Specific features of a person "thinking" and "speech. Characteristic features, personality traits of a happy person

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These features will help you better understand the nature of a person who often performs far from the most logical actions.

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And where are you taking me?
Dark formidable muse,
Along the great roads
Of my vast homeland?
Never ever
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Never wanted
I submit to your authority.
N. Zabolotsky

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Personality is a quality individual characteristic, which combines stable and permanent properties psyches that determine the behavior and characteristics of a person's attitude. Literally, translated from Greek, character means sign, trait. Character in the structure of personality combines a combination of its various qualities and properties that leave an imprint on behavior, activity and individual manifestation. The totality of essential, and most importantly, stable properties and qualities determine the whole way of life of a person and his ways of responding in a given situation.

The character of the individual is formed, defined and formed throughout his life path. The relationship of character and personality is manifested in activities, communication, causing at the same time typical ways behavior.

Personality traits

Any trait is some stable and unchanging stereotype of behavior.

Characteristic personality traits in general sense can be subdivided into those that specify general direction the development of manifestations of character in the complex (leading), and those that are determined by the main directions (secondary). Leading traits allow you to reflect the very essence of character and show its main important manifestations. It must be understood that any character trait of a person will reflect the manifestation of his attitude to reality, but this does not mean that any of his attitude will be directly a character trait. Depending on the living environment of the individual and certain conditions only some manifestations of relationships will become defining character traits. Those. a person can react aggressively to one or another irritant of the internal or external environment, but this will not mean that the person is malicious by nature.

In the structure of the character of each person, 4 groups are distinguished. The first group includes traits that determine the basis of personality, its core. These include: honesty and insincerity, adherence to principles and cowardice, courage and cowardice, and many others. To the second - features that show the attitude of the individual directly to other people. For example, respect and contempt, kindness and malice, and others. The third group is characterized by the attitude of the individual towards himself. It includes: pride, modesty, arrogance, vanity, self-criticism and others. The fourth group is the attitude to work, activity or work performed. And it is characterized by such features as diligence and laziness, responsibility and irresponsibility, activity and passivity, and others.

Some scientists additionally distinguish another group that characterizes a person's attitude to things, for example, neatness and slovenliness.

They also distinguish such typological properties of character traits as abnormal and normal. Normal features are inherent in people who have a healthy psyche, and abnormal features include people with a variety of mental illnesses. It should be noted that similar personality traits can be both abnormal and normal. It all depends on the degree of expression or whether it is an accentuation of character. An example of this would be healthy suspicion, but when it goes off scale, it leads to.

The determining role in the formation of personality traits is played by society and the attitude of a person towards him. It is impossible to judge a person without seeing how he interacts with the team, without taking into account his attachments, antipathies, comradely or friendly relations in society.

The attitude of the individual to any kind of activity is determined by his relationship with other persons. Interaction with other people can encourage a person to be active and rationalize or keep him in suspense, give rise to his lack of initiative. The idea of ​​the individual about himself is determined by his relationship with people and attitude to activity. The basis in the formation of the consciousness of the individual is directly related to other individuals. A correct assessment of the personality traits of another person is a fundamental circumstance in the formation of self-esteem. Also, it should be noted that when a person’s activity changes, not only the methods, methods and subject of this activity change, but also the person’s attitude towards himself in the new role of the actor changes.

Personality traits

The most important feature of character in the structure of personality is its certainty. But this does not mean the dominance of one trait. Several traits can dominate in the character, contradicting or not contradicting each other. Character can lose its certainty in the absence of its clearly defined features. The system of moral values ​​and beliefs of the individual is also the leading and determining factor in the formation of character traits. They establish the long-term orientation of the behavior of the individual.

Features of the individual's character are inextricably linked with his stable and deep interests. The lack of integrity, self-sufficiency and independence of the individual is closely related to the instability and superficiality of the interests of the individual. And, on the contrary, the integrity and purposefulness, perseverance of a person directly depends on the content and depth of his interests. However, the similarity of interests does not yet imply the similarity of the characteristic features of the individual. For example, among scientists you can meet both cheerful people and sad people, both good and evil.

To understand the personality traits, one should also pay attention to his affections, leisure. This can reveal new facets and features of character. It is also important to pay attention to the correspondence of a person's actions to his established goals, because the individual is characterized not only by the action, but also by how exactly he produces them. The orientation of the activity and the actions themselves form the dominant spiritual or material needs and interests of the individual. Therefore, character should be understood only as the unity of the image of actions and their direction. It is from the combination of the characteristics of the character of the individual and his properties that the real achievements of a person depend, and not from the presence of mental capabilities.

Temperament and personality

The relationship of character and personality is also determined by the temperament of the individual, abilities and other aspects. And the concepts of temperament and personality character form its structure. Character is a set of qualitative properties of an individual that determine his actions, manifested in relation to other people, actions, things. Whereas temperament is a set of properties of the individual's psyche that affect his behavioral reactions. The nervous system is responsible for the manifestation of temperament. Character is also inextricably linked with the psyche of the individual, but his features are formed throughout life under the influence of the external environment. And temperament is an innate parameter that cannot be changed, you can only restrain its negative manifestations.

The premise of character is temperament. Temperament and character in the structure of personality are closely interconnected with each other, but at the same time they are different from each other.

Temperament contains the mental dissimilarity between people. It differs in the depth and strength of manifestations of emotions, activity of actions, impressionability and other individual, stable, dynamic features of the psyche.

It can be concluded that temperament is an innate foundation and basis on which a person is formed as a member of society. Therefore, the most stable and constant personality traits is temperament. It is equally manifested in any activity, regardless of its direction or content. It remains unchanged in adulthood.

So, temperament is the personal characteristics of the individual, which determine the dynamism of the course of his behavior and mental processes. Those. the concept of temperament characterizes the pace, intensity, duration of mental processes, external behavioral reaction (activity, slowness), but not conviction in views and interests. It is also not a definition of the value of the individual and does not determine its potential.

There are three important components of temperament that are related to the general mobility (activity) of a person, his emotionality and motor skills. In turn, each of the components has a rather complex structure and differs various forms psychological manifestation.

The essence of activity lies in the individual's desire for self-expression, the transformation of the external component of reality. At the same time, the direction itself, the quality of the implementation of these trends is determined precisely by the characterological features of the individual and not only. The degree of such activity can be from lethargy to the highest manifestation of mobility - a constant rise.

The emotional component of the personality's temperament is a set of properties that characterize the features of the flow of various feelings and moods. This component is the most complex in its structure in comparison with the others. Its main characteristics are lability, impressionability and impulsiveness. Emotional lability is the rate at which one emotional condition replaced by another or terminated. Under the impressionability understand the susceptibility of the subject to emotional influences. Impulsivity is the speed with which an emotion turns into the motivating cause and force of actions and deeds without first thinking them through and making a conscious decision to carry them out.

The character and temperament of the individual are inextricably linked. The dominance of one type of temperament can help determine the character of the subjects as a whole.

Personality character types

Today, in specific literature, there are many criteria by which personality types are determined.

The typology proposed by E. Kretschmer is now the most popular. It consists in dividing people into three groups depending on their physique.

Picnic people are people who are prone to becoming overweight or slightly overweight, small in stature, but with a large head, broad face and shortened neck. Their character type corresponds to cyclothymics. They are emotional, sociable, easily adapting to a variety of conditions.

Athletic people are tall and broad-shouldered people, with well-developed muscles, a hardy skeleton and a powerful chest. They correspond to the iksotimic type of character. These people are powerful and quite practical, calm and unimpressive. Ixotimics are restrained in gestures and facial expressions, they do not adapt well to changes.

Asthenic people are people who are prone to thinness, the muscles are poorly developed, the chest is flat, the arms and legs are long, and they have an elongated face. Corresponds to the type of character schizotimics. Such people are very serious and prone to stubbornness, it is difficult to adapt to change. They are characterized by closure.

K.G. Jung developed a different typology. It is based on the predominant functions of the psyche (thinking, intuition). His classification divides subjects into introverts and extroverts, depending on the dominance of the external or internal world.

An extrovert is characterized by directness, openness. Such a person is extremely sociable, active and has many friends, comrades and just acquaintances. Extroverts love to travel and make the most of life. An extrovert often becomes the initiator of parties, in companies he becomes their soul. V ordinary life he focuses only on the circumstances, and not on the subjective opinion of others.

An introvert, on the contrary, is characterized by isolation, turning inward. Such a person fences himself off from the environment, carefully analyzes all events. It is difficult for an introvert to make contacts with people, so he has few friends and acquaintances. Introverts prefer solitude to noisy companies. These people have a high level of anxiety.

There is also a typology based on the relationship of character and temperament, which divides people into 4 psychotypes.

Choleric is a rather impetuous, fast, passionate and, along with this, unbalanced person. Such people are prone to sudden mood swings and emotional outbursts. Choleric people do not have a balance of nervous processes, therefore they are quickly depleted, thoughtlessly expending strength.

Phlegmatic people are distinguished by equanimity, unhurriedness, stability of moods and aspirations. Outwardly, they practically do not show emotions and feelings. Such people are quite persistent and persistent in their work, while always remaining balanced and calm. The phlegmatic person compensates for his slowness in work with diligence.

The melancholic is very vulnerable person prone to a stable experience of various events. The melancholic reacts sharply to any external factors or manifestations. Such people are very impressionable.

A sanguine person is a mobile, active person with a lively character. He is subject to frequent changes of impressions and is characterized by quick reactions to any events. Let's easily try on the failures or troubles that befell him. When a sanguine person is interested in his work, he will be quite productive.

K. Leonhard also identified 12 types that are often found in people with neurosis, accentuated characters. And E. Fromm described three social types characters.

The psychological nature of the personality

Everyone has long known that in the psychological character of a person in the process of its development and life, significant changes. Such changes are subject to typical (regular) and atypical (individual) trends.

Typical trends include changes that occur with a psychological nature in the process of growing up a person. This happens because the older an individual becomes, the faster he gets rid of childish manifestations in character, which distinguish children's behavior from an adult. Childish personality traits include capriciousness, tearfulness, fears, irresponsibility. Adult traits that come with age include tolerance, life experience, intelligence, wisdom, prudence, etc.

As you move along life path and the acquisition of life experience in the individual, there are changes in the views on events, and their attitudes towards them change. Which together also affects the final formation of character. Therefore, there are certain differences between people of different age groups.

So, for example, people between the ages of about 30 and 40 live mainly in the future, they live in ideas and plans. All their thoughts, their activity are aimed at the realization of the future. And people who have reached the age of 50 have come to the point where their current life meets at the same time past life and future. And therefore, their character is modified in such a way as to correspond to the present. This is the age when people completely say goodbye to dreams, but are not yet ready to be nostalgic for the past years. People who have overcome the 60-year milestone practically do not think about the future, they are much more concerned about the present, they have memories of the past. Also, due to physical ailments, the previously taken pace and rhythm of life is no longer available to them. This leads to the appearance of such character traits as slowness, measuredness, and tranquility.

Atypical, specific tendencies are directly related to the events experienced by a person, i.e. caused by past life.

As a rule, character traits that are similar to existing ones are fixed much faster and appear faster.

It should always be remembered that character is not a fixed value, it is formed throughout life cycle person.

The social nature of personality

Individuals of any society, despite their individual personal characteristics and differences, have something in common in their psychological manifestations and properties, therefore they act as ordinary representatives of this society.

The social character of the individual is general way adaptability of the individual to the influence of society. It is created by religion, culture, education system and upbringing in the family. It should also be borne in mind that even in the family, the child receives the upbringing that is approved in this society and corresponds to the culture, is considered normal, ordinary and natural.

According to E. Fromm, social character means the result of a person's adaptation to one or another image of the organization of society, to the culture in which he is brought up. He believes that none of the well-known developed societies in the world will allow the individual to fully realize himself. From this it follows that the individual is in conflict with society from birth. Therefore, we can conclude that the social nature of the individual is a kind of mechanism that allows the individual to exist freely and with impunity in any society.

The process of adaptation of an individual in society occurs with a distortion of the character of the individual and his personality, to the detriment of it. According to Fromm, social character is a kind of defense, the response of an individual to a situation that causes frustration on social environment, which does not allow the individual to express himself freely and fully develop, putting him obviously within the framework and limitations. In society, a person will not be able to fully develop the inclinations and opportunities inherent in him by nature. As Fromm believed, the social character is instilled in the individual and has a stabilizing character. From the moment an individual begins to have a social character, he becomes completely safe for the society in which he lives. Fromm identified several variants of this nature.

Personal character accentuation

Accentuation of the character of a person is a pronounced feature of character traits, which is within the recognized norm. Depending on the magnitude of the severity of character traits, accentuation is divided into hidden and explicit.

Under the influence of specific environmental factors or circumstances, some weakly expressed or not at all manifested features can be clearly expressed - this is called hidden accentuation.

By explicit accentuation is understood the extreme manifestation of the norm. This type is characterized by the constancy of features for a certain character. Accentuations are dangerous in that they can contribute to the development of mental disorders, situationally defined pathological behavioral disorders, neuroses, etc. However, one should not confuse and identify the accentuation of a personality's character with the concept of mental pathology.

K. Leongrad identified the main types and combinations of accentuations.

A feature of the hysteroid type is egocentrism, excessive thirst for attention, recognition individual abilities, the need for approval and veneration.

A high degree of sociability, mobility, a tendency to mischief, excessive independence are prone to people with a hyperthymic type.

Asthenoneurotic - characterized by high fatigue, irritability, anxiety.

Psychosthenic - manifested by indecision, love of demagoguery, self-digging and analysis, suspiciousness.

A distinctive feature of the schizoid type is isolation, detachment, lack of sociability.

The sensitive type is manifested by increased resentment, sensitivity, shyness.

Excitable - characterized by a tendency to regularly recurring periods of dreary mood, the accumulation of irritation.

Emotionally labile - characterized by a very changeable mood.

Infantile-dependent - observed in people who play in children who avoid taking responsibility for their actions.

Unstable type - manifests itself in a constant craving for various kinds of entertainment, pleasure, idleness, idleness.

Feature of the highest nervous activity human is the high development of rational activity and its manifestation in the form of thinking. The level of rational activity directly depends on the level of development nervous system. Man has the most developed NS. A feature of a person's VND is the awareness of many internal processes of his life. Consciousness is a function of the human brain.

Two signal systems of reality

The higher nervous activity of man is essentially different from the higher nervous activity of animals. A person in the process of his social and labor activity arises and reaches high level development of a fundamentally new signaling system.

The first signal system of reality is the system of our direct sensations, perceptions, impressions from specific objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. The word (speech) is the second signal system (signal of signals). It arose and developed on the basis of the first signaling system and is significant only in close relationship with it.

Thanks to the second signal system (the word), a person more quickly than animals forms temporary connections, because the word carries the socially developed meaning of the subject. Temporary human neural connections are more stable and persist without reinforcement for many years.

The first signal system is understood as the work of the brain, which causes the transformation of direct stimuli into signals of various types of body activity. The second signaling system refers to the function of the human brain that deals with verbal symbols.



The subcortical nuclei are part of the telencephalon and are located inside the white matter of the cerebral hemispheres. These include the caudate body and the shell, united under the general name "striate body" and a pale ball, consisting of a lenticular body, husks and tonsils. The subcortical nuclei and nuclei of the midbrain (red nucleus and substantia nigra) make up the basal ganglia system.

The basal ganglia receive impulses from the motor cortex and cerebellum. In turn, signals from the basal ganglia are sent to the motor cortex, cerebellum, and reticular formation.

Subcortical nuclei are involved in the regulation of motor activity, regulating complex movements when walking, maintaining a posture, while eating.

There is evidence that the striatum is involved in the processes of memorizing motor programs, has an inhibitory effect on various manifestations of motor activity and on the emotional components of motor behavior.

The main mediators of the basal ganglia are: dopamine (especially in the substantia nigra) and acetylcholine

Damage to the basal ganglia causes slow, writhing involuntary movements, against which sharp muscle contractions occur.


Sleep is a certain state of human consciousness, due to the activity of different brain structures. Sleep includes several stages that repeat throughout the night.

During sleep, 2 key phases of sleep alternate sequentially: non-REM sleep and REM sleep. At the very beginning of sleep, the duration of the slow phase is longer, and at the stage before awakening, the duration of REM sleep increases.

Non-REM sleep has four stages:

First stage: in the first stage of sleep, the alpha rhythm decreases, and low-amplitude slow delta and theta waves appear. At this moment, the person is in a state of drowsiness, he may be visited by half-asleep hallucinations or dreams. It is believed that in this stage, intuitive ideas may appear that contribute to a potentially successful solution to the problem that occupies a person.

Second stage: in the second stage of non-REM sleep, the sigma rhythm appears, the accelerated alpha rhythm (12-14-20 Hz). With the beginning of this stage there is a disconnection of consciousness. In the pauses between the quickening of the rhythm (2-5 times per minute), a person can be easily awakened. The perception threshold rises. The most sensitive analyzer is auditory. So, a mother wakes up when a child cries, or any person wakes up when extraneous sounds are strong enough.

Third stage: the third stage of non-REM sleep is characterized by all the features of the second stage, but slow high-amplitude delta oscillations (2 Hz) are also added.

Fourth stage: The fourth stage is the stage of the deep sleep. During this stage, delta oscillations predominate. Often the third and fourth stages are combined under the general name of delta sleep. During the fourth stage of non-REM sleep, it is difficult to wake a person. Dreams usually occur at this stage, and sleepwalking and nightmares can also occur at this stage.

All four slow-wave sleep stages usually occupy approximately 75-80% general period sleep. It is believed that a person needs slow sleep to restore energy costs.

REM sleep(REM sleep, REM sleep, REM sleep)

This is the fifth stage of sleep: the fifth stage of sleep is characterized by rapid fluctuations in the electrical activity of the brain, close in value to beta waves. The fifth stage resembles the state of wakefulness, however, due to a sharp decrease in muscle tone, the person is in a motionless state. Eyeballs periodically make rapid movements. A link between dreams and rapid eye movement has been proven. If the sleeper is awakened in this particular phase of sleep, then most likely he will tell you about a vivid dream.

From cycle to cycle, REM sleep lengthens, and the depth of sleep, in turn, decreases. Non-REM sleep is easier to interrupt than REM sleep, despite the fact that REM sleep is much closer to the wakefulness threshold.

Experiments have confirmed that regular interruption of REM sleep is fraught with severe mental disorders, while in case of violation of non-REM sleep, the body is able to adapt. To avoid serious consequences, part of the interrupted REM sleep must be replenished in subsequent cycles.

It is believed that it is REM sleep that ensures the processing of information, the exchange of information between the conscious and subconscious.

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    The expansion of the child's life experience leads to his "wisdom" - and reduces the ability to be surprised, admire, extinguishes curiosity. The need for new impressions, which the child satisfies in any situation (he knows how to get them by watching a puddle, examining a rag, a pebble, etc.), is the potential for his development. The same need for an adult is a source of painful experiences, tensions, etc.

    All that is lost in the course of development was not useless, unworthy of a person. (After all, it is not in vain that artists and poets are looking for ways to develop in themselves a childish spontaneity of perception of the world, the brightness of the imagination. Scientists are developing ways to quickly and easily, as in childhood, master information. Businessmen learn to play, etc.) Moreover, without such “destruction » a number of previous properties, the emergence of new characteristics, the emergence of new properties and capabilities, the improvement of previously existing functions is impossible.

    It is interesting that sometimes in the process of development what was curtailed, rejected, after a while is reborn in the form of a new quality. For example, the subcortex of the brain that went by the wayside at the age of 12, due to a hormonal explosion, again begins to determine the behavior of the child, making him again more direct, overly emotional, less strong-willed, etc. And from the age of 16, the cortex again determines behavior, internal state, arbitrariness of self-expression, etc.

    In that rare case, when the curtailment of the features of past age stages does not occur, and they persist in adult life, the phenomenon of giftedness 1 may arise. But the preserved "childish" abilities (gullibility, spontaneity, uncriticality, propensity to play, etc.) can not only beautify the life of an adult. They, not meeting the many requirements of adult life, often complicate it. Therefore, we can say that "losses" are not only natural, but also necessary.

    The inconsistency of development also reveals itself in phylogenesis: the limitation of one's needs (for example, the introduction of taboos, the formulation of laws, rules, norms of common life) has become the basis of man's greatness.

    modern science more and more inclined to believe that development is a dialectical, contradictory unity of regressive and progressive transformations.

    Nefrontality of development (term A. A. Bodalev) is manifested in the fact that the pace of biological, psychological, social development of a person (both in phylo- and ontogenesis) do not coincide with each other. Thus, it is known that different peoples and tribes currently inhabiting the Earth, despite the information revolution, globalization, etc., are still at fundamentally different stages of development: some live in the Stone Age, others live in the Middle Ages, and others live in the post-industrial era. world, etc. Another thing is also known: the rates of change of different structures of any person are not the same. A person's achievement of a high level of physiological maturity does not occur simultaneously with the achievement of intellectual, volitional, and social maturity. In infants, sensory is ahead of motor skills, in a certain period - the child's passive speech is ahead of active, and the so-called. The non-frontal nature of development in adolescence when at different rates grow and change different systems body: vascular and bone, nervous and muscular, etc., which makes this period of life quite difficult. Interestingly, even so acutely manifested in adolescence, non-frontality does not destroy the integrity of the process of ontogenesis, the integrity of a person.

    Heterochrony - the uneven distribution in time of changes occurring in the course of phylogenesis and ontogenesis - has long been comprehended by science. The fact of heterochrony is confirmed, in particular, by the fact that the periods of age development traditionally distinguished by science are segments of life that are different in number of years. For example, the period of infancy (according to A. G. Asmolov) is almost a year, the first childhood is four years, and newborns are generally ten days.

    The following fact also speaks of the heterochrony of human development: the transition from childhood to youth, from youth to maturity takes place in each culture at the same calendar dates (in each culture - in its own), and the transition to old age of representatives of the same culture is very individualized. For example, one European may consider himself (and in fact be) an old man already at 40 years old, and another may perceive himself and be identified by others as a young man even at 75.

    The disequilibrium of human development is revealed in the fact that phylogenesis and ontogenesis are nonmonotonic processes. On the contrary, in each of them (according to the synergetic approach) both calm periods and jumps, “explosions” (bifurcation zones) are found. And if in a calm period development obeys certain laws and its results and features can be predicted, then in the bifurcation zone development depends primarily on chance and turns out to be unpredictable. Essential feature Thus, human development is characterized by the rank order, the equivalence of regularities and accidents, as well as the discreteness, discontinuity of the process.

    Human ontogenesis in modern science is not considered as a linear or spiral process with elements of repetition and cyclicality. It is interpreted as a wave-like and oscillatory process, which has deviations either “minus” or “plus”. This is due to the fact that the nature of the activity of the Sun, which determines the development of all living things, has an oscillatory character.

    The transition from calmer periods to bifurcation occurs in the form of a qualitative leap and is due, according to L. II. Gumilyov, the uneven distribution of chemical energy in the Universe, the existence of the so-called “waves of life”, causing surges and falls in the activity of not only natural forces, but also the passionarity of individuals, populations, peoples.

    Reversibility. Traditionally, both phylo- and ontogeny were considered as processes directed in one direction - towards humanization. Modern science says: it is possible and reverse movement- in the direction of dehumanization. The reversibility of ontogeny is confirmed, in particular, by the fate of Mowgli children, discovered back in the 17th century. in Germany, then in India, etc. Their return to the human way of life took place with great difficulty, they poorly or did not learn to speak at all, strove to walk on all fours, lap from a plate, often physically did not survive among people. So, the famous Amala lived only four years, and her sister Kamala died two months after returning from the jungle.

    V Lately and in Russia, the appearance of Mowgli children has been recorded and attempts are being made to humanize them. It is noted that over the years of life among dogs, wolves, cats, the child grows wool, sharpens eyesight, and the ability to understand the language of animals appears. Physically, these children are more developed than their peers, they are very flexible, hardy, etc. Returning to a human way of life costs such a child and the adults around him a lot of work, but still at first leads to good results. Children are so adaptable that they are able to learn, some even well. But after a while, degradation begins: they again begin to bark, climb trees, eat grass, lick their wounds. It becomes difficult and unpleasant for them to walk like a human, they lose their memory, communication skills, stop smiling, etc. How their future fate will turn out is not yet known.

    The question of the possibility of degradation of the entire modern human species remains open, however, it seems that a positive answer to it is incorrect and not convincing.

    Both phylo- and ontogeny are processes, both taking place at the present time, and infinitely extended into the past and future, the development of man as a whole is always an unfinished process.

    Until recently, it was believed that human evolution is completed, and evolutionary mechanisms no longer serve to change the species, but only to preserve it. Indeed, numerous data confirm: the morphological evolution of man is completely completed, the organism modern man basically the same as 3.5 thousand years ago; his basic needs do not change, etc. However, modern genetics proves that the human DNA contains the possibility of its continuous evolution as a species, i.e. phylogeny is an ongoing process.

    The direction of evolution today is the creation of a universal human brain, collective will, universal social memory, the establishment of a scale of common values, rules for its protection and preservation, etc. It must be admitted that this process is already underway (in particular, thanks to the activities of the UN, UNESCO, the Club of Rome, World Olympiads, international space stations, committees, etc.), but it is not easy, oscillatory, and inconsistent.

    The incompleteness of ontogenesis is manifested in the fact that each person changes externally and internally throughout his life. Some of these changes are obvious, others are hidden, in some acquisitions predominate, in others destruction, loss, but they are characteristic of any period of a person's life, the development of which, therefore, is always incomplete. It is known that even in old age, when many brain cells die, new connections are formed between the remaining cells, compensating for the activity of the dead cells.

  • See: A. A. Bodalev. Peak in the development of an adult: characteristics and conditions for achievement. M.: Flinta; Science, 1998.
  • See: Asmolov A. G. Psychology of personality: Cultural and historical understanding of human development. 3rd ed., rev. and additional M.: Meaning; Academy, 2007.
  • See: Gumilyov L. II. Ethnogenesis and biosphere of the Earth. M.: ACT; Astrel, 2005.


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