemade water heater too much.

When the device has completely cooled down, it is also installed upside down on wooden board and use a 10 mm drill to make 4 holes in the corners of the bottom plate. Holes are required for mounting homemade device to Wall.

Before installing an instantaneous water heater, its performance must be checked. For this purpose you should connect electrical cable to the threaded contact of the heating element, fill the device with enough water to fill the entire space and plug the device into the network.

Heating element connection diagram

As soon as the water in the device boils, it should be turned off. If there are no leaks, then homemade heater should be painted in any color with high-temperature metal paint. Before carrying out this operation, you should pour the water out of it, degrease the surface with a solvent, and paint the device using a spray gun.

Radiator paint

When the paint has dried, you can begin installing the device in plumbing system. To do this, install the device at an equal distance from the liquid sampling points, and position the device with the pipes up and attach it to the wall. For this purpose, you should first make 4 holes in vertical surface. By using anchor bolts, a homemade electric water heater is attached to the wall from the side of the plate in which special holes were made for this purpose.

After securely fixing the device, from water supply network connected to one of the pipes flexible hose With cold water, and the other connects to the circuit hot water.

Flexible hot water hose

Then water is supplied to the device and the water heater is tested for leakage by water pressure. If no leaks are found, then homemade device electricity must be connected.

Considering more power device, it is not recommended to use a standard plug to turn on the device. The water heater should have a separate electrical circuit from the incoming one. electrical panel. You should also install an additional 20 A automatic fuse, which should be located in an accessible location, to turn on the device when necessary.

When operating a heater of this design, it will be very inconvenient to turn on the device using a switch each time. For more comfortable use of the device, it is recommended to install a pressure switch in the water supply circuit after the heating device. And put it in front of the water heater check valve so that if there is no water in the water supply, the heating element does not automatically turn on. When using this scheme, water will be heated only at the moment when the tap is open.

To automatically turn on the device, you can set thermostat directly into the water heater, but installation of such a system must be done at the manufacturing stage of the device. The disadvantage of a water heating system with a built-in thermostat is that the device will operate in heater mode, giving off some of the heat to the surrounding air. Losses can be reduced by covering the device with a resistant high temperatures heat insulator. Despite more complex design such a system, the main difference from a device with installed sensor pressure will consist of an instant supply of hot water when the tap is opened. Significant disadvantages include higher electricity consumption due to the more frequent activation of the heating element.

Thermostat for heating element

Regardless of the type of system used, when turning on the device, it is necessary to install a safety valve in close proximity to the heating device. During operation of the water heater, sticking of the relay or thermostat contacts may occur. In this case, the heating element will be constantly turned on, which will lead to boiling water and the occurrence of high pressure in the system, which can lead to depressurization of the most vulnerable areas of the water supply system. Safety valve will reduce blood pressure. When a critical value of this indicator is reached, the locking mechanism will open and part of the liquid will be removed into the sewer system.

Assemblable on one's own electrical diagram must also have safety devices and mechanisms. Most often, to prevent electric shock, RCDs are installed, which instantly cut off the electricity supply when an electric current leak occurs on the housing. It is recommended that the RCD, like the automatic circuit breaker, be installed only in the electrical circuit of the water heater.

This device will reliably protect people from the effects of electric current even in the absence of a connected grounding conductor, but to increase efficiency, it is recommended to connect the device to ground. To do this, simply connect the conductor from the home grounding system to the body of the water heater. Wire installation is carried out using threaded connection to a nut that was previously welded to a metal pipe.

If a homemade instantaneous electric water heater was made according to the instructions above, then the result will be reliable device which will allow you to fully provide for yourself hot water.

How to make your own thermostat for a water heater

If the budget is very limited when making a water heater, then you can make a thermostat for the water heater with your own hands. The thermal breaker is installed as follows:

  1. Remove the thermal relay from a faulty car of any brand that controls the inclusion of forced engine cooling.
  2. Set the thread type of this part.
  3. Select a metal tube of suitable diameter and use a tap to cut the internal thread.
  4. Make a hole in instantaneous water heater and weld the threaded tube.
  5. Screw in the thermostat, having first applied high-temperature sealant to the threads.

For the correct functioning of the heating element activation system, you cannot do without using an additional 12 V source and an intermediate relay. The relay installed in the system must be of reverse action, that is, it must open the circuit when low-voltage voltage is applied to the coil. This feature is due to the fact that in a car the radiator blower is switched on when the temperature exceeds certain value temperature, while the flow radiator must be turned off at the moment when the temperature value exceeds a critical value.

What can be made from an old Ariston heater?

“Happy” owners of Ariston water heaters, after multiple replacements heating element, decide to purchase and install a device from a different brand. From the same old device it turns out great option country shower, the water for which is heated due to solar energy. To convert the device into a water heating tank you must:

  1. Use a grinder to saw through the outer casing of the device and remove it.
  2. Clean the internal tank from thermal insulation.
  3. Degrease the surface.
  4. Paint the tank matt black with any metal paint.
  5. Install and connect the tank to the summer shower system.

The tank must be installed at a height of at least 2.5 meters in an area open to sunlight. The most correct thing would be to install a water heating device directly on the roof of the summer shower. The container should be installed in a vertical position, and the water connection must be made to the drain pipe of the device, because, unlike electric model, V summer shower Water will be drained by gravity.

This version of a country shower is the simplest; if desired, you can make a more complex design of a device that heats the liquid using solar energy.

Country version of the water heater

At your dacha you can make homemade solar water heaters. The only drawback of such devices is the lack of heating during cloudy weather. The solar water heater is made from the following materials and details:

  1. Old refrigerator.
  2. Water tank.
  3. Metal-plastic pipe with a diameter of 16 mm.
  4. Edged boards 200 mm wide.
  5. Liszt cellular polycarbonate.
  6. Steel sheet 3 mm thick.
  7. Black metal paints.

You will also need to purchase Consumables for fastening materials and various adapters for connecting pipes. In addition, you will need to buy circulation pump low power.

The manufacture of a water heater powered by solar energy can be done in the following sequence:

  1. The rear radiator is removed from the refrigerator, and the copper tube is cut off at the place where the device connects to the compressor and freezer. When performing this operation, you must save original elements fastening the part.
  2. A rectangle is cut out of a metal sheet with a grinder, the length and width of which should be 20 cm greater than the parameters of the refrigerator radiator.
  3. One of the sides of the metal rectangle is cleaned, degreased and painted black. The refrigerator radiator also needs to be painted.
  4. When the paint has dried, place a copper grid on the painted surface of the metal sheet so that it is equidistant from its corners.
  5. On the painted surface of a metal sheet, using any sharp object, notches are made under the mounting holes of the copper radiator.
  6. Then, at the marked points, you need to drill holes, the diameter of which should correspond to the radiator mounting holes.
  7. It is also necessary to make holes with a diameter of 5 mm along the perimeter of the metal sheet for attaching the side edges of the device. The distance between the holes should be about 100 mm.
  8. Using a gas soldering iron, adapters for connecting metal-plastic pipes are soldered to the cut ends of copper tubes.
  9. It is necessary to cut off sections of 200 mm from the board with a hacksaw. 2 segments should be equal to the width of the metal sheet, and the other two should be 50 mm less than its length. After this, the wood must be treated with a protective compound.
  10. The board sections are installed on an edge along the perimeter of the metal sheet and screwed with wood screws through previously made holes.
  11. A copper radiator is installed inside the “box”, which is screwed to a metal plate with bolts. The pipes with adapters for connecting the metal-plastic pipe should be brought out through the holes made with a feather drill in one of the side boards.
  12. Cut a rectangle from a sheet of transparent cellular polycarbonate that will equal to size metal base.
  13. Using self-tapping screws and rubber washers, screw the polycarbonate rectangle to the ends of the boards.
  14. It is necessary to install the freezer compartment removed from the refrigerator into the water tank, to copper tubes which should also solder adapters. The freezer should be fixed at the bottom of the tank, and the pipes should be routed to one of the side walls.

A DIY country water heater is installed as follows:

After connecting the pump to electricity, the oil will heat up due to solar radiation, which will easily pass through the polycarbonate plate. The device also produces Greenhouse effect, which will allow you to effectively use the device even during partly cloudy weather.

The heated oil will transfer heat to the water in the tank with the freezer installed, so it should be insulated with foam. Hot water intake can be forced using a pump or by gravity, but this will require installing the tank as high as possible. To ensure that the heated oil does not cool down on the way to the heat exchanger metal-plastic pipes should be covered along the entire length with polyurethane foam.

Manufacturing homemade water heater not only will it save you money cash, but also get invaluable experience constructing complex devices with your own hands. If you need to make an electrode device yourself, then you should definitely remember about safety precautions when handling devices that run on electricity.

The problem of hot water becomes relevant where there is no centralized hot water supply: in country houses, private urban and country houses. Today, the installation of a ready-made device for heating water to required temperatures requires serious investment. Alternative way hot water supply is one that you can make yourself. Its advantage is that hot water supply to residential premises is carried out economically and at minimal financial costs.

Features and diagram of making an indirect heating boiler with your own hands

Boiler appearance indirect heating– this is a large storage tank, independent of energy sources (gas, electricity, etc.). Inside the tank, made of corrosion-resistant material, there is a spiral-shaped tube through which the coolant circulates. Cold water is supplied to the tank through an inlet tube, usually located at the bottom. Water is heated evenly due to the moving coolant heating system. The hot water outlet pipe is installed at the top. For ease of use, the pipes are equipped with ball valves. The outside of the tank is covered with a layer of thermal insulation.

A drawing for the manufacture of an indirect heating boiler with a volume of 100 liters is shown below:

Schematic diagram of the boiler operation:

Heating water from the boiler enters the water heater tank, where, passing through a spiral tube, it is converted into cold water at the outlet. Return chilled water flows back into the boiler.

Advantages and disadvantages of an indirect heating boiler

The advantages of using a DIY boiler:

  • connection to the central heating system;
  • installation near a heating boiler;
  • low costs for installing the circuit;
  • significant reduction in energy consumption;
  • providing water at a constant temperature.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • installation of a boiler requires a large area or a separate room;
  • heating a large volume of water requires a long time, while heating of the premises will be carried out with less intensity;
  • rapid formation of deposits on the serpentine tube, requiring cleaning with chemical or mechanically Twice a year.

This option for obtaining hot water is suitable during the period heating season. At other times, the role of coolant can be played by an electric heating element built into the boiler tank.

Then the water will be heated using electricity. In this case, you can turn on the boiler at night, when night, low tariffs are in effect, or as needed.

Making a boiler yourself

Due to the rather simple principle of operation, such a device can be made independently. Now let's look at how to make an indirect heating boiler with your own hands.

All work on the manufacture of a water heater consists of assembly components designs:


A tank is used as a boiler capacity. Its volume depends on the needs of the home owners for hot water and is calculated from the amount of 50–70 liters per person daily. Approximately, a 200-liter boiler is suitable for a family of 4 people.

For the heating device, the tank must be made of of stainless steel, aluminum alloys or other corrosion-resistant material. As an alternative - gas cylinder, but its walls must first be cleaned and primed. Without this action, the hot water will smell like gas.

5 holes are made in the tank: 2 on the side for mounting the coil, one at the bottom for the inlet pipe, one at the top for water intake and one at the bottom for drain tap. To use the boiler outside the heating season, it is necessary to install a heating element. The bottom hole is also drilled for it. Shut-off elements or ball valves are attached to the holes made.


A copper or brass tube is suitable for this element, the diameter and length of which depend on the volume of the tank. On average, for every 10 liters, 1.5 kW of thermal power of the serpentine tube is calculated. You can use a tube made of metal-plastic or other metal with good heat transfer.

The tube is wound in a spiral onto a cylindrical mandrel. To do this, you can take a log or a large diameter pipe.

When winding the coil, it is important to monitor the turns:

  • in order to ensure the best contact of the heating surface of the tube with the heated water, the turns should not come into contact with each other;
  • You should not wind it with excessive force, otherwise it will not be easy to remove the coil from the mandrel.
  • The number of turns on the coil is calculated from the volume and height of the tank.

Thermal insulation

The outside of the tank must be covered with a layer of insulation. It is necessary to increase efficiency and reduce heat losses. Polyurethane foam is suitable for insulating the container, mineral wool or any other heat insulating material, which is attached to the base with wire, glue or strip ties. For neat appearance It is better to cover the tank body thinly sheet metal or foil insulation.

You can also insulate the tank using another container of larger diameter. To do this, a do-it-yourself boiler is inserted into a large tank, and the wall is filled with insulating material or foam plastic, using the principle of a thermos.


Assembly of a self-made boiler is carried out after preparing all the components:

  • the coil is mounted in the center or along the walls inside the tank, and pipes are soldered to its inlet and outlet pipes;
  • for a vertically standing boiler, supports are welded to the bottom, for a mounted device - “ear” loops;
  • the heating element is installed;
  • the boiler is tightly closed with a lid;
  • connecting the coil according to the diagram for making an indirect heating boiler with your own hands to the heating system circuit;
  • connecting the inlet/outlet pipe for water;
  • pipe distribution to the kitchen or bathroom at the water collection point.

Video: how to make an indirect heating boiler with your own hands

Video: making an indirect heating boiler

Solar water heater (collector) - indispensable assistant V household. Collector the right size and design is capable of providing hot water to a family of several people, while saving hundreds - thousands of rubles, which are spent on electricity and other types of energy resources.

If your dacha does not yet have electricity and gas, and heating water poses a certain difficulty, I suggest doing solar water heater for showering and washing dishes from materials that can often be found in landfills.

First, you need to find the faulty refrigerator, namely, you will need its coil, which is attached to the back wall.

After the coil is dismantled, it must be washed with a stream of water to get rid of the old freon.

We stock up on slats that we will need in the future to make the frame.

I found an old rubber mat, which is often placed under the door.

Glass is also not necessary to buy. It can be dismantled from an old window, which is usually thrown into the trash, when replaced with plastic windows.

Since our rubber mat turned out to be too big, it was decided to cut it to the size of the future frame.

We knock down a frame from the slats so that the coil fits freely between the slats.

We try on the coil and rubber mat to the frame. We mark the place of fastening of the bottom rail of the frame and the places of cuts for the exit of the tubes.

We install the bottom rail of the frame, spread foil between the rubber mat and the frame.

WITH reverse side frame, we fill the slats to give rigidity to the structure.

We carefully tape all the gaps between the frame and the foil with tape. This is necessary to prevent cooler outside air from entering the collector.

To supply water to the coil, a PVC pipe was purchased.

Sealing of the connections of the tubes and the coil is ensured with tape.

To secure the coil, clamps were used that were removed from the refrigerator. Fastening the clamps was also secured with tape. But for reliability, I recommend securing it with screws.

We cover our structure with glass and tape it around the perimeter.

The homemade solar collector is ready. For best heating, the sun's rays must fall on the surface of the collector at a right angle. Therefore, the fastening of the supporting elements of the structure completes the work.

To prevent the glass from moving from the heat, you need to screw in a couple of screws at the bottom that will serve as stops.

Now all that remains is to attach the hot water storage tank.
Circulation occurs only due to natural convection. When heated, the water in the collector expands, becomes less dense, rises up the collector and enters the upper part of the storage tank through a pipe. As a result, cooler water at the bottom of the tank is displaced and flows through another pipe to the bottom of the collector. This water in turn is heated and rises into the tank.

1 - hot water; 2 - pressure relief valve; 3 - hot water drain; 4 - shut-off valve; 5 - make-up valve; 6 - cold water; 7 - cold water supply; 8 - drain valve.

As long as the sun shines, the water will constantly circulate along this circuit, becoming increasingly warmer. Due to the fact that the tank is raised above the collector, the effect of turning over the circulation as a result of night cooling of the coolant in the collector is negated, since cold water simply accumulates at the lowest point of the system (at the bottom of the collector), while warm water remains in the tank.

Such a simple design solar collector, is capable of heating water on a sunny day, up to 70 degrees.

In addition, for your dacha you can quickly make a fan from a CD with your own hands >>

If you have an old boiler, do not rush to throw it away. You can make many interesting and useful things from it. Specifically in this case, we will look at how you can make an excellent grill out of a boiler.

Materials and tools for homemade:
- old boiler;
- grinder with grinding and cutting discs;
- pliers, screwdrivers, wire cutters and other classic craftsman tools;
- corner or other suitable material to create legs;
- drill with drills;
- welding;
- heat-resistant paint (the author’s is black);
- loop with a lock for the blower;
- bolts, nuts, washers and other fasteners;
- round grill.

In general, a drill may not be needed, the author just decided to make everything collapsible, connecting the structure with bolts and nuts. In principle, all this can be simply welded if all the parts are made of steel.

Grill making process:

Step one. Preparing the boiler
First of all, you need to take the boiler and remove all excess. As a rule, boilers are lined with thermal insulation on top so that they keep the water warm for a long time. This insulation must be thoroughly cleaned off. You may need to cut it first with a grinder or sharp knife, depending on what the casing is made of. Well, then take a grinder with a scraping wheel and use it to remove all the insulating material.
It is important to remember that the remaining insulation will begin to smoke when using the grill.

Step two. Cutting the boiler
Now the boiler needs to be cut. Here you will need the grinder again. The author decided to choose that part of the tank where the bracket is located, with which the tank is attached to the wall. In the future, this bracket will be needed to assemble a wooden slab. In addition, the author also cut out an opening on the workpiece for installing the grille.

Step three. Making legs
The legs are made very simply; you will need a steel corner or elements of metal shelving, which is what the author used. It was decided to use bolts for fastening. But to simplify the procedure, everything can be connected by welding. As for the length, for ease of cooking, it was decided to make the legs 75 cm long.

Step four. Screwing the legs
Using bolts and nuts to secure the legs, the author killed two birds with one stone. Thanks to the screws protruding inward, the grill grate can now be installed.

Each leg is secured with two bolts and nuts, so you will need to drill holes in the tank for them. It is very important here that the top holes are at the same level, since this is where the grille will be located. It is best to mark a couple of points from the top and then draw a line around it. The legs should also be located at the same distance from each other.

After assembly, it turned out that the grill was not very secure. To make the legs stiffer, the author added a crosspiece to the lower part.

Step five. Blower for grill
For efficient work grill, the author decided to equip it with a blower. To do this, you need to cut a window at the bottom of the container. There is no need to throw away the resulting plate; a door is made from it. The door must be secured to the hinges and a bolt must be attached. It is important to take care of the handle; it should not actively conduct heat, as it will get very hot when using the grill. The author made it from a bolt and several nuts.

To secure the bottom grille, you will need two steel rods. The author simply welds them at the required level, cutting off the excess. If it is not possible to weld the rods, you can use threaded rods and secure them with nuts and washers.

Step six. Wood slab fastening
A wooden stove is a very convenient addition to the grill, although the grill itself must be well fixed. Here you can place plates with cooked food and so on. For a wooden slab, the author drills holes in the boiler bracket and then inserts threaded rods into them. Subsequently, these rods will be put on wooden blocks and tightened with nuts.

Step seven. Painting
At this stage, the author paints a part made from a boiler. First you need to remove all the rust and thoroughly sand the surface. Here you will need heat-resistant paint, since the container gets very hot.

Step eight. Assembly
After painting, the entire structure is reassembled. Using a level, it is advisable to measure the inclination of the grill and adjust the legs.

Also now the author attaches the hinge and the blower valve. Rivets were used for such purposes. You can also use bolts and nuts.

Step nine. Manufacturing and installation of internal grilles
The inner grate will be loaded with coals, and air will flow from below, which will lead to good combustion of the coals. To make the grille, the author decided to use a steel plate in which he simply drilled holes. The found plate already had a couple of rows square holes. It is important here that the plate is thick, since the coals generate a high temperature when burning.
Then all that remains is to place the plate on the rods welded into the lower part.

Step ten. We collect wooden slab
The wooden slab is very easy to assemble. Will be needed here wooden beams which need to be cut to size. Next, two holes are drilled into them, through which threaded rods will pass. The author drilled the holes in the shape of the letter “V”.

Well, then this whole sandwich is assembled and tightly tightened with nuts. Here it is important to stock up on good large washers, since tightening requires a lot of effort. Washers are placed on both sides. It took the author 10 nuts to assemble. Two here act as a support, and two more on the other side press the wood. The remaining nuts are needed to secure the rods themselves. You need to tighten everything thoroughly using spanners.

As a result, a wooden slab can be thoroughly sanded, but for protection it would be nice to paint it protective varnish, paint and so on.

In conclusion, it should be mentioned that the grill must be securely fixed, otherwise, if you place something heavy on a wooden plate, the entire grill may tip over. It can be screwed to the floor or to a large heavy board.

Step 11. Let's start testing
That's all. The grill is assembled and can now be tested. According to the author, the project was successful and worth the effort.


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