Hot water temperature in an apartment building. Standard hot water temperature in an apartment building

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This temperature is measured directly at an open tap by immersing a water thermometer in a glass under running water to a special mark. In accordance with Appendix No. 1 to the Rules, hot water supply must be uninterrupted and around the clock throughout the year. Permissible duration of feed interruption hot water: 8 hours (total) for 1 month, 4 hours at a time, in case of an accident on a dead-end highway - 24 hours in a row; duration of interruption in hot water supply in connection with annual repair and maintenance work in centralized networks engineering and technical support for hot water supply is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation (SanPiN

Standard hot water temperature in an apartment building

But if the indicator is set above 55 degrees, then there is a risk of getting a burn. Because of this, hot water is used together with cold water. The standard temperature of hot water in an apartment in winter does not differ from the established value.

Residents should monitor this. If this does not comply with the standards, then it is important to contact the competent authorities in a timely manner to resolve the issue. Temperatures above 75 degrees will cause damage. plastic area water supply, which is available in many modern apartments Oh. A deviation includes even a slight increase or decrease in performance.


There must be a minimum, even if communications and heating equipment are old. The standard hot water temperature in the apartment is specified in the agreement concluded between the client and the service provider. Why is it important to maintain temperature conditions? Temperature control is an important necessity.

What is the standard hot water temperature in the apartment?

We analyze this situation - we take the entrance floor and check this situation in the apartments on this floor. For example, we have four apartments - everything is fine in three, but in the fourth apartment this situation occurs. To confirm our assumptions, we check in the same way apartments on the floor above or below, no difference.

The situation is 100% repeatable - there is no need to check further. You are dealing with unauthorized conversion engineering communications related to common property. From practice, there are cases when, in a 17-story building, residents carried out such a conversion in 16 vertically adjacent apartments, which led to a complete lack of hot water circulation in the system and, as a result, the residents of this building bombarded the supervising authorities with complaints about poor-quality utility services .
This situation arose from the resident’s ignorance of the boundaries of property division, i.e.

Standard hot water temperature - what to do if it does not meet the standards

The complaint must be written in almost the same way as regarding the temperature. The application must be written to the head of the housing inspection, indicating regulations and document review time. Only “poor quality water” should be identified as the reason.


After this, you should receive a response from the inspector, and you can wait for the problem to be resolved. A collective application significantly speeds up the review procedure, so water quality will soon be restored. Drawing up a complaint If consumer rights are violated, a claim is drawn up.

It must be written in a generally accepted manner, in neat and legible handwriting. It is important to indicate who the application is intended for. Usually the document is drawn up in the name of the head of the management company, which is the water supplier. It is necessary to indicate all the facts: calls, requests to employees, visits to the management company.

Hot water supply temperature in mkd. — housing and communal services portal.rf

The exception is at night, between 0.00 a.m. and 5.00 a.m., when a decrease in the established standard is allowed, but not more than 5 degrees. During the daytime, a temperature of at least 57 °C is acceptable. What temperature standards for hot water are established according to SanPin Do you need help? Consult our lawyer for free! Laws in our country change very often! Get the latest information by phone! Just call from any region of Russia: Or contact our online consultant! The temperature of hot water according to SanPiN, according to resolution, must comply with the following standard - the minimum value is 60 °C, and the maximum level corresponds to 75 degrees. Small deviations are allowed within limits not exceeding five degrees at night and three during the day.

Standard temperature of hot water in a tap in an apartment, sanpin

If the deadlines have been extended, then a recalculation of payment for services is required. A reduction of 0.15% is required. Checking the standard Utility services must comply with the standard hot water temperature in the apartment. General position The document includes rules for checking compliance with standards.

Residents need to be able to check the water temperature. If there are deviations, you need to file a claim. The water testing procedure includes the following steps:

  • you need to open the tap and let the water drain for about 2-3 minutes, during which time the cooled liquid will be eliminated;
  • then you need to pour water into a special glass;
  • a sensitive thermometer with a scale of 100 degrees must be immersed in the container;
  • You should wait until the thermometer warms up, after which the readings are recorded.

Although the temperature standard is within a wide range, there may be some deviations.

Hot water temperature: what should it be?

This indicator is characterized by a minimum (not lower than 60 °C) and maximum limit (not higher than 75 °C) and does not allow deviations from the specified temperature regime, when observed, the quality of public services is ensured.” The temperature of hot water in water collection points, regardless of the heat supply system used, must be no lower than 60 C and no higher than 75 C. REASONS: clause 5.1.2 SP 30.13330.2012 “Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings” Updated version of SNiP 2.04.01-85* ; clause 2.4 SANPiN “Hygienic requirements for ensuring the safety of hot water supply systems”; 5.3.1 Rules and regulations technical operation housing stock" (approved by the Post of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2003 No. 170); clause 5 of appendix 1 “Rules for the provision utilities owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings" (approved by Post.

About standards for air temperatures and hot water in apartments

The same schedule determines how hot the risers and radiators of the heating system will heat up. For example, at -5 °C atmospheric air the temperature of the coolant in the riser must be at least 78 degrees. However, what to do if the hot water supply is in apartment building not up to standard? You need to submit a claim (application) to the Housing and Communal Services or the Management Company that maintains the house.
Temperature measurements: sample report The Management Company will most likely not pay attention to an unfounded complaint. Therefore, you need to arm yourself with facts and measure the temperature of hot water in your apartment building yourself using a special sensor with a built-in regulator.


Before approving such standards, experts should have taken into account at what temperature they are created. unfavourable conditions for life harmful bacteria. Also, hot water should not cause burns. skin. The State Housing Inspectorate is authorized to monitor whether this resolution is being implemented.

Utilities do not have the right to install their own temperature standards water in residential premises. If the standards do not comply, what calculation coefficient for hot water is in effect? ​​Knowing the answer to the question of how many degrees the hot water should be, you need to understand what calculation coefficient should apply if this standard is violated. If it is discovered that the hot water supply is supplied in violation of the established temperature standards, payment must be recalculated.

No more than 8 hours at a time at a room temperature of 10 to 12 degrees, no more than 4 hours at a room temperature of 8 to 10 degrees. For every hour exceeding the specified standards, the monthly heating fee is reduced by 0.15%. Hot water temperature In accordance with clause 5.1.1, the quality of cold and hot water (sanitary and epidemiological indicators) supplied for household and drinking needs must comply with SanPiN and SanPiN

The temperature of hot water in water supply points must comply with the requirements of SanPiN and SanPiN and, regardless of the heat supply system used, must be no lower than 60°C and no higher than 75°C. (according to clause 5.1.2. Code of rules SP 30.13330.2012 “SNiP 2.04.01-85*. Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings”, approved by order of the Ministry regional development RF dated December 29, 2011 No. 626).

What should be the temperature of hot water at the entrance to an apartment building

There is an interesting document: “DECISION OF THE SUPREME COURT OF THE RF OF MAY 31, 2013 N AKPI13-394”, which, among other things, establishes: “SanPiN, as follows from the content of its paragraphs 1.1 and 1.2, establishes hygienic requirements to the quality of water and the organization of centralized hot water supply systems (hereinafter referred to as DHW), as well as the rules for monitoring the quality of water supplied by DHW, regardless of departmental affiliation and forms of ownership, and is mandatory for compliance by all legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, whose activities are related to the organization and (or) provision of centralized hot water supply systems. According to the specified SanPiN, the temperature of hot water in places of water supply, regardless of the heat supply system used, must be no lower than 60 °C and no higher than 75 °C.

Standard hot water temperature in an apartment: optimal indicators and features of recalculation

Standard hot water temperature in an apartment: optimal indicators and features of recalculation

No one else for a minute can't imagine life no hot water. Her shutdown V summer season for the time of traditional repair work- practically catastrophe for the residents who are so used to it.

It is important to know that hot water is a concept clearly defined and established laws. It should not be a little hotter or a little colder, since its temperature officially defined.

Standards for hot water

Temperature hot water regulated standards SanPiN(Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations)−09 , which were accepted into 2009 and have legal force in the present 2015. Legislators paid great attention to regulating this issue and highlighted it in separate document.

According to the rules, prescribed in that document, temperature hot water that flows from the tap must be within the limits from + 60 to +75 °С. These restrictions are associated not only with compliance with the direct temperature regime in order to ensure hot water residents.

This temperature unfavorable For reproduction pathogens of infectious diseases. Maintaining this temperature Necessarily at all water intake points.

It is important to know: deviation from the standards at night by no more than 5°C, and during the day - by no more than 3°C, is considered acceptable. Night time is considered to be the time from 00.00 to 05.00. Daytime - from 05.00 to 00.00 hours.

How to measure water temperature?

To be sure approve that the temperature of the tap water does not match norms fixed in the law, it is necessary measure. Step by step instructions Self-measuring hot water temperature is as follows:

  1. Open the tap hot water;
  2. Let the water drain(about 5 minutes);
  3. Take capacity, volume containing measuring device;
  4. Send a stream of water from the tap into the container so that the water constantly flows out;
  5. Lower the thermometer to the center of the container to the required depth;
  6. Compare the readings obtained thermometer with standard.

If the recorded temperature reading is significantly below normal, need to:

  • Contact the organization responsible for the water supply in the house with statement about unacceptably low temperatures;
  • Take a water measurement in the presence of a representative of the organization;
  • Commit detected violations in the form of an act.

It is important: The water measurement report must contain temperature readings obtained during the procedure, no later.

Based the act is adopted solution about fee recalculation by hot water. Instances Both the resident and the company serving him must have the document.

If violations identified and recorded, responsible organization obliged eliminate the cause of the discrepancy and make recalculation for hot water.

Fixed temperature value at 40°C provides grounds for recalculating fees for hot water according to tariffs cold

The danger of non-compliance with hot water supply standards

Regulation hot water supply - vital necessity. Non-compliance temperature regime of hot water used in residential premises threatens serious consequences:

    • Bacteria reproduction. At low temperatures hot water values, the risk increases active reproduction of dangerous bacteria and their entry through water into the human body. Norms hot water temperatures selected not by chance- this is an indicator at which pathogenic bacteria that cause For example, pneumonia, die within 2 minutes. Moreover, this temperature doesn't allow bacteria can multiply, as the environment is unfavorable for them;
  • Burn. Bacteria die instantly and do not reproduce at all in very hot water - from 80°C and above. However, water at this temperature - not suitable for use. Moreover, she can become reason serious burn. For human safety reasons, the standard level of hot water (from 60 to 70°C) must not be exceeded.

Do you need a water heater?

In apartment buildings straight need to install a water heater No. Hot water is no longer a luxury, but a common condition of normal life. However, for particularly heat-loving residents there is indirect reasons to its installation. Namely:

    • Reluctance stay no hot water in summer. During the planned annual shutdown of hot water or during repairs of the water supply system, it will solve the problem. If other residents are forced to heat water, say, gas stove, water heater owners release yourself from such a duty;
  • Reluctance remain without hot water even for a short time. Due to accidents in the apartments of other residents and while they are being eliminated, hot water is usually turn off. If there is an hour or a day without hot water - a big problem, buying a water heater is an excellent solution to eliminate it.

Qualitative a water heater is necessary in private houses where the hot water supply is originally absent. This device is significantly will simplify life of the inhabitants of the house, will deliver them from the need to constantly heat the water.

So if interruptions with hot water or its constant absence in the house - your casual life, . Impressive volume storage tank modern models heaters ( up to 150 liters) will allow you not to save on hot water.

In addition, water from taps and wells, which often used residents of private houses can represent danger for human health - it may contain harmful viruses and bacteria. Before use well water, it is recommended to carry it out cleaning or just boil it.

It's possible that without a water heater the water temperature suitable for disinfection will not be reached. When heating “manually” it is difficult to control the temperature, and the water heater guarantees sufficient heating of the water.


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Standards for hot water supply, cold water supply, standards for the temperature of supplied water, as well as sanitary standards for hot water supply are described. The permissible water temperature ranges and the amount of water per person per day are given.

Consumers at cold water supply points should receive only clean and potable water. The requirements for hot water supply at a water tap differ from the requirements for cold water supply in that they are aimed only at maintaining the temperature regime, and not at water quality.

Hot water supply standards

  1. The heating network of the central hot water supply, which has a water supply, is required to supply water to the consumer at a temperature of 60 degrees and not a degree less;

  2. When heating water in a central hot water supply system using a water heater, its temperature should not be less than fifty degrees;
  3. (See also: )
  4. Local systems hot water supply hot water at the outlet must have a temperature above sixty degrees;

  5. When water is supplied to secondary schools, orphanage, preschool institutions, as well as some medical and preventive institutions and social security institutions, there are restrictions and the water should not exceed a temperature of 37 degrees;

  6. The temperature when supplying hot water should not exceed 75 degrees.

Sanitary standards for hot water consumption

Standards for hot water supply are clearly stated in the sanitary standards for hot water supply; calculated per person, it is from 85 to 100 liters per day. Registered for hot water supply clear requirements, which apply to hot water (domestic and industrial purposes). Sanitary standards for hot water supply provide for the rules for draining water into the sewer. When designing a similar system, detailed information on this topic can be found in GOST hot water supply. (See also: )


  1. The standard consumption of utility services is established and complies with the quality requirements for these services, which are provided for by the legislative normative legal act.

  2. To determine the standard for the consumption of utility services, the number of storeys and deterioration of the building interior are taken into account. engineering equipment, type of heat supply systems.

  3. A utility service that is aimed at providing property in an apartment building, accounting is kept when setting the utility service consumption standard.
  4. (See also: )
  5. The consumption rates for utilities also apply to dormitories.

Important! To calculate the hot water supply consumption standard, you need to know how much hot water is consumed by one person at the hour of greatest water consumption. Residential buildings consume - 7.9; 10 and 10.9 l/person-hour.
Dormitories with shared showers - 6.3 l/person-hour, if canteens and laundries are additionally functioning - 6.5 l/person-hour.
Hotels spend - 8.2; 16 and 12 l/person-hour.

The rate of water consumption per person, with a regular bath or shower, is 105 and 120 liters per day. In high-rise buildings with 12 or more floors, the norm is 115 and 130 liters per day. (See also: )
In dormitories where communal showers are installed, as well as canteens and laundries - 80 liters per day. Hotels, motels and boarding houses with installation shared baths, as well as in the presence of showers, water consumption is 70 liters per day, and with installed baths in all rooms - 200 liters per day (with showers in all rooms - 140 liters per day).

Hot water supply temperature standards directly depend on what type of hot water supply system is used.
Local centralized systems, are connected to open heat supply systems, with such a water supply system the temperature should be 60°C, and closed systems should supply water at 55°C.

To determine the heating surfaces of water heaters, the coefficient in the nomogram was reduced to 0.75. It allows you to take into account heat losses in networks, and also controls the level of scale that is deposited on the walls of brass tubes, which are the heat transfer surface.

The selection should be made based on the specified flow rate of the hot water supply system.

Cold water supply consumption standard

  • Standards for hot and cold water supply are established in accordance with the quality requirements for public services, which are provided for by law.

  • To determine the standard for the consumption of cold water supply, the number of floors in the house, the degree of wear of the in-house engineering equipment, and the type of heat supply systems used are taken into account.

  • Cold water supply, intended to provide common household property apartment building.

  • Closed heating system, in addition to the specified water consumption when providing a cold water supply utility service, when calculating the amount of payment for hot water supply, the volume of cold water that is necessary for the preparation of hot water, the amount of which is agreed upon in Appendix No. 2 of this order, is also taken into account.

  • The same standard for the consumption of cold water supply utilities is calculated for dormitories.

Hot water temperature standards

Processes using hot water require different temperatures. The woodworking industry uses water at 35-40 degrees to soak wood. Water at a temperature of 50 °C is required for circulating water supply in the production of condenser paper. A temperature of 60 °C is required for washing cellulose.

At a temperature of 220-240 degrees, wood-fiber boards are produced. Textile and food industry use water with a temperature of 60-65°C. In galvanic processes, water is used at 80-90 °C, and preliminary washing of the metal should be carried out at 70-90 °C.

Advice! Analyzing these examples, it is clear that the standard for hot water supply consumption for sanitary and domestic needs, as well as industrial needs, can be provided with one hot water supply system that will heat drinking water up to 50-65°C in an autonomous heat source.

Today there are many industries whose technology requires the use of process water of varying quality and temperature, including drinking water at elevated temperatures. Such enterprises are usually created different systems hot water supply to supply water of varying quality and temperature.

Principle of calculation of hot water supply pipelines

Calculation of the supply pipeline of hot water supply systems is carried out by selecting pipelines of such a diameter that the supply pressure is used as much as possible to ensure the supply of the required amount of hot water to supply remote and high water collection points.

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The temperature of hot water depends on both the type of water supply system and the time of day. At night, a temperature drop of 2 degrees lower than during the day is permissible.

Temperature standards

Standards for all indicators in the apartment must comply with SanPiN ( sanitary rules and norms) and GOSTs. SanPiN regulations for hot water did not change in 2017. These standards are adopted for reasons of expediency, since too cold or hot water can harm human health. Citizens pay not only for water delivery, but also for amenities associated with a certain temperature.

The water temperature directly depends on the type of water supply. Simply, cold and hot water must be at a certain temperature. The hot water temperature should be 60-75 degrees (not higher than 60 o C and not lower than 75 degrees). This temperature is required for all water points.

IN closed system The water temperature should be 50 degrees (this is the minimum), in open water - 60 o C.

The rules for the provision of utility services allow the following deviations:

  • decrease by 5 degrees at night (from 0 to 5.00 am);
  • temperature decrease during the day by 3 o C (from 5.00 to 0.00).

Such rules have been established for human safety purposes. Water that is hotter than specified can cause scalding with varying degrees of severity. Elevated temperatures are especially dangerous for young children, who will be able to open the tap, but will not immediately figure out how to dodge or turn off the flow of water.

But this is not the only reason why the temperature of hot water should not exceed 75 degrees. The fact is that the plumbing in the vast majority of modern apartments consists of plastic. And, of course, increased temperature negatively affects all plastic parts.

An increase in temperature up to 76% is considered a violation. Just like its drop to 56 degrees during the day or to 54% at night.

How to measure your temperature yourself

If a citizen thinks that the temperature of the hot water in the tap is much hotter than usual, then it should be measured according to all the rules. Demands can be made to the service organization only when measuring according to all the rules with a minimum permissible error. The thermometer must be in working order and contain a 100 degree scale.

The algorithm of actions should be as follows:

  1. Open the hot water tap while cold water must be closed. The water should drain within 3 minutes. Stagnant water is usually a little lower, so it should come off.
  2. Place a container, preferably at least a liter in volume, under running water.
  3. Without moving the container, take a measurement directly under running water. It is desirable that the sensing element is located in the center of the water tank. In order for the experiment to be clean, there is no need to rearrange the container; let the water overflow.
  4. When the numbers on the thermometer are recorded, remember the result.

If the temperature does not comply with Sanitary Regulations, then you need to complain to the housing and communal services. It's best to call dispatch first to find out what's causing the increase. It is possible that you will not have to write a statement, since the change in temperature can be explained preventive work or repairs on the highway. In this case, the dispatcher must inform at what time the temperature will return to normal.

If good reasons no, then you should write a statement asking to have the problem fixed. The application must be written in 2 copies, and ask the secretary to mark one of them. The second copy of the application is a guarantee that the secretary will forward your complaint for consideration.

Video about checking hot water temperature

In case of a scheduled inspection, you can suspend the water supply for no more than 4 hours. It is during this time that the temperature of the water in the tap may change. After a while she will recover.

Living in an apartment multi-storey building presupposes the presence comfortable conditions. The ability to constantly use water supply, electricity, heating and other benefits of civilization is the main evidence of comfortable housing.

One of the comfort parameters is the standard temperature of hot water in an apartment building.

Check your hot water for compliance


Regulatory documents (SanPiN) determine what temperature range of hot water in the tap is acceptable. It ranges from 60 to 75°C. This thermal regime provides sanitary protection from various microorganisms and viruses. According to the standard, the temperature of hot water in the tap is taken in accordance with the physiological characteristics of a person and does not change for several decades.

Find out how many degrees hot water should be for comfortable and safe use, knowledge of biology helps. Many bacteria found in water pipes, die when minimum temperature from 60°C and above. The water will be practically safe and free of microorganisms when further heated to 75°C.

In this video we will find out what the pressure reducer is responsible for:

In case of lower temperatures (within 40°C) warm water becomes a source of reproduction of numerous viruses dangerous to humans, so it is unsuitable for consumption. Increasing the water temperature to 60°C and above is used in open systems, which include water supply systems for apartment buildings.

Increasing the temperature above 75°C is unsafe and can cause thermal burns. The temperature risk especially increases for certain categories of residents - children, the disabled population and the disabled.

Features of recalculation

The technical condition of the heating systems in the house should not affect the regime and standards for hot water temperature in the apartment. The agreement between consumers (residents of an apartment building) and housing and communal services companies selling services defines all the conditions for hot water supply.

It is important that if hot water is supplied below the standard value for several days, this fact should be recorded in order to recalculate payments for poor-quality service provided. But there are also force majeure circumstances in which the cost is not recalculated:

  • an accident on the heating supply main serving a residential building;
  • failure of equipment (pump, boiler);
  • network maintenance and repair work.

Residents of an apartment building must record all interruptions in supply and changes in coolant parameters. If the water supply is stopped, the city emergency dispatcher must be informed.

According to the standards, the time interval without coolant supply is regulated:

  • per month - no more than 8 hours;
  • maximum once - 4 hours;
  • in case of an accident - within 24 hours.

The standards require recalculation of the tariff if an increase in the interval without water is documented.

Prices should be reduced for dates when coolant is unavailable. For example, if out of the 31st day of the month there was no normally heated water in the house for 6 days, then in the calculation it is necessary to reduce the prices specifically for the period of lack of water.

Temperature measurements

To measure the temperature of water from a tap, you need to place a special glass under the stream and fill it to the mark, then lower the thermometer into it. After 3 minutes, take the thermometer readings. By sanitary standards The following deviations are possible:

  • for daytime - up to 3 degrees;
  • at night - within 5 degrees.

A further decrease in temperature is the basis for recalculation. Without carrying out the procedure for measuring the temperature of the hot water supply, you cannot count on a reduction in payment for services. It is necessary to contact the dispatch service to officially register a request for measurement. In this case it is fixed number, date of application and name of the dispatcher.

There are two options here: a decrease in temperature due to emergency condition hot water supply networks and the absence of visible reasons for violation of supply parameters. In the first option, the dispatcher is obliged to notify residents about the timing of repair work, in the second - to agree with the applicant on the date and time of measurement.

The temperature measurement data is activated, each participant in the procedure signs on his own copy of the report. If a violation of standards is detected, then the cost of hot water is recalculated according to cold water prices.

For maximum temperature measurement accuracy, you need to drain the water from the hot tap for about 3 minutes. It is necessary to use special water thermometers.

Features of filing a complaint

If, within several days, facts of hot water supply with a temperature below the standard are recorded, you should prepare a complaint to the Management Company or Homeowners Association about recalculating payment for the use of the resource. Recalculation is made only if there is a measurement certificate.

A complaint is an official document, the execution of which must comply with the rules of office work. The text of a document should be prepared outlining all the facts of existing violations:

  • the addressee of the application is the name of the enterprise or a certain official, for example, the director of the management company;
  • You must indicate the full name, residential address, and contact numbers of the applicant;
  • In the title, indicate briefly the content of the complaint, for example, “Statement of non-compliance with regulatory parameters for the provision of services”;
  • in the main part of the application, correctly and competently list the dates of temperature measurements, for this it is necessary to use the information from the act on the facts of violation;
  • the applicant must indicate in the complaint the time frame for eliminating the violations and the requirement for recalculation of tariffs for the consumed media;
  • At the end of the complaint, the date of completion, signature and transcript of the applicant’s signature are indicated.

It is recommended to prepare two copies of the document to record the date and time of registration of the complaint V Management company or HOA on the applicant’s paper. The processing time for complaints in institutions is one month. If there is no response within this period, it is recommended to obtain official confirmation of the refusal for further action.

In this case, you should contact supervisory authorities or authorities. The new appeal must be accompanied by a copy of the first application with a mark of acceptance and an official refusal of the addressee of the complaint in a positive decision. The document can be submitted to the State Housing Inspectorate, Rospotrebnadzor and local municipal authorities, or the prosecutor's office.

As a rule, the second complaint is enough. The active participation of housing inspectors and the prosecutor's office allows, in most cases, to positively resolve the applicant's problems. The process of eliminating the causes of water supply not according to the standard and recalculating the cost of consumption of hot water supply services is carried out very quickly. IN critical situations should be sent statements of claim to court.

Monitoring changes in water temperature in the apartment is also necessary for the safe use of the resource. To eliminate cases of infection due to supply deviations desired temperature, in-house services are required to regularly carry out control measurements. Water temperature according to standards is a guarantee of epidemiological safety.


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