Start in science. Mathematical modeling in ecology

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The current environmental situation in the world poses an important task for humans - the preservation of ecological living conditions in the biosphere. Currently, the issue of optimizing the urban environment as a human habitat is extremely relevant. Each of us, without hesitation, will answer affirmatively to the questions: “Do you want to breathe clean air, see green trees from the window of your house, trust clean water straight from the tap? This means that most people are convinced that the quality of life is in direct, close connection with the quality of their environment. The reason for the poor environmental climate may be the geographical location of the city and the industrial enterprises in it.
Every person is concerned about the state of the environment, since the fate of humanity depends on it. Of course, alone we are not able to avert the threat to human civilization, but we cannot help but see the impending disaster and not think about it. After all ecological catastrophy- this is not a speculative picture of some distant future, but the consequences of what exists at the present moment and in the midst of which we live.

Greening education means the formation of a new worldview and a new approach to activities based on the formation of humanitarian and environmental values. Mathematics is one of the subjects that is not yet sufficiently connected with ecology, and yet these sciences are closely intertwined. But we must not forget that the greening of mathematics makes it possible to trace the process of development of human knowledge in time and space.

First of all, ecology is associated with mathematics and mathematical statistics, as it widely uses the methods of these sciences. The description of numerous connections between natural components is best described through a mathematical apparatus, therefore ecology is one of the most “mathematized” branches of biology.

Models and methods of mathematical ecology

Ecology is a developing interdisciplinary field of knowledge, including ideas from almost all sciences about the interactions of living organisms, including humans, with the environment.At the same time, environmental education and upbringing of all segments of the population is of great importance, since it is impossible to solve the problem of environmental protection only by specialists. Environmental issues must be addressed at every stage industrial production in combination with other tasks, and this is only possible if environmental knowledge becomes integral part worldview of engineers, technologists and other specialists. The main task of ecology at the present stage is a detailed study by quantitative methods of the fundamentals of the structure and functioning of natural and man-made systems, the search for general patterns relating to a wide range of specific situations. The achievements of mathematics, physics, and chemistry had a great influence on ecology. In turn, ecology poses new challenges for these sciences.

The mathematical discipline that studies models of environmental objects and processes and methods for their study is called mathematical ecology. Its formation is very significant from a methodological point of view. Where should the construction of any mathematical model begin? What is its main content? The mathematical model takes into account, first of all, those restrictions and selection principles that distinguish realistically possible changes from those that are permissible. Such principles are conservation laws.

The same is true in ecology. Balance relationships in a formalized description of ecological and evolutionary principles are essentially nothing more than the laws of conservation of masses. Balance sheets contain a lot of important and interesting information. A mathematical model made up of these relationships describes the general properties of a set of possible states and their change over time.

One of the main problems of mathematical ecology is the problem of ecosystem stability. An ecosystem is “sustainable” or “stable” if the relative abundance of its members various types for quite a long time, it either remains unchanged or regularly returns to the same ratio. It is clear that sustainability in this sense is a relative property, not an absolute one; no ecosystem can remain stable for an infinitely long time, but some are more stable than others.

Environmental monitoring (observation, assessment and forecast of the state of the environment) is an important applied aspect of mathematics. In the field of implementation of environmental monitoring, in order to draw conclusions about possible changes in the state of the biosphere as a whole, data from a wide observation system covering all environments on a global scale, a thorough analysis and forecast of the state of the natural environment are required. New tasks put forward for mathematics (especially in the field of modeling and statistics) are the selection of information, its storage, optimization of the observation network and modeling of environmental processes for their prediction. Translating most environmental problems into mathematical language is quite difficult. This is explained by the fact that ecological processes from the point of view of formalism are less studied than, for example, physical and chemical ones. Therefore, mathematical models of such processes cannot be subject to the requirements of adequacy and accuracy that are characteristic for modeling problems in natural science.Methods of system-wide analysis are used to create ecosystem models. First, individual structural characteristics, living and inert components, examples of living ones are isolated from the system - trophic levels, species, age or sex groups, the interaction of these components determines the behavior of the entire system. Then the nature of the processes in which each element is involved is established.

Mathematical statistics in environmental studies

Mathematical statistics is the science of quantitative analysis, determining the characteristics of mass phenomena in nature and society. Statistics have acquired particular importance in assessing the degree of anthropogenic influence on the environment, studying the states of populations, species, biocenoses, artificial and natural ecosystems, their tolerance, productivity and sustainability. Biometrics is successfully used in the processing and analysis of environmental monitoring data, for forecasting and modeling phenomena and processes. Statistical methods are used in cases where aggregates rather than individual units are studied. A prerequisite for correct application methods of mathematical statistics is the qualitative homogeneity of the material being studied.

Ecological processes are modeled by mathematical ecology. That is, with the help of mathematics it is possible to predict what changes will occur in nature after a change in the environmental situation.

Monitoring services act as a measuring system for these parameters. Let us highlight and consider the main mathematical methods used in ecology.

The first method is the correlation method. In ecological studies, it is often necessary to answer the question of what is the strength and nature of the relationship between the characteristics being studied. For this purpose, in mathematical statistics there is a correlation coefficient, which evaluates the strength of the relationship between quantitative characteristics. Thus, in accordance with the law of ecological correlation in an ecosystem, as in any other integral formation, all its components are functionally consistent with each other. The loss of one part of the system inevitably leads to the exclusion of all other parts of the system closely connected with it and a functional change in the whole within the framework of the law of internal dynamic equilibrium.

The second method, the Student distribution, is a one-parameter family of absolutely continuous distributions. The Student distribution is important for statistical analysis. Using this distribution, you can evaluate the truth of a certain experiment. To do this, it is necessary to consider the possible causes of errors that could affect the measured value.

The next method is the Leopold matrix. Using mathematical modeling, you can derive the desired properties when changing the characteristics of the model. So, using the Leopold matrix, you can understand how harmful a person’s impact is on the environment. This matrix is ​​an impact table that includes a vertical list of possible actions (emission of pollutants into the atmosphere, construction of industrial buildings and structures, etc.), and a horizontal list of many potential impact indicators.

The first matrices listed 100 actions affecting the environment horizontally and 88 environmental characteristics vertically. The impact corresponding to the intersection of each action and each factor is described in terms of its amplitude and importance. These characteristics actually serve to determine environmental pollution.

The measure of the significance of an individual human action in each specific case is called importance. The measure of overall level is called amplitude. For example, harmful emissions into the atmosphere change or adversely affect the environment and thus the emissions may affect various groups animal world and lead to various mutations or even the disappearance of some populations.

Assessment of air and land surface pollution

An important practical problem in mathematical ecology presents calculations of the spread of pollution from existing enterprises and planning for the possible location of industrial enterprises in compliance with sanitary standards.

The process of distribution of industrial emissions occurs due to their transfer by air masses and diffusion caused by turbulent air pulsations. If you observe a smoke plume from a factory chimney, you will notice that this plume is entrained by the air flow and gradually swells as it moves away from the source due to small-scale turbulence. The torch has the shape of a cone, elongated in the direction of the movement of air masses. Then the torch breaks up into isolated vortex formations, carried away to great distances from the source.

Almost all impurities eventually settle on the Earth's surface sooner or later, heavy ones under the influence of the gravitational field, light ones as a result of the diffusion process. Impurities consisting of large particles soon begin to sink under the influence of gravity in accordance with Stokes' law. Gaseous impurities such as oxides represent the light fraction and are especially dangerous for the environment.

Fluctuations in the wind direction over a long period of time - about a year - are of great importance in the theory of pollution spread. During such a period, air masses that carry impurities away from the source repeatedly change direction and speed. Statistically, such long-term changes are described by a special diagram called a wind rose, in which the magnitude of the vector is proportional to the number of repeating events associated with the movements of air masses in a given direction. The maximums of the wind rose diagram correspond to the prevailing winds in a given area. This information is the starting point for planning new industrial facilities. When assessing acceptable pollution of enterprises located among large number environmentally significant areas (settlements, recreation areas, agricultural, forest lands, etc.) pollution from existing enterprises in the region should also be taken into account.

Assessment of pollution of the atmosphere and underlying surface by passive and active impurities is carried out using mathematical models, constructed on the basis of partial differential aerodynamic equations, and also their finite-difference approximations.

In Russia, a great contribution to this direction was made by the work of the school of academician G.I. Marchuk. Models of this type are widely used in Europe and the USA in resolving lawsuits brought by the population or local authorities against industrial enterprises in connection with certain damages. To assess the damage caused using mathematical modeling, an examination is carried out, as a result of which the amount of the fine that the polluting enterprise is obliged to pay to state or local authorities is quantified. Such measures turned out to be very effective and led to the almost universal introduction of cleaning technologies in developed countries.

Models of the transfer of pollutants, in this type of model, are associated with the procedure for calculating the main functional of the problem, which can represent the total number of deposited impurities, the sanitary hazard of impurities, include damage to public health, agricultural land, forests, soil, costs of environmental restoration and other indicators. In simplified versions, the response function method is widely used.


Modern mathematical ecology is an interdisciplinary field that includes all kinds of methods for mathematical and computer description of ecological systems. Theoretical basis serves to describe interactions between species in ecosystems population dynamics , which describes basic interactions and gives a qualitative picture of possible patterns of behavior of variables in the system. To analyze real ecosystems, system analysis is used, and the degree of integration of the model depends on both the object and the goals of the modeling. Modeling of many aquatic ecosystems, forest cenoses, and agroecosystems is effective means development method optimal control these systems. The construction of global models makes it possible to assess global and local changes in climate, temperature, and type of vegetation cover under different scenarios of human development.


    Riznichenko G.Yu., Rubin A.B. Mathematical models of biological production processes. M., 1993.

    Bereshko I.N., Betin A.V. Mathematical models in ecology. Kharkov: Nat. aerospace University "Khark" aviation Institute", 2006. – 68 p.

    Jeffers J. Introduction to systems analysis: application in ecology. – M.: Mir, 1981. – 256 p.

    Fedorov M.P., Romanov M.F. Mathematical foundations of ecology. – St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State Technical University Publishing House, 1999. – 156 p.

    Lyubimov V.B., Zanina M.A., Balina K.V. Mathematical statistics in environmental research (textbook) // International Journal of Experimental Education. – 2015. – No. 10-2. – pp. 189-191.

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We have inherited an inexpressibly beautiful
and a varied garden,
but the trouble is
that we are lousy gardeners.

We didn't take care
to learn the simplest rules of gardening.
Gerald Durrell
"Way of the Kangaroo"

Scientific and technological revolution... promising mountains of gold
and having given much of what we are now proud of,
gave rise to other, previously unknown problems.
Solve them on paths already trodden,
does not seem possible.
V.R. Arsenyev,

Currently the term "ecology" became very popular; as a rule, it is used to talk about the unfavorable state of the natural environment around us. However, it is often used in combination with words such as "society" , "family" , "health" , "culture" , "education" . As a consequence, the natural question is: “What, after all, does this science study?”

Term "ecology" (from Greek oikos - house, dwelling, homeland and logos – word, doctrine, science), proposed in 1868 . German biologist Ernst Haeckel , literally means "home science" . In the broadest sense , ecology is a complex of sciences about the relationships between organisms and environmental factors . At the same time, some sciences of the ecological complex are classified not according to the objects of study, but according to the research methods that are used in them. One of these areas is "mathematical ecology" .

Mathematical ecology models ecological processes, i.e. possible changes in nature when environmental factors change [Ibid., p. 64]. At the same time, it is not without interest to note that increasingly complex models do not always correspond to increasingly complex systems and objects. The trick is that a mathematical model does not have to describe the object being studied in detail, but can and should reflect only the most important things to study.

In light of the above, let's look at a few examples.

Example No. 1. Algebra, arithmetic and biology . “Once at the zoo I looked at zebras, chamois, flamingos, narwhals and butterflies. In total I counted thirty-four legs, fourteen wings, nine tails, six horns and eight ears - I mean external ears, not internal ones. How many zebras were there? How many chamois? How many flamingos? How many narwhals? How many butterflies?

Solution. Let's denote the number of zebras by the letter x ; number of chamois - y ; flamingo - z ; narwhals - u ; butterflies - v . Let's create and fill out the table:

Having solved the resulting system of equations, we will find answers to the questions posed.

Example No. 2. The mystery of the Caspian Sea . “The Black and Caspian seas originated from one ancient sea, which was later divided Caucasus mountains into two parts. The Caspian Sea is closed, the Black Sea flows through the Bosphorus and Dardanelles into the Mediterranean Sea. Despite this, the Black Sea is much saltier than the Caspian Sea. This seems inexplicable, but remember that the Caspian Sea has the Kara-Bogaz-Gol Bay. At first glance, it seems that this does not change anything, because it still remains closed. However, this is not the case, since mixing of the waters of the Caspian Sea and the Gulf does not occur: water from the Caspian Sea constantly flows into the Gulf. Could this lead to desalination of the Caspian Sea?”

Solution. Let us introduce the following notation: Q - the total influx of water into the Caspian Sea, I - excess of evaporation over rain in the Caspian Sea, I 1 - the same in the bay, q - intensity of water flow from the Caspian Sea to Kara-Bogaz-Gol, and 1 – rate of change in water volumes in the Caspian Sea and in the gulf, ν - salinity of waters of rivers flowing into the Caspian Sea, µ - salinity of Caspian water, and 1 – rate of change in the amount of salts in the Caspian Sea and in the bay. Let's write down the equations:

= Q - I - q ,
1 = q - I 1,
= - q µ,
1 = q µ ,

Where – intensity of salt arrival in the Caspian Sea, q µ - also for the bay. The last equation shows that the amount of salt in the bay increases without limit over time. On geological time scales it can be considered that = 1 = 0 , from here:

Q I q = 0,
q - I 1 = 0.

As is known, the concentration of salts in the bay has long since reached saturation, and salts have been deposited on its bottom for thousands of years, forming huge deposits. The amount of salt in the Caspian Sea increases until > q µ . When the condition is met = q µ the increase in salinity of the Caspian Sea stops, having reached a certain value

µ* = Qν/q = (I+q) ν /= (1+I/q) ν .
Because q = I 1 , That µ* = (1+ I / I 1 ,

Where I / I 1 – ratio of water evaporation rates in the Caspian Sea and in the Gulf. Roughly it is equal to the ratio S / S 1 areas of the Caspian Sea and the Gulf. Taking this into account:

µ* = (1+I/I1) ν = µ* = (1+S/S1) ν

Because S ≈ 40S1 , That µ* ≈ 40ν . Quantitative estimates show that this is less than the salinity of the Caspian Sea today. That is, the Kara-Bogaz-Gol Bay desalinates the Caspian Sea, which explains its lower salinity compared to the Black Sea. On geological time scales, the salinity of the Caspian Sea will continue to decrease.

Example No. 3. Differential model of population evolution . Let's consider one of the important biological examples, the main content of which is the study of the development of a biosystem by constructing a dynamic model of changes in the population size of any living beings (bacteria, fish, animals, etc.) taking into account various factors. Note that populations, as a rule, do not exist in isolation, but in interaction with other populations. The most important type of such interaction is the interaction between prey and predators (for example, crucian carp - pike, hares - wolves, and so on). At the same time, we note that mathematical models “...contribute to a deeper understanding of patterns, reveal the dynamics of the process and link together different forms of movement of matter. In the school physics course, we have already encountered the fact that the same differential equation well describes both the mechanical oscillations of a pendulum and electromagnetic vibrations in the circuit. Let’s try to extend this idea to other phenomena.”.

Let y is the number of individuals in a certain population of predators, and x – the number of their victims. Then the rate of change in the number of predators is proportional to the number of prey, and the rate of decrease in the number of prey is proportional to the number of predators, i.e. there are differential equations:

From here we get:

Introducing the designation ω 2 = ab, we arrive at the expression:

The latter, as is known, describes an oscillatory process with a period

Thus, in this approximation, the change in the population of predators is periodic. Parameter values a And b determined from long-term observations.

Let's summarize what has been said. An introduction to mathematical ecology inevitably requires reference to physics, chemistry, mathematics and computer science. Natural objects are highly organized systems, both at their own structural level and at the level of ecosystems. Therefore, it is quite natural to assert that the main goal of mathematical ecology is to study the theory and practice of this organization in all its complexity and flexibility, in its action and evolution. And if the introductory stage of the study is to determine factors such as weight height,

  • Gershenzon M. A. Professor's Puzzles Puzzles. – M.: Det. lit., 1989.
  • Neimark Yu. I. Simple mathematical models and their role in understanding the world.//SOZH, 1997, No. 3. pp. 139-143.
  • Naidin A.A. Mathematical models develop thinking. // Physics (Publishing House “First of September”), 2008, No. 12.
  • Ecology is a developing interdisciplinary field of knowledge, including ideas from almost all sciences about the interactions of living organisms, including humans, with the environment. Until the mid-20th century, ecology was one of the biological disciplines, namely, the science of the interaction of organisms with the environment. Modern ecology, along with this, includes science and practical methods of monitoring the state of the environment - monitoring, environmental protection, the doctrine of biogeocenoses and anthropological impacts on natural ecosystems, ecological-economic and environmental-social aspects. All this determines the subject mathematical ecology, combining mathematical models and methods used in solving environmental problems.

    The foundation of mathematical ecology is the mathematical theory of population dynamics (see. Population dynamics), in which fundamental biological ideas about the population dynamics of animal species, plants, microorganisms and their interactions are formalized in the form of mathematical structures, primarily systems of differential, integro-differential and difference equations.

    Any ecosystem consists of nonlinearly interacting subsystems that can be ordered into some hierarchical structure. As components, or subsets, are combined into larger functional units, these new units acquire properties that are absent in its constituent components. Such qualitatively new “emergent” properties of an ecological level or ecological unit are not a simple sum of the properties of the components. The consequence is the impossibility of studying the dynamics of complex ecosystems by dividing them hierarchically into subsystems and subsequent isolated study of these subsystems, since in this case the properties determined by the integrity of the system under study are inevitably lost.

    The impact of external factors on the ecological system also cannot be considered independently of each other, since the combined effect cannot be reduced to the sum of the operating factors. All the more difficult is the quantitative description of the response of a complex system to the complex influence of various factors.

    All these circumstances lead to the impossibility of describing complex ecosystems using simple reduced “mechanical” models. Either complex simulation models are needed that combine into one complex system at the model level, knowledge about the elements of the system and the types of their interaction, or simplified integrated models of the “impact-response” type, integrating data from a large number of observations of the ecosystem.

    Imitation computer models include ideas about the components of systems and their interrelations both in the form of actual mathematical objects: formulas, equations, matrices, logical procedures, and in the form of graphs, tables, databases, operational information from environmental monitoring. Such multidimensional models make it possible to combine heterogeneous information about an ecological or ecological-economic system, “play out” various development scenarios and develop optimal management strategies on the model, which is impossible to do on a real system due to its uniqueness and limited time.

    The simulation approach, as well as modeling ecosystems using response functions, requires a highly developed computer technology Therefore, mathematical ecology, as a developed and practically used science, became widespread only in the last decades of the 20th century. The widespread use of mathematical tools stimulated the development

    theoretical ecology. The construction of mathematical models requires ordering and classification of available information about ecosystems, leads to the need to plan a data collection system and makes it possible to combine at a meaningful level a set of physical, chemical and biological information and ideas about individual processes occurring in ecosystems.

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    Work of the Central Scientific Library in the field of environmental education

    Preservation of nature, support of sustainable ecological balance is the main condition for the further existence and development of civilization. Solving these problems is possible only if there is a high ecological culture of the population, based on powerful intellectual potential and advanced technologies.

    creation electronic library, providing a wide range of users with information resources on ecology<...>available on the Internet, creating your own electronic information resources on ecology, including<...>The fund of the hall “Ecology: science and worldview” is more than 50,000 units. Storage.<...>scientific and practical nature, for example: a school environmental festival held by RBOO "Public Ecology"<...>"with the participation of the Chairman of the Committee on Ecology of the Moscow City Duma Osadchy S.Yu.. participation in the meeting of the Round

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    Data guidelines contain tasks and educational material on the main topics of the Ecology curriculum for independent studies. Topics for essays, topics for preparing presentations and reports, and test assignments for self-testing of knowledge are provided.

    » refers to the base part mathematical and the natural science cycle of OOP HPE.<...>", "chemical ecology", "mathematical ecology", "space ecology", and "human ecology".<...>processes and phenomena. 5.Remote research methods and special cartography methods. 6.Methods mathematical <...>Their description, analysis of changes, patterns of development still cannot be done mathematically.<...>Ecology and man. 20. Tropical tourism and environmental conservation.

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    . // Ecology and industry of Russia. 2004. No. 4.<...>Ecology ". Saratov. 2010. P. 465-467; Filatova N.V., Kolotilova K.V., Larina L.M.<...>Ecology "(Composite-2007). Saratov. 2007. P. 323-325; Filatova N.V., Nikitina O.A., Kosenko N.F.


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    Conduct research to establish technological methods that allow the maximum preservation of biologically active substances of the original raw materials in finished products, develop an industrial technology for the complex processing of garlic to create an expanded range of functional products

    .); I International Symposium "Natural biocorrectors: nutrition, health, ecology" (Moscow,<...>about garlic as a raw material for industrial processing Analysis of existing methods for processing garlic Mathematical





    Goal of the work. Reducing negative impacts on the environment and increasing the efficiency of practical use of finely dispersed coal enrichment waste as a result of utilization of coal mass by molding due to its treatment with modifying additives.

    used in the educational process when delivering a course of lectures on the disciplines: "Geology of coal deposits", "Ecology<...>", "Environmental Engineering" and "Mining and the Environment".<...>Ecology of the North.<...>Disposal of fossil coal enrichment waste / Proceedings of the interregional conference "North and Ecology"





    The dissertation was tasked with giving scientific basis choosing the scale and height of the survey relief section and the topographic-cartographic basis (copies of topographic survey materials), the most rational and promising methods for obtaining it, as well as developing scientifically based recommendations for the production of certain types of topographic and geodetic survey work necessary for the design of fish breeding facilities.

    To fill this gap to some extent, the dissertation develops methods for determining and mathematical<...>formulas and methods developed by Associate Professor Yu.K.Neumnvakin, the theoretical basis of which is the mathematical<...>Yu.V. Kemnits "Mathematical processing of dependent measurement results", M., "Nedra", 1970).





    Research objectives: 1. Determine the ranges of selenium concentrations in the organs of fish, mollusks, echinoderms and algae. Peter the Great. 2. To study the dynamics of selenium accumulation by representatives of common species of microalgae and commercial species of macroalgae and bivalves with increased content of the element in the environment under experimental conditions. 3. Determine the biological activity of a selenium-enriched drug (using the example of kelp) in case of toxic damage to laboratory animals.

    ACCUMULATION OF SELENIUM BY HYDROBIONTS OF THE SEA OF JAPAN IN NATURAL AND EXPERIMENTAL CONDITIONS 03.00.16 ecology<...>Central Design Bureau "BIBKOM" & LLC "Agency Kniga-Service" The work was carried out at the Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Applied Ecology<...>and prospects in the XXI century" (Vladivostok, 2000); IV regional conference of young scientists "Problems of ecology<...>Far East" (Vladivostok, 2000); international scientific and technical conference "Food protein and ecology<...>selenium in preventive and therapeutic nutrition. // IV regional conference of young scientists “Problems of ecology”




    The purpose of our research was to determine the parameters of the main environmental factors under which maximum symbiotic fixation of air nitrogen, yield and protein productivity of soybeans, mung beans and chickpeas is realized in the conditions of the Gissar Valley of Tajikistan.

    international conferences SOISAF (Kaluga, 1989; Moscow, 1996) international conference "Youth and ecology<...>The differences turned out to be mathematically significant.<...>For the zoned variety Orzu, the strain AC-17 turned out to be the most complimentary, mathematically reliable<...>Abstracts of reports of the international conference "Youth and Ecology" Chisinau, 1991 p. 32. 35 12 Kasynov D K




    M.: Moscow City Pedagogical University

    The purpose of the study is to determine the basic organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle among students of agricultural institutes, to develop the valeologically determined foundations of nature-conforming education at a university as an integral and unified structure that meets the requirements of society, the capabilities and needs of students in the conditions of modern modernization of domestic education.

    in the discipline "Valeology" in the amount of 12 training hours; inclusion of the topic of health culture in the section "Environmentalists"<...>"Cal problems of human health" discipline "Social ecology" in the amount of 8 training hours for the specialty





    The purpose and objectives of the research. The purpose of this work is to develop a technology for the industrial cultivation of raspberries with a high level of mechanization and mechanized harvesting. To achieve this goal, specific tasks were identified: 1. Evaluate raspberry varieties and hybrids from the standpoint of their suitability for the technology being developed, in particular mechanized harvesting. 2. Construct a technological scheme for raspberry cultivation with an intermittent fruiting cycle and a high level of mechanization of technological processes, including machine harvesting.

    "Mathematical processing of the obtained materials was carried out using the method of variance analysis according to Dospehov





    Purpose of research. Theoretical, experimental and methodological substantiation of approaches to solving the problem of improving the quality and reducing losses of poultry meat at the stages of growing, delivery and processing, increasing competitiveness and efficiency of production of domestic products.

    Based on simulation mathematical models, an automated cultivation planning system has been developed<...>Ecology.<...>To calculate the daily supply of poultry for processing, a simulation mathematical model GRAPOS is proposed<...>Ecology. Man." M: MGUPB, 2001, pp. 24-30. 62. Gushchin V.V., Sokolov A.V.<...>Ecology. Man". M: MGUPB, 2001.



    No. 2 [Posev, 1997]

    Vasiliev "Extra ecology" 42 C.<...>Nikitina Green movement: ecology and ideology 45 Christianity and ecology 46 SCIENCE AND SOCIETY E. Knyazev<...>It's nonsense, but from a formal point of view, the environmental official is right.<...>Too much around ecology is fed by pseudo ecologists who have turned this important activity into some kind of endless<...>"Extra ecology" by S. Nikitin. Green movement: ecology and ideology P. Nikolaev.

    Preview: Seeding No. 2 1997.pdf (1.4 Mb)


    No. 4 [Fine chemical technologies, 2010]

    The journal "Fine Chemical Technologies" (formerly "Bulletin of MITHT") is published once every two months and publishes reviews and articles on current problems of chemical technology and related sciences. The magazine was founded in 2006. The founder of the journal is the Moscow State Academy of Fine Chemical Technology named after. M.V. Lomonosov (MITHT), now Moscow State University of Fine Chemical Technologies named after M.V. Lomonosov. The journal is included in the List of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals in which the main scientific results of a dissertation for the scientific degree of Doctor (Candidate of Sciences) must be published. The journal is abstracted in the international Chemical Abstracts database and is included in the international catalog of periodicals Ulrich. Under the new name "Fine Chemical Technologies", the journal "Bulletin of MITHT" is published starting from the 1st issue of the 10th volume for 2015.

    The research was carried out in four stages: at the first stage using methods of mathematical statistics<...>Smolyarov // International scientific journal " alternative energy and ecology "AEE. – 2004. – T. 1,<...>Lototsky // International scientific journal "Alternative Energy and Ecology" AEE. – 2006. – T. 8,<...>Kirillov // International scientific journal "Alternative Energy and Ecology" AEE. – 2006. – T. 3,<...>Mathematical methods and information technologies in chemistry and chemical technology 8.

    Preview: MITHT Bulletin No. 4 2010.pdf (0.8 Mb)




    The main goal of the research is to develop ways to comprehensively intensify aquaculture in closed systems, increase the efficiency of their operation and reduce the cost of farmed products.

    Scientific session of the USSR Academy of Sciences "Chemistry and Ecology" (1989), International Conference CEMRON-VIII "Chemistry



    No. 3 [Construction mechanization, 2003]

    The magazine covers issues of mechanization and automation construction work, introduces readers to advanced technologies, promising machines and equipment of domestic and foreign production.

    Ecology "31 ms Mechanization of construction March RoSh.<...>The axiom has been declared: ecology has priority.<...>) is a set of quantities expressed by numbers and letters and connected mathematical signs.<...>Therefore, the real P cannot be determined only mathematically by the vector ni of i-napameters.<...>Ecology" In the fifteenth interregional exhibition "Construction. City.

    Preview: Mechanization of construction No. 3 2003.pdf (1.0 Mb)


    No. 4 [Galvanotechnics and surface treatment, 2008]

    Ecology Cleaning galvanizing waste from heavy metal ions using a chemical precipitant and flocculants<...>International scientific journal "Alternative Energy and Ecology" AEE. 2005. 7(27). P. 28 7.<...>Based on mathematical processing of two-factor experiments, regression equations for Y1 were obtained<...>Copyright OJSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Kniga-Service Agency 41 Electroplating and surface treatment Ecology<...>Alkhamov P. member of the scientific society of students, section "Industrial Ecology", 11th grade student at the school

    Preview: Journal of Electroplating and Surface Treatment No. 4 2008.pdf (1.9 Mb)


    English for Environmental Engineers (English for environmental engineers). At 2 p.m. Part 1 tutorial. allowance

    Dedicated to the study of professionally oriented translation in the field of ecology and environmental protection. Contains practical tasks, texts for home reading, applications and a glossary.

    As a scientific discipline, ecology has a history of more than a century.<...>The ecology of humans, animals, plants and microorganisms is distinguished.<...>In connection with this, the concepts of “geographic ecology”, “chemical ecology”, “<...>mathematical ecology", "cosmic ecology", and "human ecology".<...>Humboldt is often considered the father of ecology.

    Preview: English for Environmental Engineers (English for environmental engineers) study guide in 2 hours. Part 1..pdf (0.6 Mb)


    Materials of the All-Russian scientific conference “Information technologies and technical means of education and training in the field of physical culture and sports”, December 8-11, 2003.

    The collection presents, mainly in the author's edition, materials of the All-Russian scientific conference “Information technologies and technical means of teaching and training in the field of physical culture and sports”, held at the Research Institute of Information Technologies of the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture on December 8-11, 2003 in the following scientific areas: general issues of informatization in the field of physical culture and sports, information technologies and technical means in education, information technologies and technical means in sports training, sports medicine and public health.

    The conceptual apparatus used in sports theory does not allow posing the planning problem in mathematical terms.<...>The problem of planning sports training has been formulated in mathematical form.<...>conduct statistics using methods of mathematical processing of knowledge control results.<...>The purely mathematical side of program development consisted, firstly, in the need for Copyright JSC<...>Along with other factors (heredity, nutrition, ecology), this problem is closely related to motor

    Preview: Proceedings of the All-Russian Scientific Conference Information technologies and technical means of education and training in the field of physical culture and sports, December 8-11, 2003.pdf (0.5 Mb)


    No. 1 [Food and processing industry. Abstract Journal, 2003]

    In 1999, the first issue of the abstract journal “Food and Processing Industry” was published. Since 2000, the Central Scientific Research Library has been published quarterly. The magazine is an organ of current information about domestic and foreign literature for the food industry. The publication is intended for scientists, specialists and practitioners in the food industry and can serve as a reference tool for librarians and workers of scientific and technical information bodies. The annual volume of RJ is about 1200 publications. The publication includes information about the most significant articles from scientific and scientific-practical journals and collections received by the Central Scientific Research Library and reflecting the global documentary flow in all sectors of the food industry.

    "Food protein and ecology".-M., 2000.-P. 49-51. Code 01-7269B.<...>"Food protein and ecology".-M., 2000.-P. 22-29. Code 01-7269B.<...>"Food protein and ecology".-M., 2000.-P. 162-164. Code 01-7269B.<...>"Food protein and ecology".-M., 2000.-P. 49-51. Code 01-7269B.<...>"Food protein and ecology".-M., 2000.-P. 22-29. Code 01-7269B.


    The essays are devoted to the 1989 elections of people's deputies of the USSR. The author of the essays, as a candidate for deputy, recalls the events of the election campaign and gives them a strict assessment.

    Ultimately, the fight was between a world-famous economist, a UN expert on environmental protection, and an environmentalist-tribune<...>Attention to the environment... Seventh place (3.2%, 7150 votes).<...>"glasnost and ecology". . .<...>I wrote about myself ("Forward", 25.4.89) that I am a teacher, ecologist, activist of environmental associations<...>Zaslav with k and m, or on ecology, k o n k u r i r u i with P. V. Florensky.


    Bulletin of socio-political sciences. Vol. 4: Collection of scientific works Collection of scientific works

    The collection reflects the most pressing methodological problems of teaching a number of general professional and special disciplines, the use of a rating system for assessing students’ knowledge, the implementation active forms training of specialists.

    is gradually expanding to include medical anthropology (human psychology, human genetics), ecology<...>interacting with “ecological psychology”, “cultural geography”, “social geography”, “ecology”<...>Book-Service Agency" 58 there are various methods for calculating statistical indicators, their corresponding mathematical<...>In order to consolidate the course "Social Ecology", the group visited the world's oldest mining enterprise<...>In addition to them, there is historical, mathematical, natural-geographical, philological, philosophical and psychological

    Preview: Bulletin of Socio-Political Sciences. Vol. 4 Collection of scientific papers.pdf (0.4 Mb)


    No. 1 [Ecology at school (before and after). , 2013]

    Scientific and methodological journal of the NGO "VOOP". It is necessary to direct environmental education to the formation of a system of ideas about the environment natural environment as an integral, undivided system that ensures human life. A teacher is a person who is called upon, through the content of his subject, to instill in his students nobility, humanism, responsibility for themselves and for nature. An important role in this belongs to all subject teachers, and not just biology, as is, unfortunately, common practice everywhere.

    PHYSICS AND MATHEMATICS educational field In school courses in mathematics and computer science you can find<...>In particular, in such issues of the program: mathematical modeling of natural, natural and man-made<...>Nechaevka, Republic of Dagestan “The book of nature has been written mathematical symbols" G.<...>Mathematical model. Initial data: 1. INITIAL CONCENTRATION OF HARMFUL SUBSTANCES IN THE RIVER. 2.<...>Environmental chemist: You got the result mathematical method for solving chemical-ecological problems.

    Preview: Ecology at school No. 1 2013.pdf (0.6 Mb)


    No. 5 [Environmental protection in the oil and gas complex, 2018]

    Environmental protection, environmental protection measures, ecology and industrial safety in the oil and gas complex, diagnostics of the corrosion state of equipment and pipelines

    Key words: Coot Fulica atra; reed Phragmites australis; pollution; oil; mathematical<...>Oil and the ecology of the continental shelf. – M.: VNIRO, 2001. – 247 p. 6.<...>Mathematical foundations of psychology: educational and methodological. allowance. – Voronezh: VSPU, 2010. – 76 p.<...>Inyusheva (leading environmental engineer), N.N.<...>section "Ecology" of the Interregional Scientific and Technical Society named after. acad.

    Preview: Environmental protection in the oil and gas complex No. 5 2018.pdf (1.2 Mb)


    No. 3 [Physical education in universities, 1997]

    This journal is the only one that covers all current issues in teaching physics at universities, and, we hope, it will become the main means of communication between physics departments at universities in the CIS countries. The editor-in-chief of the journal is an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor at MEPhI, scientific director of the Higher School named after. N.G. Basova NRNU MEPhI O.N. Krokhin. Main sections of the magazine 1. Conceptual and methodological issues of teaching a general course in physics at a university, technical school, or college. 2. Issues of teaching a course in general physics at technical universities. 3. Modern laboratory workshop in physics. 4. Demonstration lecture experiment. 5. Information technologies in physics education. 6. Issues of teaching the general course of physics in pedagogical universities and special secondary educational institutions. 7. Current practice in small-scale physics experiment. 8. Connection of the general physics course with other disciplines. 9. Integration of Higher School and the Russian Academy of Sciences.

    One of them is called "Information system" Southern Urals economy, education, science, ecology<...>electronic journals (official publications) on scientific topics (mechanical engineering, technical physics, ecology<...>education system of Chelyabinsk among others (municipal administration, economy, construction, ecology<...>It is in physics and mathematics classes that applicants for technical and physics and mathematics are educated<...>Use of renewable energy sources in Russia. // Energy: economics-technology-ecology. No. 11

    Preview: Physical education in universities No. 3 1997.pdf (0.2 Mb)


    No. 2 [Bulletin of the Ryazan State Agrotechnological University named after. P.A. Kostycheva, 2009]

    The magazine includes scientific articles by leading scientists from the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education RGATU and other agricultural universities of Russia on various issues in all areas of agricultural science.

    Mathematical processing of the obtained data was carried out according to N.A. Plokhinsky (1970), G.F. Lakin (1990).<...>Mathematical processing of the results was carried out according to B.A.<...>From an environmental point of view, the main property of water is its transformation into polluted waste, which<...>Industrial ecology "M.: March, 2007. 2. Lozanovskaya I.N., Orlov D.S., Sadovnikova L.K.<...>"Ecology and protection of the biosphere during chemical pollution". M.: Higher School, 1998.

    Preview: RSATU Bulletin No. 2 2009.pdf (0.7 Mb)


    No. 7 [Biology (ID September 1), 2016]

    EDUCATIONAL, METHODOLOGICAL AND POPULAR SCIENTIFIC MAGAZINE FOR TEACHERS OF BIOLOGY, ECOLOGY AND NATURAL SCIENCE<...>Russia" – 79005 September–October 2016 Zoology: amazing Komodo dragons p. 4 s. 34 Ecology<...>Severtsov and evolutionary zoology in Russia...... 24–30 Ecology Garbage and birds...... 31–33 Methodological<...>on genetics...... 47–48 Educational, methodological and popular science magazine for teachers of biology and ecology<...>Lesson in a natural history museum on the topic “Evolution and ecology” ...... 50–54 Children's work First aid kit

    Preview: Biology (ID September 1) No. 7 2016.pdf (0.2 Mb)


    Informatics studies. allowance

    M.: FLINTA

    The manual examines the sections of computer science that determine the basic level of training of modern specialists: presentation and coding of information, hardware and software computers, basics of algorithmization and programming, information about computer networks and information security.

    <...>111 7755 Sidorov 113 6433 Petrov 112 1006 Sergeev Mathematics 1009 Nekrasov Economics 1008 Kirillov Ecology<...>One of its advantages, in particular, is the possibility of strict mathematical descriptions.<...>Basically coincides with the usual mathematical concept of a set.<...>111 7755 Sidorov 113 6433 Petrov 112 1006 Sergeev Mathematics 1009 Nekrasov Economics 1008 Kirillov Ecology

    Preview: Informatics.pdf (1.0 Mb)


    Bologna textbook and vice versa [monograph]

    Rostov n/d.: Southern Federal University Publishing House

    The monograph examines the implementation of the main provisions of the Bologna Declaration in Russian universities. The role and place of the textbook in the credit-module system of the organization is analyzed educational process and requirements for a modern mathematics textbook.

    » 64 1. skills mathematical thinking; 2. skills in using mathematical methods and fundamentals mathematical <...>Biology 510700 – Soil science 510800 – Geography 510900 – Hydrometeorology 511000 – Geology 511100 – Ecology<...>mathematical methods and fundamentals mathematical modeling; mathematical culture of the student<...>Graduated from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University (1955). Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (1964).<...>ecology.

    Preview: Bologna textbook and vice versa.pdf (0.3 Mb)


    Chronicle of the National Library of the Chuvash Republic: 2011

    About the activities of the National Library Chuvash Republic in chronology and in publications.

    of the "Youth for a Healthy Lifestyle" campaign, the Information Day "Ecology" was held in the department of industrial literature<...>Head of the Department of Water Resources and Environmental Economics of the Ministry natural resources and ecology<...>Dimitriev – an environmental scientist,” reviewed the exhibition of the scientist’s works, where about 140 publications were presented<...>Its participants were 3rd year students of the Faculty of Economics with a specialty in "Ecology" of the branch<...>Lviv; deputy Head of the MBU "Ecology Department of the City of Cheboksary" V.I.


    Introduction to mathematical modeling of construction and technological problems. allowance

    The manual examines the features of the application and methodology of numerical methods for solving problems in the analysis and optimization of the structure and properties of building materials and products, as well as technological modes of their production.

    Of the entire variety of mathematical methods used to obtain mathematical models, far from<...>This mathematical school has shown great application possibilities mathematical modeling<...>The mathematical model is a collection mathematical description and solution algorithm.<...>economic and mathematical model.<...>Let's create a mathematical model.

    Preview: Introduction to mathematical modeling of construction and technological problems.pdf (0.6 Mb)


    Political and electoral systems of the states of the Asia-Pacific region. T.2 Training manual

    SPb.: SPbKO

    IN textbook evolution reflected political systems countries of the Asia-Pacific region. Based on broad historical and political science material, the dynamics of the development of political systems of individual states, determined by historical factors, culture, traditions, peculiarities of the geographical location and mentality of the peoples inhabiting the state, are examined, and the evolution of political systems in the 20th century is also traced. and the dynamics of the world political process at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries. The textbook is intended for students studying political science and regional studies. This second volume of the three-volume manual includes the leading countries of the region and the world community.

    The Chinese are distinguished by their excellent mathematical preparation and passion for learning foreign languages<...>The term "social ecology" began to be actively used in scientific literature since the late 60s of the XX century<...>The status of social ecology currently remains a subject of debate: it is defined either as<...>In this regard, along with the term “social ecology”, the concepts of “human ecology” are also used.<...>“global ecology”, “ecology of society”, etc.

    Preview: Political and electoral systems of the countries of the Asia-Pacific region. T.2 (1).pdf (0.9 Mb)


    No. 2 [Bulletin of Voronezh State University. Series: Problems of higher education, 2004]

    The journal is included in the List of the Higher Attestation Commission of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the academic degrees of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences should be published

    Zibrov MATHEMATICAL MODELING OF MILITARY COLLECTIVES IN CONTROL PROBLEMS V.A.<...>Zemskov // Mathematical structures and modeling. Omsk, 2000. Issue. 6. pp. 143-146. 6.<...>In mathematical logic, multi-sort models are used to model these situations.<...>It is important that the construction of an interpretation is a mathematically rigorous operation.<...>Admissible sets and infinite logic: a reference book on mathematical logic / M. Makkai.

    Preview: Bulletin of Voronezh State University. Problems of higher education No. 2 2004.pdf (0.3 Mb)


    Formation and development of scientific research at the Kemerovo State Medical Academy (1955–2005) for the 50th anniversary

    The publication is dedicated to one of the most important aspects activities of the Kemerovo State medical academy- research work of its employees. The collection outlines the main stages of development of research work in individual departments (based on materials presented from the departments) over the 50-year period of the university’s life. Information about the main directions of scientific research and scientific production of teams is provided.

    In 1992, another direction of scientific work appeared at the department, which is carried out by a candidate of physics and mathematics<...>Gromov Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, member of the presidium and chairman of the section "Biology and Ecology" of the West Siberian<...>Prospects for the development of scientific directions In 2004, the Institute of Human Ecology SB RAS was created in Kemerovo<...>Petrushev Application of mathematical methods and computers in dentistry. Kemerovo, 1984. 4.<...>In connection with the introduction of computer technology into practice, it became possible to use complex mathematical

    Preview: Formation and development of scientific research at the Kemerovo State Medical Academy (1955–2005) - for the 50th anniversary of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education KemSMA Roszdrav.pdf (2.2 Mb)


    No. 3 [Equipment and technologies for the oil and gas complex, 2013]

    In mathematical form, you can write the value for each graph in the form (Ksep. avg.  ΔK).<...>Postnikov) and at the Department of Industrial Ecology (leading engineer D.Yu.<...>To study the dynamics of the rod arrangement, a mathematical model is compiled.<...>Found mathematical relationships that can be used to determine the true volumetric gas content and<...>

    Preview: Equipment and technologies for the oil and gas complex No. 3 2013.pdf (0.4 Mb)


    No. 1 [Equipment and technologies for the oil and gas complex, 2013]

    Latest achievements scientific and technological progress in the oil and gas industry; operational catalog of domestic equipment and materials.

    in turn, will allow you to construct a graph of the dependence of the optimized parameters in the form of two-dimensional sections of the mathematical<...>upon contact with lubricants technological means// Occupational medicine and industrial ecology<...>A A grN i i i n n S n n= = − ∑ (3) The resulting formula for the entropy of a system object is mathematically identical<...>New technologies and the widespread use of mathematical methods have made it possible to achieve increased reliability<...>chemical industry Specialized section within the exhibition "INDUSTRIAL SAFETY AND ECOLOGY

    Preview: Equipment and technologies for the oil and gas complex No. 1 2013.pdf (0.3 Mb)


    No. 1 (9) [Man in the world of culture. Regional cultural studies, 2014]

    The magazine presented to the attention of readers is another attempt to unite the community of humanists, creating conditions for professional communication, discussion of problems of the functioning of culture in history and modernity, identifying current trends in various fields social practice. Our journal is a platform for presenting the latest research in humanities and cultural studies as its integral part. We invite authors on a wide range of issues: theory and philosophy of culture, history of culture, forms of socio-cultural practices, representations of culture, culture and education

    Therefore, for example, the phrase “mathematical competence” sounds almost as meaningless as

    Preview: Man in the world of culture. Regional cultural studies No. 1 (9) 2014.pdf (0.9 Mb)


    Probability theory and mathematical statistics (Part 1. Variation series, testing statistical hypotheses) textbook. allowance

    Publishing house PGUTI

    The manual includes sections higher mathematics: mathematical statistics, variation series, statistical hypothesis testing. The manual introduces the forms of presentation and description of data in mathematical statistics, contains general guidelines, specific recommendations on all topics of the course. Each section ends with control questions that will help check the theoretical mastery of the course, contains a large number of tasks for independent solution and answers for verification.

    Starozhilova PROBABILITY THEORY AND MATHEMATICAL STATISTICS PART 1.<...>In mathematical statistics, a selective approach is used.<...>Let us define the basic concepts of mathematical statistics.<...>Provide a list of the main tasks of mathematical statistics 6.<...>Find the mathematical expectation and variance of X. 2.8.

    Preview: Probability theory and mathematical statistics. Part 1. Variation series, testing statistical hypotheses Study guide.pdf (0.3 Mb)


    No. 7 [Posev, 1986]

    Social and political magazine. Published since November 11, 1945, published by the publishing house of the same name. The motto of the magazine is “God is not in power, but in truth” (Alexander Nevsky). The frequency of the magazine has changed. Initially published as a weekly publication, for some time it was published twice a week, and from the beginning of 1968 (number 1128) the magazine became monthly.

    The journal publishes research results current state high school Russia, issues of theory and practice of humanitarian, natural science and engineering higher education are discussed. The journal is included in the list of peer-reviewed publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission for publishing the results of scientific research in the following areas: philosophy, sociology and cultural studies; pedagogy and psychology; story.

    Natural sciences (biology with ecology, geography, chemistry). CYCLE 3.<...>How ideas of nonlinear dynamics penetrate ecology, economics and social sciences.<...>Ecology of social organization. "External" environment and its cultural characteristics.<...>Ecology of culture. Culture as an adaptive system.<...>This is a fundamental mutation in the ecology of the human species.

    Preview: Higher education in Russia No. 4 1997.pdf (0.3 Mb)


    History of infocommunications [method. development]

    Publishing house PGUTI

    This methodological development is a selection historical facts, organized by topic and chronology. In parallel, 3 lines of development are considered: The history of the creation of the electronics element base, The history of the development of information and computing technology, The history of telecommunications. The author-compilers used both widely published and little-known historical materials in order to give, if possible, a complete picture of the progress of human thought - the creative quest of discoverers, inventors, researchers, engineers who gave the world modern information, computing and telecommunication technologies and made them accessible to everyone to humanity. The release of this brochure is timed to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the first graduation of specialists from our university - KEIS-PIIRS-PGATI-PGUTI. Our graduates take a worthy part in mastering world experience, in scientific research, inventive and engineering activities in the field of infocommunications. The materials in the brochure can be used as an aid in the study of the subject “Introduction to the Specialty”, in the daily work of technical departments as reference material.

    Social and political magazine. Published since November 11, 1945, published by the publishing house of the same name. The motto of the magazine is “God is not in power, but in truth” (Alexander Nevsky). The frequency of the magazine has changed. Initially published as a weekly publication, for some time it was published twice a week, and from the beginning of 1968 (number 1128) the magazine became monthly.

    (We’re not talking about the environment; this is for ladies and weakened retirees).<...>From the history of the development of physics, we know that the death of the most beautiful and mathematically based theories<...>the effects we discovered will inevitably lead to a change in the paradigm of theoretical acoustics and to the uselessness of mathematical<...>"Extra ecology" (2.42). S. Nikitina. Green movement: ecology and ideology (2.45).<...>Collection of articles 1955-95. By ecology model of the stand and data from its preliminary analysis.<...>Mathematical model of the stand.<...>Scientific interests: labor protection, transport ecology.<...>Mathematical model of the control object.

    Preview: Bulletin of Don State Technical University No. 2 2009.pdf (0.1 Mb)


    Ecology: current areas of study. allowance

    The textbook presents a classification of current trends in ecology, describes in detail the socio-ecological features of the demography of the human population, the main patterns of development and dynamics of the biosphere, and provides basic concepts in the field of environmental assessment, management and audit as part of applied ecology. The material in the manual is divided into separate sections in accordance with the curriculum. The content of the manual fully complies with the Federal State Educational Standard.

    Founded in 1922. The editor-in-chief of the magazine is Yuri Anatolyevich Rakhmanin - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the Research Institute of Human Ecology and Environmental Hygiene named after. A.N. Sysin, Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow. General Hygienic Journal. Prints articles on all sections of hygienic science and sanitary practice. The main focus is on environmental and human hygiene, human ecology, hygiene of children and adolescents and radiation hygiene, occupational health, nutrition and social hygiene. Publishes review articles that highlight modern scientific positions and practically important issues. The magazine publishes materials devoted to important scientific and practical issues of interest to employees of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision centers, and introduces readers to new methods of hygienic research. Includes materials on the organization and planning of sanitary affairs, the scientific foundations of sanitary legislation, the training of sanitary doctors, sanitary statistics, sanitary education and the history of sanitary affairs in our country, the state of hygienic science and sanitary practice abroad. Promotes best practices in the work of state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance centers. Posts reports on the work of congresses, conferences and meetings on sanitary and hygienic issues, on the activities of the Scientific Medical Society of Hygienists, reviews of published monographs and textbooks on hygiene and sanitation.

    Burgess arose social ecology, or human ecology.<...>Mathematical analysis of the results was carried out using the computer program Statistica v. 7.0. results<...>chemical compounds of various classes and their combinations in the soil; in methodological terms - the creation of a system of mathematical<...>Data Mining methods are based on various mathematical methods of data processing, including intelligent<...>DM&KDD technologies use various mathematical methods and algorithms: classification, clustering

    Preview: Hygiene and Sanitation No. 5 2012.pdf (1.7 Mb)


    Man in the space of culture materials Second All-Russian. scientific conf., dedicated founder of the university P. G. Demidov

    The materials of the Second All-Russian Scientific Conference are dedicated to the founder of Yaroslavl state university Pavel Grigorievich Demidov. Published in the author's edition.

    professional education in the coming years will be observed in the following groups of specialties: Physics and mathematics<...>The university town beyond the Volga opposite the Strelka on the Tveritsky bank, where the buildings of the Student House are now erected, mathematical <...>The mathematical wit of the works of I.S.<...>Culture and ecology: Sat. Art. M., 1996. 5 Malikov A. N.<...>Duhem, "intellectual ecology" by S. Toulmin, instrumentalism by D.

    Preview: Man in the space of culture, materials from Vseros. scientific conf., dedicated to the founder of the university P. G. Demidov.pdf (1.3 Mb)


    No. 5 [Pedagogical Journal of Bashkortostan, 2012]

    Published since 2005. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE MAGAZINE: coverage current problems development of general and vocational education in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Bashkortostan; provision of informational scientific and practical assistance by education workers; presentation of advanced scientific thought and useful practical experience, educational and methodological materials reflecting the experience of teachers in the field of pedagogy, psychology, teaching methods and education. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MAGAZINE: has a scientific and practical nature and interacts with the education system of the republic; includes headings of federal and regional significance - Problems of modern pedagogy; Psychological and pedagogical research; Education and culture; Innovative technologies education; Informatization of education; Priority national project “Education”; Practice of education; Debut in science; Dissertation research design; Experience of foreign colleagues; History of Education; Pedagogical feed (news, anniversaries, chronicle); Reviews.; represents the experience of participation educational institutions in national projects and the work of education authorities; The work of the journal is coordinated with the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan and the Boards of Directors of universities, colleges and NGOs of the republic.

    The cosmos is a mathematically ordered whole (Pythagoras).<...>"economy"; There is also no novelty in “replenishing the structural components of mathematical competence.”<...>Olympiads and participant in the All-Russian Mathematical Olympiad in<...>tasks; mathematical problems of technical content (use of PC when solving mathematical problems<...>The second test included mathematical examples and problems.

    Preview: Pedagogical Journal of Bashkortostan No. 5 2012.pdf (2.2 Mb)


    No. 1 [Posev, 1994]

    Social and political magazine. Published since November 11, 1945, published by the publishing house of the same name. The motto of the magazine is “God is not in power, but in truth” (Alexander Nevsky). The frequency of the magazine has changed. Initially published as a weekly publication, for some time it was published twice a week, and from the beginning of 1968 (number 1128) the magazine became monthly.

    Conference presentations were distributed according to thematic nodes "Politics and Law", "Economics, Ecology

    Preview: Seeding No. 1 1994.pdf (0.4 Mb)

    Modern mathematical ecology is an interdisciplinary field that includes all kinds of methods for mathematical and computer description of ecological systems. The theoretical basis for describing interactions between species in ecosystems is population dynamics, which describes basic interactions and provides a qualitative picture of possible patterns of behavior of variables in the system. To analyze real ecosystems, system analysis is used, and the degree of integration of the model depends on both the object and the goals of the modeling. Modeling of many aquatic ecosystems, forest cenoses, and agroecosystems is an effective means of developing methods for optimal management of these systems. The construction of global models makes it possible to assess global and local changes in climate, temperature, and type of vegetation cover under different scenarios of human development.

    Assessment of air and land surface pollution.

    Important practical. The task of mathematical ecology is to calculate the spread of pollution from existing enterprises and plan the possible location of industrial enterprises in compliance with sanitary standards.

    The process of distribution of industrial emissions occurs due to their transfer by air masses and diffusion caused by turbulent air pulsations. If you observe a smoke plume from a factory chimney, you will notice that this plume is entrained by the air flow and gradually swells as it moves away from the source due to small-scale turbulence. The torch has the shape of a cone, elongated in the direction of the movement of air masses. Then the torch breaks up into isolated vortex formations, carried away to great distances from the source.

    Almost all impurities eventually settle on the Earth's surface sooner or later, heavy ones under the influence of the gravitational field, light ones as a result of the diffusion process. Impurities consisting of large particles soon begin to sink under the influence of gravity in accordance with Stokes' law. Gaseous impurities such as oxides represent the light fraction and are especially dangerous for the environment.

    Fluctuations in the wind direction over a long period of time - about a year - are of great importance in the theory of pollution spread. During such a period, air masses that carry impurities away from the source repeatedly change direction and speed. Statistically, such long-term changes are described by a special diagram called a wind rose, in which the magnitude of the vector is proportional to the number of repeating events associated with the movements of air masses in a given direction. The maximums of the wind rose diagram correspond to the prevailing winds in a given area. This information is the starting point for planning new industrial facilities. When assessing the permissible pollution of enterprises located among a large number of environmentally significant areas (settlements, recreation areas, agricultural, forest lands, etc.), pollution from already existing enterprises in the region should also be taken into account.

    The assessment of pollution of the atmosphere and underlying surface by passive and active impurities is carried out using mathematical models built on the basis of partial differential aerodynamic equations, as well as their finite-difference approximations.

    In Russia, a great contribution to this direction was made by the work of the school of academician G.I. Marchuk. Models of this type are widely used in Europe and the USA in resolving lawsuits brought by the population or local authorities against industrial enterprises in connection with certain damages. To assess the damage caused using mathematical modeling, an examination is carried out, as a result of which the amount of the fine that the polluting enterprise is obliged to pay to state or local authorities is quantified. Such measures turned out to be very effective and led to the almost universal introduction of cleaning technologies in developed countries.

    Models of the transfer of pollutants in this type of models are associated with the procedure for calculating the main functional of the problem, which can represent the total number of precipitated impurities, the sanitary hazard of impurities, include damage to public health, agricultural land, forests, soil, costs of environmental restoration environment and other indicators. In simplified versions, the response function method is widely used (see above).


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