Drilling blind holes in chipboard for hinges. Installation of furniture hinges How to cut a hole for hinges

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When installing furniture connecting elements, it is convenient to use a drill, which uses a special drill, with which you can evenly select the waste material and make a hole to the required depth.

Furniture hinges, attached after processing the base with such a tool, “sit down” evenly and securely.

Equipping a drill with a drill suitable for the selected hinges is the main task when working with cabinet furniture doors.

Furniture hinges, attached after processing the base with such a tool, “sit” evenly and securely. It is important to choose correct diameter drills depending on the parameters of the hinge bowls.

Drill for furniture hinges– a special milling attachment that allows you to work with wooden and plastic bases sufficient width.

You should select milling elements in specialized stores.

A drill for furniture hinges is a special milling attachment that allows you to work with wooden and plastic bases of sufficient width.

With its help, you can make the desired hole in a solid panel, MDF, chipboard or laminated chipboard.

You can find both standard and non-standard drills with a quality certificate and a guarantee from famous manufacturers.

The middle spike is installed in the center of the future circle, which is outlined using a prepared gauge, and the rest are made round hole required diameter. Typically the depth of the final cut is about 9mm.

The nozzle is a base with a bridge and three teeth.

Elements that are too cheap are an indicator of a low-quality product, so it’s worth considering options with prices below the market average.

Furniture hinges for which a drill is used are mainly four-hinged. The hole for each is made almost instantly. When working, the drill is held slightly inclined, and not straight, so that the waste material is selected to the desired depth and evenly.

Typically the depth of the final cut is about 9mm.

This cutter is reliable and will last a long time.


When installing hinges on cabinet furniture, two drill type, varying in size:

The hole for each is made almost instantly.

It is important to choose the correct drill diameter depending on the parameters of the hinge bowls.

The diameter is selected in accordance with standard hinges or with a reduced bowl. Each type of fastening has its own drill.

With its help, you can make the desired hole in a solid panel, MDF, chipboard or laminated chipboard.

The nozzle is a base with a bridge and three teeth.

When working, the drill is held slightly inclined, and not straight, so that the waste material is selected to the desired depth and evenly.

The middle spike is installed in the center of the future circle, which is outlined using a prepared gauge.

On milling machines automatic calibration and attachments are used, at home without special hand power tools not enough.

The diameter is selected in accordance with standard hinges or with a reduced bowl.

Each type of fastening has its own drill.

Advantages and disadvantages

Furniture hinges require precision during installation, so the ability to make exactly the recess that is needed is the main advantage of a Forstner drill. This provides a special stop that prevents penetration into the hole beyond a fixed length. The drill is limited by teeth that do not allow it to deviate from the specified location. The hole turns out perfectly clean, thanks to which the loop cup fits very tightly.

A universal drill for installing furniture hinges is suitable, with shift mode nozzles

At home, you can’t do without a special hand-held power tool.

The disadvantage of a Forstner drill when working with solid wooden canvas there can only be its low quality, characteristic of non-factory production. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a product from an official supplier and obtain a guarantee.

Furniture hinges require precision during installation, so it is possible to make exactly such a recess.

Depending on the type of panel, the cutter can become very hot, burning the edges and the material removed from the recess. Therefore, when working with such a base, it is recommended to take breaks to cool the drill, doing 3-4 approaches. This usually happens with MDF panels. When working with laminated chipboard and Chipboard elements made of hard alloys allow you to make holes for hinges quickly and without much effort.

The drill is limited by teeth that do not allow it to deviate from the specified location.

How to choose?

Equipping a drill with a drill suitable for the selected hinges is the main task when working with cabinet furniture doors. In order for the hole to be precisely adjusted in radius and depth, you need to take a cutter of the required diameter.

The hole turns out perfectly clean, thanks to which the loop cup fits very tightly.

The product must be from an official supplier and obtain a guarantee.

You should select milling elements in specialized stores. There you can find both standard and non-standard drills with a quality certificate and a guarantee from well-known manufacturers. Elements that are too cheap are an indicator of a low-quality product, so it’s worth considering options with prices below the market average. This cutter is reliable and will last a long time.

Depending on the type of panel, the cutter can become very hot, burning the edges and the material removed from the recess.

VIDEO: Forstner drill

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A cutter used for inserting furniture hinges into facades

Hello, friends.

Today we will look at cutting tool, with the help of which holes are made for the cups of furniture four-hinged hinges.

In general, this device is correctly called not a cutter, but a Forstner drill.

It consists of a head containing cutting knives(in some versions there may be two, and in others there may be four). In the center of the head there is a special tip for centering the device (it is placed at the point marked for drilling).

The diameter of the cutter head is 35 millimeters (exactly under the landing cup).

The head itself is mounted on a rod designed for attaching this tool to the drill chuck.

This tool is used to make holes in wood, MDF, chipboard, and plastic.

You can read more about how furniture hinges are embedded in this article.

I just want to add that when working with this tool you need to remember two things:

Usually the majority furniture facades has a thickness of 16 millimeters, and the depth of the cutter head (including the tip) is greater than this size.

Therefore, if you are going to do mounting hole in the facade for the first time, practice first on the remnants of chipboard, and see to what depth you need to drive the tool into the body of the material (after each pass, measure the hole with a real loop so as not to select excess material).

For drilling such holes, for example, I have never used special devices, and drilled them by hand (why unnecessarily complicate a simple process?).

And secondly, when drilling a hole, do not hold the drill strictly vertical to the facade. It is necessary to slightly change the angle of inclination, thereby uniformly selecting the material of the hole being drilled.

With this drilling method, the cutter will not overheat, and the hole will be drilled faster.

That’s basically all there is to it, an indispensable device in furniture production.

That's all, see you later.


How to make a hole for hinges in chipboard: installation of a furniture hinge

Often a situation arises when it is necessary to install a furniture hinge in chipboard board, for example, when installing a chipboard door. This task involves drilling a hole for a hinge in the chipboard. In this article we will look at what you can use to prepare such a hole and how to install a loop in it.

So, in our case, when making a cabinet from chipboard, a mistake was made - the groove for the hinge was drilled too low, as a result, after installing the hinge in the prepared place, the internal horizontal door cannot open completely. As a result, it is necessary to move the groove slightly upward to eliminate this disadvantage.

Error in choosing the location for the groove for the hinge

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Tools and materials

During the installation of furniture hinges for chipboard, we will need the following tools:

1. Forstner drill with a diameter corresponding to the loop (in our case 35 mm). The drill is a cutter for making a groove for hinges. These drills sometimes come with stops (designed for Chipboard thicknesses 16, 22, 25 mm), which allow you not to worry about how deep you should go;

3. screwdriver.

The materials we need are the hinge itself and the screws for fastening it.

Internal furniture hinge for flush mounting, right angle

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Step 1: How to make a hole for a hinge in chipboard?

First, place a Forstner drill on the drill.

If you have a drill without a stop, then take a test piece of chipboard and drill a groove for the hinge in several steps, each time trying on how far the hinge goes. The essence of this action is to decide how much you need to deepen the drill so as not to drill through hole and so that the loop fits entirely into the groove.

Test drilling

Trying on a loop

Now that we've got the hang of it, it's time to tackle the door itself. First, let's mark the center of the hole. This is where we will install the center of the drill.

Marking the hole for the hinge

If you have a hinge torn out of a chipboard and you don’t know what to do, then the easiest option to repair the torn hinge is to move the hinge, i.e. drill a new hole, since often the places where the hinge is attached with screws turn into dust and no longer hold the door properly. The remaining old hole can be filled or sealed.

So let's start drilling.

Drilling a groove for a hinge

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Step 2: installing a hinge on a chipboard door

The grooves are prepared, all that remains is to insert the hinges into them and screw them in with screws.

Door hinge installation

Thus, we moved the hinge higher, the inner cabinet door now opens easily.

Installed loop

Inserting furniture hinges is not such a complicated operation as it may seem to an inexperienced person at first glance, but for high-quality execution It is recommended to have some skills and tools.

With the right and responsible approach, and following the instructions below, installing furniture hinges will not take much time, and construction enthusiasts will also have a fun time. So, let's look at what you need to know about furniture hinges, and, in particular, about their correct installation.

Types of loops

Installation of furniture hinges directly depends on their type. In practice, you can most often find the following types of loops, which have their own characteristics and advantages:

  • Invoices. They are highly widespread, especially in the design of hinged bedside tables, cabinets, drawers and other pieces of furniture. When opening, the movable part of the overhead hinge rotates 90 degrees. They have wide adjustment possibilities due to the presence of many adjusting bolts.
  • Semi-overhead. The fastening of such a hinge is provided on the inside of the furniture body; it is often used for cabinets and bedside tables with three or more fronts.
  • Internal. Somewhat similar in design to the semi-overlay, but differs in a characteristic hump that sticks out when open.

Of course, you can find other types of furniture hinges, for example, gallery or piano hinges, which are used in certain pieces of furniture. Their installation will also differ from cases with standard hinges, the features of which are listed above. You can choose any hinges depending on the model of your furniture and personal preferences.

What tools are needed for the job?

Before installing furniture hinges, you need to prepare a certain set of tools and equipment. This list must include the following names:

  • Pencil and tape measure.
  • Drill with cutter with a diameter of 35 mm.
  • A set of screws and a screwdriver.
  • Directly furniture hinges.

In standard cases, this set is sufficient for self-installation loops

Installation process

Correct marking is the key to success

Marking for furniture hinges is one of the main installation steps, which determines the ease of use of furniture and the service life of the entire structure. For this reason, it is important to correctly apply the markings along which the hinges will subsequently be installed. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Define exact amount furniture hinges for one door, taking the dimensions and weight of the door as the main indicators. So, for small doors, two hinges are enough, while massive and large doors must be equipped with at least three hinges.
  2. Place the hinges at a distance of 60 to 120 mm from the top and bottom edges of the sash. If there are more than two loops, place the remaining ones evenly between the two outermost ones.
  3. At the center of each loop, make a notch using a pencil.

After marking, be sure to carefully check its correctness again, make sure that the distance between the hinges and the edges of the door is exactly the same.

Drilling holes for hinges

You've probably noticed more than once that furniture hinges are installed not on the surface of the door, but in special recesses. You will also have to make a hole for the furniture hinges in order to install them correctly. For this, a drill with a cutter is used. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Prepare a sharp bit, place it on the drill and place it in the marked place.
  2. Drill a hole to fit the hinge dimensions approximately 12-14 mm deep.
  3. Repeat this action for all other places on the sash marked for hinges.

Do not overdo it with the depth of drilling holes - too much depth can adversely affect appearance outside doors, and also subsequently lead to deformation of the structure and loosening of furniture hinges.

Putting the hinges in place

After preparing the holes, you can begin directly installing furniture hinges with your own hands. To do this correctly, follow the instructions below:

  1. Insert the hinge into the recess, making sure that it lies on the same axis with the end of the door.
  2. Using a drill and a drill, make holes for attaching the hinge with screws.
  3. Secure door hinge using screws, checking its correct position.
  4. Repeat these steps for all other furniture hinges.

In order to fix the hinges on the door as evenly as possible, you can use special templates that help to correctly mark the places for drilling holes. If you trust your eye, you can do without the help of such templates.

Proper care of hinges

The installation scheme for furniture hinges requires proper and regular care of them. It is recommended to regularly inspect the hinges on furniture for squeaking, loosening or, conversely, heavy closing. If problems are detected, it is also necessary to carry out the following:

  • The vertical position is adjusted by tightening the bolt on the hinge located closer to the edge. In the standard position, both bolts should be tightened equally, after which, if necessary, they are tightened until they reach the door leaf correct position in space.
  • To adjust the angle of the sash, it is necessary to manipulate the degree of tightening of the bolts on the upper and lower hinges. If the top of the door is tilted to the right, you need to tighten the bolt on the top hinge, loosening the one on the bottom, and vice versa.

You can also watch a video on how to attach furniture hinges to visualize the information received. You can watch the video below.

Forstner drills

Many people do home renovations with their own hands, including assembling furniture; sometimes doing this is much more profitable than buying ready-made ones in a store. One way or another, you will have to make holes for the hinges. And to make them even, smooth and “correct”, you will need a forstner drill.

These drills are designed for drilling blind holes in soft and hard wood. Thanks to its shape, the hole is flat at the bottom, not a cone, as when drilling simple drills on wood or metal.
Sizes vary from 10mm to 50mm, choose depending on your needs. For example, for a furniture hinge, you will need a diameter of 35mm.

For longer service life sometimes cutting part made of hard alloy, its wear resistance is much higher than that of ordinary steel, but it also costs much more (about twice as much).

The maximum hole depth is about 10cm, but if this is not enough for you, you can use an extension for forstner drills. It will allow you to drill a hole of about 30cm. Purchased separately, insert a drill into it and tighten with a hex screw.

Typically, the center of the hole (35mm) is marked in such a way that there is a distance of 4-5 mm from the cup to the extreme edge of the facade (or, from the edge of the facade to the center of the hole - 22-23mm).

When everything is marked, a hole is drilled.

This is the most crucial moment.

The fact is that, as mentioned above, the hole must be of such a depth that the landing cup “sits” completely into it. And if you get carried away when cutting holes, you can “punch a hole” right through the façade.

To prevent this from happening, some experts install the drill on a special rod with a limiter, which limits the depth of immersion of the cutter into the facade. But I think this is unnecessary (there were many cases when, for one reason or another, the settings of this rod were lost and the facades were damaged).

All this can be done carefully, by hand.

Then, the loops are inserted into the holes made and aligned with a bar (so that they do not move along the axis, otherwise they will wear out during operation).

After this, the holes are “drilled” through which the cups are secured with screws in the facade, and, in fact, after all this, they are secured (with a screwdriver or an electric drill with an inserted bit holder and a bit for the screws).

Here, in this simple way, all this can be done.

This is where I end.


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