Warm house made of polystyrene foam. Main characteristics and application of polystyrene foam blocks in construction

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There are people to whom the expression “foam house” seems stupid and not everyone is able to take it seriously. In a way, this phrase is correct, because foam plastic blocks are used to build a house, which are later reinforced with concrete.

We are building a house from polystyrene foam

Today, one Japanese company offers consumers kits for building a foam house with their own hands. Such Japanese houses, in their opinion, have many advantages, one of which is resistance to earthquakes. This manufacturing company loudly called its japanese houses housing of the 21st century.

Technical features of this unique material are given in the table.

Later in the article we will talk to you in more detail about foam structures, and tell you what positive qualities such cladding can boast. We will also reveal the secret of the technology for performing the work, after which you will be able to build a house from foam plastic with your own hands.

Advantages of a polystyrene foam house

We build a house from polystyrene foam

To tell you about buildings made of foam plastic, it is worth highlighting a number of advantages that a building made of foam blocks can boast:

  • Foam blocks help build a very warm structure

Such insulation, as it were, envelops reinforced concrete profiles on each side.

  • A house made of foam blocks can serve as a “thermos”

Such a building can sufficiently hold warm air not only in the cold season, but also to keep cool on hot days.

  • Available formwork

Formwork is not the familiar panels that need strengthening and installation. At their core, these are blocks of foam plastic, in the middle of which there is a cavity. According to some characteristics, this material is very similar to cinder block, but externally you can’t tell them apart from each other. When constructing a building from block foam, you fill its interior with concrete mass, installing reinforcement there in advance.

  • Possibility to use permanent formwork

This formwork is presented as a complete material. Technology installation work the same: install the blocks, mount the reinforcement and pour it in concrete mortar. In principle, such formwork can be presented in 3 varieties: as slabs, blocks or standard panel formwork, which is fixed together with specialized jumpers. The use of panel formwork is the most affordable option from a financial point of view, however, working according to such a scheme is not as easy as we would like.

The most suitable solution for independent execution construction work– the use of blocks that are so reminiscent of the familiar cinder block.

Also, the foam and concrete structure has some negative points, the most significant of which is considered to be the “thermos” effect. You can overcome it only by installing it in your home quality system forced ventilation, which makes the work performed more expensive.

Another, no less unpleasant point is the environmental friendliness of the structure, which, even if tightly sealed with plaster, is out of the question. It is also worth noting the possibility of the material igniting, after which toxic substances will be released during combustion, which can even kill a person.

As you can see, not everything is as rosy as it might seem at first glance.

We build a house from polystyrene foam

DIY foam house

Basically, all buildings, no matter what material, are built using the same technology:

  • the foundation is laid;
  • walls are being built;
  • the structure is covered with a roof.

The only difference can be noticed only during the construction of walls, which we will discuss in more detail a little further.

Well, the technology for performing work is carried out in the following order:

  • The base layer of foam formwork is laid on a carefully prepared foundation, which is previously insulated from moisture.
  • The fittings are immediately mounted on the foam blocks, which are not installed in every cavity. Better reinforcement will be required in the corners.
  • There is no question of canceling the tying of the blocks, so you will have to act in the same way as if you were laying a brick. The foam will need to be laid with a slight shift, and every second tier will need to be laid perpendicular to the previous one. Such a bond will not have any additional strength, but the insulating features of the structure will increase significantly.
  • At the top of the structure it is necessary to pour an armored belt, the height of which should be at least 200mm. For these purposes, panel permanent formwork is most often used.

That seems to be all, these are all the nuances and features that you need to know about when constructing surfaces from permanent formwork. Most important point, which I would like to mention is that the cavity of the blocks must be thoroughly filled with concrete, without leaving the slightest gap.

Wall decoration

We build the walls of a house from polystyrene foam ourselves

Building floors from foam blocks with your own hands is only half the battle. When the concrete hardens, the walls will have to be covered with plaster. The plastering technology is slightly different from the usual work and looks like this:

  1. On the surface of the walls they stretch metal plaster mesh(why should you choose durable materials), which is nailed to the concrete. This process is very labor-intensive, so for quality work you will have to do a little work with your own hands.
  2. On next stage The mesh is glued with special glue to the foam blocks. This work is similar to the process of throwing on a fur coat. The glue is applied in drops onto the wall surface, after which the excess is removed with a spatula.
  3. Then beacons are installed, which are glued vertically.
  4. After the work has been done, you can use plaster made from a mixture of sand and cement. It can be applied either with your own hands or with a specialized machine.

Please note that some types of wall façade panel can be installed not on the frame, but glued directly to the surface of the walls.

In conclusion, I would also like to mention this method of constructing foam plastic buildings, such as building frame house. Using this principle, it is much easier to build a building with your own hands than using the above. At its core, this is a familiar building based on a solid frame, in which the role insulation material took over the foam.

That's all I wanted to talk about. On the one hand, building a house out of polystyrene foam with your own hands - good decision, but as soon as you remember the “thermos” effect, you don’t really want to move into such a building.

But we all have our own opinion on this matter, and it is likely that for some such buildings will become the only and ideal solution. We will not dissuade you under any circumstances; the choice, as always, is yours.

For those who want to build a modern warm and without extra costs home, will be an excellent material building blocks made of polystyrene foam. This new product in the construction industry quickly gained popularity.

What are foam blocks for construction?

This is a molded structure of two foam plates with internal bridges. Construction foam blocks in industrial production are available in the following sizes: length up to 200 cm, width up to 100 cm, and thickness can be any, but a multiple of 10 mm.

House built according to latest technology, the walls of which are made of hollow foam blocks filled with heavy concrete, is also called a thermal house. Therefore, the resulting structure is called a thermoblock, where the foam is, in fact, a permanent formwork. In this case, the concrete, hardening, forms monolithic frame building.

What are the benefits of foam blocks for building a house?

They have a number of undeniable advantages:

  1. Thanks to the use of this technology, the construction process is greatly accelerated. A house made of foam plastic blocks can be built in two weeks, which cannot be said about a house made of bricks. This does not require a large number of builders and special machinery or equipment.
  2. Polystyrene foam is environmentally friendly pure material, which does not miss radioactive radiation. After all, it has long been used for food packaging.
  3. Since polystyrene foam has excellent sound insulation, a house made from it will have the same property. Therefore, peace and quiet for the inhabitants of the house are guaranteed.
  4. Blocks for building a house with foam plastic have high thermal insulation qualities - this reduces the cost of heating a house by 10-12 times. The need for heating arises only at temperatures below -5 degrees.
  5. Due to its low weight compared to brickwork, becomes possible use lightweight foundations when building a house. Again, saving the family budget.
  6. More subtle, but warm walls made from foam plastic blocks allow you to increase the living area.
  7. Also important property The advantage of foam blocks for construction is their fire safety.
  8. Foam blocks are resistant to biological influences, microorganisms do not settle on them and they are inedible for various kinds rodents
  9. Due to the fact that foam blocks for construction are priced much lower than classic building materials, they initially have the correct geometric shape with a flat surface, which does not require additional expenses for labor-intensive wall finishing.
  10. And most important characteristic, as mentioned above, is the low cost of foam blocks, and accordingly the cost of building the entire house.

But when buying foam blocks for building a house, the price of which is very attractive, you should still take into account the quality of the material. In our store you will find only foam blocks High Quality By affordable price. You can buy foam blocks for construction on our website with the click of a button. And all your questions will be answered by our highly qualified consultants, who are well acquainted with all the new products on the global construction market.

Buying foam blocks for building a house in our store is very profitable, because by doing so you reduce not only the time for building your home, but also the cost of building materials, labor, and in the future for heating the house, as well as for additional sound insulation.

Living in a house made of foam plastic blocks is also very comfortable, because it is cool in the heat and warm in winter. And the construction of a house can not be postponed even in winter months, because low temperatures do not affect the properties of foam blocks. And you can build absolutely everything from blocks that can be built from bricks. But thanks to the plasticity of foam blocks, it is possible to realize various architectural fantasies, which cannot be done with brick. Therefore, the built house will be beautiful and at the same time cozy, standing out among standard buildings with its originality.

A modern home should not only be attractive and durable, but also economical and energy-saving. That's why Lately Unconventional construction methods using materials that have not previously been used are becoming increasingly popular. One of the relative novelties in construction are the so-called thermal houses, the walls of which are erected from foam blocks filled with concrete.

Scheme of insulation of an expanded polystyrene facade.

Today, in order to build a warm and quality house, not only building materials such as brick, concrete or wood are used, but also polystyrene foam blocks, poured using conventional concrete mortar. Polystyrene foam, or polystyrene foam, long time was not considered as a full-fledged building material, but lately similar designs began to be used more and more often.

How to build such a house? The technology itself is not very complicated, although it does require certain skills and time to build. Foam walls are erected using the following materials:

  1. Foam blocks, which have thick walls, are hollow inside. Blocks are produced only industrially.
  2. A concrete solution used to fill the cavities of blocks.
  3. Wooden formwork for blocks.
  4. Metal reinforcing bars that act as reinforcement when pouring wall blocks.

The construction process itself is as follows:

Scheme of attaching foam to the wall.

  1. First you need to install the foundation. IN in this case You can also use a strip one, but since the house is being poured from concrete, it is better to immediately calculate all the loads.
  2. After this, the laying of wall blocks begins, around which wooden formwork is installed. It is necessary to prevent deformation of the foam when pouring.
  3. The concrete is poured carefully; it is necessary to check that the blocks do not move or become deformed during the work.

Features of the thermal house

Why does a foam house stand out so much from the rest? The fact is that blocks made of foam plastic, or polystyrene, act as insulating formwork, which reduces heat loss. But it’s not enough to just order a house made of foam plastic; you need to plan it correctly. All windows of the house should be oriented to the south; it is recommended to create so-called buffer zones at the entrance. For houses that are built from blocks poured with concrete, you cannot skimp on doors and windows.

Among the features of such foam plastic buildings, it should be noted that they require the installation of a ventilation system and heating, that is, in the winter months such a house must be warmed up, although energy consumption will be minimal.

The people who put this warm house, but who neglected the rules for installing it (not so complicated), often complain about dampness and fungus that has appeared on the walls. But this is a consequence of a violation of technology, and not a defect in the material. Walls made of polystyrene foam and concrete are vapor-tight, so to support comfortable atmosphere A forced ventilation system should be installed inside. The most the best option are air handling units with recovery.

Finish options

The construction of foam plastic houses has its own characteristics, but one of the advantages over others should be noted that the walls in this case can be covered with almost any type of finishing materials.

Facade external walls, as a rule, are treated with a layer decorative plaster, characterized by low cost and attractive appearance, but other options are also possible.

Scheme of thermal insulation of the foundation with polystyrene foam.

For example, you can use ventilated facade systems, which are not only attractive and give the building a modern, stylish look, but also provide an optimal microclimate in the house.

Interior walls can be finished with the most various materials. Today, they are most often sheathed with plasterboard, which provides many design options.

For roofing materials There are no restrictions on foam houses. Due to the fact that concrete mortar is poured inside the blocks, the house turns out to be virtually monolithic, capable of withstanding even heavy loads. That is, even natural materials can be laid on the roof surface. ceramic tiles, characterized by heavy weight.

In order not to spoil the interior decoration of the polystyrene foam house, everything engineering Communication can be laid directly in the walls of the house, but this must be done at the construction stage. The only difficulty is the use of only those materials that are acceptable for indoor installation.

Cons of construction

A lot has been said about the advantages and benefits of thermal houses, but is foam plastic really that good as a frame? And is it possible to avoid some of the disadvantages of such houses made of concrete and foam plastic? Let us consider the main difficulties and disadvantages that may arise during the construction and operation of such a structure.

Diagram of a polystyrene foam wall.

  1. Operational problems. This disadvantage is associated with the material itself - polystyrene foam. To attach shelves or cabinets to its surface, it is necessary to install special overlays during construction, which are fixed directly to the concrete. If this is not done, then when repairing or installing new furniture you will have to cut the foam layer down to the concrete, and then attach it to it wooden blocks, on which the cabinets will already be hung. As you can see, this problem is solvable, although there is a certain inconvenience here, since additional, not the most simple, work is required.
  2. Heat capacity. Despite the fact that houses made of foam plastic are considered very warm, they still require winter time good warm-up.
  3. One of the main disadvantages of using concrete and foam plastic as building materials for walls is that the walls are vapor-tight. According to reviews from the owners of such houses, the atmosphere in them is always a little humid, which creates discomfort and not the most pleasant microclimate. This problem can be solved, so it is not critical, but it requires some effort and expense. You can make the microclimate in your home more comfortable by installing coercive system ventilation. And taking into account the fact that such ventilation systems Today they are installed not only for foam houses, but also for many other buildings; such a drawback often goes simply unnoticed.
  4. Labor intensity. The construction of such a house requires certain efforts and skills. In this case, it is not just about installing blocks filled with concrete, it is necessary to install them correctly, in strict accordance with all technology requirements. But it cannot be said that installing foam blocks is more difficult than building a house, for example, from brick. In many cases, it is even easier to build such a house, although you will have to work hard when laying the first rows. External and interior decoration walls are made of foam plastic, as installation difficulties may arise. Therefore, it is necessary to use only special materials.

Many consider the disadvantages to be that the blocks are made of polystyrene foam. Not everyone prefers this material as the main material for building the walls of a house, but this is a rather controversial issue. The harm of polystyrene foam has not been proven; during operation it does not emit toxic substances, but it cannot be called natural either.

It is also necessary to note this point: today the number of houses built from foam plastic and concrete is not so large, that is, it is too early to talk about their advantages or obvious disadvantages over all others. These houses are stable and very comfortable, have an attractive price and the ability to host various shapes, but a more complete analysis of their operation still requires more than one year.

Construction requirements

Today, a foam house is one of the options for building housing quickly and inexpensively. This design can take on any, often very unexpected, but such attractive forms, which greatly distinguishes a thermal house from a traditional brick or wooden one. But if you have chosen just such a material, that is, blocks of foam plastic poured with concrete, you need to remember some features.

Diagram of an expanded polystyrene panel.

  • transportation, unloading and installation of blocks must be careful, since the foam can be damaged at the ends, where the edges can chip. This problem can be solved by simply gluing the material, but this takes time, which makes installation longer;
  • When purchasing, you should choose the right blocks, since unscrupulous manufacturers may make defects. All angles must be smooth, the dimensions must match the stated ones;
  • When concrete is poured into blocks, not only the installation of formwork is required, but also constant checking of verticality using building level. This is necessary, since the foam expands when poured, that is, the blocks can move, but this should not be allowed;
  • after the installation of the house structures is completed, you must immediately begin exterior decoration so that the foam comes into contact with direct sunlight as little as possible.

Today, for the construction of houses, not only traditional materials are used, such as brick, wood, concrete and others, but also unusual ones at first glance, but no less high-quality and reliable. We are talking about foam blocks, the cavities of which are filled inside concrete mixture. After hardening, the house takes on attractive shapes, it is durable, holds heat well, and is comfortable to live in.

Expanded polystyrene blocks are a material that combines strength, sound insulation, thermal insulation and speed of construction. That is why construction technology with permanent formwork is gaining great popularity. In this article, we invite you to familiarize yourself with this material in more detail, and you can also learn how to build a house from polystyrene foam with your own hands.

Expanded polystyrene blocks, or rather a house built from them, has a number of positive aspects. Taking them into account, many decide to build a house from this material:

  • Compared to traditional technologies, time and labor costs for construction are reduced by up to two times. Accordingly, the cost of construction is reduced to 30%.
  • You can build a house of any configuration without much difficulty.
  • There are significant savings on heating in winter and air conditioning in summer. Unlike similar houses built of brick, it is 3 times more economical.
  • By reducing the thickness of the walls, more usable area. At the same time, the thermal insulation and sound insulation qualities are not lost.
  • During construction, it is not necessary to build a strong foundation, since walls made of permanent formwork create a specific load.
  • Thanks to the monolithic wall, which has a rigid frame-power structure, after finishing the internal and external walls there will be no cracks.
  • The fire resistance of the wall reaches up to 2.5 hours.
  • If we talk about price, then unlike bricks, polystyrene foam blocks are 1.5 times cheaper.
  • Savings are also achieved due to the fact that there is no need to rent special equipment.

The construction process is reminiscent of a children's Lego game. Therefore, if you wish and have basic skills, you can do all the work yourself.

On forums and others construction portals You can find a lot of discussions about how environmentally friendly and long-term such construction is. If you are objective and trust the hygienic certificates of this material, then the safety of this polymer is fully confirmed. For example, there is already real facts the fact that people who have lived in the house for more than 5 years do not feel a deterioration in their health or any discomfort.

If speak about fire safety, then polystyrene foam does not go beyond existing standards. Thus, it belongs to the category of low-flammable and low-flammable materials G1 and B1. However, the downside concerns smoke formation. The level of this indicator is high – D3.

As for hygiene, then all necessary information, you can find in the certificate, which provides the data polystyrene foam boards(fully corresponds to the material of permanent formwork).

Hazardous substances such as formaldehyde and styrene are contained within reason.

The only place where questions may arise is the scope of application. Blocks with inside needs additional processing. Applying a layer of putty and painting them is not enough. Thus, for cladding the inside of walls, it is recommended to use fire-resistant gypsum or glass-magnesite sheets. Finishing can already be done on top of this material.

In the event of a fire, fire-resistant drywall will allow you to leave the room in time until the polystyrene foam begins to release toxic gases.

According to studies, expanded polystyrene is less dangerous, when protected from direct contact with fire, than furniture made of chipboard, linoleum, curtains, laminate and other finishing materials.

As for finishing the facade of the house, the material also needs to be processed. Otherwise, under the influence sun rays it will collapse. Therefore, you should not delay finishing work, especially finishing the facade of the building, after construction is completed.

Walls built using permanent formwork technology from polystyrene foam blocks have the following characteristics:

  • IN load-bearing wall the block has dimensions of 1200×250×250 mm. So, 100 mm thick is polystyrene foam on the outside and inside, as well as 150 mm thick concrete filled between it.
  • A block measuring 1200×250×300 mm is also used. Here 100 mm in outside and 50 mm from the inside. Concrete is also poured with a thickness of 150 mm.
  • The constructed wall without finishing (internal/external) is 280–300 kg/m2.
  • The level of thermal conductivity ranges from 0.036–0.045 W/mK.
  • The degree of acoustic insulation is up to 49 dB.

As for the construction technology itself, the following points should be taken into account:

  • In the process of laying the foundation, it is necessary to lay vertical rods in it, which will serve as a connection to the wall.
  • The height of the outlet of the reinforcement must be at least 3 rows.
  • When laying the first row, it is necessary to perform waterproofing. Otherwise, moisture will penetrate into the concrete, and this will affect the thermal insulation properties walls. To make waterproofing, it is necessary to use compounds that do not dissolve polystyrene foam.
  • To continue the vertical reinforcement cage, reinforcement is laid inside the rows in the vertical direction.
  • The concreting process is carried out every 3 rows. Once the concrete has set, construction can continue.
  • For organizing window and doorways special jumpers and plugs are used. Their use will prevent concrete from spreading when pouring. The reinforcement must be laid in 2 layers in the opening. A spacer is also installed below.

For finishing polystyrene foam walls it is used glue mixture, which has the necessary adhesion to the polymer surface. It is also recommended to use a fine-mesh mesh when applying the starting layer. You can also use gypsum or glass magnesite for finishing.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the main stages of building a house made of polystyrene foam.

  • First of all, a strip foundation is laid. A horizontal deviation of no more than 10 mm is allowed.
  • Vertical reinforcement pins are laid in the foundation, which should protrude to the height of three rows.
  • When the foundation is ready, the surface is cleared of construction debris.
  • Next, markings of future walls are applied. You can use a chockline for this.
  • You should also ensure that polystyrene foam blocks are prepared along the perimeter of the building at a distance of up to 2.5 m. Their close location will allow masonry of walls to be carried out without distractions.

The construction process begins with the formation of a corner. To do this, lay the block so that the connecting grooves are directed upward for connection with the next row. Pre-waterproof the base. It will protect the concrete from moisture penetration. When laying, be sure to check the wall for vertical evenness. Also make sure that the blocks are laid strictly along the intended line.

If it is necessary to cut a block, this can be done in special recesses. Otherwise, it may lose its strength. Moreover, if you make the cut incorrectly, you will not be able to connect the blocks together.

An important stage in building a house made of polystyrene foam blocks is reinforcement. For this purpose, reinforcement is used, which must be located vertically. It is inserted into special grooves in the block jumpers. The first 3 rows are inserted into the reinforcement, which sticks out from the foundation along the entire perimeter. To organize the ligation between each other, subsequent sections of reinforcement are connected with knitting wire. Thus, the process continues until last row.

Particular attention is paid to the construction of openings for installing windows and doors:

  1. According to the project, indicate the location of doors and windows.
  2. Next, cut the blocks to form the required opening.
  3. Use 40x150 mm boards to make frames for windows and doors. Install them in the openings.
  4. After this, secure the box around the perimeter with a 25x150 mm board.
  5. It is also necessary to leave a hole at the bottom of the box opening, which will ensure the passage of concrete.
  6. As for the lintels, special blocks are used here, in which the reinforcement is laid horizontally to strengthen the structure.
  7. If it is necessary to make an arched opening, then the blocks are cut according to the template to the required shape, and the formwork is made of plywood.

Corner, right and left blocks are used to form corners. They allow blocks to be laid with offset vertical joints. As for combining the stacking of blocks in relation to the previous one, at least 400 mm is allowed on each row.

When building houses made of polystyrene foam, it is not allowed to place vertical seams on top of each other.

The reinforcement process also occurs, as already mentioned in this article. When you have laid the first 4 rows, you need to mount scaffolding. To do this, you should provide mortgages in the wall in advance. As for the last row of each floor, the blocks should be connected to subsequent rows vertically with knitting wire.

After laying 3-4 rows, it is necessary to strengthen the wall. To do this, the gap between the racks should be up to 2 m. Next, screw the blocks to the jumper with self-tapping screws vertical racks leveling system. TO concrete base secure the stand with dowels in a vertical position. Using a nut and bolt, connect the clamp to the upper post. The heel of the clamp is fixed in concrete or soil. A mandatory requirement is to use a level to install the rack vertically.

Concrete has special requirements. The minimum compressive strength class of concrete is B15. As for the filler, its fraction should be from 5 to 15 mm. The draft of the mixture cone is up to 150 mm. Immediately before laying concrete, it is necessary to level the system by rotating the handles. The concrete itself is laid in several ways:

  • Faucet with tub.
  • By pump.
  • Conveyor.
  • From the dump truck directly along the tray.

Depending on the degree of filling of the inside of the block with concrete, it must be compacted. For this purpose, the method of internal/external vibration or bayonet is used.

When arranging the roof, an anchor beam or mauerlat is secured to the top of the wall with special studs. The gables, in turn, are formed by cutting the block to the desired angle. The interior is filled with concrete. Planks are fixed on both sides of the pediment and a sheet of plywood on top. This will keep the concrete from flowing out. When the concrete has dried, the fasteners are dismantled.

If it is necessary to make a T-shaped connection between the walls, then this can be done with standard blocks. To perform a rotation of 90–180°, special blocks are used.

Finishing work

Once the concrete has acquired sufficient strength, you can begin finishing works. First of all, communications such as electrical wiring are laid. Using a thermal knife, you can easily make channels into which the wires will be laid. Regarding fastening distribution boxes, then this is done directly to concrete wall dowels. To lay a pipeline, it is allowed to install pipes Ø38 mm in the wall, but no more.

When all communications have been completed, you can begin finishing work. Walls located below the wall level are covered with a layer of waterproofing. As for the walls above the wall level, they are processed special mixtures, which have good adhesion to the surface of polystyrene foam, using fiberglass mesh. You can also install drywall and use other finishing materials.

So, we examined with you the intricacies of constructing the walls of a house from polystyrene foam blocks. If you have experience in such construction, then write your comments at the end of this article. This will help novice masters cope with this difficult task.


You will learn more about how to build a house from polystyrene foam by watching the video:

A private house made of polystyrene foam only at first glance seems like an impossible solution. In fact, the technology has been known for a long time, but it began to be used in Russia no more than 15-20 years ago. It has its pros and cons, but overall, it belongs to modern, energy-saving construction methods and is becoming increasingly popular.

A polystyrene foam house is actually being built from polystyrene foam, i.e. foam blocks. Such elements are produced with a cavity inside into which it is poured.

Essentially this is permanent formwork, which ensures the formation reinforced concrete walls, because before pouring, it is inserted into the polymer steel reinforcement. Thus it turns out a wall that is covered with insulation on the outside and inside.

Construction foam blocks can be different types and size - blocks, according to size and installation similar to cinder blocks; non-removable panels and large collapsible panels, which are assembled from 2 foam sheets, fastened with special ties.

For any type of these products, the principle of building a house is similar - a wall is assembled with an internal cavity for pouring concrete. At the final stage, wall surfaces plastered or finished with facing materials.

There is another option for foam houses. They are assembled from structural insulating (SIP) panels, which are a combination of (expanded polystyrene). Unlike the previous case, the polymer ends up inside reinforced concrete structure , because poured into cavities at the factory.

Advantages and disadvantages

SIP panels are not much different from hollow OSB panels.

They are simple air in the cavities is displaced by foam plastic, which significantly increases thermal insulation characteristics, even when exposed to moisture.

Using them requires lifting mechanisms, and therefore they are used in the construction of multi-apartment buildings.

When constructing a private house you can use foam plastic hollow blocks and panels.

The following can be distinguished pros such technology:

  1. Even panels measuring 2x1.5 m are lightweight, which allows them to be used without the use of lifting mechanisms, relying entirely on manual labor. All wall installation can be done with your own hands.
  2. The panels have all the advantages of foam plastic as insulation. Excellent thermal insulation is provided on both sides of the wall, with good moisture resistance.
  3. Sufficiently high mechanical strength is ensured by pouring concrete. In this case, there is no need to construct formwork, which significantly reduces construction time.
  4. The simplicity of the technology and low cost of polystyrene foam helps to save on construction.

It should also be noted that certain flaws:

  1. Foam creates a thermos effect. The walls do not breathe, do not allow steam to pass through and reliably maintain the temperature established inside the room. This circumstance requires the installation of a reliable ventilation system.
  2. Expanded polystyrene does not have ideal environmental cleanliness. When heated, it releases substances hazardous to human health. Releases from fire are especially dangerous.
  3. The material is considered flammable, so its use must be consistent with fire safety requirements.


Polystyrene foam has low compressive strength, impact strength and resistance to surface mechanical influences. A protective layer must be applied on top of it.

Necessary tool

Important. It should be noted that the profiles should be attached not to the polymer, but to the inner concrete layer. With the help of cladding it is possible to provide a ventilated façade.

Japanese domed houses in the photo


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