Tyutchev exists in the early autumn. An analysis of Tyutchev's poem is in the initial autumn

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In “as if crystal”, “as if” - in their opinion - is clearly undesirable, as are other indirect comparisons such as “as if”, “as if”, “similar to”.

They would advise avoiding “already”, “only”, “still”.

They are “appraisers”, NOT CRITICS! And so they would cry out:

- ABOUT! My God! In the first two quatrains abab, and in the third - abba!

They would advise the “incompetent poet” to write not “trees”, but to indicate exactly the type of tree, and for tomatoes... even indicate the variety.

They will want to know which birds “no longer sing” in this “wonderful time.” And especially advanced nature experts will say that the birds do not sing because the mating season has passed, and the males no longer show off in front of the females.

Such are the times these days. Such certified critics.

Thank God, F.I. Tyutchev wrote “There is in the primordial autumn...” a century and a half ago and did not live to this day! Otherwise, I would have been a poor student at some literary institute.

Everything is learned by comparison, so first we will read another poem by the poet - “Autumn Evening”.

There are in the brightness of autumn evenings

Touching, mysterious charm!..

The ominous shine and diversity of trees,

Crimson leaves languid, light rustle,

Misty and quiet azure

Over the sad orphaned land

And, like a premonition of descending storms,

Gusty, cold wind at times,

Damage, exhaustion - and everything

That gentle smile of fading,

What in a rational being we call

Divine modesty of suffering!

And then - the review - “There is in the original autumn...”

There is in the initial autumn

Short but wonderful time -

The whole day is like crystal,

And the evenings are radiant...

Where the cheerful sickle walked and the ear fell,

Now everything is empty - space is everywhere, -

Only a web of thin hair

Glistens on the idle furrow.

The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard,

But the first winter storms are still far away -

And pure and warm azure flows

To the resting field...

Most of today's landscape painters live in cities, only occasionally going out into nature, "to barbecue" or staring at the ground, trying to find White mushroom. Having returned to their apartment on the 9th floor, having sobered up, they describe nature from memory, forgetting (not knowing?) looking through binoculars from under the roof of the house at the trees, offended by asphalt fumes. It’s even worse if they, without having time to examine, understand, feel nature, attribute to it something that is not and cannot be in it. It would not hurt to remind such people about “males showing off in front of females.” And I also want to tell them:

– Don’t misinform your own and other people’s children with your nonsense! The stamen is not the bride, and the pistil is not the groom, but quite the opposite.

Tyutchev’s landscape lyrics are a world perceived with all the guts, with all the soul. From the cradle, the poet sleeps with nature in his arms, feels it with his whole being. He shares his “intimate” feelings with us, but does not impose them on us, does not dictate his perception. Recreating impressions of nature clearly and vividly, he invites us to fly over the vastness of fields and forests, without putting blinders on our eyes and thoughts. Ellipses give us time to think, to remember what has amazed us since childhood. And this is achieved precisely by the “flaw” - the use of generalizing words instead of excessive detail, which would limit the flight of our associations.

"Autumn evening". It’s autumn there too, but of a different season. This is a symbol of the withering of living nature (albeit temporary, reborn in the spring, and not dying, as many believe).

In “Autumn Evening,” Fyodor Tyutchev admires the decoration of the trees of “Balzac’s era,” masterfully forcing us to remember the sky with still cumulus clouds and a crane wedge.

“There is in the original autumn...” shows the transformation of nature in that short moment, which is called “Indian summer.” Autumn has not yet come into its own. This last gifts caressing sun. The day is still like summer, “crystal and the evenings are radiant,” but no longer tired, not tired of the heat, but there is still no dull rainy weather. There is an opportunity to relax a little, reflect, dream, see the “web of fine hair” that glitters in the furrow of a long-harvested field. It can easily end, just like life itself.

Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev is a famous Russian poet of the 19th century. His creative list includes many intriguing topics, but the author devoted the most interesting lyrical works to natural phenomena. He painted Russian nature with a lively soul, endowing it with human qualities, character, and change of mood. Particularly impressive are the poems dedicated to autumn, a dull time of year with special colors and flavor.

Autumn in Tyutchev’s lyrical works has an attractive charm, an extraordinary and somewhat tremulous breath, and an orphaned sadness inherent in human emotions. The author conveys picturesque descriptions of nature in such detail and interestingly that when reading the poems, the reader seems to be transported into a fictional, skillfully painted world.

Fyodor Tyutchev is rightfully considered an unsurpassed master landscape lyrics. Each word in his poems has a specific meaning. The description of nature and the autumn season appears before the reader in an original sketch, as if the poet did not simply write a poem, but painted in detail the pictures he saw. He did not highlight the ordinary, what everyone can see. Tyutchev looked deeply inside, into the very soul of nature, felt its state and mood, and he magnificently conveyed all these observations in rhyme.

Every person admires from time to time surrounding nature. Watching her life and the changing seasons is always interesting and instructive. The poet was also keen on studying natural phenomena, but unlike other people, he skillfully conveyed all the most interesting things, enticing the reader with melodic lines. Tyutchev's poems are studied with pleasure by people of all ages; there are many fans of his work among children younger age. Poems about autumn that are pleasant to read are easy to comprehend and memorize, leaving the most pleasant emotions in the reader’s soul.

Analysis of the poem “There is in the original autumn...”

In August 1857, Fyodor Tyutchev wrote one of the most wonderful poems about autumn time- “There is in the primordial autumn.” This verse was invented by the author completely by accident. Returning to Moscow from long trip Together with his daughter, the author admired the surrounding autumn colors, which inspired the talented poet to create another literary masterpiece. Returning home, he immediately wrote a poem, which in the future was recognized by the world community as one of the best.

This lyrical work belongs to the late work of Tyutchev. The publication of the poem occurred a year after it was written, in a well-known magazine called “Russian Conversation”.

The poem “There is in the original autumn” is an interesting sketch of natural landscapes at the beginning of autumn. Many people call this time “Indian summer”, when the sultry days are replaced by gentle warmth with a slight coolness, characteristic of the autumn season. The author managed to colorfully describe this glorious transitional period, highlighting the thinnest line between the passing summer and the beginning of autumn.

Epithets play a leading role in this poem. With their help, Tyutchev masterfully revealed the image early autumn. He called this time of year “marvelous,” emphasizing its unique beauty and extraordinary days. And with the word “crystal” the author was able to emphasize the transparency of the autumn sky and the play of light, conveying the sonority of autumn days and the fragility of beauty.

The breath of autumn is clearly felt in the poem, reminding everyone living on earth of the imminent arrival of winter. The poet talks about that pleasant ringing silence that gives peace and special peace. At this time of year, both man and nature itself need some rest, and after taking the inevitable pause, we manage to enjoy the autumn silence and harmony of this time of year. All these tremulous feelings and inherent excitement were masterfully conveyed in a poem by the famous and talented poet Fyodor Tyutchev!

“There is in the primordial autumn...”

There is in the initial autumn
A short but wonderful time -
The whole day is like crystal,
And the evenings are radiant...
Where the cheerful sickle walked and the ear fell,
Now everything is empty - space is everywhere, -
Only a web of thin hair
Glistens on the idle furrow.
The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard,
But the first winter storms are still far away -
And pure and warm azure flows
To the resting field...

Analysis of the poem “Autumn Evening”

Even in the early years of his creativity, Tyutchev was able to sing autumn time year, picturesquely distributing the colors of autumn and its deceptive mood. As you know, the poet lived abroad from the age of eighteen, and during his next trip to Russia, which happened in 1830, Fyodor Ivanovich wrote a beautiful poem - “Autumn Evening”. It was created in classic style, with subtle hints of romanticism. The main theme of the work is landscape lyricism.

The autumn evening is presented by the poet as a phenomenon of natural life. The author gave this creation a special philosophical meaning, trying to find something similar between natural phenomena and life ordinary person. The poet deeply expanded the metaphor, comparing the feelings of autumn with the prototypes of deep morality inherent in animate persons.

The poet wrote “Autumn Evening” in iambic 5 meter using cross rhyme. The twelve-line poem has a complex sentence that can be read loudly in just one breath.

“A gentle smile of withering” - this small phrase used by Tyutchev in a lyrical work was able to harmoniously unite everything important details conceived by the poet. This is how a charming image of nature withering in the autumn darkness was created.

In this poem, Fyodor Tyutchev described nature as multifaceted and rather changeable. It has rich colors and unusual sounds. The author managed to masterfully convey the beautiful charm of twilight on a cool autumn evening. And with the help of syntactic condensation, the poet was able to reunite the many-sided artistic expressiveness.

In the lyrical work “Autumn Evening” there are many epithets of various structures. Contrasting techniques allowed the author to quite expressively convey to the reader the transitional state of nature in autumn.

Tyutchev clearly comprehends the autumn landscape, conveys to it human qualities of character and feelings. He perceives this time of year as nature’s farewell smile, signaling the imminent arrival of winter.

"Autumn evening"

There are in the brightness of autumn evenings
Touching, mysterious charm:
The ominous shine and diversity of trees,
Crimson leaves languid, light rustle,
Misty and quiet azure
Over the sad orphaned land,
And, like a premonition of descending storms,
Gusty, cold wind at times,
Damage, exhaustion - and everything
That gentle smile of fading,
What in a rational being we call
Divine modesty of suffering.

Analysis of the poem “Enveloped in a thing’s drowsiness”

The poem “Wrapped in a Thing’s Drowsiness” is recognized as a real pearl of landscape lyricism in the works of Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev. Many people spoke flatteringly about this poetic creation. famous personalities– Ivan Aksakov, Leo Tolstoy, popular critics of those times, and, of course, fans of the famous Russian poet who study Tyutchev’s lyrics.

The poem “Wreathed in a Thing Drowsiness” presents a picture of fading autumn in all its lovely colors. In this work, the author introduces non-standard thinking, presenting the true beauty of natural nature, hidden in external unattractiveness and even ugliness. As a starting point, the poet chooses chaos, which generates new life after a disastrous collapse. This view of Tyutchev on natural phenomena is somewhat comparable to the creative thoughts of the English poet W. Wordsword.

In this poem, as in other lyrical works of Tyutchev, one can see the inspiration of natural phenomena. Plants and the forest, covered with colored paints, experience slightly joyful and at the same time sad emotions, inherent in man.

Fyodor Tyutchev always considered nature to be alive, he saw its subtle soul, believed that it can show feelings of love, harmony, sadness... All these emotions of nature, invisible to the common human eye, were conveyed by the author in many ways in his poems, full of beautiful epithets and amazing rhyming.

Reading the poem “Wreathed in a Thing Drowsiness,” a skillful comparison of the cycles of nature with periods of human life is clearly visible. Fading autumn forest can be compared to human aging. The author sees this withering of nature in beautiful outlines, considering all the beauty of the last smile, once blooming and alive...

The poem is narrated in the first person, by the lyrical hero, who appears to the reader as a young man who has a somewhat contemptuous attitude towards inevitable old age. This opinion arises because in such early age, he does not try to consider his personality in the objective reality that awaits any person on a certain segment life path. The author’s idea can be interpreted with other thoughts; each reader can use his imagination and independently summarize main meaning a magnificent lyrical work - “Enveloped in a prophetic drowsiness.”

“Enveloped in a thing of drowsiness...”

Enveloped in a thing of drowsiness,
The half-naked forest is sad...
Of the summer leaves perhaps the hundredth,
Shining with autumn gilding,
There is still rustling on the branches.
I look with tender sympathy,
When, breaking through from behind the clouds,
Suddenly through the dotted trees,
With their old and weary leaves,
A lightning beam will burst forth!
How fadingly cute!
What a delight it is for us,
When, what bloomed and lived like this,
Now, so weak and frail,
Smile for the last time!..

“There is in the primordial autumn...” Fyodor Tyutchev

There is in the initial autumn
A short but wonderful time -
The whole day is like crystal,
And the evenings are radiant...

Where the cheerful sickle walked and the ear fell,
Now everything is empty - space is everywhere, -
Only a web of thin hair
Glistens on the idle furrow.

The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard,
But the first winter storms are still far away -
And pure and warm azure flows
To the resting field...

Analysis of Tyutchev’s poem “There is in the original autumn...”

The landscape lyrics of Fyodor Tyutchev are a special world, recreated by the poet on the basis of personal impressions. However, it is recreated so accurately and vividly that each work allows readers to take a short journey through the endless fields and forests that the imagination draws after each line written by the poet.

Fyodor Tyutchev did not like autumn, believing that this time of year symbolizes the withering and death of living nature. However, he could not help but admire the beauty of the trees dressed in golden headdresses, the thick silvery clouds and the slenderness of the crane wedge, which heads its way to the southern regions. True, the poet was interested not so much in the process of transformation of nature, but in that short moment when she freezes for a while, preparing to try on a new hypostasis. It was to this elusive moment that the author dedicated his poem “There is in the original autumn...”, created in August 1857.

Autumn has not yet come into its own, but its approach is felt with every breath of wind. This amazing time is popularly called Indian summer - the last warm gift of nature, which is preparing for hibernation. “The whole day is as if it were crystal clear and the evenings are radiant,” this is how Fyodor Tyutchev characterizes these still summer-like hot days, in which, nevertheless, the distinct breath of autumn is already felt.

Its approach is evidenced by the “web of fine hair” that glitters in the furrow of a long-harvested field, as well as the extraordinary space and silence that fills the air. Even “the birds are no longer heard,” as happens on an early summer morning, as the feathered creatures are busy preparing for the upcoming cold weather. However, the author notes that “it’s still far from the first snow storms”, deliberately skipping that period of autumn, which is famous for rain, chilly cold winds and bare trees that shed their leaves.

Tyutchev repeatedly noted that autumn in its classical manifestation makes him sad, reminding him that human life has its ending. And if the poet could, he would gladly change the structure of the world in order to erase from it the period of slow dying of nature. That is why the poet preferred to spend the autumn abroad, escaping the dull Russian landscape. Nevertheless, last days of the passing summer gave Tyutchev great pleasure, giving him a feeling of joy and peace.

This festive and solemn mood is clearly felt in the poem “There is in the original autumn...”. The short Indian summer, filled with sun and silence, gives the poet a feeling of the completion of another life stage, but is not identified with death. Therefore, “original autumn,” warm and welcoming, is perceived by Fyodor Tyutchev as a short respite before the change of seasons. This is a period of taking stock and rethinking. life values . Therefore, the poet associates it not with approaching old age, which, like autumn, is inevitable, but with maturity, wisdom and life experience, allowing the author to avoid serious mistakes in making decisions that are important to him, which require calm reflection. In addition, Indian summer for Fyodor Tyutchev is an opportunity to feel truly free and enjoy the harmony of nature, which seems to have frozen in anticipation of the coming cold, hastening to give to the world last paints summer with its fragrant herbs, bottomless blue sky, warm wind, empty and therefore seemingly immense fields, as well as bright sun, which no longer burns, but only gently caresses the skin.

There is in the initial autumn
A short but wonderful time -

And the evenings are radiant...

Where the cheerful sickle walked and the ear fell,
Now everything is empty - space is everywhere -
Only a web of thin hair
Glistens on the idle furrow.

The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard,
But the first winter storms are still far away -
And pure and warm azure flows
To the resting field...

Analysis of the poem by F. I. Tyutchev “There is in the primordial autumn...” (for students of grades 6-7)

The poetry of Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev depicts pictures of Russian nature. The poem “There is in the original autumn...” was written in one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven. This work captures a wonderful autumn landscape.

The poem is an example artistic style poet. Here Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev shares the feelings that beautiful autumn gives. Loneliness and a feeling of loss, calm and silent joy reign in the poet’s soul. By depicting what is revealed to the poet’s gaze, and presenting the past and future, F. I. Tyutchev reveals his thoughts and feelings.

The work is rich in epithets: “in the primordial autumn”, “wonderful time”, “crystal day”, radiant evenings”, “cheerful sickle”, “webs of fine hair”, “idle furrow”, “clean and warm azure”, “resting field” ".

Epithets allow us to reveal the landscape more deeply. The author puts deep meaning into short lines:

The whole day is like crystal,
And the evenings are radiant...

Epithets allow the reader to independently imagine these images and imagine the autumn landscape. This can happen when the sun shines brightly, but gently, calmly, and in the evening bright orange and yellow clouds appear in the sky.

At the same time, epithets serve to convey the author’s attitude and feelings. The author is sad about the time when “the cheerful sickle walked.” Now he feels sad because “a cobweb of thin hair glitters on an idle furrow.”

This work is a vivid example of the work of the Russian poet. Love for the homeland, depiction of the beauty of Russian nature are the main motives of the work of Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev.

Philosophical reflections by F.I. Tyutchev’s stories about nature begin early, when he is not yet 20 years old, and will go through the entire creative life of the poet. In addition, he paints simply poetic pictures of living nature in a bright new language and with the purest colors. The poet’s nature is alive, it is spiritualized. It has everything: love, language, freedom, and soul. Based on this understanding of nature by the author, an analysis of Tyutchev’s poem “There is in the original autumn...” should be carried out.

The poet's figurative system

It is extremely flexible and combines specific, visible signs of the world and the personal impression that this world makes on the author. It is worth reading the first leisurely quatrain, and a clear picture of the beginning Indian summer, seen and expected by everyone many times, appears before the reader’s eyes.

Short original autumn, but this is a marvelous time, that is, amazing and beautiful. It is a “crystal” day, in other words, of extraordinary purity and clarity, and it is as if the most transparent crystal has covered and protected him. From what? This will be discussed at the end of the work. And the evenings are stunning with their beauty - radiance (everything is permeated with the light of the undying evening sun, which in the evening does not want to leave the sky, but lingers on it and colors its blueness with all the colors of the sunset). It is necessary to write about this, making Tyutchev “There is in the original autumn...”.

Second quatrain

The fields are empty, there are no people who processed them, they hurriedly worked with sickles, to which the epithet “vigorous” is attached, cutting off the wheat, quickly harvesting the crop. All that remains is a vast expanse from edge to edge, resting furrows and a thin cobweb that glitters on the plants and folk signs means warm, long autumn and cold winter.

People also noticed that the beginning of autumn is always associated with the flight of birds, so the sky is also empty (in Tyutchev’s case the air is empty). The poem was written in the very first days of autumn, which people subtly divided into seasons: beginning, Golden autumn, deep autumn, pre-winter, first winter. All this can be reflected by analyzing Tyutchev’s poem “There is in the original autumn...”.

Last quatrain

The air became empty, as has already been said, and the birds fell silent. Everything plunges into deep silence and peace, preparing for winter holidays. But there is still a long way to go before the pre-winter period, which will begin along with the autumn storms, around the end of October. In the meantime, the sky is azure - this word means its incredibly gentle, serene blue.

In this way, we can begin the analysis of Tyutchev’s poem “There is in the primordial autumn...”, which speaks of the complete peace that reigns in nature and which is transmitted to the soul of a person who looks with love at the passing summer and the coming autumn without sadness or anxiety, but only enjoying their beauty . This is its emotional coloring and the theme of the poem.

The history of the creation of the poem

Fyodor Ivanovich was returning to Moscow with his daughter Maria, who was seventeen years old at that time, from his village of Ovstug in the Bryansk province. On the third day of the journey, he dictated the text of this poem to his daughter.

The beginning of the peaceful autumn inspired the poet with beautiful lines about the Russian autumn. In these years (50 - 60) he usually does not address the theme of nature; his poems, as a rule, are politicized, so it stands out from the crowd.

Art trails

The epithets that the author uses become leading and main, creating an image of a subtle transition from summer to autumn. “Wonderful” autumn says goodbye to us, giving us the last fine days. “Crystal” in relation to the day emphasizes both the fragility of its beauty and the special transparency of the sky. “Radiant Evening” creates a particularly bright and This shows how the analysis of the poem “There is in the original autumn...” by Tyutchev should be carried out.

The antithesis is visible in the contrast between the now empty field and the fact that it was previously filled with reapers with sickles. The personification is the web, taught as “fine hair.” The metaphor is flowing azure, warm and clean. Comparisons can be found after the words “as” or in the instrumental case of a noun. Thus continues the analysis of Tyutchev’s poem “There is in the original autumn...” Briefly speaking, there is little left to consider - the rhyme.

The first two quatrains use cross rhyme, that is, the first stanza rhymes with the third, and the second with the fourth. At the end, the rhyme becomes encircling - the first stanza rhymes with the last. Iambic creates a very musical rhythm.

Analysis of Tyutchev’s poem “There is in the original autumn...” according to plan:

  • Author and title of the work.
  • The history of its creation.
  • Emotional coloring.
  • Subject.
  • Paths.

Reading this poem, you understand that the poet knew how to reproduce all the colors and sounds, in in this case complete silence of nature. His images are imbued with feeling and thought, enclosed in a strict grace of form.


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