Registration card form t 2. Personal card

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Sometimes only the presence of a personal card can confirm work experience with a certain employer.

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This document is compiled for the entire state without exception. How are employee cards issued for 2019 using the T-2 form?

In generally accepted document flow, a personal card is a special document filled out for all employees without exception at the place of employment.

This also applies to temporary and seasonal workers. A document is created after signing the employment agreement. How to correctly issue a personal card for an employee using the T-2 form in 2019?

Important points

Purpose of use by the organization personal cards personnel points is to ensure full accounting.

By law, any employer is required to consider creating this document for each employee.

To generate a document, use unified form, called T-2. She was accepted.

Its initial structure has remained unchanged since 2004. A card index is created based on personal cards.

Cards are stored in a file cabinet in alphabetical order. Due to this, if necessary, you can quickly find information about a particular employee.

At big state The documentary base can be structured by divisions. There are no special regulations regarding the preparation of a card index based on employees’ personal cards.

The only requirement stipulated by law is that anyone officially must have such a card.

What you need to know

Current legislation does not establish strict deadlines for creating a personal employee card. It is considered most appropriate to issue a T-2 at the time a person is hired.

Although a small time gap is not considered a serious violation. The main thing is the duplication of the mark on the card made during employment.

Usually, the employee’s personal card is filled out after the proper document is issued.

To issue a card, certain documents are required, which become the basis for displaying the information and confirming its accuracy.

In particular, you need:

  • order for admission to the staff;
  • passport or other document confirming personal data;
  • employment history;
  • insurance certificate of state pension insurance;
  • military registration documents;
  • documents relating to education, obtaining a profession, qualifications, possession of special knowledge;
  • information declared about himself personally by the employee.

Important! The specifics of some types of activities may require the provision of additional documents.

If without any information the card information is not complete enough, the employer is obliged to request the necessary data.

For what purpose is it formed?

Often, a personal card is mistakenly compared with a questionnaire or personal sheet stored by the personnel service. But these papers are filled out directly by the employee himself and when it is accepted in the organization.

As for the personal card, it is filled out by a personnel employee, guided by the order upon acceptance to the position. In this case, the presence of the document is mandatory.

In accordance with the Resolution Federal service State Statistics No. 1 dated January 5, 2004, all organizations are required to maintain personal cards of employees.

But it should be noted that this requirement does not apply to individual entrepreneurs. As already mentioned, the T-2 form is used to create a card.

This is printed on special 2A4 format forms with the OKUD code 0301002. The card is created in a single copy.

The fundamental purpose of creating personal maps is to summarize the entire necessary information in one document.

This eliminates the need to study a large amount of documentation in search of the necessary data.

Also, there is no need to demand the necessary documents from the employee every time, if necessary. All necessary data is contained in the card.

When you need to clarify some information regarding a specific employee, it is easy to find a personal file in the general file cabinet and look at the necessary records.

According to its content, the employee’s personal card is divided into sections of the following type:

  • general information;
  • military registration data;
  • information about employment and career changes;
  • certification data;
  • information about qualifications and their improvement;
  • Information about vocational training;
  • data on incentives, awards, etc.;
  • information about ;
  • benefits provided by law;
  • additional information;
  • information about the reason for dismissal.

Legal basis

For commercial enterprises, from January 1, 2013, it is allowed to develop their own templates for primary documentation, replacing standardized samples with them.

Moreover, in accordance with Letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 3-10/2012, standard forms primary documentation established by authorized bodies in accordance with other federal regulations.

The letter does not mention the T-2 form. This raises the question of whether the card form can be created independently.

The situation is explained in the affirmative. But it is considered more appropriate to use a unified document.

Moreover, certain standards indicate that the T-2 employee personal card form is mandatory for use:

Consequently, it is preferable to take the standard form as a basis. If necessary, you can modify it slightly, add missing lines or eliminate unnecessary ones.

The procedure for filling out the T-2 form of the employee’s personal card

A typical map includes four pages. The entire information part is divided into eleven blocks.

The registration of the card is carried out by an employee of the personnel department, or, in the absence of one, by the head of the organization.

The T-2 has several significant nuances:

  • The first two pages are drawn up at the time of hiring a new employee. Third and fourth
  • the page is designed in the process of activity;
  • a card is created based on documents provided by employees;
  • when creating, you are allowed to use a computer;
  • The employee himself does not have the right to fill out the card.

For your information! Individual entrepreneurs are not required to create personal cards for hired personnel.

But they also usually create maps according to their wishes, which greatly facilitates management activities.

How a document is compiled

After the HR officer fills out the form, the employee must confirm that the information provided is correct. After reading the form, he signs on the second page at the end of the second section.

The basic rules for issuing a card are as follows:

The name of the organization is written without abbreviations An abbreviated form is allowed only if it is specified in the constituent documentation
The employee number on the timesheet is a maximum of six digits The number designation does not change until dismissal, regardless of internal movements
Insurance certificate number and TIN Corresponds to the originals
In the "Alphabet" column The initial letter of the employee's last name is written
The nature of the work activity is written "temporary", "permanent"
The type of work is fully specified By, main
The letter symbol indicates gender "M", "F"
Fully prescribed Full Name
According to the passport data, the date of birth is written in full in the text part For example, “January 1, 1980.” The code value is written in numerical format - “01/1/1980”. When indicating the place of birth, it must be taken into account that the size of the entry should not exceed one hundred characters
Residence code Installed according to OKATO approved
The presence of a specific citizenship is indicated in full Citizenship is coded according to OKIN. Russian citizenship – “1”, dual – “2”, foreign – “3”, stateless – “4”
The language(s) is written without abbreviation What does the employee own? The code indicates the level of proficiency. Fluent – ​​“3”, intermediate conversational – “2”, with a dictionary – “1”
Recording and coding education Carried out in accordance with OKIN and OKSO
Diploma qualifications are written as follows: graduation from a university – the degree of “bachelor”, “master”, “specialist” is registered;
end of secondary educational institution- “technician”, “merchandiser”, “accountant”, “manager”, etc.;
for a “bachelor’s” or “master’s” degree, the focus of knowledge is prescribed;
with the title of “specialist” - a specific specialty is designated
The profession is written in full Based on the order for employment in accordance with OKPDTR
Work experience is calculated Based work book and other documents certifying experience
Marital status is recorded and coded In accordance with OKIN, from “1” to “5”
Family composition includes Only family members with the specified degree of relationship
According to the passport, passport data is indicated Both the registration address and the real residential address are recorded. Displays the employee's contact phone number and numbers of close relatives

The section “On military registration” is drawn up based on the military ID and identity card of the person subject to conscription.

In the process of subsequent employee activities, the following sections are drawn up:

  • “Hiring and transfers to another job”;
  • "Certification";
  • "Training";
  • "Incentives and rewards";
  • "Vacation";
  • "Social benefits";
  • « additional information»;
  • "Grounds for dismissal."

Signed by

After the T-2 form is filled out and the employee has signed and indicated the date, the document is signed by a personnel employee.

When filling out all sections, the information is indicated with links to relevant documents, orders, instructions, federal laws and local regulations.

Video: employee personal file

When the personal card is closed, the personnel officer and the employee themselves put their signatures. This confirms that all entered data is correct.

If changes are made to the card, they are also certified by signatures responsible person and employee. Complete replacement cards is undesirable, since it will be very difficult to recover the information.

Sample filling

Often, when applying for a T-2 card, representatives of the personnel department make mistakes. These do not pose any special consequences, and they do not harm the employee.

But when large quantities omissions, the HR department may be fined due to poor quality work.

An employee’s personal card is a document that contains basic information about the employee, his education, labor activity, awards, etc. It is filled out when applying for a job, but since this is a fairly voluminous document, HR specialists often have questions about its preparation. Let's look at what the T-2 card form looks like and where to get the form of this document, and also show an example of filling out a T-2 card.

What is this form and when is it needed?

Before talking about a sample of filling out the T-2 form, we note that its form is approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1. The document is kept for each individual employee. This is convenient because it allows the employer to have a complete dossier on the employee, so to speak. The fact is that the following information is recorded on the card:

  • about the date and place of birth;
  • citizenship;
  • education, including additional education, and professional training;
  • knowledge of foreign languages;
  • work experience;
  • family composition;
  • registration and residence address;
  • attitude towards military service;
  • certification results;
  • awards;
  • vacations;
  • benefits;
  • other information.

All this data is accumulated by the employer to fulfill the obligations provided for by law. For example, information about family composition will allow the employee’s children to be included in the list of recipients New Year's gifts or trips to summer camps. Information about additional education or knowledge of foreign languages ​​will make it possible to offer the employee another position or send him on a business trip abroad. Data on awards and length of service can be considered as a basis for sending a colleague’s documents for awards for more high level. So an employee’s personal card is a very convenient and useful source of information for employers.

Who is required to maintain personal employee records?

Some employers believe that if the primary accounting forms given in the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia are not mandatory, then they may not exist in the organization at all. However, not all so simple. The Labor Code, indeed, does not directly oblige managers to maintain and fill out these forms. However, paragraph 12 of Government Decree No. 225 dated April 16, 2003 “On Work Books” states that the employer is obliged to familiarize the employee with all changes made to the work book. In this case, the employee must confirm his consent by signing a personal card, in which all entries made in the work book are duplicated.

In addition, you need to know that the T-2 form is one of the military registration documents, according to paragraph 27 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2006 No. 719. Thus, maintaining this document is mandatory for all organizations and entrepreneurs. You will find a sample of filling out, or how to fill out a personal T-2 employee card, just below, and you can download it at the end of this article.

General rules for filling out form T-2

A small note before telling and showing how to fill out the T-2 card and a sample of filling out each item. There is a standardized form that is recommended to be used. The employer has the opportunity to change it, or rather, supplement it with information that, in his opinion, is missing, but nothing can be removed from it. At the same time, it is important to understand that the form approved at the state level was developed taking into account the protection of the citizen’s personal data. And the employer, if he wants to make additions to the T-2 form, must also take into account the specifics of the legislation in this area. An example of filling out a T-2 employee’s personal card, which will be presented in this article, is given on the basis of a unified form.

The next point you need to know is that the personal card is maintained by a person authorized to maintain personnel records In the organisation. This is done upon hiring within a week. The document is issued exclusively in paper form. If you are comfortable duplicating information from it in electronic format, you can do so. But while digital signatures are not common in Russia within the framework of labor relations, and employees sign with their own hands, T-2 cards must be kept on paper and all data must be entered into them manually. In this regard, we note that there are no requirements for the color of the ink used.

As for errors and corrections, unfortunately, they cannot be avoided. If an inaccuracy was made when filling out, the incorrect entry must be crossed out with one line (the entry must remain readable), write the correct wording next to it, then add “Believe the corrected” and sign.

Sample of filling out the T-2 card

Let's consider a specific example of filling out an employee's personal card (form T-2 2019). Let’s say that economist Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov gets a job at Svetly Put LLC in February 2019. When hiring a new employee, the following documents will be required (based on them, data will be recorded in the form):

  • identification;
  • work book (if available);
  • SNILS;
  • military registration documents;
  • documents on received education and qualifications;
  • other papers, if they are required for admission to perform a job function.

The personnel officer also needs a hiring order.

When all the papers are collected, you can begin to fill out the form. A sample of filling out a T-2 employee personal card will be presented step by step, but if you wish, you can download the fully completed document at the end of the article.

We start filling out the form from the header. Here you should indicate:

  • full and abbreviated name of the employing organization;
  • date of drawing up the card;
  • personnel number, INN (if available) and SNILS of the new employee, his gender (abbreviated as “M” or “F”);
  • the nature of the work - permanent or temporary;
  • type of work - main or part-time. In this cell, words must be written in full; abbreviations are not allowed;
  • the “Alphabet” field is filled in with the letter with which the employee’s last name begins (in our example it is “I”).

Section I is called " General information" Here are the following:

  • number employment contract and the date of its conclusion;
  • FULL NAME. employee, date and place of birth, citizenship;
  • degree of proficiency in a foreign language (one or more);
  • information about education and profession.

Already from the second line, HR officers may have difficulties because they do not understand what codes need to be entered and where to get them from. OKATO code - number settlement(its district) in the All-Russian Classifier of Objects of Administrative-Territorial Division. Changes are often made to it, so when filling it out, it is advisable to find out accurate information from trusted sources.

As for the abbreviation OKIN, it stands for All-Russian Classifier of Population Information. From this list of codes, which are divided into 293 categories, information is taken to fill out. For the convenience of readers, we present pivot table codes that will be needed when completing lines 4, 5 and 6.

What to write in a line

Which OKIN code should I indicate?

Line "Citizenship"

Citizen of the Russian Federation

Citizen of the Russian Federation and a foreign state (Republic of Belarus) (indicate in brackets the country of which the employee is a national)

Foreign citizen of the Republic of Belarus (indicate the country of which the employee is a national)

A stateless person

Foreign languages








Other languages ​​(if they are not in the classifier)

Degree of language proficiency

Speak fluently

I read and can explain myself

I read and translate with a dictionary


Initial (general)

Basic general

Average total

Secondary vocational

Higher education - bachelor's degree

Higher education - specialty, master's degree

Higher - personnel training highly qualified

Professional education

Additional professional

Information about education must also be supplemented with details from the diploma: who issued it and when, in what specialty. At least one line must be filled in. If in the future the employee brings diplomas additional education, this information will need to be added.

When filling out the tabular part, you will also need a code from OKSO - a classifier of specialties by education. In this part, you can write words abbreviated, but in such a way that the entry remains understandable. For example, you can write “to them.” instead of "name".

In the next line - the seventh - you must indicate your profession. To do this, you will have to use OKPDTR - a classifier of professions of workers, positions of employees and tariff categories. The profession of economist has code 27728.

In the “Work Experience” field, you need to fill out all the lines, if possible. If not, then fill out only the first line - about the total length of service at the time of concluding the employment contract from the work book.

Let us remind you that the total length of service is the period of activity that gives the right to an old-age pension. Continuous takes into account only the period that is used when assigning benefits, and the length of service that gives the right to a long service bonus is work in certain government organizations in certain government positions (a detailed list is presented in Section II of the Regulations approved)


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