DIY scaffolding. The procedure for installing scaffolding from profile pipes and lumber

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If you have a need to perform work on the facade, you will not be able to do without scaffolding.

They are temporary structures and represent metal constructions, which are used in construction, finishing and restoration work on buildings and structures. The advantage of these structures is that their installation and dismantling is carried out directly on construction sites. If necessary, the structure can be easily moved along the wall. In addition, construction scaffolding is a convenient structure for temporary use, on which you can perform work related to the facade: insulation, finishing, painting. You can carry out minor work on the restoration of wooden window frames, make slopes for window openings.

Not only professional builders, but also many ordinary summer residents, as well as owners of private houses and country cottages need to purchase scaffolding with removable decking (scaffolding) - after all, when there is a need to tint the roof gables or update facade finishing at home, you may need not just a ladder or stepladder, but something more serious.

Scaffolding on “envelopes” in Lately have become quite a popular design option that you can make yourself. As you can see in the photographs below, such construction scaffolding has a wide range of applications, from production brickwork before finishing works. Due to the simplicity and low cost of their design, you can easily organize scaffolding at the required height and carry out work on painting, whitewashing, restoring surfaces, washing windows, installing slopes and platbands, etc.

Why is this option popular among builders?

The main advantage is that the scaffolding can be made independently. Wherein building material It doesn't cost much at all. Well, and a plus to everything: simplicity and ease of assembly/disassembly of the structure. Having completed the work, they are disassembled and stored until better times in a secluded corner of the barn.

What are scaffoldings with “envelopes” made of?

“Envelope” is a scaffold that represents a support platform in the form of a triangle. The supports are made from various lumber, which are on the construction site, for example, edged boards. The main thing is that the board is strong, minimum cross-section 50x50 mm. (see figure No. 1).

Rice. 1, Supporting platform - “envelope”. 1 — L-shaped bracket; 2 - jib.

Then, it is necessary to build L-shaped brackets - the boards are knocked down, after which the sides are sheathed with wooden slats.

The dimensions of the site must be constructed based on the safe operation of the structure. The support platform is not large in size, it is quite inconvenient to work with, and you will also have to move it often. Having made the scaffolding large area, you may expose yourself to a traumatic situation, there is a possibility of envelopes being torn off the wall. Taking this into account, the size of the platform must be calculated in this way: the size of a human foot is on average 350-400 mm, taking this size of the horizontal platforms of the scaffolding, a person can stand with a full foot, without fear of falling from a height.

Now that the scaffolding is ready, support platform fixed, it remains to be installed at the desired height so that you can reach the required level. You will also need a couple of supports; you can use a 150x50 mm edged board. Before installing them, the supports must be made sharp at the base so that they rest against the ground, and the upper ends along the contour of the “envelope” cornerslightly beveled for a tight fit, as shown in Fig. 2.

Rice. 2 Installation of scaffolding: 1 - support-slightly; 2 - “envelope”; 3 - flooring boards; 4 - supporting surface.

Then, after the “envelope” flooring is raised to the required height, it must be secured. The vertical part of the L-shaped bracket should be nailed to the wall using regular long nails. It is advisable to not drive the nails all the way in, otherwise it will be difficult to remove them when dismantling.

Now you can lift and install the flooring itself. The boards are laid at the required height and nailed to the horizontal shelf of the brackets. The nails in these places can be driven completely into the boards, this will make the structure more durable.

Advice: To make the nails easier to get out, they can be driven into the boards through thin slats-spacers; when dismantling, they are simply split with a nail puller.

!Attention Be careful when working at heights. Follow safety precautions on. Remember that when making construction scaffolds yourself, you need to check the strength of each of the structural components.

During the construction of the second (and third or even fourth) private houses and cottages, special structures are used - scaffolding. They allow you to work safely high altitude– where it cannot be used ladders. Most often, wood is chosen for the manufacture of scaffolding - a material that is more affordable and easier to process. Although it is possible to use a metal profile for this.

Material selection

When choosing between metal and wooden structures, you should know:

  • to assemble metal scaffolding you will need special equipment, including welding machine. In addition, the design itself will require more manufacturing time and will be more expensive;
  • It is easier to work with wood, and the tools used to construct such scaffolding can usually be found on any farm. However, the strength of such forests is lower. And it is dangerous to use them for the construction of high structures.

As a rule, every owner of a private house who takes part in construction can make wooden scaffolding with his own hands. To build the same metal structure, sometimes you have to turn to specialists. Although when building a house of several floors, in any case, it will be necessary outside help.

Structural elements of scaffolding

The number of popular schemes and methods for making scaffolding from metal profiles or boards reaches several dozen. However, they all consist of the same elements:

  1. Racks located vertically and taking the load from materials and people located on the scaffolding and transferring it to the ground;
  2. Ties designed to increase the rigidity of the frame and placed diagonally;
  3. Lintels on which flooring boards are laid. They must be positioned strictly horizontally (checked with a level);
  4. The flooring itself is one of the main parts of the structure, occupying large volume and, for economy, made from thick boards attached to each other.

In addition to the main elements, scaffolding drawings must include railings to prevent workers from falling from a height. Special persistent slopes will help to avoid the structure from tipping over. And ladders are used to climb to and from the work site.

Wooden structures

Before assembling wooden scaffolding with your own hands, be sure to carry out a diagram on which you must indicate several basic dimensions:

  • height, the maximum value of which for wooden scaffolding should not exceed 6 m;
  • the distance between supports is usually chosen to be no more than 2.5 m;
  • flooring width. For ease of use, this size is taken within the range of 80–100 cm.

Optimal height The first flooring level is about half a meter. This feature provides the maximum level of comfort for builders whose hands are located 30–40 cm below chest level during bricklaying or other work. The second flooring is placed at a height of 2 meters, the third - about 4 meters. Markings may vary depending on the size of the building itself.

When starting to build wood scaffolding, you should purchase the appropriate materials and fasteners. These include timber with a cross-section of 100 x 100 mm or boards with a thickness of 50 mm and a width of at least 100 mm. For railings, spacers and ties, you can use a 30mm edged board. And for flooring they pick up wooden elements thickness not less than 40 mm.

Important: When choosing fasteners, you should know that nails will cost less, but will increase the time of scaffolding construction. In addition, they are more difficult to remove when disassembling the structure. Using self-tapping screws will shorten the process, but will make the structure less durable. Therefore, nails are chosen for low structures, and self-tapping wood screws for long and tall scaffolding.

Construction stages

Scaffolding is made from boards and timber in several stages:

  1. Laying out elements future design on a flat surface and checking their compliance with the height of the scaffolding;
  2. Connecting racks using horizontal jumpers;
  3. Installation of two already assembled frames side by side and securing them using horizontally and diagonally positioned tie boards;
  4. Laying wooden flooring on top of horizontal ties, with the boards fastened to the lintels.

Now all that remains is to secure the railings and fix the stairs, with the help of which the ascent and descent will be carried out. With a large building length, the structure is extended and can consist of a different number of sections - from two to three or four. The frames are connected to each other with boards.

Should know: When assembling wood scaffolding using nails, it is advisable to pre-drill holes for fasteners. This will increase assembly time but will prevent the boards from splitting.

Scaffolding made of metal profiles

For assembly metal scaffolding DIY construction workers will have to perform approximately the same sequence of actions, choosing standard height and the width of the structures. And the only serious difference is the adapters used to increase the number of floors of the structure. In addition, some of the elements are connected to each other by welding.

Before starting the construction of a metal structure, the following materials are required:

  1. Profile pipes of the appropriate section (30 x 30 or 40 x 40 mm), from which the racks will be made. The length of the segments is from 1 to 1.5 meters;
  2. Thin-walled pipes with a diameter of 20 mm, used for the manufacture of screeds. Each length is 2 meters;
  3. Pipes (25 x 25 or 35 x 35 mm) for support bearings and adapters. Length – 2 m.

Railings are most often made from the same profile pipes, as adapters. And to create thrust bearings, metal plates up to 4 mm thick are also used. To connect the diagonal ties to each other and to the main scaffolding structure, a sufficient number of bolts and nuts are provided.

Assembly of the structure

The process of constructing metal scaffolding begins with the following steps:

  1. Fixing scaffolding posts using an assembly surface (as a rule, OSB sheets are used for this purpose);
  2. Welding of horizontal jumpers;
  3. Inserting pipe adapters into the upper ends of the metal supports and fixing them by welding.

After removal from the assembly panel and turning the scaffold 90 degrees, the structure is again attached to the OSB sheet. The edges of the pipes that will be used for the diagonal braces are flattened and prepared for joining by drilling holes in them. The scaffolding ties are fastened together in the middle and placed on the posts, then secured with bolts and nuts.

On next stage Assemblies on the railings and supports drill holes for fasteners and weld the thrust plates to the pipes. Assembled structure is installed in a vertical position, and thrust bearings are inserted into the lower ends of the pipes. Wooden scaffolding is laid on the horizontal lintels, which should preferably be additionally secured with steel corners.

When attaching ties, it is recommended to install horizontal and diagonal elements on different sides of the frame. If the assembly of the second tier of scaffolding is carried out simultaneously with the construction of the third, the racks should be drilled additional holes for fastening bolts of thrust slopes. And when building scaffolding in a horizontal direction, the sections are attached to each other with the same bolted connections.

Metal scaffolding “in use”

Sooner or later, construction reaches the finishing of the facade. And here the need arises to carry out work in the height range from 4 to 10 meters. After all, the gables need to be hemmed, the siding needs to be installed, the façade elements need to be painted, and drainage system install.

There is only one way out - to install scaffolding or a tower. But industrial building construction expensive, and the price of a tower with a working height of 8-10 meters is very steep. You can rent them, but if the work takes a long time, such a rental will cost a pretty penny.

Metal or wood

Scaffolding can be made of wood or metal. The practical experience of forum members suggests that it is economically feasible to erect metal structures only if “free” iron is available. If you buy metal, fasteners, engage in welding work, then such structures will ultimately cost more than factory ones and, especially, wooden ones.

While scaffolding can be carefully dismantled and the boards put into use, metal ones are doomed to gather dust in the utility room. Experienced builders They will say that high-quality scaffolding or a tower can then be rented out. But few private developers will want to bother with this. Therefore, the majority of forum users still prefer wooden structures.


Metal scaffolding is better than wooden scaffolding, but the main trump card of wooden scaffolding is the relative cheapness, simplicity and speed of their production.

Advice from FORUMHOUSE: it is better to build your own wooden scaffolding from high-quality lumber. A quality board, unlike waste material, which will have to be thrown away after use, can be used in a new construction site.

DIY scaffolding for your home.

How to make scaffolding from boards

Before you start DIY wooden structures, it is necessary to decide on the scope of work. If in one case they can be the simplest - attached (for lining gables, siding country house etc.), then in other cases (finishing the facade with stone or brick, plastering work etc.) a more serious design is needed.

The dimensions of the base unit are as follows:

  • Length – 5 m;
  • Width – 1 m;
  • Height (thickness) – 3.5 m.

The construction took 60 linear meters boards 150x50mm.

Buryat member FORUMHOUSE

They are called "scaffolding - envelope".

DIY construction scaffolding

The design itself looks like the letter G attached to. A 150x50 board is taken as a basis, another board is nailed to it perpendicularly - a support platform, on which the flooring is then laid.
One of essential elements Such structures are jibs - boards 25-50x100, with which two main boards knocked together at right angles are sheathed on the sides.

Usually 3 jibs are nailed on each side. Thus, the rigidity of the entire structure is achieved.

Such forests do not need a rigid connection with the house. The force load is carried by the support board, which at one end rests against the place where the boards are attached, and at the other - the pointed end - is stuck into the ground.

If the house is wooden or frame, then scaffolding can be nailed to the wall. If the facade cannot be damaged, then they are leaned against the wall, and the main load is carried by the supporting board.

When choosing the size of “envelopes”, you should adhere to the following requirements. If the site is too narrow, it will be difficult and dangerous to walk on it. If the platform is too wide, then the “envelope” may come off the wall. Optimal size platforms – 400-500 mm.

The main advantage of attached structures is that their manufacture does not require a lot of lumber.

Buryat member FORUMHOUSE

The supporting board and, accordingly, the height of the scaffolding can be increased. If the length of the board increases (more than 6 m), then for the rigidity of the structure, another board rests in the corner between the wall and the blind area, the other end of which is attached to the middle of the first - the main board.

Despite the fact that the design is widely known, at the first glance at such structures you doubt their reliability - it’s scary to look at! Let's turn to practical experience users of our site.

Zark member FORUMHOUSE

We call such forests “Armenian”. When I first saw such a design, I was surprised at how it even held up. I tried it, climbed onto the flooring - quite reliably. I used it myself attached scaffolding more than once, both on wood and on brick house. They are convenient, quickly assembled and disassembled. They don't take up much space.

Armenian scaffolding.

Drosha member FORUMHOUSE

This type of forest is quite safe. There is no need to attach the boards to the walls, but the flooring must be screwed with self-tapping screws to the supports (do not knock it down with nails, so that you can quickly disassemble it later).

How to Build Scaffolding for Heavy Duty Work

But such “Armenian” scaffolding is not suitable for all work - mainly for light work. They are good as scaffolding for painting a house, etc. For “heavy” work that requires working with tools, solutions, finishing the facade with stone, etc. a more permanent structure must be used.

The assembly of the structure is done as follows:

  • Take a six-meter board (150/200x50) and place it vertically against the wall;
  • A second board is placed parallel to it;
  • They are secured to each other by horizontal bars. Next, according to the same scheme, the second support is mounted and the flooring is laid;
  • For greater rigidity, the racks are supported by additional brace boards that rest against the ground;
  • As necessary, the scaffolding is increased in height by attaching additional vertical boards.

Standard dimensions of one span of such scaffolding:

  • The step between the racks is 2-2.5 m;
  • The width of the flooring for work is 1 m.

DIY wooden scaffolding.

diews FORUMHOUSE member

We made forests like this last summer. They were not attached to the wall. They placed only one wall at a time and then moved it. The main thing is to make braces and stops, and the structure will stand like a glove.

How to make scaffolding better: gpush against the screws

There is always a lot of controversy about how to put together scaffolding,
how to fasten the boards to each other. The opinions of forum members are divided: some believe that it can be assembled with self-tapping screws, others are categorically against it - only with nails.

The main argument of opponents of self-tapping screws is their fragility. The self-tapping screw does not work well under shock loads and shear loads. The result is that the cap flies off, the structure loses strength, even to the point of self-destruction.

How to build scaffolding for cladding a house.

Igor Kokhanov member of FORUMHOUSE

I recommend fastening everything with 120 mm nails with the obligatory bend of the tip on the crossbars and on the jibs. And no self-tapping screws! I'll tell you such a case. Builders I knew were doing the roof. They fastened the boards with self-tapping screws. The result is that the structures separated, all four of them flew from a height of five meters. The result is one in the hospital with broken kidneys. The second was a severe bruise to the leg. But they got off easily; if the altitude had been greater, everything could have ended much worse.

That's why this happened. The nail is made of relatively soft metal. Under load it bends and does not break. The self-tapping screw is made of hardened metal and with alternating signs and shock loads, it will first bend a little and then break. Moreover, the so-called “black” self-tapping screws, due to hardening, are much more brittle than anodized yellow ones.

For collapsible wooden structures, bolts with a hexagonal head (under a washer) with a diameter of 8 mm and special metal fasteners are well suited.

The main argument of opponents of nails is that it will no longer be possible to carefully disassemble the scaffolding that has been nailed together, and part of the good board will have to be thrown out or used for rough work. And the structural elements will be kept from shifting by the large friction force that occurs between the boards if you use self-tapping screws 120 - 150 mm long. Therefore, you need to make a compromise - use self-tapping screws to assemble scaffolding “on the ground”. In this case, if an error occurs at the first stage of scaffolding collection, they can be quickly disassembled and rebuilt. And only then additionally nail everything together properly.

Before you make scaffolding with your own hands, evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of this structure. Although such homemade auxiliary structures at a construction site help save money, their safety and practicality remain in question. In our article we will tell you how to make wooden scaffolding and carry out comparative analysis traditional inventory forests and these structures.

In the photo, do-it-yourself scaffolding

Construction methods

By making temporary structures yourself, you can build several types of auxiliary products, which will differ both in purpose and in the materials used for production. Depending on the area of ​​use, homemade scaffolding is divided into:

  • structures for repair and finishing work with a small load on the flooring;
  • Products for masonry work with high load capacity.

Depending on the materials, handmade woods are:

  • metal;
  • wooden.

We will consider the manufacturing process of each type of scaffolding separately. But in any case, the greatest attention must be paid to the safety of auxiliary structures. If the scaffolding manufacturing process was carried out according to all the rules, then there is no doubt about the reliability and functionality of the scaffolding. Before you make scaffolding with your own hands, you need to study the regulatory documentation, because this type of temporary structures must necessarily comply with GOSTs and SNiPs.

Of course, you can buy homemade scaffolding, but this way you cannot be 100% sure of the quality of the materials used to assemble the scaffolding, their reliability and compliance with the requirements of current regulatory documents.

DIY scaffolding made of wood

The most important thing in the manufacture of wooden scaffolding is maintaining the verticality of the rack elements or the required angle of inclination when making low structures from boards. In any case, when making scaffolding from boards with your own hands, you must adhere to this rule. This is the only way you can be sure of the stability and safety of the structure.

In the photo, do-it-yourself scaffolding from boards

To make vertical load-bearing elements of such structures, it is better to take boards 4 cm thick. But when using 100x100 mm timber, the structure will be much stronger and more reliable. To ensure that the product is stable and cannot accidentally fold during operation, it is better to use double diagonal braces in each span. It is better to mount diagonals so that they are fixed to several racks and to the walls of the object at once.

Homemade wooden scaffolding has one undeniable advantage– scaffolding material can be used for other purposes after the structure is dismantled. But do not forget that renting scaffolding will allow you to save your money and time, and also get the most durable, stable and safe structure that fully complies with all the requirements of regulatory documentation.

Step-by-step instructions for assembling wooden scaffolding

The attached drawings for DIY wooden scaffolding will help you better understand the process. We carry out the work in this order:

We have already figured out how to make scaffolding with our own hands from wood, all that remains is to calculate the consumption of materials. Of course, in each specific case, the calculation must be carried out taking into account the dimensions of the temporary structure. To give you an idea of ​​the amount of materials, we will give a calculation for a structure with dimensions of 300x200x40 cm. So, you will need 6 meters of edged boards with a cross-section of 20x4 cm to assemble the working flooring, as well as 36 m of timber with a cross-section of 150x100 mm for the manufacture of support posts. Then we can calculate the total cost homemade scaffolding, based on the price of one cubic meter wood.

A video on how to build scaffolding with your own hands will help you better understand the assembly process.

In the photo, do-it-yourself scaffolding made of wood

DIY scaffolding made from pipes

To execute this type auxiliary structures with your own hands, you must use steel pipes diameter 4-6 cm with large thickness walls. To connect tubular elements into one structure, you can use clamp fasteners. Detailed drawings for do-it-yourself scaffolding made from pipes can be found on the Internet.

Typically, homemade temporary steel structures are no more than 6-8 m high, since difficulties arise in purchasing and delivering a long pipe to the installation site. Insignificant height is, perhaps, the main disadvantage of self-made metal scaffolding. If you need to do work at height, it is much easier to buy or rent ready-made factory scaffolding.

DIY scaffolding drawings

Making scaffolding with your own hands is justified only when constructing a small country house, dacha or cottage. For professional developers and large construction companies it is most advisable to purchase ready-made kits auxiliary equipment, which will be durable, reliable and safe, and most importantly, can be reused.

You can also weld metal scaffolding with your own hands rather than fasten it with clamps. However, in this case you lose. Firstly, the structure cannot be disassembled for storage or for transportation to a new location. Secondly, the resulting rigid scaffolding structure cannot be adjusted to the characteristics of the object under construction: it is impossible to change the height of the flooring or change the pitch of the posts.

But if you are going to make frame scaffolding with your own hands, then welding may be needed to make frame structural elements. You can also find drawings online that explain how to make your own pin scaffolding.

What to choose?

To understand what is better, do-it-yourself scaffolding or ready-made traditional temporary structures, you need to know the features of the object under construction and the purpose of the scaffolding. If it is necessary to erect a large structure, a large team of workers will work, and significant loads on the flooring are expected, then it is much better and safer to use a factory set of auxiliary structures. Moreover, scaffolding for rent also allows you to save money, just like structures made by yourself.

DIY scaffolding from pallets

Do-it-yourself scaffolding: advantages

  • Saving. A set of ready-made scaffolding costs at least 150 rubles. behind square meter equipment. Homemade scaffolding will cost much less, especially if you have the materials to make them.
  • If you require temporary structures for disposable during construction own home, then hand-made scaffolding for a dacha will be the best option.
  • You can make stronger scaffolding with your own hands from a profile pipe. However, this is only justified if you have the materials. It is not profitable to specifically buy a pipe and make scaffolding out of it, especially since you can always rent such equipment.
  • Another opportunity to save money would be to purchase ready-made homemade scaffolding. For example, there are reviews that do-it-yourself Armenian scaffolding is distinguished by reasonable prices and excellent quality.

Disadvantages of homemade scaffolding:

From the proposed photos you can understand how to make scaffolding with your own hands. But let's list all the disadvantages of such auxiliary structures:

  • Factory scaffolding can be assembled and dismantled in a couple of hours. The homemade scaffolding can take a whole day to assemble.
  • Difficulties in constructing scaffolding with your own hands are not in their favor. In traditional steel structures, all components are calculated and thought out to the smallest detail. In addition, attached detailed instructions assemblies.
  • The weight of wooden homemade scaffolding is much greater than that of prefabricated steel structures.

How to make scaffolding with your own hands (video):

Traditionally, metal or wood is used to install scaffolding. Wooden structures are suitable only for one-time work. They have a simple structure, so anyone with basic woodworking skills can handle their assembly. Metal devices are reusable and dismountable; they can be reused on other objects. If you have the tools and knowledge of metal processing, it will be very easy to assemble scaffolding with your own hands.

Types of scaffolding

In addition to the type of material, scaffolding differs in functionality, fastening method and design. Based on these characteristics, structures are divided into several main groups.


To connect the parts of the structure, a special wedge clamp is used. Such devices are very reliable, and, most importantly, durable. Their rigidity can withstand heavy weights and mechanical loads. Assembling wedge scaffolding with your own hands is very simple, and most importantly, after disassembling it is as easy to assemble as the first time. This design significantly speeds up and facilitates the work of lifting large loads and materials.


The basis of frame scaffolding is a rigid frame in the form of a frame. Similar devices are used in finishing and painting work. Horizontal and diagonal scaffolding elements are connected using knotted fasteners. The advantage of such forests is their low cost, they allow you to create convenient device without high costs.


The parts of the pin scaffolding are fastened using metal pins. Such designs are most often used in conventional construction work due to the fact that they are more convenient to assemble on site. The time for assembling pin scaffolding depends on the length of the object; as a rule, the process does not take more than a day.


For buildings of unusual, complex structure, clamp scaffolding is used. The frame parts are connected in a specific way, which is very popular in professional construction. Important characteristic in the installation and construction of drawings of such scaffolding, the step between the racks and crossbars is important. This distance is chosen depending on the configuration of the building and its dimensions.

General structure of forests

Regardless of the type of connection of parts of the structure and its type, all scaffolding consists of similar elements, such as:

  • vertical ribs (racks);
  • diagonal stiffeners (make the entire structure strong)
  • horizontal cross members;
  • jumpers for flooring;
  • a boardwalk for workers to move around;
  • stops that give the device stability and prevent it from falling back and forth;
  • safety guard to protect workers from falling during work;
  • ladder for moving between rows.

The number and size of elements varies depending on the scale and complexity of the object. To facilitate the assembly of the scaffolding, you can draw a schematic drawing.

Plank forests

Perhaps many builders and professionals have their own tricks for assembling and designing scaffolding; there are also many similar instructions on the Internet. Most of the structures do not differ in anything except the size of the racks and the thickness of the flooring. To understand such instructions, you should be guided by several dimensions:

  • the step between the posts is 2-2.5 meters;
  • the average width of the flooring is 1-1.2 meters;
  • the structure should not be higher than 6 meters.

Compliance with these rules will create functional and safe forests. To construct scaffolding with your own hands, you will need:

  • boards for thrust structures and beams 5-10 cm wide, you can use square and round beams;
  • material for spacers and protective structure 3 cm thick;
  • boards for lintels and wooden flooring - 5 cm thick;
  • nails (self-tapping screws in similar designs use is not recommended).

After preparing all the materials, you can begin assembly. First, 4 racks are fastened at a distance of 2-2.5 meters; to connect them, diagonal struts are used on all four sides. Then the lintel boards are mounted at the required level, and the flooring boards are attached to them. For protection, a fencing board is installed on the posts. The final stage- installation of supports and installation of stairs to reach the top of the scaffolding.

When assembling scaffolding from boards, it is worth considering the following nuances:

  • racks and supports are attached in parallel, their location is checked with a building level;
  • horizontal jumpers are used to attach the racks to each other;
  • Crossbars can be added to the protective railings for better protection.

To extend wooden scaffolding, several sections are used, and boards are used to fasten them together. Fastener boards are placed directly on the supports.

Advice! Often, when fastening with nails, wood cracks where the fasteners are immersed. To protect the boards from such damage, it is worth drilling grooves in the places where the nails will be driven in.

Metal profile scaffolding

Metal products are more convenient if you plan to build several projects. They can be disassembled at any convenient time and reassembled in a new place. To mount the simplest scaffolding with your own hands (height 150 cm, width 100 cm and length 165 cm), the following instructions will do:

When the work is completed, it is enough to remove the bolts and disassemble the scaffolding into frames. The service life of such a structure is tens of times longer than the service life of wooden scaffolding. And when proper care they can last long years.

Pros and cons of different designs

Construction devices are convenient when creating an object, but after the work is completed, the issue of their storage is acute. Even when disassembled, the structure takes up a lot of space.

Wooden devices can be dismounted, but this is not easy, especially if the boards were fastened with nails. And even plank scaffolding needs to be stored somewhere. In addition, in the places where the nails are attached, after disassembly, small cracks and crevices remain, which will contribute to rotting. Often solvent or paint remains on such structures.

Advice! If after construction you still have collapsible metal scaffolding, you can sell them at a good price or rent them out.

Self-assembled scaffolding is not suitable for working on large sites. As a rule, they are intended for buildings of 1-2 floors. Exploitation of forests at high altitudes is dangerous.

Such structures are used infrequently (for repairs or finishing of facades), therefore their installation is not always appropriate. Painting work can be completed without scaffolding.

Often scaffolding is made with a length of 6 meters, which increases its weight and cost. Such a structure will be problematic to move from place to place, and its disassembly and assembly will take a very long time.

Alternative to scaffolding

The assembly of scaffolding and its design should be thought through before building a house. If you will be hiring for finishing and repair work specialists, then you shouldn’t even think about how to make scaffolding. Typically, professional teams have a full range of equipment and tools, including scaffolding.

Often, when scaffolding is dismantled and after construction, scaffolding remains idle and is thrown away or sold. However, they may still be required for repairs or finishing work. There are many other construction aids that can replace traditional scaffolding.

Before dismantling or renting out the scaffolding, you should make sure that the façade is in proper condition. Do not skimp on finishing work, otherwise you will have to restore the decorative layer. One of the most durable and easy to maintain facing materials considered a brick. Today you can find many varieties of this material, differing in colors, size and texture.

As a rule, others Decoration Materials(plaster, paint and panels) will need frequent repairs, which will lead to significant costs. To do this, you will have to hire a crew or rent scaffolding. If you have own design from a profile pipe for finishing work - you can significantly save on cosmetic repairs. To store such a structure, you can allocate a separate room or build a simple shed.


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