Do-it-yourself brick tandoor is the simplest. Proven ways to build a tandoor with your own hands from brick

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In order to build a tandoor on your site, it is not necessary to seek the services of a professional stove maker. But consultation with a specialist will not be superfluous.

The furnace structure can be built from bricks, clay and even from a barrel.

Preparing to build a tandoor

Making a furnace starts with choosing a project.

The owner compares the idea with the available resources, solves the problem, for what purpose he needs a device.

After this, it is determined whether the tandoor will be on a platform with wheels or in a mini version, which can be placed under a canopy, or even on a table.

Tools and materials

Tandoor with my own handsconstructed using materials:

  • bricks;
  • fireclay clay;
  • construction mixture;
  • stone blocks;
  • sheep wool;
  • barrels (if created on its basis);
  • metal sheet for pallet;

  • boards

Tools you will need:

  • hacksaw for metal;
  • Master OK;
  • grinder with diamond wheel;
  • trowel;
  • electric drill;
  • metal scissors.

Will come in handy scoop, wooden handle, kit skewers and brackets for them, lattice.

Important! Better fitkaolin or fireclay clay. Some stove makers recommend red. General condition one thing: the mass must be mixed well, otherwise cracks are guaranteed.

How much does construction cost?

In total, you will have to spend from 5 to 30 thousand rubles. Compared to the price list of tandoor masters, whose prices sometimes reach up to 100 thousand, this seems like a savings.

You need to understand that an inexperienced master may not achieve an ideal result the first time.

In 90% of cases the tandoors of such owners crack already at the first use, and fireclay clay alone will be required for each alteration approximately one and a half thousand rubles.

Add to this the efforts that may not be successful.

How to build a tandoor with your own hands?

Construction of the tandoor is underway in several stages and varies depending on the type of material from which the device is made.

How to make the foundation yourself

For a tandoor you will need an empty platform with a raised platform (not clay!). Approximately crushed stone is poured onto it fifteen centimeter layer. The depth of the foundation will be 0.4 m, protrusion above the ground - 0.1 m. All this is covered with sheets of waterproofing material.

Attention! Distance from the tandoor to any buildings - not less than 15 m!

How to build a brick device, its installation

A stationary tandoor is placed on a dry stone platform, preferably with an elevation. Ceramic clay or white refractory bricks and stone blocks are suitable for constructing the device.

Construction begins from the foundation. A round hole is dug for it, with a radius 60-65 cm. A thick ( 20 cm) sand layer.

Then a stove is installed in the shape of an inverted jug or bowl. You can lay bricks horizontally or vertically.

Horizontal The masonry retains heat better, but it will take longer to tinker with it. On vertical need to less bricks, the building is erected much faster.

In order not to make a mistake with the dimensions, do it first masonry without mortar(the so-called order). In the right places, the brick is cut with a diamond wheel.

Important! Make sure to maintain the shape of the inverted vessel: tandoor widens at the bottom and narrows at the top. If this is neglected, the heat will not hold and the food will not cook properly.

Upon completion of work the inner surface is cleaned tandoor from adhering clay or building mixture. External seams are sealed with dry clay. Next, a layer of clay, mixed with finely chopped grass. The outer part, if desired, is covered with tiles or stone plates.

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How to make a unit from a wooden barrel

The most ordinary one is suitable for tandoor. two hundred liter barrel: metal, wood or even plastic. The main thing is that it is intact, without cracks, corrosion or patches. It is better if the hoops do not hold well, this will make the work much easier. The inside of a wooden vessel is impregnated with cottonseed oil (if it is not available, any vegetable oil) for approximately twelve hours.

The walls are leveled, then the body of the future tandoor is dried within a week under incandescent lamps.

After this, the wooden template is removed and the body is fired.

The design made of an iron barrel is the most budget option. How to install it?

U iron barrel remove the bottom, cut through blower hole. The inside of the container is lined with brick, and the top is coated with building compound or clay.

Reference. Some stove makers are sure that insulation optional, others argue otherwise.

Can be used as an insulating layer foil coating. Cotton wool, as practice shows, greatly complicates the work; the brick “wanders” on it - it deviates from the given place, gets knocked down, and is difficult to fix in the desired position.

The vent is lined with brick in the shape of a trapezoid, with the narrower part facing inward.

Outside the iron tandoor can be do not cover with insulation.

According to the builders, this design reliably retains heat even without it.

If desired, to the device wheels are attached, on which it can be rolled, for example, into a gazebo.

Attention! It is permissible to move the tandoor only after the firewood has completely burned out!

Drying and initial firing of a homemade tandoor oven

The finished tandoor is dried for about a month and a half, then calcined on wood chips three times. Each burn lasts about four hours, the tandoor is heated as hot as possible. Small wood chips and paper are suitable for the first time, for subsequent times - firewood.

Important! Make sure that The blower cover fits tightly to the hole. For this, a brick is often used, which is adjusted to the size of the blower using a diamond wheel.

First, paper or a handful of coal is set on fire, then wood chips and small firewood are added until the temperature reaches thousand degrees. Using the blower cover, you can increase or, conversely, decrease the heat.

Possible problems during construction

It seems that building a tandoor with your own hands is not fraught with difficulties. But this impression is deceptive.

Masonry for tandoor should be perfectly flat and smooth. To achieve this, you need a properly constructed drawing and diagram.

If you are an inexperienced stove maker, your tandoor will most likely crack. This is due to various factors:

  • failure to comply with proportions when mixing clay;
  • poor quality building mixture;
  • insufficient mixing.

Suitable for holding bricks together red or fireclay clay, they add to it liquid glass. IN mortar can add Terracotta glue, this will give the product strength.

A country holiday cannot be complete without cooking, namely barbecue. As a result long search optimal options cooking for outdoors, multifunctional ones began to appear. But they also do not provide the same taste qualities of food as Central Asian cuisine offers. What are we talking about?

Many summer residents have long been using a tandoor instead of a standard and familiar barbecue. For a summer residence, it is one of the most optimal options, since you can cook in it much more. more types food (up to 40 dishes of meat, vegetables, fruits, fish, chicken) than in the grill. In addition, you can make a tandoor at your dacha with your own hands, practically from improvised means, without spending a lot of money.

Tandoor first appeared in Asia. Uzbekistan is considered the birthplace of this miracle stove, although there are numerous modifications by the peoples of such countries as Armenia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, and Tajikistan. The Japanese, Russians and Mongols also contributed to the improvement of this Asian stove. The tandoor in Ukraine is just beginning to be introduced into country life.

Tandoor - what is it?

The structure is a kind of brazier oven. Exist various shapes Asian tandoor. Its internal shape is in the form of a jug. By functional purpose Tandoors can be divided into devices for baking vegetables, meat, and bread. These individual roasters have a very specific purpose. In their dachas they make multifunctional stoves.

There are also various methods installations. You can build it above the ground, or you can dig it into the ground. The construction technologies are almost the same, only in the case of an underground tandoor, an opening 1.2 m deep is dug in the ground, and required diameter(0.8 m.). Crushed stone with sand is used as the bottom layer, and a concrete pad is used as the base.

Externally, a tandoor in a country house (see photo, video) can have completely different designs. It is often used in landscape design projects. Its inner part is necessarily lined with a mixture of straw and clay. It is this element that gives the tandoor its final, complete form and advantageous qualities. This is its highlight and peculiarity. The food it produces is amazing, delicious, and delicious.

The principle of operation of the tandoor is to achieve maximum effect with minimal consumption of energy source (wood). Simply put, you don’t need a lot of wood to prepare any dish or several dishes in a row. It is enough to burn a few logs in it and that will be enough, since the design of the stove provides ideal thermal insulation and the stove is able to retain heat inside for a long time. On the modern market you can buy a tandoor for your garden in the form of a portable jug-shaped device. They are mainly made from a mixture of ceramics and slaked clay. Its internal part is also well lubricated with clay, and outer shell decorated with decorative elements made of porcelain and ceramics. It comes with several accessories from of stainless steel in the form of nets, grates, stands for preparing a variety of dishes.

For those summer residents who have construction skills and also know how to handle hand power tools and welding machine, it is quite possible to build a tandoor at the dacha with your own hands.

How to make a tandoor in the country?

In the classic version, such a brazier oven is made purely of clay with the addition of sheep or camel hair. The walls of such a structure are quite thick. According to the technology of creation, the finished structure should dry well in the southern sun. This period is about 1 month.

An alternative option is to use publicly available materials - clay, straw, cement mortar, brick, metal, wood. How to build a tandoor at the dacha? It should be noted that the main parameter of the tandoor is the depth and diameter of the internal space.

There are several options for creating Asian stoves. There are large tandoors in which it is possible to place and cook several dishes at once. It is also possible to build compact portable ovens on a special platform trolley. They are designed for preparing one type of dish.

The main material for the construction of a brazier oven is brick. It is this method that should be discussed in more detail. So, how to make a tandoor yourself in the country?

Detailed diagram of the construction of a stationary tandoor:

For the convenience of constructing tandoor walls, it is necessary to create their future shape from wood with jumpers for strength. Its lower part will be equal to the radius of the inner part of the roasting oven.

At first glance, building a tandoor is a very troublesome task. To some extent this is true. But the result is worth it. You must adhere to all the recommendations and long-proven schemes and everything will work out.

How to make a tandoor at the dacha with your own hands, video

The tandoor is a multifunctional oven in which you can cook any dish of oriental cuisine, using a minimum amount of fuel. The structure can be stationary or portable, made of clay or brick. Wood is used as fuel for tandoor hardwood. Such a stove can be purchased ready-made or you can make a tandoor with your own hands, following certain stages of the technological process.

What is tandoor? This is a special type of roasting oven in which food is cooked due to heat transfer from the walls of the structure. The food cooks slowly as the heat is introduced gradually. Its uniform distribution helps preserve the juiciness of products and all useful qualities food.

In appearance, a tandoor looks like a large clay cauldron with holes that is turned upside down. The height of the product is 1-1.5 m, the diameter of the bottom is 1 m. The thicker the walls of the structure, the more heat the stove will give off. At the bottom of the tandoor there is a channel for feeding fresh air, which helps maintain the combustion process. The classic design has a round shape, but there are rectangular and square tandoors made of brick.

For improvement thermal insulation properties The outside of the stove is lined with brick. The special shape of the tandoor promotes the accumulation of heat in the walls of the structure, which is slowly released inside. This helps maintain a constant high temperature inside the product long time.

Important! To create the optimal amount of heat in a tandoor, you will need half as much firewood as you would need for a classic barbecue.

The main advantages of tandoor are the following characteristics:

  • long-term preservation of high temperature inside the structure;
  • no need for constant monitoring of the cooking process;
  • economical fuel consumption;
  • the ability to prepare several dishes during one heating of the structure;
  • ease of operation;
  • the design does not require special care;
  • unpretentiousness of the stove in relation to the type, quality and quantity of fuel;
  • simplicity of design.

The disadvantages of the stove include:

  • the presence of one common hole for firewood and food;
  • lack of chimney;
  • formation of soot deposits on the walls of the product after ignition;
  • the need to use fire-resistant gloves to prevent burns.

Tandoor structure, operating principle and operating features

The Uzbek tandoor in the form of a clay jug-shaped cauldron turned upside down is installed on a foundation that rises 20 cm above the ground and goes just as deep into it. The structure is mainly located in the open area of ​​the yard. Above the foundation there is a built-in ash pit, closed with a door. A cast iron grate is installed above the opening. Next, a chamber is placed in the form of a dome with a smooth inner surface covered with a layer of clay.

The structure is covered with brick, creating a small air gap, which is filled with salt or sand, due to which the temperature inside the tandoor remains high for six hours.

Firewood or coal is placed through the top hole. After the fuel burns out completely, the soot that covers the inner surface falls off, leaving the coating clean. This means that you can load food into the oven. Before baking, the resulting ash is removed. In the case of meat, this is not necessary. Pieces of dough are glued to the inner surface of the oven.

In a barbecue tandoor, skewers with meat are hung vertically on a special rack, point down. A cauldron with pilaf is placed on the neck of the structure. Next, the tandoor is covered with a lid on top, and the vent is closed. Cooking time depends on the dish and is 15-45 minutes.

Helpful advice! To remove baked goods from the tandoor, use a hook or ladle.

The kindling process depends on the time of year. IN winter period the temperature should gradually increase, so the wood chips are lit first, and then the main fuel is added. In summer you can do without pre-ignition. After the tandoor has cooled completely, it is recommended to completely clear it of ash. Fat deposited on the inner surface of the structure will burn off during subsequent use of the product.

Types of designs depending on installation option: photos of tandoors

Tandoor in the form of a ceramic hemisphere with round hole may be above ground, underground or portable. The first design option is installed on a flat surface horizontally or vertically, depending on the orientation of the tandoor. Fuel is loaded through the side or top opening, respectively. The draft occurs through a blower located in the lower part of the furnace. According to reviews from owners, ground-type tandoor is the most popular among other options.

An earthen or pit tandoor is partially or completely submerged underground. Kindling is carried out through the top hole, which also serves to load products. To maintain the necessary traction, a pipe is connected to the bottom of the product, which is buried in the ground at an angle of 450.

Helpful advice! In stationary tandoors you can cook several dishes at the same time.

A portable tandoor can be installed anywhere. The product is made of fireclay clay in the form of a barrel or jug. Depending on the weight of the oven, tandoor comes in four types: small (up to 50 kg), medium (50-79 kg), large (80-100 kg), very large (over 100 kg). This design is additionally equipped with carrying handles and legs on which it is installed. Also included with the product are skewers, racks, hooks and attachments.

Mobile tandoors have thick walls (up to 70 mm), additionally reinforced with steel strips. For such structures it is necessary to ensure proper protection from moisture during storage, so it is recommended to purchase special covers.

What type of fuel can be used for tandoors

Traditional tandoors use hardwood or wood as fuel. charcoal. The product is a thick-walled pot with a lid, made of refractory clay. For air flow and ash removal, there is a special hole at the bottom of the product. Firewood is loaded through the top opening. After they are completely burned, you can start cooking. Such products are characterized by the lowest price. You can buy a tandoor from 5,500 rubles.

Helpful advice! The amount of fuel is determined by the volume of the furnace and is 2/3 of this value. Excessive use of fuel will not increase the temperature inside the tandoor.

There are tandoors that use gas as fuel. Such designs are usually used in cafes, bakeries and restaurants. You can install such a tandoor in your home kitchen, but in this case you should worry about purchasing a good hood to remove exhaust air.

The jug is made from baked white clay and is placed inside a metal body. To preserve heat for a long time, the voids are filled with heat-insulating material in the form of sand, fine expanded clay or salt. Gas furnaces are easy to operate, do not emit harmful substances and are economical. However, the dishes do not have the characteristic smoke smell.

For home cooking, you can purchase an electric tandoor, for which heating elements serve as the heat source. They are located around the perimeter of the lower part of the structure. These are convenient and compact products that do not require firewood and do not emit soot or smoke. The electric tandoor for flatbreads is made of metal. The inside of the product has a ceramic coating. The design of such braziers is varied, which allows you to choose a product for a specific interior style.

Electric tandoors are equipped with mini-computers that control the cooking process by regulating temperature and humidity. You can also buy a tandoor for barbecue and baking, where firewood can be used along with electricity.

How much does a tandoor cost depending on the type and type of fuel

The cost of tandoors is influenced by many factors: material of manufacture, type of firebox, design, dimensions of the product and the presence of additional accessories. The products are presented in a wide price range, so any buyer can choose an option to suit their budget.

A large family tandoor can be chosen from a number of wood-fueled household products, such as: Hunter, Nomad, Big Sarmatian and Middle. The height of the structure is in the range of 63-105 cm. Such clay products are surprising interesting design. Broken glass, brick, natural and fake diamond, which allows you to create on the surface original patterns and ornaments. The average price of a tandoor is 8,500-20,000 rubles.

Electric tandoors are very popular today. Customer reviews of such products are positive. Advantage electric models is the possibility of installing them not only on the street, but also in the apartment. The structures are made of refractory clay and heated by heating elements. You can buy an electric tandoor for an average of 15,000-80,000 rubles.

For production large quantity bread and flatbreads, you can choose electrical products made from fireclay clay in the Pro category. Such ovens are designed for preparing baked goods in quantities of 60-120 pcs. You can buy a tandoor for flatbreads from 145,000 rubles. Also very popular gas ovens, the cost of which depends on the type of device and amounts to 75,000-135,000 rubles. Buy Uzbek tandoor on firewood for production needs at a price of 50,000 rubles.

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Advantages of products, types of models, installation of the structure, recommendations for manufacturing and selection of materials for creating with your own hands.

What can you cook in a tandoor? Almost any dish. This oven is used for cooking flatbreads, samsa, vegetables, fish and various meat dishes. It does not use open fire, but heat coming from the walls of the structure. This perfect option to obtain the best quality baked goods. Many recipes for dishes cooked in tandoor can be found on the Internet.

Helpful advice! Before starting the first fire, the inner surface of the tandoor is lubricated with cotton-based oil. Then the oven is heated throughout the day, so that the dough cakes will not stick to the clay surface.

Flatbreads should be moistened before baking in the tandoor to ensure better adhesion of the dough to the surface. To collect fat dripping from meat dishes, a special bowl is used, which is located under the meat.

You can cook barbecue and pizza in the tandoor. However, to do this, you should purchase an additional element in the form of a grate, which is attached to the neck of the structure using special fasteners and lowered to the middle of the stove. In a large tandoor, you can place a pan or kettle on the grill to prepare aromatic pilaf or shurpa.

When preparing shashlik or kebab, skewers are placed in the opening of the tandoor or can be hung on a transverse iron rod. In this case, the neck is covered with a lid. The time spent preparing dishes is much less than when using a barbecue or oven. For pork or lamb it will take 18-25 minutes, for beef - 30-35 minutes, for fish and poultry - 8-15 minutes, for vegetables - 5-7 minutes.

Helpful advice! You can place a pan with tough, sinewy meat in a half-cooled tandoor and leave it until the morning. The next day, this product in any dish will melt in your mouth.

Preparing the composition for making a clay tandoor with your own hands

The traditional Uzbek clay tandoor is not built with your own hands, but is molded from clay. A special composition of the material is used here. You will need kaolin clay, which has good plasticity and high thermal insulation properties. To prevent the body of the tandoor from cracking under the influence of high temperatures, camel or sheep wool with a fiber length of 1-1.5 cm is added to the clay mixture. Before making a tandoor, you should prepare a molding mixture, which consists of clay, salt, sand and wool, in a ratio of 4:1:1:2 .

The clay is first cleaned of foreign impurities, rubbed through a sieve, mixed and soaked for 48 hours. The remaining elements are added to the prepared substance. The mixture is thoroughly mixed until a viscous state is formed, reminiscent of the consistency of sour cream. Next, the prepared composition should be left for 7 days so that it dries and acquires the necessary condition. During this period, the mixture should be stirred periodically to ensure even drying. Any water that collects on top must be drained.

The less moisture remains in the molding composition, the lower the risk of cracking of the tandoor during firing. The mixture is suitable for further use when the consistency resembles plasticine.

How to make a tandoor with your own hands: the traditional version

The method of making a tandoor from clay is called the strip method, since the material is used to make long strips about 2-3 cm thick, 20-25 cm wide and 2 m long.

Helpful advice! The manufacture of the oven should be carried out in the shade under a canopy so that the clay does not lose its elasticity when it dries quickly under the influence of sunlight.

The prepared strips must be left to dry in the sun for some time. Next, a bowl without a bottom is formed from them. The product is placed in a ring with smooth walls. It is recommended to use a metal barrel as a frame for forming the lower part of the product, which will need to be removed immediately. To prevent the clay from sticking to the metal, it should be lubricated with sunflower oil.

Then one or two strips need to be attached to the bottom of the product to form a part of the jug that tapers towards the top, which looks like a dome. Next, the process of compacting the walls is carried out. For this, two tools are used: a metal or wooden trowel in the shape of a disk with smooth rounded edges and a wooden spatula with embossed diagonal stripes.

You need to hold the trowel in one hand and press it against the inner surface of the product, and from the outside through the clay wall you should gently tap it with a spatula. This process helps compact the clay and form a pattern on the surface in the form of diagonal stripes.
The final stage is to form the upper part of the tandoor neck with your own hands. The oven narrows at the top. The diameter of the neck should be two times smaller than the bottom of the jug. The clay is compacted and leveled in the same way as for the main part of the tandoor.

The finished product is transferred to the shade for final drying for 30 days. After the product is completely dry, its inner surface should be lubricated with a generous layer of sunflower oil.

Preparing a site for installing a finished clay inlay

There are two options for installing a clay tandoor: on a foundation followed by brick lining and underground. The location for installation of the product is selected in advance.

If the finished clay insert will be located in a recess, it is necessary to prepare a foundation pit, the depth of which is determined by the height of the product. Its upper part should protrude 7-10 cm from the ground. Thus, the earth performs the function of preserving heat. An additional blower should be installed at the bottom of the tandoor.

To create a foundation, you need to dig a pit. It may have a round or square shape. This depends on the configuration of the thermal casing in the form of a brick wall around the tandoor. The second option is more preferable, since a sufficient gap is formed between the inlay and the wall, which is filled with a heat-accumulating or heat-insulating composition. The size of the pit should exceed the dimensions of the bottom part of the insert by 10-15 cm. The depth of the pit is 15-17 cm.

The pit is filled with sand in a layer of 5 cm and compacted well. Next, crushed stone of the middle fraction is added with reinforcement mesh laid, which makes it possible to obtain an additional reinforcing layer. Then formwork is made with a height of 10-15 cm. The foundation should rise above ground level by 5-7 cm to eliminate the possibility of washing away the masonry storm water. A concrete solution consisting of gravel, cement and sand is poured into the formwork. The surface is leveled according to the rule. You can study the installation process in more detail in the video “Do-It-Yourself Tandoor”.

Installation of a clay inlay with the construction of a brick wall

After the concrete base has completely dried, the formwork is removed. The surface is marked according to the dimensions of the clay tab for construction brick wall. First, a brick platform is made with open area for arranging a channel for the blower chamber, which is closed with a special door. Can be mounted in a brick tab metal pipe. It is recommended to install a damper in it, thanks to which the amount of incoming air can be adjusted. The damper can close completely.

A cast iron grate is placed on the ash chamber, where fuel combustion occurs. The ash enters the ash pit, from which it is easily removed through the open door. A clay tab is installed on top of the grate on the platform. For reliability and sealing, the joint between the lower edge of the jug and the brick base is covered with a clay solution. Then a brick wall is erected around the entire perimeter of the tab. The gap between the structure and the tandoor is filled with expanded clay, sand or salt. Brick wall reaches insertion height.

Making a tandoor with your own hands from a barrel

The traditional version of making a tandoor from clay requires special knowledge, skills and abilities. The surface is often crooked, and the clay can subsequently crack. To avoid such troubles, a simplified technology was developed. It is based on making your own tandoor from a 200 liter barrel. The essence of the method is to create clay walls around a wooden product.

To build a tandoor with your own hands, you will need kaolin clay, vegetable oil, fine fireclay sand, wooden barrel with iron hoops and sheep or camel wool. The first step is to fill the barrel to the top with water for 24 hours. This is necessary for impregnation and swelling of the wood. Next, you should prepare a molding mixture of clay, sand and wool in a ratio of 2:4:1, which should dry and become plastic.

All the water is drained from the barrel. It must dry completely, after which its inner surface is soaked in sunflower oil for 24 hours. Then the inside of the barrel is covered with a clay mixture 4-5 cm thick. The composition should be well leveled, wetting your hands with water, so that the result is as smooth a surface as possible. Moving up to the neck, the layer of clay must be increased, due to which the upper part of the oven narrows. At the bottom of the structure there is a small hole for free passage of air.

The structure must dry completely in a dry, dark and ventilated place for 3-4 weeks. After this, the iron hoops are removed and the wooden barrel is dismantled, leaving the clay structure intact. Ready frame is installed on a thick sand bed, where it is fired. To improve the thermal insulation qualities, you can make a brick wall around the stove.

Do-it-yourself brick tandoor: step-by-step instructions, drawings and photos of the process stages

The traditional version of the tandoor is made from kaolin clay. This is a rather labor-intensive and expensive process that requires the involvement of a specialist or requires high level skill. To simplify the task, but still get the desired result, you can make a tandoor with your own hands from brick. The simplest option for making a home stove consists of several processes, each of which will be described in detail in this article.

For construction you will need the following list of building materials:

  • kiln brick;
  • wooden template;
  • masonry sand mixture;
  • cement;
  • sand;
  • kaolin;
  • reinforcing mesh.

To finish the stove, a solution consisting of clay, salt, sand and wool in a ratio of 4:1:1:2 is used. Sheep or camel wool acts as a reinforcing element and contributes to good thermal insulation. The mortar for laying brick rows is prepared in the same way (with the exception of wool). The brick for the tandoor should be silicate or red heat-resistant, which can withstand high temperatures for a long time.

Before building a tandoor, it is necessary to prepare the foundation. To do this, prepare a round pit with a diameter several centimeters larger than the size future design. A sand cushion 10 cm thick is created at the bottom, which is covered with a metal mesh made from thick wire or reinforcement rods. Next the hole is filled concrete mortar, which is carefully aligned using an iron rule. Be sure to check the levelness of the surface by using a level. Then the lower part of the future dome-shaped chamber is marked, defining the outer boundaries of the walls.

Helpful advice! To provide reliable waterproofing concrete foundation must be covered with a sheet of roofing material.

Before making a tandoor yourself, a brick base is prepared on the foundation. On concrete surface Three rows of fireclay bricks are laid: the first is placed along the pit, the second - across, the third - along. The elements of the two lower layers are laid tightly together without the use of mortar. For the top row, a clay mixture is used. The created foundation must be fixed with pieces of reinforcement on all sides. The rods are driven into the ground. Their height above the ground is equal to the mark of the top row of masonry.

How to make a tandoor from brick: step-by-step instructions

After concrete base has gained the necessary strength, you can begin to build a brick tandoor. Photos that can be found on the Internet clearly display the sequence of actions. The diameter of the bottom part will be 1 m, and the height of the structure will be 130 cm. At the first stage, markings for the future furnace are carried out. The first row of the foundation is laid with an opening for the blower chamber. Clay mortar is used for masonry. The second row covers the chamber, leaving a window in its central part, where a cast-iron grate is mounted.

Starting from the third row, the wall of the structure is erected around the circumference. The bricks are laid in the traditional way. From the inside, the surface is coated with a thick layer of clay, which should be as smooth as possible. Twelve rows are built in this way. Next, you should begin to form the tandoor dome. To do this, each subsequent row is shifted towards the center by a certain distance, which is calculated in advance.

Knowing that the diameter of the oven is 1 m, it is necessary to take into account that the neck should be twice as narrow. This value should be achieved after 10 rows, which will correspond to a structure height of 130 cm. Having performed a simple arithmetic calculation, we come to the conclusion that each subsequent row should be shifted 5 cm to the center.

In order to make a tandoor with a smooth inner surface, the edges of the bricks that will be turned inward should be processed with a grinder. The surface can also be leveled using a clay mixture, constantly moistening it with water. After completion of the masonry process, a jug-shaped structure with a smooth inner surface is obtained.

Next, the exterior of the tandoor is finished using clay mortar. All seams must be well sealed. The steps that were formed during the construction of the dome must be completely hidden. After the stove has dried, which will happen in 2-3 days, you can make the first kindling.
Then they begin to build the outer wall of the tandoor, which comes close to the brick dome-shaped structure. The height of the structure is equal to the height of the inner chamber. The wall is made whole, except for the area opposite the blower hole, where a window is left. For better thermal insulation, the space between the outer wall and the inside of the furnace is filled with fine-grained expanded clay, sand or salt.

Helpful advice! The upper part of the tandoor can be finished with stone or brick bonded with clay, which will provide a complete structure.

Building a brick tandoor with your own hands: a simplified version

The previous option requires some skill to create an arched brick vault. You can build a tandoor at your dacha with your own hands using a simplified method. For this it is recommended to use old brick. As masonry mortar You can purchase a ready-made heat-resistant mixture at a hardware store intended for the construction of fireplaces and stoves. To prepare the solution, you must strictly follow the instructions written on the product packaging.

According to the do-it-yourself tandoor drawing, the brick is laid in a circle, the diameter of which is determined at the planning stage. Usually it is 50-70 cm. Using a wooden frame, the brick is placed on the end, forming a circle. For installation, a sand solution can be used, which consists of fireclay clay, the necessary plasticizers and quartz sand. This composition is very plastic, sets quickly and will not crack when fired.

The first row is laid without breaks. A small hole should be left in the second row, which will be used as a blower in the future. This could be a small window with an iron door or a chimney. The third row is laid out completely. If the height of a brick tandoor is 100-120 cm, four rows of bricks are sufficient, the horizontality of each of which is controlled using a level.

When constructing each new row, it should be tied with steel wire. Its ends are twisted and hidden in the gaps between the bricks. While creating last row it is required to form a tapering neck. For this purpose, the brick should be laid with some inclination inside the tandoor. The video shows the entire construction process in more detail.

Do-it-yourself tandoor made of brick: coating and cladding the structure

Upon completion of construction work, the process of coating and lining the tandoor with bricks is carried out. Fireproof clay is applied to the internal and external surfaces of the structure. The thickness of the layer is at least 1.5-2 cm. There must be at least two such layers. The second is applied 2-3 days after the first has dried. To ensure uniform drying, the structure should be covered with plastic film.

Helpful advice! It is recommended to moisten the brick before applying the coating layer. This will promote uniform and gradual drying of the clay solution.

The inner surface must be perfectly smooth, so the clay mixture is leveled by constantly wetting it with water. In the upper part of the oven, a metal ring 30-50 mm high is mounted around the hole, thanks to which the area where the lid is installed is separated from the rest of the surface. Space from her outside it is filled with clay to the edge of the wall.

Next, the stove body can be lined with natural stone, this will give the structure an attractive and aesthetic appearance, which is clearly shown in the photo of the tandoor. The price of the finished structure will average 4500-5000 rubles.

Helpful advice! To coat the brickwork, you can use finely ground fireclay mortar.

The final stage of tandoor production is its firing, which can be performed 3-4 hours after completion of the coating and finishing work. The structure is completely filled with firewood, a fire is lit inside the stove, which gradually heats the walls of the structure to 400°C. It is necessary that the fuel burns completely, after which the stove must cool slowly. This process not only helps dry the structure, but also fires and hardens the clay.

After all work is completed, the tandoor should be left for 7 days. During this time you can do wooden cover, thanks to which heat will be retained inside the structure. You can watch the process of constructing the structure in more detail in the video “Do-it-yourself tandoor made of brick.”

Since ancient times, the tandoor has served as an indispensable attribute of the national Uzbek cuisine. Today it is widely used in private households. You can cook any dish in such an oven. Thanks to the special operating principle, it is possible to create not only a real masterpiece of culinary art, but also significantly save on fuel.

The structure can be made from clay or brick yourself, having mastered certain requirements or buy a stove. Tandoor in specialized stores is presented in a wide range of varieties. Thanks to original finish finished product This traditional Uzbek stove will become a real decoration of the yard.

How to make a brick tandoor with your own hands: video

Staying in the country is a unity with nature. I want to cook food over a fire, sit by the fire, listening to the twilight rustles. A grill or barbecue is most often used to cook food over a fire, but we suggest you make a tandoor with your own hands. What it is? This is an oriental oven-broiler, which allows you to prepare a lot of delicious dishes that are simply impossible to prepare otherwise. Samsa, lavash, oriental meat - all this can be made in the tandoor. Moreover, the meat turns out very tasty because it is suspended in a horizontal position, as a result the fat does not drip onto the coals, but flows down over the pieces of meat, making it juicy and soft.

Shish kebab in a tandoor turns out much tastier due to the vertically positioned skewers. On the grill, the meat needs to be poured with marinade or sprinkled with water, but here it turns out tender and juicy

It is very interesting, in the opinion of a European, that flatbreads and samsa are prepared in the tandoor - they are attached directly to the walls of the oven and baked in this way.

Oriental flatbreads and samsa are baked in the tandoor, stuck to the walls of the oven. This bread has a special taste. Having made your own tandoor, you can bake samsa, pita bread and delicious flatbreads

The traditional shape of such a stove is round. It can be located both above the ground and underground. Today, many summer residents build a brick tandoor; it is not that difficult to make, but oriental cuisine will bring a lot of pleasure to both family members and guests.

In the East, a tandoor can also be located in a house; it is installed in the center of the room to warm the air in the room during the cold season.

A small tandoor can be made on a platform with wheels; you can transport it to any place in the garden.

You can buy a tandoor if funds allow. This ready-made tandoor with a platform on wheels can be installed anywhere in the garden or in the house

If the stove is stationary, it is better to place it on rocky or sandy soil, away from buildings and green spaces. The ground under the tandoor should be dry.

How to make a tandoor? Stone blocks, ceramic clay bricks or white fire bricks can be used for construction. First, the base is laid out. A brick tandoor is quite heavy, so the base must be strong. The base of the furnace is like a foundation, in which an opening is made where the fuel is placed.

You can build a tandoor directly on the ground, in this case, under the base you need to dig a hole in the shape of a circle, with a diameter of 120-130 cm. We fill the bottom with sand (a layer of 15-20 cm), and begin to lay out a brick well.

The base for the tandoor - a sand cushion is made at the bottom of the base, the area around it is also covered with sand. At the bottom it is convenient to place a grill for coals

You can use a ready-made stove mixture as a mortar for masonry. It consists of plasticizer, red clay and quartz sand. The masonry can be either horizontal or vertical; in the first case, the stove will retain heat longer, the second is more economical - much less bricks will be needed.

Tandoor, lined with vertical masonry with a pipe for exhaust gases. Less material is consumed for the manufacture of such a furnace.

A brick tandoor lined with horizontal masonry - the wall thickness is greater, so it retains the heat inside longer. Any tandoor should have a hole at the bottom to remove flue gases.

To clearly see the dimensions of the future furnace, you can first make an order - masonry without mortar. We work with brick using a grinder with a diamond cutting wheel for ceramics.

The ordering is done to visualize what your tandoor will look like. After this layout, you can start working with the solution. The tandoor can be built on the ground or on a brick foundation

Making round masonry is not easy, a drawing in life size, made with the help of a protractor and a compass, the ability to handle an angle grinder is also important.

The diagram clearly demonstrates the structure of a brick tandoor. The manufacturing features of the stove may differ, but the basic principle of construction is always the same - a base with a hole for fuel and a body that curves upward

A pattern of bricks is the basis for forming a circle. Do not skimp on the mortar when laying, and use a level to check the horizontal position.

Eastern craftsmen used a similar template to make a tandoor. By laying out the bricks according to the template, the stove will gradually acquire a rounded shape tapering upward

The tandoor is narrowed at the top - this is done to keep the heat inside. In order to achieve this effect, the bottom layer of brick must be cut off; when laid, the shape will resemble a vault. After the masonry is ready, the interior of the oven should be cleaned of traces of mortar. We use dry clay to fill the seams from the outside. The inner surface is also coated with clay, which is mixed with finely chopped grass.

When the kiln is dry, it is first heated with paper, and then the firing temperature is increased. This is the easiest way to make a tandoor, and if you want to refine it, the structure can be coated with clay. In the east, stoves are decorated mosaic tiles, sandstone, ceramics.

The video demonstrates how to make a brick tandoor using the template:

Option #2 – tandoor from a wooden barrel

Of course, a brick tandoor is the most durable and practical, but if you wish, you can use other methods, which we will now talk about. This requires skill in working with clay.

You need to find a small barrel with poorly fitting hoops. The inside of the barrel is impregnated with refined sunflower oil; for impregnation, we leave it overnight.

Then we prepare the solution - sheep's wool for reinforcement (length up to 15 cm), fireclay clay, fireclay sand. The ratio, respectively, is 0.05 - 1 - 2. We make a thick solution and sculpt the furnace body along the inner surface of the barrel (thickness - 20-30 cm). The solution is smoothed and dried for a week using incandescent lamps. Then the hoops can be removed and the barrel can be disassembled. After this, the product is subjected to secondary firing.

Option #3 – roaster using a plastic barrel

You will need a plastic barrel of a classic shape. We fill it with water, after filling the barrel slightly increases in size, its outer surface is coated with fireclay mortar, it is compacted and smoothed until the outline of the furnace is formed. The product is also dried for a week, and then the water must be drained. The barrel will become smaller and can be removed from the new tandoor.

You can also place a cauldron on top of the stove for cooking pilaf and other dishes, but to do this you need to adjust the crown to the volume of the cauldron, the crown is coated with clay.

Building the stove is the main point, but you will also need to do metal fastenings for shammur. For example, here are three staples with metal hoop in the center. The easiest option is to use a strong rod, lay it along the crown, and attach a skewer to it

If you have pottery skills, the tandoor can also be used as a decoration on your property. For example, create a “house” like this for preparing delicious oriental dishes

We've looked at several simple ways making a tandoor at the dacha. These are the simplest answers to the question of how you can make a tandoor with your own hands. More complex options suggest making a structure reminiscent of a Russian oven, but this is a bulky structure and building it is quite troublesome and difficult, while a simple tandoor is quite suitable for a dacha and the dishes in it turn out very tasty, try it and you will see for yourself.

Do-it-yourself tandoor. Step-by-step instructions with photos

Creating a miracle oven called tandoor, common in Asia, in your yard or on your property is not an easy task. But if you follow it step by step detailed instructions, then you will get a reliable and durable unit.

Laying the foundation as a foundation.

The first step is to dig a hole for a shallow foundation. The finished pit is filled with 10 cm of sand, which will retain the heat. Installed on top of sand metal grid which will need to be filled with concrete. The concrete surface is leveled and must be checked building level.

Advice! Carry out the first stage in advance, since it will take about a week for the concrete to completely harden and gain strength.

Construction of tandoor walls

To build walls for you you will need a large sandstone stone, an arch-blower, roofing felt and cement. You can build a tandoor with your own hands from brick or other stone at your discretion.

From roofing felt several rectangular pieces are cut out and attached to cement, forming a circle, as in the photo;

The finished product is attached to cement arch;

Arm yourself with a spatula and start laying on the cement in a circle stones;

Check with construction level uniformity of the top sandstone stones. If necessary, level the level with cement;

how to make a tandoor with your own hands from brick. Photo

When laying between some stones, place pieces wire. They will help in the future to better hold expanded clay with cement.

Lining from the inside:

Dilute in a separate container expanded clay With cement in a one to one ratio;

Take a leaf roofing felt or PVC 5 mm thick and the same height as your future stove. Roll it into a cylinder, secure it with tape and place it inside the oven;

The radius of the cylinder must be significantly smaller than the radius of the furnace so that there is a distance between them;

Fill the cylinder temporarily stones so that they keep its shape;

Begin to fill the empty space between the walls of the cylinder and the prepared oven cement-expanded clay mixture;

After it has dried, first remove the stones, and then the cylinder itself from the structure;

If necessary, level the surface of the walls inside with a spatula or trowel;

Build a small ledge in a circle at the bottom of the tandoor, avoiding the place near the arch. Pay attention to the photo, bricks are used there as a temporary support for the tape holding the mixture;

Install the slab from marble on top of the walls.

Clay coating:

Clay, straw and sand are mixed in equal parts.

Advice! Fireclay clay is excellent for finishing a home tandoor.

The finished mixture, 3-5 cm thick, needs to be evenly covered with the entire inner surface until it becomes smooth;

You need to wait for the clay to dry completely naturally or help it with a lamp or fan.

Closing the holes

Buy a metal door for the arch and a cover for the top opening.

DIY tandoor in the country. Photo

Checking the oven in operation

Do-it-yourself tandoor is ready. To check the performance of the stove, throw in some firewood. Temperatures will quickly reach 111°C. If you add more firewood, the temperature will increase to 345° C and higher, which will allow you to cook your favorite dishes in the new oven.

Brick tandoor for a summer residence. Master Class

There are many ways to create a tandoor at your dacha with your own hands. Basically, all tandoor ovens have the shape of a vase. They are built from various materials and have distinct designs. What they all have in common is the ability to retain heat inside for a long time, which makes it possible to cook delicious food. Those who have at least once tried delicious piping hot dishes are interested in the question of how to make a tandoor out of brick with your own hands.

The task before those who wish will be difficult, but feasible. Tandoor drawings will help you better understand the essence of the design.

You will need:

  • Natural stone (you can take untreated);
  • Fireclay clay;
  • Fire brick;
  • Ready reinforced concrete slab for foundation or cement;
  • Metal pipe and cap.

DIY tandoor drawings. Photo

Step 1. Foundation

A round hole is first dug, the diameter of which will be equal to the size of the future furnace. It is laid in the hole reinforced concrete slab.

Advice! If you decide to pour the foundation yourself, then place a steel grate at the bottom of the hole. When you pour the cement, it will provide additional reinforcement to the future foundation.

Step 2. Walls

While the foundation hardens, which is from 1 to 2 weeks, you can start creating wooden template for the walls of Tadyr.

Important! The template is a wooden frame that is temporarily attached in the middle of the structure and, when rotated, exactly repeats the shape of the planned stove.

The walls are laid in a circle. The bricks are laid out in a vertical position. After completing the first row, it is necessary to secure a pipe that will regulate air movement.

how to make a tandoor with your own hands. Photo step by step

Advice! To make your own tandoor a tapering shape, place the bricks at an angle when laying each layer. This can be done by adjusting the thickness of the cement layers.

Step 3: Clay coating

When the brick tandoor has reached the height you need, it’s time to move on to next stage. Place a solution of clay and sand in a ratio of 4 to 1 in a container and add a pack of salt to it. The future oven must be thoroughly lubricated with a clay consistency both inside and out.

Advice! It is better to wait not only for the clay to dry completely, but also to burn it. Place the wood inside the stove and simply light it.

Step 4. Facing

For improvement appearance and thermal insulation properties of the tandoor is lined on the outside natural stone. Cover finished design pre-purchased lid. The oven is ready for use.

how to make a tandoor with your own hands. Video step by step

Do-it-yourself large stationary brick tandoor

If a small, budget DIY tandoor is not for you, then pay attention to the example of a massive stove. The main material is brick, which is already very common, but the design is not so common.

Advice! When designing such a tandoor, be prepared for high costs materials, and during operation - fuel.

You will learn how to build a tandoor with your own hands by studying the following steps.

The basis for building the tandoor was chosen concrete platform . Since the stove is quite large, which means it will produce more heat, there is no need to heat the entire foundation with it. To do this, the bottom of the oven is laid out fire brick.

To keep the walls even, use a homemade plywood template on the axis.

The first layer of brick is laid out in such a way as to place a special blower.

The inner wall is laid out in layers of half a brick.

When the structure is completely dry, it must be wrapped basalt wool in 2 layers and begin external laying.

On the neck you can place metal corners, which will serve as nests for skewers and other utensils during cooking.

The stove builder in the photo used an ordinary one as a lid for the tandoor. sewer hatch . You can repeat it, or you can purchase a lighter lid that will simplify the operation of the oven.

Thanks to the even masonry, such a brick tandoor can look beautiful and dignified even without external decoration. And thanks to its size, it becomes possible to cook even the largest dishes in it.

DIY brick tandoor on a mobile platform

An excellent option for a summer house would be a do-it-yourself tandoor made of brick on a mobile basis. A small amount of materials goes into its construction, but its shape will be similar to any massive tandoor. Its walls are a quarter brick thick. And the entire height will be only 3 bricks. You must first purchase a metal platform with wheels or attach them yourself.

As they are laid, the brick rows must be tied with wire and then covered with a pre-made clay mixture. Fireclay clay - best material for these purposes.

Do-it-yourself tandoor oven is compact and convenient. But some dishes cannot be cooked in it because of its size.

how to make a tandoor with your own hands. Video

DIY earthen tandoor

With construction different types you are already familiar with the tandoor, but you just have to find out how to make a tandoor with your own hands from bricks underground. The advantages of such a stove include the possibility of using scrap materials, as well as saving space.

To build his underground tandoor, the master used:

  • Red brick;
  • Red clay;
  • Neck from a large ceramic container;
  • cover
  • Convenient place to park your car.

Step 1. The first thing you need to do is dig pit about 1 meter deep. Such a DIY tandoor oven necessarily requires a pipe through which air will flow. For the pipe you need to dig channel inclined.

Step 2. Used to lay the bottom brick. The seams are filled with ordinary clay.

Step 3. Pipe should be of such length that it reaches from the bottom to the surface of the earth. It must be installed at an angle of 45°.

Step 4. The walls are laid out bricks in a vertical position. In the first row, which took 24 bricks, no mortar is needed for fastening. The diameter of the future tandoor is approximately 50 cm. In total, you should get 3 rows of vertically placed bricks.

Step 5. All seams should be carefully sealed. clay.

Step 6. Proceed to cooking clay mixture. To do this, dilute the clay with water to a creamy consistency and hang it through a special plaster mesh. Leave the clay for 1 day so that it infuses and separates from the water.

Step 7. The internal surfaces of the future furnace are covered with a ready-made mixture of clay through a plaster mesh with fiberglass. The thickness of the clay layer was 1 cm.

Step 8. To create throat the master approached creatively. He cut out the bottom of a large flat clay vase and used the container in construction.

Step 9. The vase is installed on the brickwork with the bottom up. To secure it, it must be thoroughly coated with clay.

Step 10. Cast iron or other lid, which you have in your arsenal, will be able to cover a brick tandoor.

Step 11. To secure the entire structure, the free space around the vase is filled up expanded clay. And the protruding part of the furnace is coated with cement.

Step 12. To restore the integrity of the floor, the area around the tandoor is poured concrete, and then put tile.

Do-it-yourself tandoor in a parking space is ready.

DIY tandoor, budget option

If you decide to build a tandoor at your dacha with your own hands and do not want to invest a lot of money in it, then pay attention to the following example.

First of all, an Asian oven needs high-quality foundation. The standard for it is 100*100 cm. The thickness of the slab is 10 cm. It is necessary to dig a hole 15 cm deep. Use sand at the bottom, and attach a reinforcing mesh at a distance of 5 cm from it. For the formwork, 15-centimeter roofing boards were taken (10 cm should remain in the ground, and 5 cm should rise above the ground). Concrete is poured only when everything is level. It will have to dry for at least 72 hours.

For the base and walls was chosen fire brick.

Important! Fireclay brick is ideal for tandoor, as it is not susceptible to temperature changes and does not collapse.

The base of the oven will be round, so you will need blueprints tandoor to cut out a pattern 75 cm in diameter.

Advice! Excess parts of the bricks for the circle can be removed with a cutting wheel.

Brick laid on roofing felt and attached to a fire-resistant stove mixture.

To make the walls smooth and beautiful, you will need a template for their construction.

Important! According to the rules, a tandoor has a height equal to the width of the base, and its neck should occupy 2/3 of the size of the base.

Bricks are laid in a vertical position. All seams are coated with a solution. The first row is being tightened wire.

The second and third rows are laid out similarly. The inside of the edges should fit as tightly as possible, and the outside should be thoroughly coated with the solution.

DIY tandoor a budget option. Photo

The finished barrel is plastered on the outside oven mixture. The layer should be 1 cm.

Advice! While your DIY budget tandoor is drying, protect it from exposure to the sun or bad weather.

When the solution is completely dry, the tandoor is covered with fireproof acrylic paint.

All that remains is to clean the inside of the finished stove from construction dirt and dust and use it for your own pleasure.


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