Our own business: opening a dance studio. How to open a training center

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Many people, in the course of their lives, retrain for other specialties, as they have the opportunity to earn money in some field. Before opening your training center, you will need to decide on the specialties and courses that will be taught.

For people who cannot find work in their specialty, as well as for those who want to acquire new knowledge, small training centers are a good way out of a situation where work is needed urgently, and long years It’s too late or beyond your means to spend on education. Short-term courses allow such people to acquire basic knowledge of a subject or master a specialty adjacent to their main one. These circumstances make the services of such small educational centers very popular, and, consequently, the activities of these educational institutions are capable of generating quite significant income for their owners.

For optimal use area of ​​the training center and the fastest return on investment, it is better to combine several areas of activity. In any case, you should not expect quick and large profits from the activities of the enterprise. Such a business will be able to generate profits after some time, which will be required for its establishment. But, when proper organization business and passion for your occupation, The educational center can become a source of profit for its owner, bring new, interesting events to life and help make useful contacts.

The list of documents for licensing the business of a training center includes:

Application indicating educational programs;
- information about the staffing and sufficiency of teaching staff to teach the declared number of students;
- information about the availability of appropriate management educational activities premises;
- information about the provision of the institution with educational and methodological literature for each of the declared programs and material and technical equipment;
- information about teaching staff who will oversee the relevant educational programs;
- information about the founders and registration of the training center as a non-state educational institution.

Submitted documents are reviewed by the licensing authority within one month, after which a decision is made to grant a license or refuse to issue a license.

The budget for the opening and operation of the training center will include the following expense items:

Creation and opening of a training center.
- Licensing.
- Development of training programs, production of training manuals, manuals, presentations, etc.
- Creation of a training website.
- Creation of material and technical base.
- Support and development of the training center.
- Rent.
- Payment to teachers and staff.
- Promotion of the training center.
- Adding new professions to the license.
- Improving the material and technical base.
- Support of the training site.
- Creation and adjustment of new training programs.

The minimum set of equipment for a training center includes:

Projector - $1 thousand.

10 computers - about $3-3.5 thousand.

30 tables - $1 thousand.

20 chairs - $500

Wardrobe - $100

Fax - $100

Xerox - $200

Educational literature - $500

Total: about $6.5 thousand.

Investments in opening a training center with an area of ​​200 m2, designed to train 100-150 people per month, are about $13-15 thousand, the payback period is 6-10 months. The return on investment is on average 30%.

Income will directly depend on the volume of classes provided, the cost of training and the costs of maintaining the work of the center.

The expenditure part consists of the following items:

Rent or one-time purchase price of the premises and the costs of its maintenance;
- payment for public utilities and telecommunication channels;
- the cost of the necessary furniture, equipment and equipment;
-salaries of employees and training personnel;
- advertising costs.

Business plan for a training center.

Own training center - modern version business development. This is a simple solution that will require renting a room suitable for study, as well as organizing the work process itself. But before you start, it is important to monitor the market.

First, you need to note which areas are the most popular, which are not enough on the market, and decide on the direction. Thus, now there is a tendency towards the development of language and various software courses. And these are the areas that are worth pursuing.

It is important to add that parents often invest more in children. Therefore, when organizing courses, it is necessary to choose a direction that will be useful to the younger generation. But, again, it is important to calculate the fullness of the industry.

We choose teachers.

Choosing good teachers will be a key decision in setting up a business. So, it is advisable to take on teaching lessons yourself. And also select a team of specialists. They can be difficult to find, because not every direction is 100% developed. Especially when it comes to computer courses. It is worth making sure that the staff is relatively young, suitable average age. He also had sufficient experience in both theoretical and practical skills.

You can find good teachers via the Internet or try to select among already established teachers at another center. Sometimes people who have highly qualified in a certain industry, trying to diversify their chosen field of work, or reaching the peak of their career. And they come to the decision to share their knowledge. These are the categories that are best suited for teaching. And these are the ones that need to be found. In total, to start, it is better to select 2-3 teaching staff. Most often they are paid hourly.

For payments wages It’s worth preparing at least $5 thousand per month.


For work and organization educational process It is necessary to rent several premises. These could be offices in a business center. For this purpose, several rooms are taken on the 1st floor. One of them will be used for administrative purposes, and the other as a teaching place. The rooms themselves should be newly renovated, modern and comfortable furniture. It is worth creating as much as possible working atmosphere. To do this, paint the walls in shades of brown, yellow or green. It is also worth paying minimal attention to accessories and decorative items. After all, nothing in the room should distract from the working mood. The premises must meet safety and sanitation standards and have fire safety equipment.

Requirements for the training center premises.

The monthly turnover of the training center is $10-15 thousand.

The main channel for attracting new students is advertising in print media. Advertising costs are approximately 10% of turnover, i.e. about 1000 dollars a month.

The training center itself should be located in a busy part of the city. It is important that it is convenient to get to it both by your car and by existing means of transportation. It is advisable to make the office noticeable from the road side.

Depending on the rented space, which must be at least 30 square meters, the rental cost will be about $1.2 thousand.

Equipment and equipment of the training center.

As equipment you need to buy the following devices:

  1. Computers (preferably stationary with high power) - from 600 $;
  2. Printer - from $400;
  3. Xerox - from $350;
  4. Laminator - from $200;
  5. Phones - from $300.

Computers will need to be purchased in quantities of at least 12 units, especially if training will be carried out according to programs. That is why investments in business can be called quite high. When choosing all modern and powerful devices, you need to invest at least $6 thousand.

In terms of equipment, it is important to prepare tables and chairs, as well as a board and projector for teaching. In the administrative room itself, it is worth taking care of other office furniture. Such as cabinets, shelves and more.

On average, to organize the work of a training center it is necessary to invest about $10 thousand.

It is important to create good advertising on the Internet, because this is where potential clients are looking for chickens for themselves. And the first impression is formed with a well-designed website. It is important to regularly engage with the resource and create all the conditions for its profitable promotion. It is also worth preparing printed materials. This can include brochures, catalogues, business cards and other formatted information that may be of interest to both potential and existing clients. The office itself needs to be decorated from the street with business cards and signs. It is worth renting a banner to promote your services, you can organize the distribution of leaflets directly on the street, make a temporary promotion for the first payment to new clients, and also select profitable terms to extend courses.

Basic costs.

The main costs will include the following:

  1. Teachers' salary - $5 thousand;
  2. Rental premises - from $1.2 thousand;
  3. Equipment and equipment - from $10 thousand;
  4. Advertising - from $1 thousand.

To create your own training center you need to collect start-up capital in the amount of 20 thousand $.

Profit and payback period.

The monthly income of the training center depends on the number of groups and the duration of the courses. For example, if you gather 2 groups for morning and evening classes. Their duration will be about 1.5 academic hours. The cost of the course will be about $100, and the course will last 2 months. If the group is full of 8-10 people, the monthly income will be $4 thousand. Half of them will immediately go to teachers. And the company's share will remain only $800. This option will extend the payback period by 1-2 years. But, if you immediately offer several course options and recruit at least 6 groups per month, then the payback period will pass in 5-6 months.

Clients and development options.

Depending on the chosen direction, clients will become adults who want to pull themselves up in the chosen direction. And also teenagers or children themselves of different ages. It is worth adding that for development it is important to offer different courses and programs. And also conduct regular market monitoring, which will allow you to select options for new offers. You should also not forget about ideas from foreign partners in this area.

Not so long ago, in Soviet time, a person’s educational level did not play a global role in his fate. There was no such fierce competition in the labor market as there is now, and even without skills, everyone had the opportunity to get a job and receive a stable salary. Moreover, they could learn many professions right at their place of employment. They also paid for it!

At that time, most could not even think that the times would come when it would be necessary to have not one specialty, but even two or three, and that in the conditions of gradual transformation of the economy, some professionals would simply find themselves out of work. Previously, no one wondered how to open a training center, and had no idea that training could be used to build a very profitable business.

In modern times, everything has changed dramatically. Nowadays, employers prefer to hire ready-made personnel, and even more so, rarely anyone agrees to pay for training. Understanding the situation, today people are ready to invest good money in knowledge, and not necessarily in the education of children; many want to improve their level or acquire a new profession in a short time. Not everyone has the opportunity to spend many years on expensive education at universities, so a business built on short-term training is now considered highly profitable and relevant (if there is a properly drawn up business plan), which is currently of interest to many investors and entrepreneurs.

It is important to note that if a person has a plan to open any non-state educational institution (NOU), then you should know that such a business is subject to mandatory licensing by the educational supervisory authorities at the subject level Russian Federation.

Licensing must be included in the business plan, since without this procedure such activity will be considered illegal, and the entrepreneur will inevitably face large penalties.

This process includes providing necessary documents to the licensing authority. Their consideration usually takes place within a month, and if the applicant complies certain requirements, then after this a decision is made to issue a license. It is advantageous to pay tax in in this case according to a simplified system.

List of required documents for a licensed body

  • An application in which you will need to indicate what educational programs will be provided at the training center.
  • All information concerns teaching staff, who must correspond to their category and have supporting documents. The staffing level must correspond to the declared number of future students.
  • Documents confirming the availability of appropriate premises for training and its plan.
  • Information that the necessary technical equipment of the premises and the corresponding educational literature for each declared training program.
  • Information on registration of the training center as a non-state educational institution with a list of the entire founding staff.

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What starting capital is needed, and what will profitability depend on?

As can be seen from the above, the training center must be equipped with special equipment, and therefore the entrepreneur, after selecting suitable premises(it must be at least 200 sq. m.) The plan must include the costs of purchasing the necessary furniture, equipment, and so on. For example, if you plan to open computer courses, then for this you will need to buy items such as modern computers, tables and chairs for them, copiers, faxes, and so on.

If there is a plan based on training future hairdressers, then completely different attributes should be present in the center: mirrors, special chairs, professional hair dryers and so on. In this case, it will be necessary to purchase and Consumables(shampoos, varnishes, combs, scissors), which will be needed to learn the profession of a hairdresser.

In other words, what starting capital will be needed depends to a large extent on the focus of the training center and its volume. Before starting its activities, a business plan is worked out strictly individually by each entrepreneur or investor, and the exact figures of the required initial capital impossible to name.

You can start such a business with an amount of approximately 300 thousand rubles on hand. The training center will be relevant both in big cities and in villages, where there is currently a catastrophic shortage of training personnel. The business plan is calculated based on the fact that renting a suitable premises will cost an average of 1-2 thousand rubles per 1 sq. m. m.

Non-state educational institutions can be opened in several areas of study. For example, it may include accounting, computer and language courses. Today, such areas as training in the 1C program, website design and layout, studying Feng Shui and many others are popular. In fact, the choice of course focus in this area is unlimited, and you can include in the business plan Additional services for individual training even during the work of the center. Such additions may also change depending on fashion trends.

If there is a fashion for handmade goods, then you can open, for example, courses on making dolls. It is imperative to monitor the saturation of the labor market various professions. If there is an overabundance of any specialty, you will need to abandon training for it in your center and offer the population a more popular option.

It should be taken into account that the more services an educational institution provides, the more significant the profit will be and, accordingly, the faster it will pay for itself. Depending on the funds invested, the cost of renting the premises, what kind of marketing plan is in place, and other factors, such a business will approximately pay for itself in one to two years. Its return on investment is typically approximately 30% of the investment.

It has become profitable to open new training centers due to the increasing need of the population to obtain additional certificates in short-term educational courses.

Capital investments in a training center, the area of ​​which will be up to 200 square meters, and which is designed for from 100 to 150 students, will amount to from 13,000 to 15,000 conventional units. The training center will pay for itself within 6 to 10 months. The profitability level is about 30%.

Monthly turnover ranges from 10,000 to 15,000 conventional units.

About 200 training centers have been opened in St. Petersburg. These training centers provide short course services. The main competitors of the training center are:

  • Higher education institution (HEI);
  • Secondary specialized educational institution (technical school);
  • College;

Also, often all educational institutions create auxiliary academic disciplines on their basis.

High level of demand in last years They use electives, the duration of which is 20-60 lessons. One course, lasting 40 teaching hours, costs from 3,000 to 4,000 rubles.

Attracting students can be done by opening and introducing additional original courses and programs. Examples could be exclusive courses on advertising and marketing. The courses are developed by teachers. About the most popular and new training courses, training centers receive information from employers.

The main criterion for successful business is a competent and qualified staff (teachers).

It is possible to organize a training complex on the basis of a certain company, as an additional division. In addition, having opened an educational institution, there is a good opportunity to save money by concluding a rental agreement for premises for a certain period of time, and not for the whole day.

Consequently, by opening a new training center, it is possible to bypass the main costs of rent and equipment for premises. Capital investments in the business will be from 2,000 conventional units.

Stage 1. Concept and registration

The formation and profitability of a company will depend on the idea and concept. First of all, it is necessary that these ideas differ from other training centers.

There are the following ideas and concepts of training centers:

  • Training centers with standard courses: accounting, taxes and taxation, design courses, personal computer courses and others;
  • Automated training centers (office applications; 1C: Configurator, Accounting, Enterprise);
  • Training training center;
  • Training center with individual and specific teaching (female security guard and other original courses);

Registration legal entity carried out as registration of a non-state educational institution. When registering, you must indicate your main activity. In accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the main activity of a non-state educational institution cannot be the receipt of net income; the profit received must go to the improvement and growth of the educational center.

The assistance of a legal adviser and lawyer will cost the training center 200 conventional units.

When providing services, it is best to choose simplified system taxes. In this case, payments will be 6 percent of profits.

The profitability of a training center depends on the concept.

Stage 2. Personnel and wages

Staff for educational institution and their wages

The staff consists of 7 to 11 people.

Stage 3. Premises

To organize a training center for training from 100 to 150 students throughout the whole day (4x shift work; morning shift, 2 shifts during the day and one shift in the evening) you need to start selecting premises from 200 square meters:

  • Classrooms (2 pieces) of 50 square meters each (training in a room of 50 square meters is allowed for groups of up to 10 students);
  • A training room equipped with computer equipment (60 square meters). Up to 10 students can also undergo training;
  • The remaining 40 square meters are allocated for the reception area and the manager's office;

Result: rent for 200 square meters, taking into account the cost of one square meter from 30 conventional units - 6,000 conventional units monthly. However, in practice, educational institutions have the opportunity to rent premises from the management committee state property. In this case, the training center has the opportunity to rent premises at a lower price - from 15 conventional units per 1 square meter.

To organize a training center, a room of about 200 square meters is required. The rent will be 6,000 conventional units monthly.

Stage 4. Equipment and equipment

Equipment for the training center and its cost

The result is from 6,500 conventional units.

To purchase a full set of equipment and the necessary equipment for the training center, you will need about 6,500 conventional units.

Stage 5. Licensing

To obtain a license to carry out educational activities, you must provide the following set of documents:

  • An application indicating the developed educational programs that will be taught to clients;
  • Information about personnel, the number of personnel and qualifications of employees, as well as information about the expected attendance of the institution;
  • Information about classrooms, classes and accommodations;
  • Information on the provision of courses with the necessary material and technical base and necessary literature (extracts from balance sheets are provided, as well as a list of literature for each curriculum and disciplines);
  • Information about teachers (information is provided on each discipline with a teacher);
  • Additional information (founding information and data, registration certificate and etc.);

The decision to grant a license and review of all documentation lasts about 4 weeks.

To obtain a license, you need to submit a package of documents to the relevant authority and wait for a decision for 1 month.

Stage 6. Students

A profitable class should consist of about 10 students.

Every month the training center must recruit from 10 different classes in various areas.

The main way to attract students is by advertising.

The main method of attracting students is advertising.

Investments in opening a training center with an area of ​​200 m2, designed to train 100-150 people per month, are about $13-15 thousand, the payback period is 6-10 months. The return on investment is on average 30%. The monthly turnover of the training center is $10-15 thousand.

There are about 200 organizations in St. Petersburg that offer short-term courses. They compete with universities, technical schools, and colleges, which also often organize additional educational courses.

The market is currently dominated by demand for short-term courses - from 20 to 60 training hours. The average cost of a 40-hour course is 2.5-3 thousand rubles.

Educational tips

According to Gennady Smirnov, director of the NOU "Center vocational training"Impulse", students can be attracted by new original educational programs, for example, exclusive courses for advertisers, managers, and marketers, which are developed by the center's teachers - practicing specialists. Employers inform training centers about the most relevant educational areas.

The main factor in the success of a training center is considered to be the correctly selected teaching staff.

You can open a training center at a certain company as an additional division. In addition, when opening a school, you can save money by renting a computer lab and other premises at a university or college for certain hours classes rather than full-time. Thus, according to Gennady Smirnov’s calculations, when opening a new center, the main costs associated with renting and equipping a stationary premises can be avoided. The investment will be about $1 thousand.

We would like to thank for their assistance in preparing the material: NOU "Professional Training Center "Impulse", School of Professional Business Consultants, NOU "Training Center "Eureka", NOU "Training Center "Kvarta", etc.

Step 1. Concept

The organization and income of a training center primarily depend on the concept, which should distinguish it from competitors.

There are various options:

A center with a set of standard professional training courses: accounting and taxation; assistant secretary; design and layout on PC, etc.;

Training educational centers;

Teaching one original course, such as training of female security guards, Feng Shui, etc., as well as individual training a certain course.

A legal entity for a training center is registered as a non-state educational institution (NOU), and its main activity profile is indicated. According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the goal of a non-state educational institution is not to generate net profit; the proceeds can only be used for the development of an educational institution. A registration lawyer will cost approximately $200. Most convenient system taxation - simplified with payment of 6% of income.

Step 2. Staff

Staffing table of the educational center:

Three to six teachers (one for each course) - from 200 rubles per hour,

Two or three consultants (determine the professional inclinations of the center’s students) - $300,

Secretary - $200,

Accountant - from $300.

Step 3. Room

To organize a training center designed to train 100-150 people per month in four shifts (morning, two afternoons, evening), you will need a room with a total area of ​​about 200 m2:

Two classrooms with an area of ​​50 m2 (in accordance with the requirements of regulatory authorities, groups of no more than 10 people can study in them),

One computer class - 60 m2 (10 places equipped for work),

The remaining area (about 40 m2) is allocated for the reception area and the director’s office.

Total: rent of 200 m2 (from $30 per 1 m2) - $6 thousand per month, in some cases educational organizations can rent premises from KUGI at preferential rates (coefficient 0.1) - about $15 per 1 m2.

Step 4. Equipment

Projector - $1 thousand.

10 computers - about $3-3.5 thousand.

30 tables - $1 thousand.

20 chairs - $500

Wardrobe - $100

Fax - $100

Xerox - $200

Educational literature - $500

Total: about $6.5 thousand.

Step 5. Licensing

Documents that must be submitted to the Education Committee of the St. Petersburg Administration to obtain a license for educational activities:

A statement indicating the educational programs developed,

Information on staffing levels and the expected number of students,

Information about the premises

Information about security educational process educational literature (for each educational program) and material and technical equipment (in the form of an extract from the balance sheet),

Information about teaching staff (for each educational program),

Additional information (certificate of registration, information about founders, etc.).

The period for reviewing documents and making a decision is 1 month.

Step 6. Students

A profitable group consists of 10 people.

At least 10 groups must be formed in the center per month.

The main way to attract students is advertising in print media. The advertising budget is formed by taking into account 10% of turnover, that is, about $1 thousand per month.



In 1990 he graduated from the Leningrad Agricultural Institute with a degree in mechanical engineering.

From 1990 to 2000 he worked as deputy head of production at the Central Institute of Fuel Equipment.

From 1994 to 1997, he worked as an insurance director at an insurance company.

In 1997, he organized the Non-Governmental Educational Institution “Vocational Training Center “Impulse”, which still operates today. Over 8 years, the average annual number of students (and the company’s turnover) has increased 3 times.

And finally, the long-awaited moment has come when you decide to open your own training center. Well, I think the decision is correct, but I want to warn you a little right away. Read what mistakes occur at the very beginning of the journey for those who open their own training center.

Firstly, it is not taken into account from the very beginning how many training centers already exist in a given market and in a given niche.

As usually happens. A person comes to any training center, looks at how many students are there, multiplies the number of people by the average price of training and thinks, “Wow, how much money you can earn!”

After that, he opens his training center and safely closes after 3-6 months. Why?

Because there were more competitors in this niche, and much fewer people came to study than he thought. In principle, this is normal from a human or emotional point of view. But it’s not at all correct from a business point of view.

Secondly, they are not taken into account large companies, which open training centers as some kind of course centers. There, the filling of the groups is almost due to the workers who come to this company work.

Accordingly, training of people can take place at a reduced price or be deducted from wages. And people from the outside may be given a completely different price tag.

As a result, competitors think that this is the price on the market, they start recruiting at this price and realize that they cannot recruit people.

Thirdly, a person does not know for sure whether the data is needed educational services In fact. That is, he thinks that they are needed, but in reality they are not. Thus, a training center is opened, a license is obtained, if necessary, and suddenly it turns out that what is being offered is of no use to anyone at all.

Now I’ll touch on the location of the training center, rent, cost per square meter and licensing requirements.

Of course, the closer to the city center the training center is, the easier it is for students to travel and, accordingly, a little easier for enrollment.

However, the closer to the center, the higher the cost of rent. And if you have a licensed type of activity, then you need to take into account that the maximum contingent that you can wean directly depends on the square meters, of which it is supposed to be from 2 to 3 square meters. m per student, depending on the type of educational institution.

Therefore, the fourth mistake when opening a training center may be incorrect choice location of the training center. Because trying to be closer to the center can lead to an increase in the cost of your training.

The fifth mistake is the wrong choice of taxation system. With the traditional tax system, the number of taxes increases, but the possibility of opening branches arises. With a simplified system, the advantage is that it becomes easier for accounting - there are fewer reports to submit, it becomes easier for you - to pay less taxes, but you will have problems opening branches and representative offices.

The sixth mistake may be an attempt to make the constituent documents entirely with your own hands. In principle, this is not a mistake if you have plenty of time and are relatively competent in it. But if you want to reduce time and concentrate on your future clients, then engaging in this kind of activity will drag you into the “swamp”, although you will save some money.

Next, the choice of organizational and legal form. An LLC is a business entity created to make a profit. The advantage here is that at the end of the quarter you can pay 9% of the founders' interest and legally take the money for yourself. In addition, the LLC allows holding lectures and seminars without obtaining licenses.

But if you plan to open a training center that has a licensed type of activity: training and advanced training courses for security guards, driver training, etc., then the local Department of Education will not issue you a license until the organization you registered is non-profit.

Therefore, an error in choosing a legal form can lead to problems on the part of licensing authorities.

The next mistake is the wrong choice of the type of educational institution. It may be additional education, vocational education, additional professional education, etc.

If you do not write down these characteristics in the Charter, and in some cases in the name, you may also have problems obtaining a license for a particular type of activity, approving training programs, and not to mention the accreditation of an educational institution.

Next, a very serious mistake is trying to do everything yourself. Of course, you will have to do a lot yourself, especially on initial stage. But if you do this constantly, you will have serious problems with your finances, your time, and your health.

And the last thing I would like to warn about. Immediately on the shore, choose companions with whom you will subsequently share a piece of bread. The fact is that when an organization rises, as a rule, there are no problems, especially when the money is small. But as soon as you have money, that’s where the fun begins. Therefore, if you still can, then open a training center immediately only for yourself.

Here is a small list of errors, knowledge of which will protect you from more serious problems later.


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