Dream of seeing wine but not drinking. Dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkova Dream book: What does wine mean?

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Meaning of sleep Wine Wine in a dream symbolizes unjustly acquired property. Drink wine and feel it sweet taste- to a calm and rich life, full of entertainment. Drinking greedily and hastily means quarrels with friends. The sour taste of wine foreshadows the sorrows that you are destined to experience in reality. If the wine is strong, you are not trying to earn a living through honest work! If you dilute strong wine clean water- this dream can be interpreted in two ways: either part of your fortune was acquired righteously or you are trying to combine honest and unrighteous conduct of your affairs. However, there is also a third meaning: there is a possibility that you will soon be able to enrich yourself at the expense of a certain woman. Intoxication - to worries about the reduction in the size of your fortune. Swimming in the river of wine-steel in reality is a victim of insidious intrigues and intrigues. If you dreamed that you were drowning or drowned in wine, this is a sign that you are destined for a terrible, sad end; you will die with a soul filled with hatred. Dream Interpretation of Taflisi

Dream Wine Drinking wine in a dream means you will be anxious; fulfillment of desires; beat your luck; drinking white wine means joy, satisfaction; red - always have good location spirit; apple - modest joy; Drinking vermouth is self-criticism. Ukrainian dream book

Dream Wine In general, scenes with wine in a dream foreshadow joy and wonderful friendships. Young woman, drinking wine in a dream he may hope to marry a wealthy and noble man. Seeing barrels of wine is a sign of considerable luxury. If in a dream you went down into a cellar full of bottles and barrels of wine, very pleasant experiences and impressions await you. Pouring wine from one vessel to another means all kinds of pleasures, entertainment and pleasant travels. Pouring wine means a well-paid job. Breaking a bottle of wine means that your love passion will cross all boundaries. Modern dream book

Interpretation of the dream Wine To dream that you are drinking wine: to joy and friendship. If you broke bottles of wine: the dream predicts that your feelings will be overflowing. Seeing barrels of wine in a dream: to big profits. Pouring wine from one vessel to another: promises travel to places fabulous beauty and all kinds of pleasures. Selling wine in a dream: predicts that your activities will be profitable. For a young woman to dream that she is drinking wine: a sign that she will marry a rich and noble man. Seeing a wine cellar in a dream means that unprecedented entertainment and pleasure await you. Seeing barrels of wine in a dream: a harbinger of your wealth and prosperity. For a girl, such a dream: Seeing young wine in a dream: a warning against intemperance and base desires. If you make wine or drink it: this means that you will incline others to gross pleasures, which you will later regret. Modern dream book

Why do you dream about Wine? For a long time, wine has been an integral attribute of the table of many peoples. It symbolized the prosperity and well-functioning economy. To this day, wine (Cahors) is part of the rituals performed by the church. Not only wine is famous among the people, but also its “unripe” version - mash. Since wine requires painstaking production, it is a symbol of relaxation and signifies the desire to relax and celebrate a significant event. In Greece, wine was prepared for the day dedicated to the god Dionysus. On this day, celebrations were held that were characterized by special freedom of morals - Saturnalia, part of which were orgies. Wine helped people get rid of unnecessary worries, complexes and forget about problems. Seeing a wine cellar - a dream promises hard work, an unusually strong and incessant flow of urgent matters. Buying a bottle of collectible wine is a symbol of relaxation that will turn up at the most unexpected moment; at the same time, this symbol may portend an acquaintance with a wealthy woman. Seeing yourself drunk with a bottle of wine in your hand means a showdown, an argument that will not bring satisfaction, a quarrel. Seeing a noisy feast with an abundance of wine on the table means a successful deal, receiving a lucrative contract, concluding an agreement with a good specialist. Drinking wine at someone else's expense - this dream warns you against waste and foreshadows the appearance of creditors in your life for very old debts, debts that you have long forgotten about. Making wine - you are ready to spend time on something that can bring results; painstaking work does not scare you; you won't give up until you get your way. Aesop's Dream Book

Dream Interpretation Wine Wine is wealth earned in a way that is forbidden in Islam and condemned. Whoever in a dream sees a river of wine running through a green field unfamiliar to him, and if he drinks from it or enters it, he will be awarded Paradise in the next world. And if, having seen this river, he does not drink from it or does not enter it, then life’s trials and turmoil will befall him. Also, wine means delusion and sin. Whoever sees in a dream that he himself is preparing wine (or another alcoholic intoxicating drink) will serve the ruler and he will take part in great deeds. Wine in a dream also indicates confusion, harm, enmity and malice. Sometimes it indicates the imperceptible disappearance of reason due to insanity or constant worries and worries. Islamic dream book

Dream Interpretation Wine Alcoholic drink: denotes friendship, pleasant company, general fun. Wine is interpreted in terms of personal experience person. Feasts and holidays encourage and give strength. They inspire and provoke humor. Symbol of communication, communion, positive unconscious. Italian dream book Meneghetti

Dream Interpretation Wine Drinking wine in a dream means in reality experiencing the joy of communicating with true friends. Drinking wine from a jug is a harbinger of good health and a sign that you will be favorably received in all levels of society, charging everyone around you with your optimism. Drinking wine from a bottle means contentment in the house and a successful trip. Breaking a bottle of wine - your love and passion will reach the highest limit. A bottle of champagne means a profitable business; drinking from it brings positive emotions, no stress. White wine - there will be entertainment ahead that should be kept silent in the family. Red wine - a fun walk or outing outside the city. Apple cider- happiness may smile on you if you do not waste your time on dubious pleasures; If you drink it or see others drink it, you will fall under the influence of unfaithful friends. Being in a wine cellar means experiencing a feeling of imbalance. Seeing many barrels of wine is a sign of luxury at someone else's expense. Straining wine from a barrel into a smaller container or dish is a harbinger of all kinds of fun, entertainment and travel to famous places. Pouring wine from a bottle into glasses - to a salary increase, new business meetings, connections and acquaintances. Spill wine on the tablecloth - ruin your happiness, get a serious wound or even bloodshed. Drinking wine diluted with water is a sign of illness, and for a young girl it is a harbinger that she will marry a rich and noble man. A box or basket full of bottles of wine - you will be overcome by unnecessary anxiety. Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Dream Interpretation Wine Drinking WINE - fulfillment of hopes, fun, will be celebrated, for good // for a fight, anxiety, to be guilty; white - joy; red - good // fight; apple - little joy; drinking alone is bad news; drinking muddy - sadness; drinking clean means wealth; drinking diluted water is a disease; drink little by little - well-being; treat - funeral; draining is joy; washing with wine is a loss; spill - misfortune; selling is a quarrel. Maly Velesov dream book

Dream Interpretation Wine If a girl dreams that she is drinking wine, it means that she will marry a wealthy and noble man. Breaking a bottle of wine promises unbridled passion. Dream book for lovers

Dream Interpretation Wine Wine. Seeing yourself drinking wine in a dream foretells you joy and strong friendships. Breaking a bottle of wine means that your love and passion will cross all boundaries. Seeing barrels of wine portends great luxury. Pouring wine from one vessel to another is a sign of various pleasures, entertainment and travel to famous places. Pouring wine means that your work will be well paid. For a young woman to dream that she is drinking wine is a harbinger that she will marry a rich and noble man. Going down into a cellar full of bottles and barrels of wine in a dream is a promise to you of the most pleasant impressions. Big dream book

Dream Interpretation Wine If you saw in a dream that you were drinking wine, you have joy and strong friendships ahead. If a young woman saw this dream, then she will marry a rich and noble man. Poured wine from one vessel to another - a variety of pleasures, entertainment and travel await you. Spilled wine - your salary will soon be increased. A barrel of wine symbolizes luxury. Drinking red wine in a dream means a serene life ahead, entertainment with friends. If you broke a bottle of wine in a dream, your love and passion will cross all boundaries. Just spilled the wine - know that women love you and things are going well. A girl who sees herself drinking wine in a dream will soon marry successfully and live in love and harmony. Broken bottle with red wine - a warning about slander. Nostradamus considered wine a symbol of peaceful life, economy, prosperity and... vice. According to Nostradamus, pale pink wine in a transparent glass symbolizes some kind of trick, deception, and perhaps poisoning, which will be arranged by people you know. Beware of “pleasant” acquaintances with the opposite sex. Huge vineyards and men preparing wine dream of the opportunity to go to live in their historical homeland. Success and prosperity, material wealth and prosperity await you there, but only if you follow local traditions. Large ancient amphorae filled with wine dream of some puzzling question that will be very difficult for you to solve. If in a dream you saw that a person was poisoned with wine, then it is this person who will bring you good luck in real life. “Random” luck is ahead of you. If you saw a river of wine from which wild and domestic animals drink, summer will be an extremely favorable time for entrepreneurship. The most different people will be very peaceful, and you will be able to make compromise decisions. If in a dream you drank wine from a golden goblet, remember that you should not get too carried away by illusions, otherwise you may lose touch with the real world. If you spilled wine on your clothes - in reality, beware of rash decisions. They can negatively affect your relationship with the person on whom you depend. material well-being. Drowning in wine - forced loneliness ahead. If you were treated to wine in a dream, do not be too frank in reality. Such openness will only bring you harm, and give your ill-wishers a reason to gloat. Large universal dream book

Dream Interpretation Wine Drinking wine in a dream is a dream that promises you health, wealth, long life. quiet life. If you drink wine in good company and have fun, this is a sign of an upcoming joyful event, maybe a wedding. For an unmarried person, such a dream foreshadows a happy marriage with the one he has loved for a long time. For the father of the family, this dream promises friendship with his children: they will become his support and consolation. For a person engaged in trade, a dream about wine predicts successful operations, profitable business, good luck. If there is grief in your family or you suffer from domestic quarrels, this dream foretells that your troubles will not last long and troubles will be followed by years of peace. Ancient English dream book

Dream Interpretation Wine If you dream that you are drinking wine: this is a good omen, foretelling health, wealth, long life and happiness. If you are in love: you will marry the one you adore. If you are already married: You will become especially close to your spouse. Gypsy dream book

Dream Interpretation Wine Wine. Drinking red wine in a dream means a serene life, entertainment with friends.
Spilled wine in a dream Spilled wine. The interpretation is evidence that women love you, your business is going well. If a girl drinks wine in a dream, it means that she will soon marry successfully and live in love and harmony. Culinary dream book

Dream Interpretation Wine Drink wine: fulfillment of hopes, fun, will be celebrated, for good / for a fight, anxiety, to be guilty white: joy red: good / fight apple: little joy drink alone: ​​bad news drink muddy: sadness pure drink: wealth diluted drink: illness drink little by little: prosperity treat: funeral pour out: joy wash with wine: loss pour out: misfortune sell: quarrel. Small dream book

Dream Interpretation Wine In general, scenes with wine in a dream: foretell joy and wonderful friendships. A young woman drinking wine in a dream: may hope to marry a wealthy and noble man. Seeing barrels of wine means considerable luxury. If in a dream you went down into a cellar full of bottles and barrels of wine: very pleasant experiences and impressions await you. Pouring wine from one vessel to another: for all kinds of pleasures, entertainment and pleasant travels. Pouring wine: to a well-paid job. Breaking a bottle of wine: means that your love passion will cross all boundaries. Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Dream Interpretation Wine If you dreamed that you were drinking wine, you have joy and strong friendships ahead. If a young woman saw this dream, she will marry a rich and noble man. If you broke a bottle of wine in a dream: your love and passion will cross all boundaries. Poured wine from one vessel to another: a variety of pleasures, entertainment and travel await you. Spilled wine: your salary will soon be increased. A barrel of wine: dreams of luxury.

Wine in dreams is a favorable symbol that foretells the sleeping person entertainment, a pleasant pastime, joyful emotions and other positive events. However for correct interpretation of this sign, you should remember the details of the dream: the color and quality of the product, what container it was poured into, the actions of the dreamer and other details. The sweet taste of the drink, which promises good luck and success, is considered a good omen.

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    Why do you dream about wine?

    Why do you dream about wine, according to different interpreters:

    • Dream book Meneghetti. Seeing this drink means general fun, feasting, and cordial friendship. Red - to new hobbies and the emergence of love feelings.
    • Summer. If a person drinks semi-sweet wine in immeasurable quantities and does not get drunk in a dream, then in real life the dreamer is very vain and selfish, he has inflated self-esteem and does not tolerate criticism.
    • Dream book of Tsvetkov. Drinking alone means bad news. Treating your comrades to a homemade drink - joy will soon give way to hopeless melancholy. Spilling means an accident. Selling alcohol in bottles means quarreling with your household over domestic disagreements.
    • Ukrainian. Drinking red in reasonable quantities means achieving your plans. Without measure - to commit impulsive actions. White - to receive satisfaction from your life.
    • Dream book of Smirnov. Red - to a tender and mutual feeling. Seeing white - spiritual growth, development; drinking it means a series of unpleasant events. Drinking spoiled wine or a black drink is a sign of betrayal or adultery.
    • Dream Interpretation of Juno. Wine symbolizes wealth and easy life. Eating grapes means being lucky and fortunate. Stealing means dubious earnings. Picking grape leaves and picking black berries in the vineyard means taking an unjustified risk in reality.

      Russian dream book

      This drink is a symbol vitality and wealth if a person drinks it in pure form. Dilute it with water - to an imminent illness.

      Enjoying a glass of white wine - such a dream foreshadows unforgettable impressions and joyful emotions. Consuming something cloudy means sad news.

      To get very drunk means to meet a very influential and wealthy person. Washing your feet with wine means big losses and valuable losses.

      Female interpreter

      Uncorking a bottle of fine wine and accidentally spilling the red liquid means getting a prestigious and high paying job. Breaking a bottle means irrepressible passion and fiery love.

      If the dreamer in a dream goes down to her cellar, which is full of homemade wine different varieties grapes - for a pleasant time in company dear people. Pouring white wine from one container to another brings various pleasures.

      Freud's Dream Book

      If the dreamer drinks alcohol in huge quantities in a dream, a person cannot relax during sex in real life until he drinks a bottle of strong drink.

      Breaking a wine bottle in a dream means being unrestrained and temperamental in bed. If the dreamer is treated to wine, this signifies the appearance of a fan who wants to have sexual relations with her.

      Miller's interpretation

      Drinking - such a dream symbolizes strong friendship and heartfelt affection. To break - feelings will cross the line of what is permitted; to wild, animal passion.

      Barrels of wine - to luxury and a beautiful life. Pouring a wine drink from a large vessel into a smaller container is a successful completion of the work begun and receiving a worthy reward for the efforts made.

      If a young lady enjoys a glass of semi-sweet in a dream - to happy marriage with a kind and wealthy man who has excellent manners and good upbringing.

      Nostradamus's opinion

      Wine is a symbol of calm and inner harmony. If there is a bottle of Cahors on the table, the hosts are hospitable and friendly. Seeing a vineyard means achieving financial independence.

      Drinking wine from a golden goblet means not noticing the obvious, being in your illusory world; lose touch with reality. Spilling Cahors on your clothes is a sign of rash actions. Giving a treat means the appearance of a malicious enemy.

      Persian dream book

      Drinking sweets means ensuring a comfortable existence for yourself and your relatives. Use sour things - to with great sorrow; the sleeper will soon shed many tears. The wine is too strong - the dreamer acts dishonestly in order to achieve material prosperity.

      Getting drunk means worrying about your future, being a stingy and cruel person. Drowning in wine - a sleeping woman is destined by fate to have a sad end; the dreamer's death will be terrible and unbearable.

Collection of dream books

Why do you dream about Wine in a dream according to 53 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Wine” symbol from 53 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

Russian folk dream book

Wine means a desire to relax and celebrate.

Family dream book

You dreamed that you were drinking wine- you have joy and strong friendships ahead.

If a young woman saw this dream- she will marry a rich and noble man.

Broke a bottle of wine in a dream- your love and passion will cross all boundaries.

Drinking champagne in a dream and hearing the popping of corks- means that you may soon be deceived by those you trust. Its consequences will not be so much unprofitable for you as simply offensive.

Pouring wine means that your work will be well paid.

For a young woman- see in a dream, that she drinks wine- a harbinger that she will marry a rich and noble man.

In a dream, going down into a cellar full of bottles and barrels of wine- this is a promise to you of the most pleasant impressions.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Wine is a symbol of peaceful life, economy, prosperity, vice.

Seeing wine on the table among other products and weapons nearby- this is a symbol of the fact that peace will be preserved as long as the tradition of our ancestors - hospitality - flourishes in the state.

Seeing pale pink wine in a clear glass- the dream foreshadows a trick, deception, murder through poisoning, which will be sanctioned by official services and arranged by familiar people so that no one suspects anything; you should especially be wary of ‘pleasant’ acquaintances with the opposite sex.

Drinking white means trouble.

Drinking sweets is a fulfillment of desires.

Guilt - to punishment; error; as inversion - to success.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

If you dreamed that you were drinking wine- you have to attend the funeral of a close friend or relative.

In a dream you watch someone drinking wine- expect unpleasant news.

You dreamed that you were spilling wine- you will get sick in the near future.

You watch one of your relatives pour wine- one of your loved ones will get sick in the near future.

A dream in which you watched one of your acquaintances or friends pour wine- predicts the death of one of your relatives.

Seeing a bottle or glass of cloudy wine in a dream- means a quick cold.

If they pour wine for you- you have become the object of intense interest.

If you drink wine- this symbolizes for a man the desire to establish harmonious sexual relationships, and for a woman - the desire for same-sex love.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Drinking wine is fun; treat - funeral; spill - unfortunately; drinking alone is bad news; selling is a quarrel.

Aesop's Dream Book

For a long time, wine has been an integral attribute of the table of many peoples. It symbolized the prosperity and well-functioning economy. To this day, wine (Cahors) is part of the rituals performed by the church. Not only wine is famous among the people, but also its “unripe” version - mash. Since wine requires painstaking production, it is a symbol of relaxation and signifies the desire to relax and celebrate a significant event. In Greece, wine was prepared for the day dedicated to the god Dionysus. On this day, celebrations were held that were characterized by special freedom of morals - Saturnalia, part of which were orgies. Wine helped people get rid of unnecessary worries, complexes and forget about problems.

See the wine cellar- the dream promises hard work, an unusually strong and incessant flow of urgent matters.

Buy a bottle of collectible wine- a symbol of relaxation that will turn up at the most unexpected moment, at the same time, this symbol can portend an acquaintance with a wealthy woman.

Seeing yourself drunk with a bottle of wine in your hand- to clarify the relationship, to a dispute that will not bring satisfaction, to a quarrel.

Seeing a noisy feast with an abundance of wine on the table- to a successful transaction, receiving a profitable contract, concluding an agreement with a good specialist.

Drink wine at someone else's expense- this dream warns you against waste and foreshadows the appearance of creditors in your life for very old debts, debts that you have long forgotten about.

Making wine - you are ready to spend time on something that can bring results; painstaking work does not scare you; you won't give up until you get your way.

Medieval dream book

Drinking wine promises bodily strength.

Drink cloudy wine- to sadness, and the more you drank, the greater the sadness.

French dream book

Seeing wine in a dream foretells bloodshed.

If you drink clean, good wine- the dream promises you health, strength, energy, and benefits in business.

If you drink bad wine- a dream means someone’s infidelity or dishonesty.

Explanatory dictionary of dreams

Pour white wine- joy; red - massacre; drinking muddy - sadness; In general, drinking is an accusation.

Ukrainian dream book

Drinking wine in a dream means you will be anxious; fulfillment of desires; beat your luck; drinking white wine means joy, satisfaction; red - always have a good mood; apple - modest joy; Drinking vermouth is self-criticism.

Gypsy dream book

If you dream that you are drinking wine is a good omen, foretelling health, wealth, long life and happiness.

If you're in love- you will marry the one you adore.

If you are already married- you will become especially close to your spouse.

Esoteric dream book

Red wine, thick- to passionate love.

To drink is to be intoxicated with love.

White, liquid - you are deluding yourself or, if you drink, you are seducing another.

Erotic dream book

Drinking wine in a dream is a wonderful sign. It foreshadows a variety of pleasures and entertainment events that can mark the beginning of a new stage in your personal life. A young girl can marry successfully.

If you spill wine or break a full bottle- your love and passion will go beyond all conceivable limits!

Online dream book

Meaning of the dream: Wine according to the dream book?

Dream about drinking wine- such a dream predicts excellent health in the future, prosperity and longevity.

More interpretations

Dream about choosing wine- the resulting respite will be very pleasant. There is a chance to meet a girl from a wealthy family.

Drink it among friends in a dream and feast- the dream foretells you some significant action, maybe even marriage.

If you dreamed that you were served wine- you will live happily ever after.

Spill it in a dream- means that in reality you will be generously rewarded for your efforts. If it was spilled on you, someone wants to blame their offense on you.

In a dream, wine has a rather sour taste- troubles and misfortunes await you.

I dream that it contains most of the alcohol- the author of the dream is trying to earn income in an unfair way.

If it's red- your future will be carefree.

I dreamed about a barrel of wine- the dream foretells you wealth.

If you dreamed of a cellar with this alcoholic drink - wild fun awaits you.

In a dream, drinking wine with someone- the dream book promises you discord, and if you are invited to taste it, the dream promises you a long life.

Try white wine- get a lot of pleasant impressions, spend quality time in the company of friends.

Drinking wine is a favorable signal; significant changes for the better will occur in your life, you will not need anything.

Drinking wine in the company of true friends is an omen of some pleasant event. Maybe you will receive an invitation to a wedding.

If you dream about wine, things will go wrong, and luck will accompany you in business. Another interpretation is to be unfairly accused of something.

Drinking red wine is an aggression that finds no way out. Try to throw it out, otherwise conflicts cannot be avoided.

See a bottle of wine- to prove that you are right in a raised voice, heated discussions, scandals.

White wine in a dream- you are vain and ambitious, do not stroke your pride with false hopes, they will not come true.

Raising a glass of white wine means imposing your opinion on others. Or seduce one of your new acquaintances.

I dreamed of standing with a glass of wine- a very pleasant event from day to day. Anyone who gets sick at this time is unlikely to recover quickly.

Video: Why do you dream about Wine?

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    I had a dream that I was lying on the sofa of some white healer or something, I see red wine on the walls on the shelves, 4 large bottles ... she enters the room, holds me to the bed and begins to read a prayer, calling on the Lord and the Virgin Mary to me and says get out of the unclean spirit, I’m lying there, at that moment I felt so unpleasant, like it was tickling, as if something was spinning inside me, then this woman reads a prayer and begins to bite me painfully on the knee.. I felt so sick and I woke up

    We are with ex-husband We drink red wine. He asks to come back, says he misses him. I see the mountain broken glassware and looking for something to pour it into. I give him my glass and pour myself into an empty bottle

    I dreamed that my mother came into the house and there were 3 people with her, but I didn’t remember them, one of them convinced me that I should drink vodka for those who had left, I said that I don’t drink, then the other gave me a glass red wine, in in a golden iron vessel, and my mother said that half of our house had died, we were in the house with a friend, we weren’t at all surprised and went to choose things that I didn’t want to give her, then we kissed her and wanted to make love as if I had turned into a guy

    In the company of young men and women. A guy stood nearby and took my glass of red wine, supposedly by accident. Indignantly, I ask who he is and what his name is. The girl from the company answered Maxim, I turned to him, he playfully replied that he had not noticed. And I immediately forgot his name.

    I climb the steps of entrance five storey building my childhood, and suddenly the steps become one meter long and collapse under me, and I fall into the red wine and begin to swim and dive, rejoicing and feeling happiness.

    My deceased mother's apartment, but the stove in it is like ours old apartment. My son is small. I have to repair the stove in the kitchen. Our friend, a stove maker, very drunk, invites someone to look at the stove, they come, but are in a hurry. They light the stove, and there is a lot of stuff on it, including my bag. My friend swears, but the bag doesn’t burn. Then we sit at the same stove and I pour vodka, my mother (deceased) is on the side, I start pouring fortified wine, she grabs a glass, I say: “Wait, I’ll pour it full.”

    I dreamed that my friends and I were drinking wine, first red, then white. The red was already poured into the glasses, and when it was finished, I started pouring white for everyone. This all happened on the street, near our house (private house), and we drank from plastic glasses.

    I dreamed that I and my friend were visiting my grandfather in the village. At night we often ran to smoke. Then morning, I wake up (in a dream) and go to the kitchen to wash, but the sink is clogged. I turn to the table to find out what’s wrong with the sink and see the deceased grandmother. In a dream, I understand that she is no longer alive and I sit down next to her, barely holding back tears. Then I noticed that my grandmother was drinking red wine (during her life she did not drink alcohol at all), she offered to pour it for me too. We sat together and silently drank wine, and grandfather wandered around the kitchen very happy.

    Hello! on the night from Wednesday to Thursday I dreamed about how I was drinking red wine and it was so sweet, then I told myself I need to remember the name of this wine, I just remember what it’s called

    I was standing at the bus stop to the art school, There I met my best friend (she is very good, her mother and father work in the church, and she herself wants to become an icon painter), well, she hands me a bottle of red wine and says that this is a gift from artistic for participation in the competition. She was happy for me. I was cheerful, I immediately ran home, but missed the trolleybus, although when I woke up I realized that I was standing at the wrong stop, and the trolleybus did not go to the art department. Well, I’m running home, and on the way I met my beloved grandfather, I told him about the wine and he was happy. Then I found myself in my entrance and saw that my old neighbor (the grandmother of a boy my age who hates me and whom I hate) was trying to open the door to the vestibule with my wine. But my grandfather prevented this. He took the wine from the grandmother and gave it to me. Then when I went home, I saw my mother, she looked tired and sad, but when I told her about the gift, she was happy, and the fatigue disappeared.

    Hello, I’ve had the same dream for the second time: I drink a lot of red wine while driving without getting drunk, I’m driving around the city in my car (and in reality it’s my car), it’s warm and sunny in the city, but the places are unfamiliar and where I’m going I don’t understand, but I enjoy both the wine and the road.

    I was at some kind of feast among relatives, I came later. I walk around and can’t find a wine glass or a wine glass for myself to pour wine. I finally find a vessel for wine that cannot be placed, can only be held in my hands.

    Holding a beautiful crystal glass in his hands, my beloved pressed me to him and forced me to drink the red drink - the contents of the glass. It turned out to be tart wine, the warmth of which spread throughout my body. At some point I felt weak and drowned in the cold embrace of my beloved, but then he disappeared, and a cold crystal glass remained in my hand

    First, the husband put open and half-filled bottles of wine on the table. I asked him why he did that, he replied that maybe someone would finish the drink. Then I find myself in a church with an incomplete bottle of red wine, I know that it needs to be poured and placed in front of the icons, but I don’t have a container to pour it into. In church I meet a friend and her sister, but in the dream they have long dark hair (in life they have short hair). They sit on benches (I thought it was good that they put benches, like in Catholic churches, very comfortably). Next to them sat two more young women very similar to them. I said that you don’t even need to ask and it’s obvious that it’s theirs cousins, they also have long dark hair. I poured wine into some flower pots that stood in front of the icons and began to leave the church; I did not stay for the service. When she came out, cheerful music started playing and many people started dancing. I left the church, turned around, and in the large window utility room The priest is standing in a cassock and looking after me. Then I ended up at a friend’s house, she was dozing with her grandchildren on the bed, and they just didn’t want to fall asleep. I picked up a very small boy, a baby (actually my grandson is 2 years old) and began rocking him in my arms.

    I dreamed about my late grandmother who died a year and a half ago, and my grandmother Valya who died a couple of months ago (the wife of my grandfather’s brother). Grandma Valya smiled, waved to me and left. And I walked further with my grandmother and she dropped a bottle of red wine and 3 glasses of this wine that she had drunk, and there was also a small glass with drunk wine. I picked up the bottle, 3 glasses and a glass (although she was even smaller in volume than an ordinary glass), and went to fetch my grandmother. All this happened in the courtyard of the house of the late grandmother Valya, who waved to me (she seemed to be saying goodbye to me). What does red wine mean in this dream? I HOPE YOU CAN ANSWER, THANK YOU IN ADVANCE!!

    I dreamed that I was standing in line at a store and a girl came in (I know her, we are enemies) and asked the seller to pour her three plastic cups red wine... In my dream, I couldn’t understand why I was asking people to pour wine in a store, and then I woke up…. In general, I very rarely remember dreams, since I don’t sleep well and don’t sleep much, but for some reason I remembered this one... Thank you...

    A large group (as if at work) at the table, the choice of drinks was different, but I drank wine from a large glass. Why was there only alcohol on the table. I even remembered the taste (something like currant), I didn’t finish the wine and left a little less than a glass for a friend , although she is unfamiliar to me. She got a little tipsy. It happened in the winter.

    I dreamed of my late father and he had a large bottle of red (burgundy) and very aromatic wine and he drank it a little and then began to pour it out. Everything happened in some building in the form of a red brick castle and was illuminated by a bright crimson warm sun (it was very comfortable)

    I dreamed of a young man (in the dream I knew for sure that he was younger than me) who was flirting with me and trying to get to know me. I also knew that he was much lower than me in status and financial situation, so I did not trust him. But he very persistently and, it seems, sincerely assured me that he loved me. I remember that it was in some restaurant... I remember that I drank wine from a large glass

    Good afternoon, my name is Tatyana. Today I dreamed of a feast, I drank red wine from a large glass. Such a bright taste was felt. I wonder why this could have happened? After all, in reality nothing special should happen, I ordinary mom two children on maternity leave...
    Before the New Year, I saw that I was preparing minced meat cutlets for our president (Belarus))) What would that be for?

    good afternoon, today I dreamed of a deceased girl who previously lived next to us. In the dream she looked like a completely joyful person. And in the dream she treated me to red wine, but she refused to drink it herself. And I treated her to fruit (banana) that she and I gladly accepted. I will be grateful to you for your interpretation of the dream, thank you in advance.

    in a dream with her deceased husband she was in one-story building with many rooms, each with many beds and a mix of women and men. Our stay there was ending and we were getting ready for the train. I was packing things, there were a lot of them, bags, suitcases, boxes were filling up. My husband was very angry with me and swore at me, sending me to... I asked him to help me, he cursed and sat down to drink dark red wine with his (living) brother. The wine was exactly half full in a 3 liter jar. I called my husband, saying that we might miss the train. but he didn't react to me.

    I remember a dream from the moment when some friend of mine (although I’m seeing him for the first time) drinks wine from a bottle (from his throat), and I’m sitting with a glass of red wine, which I drink a little at a time, and that’s how half a glass remains there, I want to drink it in one gulp

    Good afternoon I dreamed of a buddha, we were sitting at a table, having a feast, I don’t remember exactly why we gathered. The deceased said a toast “To my health” i.e. for me, we clinked glasses of red wine and drank it all down. After that, he hid the glass, saying that it was a gift to him from me. What would that mean?

    I accidentally felt in my hands a bottle of open red wine and an old ring, with a yellow stone, I thought in a dream that it was topaz. I wanted to try it on ring finger, and there was that ring that she wasn’t married to, she bought it herself, it looked like an engagement ring, she tried it on left hand, the ring fit perfectly, I left the wine in some corner

    my friend invited me to the wake of an unknown lady. we sat down at the table and I was opposite my friend. A woman was sitting next to me and she poured some wine from her glass into mine, then my friend did the same. I didn’t understand anything and took my glass and this glass began to crumble into fragments.

    I dreamed that my family and I were driving somewhere at night and stopped at a restaurant to have a snack. We were greeted as expected and shown to a table. And one of the relatives began to argue with the sommelier about the choice of wine. I smoothed over the dispute by asking what types of wines there were and they took me into the tasting room. The young man was not familiar to me, he offered various varieties wine, I drank the red one first, it was tart, but the white one, on the contrary, was like honey, and the latter. I even felt the taste, very bright white

    I dreamed that I was in the company of loved ones, we were having fun, dancing, I saw beautiful apples, the house was old, my late father-in-law was there, I began to wipe the table and spilled his wine and said that I would owe him a glass of wine, the woman asked what I said and he told her what I said, he smiled, then I went out, my relatives were walking from the countryside and again there were beautiful apples.

    hello! the dream is as if my husband and I were sitting at the table at home and out of nowhere at the same moment I see some kind of restaurant and my husband brings us wine and pours it into two glasses and it’s so beautiful red and I drank a little, I liked it, I say it’s delicious and look he has another bottle in his hand of another wine, he says it’s an expensive wine, but it’s not very good, and I see some uncle standing behind the bar looking in the distance, he says, he said, he treated me

    I dreamed of our old house. I came and knocked. it's night on the streets. There is darkness all around. My mother opened the door for me. Without entering the house, I looked or maybe I felt that she was pouring wine for my dad. and he tells me to drink to my youngest grandson. their great-grandson, that is. but my parents have been dead for 3 years already.

    I was sitting at the head of the table... in some company. There were different dishes on the table, but I didn’t look at them. There was a glass of rose wine in my hand. When I tried it, it was semi-sweet.

    I was traveling with some group of people and then a woman stops us (I thought in a dream that she was the mistress of the estate) and treats us with honey and red sweet wine and I eat this honey and drink sweet wine and clearly feel this taste

    I had a bag or a backpack with money and I wanted to run away somewhere very quickly after an unknown person appeared, I hid the case somewhere, he said let's go check, I just don't know what it was, and I asked for this dream in the city in May, I walked away a couple of blocks and a deceased friend appeared, who died not long ago, he poured two modest glasses of Vienna, we bumped into each other and drank, then we went straight, I said let’s go, yes, David was our classmate, this dead man had drugs, he first threw them on the ground and I said let’s go On David we’ll test how it will be interesting to him, he says AAAAA well, come on and go to the hostels when we went, David, he says I’ve already tried these drugs and I still gave them to him and he used them
    well that's it I woke up

    Spring (looks like May). There were a lot of different things in the dream, but I especially remember the table as if it was on the veranda. A crisp white tablecloth. Three tall crystal glasses with red wine poured into them. The taste is sweet, very aromatic.

    I was sitting at the table with stranger, he offered to drink red wine, I refused, and he drank his glass, and then took a bottle from the table and poured it on my head, before that he poured a glass of cognac into it.

    Hello! At first I dreamed that I came to a butcher shop and the owner of this store gave me fresh meat in a basin. Then I ended up visiting someone, I don’t remember who now, I ate there boiled meat and some men were sitting at the table and among them was an acquaintance who had already died. Then I went to another room and there they poured me red wine, I I don’t drink it at all, but in my dream it was so tasty and sweet.

    Hello Tatiana. I had a dream where I offered to drink wine from beautiful bottle(red wine) to two women, in my life I had bad relationships with them, but I didn’t see how they drank wine. And I also dreamed about the former boss, he smiled pleasantly at me, didn’t say anything, sat at the table, it was clear that he was happy, but I wanted to talk about how I wanted to go back to work, I remember saying something to him, he was silent. Thank you.

    I bought wine in a store with my classmates, they didn’t have money, I took two or three bottles of Golden Autumn. (that’s what the wine is called) And it all happened as if in Soviet time on Khreshchatyk, in those good wine shops. Then we went for a party... I clearly remember the taste of the wine... the only thing that confused me was that it was red. ( Golden autumn White wine). Then I bought more wine, but of a different brand and also red and fortified.

    Hello, sorry, I don’t write Russian well. I dreamed of a large barrel in which water was constantly flowing. First, Ana turned into coca-cola, and then into wine, I kushtuvav and drank cavoto, I can’t remember the rest of the dream. Thank you.

    I came to the supermarket to buy wine for myself, when I entered the interior, I immediately rushed to alcohol, the choice was very large, I stood and looked at three wines, then I chose the middle ones from them, and left...

    I pour red wine into a mug and say to my adult son: I want red wine, will you? But I don’t see him, I only hear a satisfied voice: I’ve already drunk mine (yesterday he received a promotion at work). I brought a cup of aromatic wine to my mouth and seemed to take a sip of it, feeling the sweet thick taste, but suddenly I felt a gaze on me, I became worried and fussed and extended my hand to the cluttered surface of the old refrigerator to hide the mug of wine - my , long dead, mother. In my haste, I didn’t set the mug level and the wine spilled. There was chaos around, everything was spinning and my father, who had recently passed away, appeared, everything was colorless, only the spilled wine was red. I woke up. For me, what this dream says is important, I expect fateful changes in my life.

    I dreamed that my loved one invited me to a restaurant, but he sat at another table and looked at me all the time, and as it turned out, I was sitting at a table with his mother and a friend in a white dress and drinking wine... (now we are in a quarrel)

    Hello. Today in a dream I bought a bottle of white wine, 2 boxes of chocolates and cookies. With all this, I came with my husband and son to some fun. Everyone there was having so much fun (the people were all familiar to me). They asked me where I had been for so long; everyone had been waiting for me for a long time. All tables were occupied, only one was free. We sat down at this table. Among those having fun was my now deceased classmate, he was very happy to see me. I put everything I bought on the table. My son had old, torn socks on his feet. I scolded him for these socks. To which he replied that his feet no longer smell (his feet sweat very much). The son asked for 10 rubles. I wanted to give it, but they remained in my hand. The son ate the cucumber quickly and greedily. I don’t know where the cucumber came from.

    I met a friend with a cat when I worked, we sat at a table in a cafe, the cat looked more like a dining room, then I found a plastic bottle of wine, offered it to her, she refused and I ran down the stairs and found myself in a beautiful toilet, the cat was an enclosure for animals that looked like dogs, but their noses were thin and long.
    I drink the entire bottle of wine there and pee.
    Then everything happens in the bathroom, the same friend lies in the bathroom, tossing and turning from her back to her side in muddy soapy water, and when she comes out of the bathroom, her veins are very swollen and bubbles are inflated from them, then she smears them with ointment and they are removed, then I dream about a lot of people and we sleep in the same bed, both women and children

    I’m now in a quarrel with my husband’s parents. A couple of days ago, the godmother of my husband’s sister came to see them, whom I can’t stand and my beloved is jealous of her. I dreamed about her in a dream in which I saw wine in her bag, why I don’t know this dream but my soul is very restless...

    We were sitting with friends, a friend and a friend were drinking semi-sweet red wine from a package. At some point, a friend comes up and offers me a drink. I take a sip purely out of respect. But then friends give me 1/6 of a package of wine and force me to drink. And I drink it

    I'm shopping at the store grocery store and I choose many bottles of different alcohol, and only expensive ones, champagne and white and red, sparkling wine, wine in a beautiful bottle, wine in unusual bottle, a pear wine drink, I remember buying ready-made pilaf and French fries. In reality I didn’t drinking man and I don’t know much about wines

    I had a dream about my mother today.
    That she is sitting on the asphalt near a house in Sokolniki on her knees, in her hands she has a bottle of white wine “ Good year“, she drinks them and says, I feel so sick, that’s why I drink, when I don’t drink, I feel sick. And he drinks from his throat, scratching some hieroglyphs on the asphalt after each sip.
    Then he asks me to find the people from the MTV show because they have an antidote for nausea. Grandma is standing above us and says “Oh my God, what is this” in a robe. And on the first floor it’s like our apartment is on the right. And I come out of there, the door is ajar and grandma comes out. I turn around, and a neighbor runs in from the 9th floor. I follow him 6 and he laughs and says “I saw everything, I know what to take from you” and I push him out
    I have already dreamed twice about my mother with this wine “Good Year” and she drinks from her throat.
    I always see myself in dreams from the outside, dreams are colorful and with voices, emotions.

    Hello, the dream is quite strange. In 1, I have repeatedly dreamed that I am pregnant. My friend also dreams of this that I am pregnant. In 2, today I dreamed that I was pregnant and I started having contractions, somehow I realized this, I went through all sorts of obstacles to get to the place where can I give birth? I passed the obstacles and near this place in the queue I cried, my tummy shrank a little, I thought that I had already given birth while I was going through the obstacles and didn’t notice how you slipped the baby, but no, after that I was already sitting at home with the baby. Then I went for a walk and met him near rivers of acquaintances, they had a wedding, I never had close contact with these people, they swam in dirty river we rode a shark, I went into the water up to my knees, a little lower, I didn’t even go any further and returned to land. Then we ended up at my house, the house was so unkempt. The bride started talking to me and said that she wanted wine and I remembered what was in my refrigerator there is a very tasty white transparent wine, I went to the refrigerator and took this wine and called the bride, she tried it, then I took a sip and that’s it. Then the guests went to bed, some calmly and someone wanted to lie in my place with the baby, but I scolded and said that it was ours place with the baby. Afterwards we went to bed and I woke up. Thank you

    It’s as if downstairs in a cafe I bought a glass of wine for the whole family, a cake, stewed cabbage, I put everything on a tray and took it upstairs to the restaurant on the 5th floor, while I was going I spilled everything and ruined it, I came to the restaurant and cried that it wasn’t I reported that my husband ordered new wine and food... but I was very upset inside that I had spoiled the food...

    I dreamed that I was drinking semi-sweet red wine on my mother’s birthday. And at the same time the glasses were always changed. The first glass was ordinary and quite large. When I poured the wine a second time, it became smaller and had glitter flowers on it. When I poured the wine 3 times, it was already quite small and somehow prickly. After which I woke up. I'm only 13 years old and I've never drank. I don’t understand what this dream is for.

    A drunk woman came to us and asked to spend the night, we let her go and put her next to me, then I dreamed that my child woke up and I went out into the street, there was someone knocking on the window, there was a man standing there and said, take some wine, it’s expensive, it costs $850 and gives I shook the bottle for me, but only the neck broke, but the wine didn’t pour out and it disappeared, then I went into the house and that woman wasn’t there, but the floor was splashed and the window was broken, then I somehow ended up on the mud with the woman, she set it on fire at the neighbor's house, the neighbors came to a small pile of firewood and began to shout that we were burning under the windows and saw a box with bottles from Vienna and the neighbor wanted to take them, but I started saying that they were very expensive and I wanted to sell them, they left and the woman and I took that bottle where I threw the same thing out of the drawer, but I drank a whole bottle of wine and the woman had a chipped one

    I dreamed that I was at home using VKontakte from a laptop, the laptop was not mine, then at home I was going to a club and someone gave me wine, it seemed to me that this was not enough and we needed to buy more, in the evening in our village in the center there was a store was opened, I don’t remember what I bought, it seemed like nothing, I remember that I talked to my mother on the phone, she said that they should come from somewhere so that I could bring her the key, then I saw that they arrived in a car and brought small strawberries , which I washed in my hands, then I dreamed of my aunt that I was at her house, she told me how to pick raspberries, and that’s all

    It was in art school. They brought us wine called “Dostoevsky” and told us about some of his books, which he wrote and admired all his life. Later the teacher left and we began to drink wine, although this is not allowed. They drank straight from the throat and sketched the fall of the shadow from the lamp. And later, I saw everything as if from a third person, when I had already left this room. The teacher returned and was shocked and furious that the bottle was empty, but he also did not know who exactly drank the wine.

A crazy dream. First, the three of us, a friend (colleague) and a male colleague. He invites us to drink wine (a certain type, which he highly recommends), a friend says that she will drink anything, but not this type. I agree to try. He brings the remaining 2 bottles of wine, both of which have about a quarter of a bottle left, even less. The wine, in my opinion, was called “Some kind of (I don’t remember which one) dog.” I think I try it, but I don’t remember whether I liked it or not. Then we decide to go to a movie night. Then I see that I’m already returning from the cinema at night, I go into the entrance (our old house), the door to the apartment is slightly open. I think I was robbed, I go in, expecting to see destruction. I hear my father’s (actually deceased) voice saying that there is something to eat in the kitchen. I understand that he is drunk, so I open the door wide, I get terribly angry and start shouting at him. He answers. At the same time, he lies in the hall, and I, without entering the room and not seeing him, shout from the hallway. I shout that I’m tired of this, he also shouts that he’s tired of it, it would be better if I didn’t come, he wouldn’t see me (something like that). Then I meet the mother of the same friend, she is excited. It turns out that some deputy, or something, called Natasha (this is a friend) a lesbian (in real life, a tipsy acquaintance recently pestered her, and when she stopped his advances, he called her a lesbian). Natasha flew into the air, she was very angry, she began to shout that she would show this deputy (yes, my friend is a journalist), and rushed off somewhere very excited. Mom worries about her, she’s all in grief, she says: “Go ahead, Tom will tell you, I don’t have the strength anymore.” I go to the cars, where Toma, unknown to me, is. I see some strange little pot-bellied cars, a woman is sitting in one of them (and the seats in the car are only in one row, not front and back, and the entire seat is lined with rags, something soft). An elderly woman with a puffy face. I ask: “Are you Tom?” She answers in the affirmative. A friend’s mother comes up here. They can't tell me anything new. I can't understand why the word "lesbian" made her so angry. I think maybe she really is a lesbian and is shy. I’m also thinking, maybe I should become a lesbian, so we can live happily ever after. Then my mother and I go to look for a friend. We see a small shopping arcade, Natasha is decisively trying on something there. She put aside her shoes—light green clogs. Her mother sighs, what did Natasha choose? I say it matches the color of the suit. Meanwhile, Natasha is trying on the skirt of a suit of the same pale green color. Some kind of jacket, with something like a jacket on top. And either right there, or shortly before, I got hold of some kind of suit - a skirt below the knees, a blouse, something on top. Black with white polka dots. There is also a hair tie made of the same material. I stand there, admiring myself. I turn to Natasha - I see her in a red suit, also a skirt below the knees, several clothes on top, and also a tiny beret on one side of the same red color. We both looked, as I think now, extremely stupid (like in some national costumes), but in the dream we really liked it, we were so happy... And another piece from the dream, maybe it even preceded it... I’m in line to the doctor. Moreover, not in the clinic where I am being seen, that is, I don’t have a card with me, and I don’t know whether a doctor will see me without a medical history. In real life, I had a mini-stroke in the spring, but in my dream I want the doctor to objectively assess my condition. I took the line behind the woman, remembering her by her blouse. Then I ask the woman in the same blouse if I’m following her. She says no, and I see that the one I was in charge of is sitting next to me... And then I notice that there are 4 or 5 women in the same blouses (black with some kind of flower) in the queue, which I am very surprised by. There are two doctors who see you - a man and a woman. The door to the male doctor’s office is slightly open, and I see the patient reflected in the mirror - a completely naked man standing with his back turned. I wonder: why did the doctor undress him completely? I decide that it would be better for me to get to a woman. But when it’s my turn, it turns out that the woman has a patient, and I have to go to the man. I walk in, he tells me to undress, I remember that I’m unbuttoning my clothes (and they unbutton like a robe from top to bottom), I look at myself, without taking off my clothes, standing with my back to the doctor, and I’m wearing some crazy white tights (however, as a child, I wore something similar on holidays) and swimming trunks underneath. I think: how can I appear before a doctor like this? - and I wake up. Why such an abundance of clothes, and even well-remembered ones, when in real life I have trouble remembering what someone is wearing?




The feast symbolizes the contribution of the personality, contributing to its growth (unless, of course, you are on a diet, which would give rise to the so-called “functional dream” - a direct response to the body’s need for food). Your sister's participation indicates her positive role in your life.


I dreamed that I was my man at the table opposite each other, drinking red wine from glasses and at the same time talking enthusiastically and cheerfully. Not only do I dream about him very, very rarely, but I also don’t often see him drinking in my life. What is it for?


I'm dreaming locality where I lived as a child. I am walking along the main road hand in hand with my colleague, who is very sexually attractive to me, and I know that he is married. We go into the store and choose wine, the seller of the wine shop asks: “What wine does your wife prefer?” and points to me. I turn to the seller and say with a smile: “I don’t know what wine his wife prefers, but his mistress prefers semi-sweet red.” We leave the store and walk further along the road, suddenly he grabs my hand and we run away behind the snowdrifts, he tells me that he saw his son walking with the dog. He tries to kiss me but we both stop halfway. I take care of the back streets so that his son doesn’t see me and go into the laundry room, where two women are sitting and discussing some gossip. I open washing machine, and I understand that there is the wet underwear of the wife of my colleague with whom I was walking. The frame ends...I see a picture, I am walking with my husband along the same road, only it’s summer outside, I hear a child crying, in the park - I run there and find little boy in a box, naked and grimy, I pick him up - he is very heavy, but I don’t care about the weight and I feel absolute happiness for myself and this boy...


The dream reveals an erotic theme. According to the context, the heroine must make love, and the wine symbolizes the positive unconscious. However, nothing significant happens. According to the laws of imagogy: “if you dream of scenes of the expected, supposed sexual intercourse - which happens most often - this speaks of uncertainty, indecision, unrealization...”. The lovers didn’t even kiss, they changed their minds. Fleeing into the snowdrifts symbolizes the absence of live reactions from the genitals. In addition, children are constantly seen in the shots, and this most often indicates undeveloped instincts. Especially if children “jump out of the box.” In general, extramarital relations are a blessing if they do not harm the main family and do not lead to a decrease in social status. In this situation, the risk is still very high. The heroine of the dream anticipates the danger of gossip and understands that she will have to deal with dirty laundry his lover's wife. The point is that sex with married man suggests that you are not actually having an affair with him, but with his wife. A woman, as a rule, is only interested in a woman, not a man.

The color red in a dream means that you will be honored by being invited to a large and elegant celebration.

A rich, bright red color, called purple, means that your lofty plans will not come true.

Red color of moderate, calm or pale tones portends happiness in love.

Red paints are a sign of good luck and fortune, red pencils are a sign of spending money and purchasing real estate.

See in a dream blood red moon- a harbinger of family discord and quarrels with a loved one.

The color red in a letter foretells separation due to suspicion and jealousy, but your reasonable behavior can save the situation.

Seeing red-hot iron in a dream means that you are dearly loved in your own family and appreciated by your friends for your cheerful and cheerful character.

Dealing with red pepper in a dream is a harbinger that fate will send you a thrifty and economic companion in your married life.

Red caviar in your dream is a sign of future misfortunes and sorrows.

Buying, picking and eating red grapes in a dream means that in reality you will receive reproaches from your family and reprimands from your superiors.

Drinking red wine - such a dream speaks of a fun walk coming soon. Making jam and compotes from red berries is a sign of health.

Interpretation of dreams from


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