Touching congratulations on the last call to the class teacher in verse. Beautiful congratulations on the last call to teachers in verse

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At the end of May, school graduates will gather for a farewell ceremony. During its ceremonial part, sincere wishes for the Last Bell will be heard from parents and class teachers of schoolchildren, their classmates and teachers.

Of course, each speaker will remind the grown-up children that school became for them a place where they were taught not only to write beautifully in notebooks and correctly divide in columns, but also to be friends, respect each other, and help their elders. Standing on the line, many boys and girls, already future students, will “replay” in their heads various episodes that are significant to them school life, jokes that happened in class, and, perhaps, sad events that happened in class.

Of course, congratulating the guys in prose, the teaching staff of the educational institution, fathers and mothers will only talk about the better future awaiting the graduates. One of the teachers or the school principal will wish young people not to be afraid of difficulties and not to look for easy paths in life, choosing their own path.

Last call - Wishes to graduates in prose

Addressing graduates during the Last Bell, teachers will not only congratulate them on the successful completion of grades 9 or 11 and wish them easy exams. Teachers and school administration will tell former students about the confidence they feel when they let go of handsome young men and charming ladies from under their “wing.” Wishing the children to always find the strength to overcome life’s obstacles, strive for success, integrity and justice, they will congratulate every future student and successful employee on completing the most important stage of life.

Examples of wishes in prose to graduates for the Last Call

Addressing yesterday's schoolchildren, teachers and guests invited to the Last Bell will talk a lot not only about the educational successes of the children, but also about their future. Indeed, every graduate may feel some uncertainty - will he make the right choice of profession or life activity? Will he make a mistake by entering a university, guided by the prestige of the educational institution, and not by his own aspirations? Adults must definitely support the children, wanting them to listen to their hearts and not follow the lead of others. You will find examples of such parting wishes in prose here.

Dear graduates! Young, beautiful, smart, promising and confident. Today this is the only way to call you! Yesterday's boys and girls have become gallant young men and charming ladies. We are happy to see you so happy and carefree. Congratulations on graduating from school and successfully passing your exams. Now, instead of the Unified State Examination, I want to say three other letters - HURRAY! Well done! We congratulate you on one of life's victories - receiving a certificate. We wish you to choose right decisions, be persistent and never give up, don’t give in to laziness, don’t waste your nerves, don’t let things take their course. And today let it sound more often from your lips: “Shall we dance?”
Dear teachers! You are more than just teachers. You, like second parents, raised and taught our children. You are great and talented mentors! Over the years, they have passed on their knowledge to our children. We want to thank you and say “thank you” for all your efforts. We wish you success, strength, patience and more flowers! Don't let it come to valocordin in your work.
Special thanks to the class teacher. Your activity was passed on to our children. Your inexhaustible energy charged the students, helped them, and gave them a craving for learning new things. You are full of ideas and resemble a beautiful and cheerful butterfly. We wish your future students to follow your example. You are the coolest class teacher!
The school director deserves deep respect and special words of gratitude. Thanks to Marina Vladimirovna, the school has a friendly, united and wonderful team of teachers. We wish you not to be like this anymore :) We wish you to be even better! Your school has been like a guiding light for our children. She guided them, helped them take the right steps and make their choice. Our gift to the school, as a symbol of the school and an expression of the pride and joy of parents that their children studied at your school, a school that prepared graduates for real adult life.

Somehow this day came unexpectedly quickly. The day when our children ascend to a new stage in their lives. A stage where there will be no all-encompassing eye of parents and teachers; a stage where you will have to solve most of life’s problems and tasks on your own. But you took a short 9 years to get to this step, learning new and unknown things, getting acquainted with all kinds of aspects of life, learning to communicate with adults and peers. And all these 9 years, your teachers tirelessly walked hand in hand with you. They rejoiced with you in your ups and victories, they were upset and worried about you in difficult times. Just imagine how much strength, health, patience and love it took for them to raise such beautiful graduates from unintelligent six-year-olds who look proudly and confidently into the future.
Dear teachers! Let me express my sincere words of gratitude for your attention, care, and work. Today we say from the bottom of our hearts: “Thank you for our children!”
And now I turn to you, our beloved children. Move forward boldly and with pure thoughts. Set reasonable goals for yourself and strictly follow the intended path. Learn to rejoice and appreciate every moment, every hour, every day. Good luck to you on your new step in life. Always remember: there are people in the world who love you very much and are always worried - these are us, your parents. Good luck!

Last call wishes from the class teacher

Sometimes the period between Last Call and the beginning work career a former schoolchild or his admission to a university is called “the last summer of childhood.” Indeed, with the end of school comes the most difficult period of choosing a profession and life path. The main thing at this time is not to make an irreparable mistake, listen to the advice of your elders, but always be guided by your own opinion. Speaking to the children at the line, their class teacher will call the graduates his family, his younger comrades. He will definitely read poetry to them, and will wish the girls and boys to carefully preserve the memory of the years spent together at school, but always look to the future, seeing their goal.

Examples of wishes from the class teacher for Last Bell

The class teacher always goes further with the children than any of the other teachers. For many graduates, this teacher becomes a true friend from whom they can always take an example. Children truly love wise, fair, and sometimes cheerful class teachers. They are often trusted with secrets that are hidden even from their closest relatives and friends. As always, on Last call these teachers will take the floor, wishing the children, not forgetting school, to strive for their life goals.

Today your last bell rings,
Painfully familiar, carried away to childhood,
And touching every corner of the soul,
It opens a new door to your life!

You are my children, we have become like a family,
It's time for us to say goodbye, you are all adults!
A new path awaits everyone in life,
But autumn will still miss you!

You keep the memory of your school years,
Let everyone find their own path in life,
Everything is in your hands from now on,
And new goals are already waiting at the doorsteps!

You and I have come a long way,
And let sadness overwhelm you a little,
But pride instantly displaces it,
To you new life opens his arms.
Guys, my class, you are all great!
You were able to finish school
With an excellent passing grade.
I wish you to achieve your desired heights!

My dear class, you and I have passed
The path is long and now I’ll say -
I am proud of such students,
And I love each of you.
Over the years these have become like family to me,
Graduation and life await you ahead...
The best years await you young.
So happy holiday to my class, my graduate!

Last call - Wishes from parents

At the end of May, thousands of graduates will hear the last school bell in their lives. Parents of former schoolchildren will definitely come to the celebration. One of the mothers or fathers will definitely take the floor and make a speech full of hope for the wonderful future awaiting each of the children. How quickly they passed school years! Until recently, boys and girls learned to write and read fluently, but today they are already thinking about future profession. Which life path to choose? How to learn to set yourself the right goals, steadily moving towards success? Parents will give future students invaluable life advice and wish them not to be afraid to overcome possible difficulties.

Examples of wishes from parents for Last Call

Addressing the graduates at the Last Bell, parents, of course, will say words of gratitude to the teachers who have conscientiously and patiently taught and raised their children for 9 or 11 years. Speaking about teachers, they will wish the children to follow the example of these people who chose such a complex, responsible profession and were not afraid of the difficulties of working with schoolchildren. Of course, every young man today is free to make his own personal choice future. This is not an easy task: too many temptations can await boys and girls in their new, “free” life. Parents will wish them to remain reasonable, not to rush into choosing a job or university, and to learn to make informed decisions.

Our dear children,
Today you are already graduates,
We wish you that the stars were brighter
On your life path.

So that you do not doubt your abilities,
To try to achieve goals,
To live in a perfect, bright world,
So that you don’t encounter troubles at all.

We also wish you, dear ones, patience,
Good luck, happiness, to find your destiny.
Throw away your regrets
And believe in your bright dreams!

Excitement fills the soul
It's hard to hold back the tears.
Thank you, dear teachers,
For your sensitivity and warmth.

That you have become our children's friends
And they led me by the hand into the world of science,
Among new discoveries and knowledge
After all, the guys have found their personalities.

And we wish you, graduates,
Don’t be timid in the face of a difficult problem
And, conquering new heights,
Have perseverance and patience!

How quickly you grew up
Our dear children,
We didn’t have time to look back,
And you already have “graduation”
Roads are opening
Adult life is before you,
There are many paths ahead,
Make your choice yourself!
Just remember, we are close
And we will help you, as before,
In a word, in deed, with a warm look,
After all, our love is boundless!

Wishes for the Last Call to Classmates

For a long 9 or 11 years, the guys studied together in the same class. Many classmates became bosom friends, some even managed to fall in love. At the Last Bell, graduates take the floor, wishing their comrades to achieve their goals and enter the chosen educational institution, master a worthy specialty. Such wishes are heard both in prose and in poetry.

Examples of wishes for classmates on Last Call

Over many years of studying at school, schoolchildren are so accustomed to school bells that today, when they hear the last one, they do not always realize that childhood is really over for them. Today, former classmates, like birds, will fly to different places. Some may move to another country, others will come later to work in their own school, writes C-ib. No matter how life circumstances develop, children must always remember the honor of the school, human dignity, and a sense of justice. Of course, at the Last Bell, former students will wish each other personal happiness, successful admission to university, a great job, and a good family. You can find examples of such wishes in poetry here.

The school is solemnly clean and glowing.
Your very last lesson is over.
Tearful - sad, happy and cheerful,
Now your last bell will ring.
You will no longer sit at a school desk.
You won’t be worrying about flipping through the textbook.
You won’t go to the board, to the historical map,
Not knowing what to talk about - and remain silent.
The teacher won't mark you
And the diary will no longer see two.
Last call... It happens so rarely!
In a lifetime - just a short moment!
Last call.. Bored to death,
Eleven years of spoiling your nerves.
He seemed angry, but in reality, believe me,
He was not like that - and now, on this day,
You hear him - and you become numb with sadness.
As if waving a hand farewell.
And there is nothing in the whole world more dear
The last school bell rings.
Your ship is built and under sail
He will sail into the distance to unfamiliar seas.
We believe you will pass the most important exam:
The right to consider yourself a human being.

For many years the bells rang,
Inviting you to a lesson.
But today it's the last one
Final call.

Happiness, joy, good luck.
In a new life of bright days
Fulfillment of dreams.
Faithful, devoted friends!

Last call is a special holiday.
It contains joy and sadness, hope and fear.
Lessons are already in the past, and your classmate
Will not scratch rhymes on tables.

The end of discos and school concerts.
And you won’t have to “build small ones.”
You can forget fractions, X's and percentages.
And “spurs” will no longer be for two.

The bell will ring and the doors will slam,
Thousands of new doors will open.
And most importantly, you need to firmly believe in yourself,
Save your fire in the rays of lanterns.

Addressing the graduates in poetry and prose, class teachers, teachers, parents say their best wishes on the Last Bell. They sincerely congratulate former classmates Having successfully completed school, they are advised not to rush to make a choice for the future, making only informed decisions.

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Our leader - you are very cool!
Allow us to say so in verse!
Love your subject and get along with children,
You know how to teach and convince.
You didn't choose the easy way,
You have achieved everything through your perseverance.
We want to wish you with all our hearts
Good luck with your class leadership!

Last call...
Summer will fly by -
But we won’t come to school like before.
Maybe we'll stand next to her somewhere,
Sighing under the September rain.

Whispering “Thank you...” - sincerely, heartily,
For every year of hard work...
Neither children nor parents, of course,
They will never be able to forget you!

You are a teacher from God, by calling.
So love children, and children love you!
Six years to mathematical knowledge
Taught our not always obedient class...

In room four hundred and four,
What's in the school on the fourth floor,
Children grew up and grew smarter next to you,
And now they are saying goodbye...

Sometimes they smiled radiantly,
They also knew how to be strict:
Three gold medalists for good reason
As a result, our class is graduating!

Not only the sciences were taught -
You interacted with children more often than we did...
You always answered our calls,
From autumn we walked side by side until winter,

And from spring, naturally, to summer -
This is the leader's regime...
Warmed by Irina Vasilievna,
We thank her for everything!

Our dear teacher!
What a pity that it’s time for us to part...
The eleventh "B" and his parents, lovingly, wish
Health, happiness, joy, goodness!!

Dear Irina Nikolaevna!
Let me thank you today for taking part in the fate of our children. On this bright day, we really want to express our admiration for how coherent and friendly the atmosphere at the school has remained all these years, which has allowed today's graduates to become leaders.
We also want you to know that all parents of students who graduated this year appreciate your commitment to teaching our children.
Looking back, we understand how much care and warmth was invested on your part so that our children could study in good and comfortable conditions, which greatly helped them in obtaining the knowledge necessary for later life. We would like to sincerely wish you health and success in your future work!

Our dear, (Name, patronymic)!
You are our class teacher, and a sage who skillfully guided our children, blind and inexperienced chicks, to the right path in life. Now, thanks to you, their eyes have been opened and they are ready to take their first flight into adulthood.
Now they all understand it. Forgive them, (full name), for the fact that they did not always listen to your advice, and, making mistakes, acted in their own way. After all, by doing so they made your kind heart worry and worry.
But they will forever remember the life lessons that you taught them. And your advice will help them in difficult moments of their life.
Thank you, (full name)! We and our children will always remember you!

Our dear teacher!
On this holiday, we want to express our gratitude for your kindness, patience and time spent on our children. We really want you to know that we are very grateful that you helped them pave the way from “darkness to light”, investing in them all the knowledge and skills that you yourself had.
Thank you so much for never passing by when they had any trouble, but on the contrary, always trying to help and lend them your friendly shoulder.
Of course, they have many different difficulties ahead, but thanks to you, they now know that any obstacle that stands in the way of life can be overcome with the help of hard work and perseverance.
We thank you on behalf of our entire parent team and wish you success in your work and personal life!

"You can handle children

And control the process

Maintain order in the classroom

And every day there is a surge of emotions.

You lead the class well

And you guys understand,

You will always help and advise,

And everyone in the class is happy to see you.

May life bring you joy,

You are always lucky in everything,

Like your own children, you loved the whole class.
You had patience, strength and courage
Lead so that each of us
He proudly held his matriculation certificate in his hands!
And finally, our graduation has arrived!
There are no more empty pages in the magazine.
Praise and honor to you, our faithful captain,
You have brought out the best qualities in us!

On Graduation we would like to congratulate our class teacher,
You have replaced a good parent for us at school!
You always surrounded us with care and love,
We carried it through the years with soul and patience.
We wish you health and more happiness,
So that bad weather can be avoided in your difficult work.
Let the minister increase your salary 10 times.
And so that schoolchildren learn in a way that pleases the eyes!

The prom has arrived. And we are leaving you.
Probably because the time has come.
We tear school childhood away from our hearts,
Now we need to get on the wing.
You raised us, protecting us from troubles.
We believe - in life's crazy bustle
You, Mom Cool, we were, dear,
Like a bright little flashlight in the dark.

Today is our class's graduation,
And on this day we are all immensely happy!
The manager is cool, don’t be sad,
And there is no need to cry at all on this day!
We will all run away in different directions,
But only for a moment he will feel sad,
We will remember you and our favorite class,
And we will come back here hundreds of times.

Thank you, great teacher,
Over the years that we taught our class.
Even though it’s graduation, this day is beautiful,
We will not hold back the bitter tears from our eyes.
And the years will fly like birds, quickly,
But remembering you, we will wipe the sadness from our faces.
And we’ll buy you a bouquet of irises as a class,
And we will definitely come to visit.

Fate sent us the honor to congratulate you,
Great manager, dear!
Collected a farewell ball for graduates,
We bring you all the bouquets of flowers!
Your eyes, teacher, are so bright!
They will not hide the sadness in their eyes.
I wish you health, hope and goodness!
May your children always love you!

Not a day, not two, but many, many years,
You taught our class wisely.
It's no secret to anyone today -
You were the best at Klassnaya school!
Graduation ball. We want one thing
To remain in your heart forever.
We respect you, love you very much, value you!
And I really don’t want to leave today.

You are our most excellent school teacher,
Leader worthy of attention
We lived a “cool” life together,
Successes, failures, worries were shared.
We have now lived with you until Graduation.
“Thank you for everything!” and “Be healthy!”
We wish you only success in your future endeavors,
And if there are tears, it’s only from laughter!

A wonderful evening, a holiday for the soul,
And, our teacher, the best in the whole world!
Without your help, we would not have found the way,
But your wise advice saved us.
We owe graduation only to you,
You were next to us like family.
We wish you happiness, blessings, warmth in your soul,
What did you give to us selflessly?

Thank you for the peace you created in the classroom,
We were taught to look into distant distances,
After all, although we are big, we are children inside,
And in our hearts there is only room for love.
Angry, we were often given a second chance,
For so many years they have always helped us in everything,
And in life we ​​were given a good kick.
Let the last call not separate us.

Beloved, dear, you are our teacher!
Our large class is already like family to you.
You are not just a “leader” for us,
You and I are like good friends.
You have walked such a difficult path with us,
Everyone helped us in our difficult time.
We don’t dare blame you for anything.
Your dear, dear, favorite class.

The momentous day has come,
We all waited for “Graduation”.
Teacher, you were not at all lazy,
Tell us everything in a new way.
You are our cool friend, and you are the best of all,
They explained to us how to live more than once.
We believe in your further growth and success.
Let them give you medals for your work!

Huge bows, gorgeous bouquets, bright ribbons and incredibly kind and happy children's faces - Last Bell is probably the most favorite holiday of all schoolchildren. It is the solemn line of the last bell that marks the end of another school year, the beginning of the holidays and three whole months without lessons or homework. But among the smiles and the atmosphere of general fun, there are those for whom Last Call is not such a joyful day. We are talking about graduates of grades 9-11 and their class teachers. Of course, high school students still have exams and prom, but in fact, it is on the lines of the last bell that their final farewell to the school walls takes place. In honor of this, high school students, as well as their parents, are sure to prepare touching congratulations in poetry, prose, and modified songs. They dedicate touching lines not only to the class teacher. but also to subject teachers, the director and beloved mothers and fathers. And adults, in turn, also read beautiful congratulations with the kindest and sincere wishes for graduates.

Congratulations to subject teachers on the Last Bell 2017 from graduates of grades 9-11

The main words of gratitude and congratulations at the last bell from graduates of grades 9-11 are addressed to subject teachers. It is thanks to the efforts teaching staff high school students were able to master complex school curriculum and achieve certain peaks in learning. You will find the most beautiful congratulations to subject teachers on the Last Bell from graduates of grades 9-11 in the following selection of poems.

Congratulations in verse on the Last Call from graduates of grades 9-11 to teachers

“The bell is not for the student,

And for teachers,”

You loved to repeat to us,

But everything is different now.

The last bell rang

Today just for us

And you take us on our way

And back to class again.

Thank you, teachers,

For knowledge and wisdom,

Patience, humor, optimism,

For faith in us and sensitivity.

We wish you to see

Giving back in your work,

Let your students love you

And your item to boot.

May the new day make you happy

Great mood

Recognition of your merits,

Everyone's respect.

For us you have become closer and dearer,

We may not always want to listen to you,

We spent many great days here:

We studied, argued, made friends and grew up.

We took a lot and succeeded a little,

They shook their nerves and did what they wanted.

And now, when the last bell rings,

We want to take off our hats and kneel.

Thank you for your loyalty and patience,

May fate please you more often,

Let the new younger generation

It will turn out to be truly brilliant!

Thank you, teachers,

Because our children

IN big people grew up

She became smarter, kinder and better.

Congratulations on the last call,

We wish you good health,

New achievements in progress

And the most joyful achievements!

Touching congratulations in verse on Last Call from parents

If anyone was as touched at the last bell as the high school students, it was their parents. Long years They, together with their teachers, witnessed how foolish kids gradually turned into smart, erudite and purposeful high school students. Therefore, parents prepare touching congratulations in verse for the Last Bell not only for graduates, but also for teachers. As a rule, beautiful poems with good wishes and words. Examples touching congratulations You will find further in poems from parents for children and teachers on the Last Call.

Touching poems for congratulations on the Last Call 2017 from parents

I want to say a word from my parents

About our kind and dear teachers.

Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart,

We have tears in our eyes from sadness!

May you work long and calmly,

May your students love you very much,

And they pay you what you deserve,

After all, for children you are like beacons!

We wish you good luck and patience.

We love you and are grateful to everyone

And we consider you the best of the best,

At least we’re parting with you for good!

Thank you for your help and support.

For the fact that, despite and through stress,

From little boys and girls

You have raised princes and princesses.

Thank you for your care and concern,

For wisdom, for skills, love,

For restraint, patience and manners.

For something that is clear to everyone without words.

Excitement fills the soul

It's hard to hold back the tears.

Thank you, dear teachers,

For your sensitivity and warmth.

That you have become our children's friends

And they led me by the hand into the world of science,

Among new discoveries and knowledge

After all, the guys have found their personalities.

And we wish you, graduates,

Don’t be timid in the face of a difficult problem

And, conquering new heights,

Have perseverance and patience!

Congratulations in verse and prose to graduates from the class teacher on Last Bell 2017

The class teacher is not just a teacher. Over the course of many years, he and his parents become that significant adult whose opinion and comments schoolchildren are sure to listen to. It is not surprising that over time the teacher himself begins to perceive the children from his class as family. Congratulations in verse and prose on Last Call from class teacher to graduates - a simple way to say important words"to your children." You will find options for congratulating graduates on the Last Bell in verse and prose for the class teacher’s speech below.

Poems and prose for congratulating graduates on the Last Bell from the class teacher

Today is a warm spring day,

You will remember him forever.

The last bell is ringing.

Goodbye school years.

And tomorrow at new world beautiful

You open the window wide.

Color it with the flowers of happiness,

Like a painter's canvas.

I wish you an adult, new life,

I let you choose the right path.

Let the path be exemplary,

So that you don't have to turn it off.

How quickly time has flown by

Since the first lesson was.

Today you have all grown up,

The last bell rings.

You won't forget your school lessons,

Your class, friends, teachers.

Now you will involuntarily feel sad,

The classroom door will be closed.

You guys have become adults.

Today you are graduates!

Once upon a time there were kids

Without letting go of mom's hand.

Good luck to you in your adult life,

Don't forget the school route.

And value your friendship,

After all, the past years cannot be returned.

I wish you truthful, honest actions,

You cherish the joy of meetings.

Grow up, value your friendship,

Manage to save the school waltz!

Dear Guys! This day begins new stage your life, it's time to make informed choices and rely heavily on own strength. The last call is not a reason to be sad about the past amazing childhood. No matter how much you want to keep him, there are great changes ahead, the result of which depends on you. We, your mentors and parents, are always ready to support you and help you whenever you need it.

A remade song for congratulating teachers on the Last Call from graduates, lyrics

The remade song is another great option for Last Call congratulations for teachers from graduates. Typically, the lyrics of popular songs are remade to fit a school theme, but the music is left in place. Such converted songs for congratulating teachers from graduates at the last bell can be performed by both individual students and the whole class.

Lyrics of remade songs for teachers for Last Call from graduates

Song to the tune of " Migrant"(Kristina Orbakaite) song to the English teacher

You didn't understand me - that's very cute!

I spoke English: I know the alphabet thoroughly!

Why is there no mutual understanding?

If you want to be a free bird in the world,

That foreigner might come in handy!

Song to the tune of “La-la-la” (Zhanna Friske) song for a computer science teacher

It is clear to every child in our century,

What a person cannot do without a computer - technology has come a long way!

If you want to make your dreams come true, you must be on friendly terms with your computer.

And then life in the world will become easy!

Our teacher was able to teach us everything!

We hang out on the Internet and play different games!

We will create a presentation and fix the layer in Photoshop!

We will build graphs in Excel and any text in Word, believe me

We can do it now - the computer has become our friend!

He became a friend to us!

Song to the tune of “Biology” (Viagra) song for the Biology teacher

Populations, species, chromosomes

They are very significant in our lives.

The world of animals and plants is full of secrets and adventures

And human nature is the mystery of the century!

In class we looked through a microscope

And we examined the structure of the cell

Where are the stamens, where is the pistil?

We promise not to forget even in two hundred years,

True, if...we survive!

Biology, zoology, anatomy and botany

We studied everything to the end!

U, Biology, zoology, anatomy and botany

It is impossible to live without this knowledge!

Congratulations in verses for parents on the Last Bell 2017 in grades 9-11

Students of grades 9-11 choose special congratulations on the Last Bell in verse not only for subject teachers and the class teacher, but also for parents. Touching, kind poems with words of gratitude are ideal for this purpose. Best congratulations in poems for parents on the Last Bell in grades 9-11 you will find below.

Poems for congratulating parents on the Last Bell from graduates of grades 9-11

Dear dad and mommy,

Dear grandfather, grandmother,

You are with us today,

With your graduates!

You helped us a lot

They tolerated everything and did not scold.

Tears are shining in my eyes,

They don’t want to settle down

We want to hug you all

Kiss me from the bottom of my heart,

Take our poem

Congratulations on your certificate!

Our dear parents,

Today we want to tell you

What is dearer and closer to you

We can't find it in the whole world.

You always helped us in everything

And there were no sleepless nights.

We were taught, raised, treated,

They surrounded you with their care.

On this day, you are also with us

Our feelings are ready to be shared.

We are spending our school years

We will never forget about them!

Both dads and moms, thank you very much

We're telling you everything now

For your help, support, for your participation,

For your work, it is invaluable.

You helped us by solving problems,

They wrote notes not to go to school.

We accompanied you with love and patience

On that long school journey.

We hope in a big, unknown life

Give us advice again,

After all, even though the Last Bell has already sounded,

We are only learning to fly.

Let there be considerable reason for pride

For all the achievements later.

Today just accept from the children

A big thank you.

Beautiful, solemn, memorable congratulations on the Last Bell 2017 in verse and prose are addressed not only to graduates of grades 9-11, subject teachers and the class teacher. Beloved parents also deserve the most touching and beautiful wishes on this holiday. Don't forget about original options congratulations, for example, redone lyrics for Last Call.


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