Requirements for dismantling rubberized metal structures. Dismantling of metal structures: stages

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The construction of various types of objects, regardless of what technologies are used, will often involve the use various designs made of metal. Moreover, such elements often introduce difficulties into dismantling work. As a result, carrying out work of this kind becomes quite difficult. These same works may be required by workers or the immediate owners of the premises when remodeling, reconstructing, moving, or moving from place to place.

Carrying out dismantling metal structures usually consists of removing equipment previously installed at this location, various kinds advertising structures, etc. In addition, sometimes you have to perform this type of work such as disassembling frame structure made of metal. Carrying out such manipulations is quite complex and time-consuming.

For this purpose, it is necessary to invite workers with relevant experience. Also, when carrying out this kind of work, special equipment is needed. You can't do without it. And before starting work, you need to draw up a plan. When performing it, you must strictly follow the intended sequence. It is, of course, desirable to have extensive experience working with metal structures. Qualified workers whose services you can order on the website, will cope with this without much difficulty.

What are the features of dismantling structures (metal)? Before you begin work (dismantling), you should first draw up a plan. All work will be performed on the basis of it. It should be as detailed as possible. Subsequently, you will need to carefully study this plan. You also need to study the design documentation. As a result, this will avoid the risk that the part of the object that was being dismantled will collapse. Another condition for dismantling work is that specialists must be present when performing it. responsible for safety precautions.

Typical problems that make it difficult to dismantle structures made of metal are their rather large dimensions and weight. In addition, work often has to be done at heights. In addition, sometimes work is carried out in densely built conditions, which is not always convenient. Complete dismantling is usually more difficult to carry out.

When performing work on dismantling structures, it is sometimes necessary to use hydraulic shears working on metal, crawler excavators and other equipment.

What methods exist for dismantling structures made of metal?

Dismantling of structures by employees from the company performed in one of two ways. The first method is scrapping and removal and subsequent disposal of the resulting waste. As for the second method, it involves the phased implementation of dismantling work.

Correct dismantling of plumbing doors

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Credit and financial services

Banks sometimes act as customers for construction and installation work related to the reconstruction of fixed assets. In this case, when dismantling the equipment, unsuitable for further use the remains of various metal structures - scrap metal. Let's consider who is responsible for its accounting, delivery for processing and how to take it into account in accounting and tax accounting.

Who is the owner of scrap metal?

In relation to his property, the owner has the right to take any actions that do not contradict the law, public benefit and safety, etc.<1>. This includes dismantling the property by the contractor on the basis of a construction contract concluded with him. After dismantling, the customer remains the owner of what remains of his property, including the remains of metal structures that are not suitable for further use.

It is necessary to distinguish from such residues construction waste, which is generated during construction and installation work during the construction, reconstruction, repair, restoration, improvement of construction projects not related to the dismantling of structures, dismantling, demolition of buildings and structures. The owner (producer) of such waste is the contractor<2>.

The remains of metal structures (scrap metal), which were formed after dismantling, have lost their consumer properties and cannot be used at the construction site, are industrial waste<3>.

Please note! During development project documentation For construction, the customer needs to provide a set of measures for waste management, including, in particular, the determination of temporary storage sites for waste at the construction site, design solutions for transporting waste to waste management facilities, and other measures<4>.

Scrap and waste of metal structures (scrap metal) includes waste of ferrous and non-ferrous metals - in particular, equipment, components and assemblies that have become unusable or have lost their operational value, products made of ferrous and non-ferrous metals<5>. The procedure for handling such waste is determined<6>.

Note Ferrous metals include: cast iron, steel, ferroalloys and products made from them. Non-ferrous metals include: aluminum, tungsten, cadmium, cobalt, magnesium, copper, molybdenum, nickel, tin, mercury, lead, titanium, zinc, their alloys and products made from them<7>.

What to do with scrap metal

Waste of ferrous and non-ferrous metals that are generated in the process economic activity from organizations, you need to hand it over to the procurement organization of the Belarusian State Association for the procurement, processing and supply of scrap and waste of ferrous and non-ferrous metals - GO "Belvtormet" ( or ship according to their orders<8>.

An order must be obtained for the movement of scrap and waste of ferrous and non-ferrous metals on the territory of the Republic of Belarus and beyond its borders, with the exception of the delivery of scrap and waste to the State Enterprise "Belvtormet"<9>.

Note: The storage period for scrap metal at the customer of construction and installation work should not exceed three months from the date of formation of the minimum shipping lot. Such a batch is a specialized car or a railway car, depending on the method of export used by this entity and determined in the agreement with the procurement organization<10>.

There is a requirement that the customer, the owner of waste generated as a result of dismantling structures and (or) demolition, is obliged to ensure that processing enterprises accept construction waste (secondary material resources) generated as a result of dismantling (demolition) of buildings (structures) free of charge<11>.

Note: For violation of the procedure for accounting, collection, storage, transportation of scrap metal, failure to hand it over to deadlines installed administrative responsibility <12>.

Can a contractor sell scrap metal?

The customer has the right to instruct the contractor to deliver scrap metal that was generated after dismantling metal structures during construction and installation work.

This order can be formalized, for example, in one of the following ways: to conclude a civil contract with the contractor for the transportation of scrap metal for delivery to the Belvtormet organization or to add a corresponding condition to the construction contract<13>. In this case, the agreement with the organization GO "Belvtormet" is concluded by the owner of the scrap metal - the customer in the construction.

To transport scrap metal to the Belvtormet organization, the owner (customer in construction) issues an accompanying passport for the transportation of production waste<14>. It indicates, in particular, information about the organization that transports production waste; about the vehicle on which production waste is transported. The passport is issued in two copies, which are signed indicating the date official owner of the waste and an official of the transporter of production waste. The first copy remains with the owner of the waste, the second is given to the driver of the vehicle intended for transporting waste.<15>. We recommend that you provide the driver with certified copies of documents: an agreement concluded with GO Belvtormet; agreement on the basis of which scrap metal is transported.

You do not need to receive a work order to move scrap metal to the Belvtormet organization.<16>.

Banks that own waste of ferrous and non-ferrous metals (scrap metal) must ensure their accounting in accordance with the requirements of the legislation on accounting and reporting. Such accounting includes, among other things, correct and timely documentation of transactions and provision of reliable data on the receipt and release of scrap metal<17>.

For the timely entry into accounting of scrap metal obtained as a result of dismantling work at the customer bank’s facility, the bank can use the recommended form of the act of entry of materials received from disassembly (Form C-14)<18>.

Note: Operations for recording scrap metal in accounting and reporting are carried out in the reporting period in which the equipment was dismantled<19>.

The resulting scrap metal is accounted for as part of inventories on the balance sheet account 5600<20>in accordance with the procedure for maintaining analytical accounting established by the bank.

Inventories are accepted for accounting at actual cost. The actual cost of scrap metal can be determined by the net realizable value, since scrap metal is subject to delivery to Belvtormet. Net realizable value is determined by subtracting expected selling expenses from the expected selling price.<21>. Prices for scrap and waste of ferrous and non-ferrous metals are regulated by the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Belarus<22>. Price lists for scrap and waste of non-ferrous and ferrous metals are posted on the website of the State Organization "Belvtormet" (

Note: The Bank should take into account the expected transportation costs for transporting scrap metal to the Belvtormet organization when calculating the net selling price of scrap metal.

The cost of scrap metal obtained as a result of dismantling work and from the sale of which the bank can receive economic benefits reduces the cost of construction and installation work associated with the reconstruction of fixed assets.

Income and expenses associated with the sale of scrap metal are included in the operating income and operating expenses of the bank<23>and are recorded on balance sheet accounts 8359 “Income from the disposal of other property”, 9359 “Expenses from the disposal of other property”<24>.

Income is reflected in accounting on the basis of an agreement concluded by the bank with GO Belvtormet for the delivery of scrap metal, while simultaneously meeting the following conditions:

the right to receive income follows from the terms of the contract;

the amount of income is reliably determined by calculating according to the price list of prices for scrap and waste of non-ferrous and ferrous metals on the website of the State Organization "Belvtormet";

As a result of the scrap metal disposal operation, the risks and rewards associated with the ownership of scrap metal were transferred to GO Belvtormet.

The expense incurred in the form of scrap metal is reflected in accounting upon disposal in full amount simultaneously with the reflection of income<25>.

As for other operating expenses associated with the disposal of scrap metal (transportation costs, etc.), the procedure for their recognition is determined by banks independently in local regulations legal act taking into account legal requirements<26>.

Note: When determining the procedure for accounting for other operating expenses associated with the disposal of scrap metal, banks must be guided by the principle of matching income and expenses, which means that expenses are reflected in accounting and reporting in the reporting period in which related income is recognized<27>.

It should be noted that the bank recognizes the turnover of scrap metal delivery to the Belvtormet State Enterprise as subject to value added tax (VAT)<28>.

Tax base in in this case is defined as the cost of scrap, calculated based on the prices applied to it without including VAT<29>. Since the cost of the delivered scrap is determined by the Belvtormet State Organization upon the fact of its delivery, the tax base for VAT is formed on the basis of the acceptance certificate. The moment of actual sale is the day of shipment of scrap from Belvtormet within the reporting period.<30>. Taxation is carried out at a rate of 20%<31>.

Accounting Entry Table

Contents of operationsDebitCreditPrimary document
Reflects the cost of work performed on the reconstruction of fixed assets performed by the contractor5561 6640 Certificate of completion,

certificate of cost of work performed (form C-3A)<1>

Scrap metal obtained as a result of dismantling work during the reconstruction of fixed assets was capitalized5600 5561 Act on the receipt of materials received from disassembly (form C-14)
Scrap metal was shipped to the organization GO "Belvtormet" with subsequent receipt of payment for the cost of scrap metal9359 5600 Consignment note
6531 8359 Contract for the delivery of scrap metal
admission Money from GO "Belvtormet"Current (settlement) account of GO "Belvtormet"6531 Acceptance certificate of GO "Belvtormet"
Reflection of VAT in accounting9337 6603
The costs of transporting scrap metal are reflected in accordance with the concluded agreement

(with a contractor or transport organization):

quite often found in the practice of repair and restoration activities. Removing the steel frame of a greenhouse that has served its purpose, or moving power line supports to a certain distance - work that must be properly planned and carried out.

Methods for dismantling metal structures

Depending on the specific goals and objectives, two methods are used:

1. Demolition of metal structureswithout subsequent restoration.
2. Dismantling of metal structuresfor the purpose of using it in a new location or using part of the previous metal structures for the construction of new structures.

The first method is used for one-piece structures made by welding or riveting, and the second - for prefabricated metal structures, parts of which are connected together using fasteners - bolts, pins, screws.

The choice of dismantling method is determined current state elements of the previous structure. For steel structures, the installation of which was carried out without preliminary anti-corrosion treatment of parts, such an assessment of the condition is associated with the presence and intensity of the processes of irreversible oxidation of the metal by atmospheric oxygen. For aluminum metal structures, an assessment of the residual strength and actual deformation of elements under operating loads is taken into account. It is often necessary to estimate cumulative wear and tear, since some elements of the metal structure may be made of concrete, wood or stone. In such cases, the degree of damage to parts at their joints is assessed.

Assessment of corrosive wear of metal structure elements

The actual rate of metal wear due to corrosion in a normal air atmosphere ranges from 0.05-1.6 mm per year. Thus, the spread of data is quite large. Depending on the actual state of the metal structure during dismantling, a decision may be made either to completely destroy it by cutting it into pieces, or to dismantle it for the purpose of subsequent restoration. Therefore, a qualitative assessment of the state of the metal steel structure determines not only the labor intensity of the work, but also subsequent financial expenses for the manufacture of a new element, which can be quite significant.

Corrosion losses are estimated:

1. by measuring actual parameters cross section rolled metal;
comparison of actual thickness metal element in its most critical places.
2. Theoretically possible method assessing the condition of a metal element by weighing it is not used in practice, since not all parts have initial drawings indicating their initial weight.

To measure dimensions, simple and accessible tools are used: calipers, depth gauges, micrometers, measuring clamps. In especially critical cases, as well as to determine the dimensions of parts in hard to reach places It is possible to use indirect assessment methods, which include radio wave and ultrasonic thickness gauges. Such devices are compact and reliable, have high accuracy of readings, and therefore can be rented to assess the degree of wear.

For comparative assessment wear, the resulting size is compared with:

- the original value measured in an undamaged place (for example, in one that was constantly in an oil bath);
- passport value of the profile according to the data of the relevant GOST.

The accident rate of corrosive wear, at which the metal structure is subject to unconditional disposal, is more than 25%.

Tools for dismantling permanent structures

The most productive cutting of metal structures is carried out using gas cutters and hydraulic hand shears. The largest elements of metal structures destroyed during dismantling are subsequently cut at metal bases using scrap alligator shears with a mechanical or hydraulic drive.

Specialized companies engaged in dismantling work also have specialized equipment. This includes:

diamond wire machines equipped with saws with diamond coating on the working part - such tools are used when dismantling deteriorated steel pipes;
portable bolt cutters - used when separating parts of a dismantled steel structure, to connect the elements of which fasteners were once used;
angle grinders used for disassembling parts that are located in hard-to-reach places in steel structures;
All of the above equipment, as a rule, does not have an electric drive, but is driven by motors internal combustion, which increases the autonomy of its work.

During destructive dismantling, it is often used as auxiliary various lifting and transport equipment. For example, with the help of lifts, dismantling work can be performed at heights up to 18 m inclusive. And a number of crane and excavator designs allow the installation of hydraulic shears on their booms, which can be used to cut fairly massive building frame elements.

At large volume During dismantling work involving the destruction of metal structures, shredders are installed on site, with which scraps of rolled steel can be cut and then compacted into smaller fragments.

Collapsible dismantling of metal structures

Unlike the previous method, the share of manual labor increases significantly here, since all elements must be disassembled into parts without losing their functional purpose. For the convenience of such dismantling, the entire product assembly is lowered onto the ground, and subsequent work is carried out there.

In order to successfully unscrew a bolt or other fastener, long time exposed to atmospheric oxygen, you must:

- Assess the reasons preventing unscrewing (rust on fastener parts, their displacement from their original position or deformation of the base).
- Pour into the gap between the bolt shaft and the nut head any liquid that has a high penetrating ability (you can use regular kerosene, although there are safer substances, for example, WD-40). After some time, these media penetrate the gap and reduce the adhesion friction between the fasteners.
- If none of the above is at hand, you can try to unscrew the bolt by directing short and sharp blows with a chisel counterclockwise to the head of the product. In this case, it is necessary to periodically monitor the condition of the head so as not to cut off or deform this element of the bolt.
- To remove flush-mounted fasteners, you must use special tools- extractors. As a result of their use, a drill with a reverse thread is screwed into the bolt head, which creates an opposite torque, making non-destructive dismantling possible.

Organizational issues of dismantling metal structures

Considering the complexity of the work performed, it is necessary to adhere to safety rules:

- Do not carry out dismantling work at height without guardrails.
- Comprehensively assess the stability of the metal structure during its disassembly.
- Fence the danger zone on the ground with warning tapes or signs.

An important aspect of dismantling work is the organization of transportation of disassembled metal structures. Therefore, the team must include specialists in rigging work. At the place where it is performed the presence of cables, chains, ropes, hooks and other devices must be ensured to facilitate the transfer of dismantled elements by truck cranes or lifts to the bodies of cars and dump trucks. If necessary, special areas are provided here too, equipped with scaffolding, loading platforms and fencing posts.

Metal structures quickly gained their place “under the sun” and are used in various fields construction. This is understandable. Many prefabricated buildings and structures are delivered to the construction site in fully equipped. And the metal structures themselves are produced in full factory readiness and are immediately ready for installation. Plus the speed of construction of buildings from LMK, which also occurs due to the use of ready-made metal structures in construction. The construction of prefabricated buildings and structures from metal structures eliminates the use of “wet” processes. But the customer has the opportunity to carry out installation on our own. This not only reduces the cost of construction, but also saves time spent on installation and construction work. In general, an attractive price is the main trump card of any prefabricated structure made of LMK. As you can see, it is simply impossible not to pay attention to the obvious advantages of metal structures. That is why construction volumes are increasing frame buildings from metal structures. Every day another problem is growing: for new construction we have to make room, break something, demolish something, destroy something, and dismantle something. In this article, we decided to tell you what dismantling metal structures is and why it is needed.

Previously, for some objective reason, an unnecessary building or structure was demolished and new construction began in its place. Prefabricated buildings and structures can simply be relocated to another territory, thanks to metal structures that can be easily dismantled and reinstalled. What is dismantling of metal structures? To begin with, this means dismantling the building while preserving the main components. Dismantling metal structures allows you to keep them in working condition, suitable for reuse. It's pretty fine work, requires skill from specialists, experience and knowledge. In addition, it does not exclude the need creative approach, using modern equipment, transport and packaging material. After dismantling, the metal structures must be properly packaged to avoid damage during transportation. Transportation also requires a certain level of professionalism from the performer. We offer high-quality dismantling of metal structures:

  • dismantling of prefabricated buildings (FBZ) and structures;
  • dismantling of light metal structures (LMS);
  • dismantling of prefabricated frame hangars;
  • dismantling engineering communications;
  • cutting metal and scrap metal, etc.

Dismantling of metal structures begins with studying terms of reference and design documentation. If the customer does not have a package of documents, you must contact the BTI. The contractor also needs time to prepare in order to accurately assess and determine the scope of work to dismantle the facility. Only after an inspection and appropriate calculations can we provide the customer with all the information on the method of dismantling metal structures:

  • manual
  • mechanized
  • consistent

Then proceed to the main work. What else is needed to dismantle metal structures? Equipment and technology. It is impossible to carry out high-quality dismantling of structures without machines, sawing and cutting metal. You may also need: seam cutters, hydraulic wedges, hydraulic shears, wall saws, grinding machines etc. With their help, you can dismantle metal structures and perform high-precision cutting of metal. You will definitely need forklifts and cranes, manipulators, towers, tractors and bulldozers, graders and specialized vehicles for transporting metal structures, for removal construction waste and scrap metal from the construction site. After dismantling the metal structures, the site must be suitable for further use.

If you want to quickly and efficiently dismantle metal structures, we offer our services! In our company you will find highly qualified specialists, competent personnel, necessary equipment and equipment. The dismantling of metal structures is confirmed by licenses and certificates. For any questions, please call 209-09-40! We are waiting for your calls!

1. Dismantling (installation) work on units subject to repair must be carried out in accordance with the technical documentation agreed with the customer and approved by in a certain order POR.

The ERP must indicate measures to ensure the safe execution of installation work, a list of inventory devices (scaffolding, fencing, etc.) and working drawings of non-inventory devices, if their use is provided for in the ERP.

2. Work on dismantling (installation) of metal structures of equipment and pipelines must begin only after completion of the preparatory work.

It is prohibited to dismantle (install) pipelines and metal structures from ladders and random stands, or perform hot work on pipelines without making sure what liquid or gas they are intended for.

3. Carrying out work according to oral orders of the customer’s personnel, as well as according to their sketches and diagrams that are not approved by responsible representatives of the customer, is prohibited.

4. Carrying out work in the locations of existing underground utilities (electrical cables, communication cables, gas pipelines, water and technological networks, etc.) and their disclosure can be carried out with the permission of the organization operating these communications. The boundaries and axes of communications on the ground must be marked with visible signs and indicated in the POR.

5. Operating equipment, communications, pipelines, electrical cables and the like located within the installation area must be disconnected, short-circuited, and the equipment and pipelines must be freed from explosive, flammable and harmful substances.

If it is impossible to disconnect existing equipment, communications, pipelines, then they must be protected, and warning posters must be installed.

6. It is prohibited to remove equipment and metal structures from foundations using cranes or rigging equipment. Before dismantling the equipment, metal structures must be raised above the foundation using jacks or wedges.

Structural elements intended for installation must be cleaned of dirt and dust before they are lifted.

Before starting to lift a structure or equipment, the lifting manager must instruct team members, crane operators and winch motorists or tractor drivers on the safe conduct of work, familiarize them with the POP or TC, and clearly assign responsibilities during lifting of the structure.

7. The communication and signaling system (information exchange) must be selected taking into account specific conditions. It must ensure clear transmission of information and unambiguous understanding.

8. The actions of workers during lifting and moving structures should be determined by the commands of one manager. The "Stop" signal is given by one of the workers who notices the danger. In this case, work on lifting and moving structures must be stopped.

9. When lifting loads by any means, measures must be taken to prevent the lifted load from touching elements of cranes, fixtures, rigging, surrounding buildings, foundations, equipment, etc.

When using load-lifting cranes, it is necessary to adhere to the requirements of NPAOP 0.00-1.01-07 (z0784-07).

10. In especially critical cases (during the lifting of a structure with two or more load-lifting cranes, the use of complex rigging means, the method of turning around a hinge, etc.), signals must be given by the work performer appointed by order of the head of the organization performing the noted work.

11. Lifting and moving cargo by several cranes (mechanisms) must exclude the possibility of overloading any crane.

12. Lifting of structures must be completed within one day. If the end of the lifting of the structure occurs in the evening or at night, the illumination of the site and the structure being lifted must be at least 10 lux.

It is prohibited to interrupt and postpone the lifting of the structure that has begun to the next day. If necessary, the structure must be lowered to the ground and the lifting equipment partially unloaded.

13. A freely suspended structure to be lifted must be kept from swinging and rotating by guy ropes.

14. It is prohibited for people to stay on elevated structures. When moving a structure raised above the ground, riggers should not be under this structure, nor in the area of ​​possible falling rigging and materials.

15. During breaks in work, it is prohibited to leave raised structures suspended.

16. Unslinging of structural elements and equipment installed in the design position must be carried out after their permanent or temporary secure fastening.

17. It is prohibited to move installed structural elements or equipment after they have been unslinged, except for the cases noted in the POR.

18. It is prohibited for people to stay under the elements of mounted structures and equipment until they are installed in the design position and secured.

19. If it is necessary for workers to stay under the equipment (structures) that are installed, as well as on the equipment (structures), it is necessary to take special measures to ensure the safety of workers.

20. Guys for temporary fastening of elements and structures must be attached to reliable supports (anchor foundations, etc.). The number of guy wires, their intersection, methods of tension and places of attachment must be determined by the POR.

21. Guys should not touch sharp corners of structures or bend on them. Bending of guy wires at the points where they intersect with elements and structures is permitted only after checking the strength and stability of these elements and structures under the influence of forces arising in the guy wires.

22. It is prohibited to perform work at heights on open places, if the wind speed is 15 m/s or more, during ice, thunderstorms or fog, which impair visibility within the work front. Work on moving and installing vertical panels and similar structures with a large windage must be stopped if the wind speed is 10 m/s or more.

23. The insertion of installed pipelines into existing ones must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of current regulations.

24. The use of structural elements of buildings and structures, as well as equipment and pipelines as permanent or temporary supports, as well as for installation loads, is permitted only if confirmed by calculation, agreed with the customer and provided for in the POR.

25. In the event of a malfunction of any unit or element of equipment, rigging, fixtures, equipment of a lifting machine, information exchange system between the crane operator and crane workers, etc., the lifting and movement of goods must be stopped, people must be removed from the danger zone and measures taken eliminating the emergency situation.

26. Before starting the installation of the pipeline, permanent fastening means must be installed at its location (brackets, consoles that support, metal and reinforced concrete structures, movable and fixed supports, suspensions, etc.).

27. Marking of installation sites for brackets, consoles, hangers and their installation, as well as installation of pipelines must be carried out using scaffolding means.

28. Assemblies installed on supports and sections of pipelines adjacent to them must be securely secured with permanent fastening means. Temporary fastening of pipelines is prohibited.

29. During the installation of pipelines, it is prohibited to remove individual elements of supporting structures (supports, hangers or consoles).

30. During the installation of spatial pipeline units, it is necessary to secure all branches of the unit with permanent fastening means.

31. Pipes must be rotated during connection and welding using designated wrenches (chain, strap) or other rotating devices.

32. In an operating workshop, dismantling of pipelines is permitted only after they have been completely disconnected from the existing units and pipelines and have been emptied of material. Pipelines containing toxic and explosive substances must also be ventilated, after which it is necessary to take air samples to ensure the absence of toxic and explosive substances.

33. Dismantling individual pipes and components must be manufactured in such a way that the remaining part of the pipeline is stable. At the same time, remove the pipelines different heights along one vertical is prohibited.

34. It is permitted to proceed with the installation of pipelines and fittings that have been in use only if there is a certificate confirming their suitability for subsequent operation, the absence of residual technological products in them and authorizes the work.

35. In the equipment installation area, through traffic is prohibited; passages must be closed and road signs and indicators installed.

36. During installation of equipment, it is necessary to adhere to the technological sequence of supplying equipment to the installation area, as well as the order of installation of equipment on foundations in accordance with the POR.

37. During installation (alignment) of equipment on the foundation, it is necessary to use special devices.

38. When using suspended scaffolds, hooks and pins must be secured to the equipment being mounted before they are lifted.

39. When cutting large parts of trusses, beams and other metal structures, it is necessary to take measures to prevent the collapse of the cut parts.


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