Urgent publication of an article in the VAC magazine. List of inexpensive and free vac magazines

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Free publication of the article by the Higher Attestation Commission. Is there a chance?

For the third week, I promise to tell you about the publication of an article in journals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission. It's finished))

Friday evening. All orders are postponed. Green tea is brewed. I'm ready!

Today I decided to tell you about my experience of recent months. Experience in publishing free articles by the Higher Attestation Commission.

First of all, the list of specialties with which I work as a consultant is quite wide: from pedagogy to economics. Therefore, I am always looking for new magazines for free publications for my clients, studying the List of Higher Attestation Commissions. In my arsenal there are always 20-30 paid and free journals for each scientific specialty. By the way, I willingly share these journals. If you need such a list just write to me: [email protected].

So here it is. Over the past six months, I have often had to select scientific journals for publication. Let me summarize my observations:

1. Good news)). Garbage magazines have not disappeared from the List. You don't have to worry. It is still possible to publish for a fee and quickly. 10,000 rubles, and you are “in the kings”)). If you have extra money, there is no reason to be sad.

2. The List of Higher Attestation Commissions (http://perechen.vak2.ed.gov.ru/) does not always contain links to current journal sites. Seek and find. The Internet can help you.

3. The websites of VAK journals do not always have full information for authors (not even always available Email contact persons). In most cases, there is no information about the periodicity of publications (by the way, on the website of the Higher Attestation Commission, the periodicity is indicated in most cases incorrectly, it is rather the number of collections that have been published since the creation of the journal), the date of acceptance of articles in the current issue, or the true cost of publications. All this will have to be found out in the editorial office. That's what I do.

4. Journals are increasingly reluctant to publish free articles. Newsletters from regional universities are especially guilty of this. If previously 80% of publications were free, today magazines consider it good form to take at least a small bribe. This could be purchasing a subscription to magazines, paying for publishing services, or sending a collection. On average, the cost of publishing such an almost “free” article ranges from 1,500 rubles for the entire article to 500 rubles/page.

5. Free publication scientific article guaranteed for full-time graduate students. Other categories of authors should find out about the cost of publications separately from the editorial office. Often, the publication of articles by the Higher Attestation Commission for applicants and university teachers is paid, regardless of the availability of a scientific degree.

6. Requirements for the design of articles vary significantly from journal to journal, but it is safe to say that they are gradually increasing. Almost all the journals with which I collaborate have changed their requirements for article formatting to become more stringent.

The list of required documents is also increasing. Most often it now includes (in addition to the article):

Publication agreement;

External review of the article (doctor of science or specialist);

Extract from the department meeting on the possibility of publication.

It is possible to agree with the editors on postponing the provision of documents from the department. Some journals themselves provide the service of external review for quite reasonable money (200-1500 rubles).

7. There are practically no queues for publication. That is, they sometimes occur, but in most cases you can be published within 2-3 (and sometimes one) months. The longest queue for publication that I have seen is 1 year. But I think it was a matter of a specialty that was in short supply.

8. And now the really good news. Most of the magazines I interacted with employ quite sane and sometimes even friendly people. I do not take individual cases of star fever (or any other)) of a magazine editor. So there is no need to be afraid. Write to the magazine directly and ask all your questions. However (I can say from experience) very often in regional newsletters employees are not very interested in free publications. Let's just say... any information will have to be fished out with pincers and you will have to call the magazine personally. Especially inconvenient information. This is when on the website “everything is free”, but in reality it is not.

Publication. New list of Higher Attestation Commissions. Part 1

In order to defend a candidate's (and sometimes master's) thesis, it is necessary to publish 3-7 scientific articles, including articles by the Higher Attestation Commission.

This can be done on a paid or free basis. You can publish urgently or stand in line for publication. The journal can be interdisciplinary or highly specialized.

In short, there are always options.

Today we will talk to you about the stages of publishing a HAC article.

Where should you start?

From the beginning, obviously. The beginning is here - the article itself.

The first thing you should do is write an article. Or... order it. This is already enough for you and your time.

If the originality of the article is low (up to 75%), it is advisable to increase it. How? You can rewrite or supplement the text with original excerpts (preferably with an originality of 90% or higher).

The originality of your article is above 75%. Then let's move on.

If you are a graduate student, applicant or doctoral student, the easiest way to do this is with the help of your supervisor. It makes sense to ask him to write a review or recommendation. But, unfortunately, this is not always possible. There may be several reasons: your supervisor is always busy and cannot find time to write a review; you do not want to ask your supervisor for help; The article needs to be published urgently and there is no time to wait for review.

Of course, it is not advisable to send an article to the editorial office of a journal without a review from a scientific supervisor. But if this happens, you will have to trust your own opinion. If you are confident in the quality of your article, then the next step is to assess the article’s compliance with the passport of your specialty.

Why do I mention this stage separately? The fact is that I constantly encounter journals refusing to publish due to the fact that the article does not correspond to a particular specialty.

A simple example from recent practice. The topic of the client’s article: “A person’s social status as a factor in the development of malignant neoplasms.” Client specialty - 25.00.24. - Economic, social, political and recreational geography. The article was repeatedly refused publication. Editorial conclusion: “The article does not correspond to the specialty, because it does not consider factors other than social status. The VAK article is suitable for sociological or medical journals.”

If you are confident that the content of the article is relevant to your specialty, go ahead. The next step is choosing a magazine.

And there are two options:

1) choose the magazine yourself (see. http://perechen.vak2.ed.gov.ru/);

2) contact an intermediary for this.

This intermediary can be an agency or an independent specialist. Me, for example. You decide.

After you select a journal, you need to format the article in accordance with the requirements set by the editors. It is not difficult. Typically, you need to prepare the title of the article, abstract and keywords in Russian and English, select UDC and LBC, and compile a list of sources and literature (often in two languages).

In addition, a number of documents must be completed. This could be an author’s profile, a license or author’s agreement, etc. The list of documents varies from journal to journal. Most often, along with the manuscript of the article, graduate students are required to receive a review from their supervisor and a questionnaire from the author.

After completing the article, you can send it to the editor.

Typically, reviewing takes from 1 week to 3 months.

Your article may be accepted or rejected. In the first case, if the magazine is paid, you will be offered to pay for publication - on average from 400 to 1000 rubles/page. After the editors receive confirmation of payment, you will receive a response indicating the (incomplete) output of your article. Usually the editors inform you of the year and number of the collection in which your article will be published.

After the magazine collection is published, you will be sent one author's copy by mail to the address specified in the application form.

That's probably all for today. This is the general procedure for publishing an article by the Higher Attestation Commission.

If you have any questions, write to me. I can always help with the selection of journals in your specialty, as well as writing an article.

The cost of publishing an article by the Higher Attestation Commission is from 2000 to 7000 rubles.

My mail: [email protected]

Call: +7 926 108-72-39

You can read more about me and my services.


  • Your dissertation to order. How NOT to “order” it. Part 1
  • Your dissertation to order. How NOT to “order” it. Part 2

Formally, the applicant should already have this number of articles at the moment when he submits documents and an abstract of his scientific work for consideration by the academic council. In some cases, it is permissible to adjust the list of publications until the applicant’s abstract is published on the website of the Higher Attestation Commission. As a rule, this is done 3 months before defending a doctoral dissertation and 2 months before defending a candidate’s dissertation.

In some situations, it is permissible to negotiate with the editors of paid journals of the Higher Attestation Commission and ask them for a certificate stating that the article has been accepted for publication. In this case, the list of publications contains all information about the publication, except information about the journal number, date and pages.

Anyway, urgent publication in the journal, the Higher Attestation Commission is needed not only by those graduate students who are inclined to do everything at the last moment, but also by responsible scientists. You can never say exactly how long it will take for a scientific article to be accepted for publication. Postponing the defense of a dissertation only for these reasons is not a cheerful prospect, so many graduate students are trying to speed up the process and find ways to publish the HAC article urgently.

  1. Scientific work must be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission, Russian index scientific citation and the journal's editorial board. This information can be found on the RSCI and VAK websites. Another option is to call the editorial office and clarify these questions with the staff.
  2. Be sure to independently prepare an abstract and keywords in Russian and English.
  3. The graduate student must, along with the text of the article, send to the editor a cover sheet indicating his name, specialty, place of work, and title of the article. A request to publish the work as soon as possible will not be superfluous. You can indicate the expected date for submitting documents to the council and defending your dissertation to justify urgency.
  4. To be published in HAC journals, the applicant must prepare a formal review of his article, signed by a doctor of science or at least a candidate. The reviewer must specialize in the topic of the publication.
  5. No need to limit yourself to an email to the editor and translation Money. Many editorial boards love attention and personal contacts. Therefore, if an applicant does not want his article to lie awaiting consideration for many months, he should call the editor and remind him of himself.

If a scientist urgently needs a publication from the Higher Attestation Commission, he should not pay attention to the authority of the publication in scientific circles, its rating and impact factor. The less prestigious the journal is considered, the less time passes from contacting the editor to the publication of the issue with the applicant’s scientific article. It is always faster to publish work in a general journal than in a specialized publication.

Another option for quick publication can be achieved through participation in conferences. Sometimes the organizers collaborate with the editorial board of journals from the Higher Attestation Commission list and can help, in other cases, participation in the event automatically includes the opportunity to publish in the Higher Attestation Commission journal.

Good to know! You can view the list of conferences of the Higher Attestation Commission and RSCI on our website in the “Scientific Conferences” section. Every day about 20 new events are added to the section throughout Russia. On the website you can not only obtain information on the requirements for scientific articles and the timing of conferences, but also fill out an application and submit an article for publication.

But even if a graduate student submits a paper that is impeccable in content and design to the Higher Attestation Commission journal, quick publication is not always possible for objective reasons: the editors have already prepared the issues of the publication for several months in advance. In this case, the only way to speed up the process is to turn to intermediaries for help.

Publish an article in the HAC journal urgently with the help of intermediaries

Urgent publication of articles by the Higher Attestation Commission in the shortest possible time is possible only with the help of intermediaries. It is important to understand that these agencies do not lobby for the publication of low-quality work. They position themselves as organizers who can only help speed up the deadline. According to them, authors can get published 3-4 times faster than trying to do it themselves.

Many companies that specialize in assisting in the publication of HAC articles provide Additional services to our clients:

  1. Editing scientific work, correct design, compiling an annotation and translating it into English language.
  2. If the author does not have the opportunity to complete and sign a review, he can turn to intermediaries for help.
  3. Magazines from the VAK list accept cash or transfers to a bank account for payment. However, this is inconvenient for authors who are located abroad. Agencies work with money transfers, and some even use electronic payment systems.

Organizations that provide intermediary services enter into a formal agreement with the client, so there is no fear of being deceived. As a rule, the exact terms are specified in the contract, so if the company is not sure of the result, managers will immediately refuse the author. But when they get down to business, there is no doubt about the result. Most intermediaries promise their clients publication in VAK journals within 14 days, but some companies fulfill agreements in more than short time: 5-7 days or even 48-72 hours.

Cost of urgent publication of an article in the Higher Attestation Commission journal

The price for publishing an article urgently by the Higher Attestation Commission will depend on several factors: the rating of the scientific publication, the volume of scientific work, the degree of urgency. You will have to pay extra for editing, translation and formatting of the review. Since only the number of articles is taken into account, it is recommended to publish two 7-page articles instead of one 14-page article. However, in this case you will have to pay twice for urgency.

As in any business, discounts are provided for regular customers. In addition, some intermediaries offer the opportunity for a group of scientists to buy several pages in a journal issue at once or even an entire issue and publish an article in the Higher Attestation Commission journal at the same time. It turns out cheaper this way. Companies often organize promotions to attract new customers, so you should take a responsible approach to choosing an organization for cooperation and carefully search the Internet for current promotions and discounts.

The average price for an urgent paid VAK publication ranges from 6 to 15 thousand rubles.

An example of a review for urgent publication in the Higher Attestation Commission journal

Review of scientific article, signed by an expert in a given discipline, is not required in all HAC journals. But for quick publication, especially if the author is trying to prepare it on his own, it is still worthwhile to accompany your work with a review from your supervisor. In any case, this will save time, since the editors will not have to additionally contact competent specialists in this discipline to understand how the article fits the format of the publication.

It must be noted that candidates and doctors of sciences do not really like to read the works of their young colleagues, especially if they are not interested in cooperation. Therefore, getting a review from them is not always easy. To be guaranteed to receive feedback on his work, a young scientist should prepare a review himself and invite his senior colleague to sign at the bottom of the document if he is satisfied with the general level of the scientific article. An example of this document looks like this:


on the scientific article of Ivanov I.I.

"Techniques psychological correction computer addiction in adolescents"

The formation of computer addiction in adolescents is actual problem modern pedagogy.

In the article by Ivanov I.I. A qualitative analysis of this issue is carried out, the choice of methodology for correcting the condition of adolescents is substantiated depending on their age, social status, relationships with parents and peers, which reveals the novelty of this work.

Reviewer (academic degree, title, Petrov S.S.

position, place of work)

Be sure to write out the review on the organization’s letterhead and affix the company seal.

Thus, urgent publication in the journal of the Higher Attestation Commission is not a myth, but a reality. Having fulfilled all the requirements of the journal for the design of the article, prepared a review and turned to an intermediary for help, you can publish the work within 3 to 14 days, depending on the journal and the amount the author is willing to pay. But quick publication in the shortest possible time on your own is still impossible. Even if a scientist wants to publish a work in a paid journal of the Higher Attestation Commission, it should be understood that the Higher Attestation Commission list contains mainly competent publications, and it will not be possible to simply buy the publication.

We regularly accept articles for publication in journals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation for:
— Medicine;
— Economics;
— Pedagogy;
— Psychology;
— Philology;
— Art history;
— Ecology;
— Cultural studies;
— Philosophy;
- Stories;
— Sociology;
— Jurisprudence;
— Political science.

You can send several articles, we will organize publication in different journals.

Our services:
1) Selection of a magazine within 2 working days.
2) Review of the article in 1-3 days.
3) Preparation of external reviews in 2-5 days.
4) Certificate of acceptance of the article for publication within 3 working days after payment.
5) Fast publication of the article.
6) Author's copy of the magazine for each author.
7) Publication is paid. The cost is reasonable.
8) When posting three articles from one author, a 10% discount is provided. Co-authors are possible. Discounts are available for corporate orders.

All articles are peer reviewed. The decision to publish an article is made by the editor. advice. An invoice for payment is issued only after receipt positive feedback ed. collegium.
Attention! If you want to know the preliminary cost of all your expenses for organizing the publication of an article, then send your application by email. mail [email protected], indicating:
Your full name, position and contacts, the title of your article, abstract and keywords in Russian and English. languages, specialty, list of references for the article, preferences for publishing house, journal name, deadlines, need for a printed version of the journal, number of copies. journal, the presence of external reviews.
We do not provide consultations without concluding an agreement and paying for our services. The agreement can be concluded with both an individual and a legal entity.

Attention! We do not help in the publication of pseudoscientific articles, but save the time of dissertators, scientific workers, solving organizational issues, consulting and providing the necessary scientific assistance with the help of our specialists and our partners.

About the List of peer-reviewed journals of the Higher Attestation Commission.

In accordance with information letters Department of Certification of Scientific and Scientific-Pedagogical Workers of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 07/02/2015 No. 13-3337 on the formation of the List of peer-reviewed scientific publications for 2015 and the validity period of the List of leading peer-reviewed publications scientific journals and publications of 2010 and dated July 17, 2015 No. 13-3767 in addition to the letter dated July 2, 2015 No. 13-3337 List of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the scientific degrees of doctor and candidate should be published Sciences, approved by the decision of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated February 19, 2010 No. 6/6 (hereinafter referred to as the List-2010), is valid until November 30, 2015. Articles published before November 30, 2015 inclusive, in publications included in the 2010 List are considered publications in peer-reviewed scientific publications. Articles published from December 1, 2015 in publications included in the 2015 List will be considered publications in peer-reviewed scientific publications. Articles published before November 30, 2015 inclusive, in publications included in the 2015 List, but not included in the 2010 List, are not publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals.

  • Selecting the most suitable publication for you
  • Editing an article to suit the journal's requirements
  • We prepare reviews of works and ensure that the work is signed by a subject expert
  • Possibility of publishing work in Higher Attestation Commission journals urgently
  • We prepare and issue certificates of admission for subsequent publication

Currently, we are very often approached by customers who require paid publication of articles for the Higher Attestation Commission on a very urgent basis. This becomes necessary if last work submitted for publication rather late. Indeed, if the article was written more than one month before the defense of the work, then it will not be indicated in the abstract.

We provide a solution to any problems related to the publication of the Higher Attestation Commission. And we are guaranteed to provide your protection required amount published articles.

Experienced professionals, the service you need
100% guarantee
Impeccable reputation of the company
We provide comprehensive solutions to your problems

Our company professionally prepares and publishes scientific papers, studies, and books in the largest international citation databases. So that your work can also get into Scopus rotation requires it preliminary preparation, including accurate translation of the material into English by a native speaker who is able to adequately and correctly interpret all information without distortion. Also, the material itself must be designed according to certain requirements, to which our specialists are ready to lead him.

How much does it cost to publish articles?

Paid publications of articles carried out with our help will directly depend on how much it costs to publish in the journal itself. You can find out details about the cost of publication in the HAC journal directly from our specialists. Our commission is small and depends on urgency, editing, and courier services. This is approximately 5% of the total cost of publication in one of the publications. As for the deadlines, they are negotiated individually.

Solving publishing issues on your own can be very difficult. Our organization exists so that you can get guaranteed results for a small amount.


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