Herbal baths: recipes. Favorite homemade herbal bath recipes for skin and more

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You can improve your health not only in a specialized sanatorium, where doctors, in addition to a variety of medical procedures, prescribe mineral baths. Herbal baths will help you at home. They are also useful for maintaining the beauty of the body.

Baths for joint pain and physical fatigue

All baths are prepared in such a way that the specified amount of dry herb must be poured into three liters hot water, let the infusion stand for 2 hours, then strain and pour into hot water.

  1. Rhizomes of valerian officinalis, pine needles, butterbur leaf - take 3 tbsp of each ingredient. l. Course of treatment – ​​5 baths.
  2. Butterbur leaf, black currant leaf, stems and leaves of officinalis hyssop, valerian root - each needs 25 g. The course lasts 5 days.
  3. Herb wormwood, valerian and butterbur - 3 tbsp. l. These baths will help if you take 10 of them.

Baths for insomnia and increased nervous excitability

If you don't sleep well at night, you feel completely exhausted during the day. The following baths will help you:

  1. Take 100 g of motherwort and wild rosemary. Pour two liters of boiling water over the herbs and leave to infuse for 2 hours. Strain and pour into a bath whose water temperature is +36-38°C. Take such a bath every other day, staying in it for 20 minutes. The course consists of 10 procedures.
  2. Pour boiling water (2 liters) over dried thyme and sweet clover herbs in a total amount of 200 g and let cool completely. Strain the infusion and take a bath with it every evening for 10 days.
  3. Mix peppermint leaf (100 g), hop cones (100 g), dill seeds (100 g), wormwood herb (100 g) and pour five liters of boiling water over everything. Leave for at least 2 hours, then strain and add to water. Take baths for 7-10 days in a row.

Bath for vigor

This bath is especially good to take. in early spring, when the body is so tired of winter that it can’t get ready to wake up. Mix 100 g of dry mint leaves and 50 g of oregano flowers and pour five liters of water from a kettle. Wait until the broth has cooled completely, and then pour it into the bath. In the first two days do water procedure no more than 10 minutes, on the third and fourth – 15 minutes each, then 20 minutes each. Course – 10 baths.

Healing bath

If there are any scratches on the body and they do not heal for a long time, then a bath with very well-known plants that have an antiseptic effect will help. Take two handfuls of dried chamomile and calendula flowers. Brew them in a large thermos, and then pour this liquid into the bath. This recipe is also good for treating heels where the skin is very dry and cracked. Then pour the herbal infusion into a basin and dilute warm water.

Bath to moisturize dry skin

This bath belongs to the cosmetic series, i.e. it will make the skin attractive and smooth. It requires herbs such as lemon balm and chamomile. Take them 40 and 100 g respectively. Brew and let steep for 2 hours. Pour into the bath, but not too hot, and lie in it for 15-20 minutes. For the bath to help, it is recommended to take it 2-3 times a week.

Bath for oily skin

Like dry, oily skin also brings a lot of grief to its owner. A bath with rosemary will help correct the situation. You need to take 100 g of it, pour boiling water and, when the infusion has cooled, add it to a container of water. This bath is good because it tightens pores and dries out acne. Recommended for young girls and boys during puberty. You can take it daily, but no more than 5-7 days. Repeat the course after 1-1.5 months.

Bath for any skin type

This bath will put your body in order (the skin will become soft and silky), and will help you lose excess weight and heal your nerves. And it is prepared quite simply and from a very affordable plant. This is an ordinary spruce or pine, or rather, their needles. You can use both freshly picked pine needles and dry ones left over from the New Year tree. Take 1 cup of needles and brew them with two liters of boiling water. Let it brew for several hours, and then take the aromatic pine bath. It is better to do it every other day for two weeks.

The content of the article:

Therapeutic baths are a popular herbal medicine method used all over the world. It consists of adding decoctions of some plants to water that have exceptional healing properties and can provide therapeutic effect. Baths with herbs are taken not only to cleanse the skin, but also to relax and relieve fatigue after a hard day. Water has the ability to heal, which Eastern healers have long noticed, so this practice is quickly gaining popularity.

Beneficial properties of a medicinal bath with herbs

Many modern spas use the beneficial effects of medicinal baths as a relaxing treatment. Her beneficial features very often become necessary in the lives of many:

  • Calming effect. Nervous tension, stress at work or at home, worry or anxiety are easily eliminated with the help of correct selection medicinal herbs. The high temperature (+38-42 degrees Celsius) of the water in the bath relaxes a person.
  • Fat burning effect. Some herbs are especially effective in anti-cellulite preparations. With their help, the condition of the skin improves, it tightens and becomes more elastic. Increased metabolism leads to the breakdown of fat reserves that are deposited underneath.
  • Tonic effect. The water itself has a beneficial effect on blood circulation. More low temperatures(+20-33 degrees Celsius) promote better well-being, a feeling of freshness, a surge of strength and energy. That is why tonic baths are most often recommended to be taken in the morning or before work.
  • Protective action. Some herbs can strengthen the immune system and are good for getting rid of colds. Together with the high temperature of the water in the bathroom, they can remove mucus during bronchitis.
  • Skin cleansing. With the help of a warm bath, a steaming effect occurs and the skin pores expand. It is in this state that they are soluble in water useful material medicinal plants and salts can easily penetrate the skin. They remove toxins and metabolic products, thereby improving her condition.

Contraindications to taking medicinal herbal baths

The availability of medicinal baths as part of complex therapy for any disease does not make them universal and completely safe. Some categories of people have a number of contraindications to the use of this method.

Exposure to temperatures can sometimes complicate the course of chronic diseases. That is why the prescription of such treatment should be carried out by a doctor who understands all the specifics of these procedures.

Not recommended for use hot bath people with low blood pressure, since under the influence of heat the tone of blood vessels decreases and they expand. Consequently, peripheral resistance decreases and most of the blood enters the soft fabrics, and vital organs, such as the brain, suffer from oxygen starvation. Low blood pressure can cause loss of consciousness. In this state, a person runs the risk of choking.

Under no circumstances should medicinal baths be used if you have recently suffered a stroke or myocardial infarction, severe hypertension, or exacerbation of liver or kidney failure.

The use of essential oils, which are often included in such medicinal baths, can cause an exacerbation of many diseases, so they should not be used for children, pregnant women or seriously ill people. Such substances may cause skin irritation due to individual sensitivity to the components.

Therefore, it is recommended to conduct a skin test to determine a possible allergic reaction to essential oils before using them. To do this, apply a couple of drops of this substance to inner side forearms and wait a few hours. If there is no reaction, you can try using it for a bath, but only in the absence of severe pathologies from the cardiovascular system.

If a person is prone to seizures or has epilepsy, it is prohibited to use basil, sage, thyme or rosemary. These plants can increase the symptoms of diseases, so their use is strictly prohibited.

What herbs to use for preparing a bath

The most beneficial are medicinal baths made from fresh plants. Juicy petals or leaves retain more active substances than dried ones. However, in most cases, dry herbs are used.

The drying method is important. Experts recommend cutting plants at their peak flowering time or earlier. Do not dry under straight lines sun rays, under electric or gas heaters. Best in summer time lay out raw materials in the shade and ventilate in a timely manner. Under such conditions, its properties can be preserved for a long time.

Which herbs to use depends on the specific expected effects of the medicinal baths. Each plant has a specific set of substances that constitute a therapeutic effect.

The following medicinal herbs are most often used for decoctions:

  • Horsetail. They use water tinctures and decoctions of fresh plants collected in the summer. In medicine they are used for rheumatism (in the inactive phase) and atherosclerosis. It is also known that many cosmetologists recommend horsetail decoctions to restore skin elasticity, which is why it is so often used in anti-cellulite baths.
  • Yarrow officinalis. Has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Thus, it is able to heal wounds and microcracks on the body. Improves microcirculation, thereby causing rapid regeneration of damaged tissues.
  • pharmaceutical camomile. Has an anti-inflammatory effect on human skin, a calming effect on nervous system. Quickly relieves fatigue and calms, relaxing striated muscles. It has an antispasmodic effect, therefore it improves microcirculation of the scalp and has a good effect on hair growth.
  • Nettle. This unique plant combines antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, cleansing effects. A decoction added to a medicinal bath regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands of the skin and cleanses the body of toxins. A bath with nettle has an invigorating effect that gives strength and energy.
  • Lavender. The flowers of this plant contain aromatic essential oil, which is widely used in many fields, but most often it is used as a sedative and sedative. With the help of lavender you can get rid of insomnia and irritability, the consequences of stress.
  • Linden. The flowers of the plant contain mass useful vitamins for the skin, tannins that have an analgesic effect. A linden bath provokes increased sweating, thereby removing toxins and waste from the body. Used as part of anti-cellulite preparations.
  • St. John's wort. The properties of this plant have long been used in cosmetology for oily skin. It is able to cleanse the pores of sebum, thereby allowing the cells to breathe. Enhances metabolism, which promotes weight loss. Has a healing effect on cracked heels and elbows.
Many different plants are used for medicinal baths, depending on their availability. Also, the use of medicinal herbs can be individual. For some, one plant will be a godsend, while for others it will not even have an effect.

Recipes for therapeutic herbal baths

Preparation medicinal bath With medicinal herbs should occur in accordance with the recommendations, because each plant prefers its own temperature and only acts for a certain period of time. Almost all recipes include ready-made essential oils or decoctions of dried raw materials. Depending on the main effect of a medicinal bath, they should be divided into several groups.

Soothing herbal baths

Suitable for those who need to get rid of nervous tension and anxious thoughts. Very often even psychological problems can be corrected by selecting sedative herbs for the bath. During heavy physical activity, such training will help relax muscles, restore strength and energy. This eliminates fatigue and insomnia.

The procedure should be carried out at a water temperature of 37 degrees Celsius and above. Hotter baths can only be used by those who do not have problems with the cardiovascular system.

Recipes for soothing herbal baths:

  1. Mint bath. First, you should steep three equal parts of lemon balm, mint and birch leaves in boiling water for 2 hours. For 200 grams of herbs, use 3-4 liters of water. Then strain and pour into a hot bath. Thanks to its wonderful aroma, the collection will affect the nervous system, improve well-being and sleep.
  2. Linden. Collect linden and chamomile flowers in equal proportions. For a better effect, you can crush them, then add water (for 200 grams of flowers - 3-4 liters of boiling water). Infuse this decoction for no more than half an hour, then strain and add to the bath.
  3. Bath with valerian. The rhizome of this plant is used, which should be crushed. Poured cold water, based on a ratio of 3:100, and infused for about an hour. Then you need to bring the broth to a boil, remove it from the heat and set it aside again for another 5 minutes, strain. In this form you can pour it into the bath. Has a beneficial effect on various kinds neuroses, effective for menopause and other hormonal changes in the body.
The duration of a soothing bath is 20-30 minutes. The higher the water temperature, the shorter the procedure should be.

Invigorating herbal baths

Such procedures are indicated to improve a person’s well-being; they cause a surge of strength, energy, and stimulate the body’s defenses. The temperature of the invigorating bath should be 34-36 degrees Celsius. Colder procedures should be called hardening.

People with colds or exacerbations of chronic diseases should not take such baths, as this can cause deterioration.

Recipes for invigorating baths:

  • Chestnut. Use 200 grams of green chestnut leaves, which need to be poured with 1 liter of boiling water. Let it sit for no more than half an hour, then strain and pour into the bath. This decoction is popular due to its availability and effect on the scalp. The procedure has a general strengthening effect on the human body, nourishes the scalp, stimulating hair growth.
  • Nettle. For such a bath you need 250 grams of dry or crushed nettle leaves. Then you need to pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave for about 20 minutes. After the broth has been filtered, it can be added to the bath. It has an invigorating effect, restores strength and adds energy.
  • Khmelnaya. For this bath you will need 4 tablespoons of hops and 2 liters of boiling water. The broth should be put on fire and boiled for 10 minutes. Then strain and add to water. Intoxicating baths have a tonic effect, improve well-being and cause a surge of strength.
The duration of the invigorating bath is 10-15 minutes, depending on the temperature and well-being of the person.

Slimming baths with herbs

It's no secret that the range of products for quick disposal from extra pounds is constantly growing. Before deciding to take expensive medications, you can turn your attention to special anti-cellulite baths that are successfully used for weight loss by women all over the world.

Weight loss occurs due to the removal of toxins, waste from the body and stimulation of basic metabolism. Thus, increased metabolism copes with fat deposits faster.

Recipes for herbal baths to combat excess weight:

  1. St. John's wort. It is necessary to use mint, nettle, rose hips, and St. John's wort in equal proportions. For 200 grams of this collection you need to take 1 liter of boiling water. The collection causes increased sweating, removes cellular metabolic products from the body, thereby cleansing it.
  2. Sage. In addition to the sage itself, you will also need peppermint leaves, oregano and calendula flowers. This collection should be poured with boiling water at a ratio of 200 grams of herbs per 1 liter of boiling water. Leave for 20 minutes, strain and can be used. This bath helps break down subcutaneous fats, restores elasticity and rejuvenates the skin.
  3. Horsetail. This bath is prepared from a tincture of 200 grams of dry horsetail per 1 liter boiled water. You should set the prepared mixture aside for half an hour, then strain, and you can use it. Restores skin structure and removes “orange peels”.

Rules for taking medicinal baths based on herbs

Despite the relatively low level emergence side effects from taking medicinal baths with herbs, there are several rules that must be followed:
  • Temperature. Regardless of recommendations and specific recipes, the temperature of the bath water should not cause discomfort. A person should not be too hot or cold.
  • Cooling. When leaving the bathroom, you should not step on the cold floor or immediately go into a room where it is cool. Such a sharp change in temperature can negatively affect your well-being.
  • Control. It is necessary to carefully monitor the water temperature, composition medical fees and duration of the procedure. A change in any of these indicators can nullify all efforts or even worsen the situation.
  • Dive. If it becomes difficult to breathe or there are slight abnormalities in the functioning of the heart, you should sit so that the water does not cover your chest.
  • Rest. After the procedure, you need to dry yourself with a towel and rest for about one hour. You cannot engage in any mental or physical activity.
  • Hood. You can't take a bath in indoors without exhaust, humid air must be constantly refreshed.
How to make a bath with herbs - watch the video:

Therapeutic baths with herbs are quite popular and effective method herbal medicine. It is best to carry out such procedures on the recommendation of the attending physician, this reduces the risk possible complications self-medication.

herbal baths

Therapeutic effect herbal bath often underestimated. But this is a pleasant and simple health procedure. And besides, it can perfectly not only give you energy after a working day, but also cure it.

How to take herbal baths correctly

Healing herbal baths There are cold - up to 20°C, cool - 20-33°C, indifferent - 34-37°C, warm - 38-39°C and hot - 40°C and above. It is recommended to take warm and indifferent baths for 10-20 minutes, cold, cool and hot baths for 3 minutes. Healing herbal baths It is recommended to take 2-3 times a week for a month. Before taking a bath, you need to do several physical exercises to warm up your body, after which you take a shower. After a therapeutic bath, do not rinse, but blot the body with a terry towel. It is better to lie in the bath facing the light and at the same time turn slightly on your right side. When taking a bath, the heart area should be above the water. One more thing important condition: A medicinal bath should not be taken immediately before meals and for an hour after it.

The preparation of all herbal decoctions for medicinal baths is carried out in the same way. For infusion, you can take one herb or make a collection to your liking. Typically, an average of 600 g of fresh grass or 100 g of dry grass is taken. The grass is filled with one liter cold water, bring to a boil, infuse for an hour, and then filter and pour into the bath.

Lmedicinal herbs , which are used for baths :

Oak bark. Healing herbal baths with oak bark decoction have anti-inflammatory and astringent properties. They are recommended for skin diseases and varicose veins .

Valerian. Baths with a decoction of this herb are good at calming the nerves and relieving syndrome chronic fatigue and reduce blood pressure.

Thyme. Baths with this herb help improve overall metabolism and calm the nervous system. They are good to take insomnia, neuroses and neurasthenia.

Horsetail. Good for baths pain in bladder and in the kidneys.

Chamomile, oregano, nettle, string and celandine . When taking baths from infusions of these herbs, the skin becomes more elastic and the vitality of the body increases. Besides they are good disinfect the skin, cleansing it of various rashes and pustules.

For specific diseases, infusions for medicinal herbal baths are prepared a little differently from ordinary tonics. And special herbs are needed for this. But all this can be done at home and treated at home.

Recipes for therapeutic herbal baths for some diseases.

Osteochondrosis, arthritis, radiculosisT .

— You need to pour 5 liters of boiling water into 300 g of knotweed grass. Let it sit for 2 hours. Then strain and pour into a bath with a water temperature of 32-34°C. Take the procedure for 15-20 minutes every other day.

— Take 100 g of wild rosemary herb and 100 g of motherwort, pour two liters of boiling water, steam in a water bath for 2 hours, then strain and pour into a bath with a water temperature of 36-38 ° C. Take a bath for 15-20 minutes. Such procedures are used for radiculitis, and are also good for insomnia and increased nervousness.

Kidney diseases .

Take 100 g of plants equally: birch leaf, sage leaf, knotweed herb. Pour three liters of boiling water. Let it sit for 2-3 hours. Strain and pour into a bath of water at a temperature of 32-34°C. Take a bath for 15-18 minutes every other day for renal colic and kidney stones. The course of treatment is 5-7 minutes.

Skin diseases.

Pour five liters of boiling water over 100 g of burdock, plantain and nettle leaves. Leave for 2 hours, strain and pour into a warm bath. The procedure takes 15-20 minutes, the course of treatment is 10 baths.

Cosmetic procedures with herbs for face and body skin

Setting up a spa at home is as easy as shelling pears. Herbal masks for the face and body, herbal baths, herbal wraps - all these simple but very effective procedures can be done at home. Stock up on dried herbs for future use - they will help your skin look healthy and well-groomed, and save both time and money. Choose a free minute, select the desired bouquet of herbs and enjoy the pleasant procedures.

Toning mask for any skin

We will need equal amounts of sage, mint, dill, chamomile and linden flowers. Grind a tablespoon of herbal mixture in a mortar and pour a glass of boiling water. Leave for 20 minutes, strain. We moisten a napkin in the broth and apply the herbal pulp (it should be warm) to the face. Cover your face with a napkin and keep the mask on for about 20 minutes. Then remove the paste and rinse your face with the herbal decoction.

Decoction and lotion for oily skin

Decoction. It cleanses oily skin well and evens out the complexion with the infusion and rhizomes of snakeweed. You can buy this herb at the pharmacy. Brew boiling water in a ratio of 1:20, let it brew for half an hour. Take a cloth with slits for the eyes, soak it in warm broth, and hold the compress for 20 minutes. The procedure should be regular, do it every other day for a month.

Lotion. Brew St. John's wort and chamomile separately (1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water), let it brew for half an hour. We filter. Mix 120 ml. St. John's wort decoction and 30 ml. chamomile decoction. Add 30 ml. vodka and 10 grams of glycerin. The lotion is stored in the refrigerator and used as a skin cleanser in the morning and evening.

Herbal baths for the body

To save time, you can combine facial treatments with a bath. To do this, prepare a herbal decoction in advance - you will need 150 grams for 3 liters of water. dry herbs. Bring water with herbs to a boil, keep on low heat for 5 minutes, rough parts of plants - 20 minutes. Let the broth brew for about an hour and pour it into prepared warm water. Here are some herbal body bath recipes:

Bath for any skin (toning). We take 10 grams. blackcurrant leaves, mint, thyme, 20 g each. clover flowers, birch leaves, raspberry leaves, 25 g each. nettle leaves and string, 15 gr. chamomile, 5 gr. oregano. Prepare the decoction as described above and pour it into a bath with warm water.

Bath for problem skin. Take 2 parts each of calendula and thyme, 1 part each of plantain, chamomile, St. John's wort and juniper, brew with a liter of boiling water. Let it brew for an hour, strain, add 3 tbsp. l. blue clay (sold at the pharmacy) and pour into warm water.

Relaxing bath. It is recommended to take before bedtime. You need to mix chamomile, lavender, mint, rosemary, thyme and ground calamus rhizomes in equal proportions. Pour 100 grams of this mixture into three liters of boiling water, leave for half an hour, strain directly into a bath of warm water. You should take such a bath for no longer than half an hour.

Herbal body wraps

A universal “bouquet” of herbs: chamomile, oregano, mint, lavender, yarrow. Mix the herbs in equal proportions, take 2 cups of the herbal mixture, pour in two liters of boiling water, and let it brew. At this time, take a shower with soap or gel, wipe the skin dry. After 20 minutes, strain, dip a clean cloth into the broth, squeeze so that no water drips, and wrap the body with a warm cloth. Cover the top with polyethylene and warm blanket for 15 minutes.

Most often, flawless skin is the result of taking care of your health. Herbal masks and baths excellent helpers in this, but do not forget about the common truths - good nutrition, rest and healthy way life.

Recipes for beauty and a healthy body are passed down from generation to generation. How to make baths beneficial for skin and health?

Body care is an integral part of a woman’s life. But you can combine business with pleasure and not just relax after work while lying in the bath, but also help your body look young and beautiful. For getting maximum benefit follow some recommendations:

  • Before taking a bath, cleanse your skin with a scrub
  • Optimum water temperature - 37 - 38 degrees
  • Refrain from eating, do not give your organs double duty
  • To avoid stress on the heart, take a bath for no more than 20 minutes

Moisturizing baths for dry skin: recipes

Moisturizing baths can relieve skin from irritation and flaking and give it a youthful and well-groomed appearance.

  • Bath with yarrow: recipe.
    Pour 1 kg of raw material into 3 liters of water, then boil and leave to steep for 10 - 15 minutes. Pour the infusion into the bath.

Watch the temperature - too hot bath may lead to the opposite effect.

  • Bath with chamomile: recipe.
    Pour 1 kg of chamomile into 3 liters of water, let stand for 5 minutes, then boil. Add the strained infusion to the water. This bath has a softening and healing effect.
  • Oatmeal bath: recipe.
    Dissolve a glass of crushed oatmeal in warm water. After taking a bath, rinse in cool water.

Important: Be careful - the bottom of the bath may be slippery!

  • Cream bath: recipe.
    Dissolve 200 g of cream in the bath. Such a bath will not only moisturize your skin, but also give it tenderness.
  • Bath with glycerin: recipe.
    To restore skin, add a glass of liquid glycerin to a bath of warm water.

Baths for delicate and sensitive skin: recipes

Sensitive skin simply requires careful care. In addition, not all products are suitable for this skin type, and some can even be harmful.

  • Bath with banana, milk, eggs and honey: recipe.
    Beat with a mixer (you can use a blender) 1 banana, 2 tbsp. honey, 2 eggs and 0.5 liters of milk. Then stir in the bath.
  • Herbal bath: recipe.
    Take dry leaves of coltsfoot, sea buckthorn, plantain and raspberry in equal proportions, pour boiling water and leave for 15-20 minutes. Then pour the infusion into the bath.
  • Beer bath: recipe.
    Pour 2.5 liters of unfiltered beer into the bath. This intoxicating drink cleanses the skin, makes it smoother, and the vitamin B it contains will strengthen your nails and give your skin elasticity.

Baths for rejuvenation and improvement of skin elasticity: recipe

  • Bath with mumiyo: recipe.
    Dissolve 5 g of mumiyo in 500 ml of hot water and add to the bath. The optimal course for best result— 20 receptions (every other day). Then take a ten-day break and you can repeat the course.
  • Bath with rosemary and wormwood: recipe.
    Brew 100 g of rosemary and 100 g of wormwood in 4 liters of water, let it brew. Then pour the strained broth into the bath. This mixture has regenerating properties and improves blood circulation.

Important: Take a bath for no more than 20 minutes, try to keep the heart area above the water.

  • Dandelion bath recipe.
    Take 2 kg of fresh dandelion leaves or 1 kg of dry ones and boil for 10 minutes in 5 liters of water. Let the broth sit for half an hour and pour it into the bath.

Skin whitening baths: recipes

Many people strive to achieve flawless white skin. Some people consider this a sign of aristocracy, others simply don’t like a tan, and some have impaired pigmentation. Check out some bath recipes that will help you achieve the white effect you want:

  • Lemon juice bath: recipe.
    Squeeze the juice of 3 lemons and dissolve in a warm bath. Take a bath twice a week.

Important: Do not add more lemon juice and do not abuse the frequent use of such a bath, you can dry out your skin!

  • Sea salt bath recipe.
    Before taking a bath, use a scrub to remove dead skin cells, then, while lying in the bath, gradually rub fine-grained sea salt into the skin. After completing the procedure, lie down and relax

Important: In addition to the whitening effect, a bath with salt provides cleansing and tightening of the skin.

  • Bath recipe with citrus and olive oil.
    Cover the lemon, cut into pieces, with warm water and let stand for about 2 hours. Add 1 tbsp. olive oil and pour this mixture into the bath.

Skin tightening baths: recipes

  • Hollywood bath recipe.
    Beat 1 egg, 1 tsp. vanilla with half a glass of shampoo and dissolve in the bath.
  • Bath recipe with bran.
    Brew 1 kg of bran with 2 liters of milk, add 1 tbsp. honey, stir thoroughly and pour out the bath. After taking a bath, wash yourself with cool water.
  • Vitamin bath recipe.
    Add 1 liter of juice or a mixture of different juices to water. The bath is different in that the time it takes is unlimited.

Skin cleansing baths: recipes

Herbal baths will help you cleanse your skin:

  • Bath recipe with nettle.
    Take 200 g of dry raw material and brew it in 4 liters of water, let it brew a little, strain and add to the bath. If possible, use fresh nettles.
  • Bath recipe with sage and oak bark.
    Brew 100 g of sage in 3 liters of water, let it brew. Then separately brew 100 g of oak bark in 1 liter of water. Boil for about half an hour, then let the broth stand for the same amount of time. Strain both decoctions and add to a warm bath. Take a bath for no more than 15 - 20 minutes.
  • Bath recipe with calendula.
    Brew 200 g of calendula in 4 liters of water, let it brew for about two hours, strain and add the decoction to the bath.
  • Bath recipe with rosemary.
    Brew 200 g of rosemary in 4 liters of water and add to the bath.

Important: These recipes are not suitable for sensitive skin.

Baths for problem skin: recipes

  • Hop bath recipe.
    Pour 1 kg of crushed hop leaves (you can take cones) into 3 liters of water, let stand for 10 minutes, then boil for 5 minutes and leave to steep for 10 minutes. Strain the broth and dilute it in a warm bath.
  • Bath recipe with oat flakes and pine extract.
    Prepare a thick decoction of 0.5 kg of oatmeal and add 1 tbsp. pine extract. After taking a bath, apply cream to your skin.
  • Bath recipe with string and salt.
    Brew 50 g of string in 0.5 liters of water, let it brew a little and pour it into the bath. Add 100 g of sea salt there. To dissolve the salt, you can keep it in gauze or a strainer under running water. To achieve results, perform at least 10 procedures.

Softening bath to moisturize and soften the skin: recipes

Take a bath to soften the skin 2-3 times a week for a month, then no more than once a week.

  • Bath recipe with pharmaceutical chamomile and flaxseed.
    For peeling skin, dilute 100 ml of a decoction made from chamomile and flaxseed in the bath.
  • Almond bran bath recipe.
    Wrap 300 g of almond bran and immerse in the bath. One bag is enough for 3 - 4 uses.
  • Bay leaf bath recipe.
    50 g bay leaf pour 1 liter of boiling water and let stand for about 30 minutes. Then add the strained infusion to a warm bath.
  • Starch bath recipe.
    To prevent peeling, stir 300 - 500 g of starch in 3 - 5 liters of cold water and add to the bath.

Baths for itchy skin: recipe

  • Vinegar bath recipe.
    If there is itching with dry skin, add a glass of vinegar to the water.
  • Bath recipe with oat bran.
    Wrap 2 - 3 tablespoons of bran in a gauze or cotton bag and place in the bath. You can use 1 bag 2 - 3 times, drying it each time after use.

Important: To eliminate itching, you can replace oat bran with wheat bran.

Herbal baths for skin: benefits

Herbal baths have a soothing, moisturizing and strengthening effect on the skin. Moreover, they help improve metabolism, improve blood circulation, and cleanse the body of toxins.

Take herbal baths in the morning or evening. In the morning, use infusions and decoctions that have a tonic effect (rosemary, juniper, lemon balm), in the evening - a soothing one (chamomile, mint, linden).

With a variety of herbs, you can make a collection of several types, based on the purpose of using baths, health status and skin type. So, for example, for normal skin use chamomile, lavender, geranium, for dry and sensitive skin violet, sage, sandalwood are suitable. If you have oily skin, try a bath with juniper, lemon, basil.

To prepare a decoction, take 200 - 250 g of dry herbs or about 1 kg of fresh raw materials per 3 liters of water. Try to keep the heart area above the water.

Important: For some diseases, taking warm herbal herbs is strictly contraindicated, so consult your doctor.

Salt baths for skin: benefits

Action salt baths aimed at muscles and joints. Therefore, they are often prescribed to eliminate the consequences of injuries. In addition, they help with stress and fatigue. Salt baths are practiced to cleanse and whiten the skin; they also help as part of a weight loss complex.

Bath salts and salt bath recipe

To prepare a bath you will need 300 - 350 g of sea or table salt, dissolved in warm water. Fine sea salt can be used as a scrub to cleanse the skin. Take a salt bath 1-2 times a week for no more than 30 minutes.

Essential bath oils for body skin elasticity: benefits, recipes, tips

Baths with essential oils belong to the category of aromatic. Their peculiarity is their double effect on the body: they not only affect the skin, but also serve to cleanse the respiratory tract.

  • Do not use a lot of oil to avoid headaches. For taking a bath, 3-4 drops are enough.
  • Essential oils do not dissolve in water, so first dissolve them in 30 - 50 ml of milk, sour cream or honey.
  • When taking a bath with essential oils, do not use other cosmetics- this will reduce the therapeutic effect.

Various oils can serve as both a medicinal and a cosmetic product.

  • Sandalwood, lemon balm, chamomile, geranium, lavender and rose oils, taken in an amount of 2 - 4 drops, help relieve fatigue.
  • Citrus oil acts as a tonic. Rosemary, basil, thyme, bergamot and sage have a similar effect.
  • Cedar oil can be used as a pain reliever.
  • Thyme, lavender, birch, lemon, juniper and pine oils are used to prevent colds.

Important: If you experience any discomfort, stop taking the bath immediately. Avoid contact of pure essential oil with skin.

  • Soda bath is universal remedy on caring for yourself and your body. The use of a bath tones and smoothes the skin, in combination with salt eliminates skin damage, soothes allergies, helps to establish the body's metabolic processes, and promotes weight loss.
  • For a general tonic and cleansing effect, dilute 200 g of soda in warm water and add to the bath.
  • To lose weight, prepare a solution of 200 g of soda and 300 g of sea salt.
  • When preparing an anti-cellulite bath, add 2 - 3 drops of citrus essential oil to the soda solution.
  • Take a bath in a course of 10 procedures every other day, avoid immersing your entire body in water, it is better to leave the heart area above the water.

Important: A bath with soda is contraindicated if you have diabetes or other chronic diseases, for hypertension, ARVI, pregnancy.

Milk bath for skin - “Cleopatra’s Bath”: recipe

It has a moisturizing and toning effect, actively nourishes the skin.

  • "Cleopatra's Bath": recipe.
    Take 100 g of honey melted in a water bath and mix with 1 liter of heated milk, add this mixture to the bath. Before taking a bath, mix 350 g of salt with 200 liters of low-fat sour cream and rub into the skin like a scrub.
    Before immersing yourself in the bath, take a shower, your skin should be clean.
    Carry out the procedure in the evening, 2 times a week.

The inventor and founder of turpentine baths was A.S. Zalmanov, who proved therapeutic effect procedures. Turpentine baths help in the treatment of many diseases:

  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels
  • Joint diseases
  • Spinal diseases
  • Diabetes
  • Urology, gynecology
  • Respiratory diseases

In addition to their medical purposes, they are an excellent cosmetic product that helps get rid of excess weight and cellulite.

There are 2 different types solution - yellow solution and white emulsion. It is best to use a mixture of them.

RECIPE: To prepare a bath, 10 ml of emulsion (then add 1 - 2 ml each procedure) stir in 1 - 1.5 liters warm water, add the solution to the bath. Before diving, cover all sensitive parts of the body (you can apply Vaseline). Use a turpentine bath for 10 days, or 10 procedures every other day, then take a break.

Important: End the procedure if you feel a burning sensation. Reception turpentine bath last no more than 15 minutes.

More details about turpentine baths.

What to do with your skin after a bath?

  • After some skin baths (salt, bran, etc.), you need to rinse under a cool shower
  • Pat your skin dry with a towel, do not rub it.
  • Apply milk or body lotion
  • Do not eat for at least 30 minutes
  • Try not to lie down for at least 15 minutes after taking a bath.
  • You can do a light relaxing massage or an anti-cellulite massage with a brush.

Herbal baths for silky skin, video


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