Compatibility of zodiac signs: who suits each other better. Which zodiac signs hate each other the most?

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There are no ideal people. Enmity and hostility inevitably flare up between people from time to time, and not a single Zodiac Sign can be called an exception, because we all get angry sometimes.

We previously wrote about what Zodiac Signs hate. Based on this article, you can understand how to find the shortest path to the heart of the one you like, or how to achieve mutual respect with this or that person. Some people are simply not on the same path, since they are too different, but knowledge of what this or that Zodiac Sign hates will help you maintain at least friendly relations. And something special needs to be said about enmity.


Aries cannot stand people who are slow and guided by feelings. Aries and Pisces cannot have much sympathy. This couple can only count on harmless coexistence, where they do not see each other.


Taurus people need a good reason to hate. One of these reasons is complete indifference. These people do not tolerate being ignored. Of all the 12 Signs, the most offensive thing is for Taurus to observe from Aries and Gemini. Taurus is not on the same path with these people.


Geminis do not know how to hate, but they easily refuse the company of people who are not interesting to them. The most boring for them are Capricorns, who are always cautious and afraid to experiment. These people have almost nothing in common with each other.


At first glance, Cancers have no reason to hate anyone, but they find it very difficult to communicate with narcissistic people. More often they turn out to be Leos and Scorpios, and sometimes even Libra. Cancer may develop enmity and molecular intolerance with them.

a lion

Leos often have enmity with those who are superior to them in some way. If Leo was defeated in a fair fight, then you risk becoming his enemy. In principle, this Zodiac Sign, despite its selfishness and desire for power, quite rarely quarrels with someone, because it gets tired quickly, but Scorpio or Capricorn can beat Leo, and then hostility is almost guaranteed.


Virgos cannot stand upstarts, egoists, regardless of their Zodiac Sign, and hypocrites who like to pretend and not say anything. It’s easier to say with whom a Virgo has no problems than to say with whom she has them. The hardest thing for them to find a common language with is Libra, Sagittarius, and Pisces.


Libras like everyone, but they are at enmity with those who condemn their irresponsibility and frivolity. These are, first of all, Virgos and Cancers. Libra can show flexibility and patience, so they forgive the high demands of these two Signs.


It is incredibly difficult for the difficult Scorpio to communicate with Sagittarius. Scorpio is possessive by nature, which reflects poorly on both friendship and love. Over time or almost immediately, the dissimilarity of these polar Signs leads to enmity.


Scorpios irritate Sagittarians with their delusions of grandeur and oddities. It is also difficult for them to grasp the energy of Pisces, who, as it seems to Sagittarius, worry endlessly about their loved ones. Yes, there is selfishness in everyone, but in Pisces it irritates Sagittarians the most.


Gemini is someone Capricorns don’t understand at all. This ease with which representatives of Gemini live simply puts Capricorns into a stupor. If these people work in the same team, then due to the differences in their philosophy of life, they will most likely be enemies.


Aquarians find it difficult to communicate with many people, but they don't show it to anyone. They almost never have enemies. They blame themselves for their troubles, but in other cases they always find a way to solve problems. You won't get along with an Aquarius if you're pointlessly hostile.


Pisces find it difficult to communicate with Aquarius, who constantly strive to understand the world and never sit still. They are determined and uncompromising. Pisces need more time to make a decision, so they cannot keep Aquarius close to them. Pisces prioritize feelings, so a conflict with Virgo or Aries is possible.

Hostile Zodiac Signs or those with special character traits are not necessarily targets for enmity. Hostility is a two-way process, so try to understand your colleagues, acquaintances and loved ones, and not impose your will on them. Each Sign has its own vices and weaknesses, but the ability to negotiate and understand each other will save you from conflicts. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

06.07.2016 06:06

Each Zodiac Sign is different from the rest, especially when it comes to love. Confessions of a love nature also...

Capricorns fiercely, madly hate idiots. Capricorns experience deep mental trauma every time they hear the immortal: “Oh, it’ll get fried somehow!” Fortunately, Capricorns are usually too busy with business, and therefore do not pay attention to others. The problem is that if the goofball falls into the sphere of personal interests of the Capricorn young lady, she will hate him until the end of her days. Hate and don't quit. Because Capricorns hate it when there is something wrong in the world. This needs to be fixed immediately!


Aquarians hate life according to a schedule. True, the character of Aquarius does not allow them to actively protest, so they carry out quiet subversive activities. If you tell Aquarius that tomorrow you need to leave the house exactly at 8 o’clock in the morning, Aquarius will crawl out of bed at 7:55, leisurely go to the bathroom, and then begin to brew coffee like a shaman: the foam should rise three times! In general, at half past ten Aquarius will begin to put on their shoes. May be. And the louder loved ones hiss and swear at the same time, the more pleasant it is for Aquarius. Me-e-e-there!



Pisces hate addiction, or more precisely, addicts. Pisces are especially furious with alcoholics. At the same time, the Pisces young lady herself is not at all a teetotaler, by the way, but the sight of a person who has been communicating with the green serpent for too long leads Rybka into a state of furious frenzy. The point here is that Pisces can arrange for themselves a fascinating trip through other worlds without any substances at all, solely with the help of their own imagination. So they honestly don't understand why the hell everyone else can't do the same thing without poisoning the atmosphere. Ugh be like that!


Aries hate insubordination. We have no idea why on earth Aries decided that everyone must obey them, but it is a fact. Aries are convinced that they alone know what needs to be done, and everyone else, without their valuable instructions, will certainly ruin everything, stupid people! Therefore, Aries suffer greatly when someone does not listen to them. In general, if someone needs to spoil an Aries lady, the recipe is very simple: give her a cat. And if someone intends to live with an Aries young lady, then they need to give a dog. Then the unfortunate animal will bear all the torment, and the rest will just have to walk in formation. But it is no longer necessary to keep your hands at your sides.


Taurus people hate sudden changes. And it doesn’t matter how large-scale these changes are: a Taurus young lady can fly into a fierce rage if she accidentally puts sugar in her tea: she’s used to drinking unsweetened! That's it, the day is ruined because something went wrong. At the same time, it is important to understand that there is no problem that the Taurus young lady is unable to cope with, so even the most terrible changes will not force her to deviate from her chosen path. But Taurus will follow this path, shooting flames from his nostrils. Hatred! Hatred! Hatred!


The Gemini young lady can hate anything, simply because her numerous subpersonalities are completely different from each other. But there are two things that all Geminis hate, without exception. These are rules (any rules at all) and everyday life. The Gemini young lady is convinced that she will figure out how to live without the snotty ones, so it is absolutely impossible to force her to comply with the dress code, for example. It’s also impossible to get her to wash the dishes on time. What kind of dishes when she thinks about the sublime, eh?


Cancers hate situations that require them to immediately make a decision and take some kind of action. If a Cancer young lady is abruptly pulled out of her cozy shell and forced to do something here and now, she will fall into a stupor and babble: “Whatever happens, huh?” Then, of course, she will gather her courage and do everything, but rest assured, for another year she will grit her teeth with hatred and remember this terrible episode. What could have happened was terrible!

a lion

Leos hate coercion and violence and with noble rage they rush at anyone who dares to oppress the weak and defenseless. Of course, the warlike Lioness does this not because she feels so sorry for these weakest and most defenseless ones - how can you feel sorry for someone you don’t respect? - but because this is another reason to show off your “coolness”. Well, and because the Lionesses really don’t understand why anyone should be forced, they themselves will come and give everything themselves! But in general, Lionesses are the standard of goodness, of course. With fists.


Virgos hate clutter. Any mess. This is why Virgos are extremely rarely in a good mood; they hate something all the time. At the same time, Virgos are reserved, so few people notice that the fire of fierce rage is burning inside them. And in vain they don’t notice, by the way. Because Virgo sees any mess, and any makes her furious, but there is a special mess that Virgo seeks to destroy by any means. The one that is in someone else's head.


Libras hate scandals, never start them themselves and try by any means to avoid a major quarrel that someone else is ready to start. After all, brawlers look terribly ugly, and Libra hates everything ugly. In addition, scandals unsettle Libra for a long time: the Libra young lady then replays the situation in her head from the very beginning for a long time, so that a five-minute quarrel in Libra’s imagination can last a couple of months. In such a period of time, all internal unicorns will die of hunger!


Scorpios hate hypocrisy. They are especially furious with the so-called “bright men”, all these kind, wise and noble people. Because any Scorpio young lady is convinced that she is a little bit of a witch, and sees right through everyone. Which, by the way, is not far from the truth. Scorpio knows that “bright little people” are simply pretending to be cute, but in fact they are just petty dirty tricks. And Scorpio is indignant, of course; or rather, the standard, pure Evil hidden in it is indignant.


Sagittarians cannot stand pessimism and whining. At the same time, everyone knows that the Sagittarius young lady will not refuse help to anyone and is always ready to stand up for those unjustly offended. But only if they are going to act. And if they are just going to whine and play the “Yes, but...” game with Sagittarius, our sincere condolences go out to them. Walking away from an angry Sagittarius on your own feet is a rare success.

Some zodiac sign couples are always underestimated when it comes to how cruel their hatred can be towards each other. Femmie writes about this.
Aries and Taurus
Aries are the type of people who "get up and go", always keeping their lives interesting and filled with various activities.
Call it personal preference, but when they do nothing, they start to feel like they are turning into lazy people and couch potatoes. It's not that they hate lazy people, but rather those who are boring and lead a passive lifestyle.
They would rather be known for their spontaneity and love of fun.
Fortunately, Taurus are confident in themselves, so a few opinions and attacks on their choices are unlikely to cause them much harm.
However, when someone actively shows their hatred towards them, at that moment they enter into confrontation.
The main problem for Taurus is trying to understand why Aries always needs to be on the go; Taurus is sure that if Aries cannot slow down and spend some time alone with themselves, then perhaps something more serious is happening in their life than it might seem.
Capricorns and Pisces
Being traditionalists, Capricorns question everything that does not correspond to logic and common sense; when they meet people whose heads are in the clouds, they immediately refuse to deal with them.
They believe that there is no point in wasting their time on someone who does not perceive the world just like they do.
They don’t have time for Pisces, because they consider them dummies who don’t care at all about the need to do everything right (as Capricorn needs to, of course).
Just because Pisces are the dreamy type and sometimes have their head in the clouds, doesn't mean they aren't also intelligent.
They consider themselves lucky because they are able to look at the world openly instead of being as narrow-minded as Capricorns.
Their hatred for each other is due to the fact that they are two completely different types of people who live on completely different planes.
Aquarius and Gemini
Geminis thrive most when surrounded by their friends, having a good time with them.
Unlike Aquarius, they would rather party all night until the morning than go home early to rest and recuperate.
They don’t see anything wrong with this, but Aquarius is simply annoyed that Geminis have no idea how to spend time alone with themselves.
Aquarians are very proud that, no matter what, they are always able to keep their promise.
Gemini definitely has a problem with this, but they think that Aquarians are not so closely connected with their loved ones, as a result of which they are bad friends, and therefore they believe that they are even with each other.
Aquarians know that crazy people don't make good friends either, and this is what causes these two signs to constantly butt heads.
Leo and Virgo
Leos are drama queens who would like the whole world to revolve around them alone instead of all the things that most people attach importance to.
Not only do they divert attention from everything that matters to their problems, but they do it in a way that would embarrass most people.
Virgos hate this constant need to be the center of attention, so they actively try to stay away from Leos.
Virgos' ability to stay away from the spotlight can sometimes make them seem like recluses, but this is only because they feel uncomfortable being in the public eye.
Not only do they feel incredibly uncomfortable, but they also assume that this makes them considered rude and unwelcoming.
Since Leos spend most of their time in the spotlight, they are not at all able to intersect with Virgos. They don’t actively show hatred towards them, but they will do everything to make everyone understand that there is nothing in common between them.
Cancer and Sagittarius
Cancers are the type of people who stick to the things they like and rarely try something new, especially if it's just for the sake of trying.
Sometimes they may seem clingy and insecure, but usually this only happens because it makes them feel more comfortable.
Sagittarians hate this character trait of Cancers, because the only thing they are really afraid of is not having time to try everything in their life.
Therefore, Sagittarius makes every effort to have fun with friends and never depend on anyone.
Cancers appreciate it when their significant other allows them to be a little obsessive, which is the complete opposite for Sagittarius.
If they believe that there is even the slightest chance that their relationship could somehow limit them, they will instantly end it before everyone understands what happened, and Cancers will consider such behavior the height of indecency.
Libra and Scorpio
Libra puts a lot of effort into creating a fair, balanced life, which means moving away from anything that might affect it aggressively or cause instability.
Having in their lives a whole system of minimizing damage and eliminating adverse consequences, they are able to stay away from representatives of such a zodiac sign as Scorpio, since they completely disagree with everything that makes up their life.
Scorpios live by the principle of “an eye for an eye,” rather than peace and justice, which is perceived extremely negatively by Libra.
But even though Libras are more passive people by nature, when it comes to resolving disagreements, they will always let Scorpios know how much they disapprove of their lifestyle.
The hatred that these two signs feel for each other is so strong because they are complete opposites.

Each zodiac sign has its own compatibility with other signs. When choosing partners, friends, lovers, do not forget to check whether this person suits your horoscope.


ARIES AND ARIES: Such alliances are concluded quite rarely. The marriage between them is nothing more than a volcano with two craters, one of which is always in working order. And sometimes both act at once. The most interesting and remarkable thing here is that one Aries is not like another. A light breeze for one will be perceived by another as a real storm, a hurricane. As the life together of such couples shows, this union depends entirely on the ability of one Aries to submit to the will of the other. Already within " honeymoon“It will become clear who will tame whom, and which of them will become “domestic and tame.” In the case of sexual relations, the woman will dominate. An Aries man will not be content with the role of a subordinate for a long time. Everyone will try to become a leader, and this will create an atmosphere of quarrel. Poor compatibility of signs.

ARIES AND TAURUS: Two different personalities. Aries doesn't like Taurus's measured pace and lack of imagination. Aries's impulsiveness when making decisions irritates conservative Taurus, who does not like sudden changes. Taurus is drawn to home, while impulsive Aries strives for new sensations and freedom. Taurus has a sense of ownership, he is jealous and conservative. Aries' need to assert their individuality makes Taurus feel rejected. Taurus knows how to make money, but Aries is even better at spending it. Communication will cause serious friction. Everyone should have their own personal space, territory, although at night - only together. Their marriage will be turbulent, but if they stay together long enough, Aries will appreciate the reliability and constancy of Taurus.

ARIES AND GEMINI: Both are lively and energetic, they can be good friends and lovers. They enjoy an active lifestyle, adventure and variety, humor and social life. And yet, a long and happy marriage is not guaranteed here. The main culprit for this is the very superficial feelings of Gemini and the fact that they almost always have everything “double”, that is, it exists in double size - friends and girlfriends, work and hobbies, houses and apartments, as well as partners in love and marriage. Gemini is a wonderful and funny lover for a short time. Surprisingly good agreement between these signs exists when they are combined general ideas and plans, general affairs and goals. Gemini simply needs Aries as a business partner. Gemini is bursting with ideas and plans, from which Aries will choose only the most viable, necessary and necessary ones and, avoiding all the pitfalls, avoiding all the sharp corners, not recognizing any obstacles, will bring them to life.

ARIES AND CANCER: This marriage is very problematic. Despite the existence of a strong physical attraction, this couple has very large differences in many areas and areas of life. Aries constantly attract weaker creatures, including Cancers, who really want to experience the fiery temperament of Aries. Cancer, in the arms of Aries, in moments of oblivion, experiences enormous emotional unrest and a storm of feelings. The problem is that when feelings are spent, there is little left. Aries does not find sufficient satisfaction, and they may begin to quarrel over trifles. The discrepancy between temperaments does not allow them to enter the state of “soul to soul”. In this union, of course, Aries will rule, and the fate of this couple will depend only on his prudence and restraint. The prognosis for this connection is unfavorable.

ARIES AND LEO: Although these fire signs coincide in character and temperament, this union cannot exist without true and deep love. Leos, with their courage and bravery, can overcome the most difficult obstacles in life and love, but not in marriage. Both partners have approximately the same ardor and passion, but if in Aries his volcanic activity still has a targeted cyclical nature, then Leo can smoke day and night without interruption. This is one of the most significant differences between them. It should be added that family funds should be in the hands of Aries, for Leo will always royally squander them left and right. This marriage union will become happy only if Leo meets all the requirements of Aries, both in external and spiritual qualities, if he meekly obeys his Aries, otherwise a break and discord in married life is guaranteed.

ARIES AND VIRGO: This marriage will always be problematic. Aries's bravery is likely to capture the imagination of the reserved Virgo. Aries will be charmed by Virgo's tact and self-control. However, their temperaments are so different that it will take a lot of patience from both for things to work out. The connection will be pleasant, but the chances of successful marriage- fifty fifty. But here an ideal business cooperation can exist.

ARIES AND LIBRA: Here Aries meets its opposite from the Zodiac. It is difficult for aggressive Aries to get along with Libra. Despite the fact that both partners are different in their mental makeup, and they have contradictions in many areas of life, they get married quite often. Aries is attracted by the external beauty of Libra, and Libra is attracted by the courage, determination and fighting spirit of Aries. This union has the right to life if the principles of “democracy” and “equality” apply here, if Aries does not bend the partner to himself, and Libra does not try to bring “harmony” everywhere, to smooth out and level everything. Rather, a short relationship is possible, but not a long marriage.

ARIES AND SCORPIO: Both signs are independent and do not like control. They can become either inseparable friends or irreconcilable enemies. Only freedom and independence, equality and independence can best strengthen the foundation of this union. Aries must necessarily calm down his impulsive nature and unreasonable jealousy, his self-will and craving for coercion. And Scorpio will have to use his innate diplomatic abilities, cunning and cunning. Scorpio should approach his Aries only in a good way, softly and tenderly. And from Aries, in addition to love and tenderness, attention and loyalty are also required. If all these requirements are met, the union can be not only prosperous, but also happy.

ARIES AND SAGITTARIUS: Both signs belong to the same element of Fire, and love between them arises at first sight. Aries' optimism and Sagittarius's good sense of humor will bring a playful attitude towards love. Understanding achieved in the bedroom can create a positive atmosphere for a relationship. Their connection will be closely related to the problem of physical satisfaction. Sagittarius is always and constantly focused on the search for truth, and here Aries will be his best assistant, for disputes, conversations and disputes between both lead precisely to this goal. The following development of events is often possible: if you delay in registering the marriage, then you can confidently assume that “the train has left”, and this couple will separate on the same platform and will wait for the next train to leave with another partner. Any slowness and hesitation causes discord in the soul of Sagittarius, and the union can burst like a soap bubble. But it should be noted that with regard to marriage, the initiative comes only from Aries. Aries women tend to deal quickly and easily with their Sagittarius counterparts. Their determination always prevails over the wavering feelings of Sagittarius. As long as Sagittarius consults only with his Aries, and takes into account only his views and opinions, his point of view, everything will be fine in their family life. The marriage union between them promises to be harmonious and prosperous.

ARIES AND CAPRICORN: Aries is a restless, forward-looking, experimenter. Capricorn is more of a conservative. The temperament, character traits and rhythm of life of both partners are so different that an alliance between them exists in very rare cases. Every more or less respectable Capricorn defends himself from Aries women as best he can. Aries women, as a rule, do not really burden themselves with connections with only one partner, especially in their younger years. And they are not afraid of conflicts and separation. Let any Capricorn thank his Aries for receiving as a gift a whole “bag of life’s gunpowder,” driving away harmful melancholy and pessimism from his soul. If Capricorn builds his life slowly and systematically, then for Aries this process is stormy, chaotic, swift, with thunder and lightning. As a result, Aries is for Capricorn only a quickly passing comet, instantly flaring up and disappearing.

ARIES AND AQUARIUS: This marriage union can be both happy and prosperous, provided that the strong Aries does not suppress the equally bright individuality of Aquarius, and the latter does not cause feelings of jealousy in Aries. Statistics confirm that the most talented children are born from this marriage. The physical connection will be intense and will bring a lot of new things. It’s hard to say who excites and attracts whom more. In this marriage union, if any problems and frictions arise, they are not revealed immediately, but gradually, over the years. And here the Aries principle of “bending and breaking” will not work, because the obstinate Aquarius cannot be bent and broken very well. But still, the last word remains with Aries.

ARIES AND PISCES: The courage and confidence of Aries, complemented by the intuition and imagination of Pisces, will lead to an eventful union. Differing characters and temperaments complement each other. Aries is self-confident and full of vitality, Pisces is timid and driven. Aries likes to command, Pisces needs support. For a happy union, Aries will only need a little tact.


TAURUS AND ARIES: Difficult compatibility of signs, since these are two different personalities. Aries doesn't like Taurus's measured pace and lack of imagination. Aries's impulsiveness when making decisions irritates conservative Taurus, who does not like sudden changes. Taurus is drawn to home, while impulsive Aries strives for new sensations and freedom. Taurus has a sense of ownership, he is jealous and conservative. Aries' need to assert their individuality makes Taurus feel rejected. Taurus knows how to make money, but Aries is even better at spending it. Communication will cause serious friction. Everyone should have their own personal space, territory, although at night - only together. Their marriage will be turbulent, but if they stay together long enough, Aries will appreciate the reliability and constancy of Taurus.

TAURUS AND TAURUS: They are both hard workers and share a love of money and saving, and this ensures harmony between them. However, they are not always sexually compatible. A woman is sentimental in love, a man has a more earthly nature. The Taurus man loves to pursue women. The Taurus woman cannot tolerate deception or lack of attention to herself. The relationship can and should be pleasant, but one can only guess about the fate of the marriage.

TAURUS AND GEMINI: Despite the strong sensual attraction and much in common, this marriage union is not viable and unsuitable due to the fact that Gemini, as a rule, is rarely at home, and Taurus is tormented by attacks of jealousy and suspicion. These zodiac signs have completely different characters. Taurus is phlegmatic, unshakable, and resists change. Geminis are flighty and restless. But that is why they can interest each other - but only for a while. Gemini is attracted by the passion of Taurus, but Taurus, who strives for reliability and stability, will begin to suffer due to the inconstancy of his partner. Taurus is too dependent on his habits to get along with Gemini, who is always in need of new incentives. Eventually, Taurus' demands will become unbearable for Gemini, who will prefer freedom. Eternal disputes and quarrels are constant guests in their home. Frequent misunderstanding of each other leads to a breakdown in relationships and ends in divorce.

TAURUS AND CANCER: Excellent relationships can form and exist between Taurus and Cancer; complete mutual understanding is a reliable guarantee of a solid foundation for a marriage. The main thing is that they have a lot in common. Both partners are homebodies, prone to sentimentality, and love sex. Taurus's poise and serenity are a good antidote to Cancer's mood swings. Taurus is the only one in the entire Zodiac who calmly endures all the mental crises of Cancer without harming the state of his own soul. In turn, Cancer remains faithful to Taurus and satisfies his needs. Taurus strives for money and security, Cancer has the same goals. Similar interests and desires ensure a harmonious union.

TAURUS AND LEO: Despite the physical attraction, there is little hope for a lasting union. And the main reason for this is that none of them is capable of submission. This gives rise to constant disputes and quarrels, worsening relationships. Taurus needs to be appreciated, while Leo demands to be worshiped. None of them get what they need. In addition to this, Leo is generous and extravagant, while Taurus is thrifty. The main conflict is generated by the contradiction between Taurus's desire for orderliness and Leo's need to embrace everything in life. Therefore, such a union should be avoided.

TAURUS AND VIRGO: This marriage union is successful and favorable for both Taurus and Virgo. Even if there is no crazy love between them, then deep sympathy and affection for each other can remain until the end of life. Basically, they are united by realistic views on life and healthy practicality, which is a solid foundation for a harmonious married life. Taurus' tenacity and Virgo's sharp mind ensure success for this team. Taurus keeps a vigilant eye on expenses, which pleases the thrifty Virgo. Virgo honors and appreciates her Taurus, and the latter is only happy with such an attitude, and for his part tries to thank the Virgo with his love, care and feelings. Both are accommodating and peaceful, both have a keen sense of all economic and financial issues. It brings partners spiritual harmony and joy in life together, gives confidence in the future, lifts spirit and mood.

TAURUS AND LIBRA: Taurus sees Libra as a warm, romantic, sensitive partner. Libras are born to charm and awaken the senses. Both signs are ruled by Venus, but their sensuality manifests itself in different ways. Despite the fact that they have a very great similarity and much in common, a long-term marriage union between them is impossible due to completely opposite principles of life. Over time, Libra's fickleness and careless attitude towards love can anger Taurus. Libra, in turn, is outraged by Taurus' possessive habits. This romantic relationship will not last long.

TAURUS AND SCORPIO: These signs oppose each other, but they have more in common than other antipodes. Between them there is either great attraction or obvious antagonism, but never indifference. For a long time, for this couple, the main role has been played by intimate life, the erotic-sexual side. Sparks of Scorpio's love and passion immediately ignite the hot blood of Taurus. Both partners are similar to each other in their temperament, possessive habits and violent passions. Both are determined and ambitious, neither is prone to wandering. However, in this union two strong wills interact. A faithful companion of such a union is a feeling of jealousy, the main screenwriter and director of all domestic dramas. The romance will be stormy, but both partners will not have the patience to make this union last.

TAURUS AND SAGITTARIUS: This couple will get along if Taurus manages to curb Sagittarius and hold the reins. They experience mutual physical attraction because Sagittarius's sexual freedom inflames Taurus' passions. But Taurus does not tolerate the inconstancy of Sagittarius and his desire for novelty. Sagittarius adheres to the principle of “live and don’t interfere with others’ lives” in sex and everything else, while Taurus is serious and has a sense of ownership. Sagittarius refuses to be under anyone's thumb. They are not in danger of boredom, but quarrels will be frequent. Romance can be fun. The marriage union between Taurus and Sagittarius is doomed to destruction, as it has no solid support.

TAURUS AND CAPRICORN: Capricorn is a good match for Taurus because both have feelings that are constant and lasting. Their relationship will not be too romantic, but full of healthy sex. Both in love and in marriage, this couple is faithful and devoted to each other, which guarantees a stable union with a high strength coefficient. As a rule, love does not arise between them at first sight, but over the years, mutual understanding and agreement deepen, and the feeling of affection grows stronger. They have common goals, they like the same people, they both value security and money. In this marriage union, perseverance and endurance, endurance and perseverance, thinking and planning prevail, that is, all human properties that contribute to the implementation life goal. Immediately after the wedding, they have common interests and plans that move them forward and upward in the future. Capricorn is more secretive than Taurus would like, but Capricorn's loyalty still gives Taurus a sense of peace. The differences between them are so insignificant that they do not interfere with the common good at all.

TAURUS AND AQUARIUS: This marriage union for Taurus is one of the worst, because here he will have neither peace nor rest. Taurus needs a calm lifestyle, a guaranteed, secure future. Aquarius has a rich imagination and vivid imagination, sudden thoughts and ideas arise, very original, although often dubious, he is often frivolous and frivolous, and poor Taurus constantly has to “get him down” to do something more practical and useful. Taurus is conservative, careful, restrained in words. Aquarius is free from conventions, loves novelty, and has a lively character. Taurus is lustful and passionate, while Aquarius lives in the spiritual world. It is difficult for Taurus to keep Aquarius near the hearth and satisfy him with domestic joys. Aquarius strives for open self-expression in relationships, while Taurus needs comfort and peace. Aquarius, a freedom-loving loner, is burdened by shackles and sooner or later will escape from the owner of Taurus. This union is fraught with constant surprises and surprises, not always pleasant. As a result, separation is guaranteed here.

TAURUS AND PISCES: Such a marriage is built on a solid foundation, since between them there is physical attraction, love, fidelity, and devotion. This couple has a lot in common. Both love peace, especially peace of mind. Both love comfort and convenience, everything beautiful and expensive. Both love the “sweet life.” The only difference is that Pisces are congenital lazy people who live only for today, and Taurus is a hard worker who organizes his own destiny. This marriage will be great under good material conditions. He demands abundance and a prosperous idle life, fun and pleasure and, of course, love, and passionate love at that. But to prevent this love from becoming too pampered, Taurus always has a realistic plan and very reliable control over the bank account. This union gives Pisces confidence in the future, loyalty and devotion - they cannot wish for anything better. Taurus also does not have to be offended by their partners from the sign of Pisces - they conscientiously give them sincere feelings, warmth and cordiality. Taurus people tend to work a lot and, of course, get tired. That’s when they need peace, care and care, and no one can do this better than Pisces - they are innately merciful. In turn, Taurus' practical, calm nature helps Pisces cope with mood swings. In love, Taurus is devoted, while Pisces is prone to adoration. Although Pisces seems somewhat passive to Taurus, they are well suited to each other in sex. Taurus is passionate, Pisces is sensual - the union promises to be strong.


Geminis are very amorous, but superficial and fickle in their feelings. They quickly get married and get divorced just as easily and quickly; they are prone to having affairs on the side, because they are always looking for new sensations. Gemini's partners need to be lively, interesting conversationalists and constantly change with them.

Gemini: compatibility of signs

GEMINI AND ARIES: Excellent sign compatibility. Both are lively and energetic, they can be good friends and lovers. They enjoy an active lifestyle, adventure and variety, humor and social life. And yet, a long and happy marriage is not guaranteed here. The main culprit for this is the very superficial feelings of Gemini and the fact that they almost always have everything “double”, that is, it exists in double size - friends and girlfriends, work and hobbies, houses and apartments, as well as partners in love and marriage. Gemini is a wonderful and funny lover for a short time. Surprisingly good agreement between these signs exists when they are united by common ideas and plans, common affairs and goals. Gemini simply needs Aries as a business partner. Gemini is bursting with ideas and plans, from which Aries will choose only the most viable, necessary and necessary ones and, avoiding all the pitfalls, avoiding all the sharp corners, not recognizing any obstacles, will bring them to life.

GEMINI AND TAURUS: Despite the strong sensual attraction and much in common, this marriage union is not viable and unsuitable due to the fact that Gemini, as a rule, is rarely at home, and Taurus is tormented by attacks of jealousy and suspicion. These zodiac signs have completely different characters. Taurus is phlegmatic, unshakable, and resists change. Geminis are flighty and restless. But that is why they can interest each other - but only for a while. Gemini is attracted by the passion of Taurus, but Taurus, who strives for reliability and stability, will begin to suffer due to the inconstancy of his partner. Taurus is too dependent on his habits to get along with Gemini, who is always in need of new incentives. Eventually, Taurus' demands will become unbearable for Gemini, who will prefer freedom. Taurus, in turn, will not tolerate Gemini's flirting on the side. Eternal disputes and quarrels are constant guests in their home. Frequent misunderstanding of each other leads to a breakdown in relationships and ends in divorce.

GEMINI AND GEMINI: It's hard to find a more restless, charming and lively couple. They will never tire of each other because they are interested in everything. The pace of their life together will be frantic, but neither partner will think of slowing down. They are both brilliant conversationalists and have a lot of friends. The two of them throw wonderful parties. Sex for them is pleasure and fun. But this couple is too superficial, unstable and restless. When they leave the bedroom, things get too chaotic - even for a Gemini couple.

GEMINI AND CANCER: Passionate Cancer will satisfy Gemini's physical needs, and their cheerfulness will lift Cancer's spirits. But very soon Gemini's tendency to play at love hurts the hypersensitive Cancer. The constant coquetry of Gemini will deprive Cancer of peace, and their union will become unstable. This couple has too little in common for a long-term marriage. Cancer needs security and a sense of home, while Gemini hates ties and restrictions. They will be irritated by Cancer's mood swings, and Gemini's sharp tongue causes pain to the vulnerable Cancer. The relationship is doomed to decline.

GEMINI AND LEO: These are passionate lovers who give each other true pleasure. Playful Geminis find a groovy partner in the lively, sociable Leo. Self-confident Leo turns a blind eye to Gemini flirting with others. However, Gemini's mockery may anger the egotistical Leo, and he will likely demand more adoration than what Gemini is willing to show. In society, everyone strives to outshine the other, but they will have a lot of fun doing it. Both love to laugh and strike sparks out of each other in bed.

GEMINI AND VIRGO: Both of them are patronized by Mercury, which determines a mental approach to life. But that's where their similarities end. Virgo finds Gemini immature and frivolous, while Gemini finds Virgo mundane and boring. Virgo's analytical approach seems cold to Gemini. For Virgo, Gemini's busy social life is a manifestation of superficiality and a waste of time. Passions are cooling, sex life is approaching the freezing point. Parting is inevitable.

GEMINI AND LIBRA: This couple is harmonious not only in the intellectual aspect, but also in all others. They stimulate each other and enjoy an easy, delicious romance. Both are not competitive and will probably always come to an agreement. They are gentle, love entertainment, social life and travel. Furious in sex, they are not jealous and do not make excessive demands on each other. Libra goes towards Gemini, who is inclined to experiment. Their only problem is that they both love to spend money. In all other respects the union is ideal.

GEMINI AND SCORPIO: Imaginative Gemini and dynamic Scorpio would make a good match if they could get along. The bedroom is on fire at first, but the partners soon discover that sex isn't everything. Scorpio is sensual, passionate, demanding, jealous and inflexible. Geminis are fickle, flighty, superficial, careless. They were born for social life, and Scorpio loves solitude. Suspicious Scorpio will constantly “seem” because of Gemini’s disdainful attitude towards love. Very soon their patience will be exhausted, and the union will fall apart.

GEMINI AND SAGITTARIUS: These opposing zodiac signs are drawn to each other like magnets. Spiritual communication gives them the greatest pleasure, since they have a wide range of diverse interests. Sagittarius is more intellectual, Gemini gravitates towards social life. Both are restless, love to argue and need freedom. Perhaps they will be disappointed in sex, since both are reserved, and Gemini will not reach into their pocket for a critical word. This romance will probably end as violently as it began.

GEMINI AND CAPRICORN: Gemini's carefree, frivolous attitude towards life provokes a protest from the conservative, respectable Capricorn. He cares about security, while Gemini complains about the loss of freedom. Order and stability please Capricorn, while irritating Gemini. Gemini's need for a rich life does not contribute to Capricorn's peace. His prudence depresses the inspired Gemini. There will be no electric spark between these partners, but Gemini will likely develop Capricorn's sensual potential.

GEMINI AND AQUARIUS: The multifaceted Gemini and the innovative Aquarius will get along very well. They both love novelty, travel, meeting strangers. Since both are unpredictable, the relationship will not always be smooth sailing. But love will grow stronger because Aquarius admires the wit of the life-loving Gemini. He will be sympathetic to some of his partner's inconstancy. If the romance ends, they will remain friends. In marriage, Gemini and Aquarius are more tender, loyal friends than passionate lovers.

GEMINI AND PISCES: Their relationship is filled with passion as much as it is with problems. Emotional Pisces are too easily offended by careless Geminis. Gemini is crafty and playful, while Pisces is sensitive and takes everything to heart. Everyone deceives in their own way: Gemini hides a lot, Pisces hides from reality. Gemini needs freedom and new horizons, Pisces needs immense admiration. Pisces simply cannot feel safe with the ever-wandering Gemini and try to limit their partner’s freedom. Once in a confined space, Gemini will begin to suffocate.


Cancer is the most sensitive and emotional of all the zodiac signs. He expects exceptional love, understanding, supportive, in return he will give himself entirely and surround his partner with tenderness and attention.

Compatibility Horoscope for Cancer sign

CANCER AND ARIES: Poor compatibility of signs. Aries constantly attract weaker creatures, including Cancers, who really want to experience the fiery temperament of Aries. Cancer, in the arms of Aries, in moments of oblivion, experiences enormous emotional unrest and a storm of feelings. The problem is that when feelings are spent, there is little left. Aries does not find sufficient satisfaction, and they may begin to quarrel over trifles. The discrepancy between temperaments does not allow them to enter the state of “soul to soul”. In this union, of course, Aries will rule, and the fate of this couple will depend only on his prudence and restraint. This union is very problematic due to too great differences in many areas and areas of life. The prognosis for this connection is unfavorable.

CANCER AND TAURUS: They are both gentle, caring and passionate, needing security and constancy. Cancer introduces an element of fantasy into Taurus' somewhat monotonous approach to sex. Taurus is possessive, and this suits the affectionate Cancer quite well. They know how to make money and enjoy the comforts of home together. Taurus loves to be pampered, and Cancer excels at this. Balanced Taurus, in turn, smoothes out the mood swings characteristic of Cancer. Each partner gives the other everything they need. Similar interests and desires provide a solid foundation for a harmonious union.

CANCER AND GEMINI: Gemini's sparkling personality immediately intrigues Cancer, but Cancer does not feel safe with this flighty, ever-eluding partner. Cancer has an emotional nature, and Gemini has a mental nature, and this interferes with their mutual understanding. Although their sexual temperaments are well compatible, Cancer will find it difficult to get used to Gemini's frivolous, careless attitude towards love. Being possessive, Cancer will try to curb Gemini, but they will not tolerate this. As a result, separation is inevitable.

CANCER AND CANCER: They have a lot in common, and this is what creates problems. They understand each other perfectly and can easily inflict wounds on their partner. Both are too sensitive, demanding and dependent. Cancers are overly concerned with their own state of mind: They need a lot of attention, care, support. They get angry if they don't get it. On the plus side: Cancers are extremely sensual lovers who spark each other's erotic imaginations. But this is rarely enough. Such an alliance does not have great prospects.

CANCER AND LEO: If Cancer is ready to meet Leo halfway, then a passionate relationship and a very successful marriage are possible. Cancer must get used to the emotions that Leo spills over the edge. An otherwise generous, sincere, strong Leo is exactly what insecure Cancer is looking for. Cancer's delightful intuition tells him exactly how to deal with the proud and flamboyant Leo. It will take admiration and a heavy dose of flattery to get a Leo to purr peacefully. Leo dominates the bedroom, he is too straightforward in sex for Cancer. But Leo's cheerfulness is an excellent antidote to Cancer's gloom.

CANCER AND VIRGO: Cancer's reactions are emotional, while Virgo's are analytical, but their personalities interact so successfully that this difference does not play a significant role. This connection can turn into a secure, pleasant and affectionate relationship. Cancer's desire for financial security fits perfectly with Virgo's sense of purpose. Cancer understands the pedantry of Virgo, whose constancy helps an unstable partner find balance. Cancer's reliability is complemented by Virgo's need to protect; each wants to please the other. Good prospects for marriage.

CANCER AND LIBRA: They live on completely different planes: Cancer wants to experience vivid feelings in love, Libra seeks complete intellectual intimacy. Libra does not understand the mood swings of Cancer, who feels insecure due to the coldness and superficial emotions of his partner. Cancer is too temperamental and jealous for the flighty Libra. It is not easy for them to achieve mutual understanding in sex, and this upsets Cancer. They both love to live in a beautiful home, but Libra also needs parties, guests and outside pleasures. When Cancer begins to criticize Libra, they soon go looking for another life partner.

CANCER AND SCORPIO: The fierce passion of Scorpio ignites the sensuality of Cancer. Being faithful in love, Cancer does not provoke Scorpio's jealousy. Cancer's possessive feelings give Scorpio a sense of peace. Cancer admires Scorpio's strength, while Scorpio finds peace of mind from Cancer's emotional attachment. Both have developed intuition and know how to please their partner. Together they are able to create an excellent union in which they will feel protected and loved. Relationships are characterized by great intimacy, intensity and depth. They will only improve over time.

CANCER AND SAGITTARIUS: Sagittarius, facing the outside world, can open up new intellectual horizons for Cancer, but, unfortunately, in love it will not give him the security that Cancer always needs. The frivolity and inconstancy of Sagittarius awakens jealousy in Cancer. Sagittarius is tired of Cancer's dependence. Sagittarius loves to travel, while Cancer is a homebody. Cancer's need for complete unity only makes Sagittarius want to be free. In addition, the directness of Sagittarius constantly hurts the sensitive Cancer. They will best friends than lovers.

CANCER AND CAPRICORN: Initially, they are sexually attracted to each other because they are opposing signs. But Capricorn, who strives to succeed in his career, has too many other interests to give Cancer the attention he needs. Cancer is timid, sensitive, and needs love, while Capricorn is harsh, cold and domineering. Cancer perceives Capricorn's restraint as a personal insult and becomes gloomy and picky. The differences in character may be too significant for a long-term union.

CANCER AND AQUARIUS: Gentle, sensitive Cancer freezes near the cold Aquarius. On the other hand, the affectionate, overly frank Cancer deprives Aquarius of a sense of freedom. The impetuous, unpredictable Aquarius is irritated by the caution and indecisiveness of Cancer. Vulnerable Cancer is offended by the caustic humor of Aquarius. Cancer does not understand the natural dispassion of Aquarius. Cancer needs closeness and security, Aquarius is a lone wolf. Sex can be bright, but nothing else connects this couple.

CANCER AND PISCES: These loving, empathetic partners will stroke each other's egos. Both are endowed with imagination, but Pisces knows how to dream, and Cancer knows how to work. Together they can turn a dream into reality. Pisces brings romance into Cancer's life, and he is the exceptionally caring lover that Pisces needs. Both are emotional, devoted to each other and have a good sense of their partner’s mood. They are in for a treat in the bedroom because they are very reactive sexually. Cancer must take the initiative, but Pisces will obey with readiness and passion. Harmonious couple.

a lion

In love, Leo is very passionate, he courtes passionately, but he does not love those who do not immediately submit, since in case of refusal his pride suffers. Even with great passion, he retains his pride. Leo wants to find a partner worthy of himself and the romantic destiny for which he believes he was born. A Leo partner must have a beautiful appearance.

Leo: Compatibility Horoscope

LEO AND ARIES: Both signs are superstars of the Zodiac. These well-matched partners get along great in the bedroom. No one knows how to extract joy and pleasure from sex better than them. They also have similar tastes in other areas of life. However, they will need maximum mutual understanding to overcome one problem - a head-on collision of two super-egos. Both want to play a leading role. They must learn to share the center of the stage. In all other respects they are a wonderful couple.

LEO AND TAURUS: Bad compatibility horoscope. Leo's legal right to command collides with Taurus' need to insist on his own. Both signs are fixed, so no one will back down even an inch. Leo gets more and more angry, Taurus becomes stubborn. The thrifty Taurus is outraged by Leo's extravagance. Taurus is cautious and calculating, while Leo is emotional and extravagant. Taurus stubbornly refuses to constantly admire Leo, whose self-centeredness prevents him from showing the devotion Taurus needs. Leo is wilder than Taurus in the bedroom and beyond. A lot of interpersonal conflicts arise. The prognosis for marriage is extremely unfavorable.

LEO AND GEMINI: They immediately find a common language because they love the same things - a brilliant social life, parties, theater, communication with friends. Lively, independent Gemini reveals Leo's love of life. Their romance is a joyful pursuit of variety and entertainment. Leo enjoys Gemini's sexual inventiveness, but may feel jealous because of their frivolous attitude towards love. Leo has deeper feelings than superficial Geminis. Life together will be stormy and difficult, but the prognosis for marriage is good if Gemini can remain faithful. Otherwise - collapse!

LEO AND CANCER: Both are romantic, although in different ways: Leo strives for bright, exciting relationships, and Cancer wants them to be filled with content and bring satisfaction. Leo does not experience as much excitement as Cancer, who takes everything more seriously. Cancer needs security and peace; he is a homebody. Leo is a restless person who loves to constantly demonstrate himself. Leo will like Cancer's dependence if it is flavored with a bit of admiration. Leo is active in love, while Cancer is loyal and deep. Ambiguous prognosis.

LION AND LION: When the king and queen appear together, everyone turns their heads in their direction. This couple is great at sex - they are united by great passion. Both are romantic, bright, cheerful and sexy. The main question is: who will become the leader? It is difficult for Leo to make way for another ego as big as his own, but this is exactly what is required here. Everyone wants not only to sit on the throne, but also to be the power behind it. Great lovers and interesting rivals.

LEO AND VIRGO: Leo is attracted to Virgo's intelligence, but she does not understand Leo's frantic nature. He cannot get the sexual reactions he requires from the reserved Virgo. Virgo is practical and careful, while Leo is extravagant and wasteful. Leo likes to live on a large scale, and Virgo is conservative, economical and picky, she extinguishes Leo's enthusiasm. Virgo will not allow herself to be dominated. Leo needs a lot of flattery, but Virgo tends to “poke” the bloated like balloon, ego. Both should look for another partner.

LEO AND LIBRA: Leo's creative side pairs well with Libra's artistic and aesthetic needs. The purely physical aspect of love interests Leo more than his partner, but the brilliance and liveliness inherent in Leo will help him conquer Libra. They are indecisive, and Leo will, of course, take over. There will be problems with the checkbook, because both are wasteful and love to shine among spectacular decorations. Each will try to outdo the other in order to attract attention. But in the bedroom, Leo will be the master, and this role is to his liking.

LEO AND SCORPIO: They immediately charm each other sexually. But Leo finds it difficult to put up with Scorpio’s jealousy and sense of ownership. The frantic, red-hot Scorpio gets ignited too quickly, while Leo shows great endurance. Scorpio seems capricious and unrestrained to Leo, while Scorpio considers Leo pompous and boastful. Scorpio does not understand Leo's need to constantly be in front of an admiring audience. Scorpio prefers not to admire, but to dominate, and this does not suit the king of beasts. It soon becomes clear that sex is not everything. Due to the significant dissimilarity of both partners, the contradictions of their characters, this union is not only doubtful, but also doomed to death.

LEO AND SAGITTARIUS: Leo is captivated by the optimistic, extroverted Sagittarius, while the pleasure-loving Sagittarius is captivated by the cheerful, open-minded Leo. They both share a love of freedom, adventure and meeting new people. They are passionate, wild in sex, and if anyone is able to achieve fidelity from a Sagittarius, it is Leo. Leo's innate tendency to lead brings out in Sagittarius all the devotion of which he is capable. Leo is exceptionally proud, but self-confident and generous Sagittarius willingly allows him to puff out his cheeks. The similarity of temperaments and characters of both signs is the key to their wonderful union.

LEO AND CAPRICORN: Cautious, practical Capricorn tries to curb the extravagant, generous Leo. The cheerful king of beasts loves to frolic, but Capricorn condemns excessive indulgence. Both are quite sexy, but with significant differences. Leo needs intense sex, which Capricorn cannot give. Leo considers Capricorn cold because Capricorn, who is reserved and not inclined to show feelings, denies Leo the admiration he needs. No one will agree to the role of a follower and will not allow their partner to dominate. As a result, these signs are doomed to break up.

LEO AND AQUARIUS: Initially, they experience physical attraction to each other, but Aquarius's tendency to analyze and criticize his partner will shake Leo's self-confidence and deal a blow to his pride. Aquarius' unconventional approach to love and his desire to experiment can confuse Leo, who is not inclined to go too far. Both love social life and new acquaintances, but Leo wants to show off in the center of the stage, which irritates Aquarius. He is too independent to become Leo's loyal subject. There are many contradictions between these partners, but in the end they can almost always be overcome. In such a marriage, divorce is rare.

LEO AND PISCES: Leo is active, powerful, Pisces is unearthly, soft sign. They intrigue each other with their differences, but they are not complementary. The ebullient, expansive nature of Leo does not harmonize with the dreamy isolation of Pisces. Leo needs public recognition, while Pisces prefer to live alone. Both prefer to take rather than give. Leo will not like the excessive sensitivity of Pisces and their penchant for exoticism in sex. As a result, Leo quickly loses interest in Pisces. Their dissimilarity is reflected both in temperament and in their outlook on life. The marriage union between them, as a rule, suffers a complete fiasco and collapse.


Virgos have a very practical attitude towards love and are often accompanied by material gain. From their partner they demand order, fidelity, honesty and clarity in relationships.

Virgo: Sign Compatibility Horoscope

VIRGO AND ARIES: Virgo may be intrigued by Aries's boldness, but his caution will soon come into conflict with his bright personality. They will have problems in communication, because Virgo loves to talk, and Aries loves to act. Their arguments will probably be more heated than sex. Aries will find Virgo complex, and Aries will seem impulsive and unrestrained to her. Aries likes a hectic social life. Virgo is happy with calm, intellectual friends. Aries will awaken in Virgo her worst trait - her tendency to find fault and complain. Poor compatibility of signs. The prognosis for both romance and marriage is unfavorable.

VIRGO AND TAURUS: Virgo is analytical, and Taurus is sensual, but his passion can ignite Virgo. If this happens, they will get along great in bed. Practical, down to earth, satisfied with the tried and true, they have much in common. Both are trying to build a secure future, both are homebodies, both love money. The rationality of Virgo and the perseverance of Taurus form a combination that promotes financial success. The most promising forecast for marriage.

VIRGO AND GEMINI: They are drawn to each other because of their shared interest in intellectual ideas. Both have active minds, but that's where the similarities end. In love, Geminis are too impulsive and fickle to suit Virgo. Gemini considers Virgo down to earth. Virgo finds Gemini irresponsible and immature. Geminis need freedom to pursue their varied interests. Virgo is outraged by this, she will complain and try to seize power. Gemini will quickly leave Virgo for another partner.

VIRGO AND CANCER: An exciting romance awaits them as they awaken each other's hidden sensuality. Cancer is not too assertive, which suits Virgo perfectly. He will show signs of attention, which Virgo will be able to appreciate. Cancer is gentle and sentimental, and this gives Virgo a sense of security. They both love money and home comfort. Cancer's dependence fits perfectly with Virgo's desire to patronize. The disadvantages of this union include the excessive pickiness of the partners. If Virgo satisfies Cancer in the sphere of love and sex, he will remain faithful and devoted to her for the rest of his life.

VIRGO AND LEO: Too much difference in the temperaments, characters, and habits of the partners makes these relationships very problematic. Leo cannot stand Virgo's pedantry, her merciless criticism, and Virgo cannot stand Leo's extravagance. Leo takes it as a personal insult if the cold Virgo does not respond properly to his ardor. Virgo's restraint and passivity disappoint Leo and lead to quarrels. Virgo is stingy with the praise that Leo feeds on. He is wasteful, but Virgo saves every penny. They are both very independent, but Leo shows it violently, and Virgo is very secretive. Only friendship and business cooperation are possible here.

VIRGO AND VIRGO: Everything will go smoothly as long as the two perfection-seeking creatures can curb their tendency to find faults. Both partners have excellent teaching talent, so they teach each other for the rest of their lives. They are responsible, sensitive, smart, and take love seriously. Possessing intellectual interests, they will never tire of each other. Both believe that there are things in life more important than sex, in the end they may end up just being interlocutors in bed. There will likely be a struggle for leadership, but they have too much in common for this to be a stumbling block. In this union, betrayal or divorce are practically excluded.

VIRGO AND LIBRA: Libra is too frivolous and superficial for Virgo. Libras like to spend money, go to parties, and be the center of attention. Virgo will criticize them, which will make Libra feel unloved. Perhaps Libra will reveal Virgo's hidden sexuality, but their personalities are too dissimilar for true compatibility. Virgo will try to correct the fickle partner, whose face is turned to the outside world, to subjugate him to herself. Virgo is reserved and practical, Libra sees this as a personal insult. Libra will soon go in search of companions who love more pleasure. Such a marriage is doomed to failure.

VIRGO AND SCORPIO: Sensual Scorpio constantly tries to involve Virgo in bold sexual experiments. Virgo likes the fact that Scorpio is a jealous owner, but at the same time she feels loved and protected. They admire each other's intelligence. Virgo is logical, smart and analytical. Scorpio is endowed with imagination, developed fantasy and receptivity. Both sometimes find it difficult to express their true feelings: Scorpio is fickle but secretive, while Virgo is disciplined and restrained. There may be a conflict over the issue of power, but Virgo’s willingness to compromise allows her to get along with Scorpio.

VIRGO AND SAGITTARIUS: The freedom-loving Sagittarius has nothing in common with the hardworking Virgo. He is a reckless gambler, while Virgo carefully builds a secure future. Virgo and Sagittarius are intellectual signs, but their minds are constantly clashing with each other. Sagittarius is expansive and craves luxury, while Virgo prefers to lead a simple, orderly life without pretensions. Sagittarius finds Virgo's attitude towards sex somewhat prudish. Due to differences in temperament and outlook on life, such a marriage is very problematic.

VIRGO AND CAPRICORN: A very harmonious couple. Capricorn's ambition and thirst for success get along well with Virgo's desire for perfection and her energy. Both are diligent, disciplined and purposeful. They admire each other and are proud that they can please their partner. Both need respect and approval (although they do not admit it), each intuitively gives the other exactly this. Sexual compatibility becomes a common achievement, but in sex Capricorn usually plays the main role.

VIRGO AND AQUARIUS: They are both rational, highly intelligent and have a speculative approach to love, but that is where their similarities end. Aquarius offers bold ideas; Virgo's reactions seem too restrained to him. In fact, both avoid intimacy: Virgo is cautious in her feelings, Aquarius's thoughts wander in the clouds. Aquarius is interested in other people, affairs, better arrangement peace. Virgo strives for personal achievement and financial security. Aquarius faces the outside world, he is an inventor, a dreamer. Virgo is reserved, prudent and very practical in her desires. They can't even be friends.

VIRGO AND PISCES: For Virgo, love means security and intellectual compatibility. For Pisces, love is a huge all-consuming feeling. At first, Virgo experiences a powerful attraction to Pisces, as is often the case with the antipodes: sentimental, in love with love itself, Pisces intrigues Virgo, and they are delighted by the sharp, analytical mind of their partner. However, disappointment is not long in coming. The extravagance, secrecy and dreaminess of Pisces quickly begin to irritate the pragmatic, disciplined Virgo. In addition, Virgo is unlikely to get used to the sexual tastes of Pisces.


More than other signs, Libra needs a strong union with a partner in order to feel complete. They will do almost anything to avoid being lonely.

Libra: Sign Compatibility

LIBRA AND ARIES: Although they are immediately attracted to each other, tension also arises immediately. Libra seeks harmony and peace, while restless Aries persistently seeks out new challenges and worlds waiting to be conquered. Libra finds Aries rude and tactless, and Aries believes that Libra is hiding from reality. Aries needs independence, but demands absolute loyalty from a partner and cannot forgive Libra for the hesitation with which they give their soul. Passionate Aries is offended by Libra's superficial feelings. The physical compatibility of the signs seems delightful at first, but contradictions in many areas of life do not contribute to their strong union.

LIBRA AND TAURUS: They both love music and art, but nothing else unites them. Taurus is a homebody, which bores Libra, who loves to shine in society. Libra spends a lot of money on luxury, Taurus spends money with caution. Libra will not like Taurus' dictatorial habits; they will quickly begin to be irritated by his ponderous approach to everything. In addition, the romantic and fickle Libra awakens jealousy in Taurus. Their sexual union is harmonious, but when the duet is sung, only annoying memories remain.

LIBRA AND GEMINI: Pleasure-loving Libra and brave Gemini make a perfect match. Both are curious, lively and passionate. Love for them is a never-stopping carousel. Yes, fun and entertainment do not awaken deep passions, but for this couple, momentary pleasure is most important. Jealousy and possessive feelings will not spoil their holiday. Both partners are somewhat indecisive, so they will face a lot of discussion rather than action. However, they know how to use their charm to force other people to do things for them. In this union, intellect and feelings are united, and in shared experience the ability to love and the art of living are born.

LIBRA AND CANCER: Cancer is able to eventually understand the romantic nature of Libra, but he is too careful to awaken the emotional response he needs in the indecisive Libra. Frustrated by Libra's superficiality, Cancer begins to criticize them, and his claws inflict deep wounds. Cancer, who values ​​money, is annoyed by Libra's extravagance. They love the glittering social life, and Cancer feels best in the warmth of their own home. Over time, problems may resolve, but usually the results are not worth the wait. This marriage is always problematic and most often ends in divorce.

LIBRA AND LEO: They have an interest in each other from the very first meeting. Their life together, both during courtship and after it, is full of joy and happiness, warmth and understanding. The playfulness of Libra harmonizes perfectly with the swiftness and energy of Leo. His generous, expansive sexuality ignites the fire in Libra, and the thermometer tends to rise. Libras must be careful in matters affecting their ego, but this is not a problem for the tactful Libra. They know how to gracefully concede in a serious conflict. The partners share a love of luxury, parties, beautiful interior, which serves as the backdrop for these stars. According to statistics, such a marriage union has the lowest divorce rate.

LIBRA AND VIRGO: Libra is too emotional and frivolous for the enslaved Virgo, who takes love very seriously. Virgo refrains from violent manifestations of admiration, which serves as the basis of the diet for Libra. Virgo, who loves her home, is annoyed by Libra’s inherent craving for secular entertainment and pleasure. Virgo is careful, if not stingy. Libra finds Virgo too pedantic, picky, and inflexible. The love of this couple will not last long.

SCALES AND SCALES: Equally expansive, lively, sociable, adoring beautiful things, they willingly give each other sexual pleasure. But there is a lot of theatricality in the love of this couple. The problem is that no one wants to face reality. Charming, peaceful and adaptable, they need more reliable support. Also, due to their great similarity, they will be at risk of boredom. But if both find outside sources of stimulation that can satisfy their appetites, this union can become interesting.

LIBRA AND SCORPIO: At first, Scorpio's frenzy in love flatters Libra, who is always looking for new forms of attention. But Scorpio is also sensitive, unstable and easily vents his anger. Libra will not tolerate such qualities. Being possessive, Scorpio will try to subjugate his lover, but Libra needs variety and will not remain in Scorpio’s networks. Libra's coquetry and disdainful attitude towards sex infuriates the sensual Scorpio. An angry Scorpio will become increasingly jealous and demanding, and Libra will have to either give in or leave.

LIBRA AND SAGITTARIUS: This meeting should turn into a joy-filled, free, delightful relationship. Sagittarius's love of adventure stimulates Libra, and he himself is attracted by the charming tenderness of his partner. Both are very romantic, although this quality is more prevalent in Libra. They will want to settle down earlier than Sagittarius, but this problem can be resolved. Charming, intelligent Libra will be able to appeal to the intellectual side of Sagittarius and easily retain his interest. A strong and happy marriage union can develop between them.

LIBRA AND CAPRICORN: Libra is attracted to Capricorn's sexuality, but that's where it ends. Libra needs flattery and attention, but Capricorn hides his feelings. Sentimental, in love with love itself, Libra does not find much understanding with the sober, materialistic Capricorn. The laziness and relaxation of Libra often angers the hardworking and success-seeking Capricorn. Libra loves socializing and nightlife, while Capricorn is a loner who feels comfortable with a few close friends. Only a short romance is possible between them.

LIBRA AND AQUARIUS: Brave, sexually experimenting Aquarius will cheer up lazy, sensual Libra. This couple has all the prerequisites for a lasting friendship: a coincidence of secular and artistic interests, even a common passion for public affairs. They will enjoy both the friendly and romantic aspects of the relationship. Indecisive Libra is glad that resourceful Aquarius loves to make decisions. Satisfying sex and a love of life for both bodes well for marriage.

LIBRA AND PISCES: Their romance begins wonderfully, as both are sentimental and tender. In some ways they are similar: both want to transfer their romantic ideas to reality. But Pisces needs a strong hand, support and constant attention, and Libra finds this boring and binding. Libras are sociable and love fun. Pisces feel that they are being neglected, they complain, and reproach their partner. Pisces feels that Libra's devotion can be insincere, and their charm is very superficial. In sexual relationships, Libra has to take the lead, and this greatly irritates them. Divorces and fatal separations are observed here for a variety of reasons.


Scorpio is passionate and sensual in love. Alliances with Scorpios are strong and indissoluble, and the stamp in the passport does not play a role. If Scorpio breaks up with a partner, then nothing can save this union. Scorpios are jealous and do not forgive deception. You can't expect a quiet life with them.

Scorpio: sign compatibility

SCORPIO AND ARIES: Initially, a strong attraction arises between them. Aries has a great sexual imagination and tends to experiment, and Scorpio proves to be a worthy partner due to its passion. Compatibility issues arise in other areas. They are both selfish and want to make decisions alone. Their wills collide because Aries wants to dominate, and Scorpio wants to rule. Scorpio's secrecy and thoughtfulness disappoint the open, impulsive Aries. Aries loves freedom and flirting, he turns his face to the outside world, and this infuriates the jealous Scorpio. Differences in character reduce their mutual understanding.

SCORPIO AND TAURUS: Difficult compatibility of signs. Taurus has the stamina and desire to satisfy Scorpio in the bedroom. But what will this passionate couple do the rest of the time? Both are jealous and stubborn. The difference between them is that Taurus wants to own the beloved as a valuable thing, and Scorpio as an object of feelings. Both love money, but Scorpio is thrifty and free from laziness, while Taurus willingly spends money to create comfort. Scorpio is persistent, Taurus is stubborn, and they both want to be the captain of a ship that is in danger of destruction.

SCORPIO AND GEMINI: Gemini's liveliness attracts Scorpio. His complex personality fascinates curious Geminis. For some time, Gemini is also intrigued by Scorpio's sexual insatiability. But Gemini is too changeable and fickle for the frantic Scorpio, who needs and demands complete devotion. Restless Gemini strives for independence, while Scorpio wants to own and dominate. Scorpio is a loner by nature, while Gemini likes to shine in the light. They will have a lot of fun together, but too soon the pleasure will fade, and Gemini will begin to look for a way out of this relationship. There may be both physical and spiritual harmony between these partners, but their marriage will always be problematic.

SCORPIO AND CANCER: This combination can be successful. Cancer is a passive partner, but he has a large supply of combustible material, which will ignite from the passions of Scorpio. Heat in the bedroom will help alleviate conflicts between two jealous people. Scorpio offers strength and protection - exactly what the affectionate, insecure Cancer is looking for. Gentle, generous, loving and devoted, he is exactly what Scorpio needs. These two will get along great with each other.

SCORPIO AND LEO: Scorpio will not flatter Leo and recognize his dominance. Scorpio strives to satisfy the erotic fantasies of his lover, while Leo wants great love. They are both strong and passionate natures. The boisterous Leo is extravagant and loves to live large, but Scorpio condemns the tendency to boast and wastefulness. Physical attraction will be strong, but short-lived. Scorpio's jealousy will create a spark, and when the explosion occurs, everything will fly into the air! Due to the significant dissimilarity of both partners, the contradictions of their characters, this union is not only doubtful, but also doomed to death.

SCORPIO AND VIRGO: Their intellects interact perfectly with each other, and their characters complement each other. Virgo likes the fact that Scorpio is a jealous owner, but at the same time she feels loved and protected. They cannot be called flighty or superficial: the deep feelings hidden in everyone give rise to affection and loyalty. They have so much in common that Scorpio probably won't be upset that Virgo's passions are more mental than physical.

SCORPIO AND LIBRA: Scorpio's unpredictability intrigues Libra, who likes to collect interesting people. Scorpio satisfies Libra's need for love, Scorpio's jealousy flatters Libra. But Libra is fickle and playful, and Scorpio is hypersensitive. Fierce Scorpio takes love and mutual obligations seriously; Libra needs a partner in order to highlight their own image. Libra's fickleness in love will frustrate and worry Scorpio. This connection is unlikely to lead to anything permanent.

SCORPIO AND SCORPIO: Marriage between Scorpios is rare, as is friendship between them. Sexual attraction in this union is very strong, but the emotional temperature cannot rise endlessly. These two people do not understand each other well. If they do enter into a marriage union, then it is concluded between partners who are completely different from each other. For example, one will be dominated by the lust for power, severity and severity, while the other will be dominated by diplomacy, cunning and mental flexibility. Scorpio types are so different that they allow for many combinations.

SCORPIO AND SAGITTARIUS: Scorpio is fascinated by the freedom-loving, uninhibited Sagittarius. Scorpio will seize power, but will not keep the restless, restless Sagittarius in submission for long. Sagittarius believes that the emphasis should be on pleasure and new adventures, while Scorpio needs security and constant love. Sagittarius is open, talkative, careless in personal relationships, Scorpio is reserved, secretive and very jealous. Scorpio wants to keep Sagittarius in the house, and Sagittarius strives to travel. A novel without a future.

SCORPIO AND CAPRICORN: Scorpio's passion will be welcomed here. Scorpio's lively emotions will help the thoughtful, introverted Capricorn open up, and this will add spice to a warm, emotional relationship. Capricorn even likes Scorpio's jealousy - it gives him a feeling of security. Both have a sense of purpose: they are ambitious, determined, responsible. This team has a chance to achieve financial success. This marriage union is strong and strong, giving no reason for concern.

SCORPIO AND AQUARIUS: Scorpio makes great emotional demands, but for Aquarius, even a love affair is just another way to expand their horizons. Scorpio will not tolerate Aquarius' independence and will not understand his careless attitude towards love. Aquarius is too dispassionate and has too many extraneous interests to suit the jealous Scorpio with his developed sense of ownership. Scorpio will try to dominate, but he will be disturbed by the unpredictability and love of freedom of Aquarius. Scorpio wants to stay at home, Aquarius wants to wander. The prognosis for marriage is unfavorable.

SCORPIO AND PISCES: The strength of Scorpio is an ideal support for indecisive Pisces. In turn, Pisces' imagination sparks Scorpio's creativity. Pisces can give Scorpio the devotion and admiration he needs, and their shared passion for sex will provide a good romantic aura. Pisces' penchant for the unusual intensifies Scorpio's desires, and the powerful emotional needs of both signs complement each other well. The intuition of Pisces and the depth of feelings of Scorpio together generate a special intimacy. Such a union will stand the test of time.


Sagittarians prefer a partner who stands out from the general environment. A person not only has a different social environment, but often also a different race or a different country, to which they are happy to move and live.

Sagittarius: sign compatibility

SAGITTARIUS AND ARIES: They share a similar attitude towards sex and use every opportunity for it. Both love outdoor activities and social life. These partners are an intellectual match: they have a wide range of interests that they like to talk about. Sagittarius is more of a philosopher, while Aries is more prone to personal involvement. They will face one problem - both have explosive characters. Disputes will be heated, but short, and reconciliation will be joyful. Perfect compatibility of signs.

SAGITTARIUS AND TAURUS: Taurus wants to rule the roost, but Sagittarius doesn't obey. Sagittarius needs change, variety and adventure. This irritates the reliable, disciplined and home-loving Taurus. He only approves proven methods, but Sagittarius wants to experiment. Straightforward Sagittarius will say what he thinks without hesitation, and this makes Taurus boil. Financial problems will also arise, since Sagittarius is prone to gambling, and Taurus saves money for the future. This union has a short duration.

SAGITTARIUS AND GEMINI: They are both restless, adventurous, imaginative and pleasure-loving. No other opposing zodiac signs enjoy being with each other as much. There will be fireworks in the bedroom for a while, but then they will be replaced by bickering. Both are endowed with a sharp mind, but Sagittarius is outspoken and domineering, while Gemini enjoys playing with words. Too restless and demanding to settle down, they will eventually answer the call of new interests and partners. But the parting should be amicable.

SAGITTARIUS AND CANCER: Cancer's sensuality and romantic imagination intrigues Sagittarius. But enterprising Sagittarius is ruled by intellect, and cautious Cancer is ruled by emotions. These partners will never understand each other. Sagittarius cannot give Cancer the security and stability he needs, and also cannot tolerate his mood swings and jealousy. Without realizing it, the straightforward Sagittarius will hurt the sensitive Cancer at every turn. When Sagittarius seeks stimulation outside the home, Cancer complains and tries to hold him back even more forcefully. They're better off being friends.

SAGITTARIUS AND LEO: This spunky couple is in for a delightful time. Self-confident Leo holds the keys to the passions of Sagittarius, their love life will be an adventure. They enjoy traveling, meeting new people and communicating with each other. Leo loves freedom as much as Sagittarius, so they will not have problems due to jealousy or possessiveness. Sagittarius will have the tact not to hurt Leo's monumental ego. Great couple.

SAGITTARIUS AND VIRGO: The timid, reserved Virgo cannot open up, which is why she seems like a prude to Sagittarius. Both are intellectually inclined and can have interesting conversations in bed. In other areas, Virgo strives for order and simplicity, while Sagittarius seeks pleasure and new experiences. Virgo wants a long-term relationship with commitment, Sagittarius needs freedom. The hasty carelessness of Sagittarius irritates the pedantic Virgo. By criticizing and grumbling, Virgo sometimes demonstrates her love, but Sagittarius will never understand this. This alliance is highly problematic.

SAGITTARIUS AND LIBRA: Sagittarius is fascinated by Libra's artistry and ease, and they are fascinated by Sagittarius's sense of adventure. Libra is more romantic than Sagittarius, but in other respects the sexual harmony is simply delightful. Libra is tolerant of Sagittarius's pranks and can even slightly reduce his activity, since they know how to use sensual charm. Libra loves home and luxury, while Sagittarius prefers travel. But Libra knows how to skillfully resolve such problems. A strong and happy marriage union can develop between them.

SAGITTARIUS AND SCORPIO: Scorpio is trying to clip Sagittarius' wings and keep him in a cage. Thoughtful, tense Scorpio cannot find a common language with open-minded, optimistic, frank Sagittarius. The distant interests of Sagittarius constantly cause Scorpio's jealousy. Sagittarius is playful in sex, it is difficult for him to cope with the frantic, domineering passions of Scorpio. Soon Sagittarius will begin to prepare to escape. Sagittarius is quick-tempered but easy-going, while Scorpio stores up anger before releasing it. A turbulent and complex union.

SAGITTARIUS AND SAGITTARIUS: Some astrologers believe that a suitable match for Sagittarius there can only be another Sagittarius. These independent, freedom-loving wanderers really seem to be made for each other. But their exciting, chaotic, eventful relationship is too unpredictable to suit both. They tend to bring out the worst in each other. Both do not commit themselves and have many side interests, so over time they will inevitably go their separate ways. But while the holiday continues, they remain good friends.

SAGITTARIUS AND CAPRICORN: Sagittarius, with his frivolous attitude towards love, will not satisfy Capricorn's needs. Both aim high, but their approaches to success are very different. Capricorn wants to climb to the top of the mountain, and Sagittarius wants to fly over this peak. Frank, straightforward Sagittarius will undoubtedly irritate a sensitive partner. Capricorn is demanding, independent, and stern. Sagittarius is enterprising, sociable, and expansive. Capricorn is careful financial matters and is concerned about his appearance, which cannot be said about Sagittarius. Both should look for something else.

SAGITTARIUS AND AQUARIUS: They both love life and are focused on the future. Neither of them will tie their partner down. Both strive to explore possibilities to the fullest and share an idealistic attitude towards love and life. Aquarius is an innovator. Sagittarius loves to experiment. Wild imagination will reign supreme in the bedroom. They will treat each other with sympathy. True emotional intimacy may not appear immediately, but the prospects for a long-term union are excellent.

SAGITTARIUS AND PISCES: Pisces is attracted to life force Sagittarius, and his is the spirituality of Pisces. But Sagittarius needs a buddy, and Pisces needs an ideal lover. Neither of them will help the other. The cheerful Sagittarius is shackled by the dependence and timidity of Pisces. Emotional Pisces is looking for something more than a temporary sex partner, and the active, freedom-loving Sagittarius needs only him. Fireworks in the bedroom will keep the romance alive for a while, but eventually it will slowly sink into the quagmire.


In love, Capricorns are sober and practical. If they find a suitable partner, their marriage will be unshakable. Debt always comes first for them.

Capricorn: sign compatibility

CAPRICORN AND ARIES: They will get along as lovers, but even in bed there will be arguments about money, friends, social life and leadership. The main difference: Capricorn will not lift a finger without confidence in success, and Aries is incredibly stubborn and impulsive. Disputes will never subside because both partners are strong-willed, assertive and want to dominate. Jealousy will also make itself known when Aries' passions begin to reorient towards a more life-loving society. The temperament, character traits and rhythm of life of both partners are so different that an alliance between them exists in very rare cases.

CAPRICORN AND TAURUS: Excellent compatibility of signs. Taurus admires Capricorn's determination, and Capricorn admires Taurus' reliability in love. Taurus will be able to break through to the cautious Capricorn, give him the support and warmth that he needs. Both have passionate, earthy natures, and the sensual Taurus can unleash the romanticism hidden under the mask of reserve that Capricorn wears. They are loyal to each other and jealousy will not be a problem for them. In addition, both value money, security and gravitate toward home. A strong, indissoluble union.

CAPRICORN AND GEMINI: Capricorn will suffer a lot, keeping the excitable, flirtatious, wayward Gemini in line. To get along with a partner whom Capricorn considers capricious, extravagant and frivolous, maximum patience will be required. Capricorn values ​​order and discipline, and approaches life pragmatically and rationally. Geminis are careless, excitable and unstable. Gemini will not reach into his pocket for a word, and this awakens a secret inferiority complex in Capricorn. Both of them are not overly sentimental, so their romance will end quickly.

CAPRICORN AND CANCER: They are sexually attracted to each other, but harmony in the bedroom is unlikely to compensate for the disagreements that will arise in all other areas. Cancer will be outraged by Capricorn's bossiness. Capricorn is irritated by Cancer's endless emotional claims. Cancer, who needs warmth, will be disappointed by the cold impassivity of Capricorn. Both partners are afraid of being rejected, but Cancer tends to withdraw into itself, and Capricorn tends to show tyrannical habits. Much is determined by the fact that these are signs opposing each other.

CAPRICORN AND LEO: Disciplined, organized Capricorn does not understand and does not approve of Leo's excessive impulsiveness. Extroverted Leo will be annoyed by Capricorn's secretiveness. The reserved Capricorn will not give Leo the adoration he needs, and the proud king of beasts will not cede power to Capricorn. The wasteful Leo loves luxury, and Capricorn puts financial security above all else. Plus, they both want to rule in the bedroom. This hopeless couple will quickly break up.

CAPRICORN AND VIRGO: Virgo's organization goes well with Capricorn's self-discipline and hard work. Both are proud of their home, prefer the company of a few close friends to many acquaintances, and admire each other’s intellectual abilities. There's no reason why this couple won't get along - only in the bedroom, the reserved Virgo needs a stronger push to get excited than the one Capricorn is willing to give. It is not easy for both to show spontaneous tenderness. However, this is the only negative in a long list of advantages.

CAPRICORN AND LIBRA: Capricorn is intrigued by the charming Libra, and they are captivated by Capricorn's slowly revealing passion. But on a long journey, Libra needs more excitement, romance and love than can be obtained from Capricorn. He does not share Libra's attraction to social life and artistic values. Capricorn places a high value on discipline and responsibility; Libra seems too frivolous, vain and selfish to him. Libras become willful and start looking for someone else. Capricorn's jealousy will add fuel to the fire. Poor compatibility.

CAPRICORN AND SCORPIO: The powerful sensuality of Scorpio awakens the dormant passions of Capricorn. Scorpio is a more imaginative lover, but Capricorn's stamina will prove a great complement. Being possessive, Scorpio will give Capricorn a sense of security. These two make a great team: Capricorn is a highly organized person, and Scorpio has natural cunning. Both value discipline and success. They are endowed with a strong will, and sometimes the hot temper of Scorpio clashes with the stubbornness of Capricorn. Their fights will be as violent as their reconciliations. The prognosis for marriage is favorable.

CAPRICORN AND SAGITTARIUS: Optimistic Sagittarius encourages Capricorn, Sagittarius is intrigued by Capricorn's depth and isolation. However, very soon Capricorn will begin to be irritated by Sagittarius’ frivolity and his need for unlimited freedom. Capricorn feels that he cannot count on Sagittarius's loyalty in any circumstances, and he is disappointed by Sagittarius's careless attitude towards love. Sagittarius is spendthrift and active, while serious Capricorn loves his home. An unstable alliance.

CAPRICORN AND CAPRICORN: Capricorn values ​​their own qualities in people, and these partners will respect each other. Both are cautious, reserved, hardworking and love to save money. But even complete compatibility can sometimes lead to boredom. They are well suited to each other sexually, but both tend to be gloomy pessimists intensify in this union. They don't know how to relax and rest. They will make good partners, but joy will not be a frequent guest in their home. Love will gradually fade away.

CAPRICORN AND AQUARIUS: Aquarius seems too unpredictable to Capricorn, and Aquarius' indifference worries Capricorn. Capricorn's inherent respect for convention quickly begins to irritate the adventurous Aquarius. Aquarius values ​​the opportunity for self-expression, Capricorn values ​​self-discipline. Aquarius tends to wander, while Capricorn prefers to be at home. The freedom-loving Aquarius will not remain attached to the serious, sedate Capricorn for long. However, thanks to mutual sympathy, love can turn into friendship.

CAPRICORN AND PISCES: Capricorn serves as an anchor for dreamy Pisces, providing them with the stability they need, which they value. Capricorn loves nothing more than to be the object of admiration. In the bedroom, he is the captain, and Pisces is the obedient team. Pisces' love for everything unusual can even shake Capricorn's traditionalism. The generous tenderness of Pisces and the reliable loyalty of Capricorn give both a sense of security. These two very different personalities satisfy each other's needs. A wonderful union.


Aquarians choose original and intelligent partners. They are freedom-loving and rarely wear wedding rings. Aquarians are more willing to give themselves to society than to one person. They can give more to strangers than to members of their own family.

Aquarius: sign compatibility

AQUARIUS AND ARIES: Good compatibility signs. A lot of pleasures and funny antics await them. Aquarius's imagination pairs well with Aries's persistence. Sexually, Aries's passion spurs Aquarius' desire for everything original. They will not bind each other, since each understands the partner's need for freedom, adventure and additional interests. Neither of them likes to be subordinate, but Aries must become a leader. If they solve this problem, there are no other obstacles to happiness.

AQUARIUS AND TAURUS: Aquarius' frivolous attitude towards love will disturb and ultimately anger the passionate Taurus, who does not just want a partner for fun. His jealousy and sense of ownership will force Aquarius to pack his things and retreat. Aquarius loves to travel, and Taurus loves home. They are both stubborn, but in different ways: Aquarius refuses to conform to convention, while Taurus is unwaveringly committed to family and seeks security. Aquarius is interested in the problems of humanity, Taurus is focused on himself and his property. Poor compatibility in everything.

AQUARIUS AND GEMINI: Gemini agrees to indulge Aquarius' love of experimentation. In addition, Aquarius has a calming effect on flighty Gemini. Resourceful and intelligent, they will have animated discussions of people, ideas and places to their mutual pleasure. Both strive for harmony and friendship without emotional storms. They love social life and do not suffer from excess jealousy and feelings of ownership. They will be good lovers and great friends.

AQUARIUS AND CANCER: Aquarius is hostile to Cancer's possessive habits and does not understand why he cannot enjoy freedom. Aquarius takes love lightly, which makes sensitive Cancer feel rejected. Aquarius is outraged by the demanding nature of the affectionate Cancer and his eternal complaints caused by the need for constant proof of love. Cancer needs a reliable, safe home, but Aquarius is prone to changing places. Cancer wants to chain Aquarius to the hearth and home, but Aquarius will soon prefer wanderings. The prognosis for marriage is unfavorable.

AQUARIUS AND LEO: Leo admires the sexual ingenuity of Aquarius, who in turn is attracted by Leo's spiritual fire and love of life. These representatives of opposing signs start the romance on a high note, but then the harmony disappears. Leo is a physical being, and Aquarius is a mental being. Leo fails to get the support and admiration he needs, and Aquarius resents Leo's desire to dominate. They view independence differently: for Aquarius it means the opportunity to explore new horizons, for Leo it means leading a brilliant, luxurious life. There are many contradictions between these partners, but in the end they can almost always be overcome.

AQUARIUS AND VIRGO: Both signs are more mental than emotional, but Virgo sees the dark side of existence, and Aquarius is an optimist with a rich imagination. Aquarius needs activity, social events, and a wide range of acquaintances. Virgo enjoys peaceful life in a circle of few friends. Their goals are very different: Aquarius strives for brilliance, and Virgo strives for results. They are compatible intellectually, but will not live together until their silver wedding.

AQUARIUS AND LIBRA: Warm, sensual Libra enthusiastically takes part in Aquarius's erotic fun and games. Diplomatic Libra knows how to cope with the unexpected stubbornness of Aquarius. They both like their partner's way of thinking and share common interests in music, theater and art. Both love parties, the company of other people, and build numerous general plans. They will not have a conflict over the issue of leadership, since they are both ardent supporters of equality. This romance may turn out to be wonderful, but for a long-lasting relationship, someone has to settle down.

AQUARIUS AND SCORPIO: They will enjoy unusual sex, which is fueled by Scorpio's craving for novelty and Aquarius' imagination. But Aquarius is irritated by the furious jealousy of their partner, and Scorpio is irritated by the unpredictability of Aquarius’ mood. Aquarius is looking for a companion in adventure, while Scorpio wants a faithful spouse. Aquarius is dispassionate, restrained and restless, Scorpio is demanding, intolerant, possessive strong feeling property. Aquarius begins to look for happiness outside the home and may go on travels. Marriage promises many problems.

AQUARIUS AND SAGITTARIUS: They both love life and are focused on the future. Neither of them will tie their partner down. In addition, they inspire each other intellectually, since Aquarius generates unexpected, far-reaching ideas, and Sagittarius is optimistic and has the gift of foresight. Aquarius may be unwavering in their liberalism, but this doesn't bother the tolerant Sagittarius. Both love social life, new acquaintances and places, everything unpredictable. True emotional intimacy may not appear immediately, but the prospects for a long-term union are excellent.

AQUARIUS AND CAPRICORN: Representatives of these two signs have a strong sense of self, but Aquarius strives for freedom, and Capricorn wants to rule. Aquarius has his own opinion on any issue; he does not wait for advice or orders from strict Capricorn. Aquarius is constantly on the move and loves to spend money. Capricorn considers this behavior frivolous and tries to establish strict control. Capricorn is careful, reliable and straightforward, he does not understand the adventurous ideas of Aquarius. Short-lived harmony will end in boredom, which will ultimately destroy their union.

AQUARIUS AND AQUARIUS: They treat each other with admiration and sympathy, enjoying the sense of humor inherent in both. Inventive, progressive, loving everything new and unusual, they will be wonderful lovers with a common range of diverse interests. Everyone is involved in numerous projects and friendships. With such a volume of outside activities, they will spend a lot of time separately, and this suits them. They will not find a reason for a quarrel, because they agree on everything: both are more rational than emotional. Their love life will not be as deep as an artesian well, but life-giving moisture will still appear there.

AQUARIUS AND PISCES: Aquarius is intrigued by the romantic charm of Pisces, and they are drawn to Aquarius by his lofty ideals. Sensual, imaginative Pisces will meet any desire of Aquarius, and this couple will find exceptional intimacy. However, things will go downhill when Pisces begins to demand constant declarations of love. Dependent, indecisive Pisces need the strong hand of a leader. Aquarius rejects any emotional demands. When Aquarius feels that he is caught in a network woven by Pisces, he will break free and go his own way. Problematic marriage.


Pisces are capable of sublime, selfless love. Their feelings are tender and sincere, they turn a blind eye to the shortcomings of their loved ones. Many Pisces fall in love with flawed people, moral and physical cripples, whom they try to save with their love, since love for them means help. Pisces should feel wanted, and if this is the case, then there is no more devoted, flexible, forgiving partner.

Pisces sign compatibility

PISCES AND ARIES: Sensual Pisces are attracted by the passion of Aries, and the willingness of Pisces to bestow tenderness on their lover will flatter Aries. The imagination and mysterious charm of Pisces will reveal the sensitivity and romanticism of this aggressive lover. Aries will make decisions and protect Pisces who need it. Stubborn Aries loves to dominate, but this will not outrage Pisces, who are looking for strong support. However, Pisces may be bothered by Aries's willingness to criticize. Strengthening this alliance will require tact.

PISCES AND TAURUS: Good compatibility. A strong, domineering Taurus is able to provide security and peace to indecisive Pisces. Taurus' artistic interests stimulate Pisces' creative imagination. They will encourage Taurus' love for comfort, and together these partners will create a love nest. Both are exceptionally passionate and sensual, although Pisces is changeable and more emotional than Taurus. Taurus's possessive tendencies give Pisces the sense of security they so desperately need. Their marriage promises to be strong.

PISCES AND GEMINI: Pisces are attracted to the wit and sociability of Gemini, who in turn are fascinated by the mystery of Pisces. But this compound is unstable, like nitroglycerin - it is ready to explode at any moment. Pisces do not like the changeability and frivolity of Gemini. Gemini is irritated by the emotionality and dreaminess of Pisces. Insecure Pisces are possessive and cling tightly to a partner who wants fun and novelty. Both are mobile and fickle, although in different ways. Pisces cannot choose a direction, and Gemini is rushing in all directions at the same time. Both need more powerful partners.

PISCES AND CANCER: Pisces enjoy satisfying the sexual needs of the equally sensual Cancer. These romantic partners will find passion, sensitivity and tenderness in each other. Pisces will allow Cancer to make most of the decisions; Cancer's concern for security and his financial sense will ensure material stability. They are both sentimental and love home. The devoted Cancer gives himself entirely to the insecure Pisces, and they, in turn, admire Cancer. Well compatible couple.

PISCES AND LEO: Pisces prefer to think rather than act, and this irritates Leo, who considers Pisces an idle dreamer. These partners are very different: Pisces are shy, self-absorbed, vulnerable, while Leo is self-confident, daring, and powerful. Both are emotional, but Leo is hot-tempered, and Pisces hides in their fantasies. Leo finds it difficult to tolerate the touchiness and dreaminess of Pisces. The sociable Leo needs a wide circle of fans, and Pisces demands exclusive rights to a partner. Leo loves to travel, but Pisces does not. Their dissimilarity is reflected both in temperament and in their outlook on life. The marriage union between them, as a rule, suffers a complete fiasco and collapse.

PISCES AND VIRGO: The loving nature of Pisces initially intrigues Virgo, but the contrast of these personalities precludes mutual understanding. Virgo, a representative of the mental sign, does not trust feelings, while the life of Pisces is controlled more by emotions than by reason. A restrained, critical Virgo will not bring sexual satisfaction to her partner; her sexual claims will awaken Pisces’ insecurities. Virgo cannot give Pisces the love and support they need. Pisces will be too fickle for the picky Virgo. She will be annoyed by Pisces' dependence. Their union is short-lived.

PISCES AND LIBRA: These loving, creative, artistic individuals will immediately become imbued with mutual sympathy. But Pisces is looking for emotional support that Libra cannot give them. Libra wants love and harmony, but runs away from responsibility, obligations and ties. Both love luxury and beautiful housing, but Pisces is too lazy to earn money, and Libra is extravagant and wasteful. Libra, who has many outside interests, feels that Pisces is strangling them. Physical harmony is not enough for a long-term union. But as long as it persists, partners are likely to enjoy it.

PISCES AND SCORPIO: Pisces finds a wonderful partner in Scorpio - and something else. Scorpio will give Pisces a delightful sexual union, valuable emotional support, and guiding force. The jealousy of Scorpio, that incorrigible owner, does not bother Pisces - in fact, it makes them feel loved. The dependence of Pisces is the very thing that Scorpio is looking for. They will gain a special commonality on a sensory level. Both are wild in emotions, faithful, have developed intuition, and are interested in everything mystical and unusual. The perfect combination.

PISCES AND SAGITTARIUS: These two ignite each other in the bedroom, but that's where their compatibility ends. Pisces are dreamy and imaginative, but do not know how to act, while Sagittarius enjoys continuous activity. Independent Sagittarius loves to wander too much to satisfy Pisces' need for attention and devotion. Sagittarius's sarcastic nature hurts romantic and sensitive Pisces. They strive for intimacy, but are constantly rebuffed by Sagittarius, who strives to free themselves from burdensome emotional demands. Pisces are dependent, they love home, but restless, adventurous Sagittarius will not linger around the hearth.

PISCES AND CAPRICORN: These two different personalities sympathize with each other. A strong, powerful Capricorn is what Pisces needs. They feel secure with a practical Capricorn who takes responsibility and makes decisions. In turn, Pisces will breathe romance and idealism into Capricorn's sober approach to life, and he will be delighted by the generosity with which Pisces exudes praise and love. Capricorn has difficulty putting his deep feelings into words, but Pisces intuitively senses his devotion and love. Everything is great in the bedroom. Partners who differ sharply in character complement each other. A wonderful union is possible between them.

PISCES AND AQUARIUS: The romantic eroticism of Pisces inspires Aquarius to experiment. Sex is likely to be a great pleasure for them because both are adventurous, although in very different ways. However, Aquarius is dispassionate, interested only in ideas and the world in general, while Pisces strives for emotional intimacy. Eventually the sociable, socialite Aquarius will start looking around, and Pisces will not tolerate this. Independent Aquarius needs freedom; he will be outraged by Pisces’ desire to keep their partner under house arrest. The prognosis for marriage is unfavorable.

PISCES AND FISHES: If all of life's problems could be solved in the bedroom, these partners would be happy, but each of them needs what the other lacks. They are weak-willed, dependent, recharged by their partner’s emotions. Both are prone to wallowing in self-pity and rejection real life. Each increases the partner’s confusion, self-indulgence, and unclear thinking. They find it difficult to solve practical problems in the absence strong hand, capable of pushing in the right direction. This union has no prospects.

Many people believe in astrology, and this applies to both men and women. Often astrological forecast for the day it becomes not just a guide, but sets a person’s mood and his attitude towards the world around him for the next 24 hours.
Each zodiac sign has its own characteristics, positive and negative sides, based on which people often look for a mate. This makes a certain sense, because Aries will easily turn a blind eye to the same shortcoming of Taurus, and Scorpio will not be able to live with him even a day.

Therefore, astrologers have compiled several pairs of zodiac signs that are most suitable for each other to create a family and long-term strong relationships in which each partner will be happy.

Capricorn and Taurus

Almost all of us are familiar with the expression “chemistry between a man and a woman.” The best demonstration of this phenomenon will be the relationship between Taurus and Capricorn. No other pair of zodiac signs will have such chemistry as between them. Their common features are:

  • devotion;
  • tenderness;
  • patience;
  • determination;
  • hard work.

Complete mutual understanding in the intimate sphere, constant admiration for each other, sincere adoration on both sides make such a couple truly ideal. It is customary to talk about such unions as “soul mates.”

Aquarius and Libra

Representatives of these zodiac signs show interest in each other at the first meeting. They are able to talk with each other for hours, finding more and more new topics for exciting discussions. The feelings that arise between Libra and Aquarius are often incomprehensible to others, but this does not prevent lovers from enjoying each other and their love.
Representatives of both of these zodiac signs throughout their lives try to be independent and different from others, but when they enter into an alliance with each other, each can compromise, give in to their partner in order to maintain mutual understanding and harmony, which only makes their relationship stronger.

Pisces and Scorpio

One can say about the pair Pisces and Scorpio that they seem to be made for each other. They are drawn to each other intuitively, on some mental level. Only a person who has experienced something similar at least once can understand these feelings. Representatives of this couple may have different passions or interests, but similar views on family and common values ​​​​make their unions happy in the future. for a long time.
In the relationship between Scorpios and Pisces, there is no concept of excessive sentimentality or romanticism towards each other; they feel their partner very well and sometimes even think the same way.

Taurus and Cancer

Cancer and Taurus can form a very strong emotional and physical connection. Absolute acceptance of their partner – external and internal – helps them achieve a complete understanding of their partner. Thanks to such qualities, representatives of these zodiac signs easily reduce conflict to a simple conversation, and can maintain passion in a relationship for years. basis strong marriage Between Taurus and Cancer, as a rule, there is unconditional support for each other in any situation and sincere gratitude for the creation and development of this relationship.

Aries and Aquarius

Representatives of these signs can become not just a good couple, but an excellent team. Never-ending enthusiasm and thirst for adventure make their relationship bright and unique. In addition to the discoveries that can be made every day in bed, such a couple can travel around the world; they will not get bored with each other, even if they spend together 24 hours a day. Interestingly, the coherence of the team consisting of Aquarius and Aries extends not only to family relationships, but also for workers. They can be like excellent partners, and build a family business, without fear that work can destroy your personal life.

Gemini and Aquarius

If love can happen to anyone at first sight, it’s Aquarius and Gemini. In this case, the wedding, most likely, will not be postponed for a year or two, but will be held immediately a couple of weeks or months after they met. The inexhaustible creativity of both of them allows them to constantly share ideas that will never be rejected or, worse, ridiculed. Gemini will always understand the subtle message of Aquarius, perhaps complementing or developing his idea.

It is noteworthy that the participants in such unions are not attached to each other, they value their independence and the independence of their partner, and can have a good time in different companies without feeling abandoned or offended by their other half.

Cancer and Scorpio

Both of these zodiac signs have a passionate, addictive nature. People with such qualities often cannot get along, constantly competing with each other, but if they belong to signs such as Scorpio and Cancer, the likelihood of creating a harmonious union is quite high. The fact is that these two signs look at the world around them and many things from an emotional point of view in exactly the same way. They have similar interests, life plans, and aspirations.

They are united by such qualities as softness, sensitivity, and often attractiveness. The depth of Cancer's soul seems charming to Scorpio, and creativity in Scorpio delights Cancer. For this couple, it will be completely comfortable to simply be silent next to each other; this only happens with the unity of souls and complete mutual understanding, which is subsequently reflected in all areas of their life together.

Leo and Sagittarius

These two fire signs are connected by passion. They enjoy life, know exactly what they want from it, and are able to irrevocably surrender to love for a person with a similar worldview. By creating an alliance, Sagittarius and Leo help each other not only achieve their goals, but also make any dreams come true. Complementing and supporting each other, these signs begin to look at the world more positively, and are inspired to move forward to new achievements only by being together.

The qualities common to Leo and Sagittarius are forgiveness and forbearance, and together with their brightness and cheerful disposition, such couples become wonderful friends with whom you will never get bored.

Virgo and Taurus

Zodiac signs such as Taurus and Virgo are united primarily by the fact that they belong to the same element - Earth. Such an alliance will certainly be good, regardless of whether the relationship develops into a romantic one or remains friendly. Representatives of these signs are equally simple in their desires, which, as a rule, coincide.
Despite the fact that the relationship of such a couple from the outside may look like a marriage of convenience, in fact it is composure, practicality, and the absence of the habit of worrying about little things. This union is based on sincere, deep feelings.
In a pair of Virgo and Taurus, the role of ideological inspirer should be taken on by Taurus, then Virgo will be able to decide how to correctly achieve this or that goal. For both partners, this will be the best distribution of responsibility, from which everyone will receive pleasure and satisfaction.

Libra and Gemini

What the representatives of these signs have in common is a love for the development of intelligence and hard mental work. They are ready to develop their brain always and everywhere, constantly improving their skills and learning something new. It is about them that we can say that they consider mind games to be the sexiest, and not muscles, for example.
Gemini and Libra fall in love, as a rule, not with their appearance or figure, but with their partner’s charisma and sense of humor. The relationship in such a couple is based on complete mutual trust. It doesn't matter whether they are lovers or spouses, they will always remain each other's closest friends first and foremost.

Sagittarius and Aries

The inexhaustible source of energy of these two fire signs can only be compared to a warehouse of explosives. Energy, optimism, enthusiasm - these are the qualities common to Aries and Sagittarius, which feed their relationship every day, making it stronger.

The partners admire each other’s attitude towards challenges, reminiscent of a gamer’s desire to complete another exciting quest. Sagittarius and Aries draw spiritual strength from each other's support; they are confident that there is reliable support nearby in the form of a soul mate, who will not let you down under any circumstances and will not leave you alone with difficulties.

Pisces and Cancer

The emotional perception of everything that happens and daydreaming make representatives of these signs very romantic. The connection between such people can sometimes be called cosmic - it’s so easy for them to guess each other’s thoughts and desires. Both Cancers and Pisces are able to empathize, give in to each other and sincerely rejoice in the success of their partner.

These signs are very comfortable with each other in everyday life: they are not only similar to each other in many ways, but also easily adapt, accepting their partner as he is. In marriage, Pisces and Cancers will experience excellent compatibility, since both sincerely desire not only to receive pleasure, but also to give it to their partner, both strive to add aesthetics to intimacy, and both are tirelessly ready to indulge in erotic games.


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