Dream interpretation of making repairs in a new apartment. Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

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Why do you dream of making repairs? When you dream that you are doing renovations, this is a sign that in the near future you will gain great influence, and those around you will have great respect and may even fear you.

Why do you dream about making repairs – Freud’s dream book

If you dream that you are renovating, then there will be a lot of turmoil in your life and you will have to resist fate.

To dream of renovating a room means that the person who has not spoken to you for a long time has not forgotten about you, contrary to what you think.

If you dream that your husband is doing renovations, this may mean that you have great energy and vitality in your waking state that you can realize anything you want.

When you dream of making repairs at work, this is a sign that you have a true, loyal friend standing next to you, and if this is not the case, then you will soon know a person with whom you will have a friendly, long-term relationship.

I had a dream about making renovations in an apartment - Miller’s dream book

If you had a dream in which you are renovating your apartment, this means that there will be events in your life that will cost you a lot of nerves and stress, but everything should be fine.

When you and a friend are renovating an apartment in a dream, this is a sign that you will meet a cruel enemy.

If in a dream you came to a stranger to do renovations in an apartment, the dream will tell you about the peace and harmony that will come to your family in the near future.

A dream in which you had to make repairs in a rented apartment announces that you will be able to solve an important issue for you, thanks to the support provided to you by an unfamiliar influential person.

To dream of making repairs in a house - Vanga’s dream book

To see a dream in which you happen to be renovating a house means that you will soon be able to change your job to a much better place.

If you dream about renovating a house, this dream suggests that it will be difficult for you to communicate with your manager.

When you dream of renovating someone else's house, it is a warning to you against an unknown danger that you may face if you are not protected by caution.

To dream of making repairs in someone else’s house - Nostradamus’ dream book

To dream that you are renovating someone else's house is a promise that you will soon be exposed to an important influencer and you will have to bear the consequences of your bad behavior.

Major renovations in someone else's house announce that you will be able to defeat or at least neutralize some of your enemies.

If you see your friends renovating someone else's house in a dream, it means that you can protect yourself from your enemy's attacks if you are careful in your actions.

A dream in which you happened to see renovations in someone else's house signals that your enemy cannot harm you in any way, so you can feel safe even if you are constantly thinking about it.

Collection of dream books

Why do you dream of Repair in a dream according to 17 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Repair” symbol from 17 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why did you dream about Repair in a dream?

Do a luxurious European-quality renovation in your apartment in a dream- means that your life will soon change in better side.

If you’ve been planning to do it for too long, but for various reasons you can’t start- such a dream can be a harbinger of disappointed hopes, an unfulfilled dream, a symbol of your naivety.

If a young woman dreams that she is doing renovations- this means that her husband will find in her a good assistant in his affairs.

Dream book for lovers

The girl who dreams that she is doing renovations- will help her husband in solving all problems.

Dream book for a bitch

Home renovation - mutual understanding with your spouse, trusting and tender relationship.

Clothes repair - profit and benefit.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Seeing repairs in a dream or doing the repairs yourself- a sign that you need to improve your affairs. More exact value sleep depends on what exactly is being repaired.

Apartment renovation in your home- symbolizes family problems.

Repairing clothes means problems with reputation or position in society.

I had a dream during the day, not for me personally, but for a friend of mine. We have a very close friend, a dream about him. The friend dreamed that a friend was doing renovations at his house (a friend’s house) - painting and making iron door. I don’t remember what color I painted it. In addition, I dreamed that a friend invited a former comrade with whom he had a long-standing quarrel to a meeting. What does this all mean?

I had a relationship with this man 13 years ago, I didn’t even remember him anymore. Not long ago I dreamed about him, we were sitting at the table opposite each other. then he took my hand, and I removed it, because I knew about the presence of his wife. A few days later I accidentally met him and his wife, he was sitting at the next table opposite me. Today I dreamed of him again, but the actions took place where I lived as a child. he purchased my previous home, furnished it, and made repairs. and I was next door. the dream ended with me in his arms and him beginning sexual foreplay. I felt pleasant sensations

I dreamed of my husband’s mistress, my friend... who took him away a month ago... What did she do to me in my house redecorating. New suspended ceilings and hung flowered curtains throughout the apartment. And she got ready to leave with my husband. And I started fighting with her in a dream and cursed her.. I woke up and was scared myself.

This morning I saw myself in the apartment where I was born and where I haven’t lived for 28 years... The apartment is two-room. Me and someone else are whitewashing the walls. There are a lot of small things on the floor that need to be moved every time to wash the floors underneath them from splashes. I open the apartment door and see a crowd of relatives who have already come for tea. I turn around, dissatisfied, and discover that we are not whitewashing, but painting the walls of the apartment a pale lilac color with red trim around the door and windows and along the ceiling. The wall adjacent room some kind of cabinet is blocking it, I move it and the wall collapses. I see another room through the wall. And I think that what should be done is not cosmetic, but major renovation and tear down this wall. Then there will be one large room left. At the same time, I think that it will be necessary to order wide couches with built-in wardrobes for the walls of the room in order to place our things in them and so that all our many relatives can sleep on the couches... And I wake up

I dreamed of a late father who was doing renovations in the apartment where he, my mother, my husband (now deceased) and my little son lived before before my father’s death. The father was not cheerful, but not sad either, we didn’t talk to him at the same time.

My friend and I started renovating my apartment. There was a worker with us. The ceilings were very high. We decided to blur them out, but the worker refused and left. We decided to hang wallpaper for now and then deal with the ceiling. And then I woke up. I didn’t see any wallpaper or any other building materials.

Hello. My whole family is renovating their apartment. But after that. We see how they did it. That there is still a lot to be done. Holes remained in the joints of the ceiling and walls. And it formed in the wall big hole outside. Which didn't exist before. You can see cars from it. Way to go. And outside the wall of the house. Thank you.

Old sofa folds up like a table, a refrigerator, a black dog on chairs covered with black material, he came out of there, I was scared, several men and one woman were sort of doing some renovations, the wallpaper was torn off the wall in the living room, bags of things were left at our house, I didn’t talk about it I knew, I wanted to go on business because of the rain I came home

Hello. It’s as if we are renovating our apartment, but in a dream it is clearly ours, but in reality it is not. bare walls and rooms. My husband and I go and look at it all. I wonder where everything went, the situation, etc. and why do we need repairs at all? Then there seems to be a store and I see a very beautiful multi-colored bag. My husband's sister asks how much it costs? I say 105 thousand rubles and I have a great desire to buy it, and for a very long time. I open it and there is a small pillow with a blanket and an envelope for babies, basically like a carrier. Even then I don’t remember whether I bought it or not. These two episodes were just so vivid that I can’t forget them.

I dreamed that I and my husband, with whom I have not had a close relationship for 2 years, were renovating an apartment. I remember exactly that 3 rooms are very beautiful, and the kitchen is all in ruins, but there is something magnificent in the wall under the plaster

The dream began with the fact that I entered the apartment, it turned out that a girl lived there (I met her by chance in August 2015, but did not communicate, and 5 days ago I “met” again), there was a conversation that she was with lives with his father and does repairs, but his father cannot cope. The next scene was that I was helping her repair holes in the walls. As soon as I finished and turned around to look at my work, all those places that I patched were covered with cracks.. At that moment everything around disappears (like sand scatters in the wind) and we find ourselves in a field where some guy is mowing with a trimmer grass:D

From parents an old house, I tore off a layer of paint from the walls, and after that another and about seven more, behind them I found old photographs of a small size, someone was depicted on them, then a rock dove flew into the house through the window, I released it back, in one of the upper there was a hole in the corners big size, formed during the renovation process, there I saw birds crawling from the street, as I understand it, under the roof they were talking about something I don’t remember. In general, everything I remember, then the plot changed and another dream began

Hello Tatiana.
I dreamed that I was walking around my parents’ huge, freshly renovated apartment. But I immediately notice that one wall is almost destroyed and the façade outside the window has not been restored. But inside everything is beautiful. Everything is beautiful, but something is not finished...

I'm looking for a husband in a truck (I drive it myself, although I don't know how to drive). I find it on former apartment. He is doing a gorgeous renovation (although he hasn’t finished it yet). From next room my boss comes out (he is preparing some documents there and says that he liked our first door). I go to look at the door (the first door I pass through is really new, I see the entrance - it’s just been renovated) and wake up!

I dreamed of expanding the area of ​​a friend’s apartment.
Everyone who lives in her house took part.
the dream was in dark colors, gray, black, there was practically no light.
I brought something to a friend that I can’t say specifically.

I see myself in the courtyard of a newly built house, not very large, but new, and two-story white brick, I walk past decorative grapes along a path made of burgundy stone, past a well-groomed lawn with lush, trimmed grass, I go out to the back of the yard and see the sea, the sun has almost set, twilight, the sea is calm, the water is cool, I wet my feet and walk towards the house. I go into the house, go up to the second floor wooden stairs, I see large room, the walls of the house are white, prepared for finishing, the floor is beige (the color of honey) either laminate or parquet board, the room is semicircular, the wall facing the street has floor-to-ceiling windows, on top there is a cornice and matte chiffon white. Two men - builders are doing renovations and I understand that I bought a house from them for 500 thousand rubles. , and the first owner paid them for the renovation of this house for 300 rubles. and I tell them to continue the renovation, and I know that downstairs, on the 1st floor, there is a ready-made living room, a kitchen-dining room and 2 rooms.

Hello, I dreamed about my mother, she collected old notebooks of books, put tile glue on top and began laying tiles at the entrance to the house near the threshold, it turned out terribly dirty and ugly, I told her to put everything away, don’t do nonsense, but she didn’t listen to me, then I called ex-husband and asked to lay the tiles and also demanded my level, which he took and did not give back

I walk into my entrance and see a broken staircase. The husband explained that the entrance was undergoing renovations and the elevator was not working. I was scared to go up because I have a bad heart. But we very easily and successfully reached the 8th floor. The apartment was in disarray, the wallpaper had been removed, the floor was damaged. A builder sat in one of the rooms and explained that they would remove the stove. I also said that there would be a lot of dust and dirt. We never had a stove in our apartment. I saw some jewelry on the floor, crosses on chains. Everything was piled up.

I dreamed about my late mother, we talked to her and I started making repairs in her house, started tearing off the putty to apply a new one, she also asked me to tie up a small dog so that it would guard the house

In reality, my husband, with whom we were just doing renovations, died 11 years ago... and now I live in another apartment with my son. But quite often I dream that we (my late husband and I) either bought...or received some kind of apartment.....each time they are different (he was in the military). And we are thinking...planning...renovation.

Big, glass House, with light decorations and equipment. I came into the house as a new mistress to a man and child. There was a pleasant atmosphere and music. I changed some inventory items, equipment and moved those items that were there.

the house is not mine, but I need to move into it before doing repairs and for some reason the repairs started with the stove, which takes up a lot of space in the room, they invited a person to paste over the stove tiles By the way, he did it very beautifully

Hello Tatiana!
I see such a dream every six months or a year. On my old apartment My husband and I are going to renovate, planning what kind of wallpaper, etc.
But in this dream, in a friend’s store, the boss (woman) at work helps him choose curtains by color, but not the immediate one, but a higher-ranking one. (In fact, she is currently deciding on the salary issue for our department). In a dream, I see that at some point, choosing a curtain by color (pink and purple), she finds herself without trousers and with bare genitals...

Hello, my mother, husband and I were doing renovations at my mother-in-law’s place, painting the floors and whitewashing the ceiling. I asked them if they warned her, yes. I asked them how long the paint would take to dry, they answered a week.

Repairs were done throughout the whole house, even at the neighbors’ (we have a 2-apartment building), they broke all the walls and floors, they were done by people I didn’t know, but who knew me (although I knew one for sure - my classmate), although it seemed to me that I vaguely familiar with everyone, there was no current system sewerage - we don’t need it, we live in the village, the amenities are in the yard, as they say)))), when they tore off the linoleum, all the nails that were holding it, or rather holding its plywood backing, turned out to be nailed to the bottom of the floor and stuck out with their points outward all the time crawled along the floor, bending them so that people wouldn’t prick their feet, no one seemed to get hurt, the floor caved in twice, once the stove riser fell and almost hurt someone, I don’t remember how the repair ended.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream about repairs?

If a young woman dreams that she is making repairs in the house, in marriage she will systematically and with great willingness help her husband in various matters. Repairing dirty clothes in a dream foreshadows not very successful attempts to restore justice in some matter. Unfortunately, now is not the right time for this. If your clothes are clean, you will significantly increase your income.

According to the dream book, to dream that you are renovating an apartment in a dream means you should change your love tactics, use all your imagination to diversify your intimate relationships. Otherwise, your romance may end in the coming days, as the dream book predictor reports. To dream that you are repairing clothes, the dream is interpreted as follows: your partner is very picky about your outfit. You should pay increased attention to the beauty of underwear and select clothes in such a way that your loved one likes them.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about repairs in a dream?

Doing a luxurious European-quality renovation in your apartment in a dream means that your life will soon change for the better. If you have been planning to do it for too long, but for various reasons you cannot start, the dream is a harbinger of disappointed hopes, an unfulfilled dream, a symbol of your naivety. If a young woman dreams that she is making repairs, it means that her husband will find in her a good assistant in his affairs.

Getting carried away with renovations in a dream - To dream that you are doing renovations in your apartment means that your life will soon change for the better. If you want to do it, but do not have the means, then your desire for a luxurious life is unjustified; you are living, as they say, beyond your means. You have to be very careful, otherwise you may suffer complete financial ruin. If you do repairs for a person yourself, you will soon receive a gift. It can be presented to you by a complete stranger.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Repair in a dream?

Seeing soiled clothing being repaired means that you will make an attempt to correct an injustice, but will do it at the wrong time; but if the clothes are clean, you will succeed in increasing your income. If a young woman dreams that she is doing repairs, this foreshadows her that she will systematically and with great willingness help her husband in various matters.

Do a lot of hassle related to documents and certificates. Seeing how something is being repaired, your troubles can easily be transferred to someone else’s shoulders. Everything will work out on its own and without your efforts. Repair (apartment) - Family troubles, stagnation in business; recovery, trip to a sanatorium. Trying to fix something, fix something, nail it down - It won’t be easy to improve your relationship with someone. Take a moment and think about your position thoroughly.

English dream book

Why see Repair in a dream

Repairman, mechanic dreamed - Dreams that you are working or dealing with a repairman suggest a subconscious recognition that something in yourself or in your life needs to be “fixed.” Dreams about problems in your home may be associated with anxiety real life– if, for example, the stove is damaged, then do you eat and feed your family correctly?

If it is an electronic device, do you feel the need for advice and assistance regarding modern technologies, for example with a computer? If in a dream a mechanic is repairing your car, this may indicate a fear of delaying your trip or, if the car is a sexual symbol for you, problems with sexual potency. Repair is a change in relationship or character.

The meaning of sleep about Repair work(Jewish dream book)

Repair – Renovate your apartment. For a woman, a dream on Monday night warns that you are about to commit a rash act that will have bad consequences. The same dream, if you had it on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, means that you will want to change your hairstyle; seeing repairs on Saturday or Sunday night means a change in lifestyle and habits.

For a man - A dream on Monday night says that you must act more decisively; and dreaming on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday means that changes are beginning in your life that you do not pay attention to; a dream seen on Saturday or Sunday night means anxiety for no apparent reason. You dreamed of Repair - your health will soon improve. Imagine the renovation going quickly. You are happy about the renovated house, you like the smells of renovation.

Repair in a dream (dream book of Catherine the Great)

Repair - A young woman dreams that she is making repairs - this woman will be happy to help her husband; perhaps she has some unfinished business - it’s time to complete it; old painful problems will be solved easily and quickly. It’s as if you are repairing dirty clothes - you will see some injustice and make an attempt to correct it; your actions will be untimely and will irritate others; you will be called a truth-seeker and a truth-seeker - but condemning intonations will be heard.

In a dream, you are busy repairing clean clothes - your well-being is growing for two reasons: Firstly, you are economical, Secondly, your activity provides a constant income; If you like a certain person, it's time to take the first step towards him. You dreamed of Repair - An unexpected cash gift. Admire the renovation, look at the walls, ceiling, windows. It will be very good if you smell fresh paint and a new room.

Phoebe's Great Dream Book

What does it mean if you dreamed of Repair

Repair - illnesses will disappear without a trace, health will improve. Present your own house, an apartment where everything is ready for renovation. The best ones have been purchased Decoration Materials- exactly the kind you've always dreamed of. You see a team of workers who, as if by magic, transform your home in the blink of an eye. And now you see updated walls, ceilings, floors, doors, windows. Construction garbage cleaned, your home sparkles with cleanliness. You admire its updated appearance and see that you like everything.

Repair - It’s as if you are doing Repair - the dream suggests that you live in a world of illusions; if you intend to make renovations in your small apartment, you will have to prove yourself in an area in which you know almost nothing. You help a person make Repairs, which means that you will be supported by a very influential person.

Intelligent dream book

What to Expect If You've Seen Repair

If you are fixing a physical object, it can symbolize a certain aspect of your life. For example, when you repair a bicycle, you increase your own mobility. Fix something - you're not on the right track right now life path. Repair - Repairing something in a dream means boredom, monotony, dull surroundings.

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

What does a dream with Repair mean, taking into account your date of birth?

In the spring, why do you dream of repairs in a dream - to resolve the conflict.

In the summer, what the renovation meant in a dream was reconciliation.

Why did you dream about repairs in the fall - is there anything in your life that, in your opinion, needs fixing or repairing? - this may imply emotional or spiritual repair. But it can also just be about fixing the physical objects in your life.

In winter, why do you dream about repairs - to dashing offspring.

Dreams bring many joyful and happy moments into a person’s life.

Sometimes dreams cause fear and apprehension. Every dream has its own hidden meaning.

Why do you dream of renovating an apartment? It's worth looking into.

Why dream of making renovations in an apartment - basic interpretations

Having seen a dream about repairs, you should immediately pay attention to the following points:

Are you doing renovations?

Whether you are renovating your own home or someone else's;

Who helps you with repairs;

Are you successful in repairs?

What emotions does the dream evoke in you?

If a woman dreams that she diligently does repairs alone– in reality she will become her man’s ally. If a lonely woman has such a dream, she will greatly help one of her colleagues in her work. In this case, the help will be appreciated.

Married woman see how she doing renovations with her man- such a dream indicates that long-awaited changes are coming in their personal life. This could be the birth of the first child, the purchase of housing. In order to receive full interpretation sleep, it is worth taking into account all its signs.

If a woman dreams that he is not doing renovations at home, and for someone else, it will be consumed by troubles and expenses on others. She will soon have to look after her relatives if she is making repairs in their house in a dream. If one of her relatives helps her make repairs, she can always count on help and mutual understanding from them.

To have a dream in which someone someone else is renovating your house– it is worth keeping information secret and not making problems public. If, moreover, the repair is unsuccessful, such a dream suggests that outside influence will significantly worsen the relationship between partners. To prevent this from happening, they should have a heart-to-heart talk now and determine the most important directions for the development of their relationship. If it is difficult for a couple to do this, they need to seriously think about their future together and how appropriate it is.

It's important to remember emotional condition during sleep and after it. If a dream, despite its carefree nature, causes frustration and anxiety, this is the first sign that a person is not ready for changes in his life. He should devote more time to self-improvement and self-discipline, otherwise all his endeavors will not be crowned with success.

If you dream that after the renovation you are all dirty, your clothes cannot be washed - attempts to restore justice and accept right decisions- will not be successful. If you dream that even after repairs your clothes remain beautiful and clean, such a dream says that in the near future you will succeed in everything. The main thing is not to stop halfway and actively move towards the goal.

If you dream that you are renovating only one room, but not in the entire room - such a dream means that you are just starting to move towards your goal and you have not planned further events, you act according to the situation, and this is not always correct. You need to reconsider your plan of action and start planning your actions ahead. Then you will achieve what you want faster.

If you dream that you did the repairs, but they didn’t work out for you- such a dream suggests that you initially placed too much big hopes on yourself and your ingenuity. If someone else did the repairs for you, and you were dissatisfied with the result, such a dream means that you relied too much on others and relieved yourself of obligations, and in vain. As a result, you only lost.

Why do you dream about renovation according to Freud’s dream book?

In Freud's dream book it is said that renovation is dreamed of as a symbol of the fact that it is time to bring something new into life. It's time to refresh the relationship, breathe new feelings into it. If a girl dreams of repairs that she does herself, she It’s worth bringing something new into your and your partner’s sex life. It's time to revive the relationship, otherwise it will become obsolete.

If a woman dreams of how she makes repairs together with by a stranger- waiting for her new acquaintance, which could end in a long-lasting romance. If the renovation is not taking place in a woman’s house, she will very likely become the mistress of a wealthy man who will give her many pleasant moments.

If a woman dreams that she is making repairs in her new house, it is likely that she will receive it in reality. Not only a move is possible, but also a completely new relationship that will give her joy and love.

If a man has a dream about how he tries to make wonderful renovations in the house for his beloved - in reality he will also try to make her happy. If in a dream he does not succeed, then in reality he will not be able to please his beloved; he will most likely get into trouble and will not be able to satisfy all her needs. What this will lead to in reality is to interpret the dream in its entirety.

Watching someone make repairs - such a dream means that you will have to envy someone else's well-being in love, since you yourself cannot build a happy relationship. But this is not someone else’s fault, but yours. It is you who should reconsider your attitude towards life and relationships, learn from someone else's happy example, and also give love and kindness.

Why do you dream about repairs according to the esoteric dream book?

IN esoteric dream book it is said that repairs are dreamed of when the time has come for a person to accept important decision and change something in your life. It is not enough to understand all your mistakes; based on life experience, you need to set priorities differently and strive for new heights.

If after such a dream you have an unreasonable fear, such a dream indicates that changes in your life will be forced, and you are morally and financially not ready to accept them. If you dream about how you are trying to correct the consequences of a renovation, you most likely will not like all the surprises that life has in store. But don’t be upset if in a dream you can’t change anything - in reality everything is still in your hands.

If you see yourself trying to make repairs in an abandoned and dilapidated house, such a dream suggests that you will try in vain to revive a long-forgotten relationship. You will not only waste time, but also a lot of moral and spiritual strength. You'd better give up this idea.

If you see a dream in which you not only decide to make repairs, but begin to watch how someone does it for you, all your troubles can be safely transferred to someone else’s shoulders. Look for someone at work to whom you can shift responsibilities, who will happily do all the routine work for you. In household chores, you also shouldn’t take on everything; now you can safely delegate some of the responsibilities to household members.

Why do you dream of renovating an apartment according to other dream books?

IN modern dream book it is said that if you dream about what you do at home latest renovation- such a dream means that soon your whole life will change for the better. If, on the contrary, you are just about to start it, but in a dream you have a lot of troubles and things to do and repairs are postponed, and in reality you will be all about business and minor troubles.

If a young girl dreams of how she makes repairs on her own, her man will see in her an assistant and comrade-in-arms who will help him in everything and support him in everything. Just don’t relax and stop working on your relationship – you still have a lot of responsibilities ahead.

IN English dream book It is said why you dream about renovation - to the fact that it was time to change a lot in your life, but you kept putting it off on the back burner. Now is the time to fix everything, so gather your thoughts and make a strong-willed decision, either accept those around you as they are, or change yourself. In any case, changes are inevitable and the sooner you understand this, the more successful your work in establishing relationships will be.

If a pregnant woman dreams of a renovation, she will happily bear a child, her health will improve, and only joyful events await her. Do not worry if you dream about how someone else will do the repairs for you - they will take care of you in reality.

Any dream is not real life, but it is in it that the main events take place, so you should only take to heart those events that you cannot change in reality. Everything else is under your control. Do not despair if the dream foretells troubles, look for ways out of difficult situations.

We have all encountered renovations in one way or another in our lives. And everyone knows how many problems, complications and difficulties, not only material, but also moral, this process brings. But at the same time, we understand that we cannot do without it, and as a result, our house, apartment or office will become more comfortable and beautiful than before. Also, sometimes we have to repair clothes, shoes, equipment and a number of other items. But what could a dream in which such an action appears mean? Does such a vision promise any changes in life? What do such changes promise us? We invite you to look into this issue together today. And the most famous and popular collections of interpretations of night dreams will come to our aid. So, why do you dream about repairs?

Dream book of Gustav Miller

First of all, we invite you to find out how one of the most famous American esotericists interprets such an image. So, if you dreamed that you were repairing dirty clothes, then in real life you will make an attempt to correct some injustice. However, the moment for this will be very inappropriate. If the clothes in your vision were clean, then in reality you will experience success and increased income. Why do you dream about renovations? Miller considers such a dream, seen by a representative of the fair sex, as an indication of the fact that she will often have to help her husband or partner in various matters. However, she will do this with pleasure, and not just out of necessity.

Intimate dream book

Let's consider how this collection interprets vision. Why do you dream of renovating an apartment? In a dream, you saw yourself gluing wallpaper, whitewashing a ceiling, or painting doors? In this case, in real life you need to make adjustments to your love tactics. Use your imagination to add variety to your intimate relationship with your partner. Otherwise, there is a high risk that your romance will end in the very near future. If you dreamed that you were repairing items in your wardrobe, this may mean that your partner is too picky about your way of dressing. Always remember this and watch how you look so as not to disappoint your loved one.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

If at night you dreamed that you started turning everything upside down at home, then in real life your actions risk leading to global changes, which, however, ultimately will not lead to any significant result. Thus, all the efforts made will be wasted. If in a dream you boasted to your guests about the luxurious renovations in your apartment, then in reality in the near future events will unfold exactly the way you want. Therefore, all your short-term plans will be brought to life.

Psychoanalytic dream book

If you dreamed that you were renovating the inside of your house, this may indicate that in real life you are doing everything possible to heal emotional wounds and improve family relationships. If in your dreams you worked to improve appearance your home, then in reality you want to restore contact with a person who is not your relative.

American dream book

Let's find out how the compilers of this collection interpret the image in question. Why do you dream of renovating an apartment? In our dreams, we sometimes see things that somehow occupy our minds in real life. So, if you dreamed that you were repairing something, then it is quite possible that something needs repair in reality. Maybe it's time to really get your home in order?

Esoteric dream book

If you dreamed that you were repairing something yourself, then in real life you will face a lot of hassle associated with the preparation of various documents and certificates. If you dreamed that someone else was doing the repairs, then you can quite painlessly transfer the execution of a number of tasks onto someone else’s shoulders. You may not even have to control the process, since everything will work out just fine without your participation.

Dream book of the 21st century

If you dreamed that you were making luxurious, expensive renovations in your apartment, then soon your life will change for the better. If you dream that you have been planning to renovate your home for a long time, but something is constantly holding you back, then this may be a harbinger of unfulfilled desires and disappointed hopes. Also, such a vision can be seen as a symbol of your naivety, which greatly complicates your life.

A collection of tips received in a dream

If at night you dreamed of repairs in one form or another, then, in accordance with the information contained in this source, the time has come in your life when you need to change something. Moreover exact interpretation sleep directly depends on which item was repaired or improved. Thus, renovation of an apartment reflects the need to deal with family problems. If you dreamed that you were mending clothes, then you need to resolve issues related to your position in society and reputation.


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