Compatibility of the Ox man with other signs in love. Compatibility with the Rat

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Relationships between different representatives eastern horoscope may be ambiguous. In love and marriage or at work and in friendship, different laws apply.

Best friends may not get along in the same apartment, and lovers may not be able to work together. So, the pig and bull compatibility of these animal signs will be described in this article.

Compatibility of pig and bull

If we consider the characteristics of those born in the year of the ox and the pig, you will notice that they have a lot in common. It is on these similarities and aspirations that their relationship is built.

Similar character traits include:

  • equilibrium;
  • ability to compromise;
  • the desire for a calm, dimensional life.

Such partners will never waste their nerves on quarrels. They spend extra time on achieving life goals or spending time together. Their love, and then marriage, is always filled with romance and unbridled passion.

At the same time, we should not forget about the other characteristics of these animal signs. For example, a bull is considered persistent and straightforward. He can also be quite demanding at work and in relationships. This approach is not typical for a boar, and therefore he may simply not come to terms with such a way of life and leave. Therefore, in any relationship, it is important for representatives of these signs to show tolerance towards each other.

Astrologers predict that the beginning of such relationships is always passionate. After a certain time, they begin to recognize each other, their characteristics, secrets, desires. And if nothing changes and they remain together, then in marriage the bull becomes the support of the family, its springboard, and the pig balances the bull’s everyday life with its unobtrusive spontaneity.

Compatibility in love and marriage

  1. If he was born in the year of the ox, and she was born in the year of the boar, their relationship and future marriage promise to be promising. He is stable, and she is beautiful, calm, and knows how to please a man. At the same time, she will have a share of pride, which will allow the relationship to develop evenly, and he is straightforward and demanding enough to retain his happiness and carry her along with him even to the ends of the earth.
  2. If he was born in the year of the pig, and she was born in the year of the ox, then the chance of a happy relationship is not very high. Such men strive for such women. But, if at first they are attracted by the independence of the chosen one, then over time she will become a burden. The problem in the relationship may be that she is strong and claims to be the leader. Such a woman can set clear boundaries and boundaries, even on a budget. But he will never follow them. And if he gets bored with her demandingness, he will simply leave.

Disadvantages of the union

There are many reasons why a pig and an ox will not be able to build a serious relationship. Although this is not an ironclad rule. In fact there are many similar happy couples, because in addition to the year of birth, upbringing and worldview play a big role in relationships.

Still, lovers should prepare for some of the most common problems:

  • A man born in the year of the pig is often very selfish. All his thoughts and actions can be aimed at building his own happiness to the detriment of his beloved. However, at first the woman may not notice this. He will invite her to restaurants, relax at the seaside, make delicious breakfasts and even give her beautiful things. And only later does she learn that this was done to satisfy his desires, not hers.
  • A woman born under the auspices of a pig may be fickle in her partners. Until she has found a life partner, this is not a problem, but if she has one, everything can go wrong because of one random flirtatious glance at a passing man. By the way, the frivolity of the sign also applies to men born in the year of the pig. So care should be shown to bulls of both sexes.
  • Those born in the year of the ox may be overly demanding. This applies to any aspect of living together: weekends, washing dishes, cooking, family budget, and so on. This is not acceptable for everyone. If such a person wants to win a freedom-loving representative of the Pig sign, he will need to moderate his ardor and accept the imperfections of his loved one.

Compatibility in bed

The love relationship between a bull and a boar is always filled with passion. Thanks to this, there will be no problems with sex, at least at first. But the further you go, the more demanding partners can become, and therefore it is advisable for both to be ready for variety.

The Pig is sensual and desires not only sexual fantasies, but also complete dedication in sex. But for a bull, it is important to simply satisfy the desire. In this regard, it may not be easy for them to be together. But if they learn to understand and listen to each other, then there will be no problems.

Business compatibility

Their relationship in business is quite ambiguous. The Ox is purposeful and can work for three people. At the same time, he is calm and reacts quite normally to the success of his work colleagues. But any patience may come to an end.

So, for example, a person born under the auspices of the wild boar will rarely work hard, but will be promoted more likely for his ability to conquer his interlocutor. That is, they have absolutely different methods work. But if they take up a joint business and correctly divide the areas of activity, then most likely they will be successful.

Compatibility in friendship

It is the friendship between a pig and a bull that is ideal. They have no conflicts here. Thanks to the goodwill of both and common interests, they can easily get along in any situation. The softness of the pig easily balances the inflexibility of the bull, as a result of which they practically do not quarrel and always support each other.

In addition, the pig is distinguished by the fact that it is selective in its friends, but if it is friends with someone, it is completely devoted to this person. And for a bull, such an attitude is very flattering and pleasant, because to some extent they can be owners.

Compatibility percentage

If we consider the relationship between an ox woman and a pig man, the percentage compatibility with regard to love and marriage will not exceed 34%. There are a lot of negative factors that, one way or another, will affect their life together.

As for the bull man and the pig woman, the percentage of successful relationships rises to 50%:

  • In love they will have 50% success;
  • Married – 45%;
  • In sex – 55%.

The reason for such indicators is that leadership skills here they belong specifically to the man, as they usually do in marriage. And a woman is characterized by inconstancy, spontaneity, passion and emotionality. This is a typical combination with a very successful outcome if the couple is patient and focuses on each other's aspirations, not shortcomings.

  • People born under the auspices of the wild boar are very sensitive and emotional. Relationships with them cannot be ordinary. It is passion that attracts them at the beginning of any relationship. In order to attract such a person, you need to show him your sincerity and in no case hold back your feelings.
  • In search of the ideal, the pig is often left alone. That is why astrologers recommend that the sign’s representative be open to new feelings. If the person is not suitable, the relationship can be broken off. But if you don’t even start them, then the chance of finding love is too small.
  • Such a couple needs to talk more often. At least once a day, they should simply share in silence the experiences and problems they have acquired during the day. And also boast about achievements or simply talk about love.

Compatibility between Ox and Ox is a complicated matter. At first glance, it seems that people of the same sign should perfectly understand each other and get along with each other. This does not apply to bulls, they are too similar to each other.

Reliable, thorough and conservative people who are used to thinking about every step. They quickly find mutual understanding, but together they become bored. Relationships between Oxen rarely begin, and marriage occurs even less frequently.

Ox character

From an early age, the Ox is distinguished by its seriousness; it often seems older than its peers. The company does not pretend to be a charismatic leader. But his word has weight and people listen to him. These are the traits the eastern horoscope awarded the Ox:

Buck is used to working hard, it is not for nothing that this sign has another name: “Ox”. But it is with the ox that we associate the tireless worker. He does not shine with eloquence in society, but his every word carries weight.

The Ox is a sensual sign, but far from romanticism.

He offers his soul mate fidelity for life, without sighs under the moon and poems about love. According to the horoscope, family and home are the most important things in life for Vol. He loves stability, predictability, and makes plans for the years ahead. He has difficulty accepting innovations and sees only one option for solving problems, which often interferes with his career and business. But extraordinary performance helps to achieve material well-being.

Compatibility of two Oxen

The Ox man and the Ox woman take a long time to meet each other. None of them considers it necessary to take the first step. Even when the spark of love flares up between them, the guy and the girl continue to weigh the pros and cons of a future union until it goes out. If a miracle happens and two Oxen get married, the family turns out to be quite prosperous. At first, a man and a woman are united by bed. Both know a lot about carnal love, sex between them turns out to be passionate and sensual. Compatibility in bed helps to overcome many family difficulties, although it is not omnipotent.

Representatives of the same sign are similar to each other. They have the same outlook on life and aspirations. An Ox woman and an Ox man may well choose a common goal for themselves and devote their lives to achieving it. Most likely this will be the construction of a house, a family business, or the purchase of an apartment for children. In a word, everything related to family well-being. Persistence and hard work will allow them to achieve everything they set out to do. Only unforeseen circumstances can interfere.

Characteristics of the sign - Ox

Woman year of the ox

💘Compatibility of Zodiac Signs by year of birth💘

Horoscope. Man year of the ox


Ox-Ox compatibility is built on stability and predictability. Within a year, a man and a woman see each other straight through. They know everything about their soul mate, foresee her actions, guess her words and thoughts. Passion in a couple quickly fades away, their life becomes measured, as if they had lived together long years. From the outside it seems boring, but within the partners’ family this situation suits them. They are not looking for passionate love, a measured life is important to them, material well-being. The couple builds their compatibility on this.

Problems in the family and ways to solve them

The perfect picture described above is actually rare. No matter how materialistic and conservative the Ox man and woman are, their sensual nature makes itself felt. Time passes, both notice some kind of emptiness in the relationship. The first passion has passed, only gray everyday life remains, overflowing with work and household responsibilities. At such a moment, one of the partners begins to look for pleasure on the side. Even attachment to family cannot stop the spark of vicious love that has ignited. To avoid such a situation, spouses should pay more attention to sex, not be afraid to experiment in bed, improve technique and love compatibility. If they remember the physical side family relations, they are not in danger of breaking up.

The second stumbling block affecting compatibility is perfectionism. According to the horoscope, Oxen are hard workers who achieve everything in life through perseverance and determination. They are demanding of themselves and others. When people of this sign live in the same territory, they are capable of destroying all relationships with mutual claims. The bar of demands rises all the time until it becomes insurmountable for both. The problem can be solved by dividing responsibilities. Everyone does their own work, exercises self-control, and does not touch their partner. There is no need to divide responsibilities into male and female; both cope well with homework, and with the extraction of money. The birth of children will unite the family. Ox man and Ox woman are wonderful parents.

Influence of Zodiac Signs

It is no secret that the eastern and western horoscopes are interconnected. Each year of birth has its own zodiac sign. For the Chinese Ox, this is undoubtedly Taurus. Therefore, compatibility in love will be good if one of the partners is a representative of an earth sign. At the same time, Virgo and Capricorn strengthen Vol’s perfectionism; he becomes too demanding of himself and those close to him.

Aries, Leo or Sagittarius will help make the beginning of a relationship dynamic and improve compatibility. If one of the partners fire sign According to the horoscope, he will take the first step. The family has one more prospects, since the element of fire will not let anyone get bored. The characteristics of fire signs say that they are difficult to find mutual language between themselves. Women and men have too great ambitions and do not know how to give up leadership. But the Ox is able to smooth out rough edges, and representatives of these signs create wonderful families.

Water signs, Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer, pose a certain danger for Ox. People born in the element of water often withdraw into themselves. Only another representative of the same element can pull them out of their shell. Air, on the contrary, makes the Bulls a little more frivolous, awakens in them creativity. Gemini, Libra or Aquarius become successful in life. The hard work of the Ox and the out-of-the-box thinking of the air sign help to decide the most difficult tasks. In the family, this helps to avoid sharp corners, dispels boredom, and it stops having a destructive effect on relationships. Compatibility of Ox woman and Ox man born under air signs, becomes more promising.

All masculine essence in extreme concentration, concentrated in a man born in the year of the Ox. The Ox man, regardless of what year he was born: fire, metal or water, is a strong, healthy, hardy, faithful and reliable person. He doesn’t have his head in the clouds, doesn’t build castles in the air, doesn’t hope for a miracle. Everything he needs, he is able to earn or conquer. A man born in the year of the Ox can boast of an even temperament, prudence and balance, but for the time being.

If you test the Ox’s calmness for a long time and persistently, this calm and phlegmatic man will demonstrate all his rage. Huge Vital energy Ox men and undisguised masculinity help him remain attractive to the fair half of humanity for many years. Female look will definitely “get hooked” on a representative of this sign, because intuitively women choose the strongest and most reliable partners.

Ox Man in Love

A man of this sign is aimed only at stable and long-term relationships, both in friendship and in sex, so he is very careful when choosing a life partner. Having found such a woman, I am ready to court her for years and achieve reciprocity. Because of his cool and rebellious disposition, he subconsciously chooses domestic and flexible girls as his life partners. Thus, he ensures himself a comfortable existence in marriage: peaceful family evenings, fidelity and devotion. What does a wife get in a relationship or marriage? First of all, stability, good income, respect and security.

Oxen men give all their strength to ensure that his family does not need anything.

A man born this year is a strong supporter of the traditional patriarchal family. His word is law, as long as his wife accepts this and diligently fulfills her role, he will appreciate and love her. If she disappoints her Ox in love or sex, then it will be very difficult to regain his favor. The ideal companion for him is good hostess and mother, a gentle and submissive friend, a strong and faithful partner.

Family relationships

If we take into account the positive characteristics that Bulls have as the head of the family, we can conclude that such men make excellent fathers. According to the horoscope, of all the representatives, Oxen men are almost the only ones who treat family and love responsibly and consciously. Representatives of the sign not only love and care for their descendants, but also provide them with material base and good education.

They are drawn to children and understand the child’s soul, taking all experiences, fears and hopes seriously. The most important thing is that Oxen men enjoy communicating with children and the process of raising them. A good, strong family, smart and successful children - here main value for men born in the year of the Ox, so they do not spare time and effort to realize this family idyll.

Compatibility of the Ox with other signs

Suitable signs for the Ox must belong to the elements of Water or Air. Compatibility with other representatives of the elements, according to the horoscope, is not so harmonious. The Ox is compatible in love, sex and friendship with the following signs:

  • Aquarius
  • Twins

So such a man practically never has problems with women, even though representatives of this sign cannot be called romantics and gallant suitors. Compliments, beautiful words, public declarations of love and other spectacular gestures are not about them at all. And it’s not that they can’t or don’t know how to do it. It’s just that men of this sign are convinced that publicly displaying their feelings and emotions is a stupid and thankless task, simply showing off in public. But alone with such a man, his chosen one will not experience a shortage of attention, courtship and kind words.

Compatibility of the Ox with other signs according to the eastern horoscope


A family union with a Rat is definitely good combination. Relationships in which partners will not just be sexual partners, cohabitants, but real friends and like-minded people. In this marriage, no one will suffer, change themselves or sacrifice their interests. Representatives of these signs have every chance to live side by side all their lives and celebrate their golden wedding in the circle of loving descendants.


Such relationships have a right to exist. A couple of hard workers united by one goal, which they will definitely achieve (especially if it is material). Agriculture, farming is the best choice for realizing their plans. In this area, their hard work and focus on results will bring good fruits. It can be assumed that love passions will not rage in this alliance, but the Bulls do not need them. But still, this combination of signs is the most successful and productive in the business sphere.


The imperious and temperamental Tigress is unlikely to interest the conservative representative of the sign. And if he becomes interested, he will quickly understand that no one will allow him to set his own rules in this union. Relationships with a Tiger are doomed to failure, and not because they are completely different, they simply do not have the same plans for life and goals, they will never look in the same direction.

For a man, his companion will be overly sensual, fickle and hysterical, and for the Tigress, her partner will eventually turn into a gloomy, boring and tyrannical type. However, despite the unfavorable prognosis for a long-term relationship, a short romance between these signs can give them unforgettable emotions and memories for a lifetime. A man will be especially pleased to remember the moments of delight in the arms of a hot Tigress.

Ox-Rabbit (Cat)

The compatibility of these signs cannot be called ideal, but under certain circumstances they can live a fairly happy, peaceful and bright life. To do this, the representative of the sign needs to close his eyes to the frivolity of his gentle and charming wife, and she, in turn, needs to come to terms with his straightforwardness. But the most important thing that a spouse should not do is criticize or offend his life partner. Women born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat) tend to dramatize everything and become depressed at the slightest provocation, while Oxen are unable to understand and comprehend such mental torment. If the partner is simply an affectionate, understanding and patient wife, then her partner will be happy.


The psychological types of these signs are opposite, which makes their peaceful coexistence impossible. The Ox and the Dragon can fall in love with each other, even start a family, but they will only be able to withstand each other’s temper for a couple of years. A temperamental and impulsive Dragon woman will not ignite her purposeful companion, so her need to inspire a man to exploits will not be satisfied. Because of this, she will be constantly irritated and aggressive, which will not suit the representative of this sign at all. Such a relationship will not end in an amicable divorce—the partners will blame each other for their failure for the rest of their lives.

Bull Snake

Great union. A hardworking and stubborn representative of the sign will happily surround his sophisticated beloved with comfort and luxury. For this she will pay him with sincere admiration and gratitude. The Snake woman will always be a source of pride for her partner, a measure of his own worth. In addition, the Snake, wise and pragmatic in financial matters, will help her spouse achieve financial well-being.


Such a union is completely incompatible. Too different goals, opposite characters and views on life. In marriage, partners will have to constantly give in to each other, seek compromise, thereby infringing on their own interests. As a result, both partners will feel unhappy and deprived.

Bull-Goat (Sheep)

In this combination good marriage is possible only if the Ox comes to terms with the desire of his companion to lead an idle and entertainment-filled social life. If he doesn't mind spending money on it. A woman must control her expenses on travel, outfits and jewelry. It will be difficult for both partners to do this, as well as to maintain such a marriage.


It is better for the Ox to stay away from a woman born in the year of the Monkey. Although both partners strive for financial well-being and success, but their paths to achieving it are completely different. The unscrupulousness, deceit and resourcefulness of the Monkey will be offensive to an honest and serious spouse. IN interpersonal relationships they will also never have mutual understanding on any point.


The compatibility of these representatives of the eastern horoscope is very good. The marriage is promising and happy for both spouses. The Pig woman is focused on the success of her partner, so she will be happy and excited to help her husband make a career, develop a business, and implement plans. She will not pay attention to temporary difficulties or lack of money, since patience and sacrifice are the main traits of her character. She will create for her husband the coziness and comfort he so needs. For a representative of the sign, such complaisance and humility is the most obvious manifestation of love and devotion.

In the relationship of any couple, sooner or later leadership positions one of the partners. For some, this is natural and acceptable, while others, in the struggle for power, prudently give up their positions, submitting to the strongest, and in some unions the struggle for primacy continues constantly. This happens when two people meet, in whose characters leadership qualities are laid down. For example, a couple in which both the man and the woman were born in the year of the Ox.

Love compatibility between Ox man and Ox woman

People born in the year of the Ox are distinguished by patience, perseverance, endurance and determination. They are straightforward and thorough, they cannot be broken, and it is difficult to argue with them. These are born leaders. If they do something, they do it perfectly.

Towards opposite sex Bulls behave with restraint and caution. Short-term romances are not suitable for them; they are looking for a permanent life partner, faithful and loving. However, this does not mean that the Ox is not capable of strong feelings, on the contrary, his love can be simply deafening, but he knows how to carefully hide his true emotions.

Like everything in his life, the Ox plans the development of relationships several steps ahead. He is not inclined to romantic beating around the bush the object of passion, he sets a clear goal and persistently achieves it; if necessary, he will take it by siege. The Bull does not offer his chosen one or chosen one some walks in the moonlight and beautiful monologues about love, everything is much more serious - he offers eternal love and unquestioning loyalty.

A couple of an Ox man and an Ox woman may well succeed, because for all their restraint, Oxen are not at all indifferent to the opposite sex. Moreover both partners are jealous, will not allow attacks on their property. But, without giving each other reasons for jealousy, clearly planning their lives, Oxen may suddenly realize that all this is very boring, and will begin to look around in search of another partner. Therefore, the relationship between an Ox woman and an Ox man needs periodic emotional shocks.

Marriage compatibility of Ox and Bull couples

If two Oxen start a family, it will be an almost exemplary marriage with a well-organized life and a systematic distribution of responsibilities. Both spouses are responsible for both family and work; together they will overcome any difficulties. After all, if the Ox decided to tie the knot, it means he completely trusts his partner. Bulls do not need demonstrative manifestations of love in the form of every minute touching “I love you”; spouses demonstrate their love by showing daily care and attention.

Given his possessive nature, the Ox, oddly enough, can forgive his partner’s betrayal, saving his family. But he will never forget this fact, poisoning the lives of himself and his spouse. A pair of Bulls will be able to line up well established family business, in which both will work with full dedication. And since both of them are prone to frugality, financial stability is guaranteed to them.

There is a small but - both women and men are leaders by nature. If they do not have enough common sense, they will not be able to share power. It’s good if one of the partners is older, then the problem will resolve itself. The extraordinary stubbornness inherent in Oxen is more pronounced in women; most conflicts occur on their initiative. If the spouses cannot come to an agreement, a breakup is inevitable.

If the Oxen spouses can agree on the role of each in the family, without infringing on each other’s pride, then an established life, mutual respect, carefully observed family traditions will make this couple happy for many years. The Ox woman and the Ox man are excellent parents, loving and moderately strict. Children in such families are always happy.

Compatibility of people born in the year of the Ox with signs of other years

Compatibility of Ox and Rat

Compatibility of Ox and Rat is quite high A. The reliability of the Ox and the ability of the Rat to adapt to circumstances can preserve this couple for many years. The Rat, who cannot tolerate quarrels and takes into account the despotic nature of his partner, may hide some facts in order to avoid conflicts, which over time threatens to become distant. However, both the Rat and the Ox prefer stability in relationships, so they will live together, even if there is no spiritual closeness.

Compatibility of Ox and Tiger

One of the most unsuccessful unions- This is the Bull and the Tiger. The Ox dominates this pair. Relationships remain in a tense state all the time, so there can be no talk of calm and stability. The Tiger cannot bear total control, and the Ox does not trust its partner. Both perceive the breakup with relief.

Compatibility of Ox and Rabbit (Cat, Hare)

Both the Ox and the Rabbit strive for stability. And paired with each other they are quite capable of getting it. Serious attitude The Rabbit's desire to meet the opposite sex is exactly the option that the Ox has been methodically looking for all his life. Both of them love their home and do not need eccentric adventures. The only stumbling block may be the fact that the Rabbit likes to lie or not tell the whole truth, and the straightforward, honest Ox does not understand such things.

Compatibility of Ox and Dragon

The Dragon and the Bull have absolutely different ideas about life, although both of them are strong, independent people. The dragon loves external shine, the admiration of others, he is a bright, sociable person. The conservative Ox is not interested in such a partner, even unpleasant. And to the Dragon, the Ox seems boring. If the union of such a couple takes place, then the relationship will never be smooth.

Compatibility of Ox and Snake

Compatibility between Ox and Snake is possible, but very problematic. The snake, although calm by nature, is quite sociable and loves to flirt at least a little. For the Bull, who is prone to conservatism and even sometimes despotism, such behavior seems unacceptable. And this couple has almost no common interests.

Compatibility of Ox and Horse

The Ox and the Horse are honest workers, but that’s where their similarities end. Changeable Horse, acute needing personal space, will suffer in a relationship with the Ox, who will try to establish control over her. Most likely, the couple will separate before the wedding.

Compatibility of Ox and Goat

Relationship between Ox and Goat - not the best option for marriage. Their life can turn into a monotonous existence - the Ox is generally prone to this lifestyle, and the Goat is simply too lazy to initiate anything. Conflicts can arise due to different attitudes towards money - the Goat does not like to deny itself anything, and the Ox takes finances seriously, not welcoming extravagance. The Ox will make endless attempts to raise the Goat, and completely to no avail.

Compatibility of Ox and Monkey

Ox and Monkey can form a couple based on the principle of opposites attracting. The restless Monkey and the serious Ox will for some period of time enjoy life together . The Monkey will feel how much it has always lacked stability, and the Ox will bring cheerful variety to its monotonous existence. However, the idyll is unlikely to last long: completely different views on life will soon make themselves felt.

Compatibility of Ox and Rooster

The Ox-Rooster couple has quite optimistic forecasts for the future. The possessive nature of the Ox will receive satisfaction - he will possess his partner undividedly. The Rooster, in turn, will be seriously carried away by the serious Ox, and even the tendency to flirt will be forgotten. If the Ox does not abuse his leadership, and the Rooster does not provoke him to do so too often, the couple will be guaranteed a joint idyll.

Compatibility of Ox and Dog

One of failed unions- This is a pair of Ox and Dog. The Dog, often dissatisfied with everything around him, will try to re-educate the Ox, which, firstly, is impossible in principle, and secondly, will cause a response storm of irritation. The Ox will be uncomfortable in a state of constant stress created by the restless Dog. Most likely, the initiator of the separation will be the Ox, tired of endless claims.

Compatibility of Ox and Pig

One of best options compatibility for the Ox it is the Pig. The Pig often trusts people unreasonably, which leads to negative consequences. The Ox will be able to protect the Pig from this kind of trouble. And the Pig, in turn, will be able to make the Ox happy, will help him reveal himself as a loving, passionate nature.

According to the compatibility horoscope of the Ox and Ox couple, certain conclusions arise - such a union can be very harmonious, but it can turn into hell if the couple does not have enough common sense to give in to each other, at least starting with the little things. We invite couples in which both spouses were born in the year of the Ox to talk about their relationship.

Rarely put first. They try to end the courtship period as quickly as possible in order to finally move on to a real, lasting relationship. Let's talk about how Oxen manifest themselves in love. Rabbit, Tiger, Rat or Snake and Ox - which pairs will be more compatible?

Women and men Bulls

The Ox woman is very self-confident, not flirtatious, firm and serious. She makes it clear to the man whether he is interested in her or not. She prefers to postpone sex until she is absolutely sure that the relationship has been strong and stable. She will not try to come up with something to surprise her partner. But her passion is deep, earthly and real, it will shock any man.

Oxen women always try to remain faithful, unlike men of the same sign. Te does not at all believe that they should limit themselves to one partner for life. For example, if the flighty Snake and the Ox meet, compatibility and mutual attraction arise almost instantly. At the same time, Oxen men rarely leave their family; you can confidently rely on them to solve any family problems and financial issues. But if then the Ox is unlikely to be able to forgive and forget this insult.

Ox and Rat

Almost a perfect union. They are unlikely to be able to remain friends for a long time, because they feel mutual attraction literally at first sight. Their marriage is strong, stable, for life.

Bull and Bull

The relationship is more friendly than romantic. Oxen are too capricious and stubborn to create a truly strong alliance with each other. But as good friends or business partners they are completely suitable for each other.

Bull and Tiger

In these relationships, the Ox will lead because his willpower is greater than that of the Tiger. It is clear that Tiger will not be happy with this state of affairs. In marriage, passion and ardent feelings will fade away quite quickly, giving way to a warm and long-term relationship.

Bull and Cat

In principle, the relationship will develop well. But the partners are unlikely to be able to understand each other deeply. and marriage ties between these signs arise very rarely. A warm friendship can develop between a Cat man and an Ox woman.

Bull and Dragon

The Dragon is irresistibly drawn to the Ox, but he experiences only friendly feelings. Very often it occurs in a Dragon woman to an Ox man. This relationship will become a real drama for the Dragon. And in marriage everything will not work out as successfully as we would like. It's really better for these two signs to remain just friends.

Snake and Ox

The compatibility of these two signs is simply wonderful. The Ox is able to satisfy all the needs of the Snake, and she will bring the missing passion and liveliness into his stable life. Snake and Ox show compatibility in all aspects: business, sexual, friendly, love.

Horse and Bull

Compatibility is highly controversial. The Horse is a creative and free nature, so the Ox will be too restless with such a partner. Friendship, and even more so love, arises between these signs very rarely. even if they succeed out of great passion, they soon break down due to the mutual misunderstanding of the partners.

Ox and Goat

Unfavorable combination. The Goat is very capricious, fussy, it infringes on the interests of the Ox, interferes with his peace and success. If, nevertheless, love breaks out between a Goat man and an Ox woman, then the relationship quickly ends due to a huge number of grievances and dissatisfaction with each other. Close friendships are the most The best decision for representatives of these signs.

Ox and Monkey

Compatibility is very ambiguous. The Ox is attracted to the Monkey, but she does not at all strive to establish strong relationships with him. love relationship. As a rule, in such a couple, one partner is drawn to developing the relationship, while the other pushes them away. Warm friendships are quite possible, but anything more rarely arises.

Bull and Rooster

They understand and support each other well. The Rooster man often offers his hand and heart to the Ox woman, and their union lasts for many years. But if a relationship arises between a Rooster woman and a Bull man, then things will not happen without conflicts, violent clashes and stormy reconciliations.

Bull and Dog

There is a lot in common between these signs, but the relationship is not going well. Friendship, love, partnership - positive development will not arise anywhere.

Bull and Pig

If an Ox man and a Pig woman meet, then the relationship develops quietly and steadily. Their family life will not be filled with passion, but there will be no conflicts there either. These signs create a very reliable and strong friendship.


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