Caring for cutting boards. How to care for a wooden cutting board How to care for a wooden cutting board

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All sorts of vegetables are cut on a wooden board, fish is cleaned, and meat is cut. Therefore, juice, various odors and pieces of food remain on the surface. If the housewife does not take care of the board or does it incorrectly, the product will not serve for a long time. To extend its life you need to know some tricks. We will tell you about them.

Prevention is the key to longevity

If you own a cutting board made of natural wood, do not forget to take preventive measures. Proper care of the product prevents the occurrence of cracks and mold. Therefore the hostess uses cutting board for its intended purpose for many years.

What products give good results? The best option is the use of special oil. It must meet two main criteria: safety for people and high efficiency. How the oil handles elevated temperatures is also important. For example, sunflower oil spoils quickly. Therefore, a board impregnated with such a substance, after a few years, acquires bad smell. You can’t get rid of it, so you have to throw away the cutting board and buy a new one. This is an additional expense. Ideal for proper cutting board care mineral oil, manufactured according to advanced technology. It is odorless and tasteless. Mineral oil is environmentally friendly. Therefore, harmful effects on health are excluded. Mineral oil has an affordable price and excellent performance properties. After using it, the cutting board becomes more durable. The oil fills all the pores, preventing the penetration of liquids and food particles into the wood structure.

Treating the board with mineral oil is a simple process that does not take much time. It consists of several stages:
First you need to make sure the board is clean. If there is contamination, the product is cleaned of food residues in advance;
apply mineral oil in sufficient quantity to a paper towel;
The wooden surface is wiped with a paper towel. Mineral oil is evenly distributed over the board;
The product is not used for 24 hours. If you need a cutting board urgently, you need to wait at least a couple of hours. The oil should be absorbed into the wood;
After complete impregnation, the remaining oil is wiped off the board. This is done using a paper napkin.

In order for the cutting board to serve for a long time, this procedure must be repeated once a month. Then cracks will not appear on it even after several years of intensive use.

Another product suitable for preventative board care is beeswax.
This is a waste product of bees, which has been used for many years to care for wood. A special ointment is made from beeswax. Mineral oil is used as the second active ingredient. Together, these two components have a positive effect on the condition of the wooden cutting board.
An ointment based on wax and mineral oil has a multifaceted effect on the condition of the cutting board. This means:
increased moisture resistance - the ointment fills pores and crevices. That's why natural wood protected from the harmful effects of moisture;
creation of a protective film - bacteria and dirt particles do not penetrate under the formed wax layer;
good tactile sensations - the surface of the board becomes perfectly smooth;
pleasant smell - after treatment with oil, the board acquires a unique aroma.

Disinfection is a mandatory procedure
Regular disinfection is essential. During such an event, pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms are eliminated. There are several ways to disinfect a cutting board. We will highlight the main options that housewives often use in practice. Requested funds include:

Hot water in combination with detergent - an effective solution.
With his help wooden surface dirt and bacteria are removed. For achievement best results Detergents containing surfactants are used. It could be liquid soap, used every day for washing dishes. The procedure for cleaning a cutting board is simple. Need to place wooden product into the sink and rinse thoroughly with water containing detergent. If the product is large, it is processed using a damp sponge. At the final stage, the surface is wiped;

Vinegar is a remedy that is available in every home. It contains acid that eliminates all types of pathogenic bacteria.
Treating cutting boards with vinegar is best suited for people who are allergic to detergent. When it is carried out they do not appear side effects. When disinfecting, the wooden surface is wiped with vinegar. After this, the board dries. The peculiarity of processing with vinegar is that it actively active substance destroys mineral oil. Therefore, after disinfection, additional impregnation of wood with oil is recommended;

Hydrogen peroxide is another remedy that all housewives have.
It is used everywhere. First, the board is wiped with a paper towel to remove dirt. Then the napkin is saturated with hydrogen peroxide. Use it to wipe the surface of the board. This ensures complete disinfection.

IN difficult cases, when a wooden product has been in contact with rotten products, a bath cleaner is used. It contains aggressive components that require careful handling. Therefore, before starting to process the cutting board, you need to wear gloves and prevent the substance from getting into your eyes. Additionally, you need to think about ventilation. Then pungent odors are quickly removed from the kitchen.

How to use the cleaner? To do this, the substance is dissolved in water. Then the board is cleaned of food debris. The prepared solution is poured onto the surface. After a few minutes, the cutting board is washed under running water. One more effective method is the use of lemon. The juice is squeezed out of it directly onto a wooden surface. After some time, the board is wiped or washed and then dried.

Rules for caring for a cutting board
To ensure that your wooden board lasts for many years, we want to tell you about important rules. Every housewife should know about them, since the service life of the product depends on it. If you follow all the rules, you save money cash, because the need to frequently purchase the product is eliminated.

Caring for a cutting board made of bamboo and other types of wood involves following these rules:
Clean the product after each use - this process cannot be put off until tomorrow. While the board is dirty, bacteria and moisture penetrate the structure of the material. They provide negative impact on wood. Therefore, the service life of the cutting board is significantly reduced; After wet processing, do not place the cutting board in a dish dryer. Place the product on flat surface. When it is tilted, the wood deforms and bends in one direction;
do not wash wooden products in dishwasher. This process must be carried out manually. Natural material is sensitive to water. With prolonged contact with moisture, wood loses its original properties. It gradually collapses and loses its attractive appearance; Do not leave the cutting board in the sink with other dishes. The product must be washed as soon as the meat has been cut or the fish has been cleaned. When exposed to water, wood begins to deteriorate and become deformed.

What if after for long years Are you getting cuts from your knife while working on your favorite cutting board?
There are two possible options here. The first is purchasing a new product. The second is carrying out a restorative procedure. To remove deep cuts you need to take sandpaper and sand the surface. After this, you need to wash the cutting board using detergent and soak it with mineral oil. After completing such processes, the product will acquire its lost appearance.

Valuable advice from experts
On a cutting board, sausage, bread, hard cheese are cut daily, as well as meat and fish. Therefore, such an item needs special care. It consists not only of treatment with mineral oil and disinfection. Finally, we want to give a few useful tips, with the help of which the process of caring for a wooden product is simplified. To ensure that your board lasts a long time and maintains its attractive appearance, listen to the recommendations of experts:
To eliminate the smell of garlic and onions, use coarse salt or soda. Apply one of the components to the surface and leave for five minutes. After this, rinse the cutting board and dry it;
never leave a wooden product near a heat source ( open fire, heating radiators). Heat has a detrimental effect on natural material. This is manifested by the fact that the wood is deformed;
cut food across the entire surface of the board. Then the wear of the product will be uniform; Buy two cutting boards and use them differently. Chop vegetables and fruits on one surface. Use the second product for slicing raw meat. This eliminates the risk of food contamination by pathogenic bacteria;
Always store your cutting board dry. Moisture systematically destroys wood;
Never soak the product to remove berry juice stains. There is another solution for this purpose. Sprinkle the surface generously with salt and then wipe with lemon. The spots should disappear.

Don't forget about our tips and rules. Then your cutting board, made from natural wood, will last a long time!

You are the happy owner of a beautiful wooden cutting board. It's time to learn how to care for it in order to extend its service life for many years. Proper care behind the cutting board will prevent the appearance of cracks, mold and germs. And does not matter, new board or old.

After purchasing a new cutting board, immediately treat the wooden surface with oil to protect it from moisture, bacteria and food odors. This procedure must be repeated regularly as the oil dries. Oil fills the pores of the wood and prevents the penetration of liquids and food particles.

What oil can I use?

Any oil that meets two requirements is suitable: safety for humans (for ingestion) and resistance to spoilage when room temperature. Please note that vegetable oil(for example, sunflower and olive) do not meet the second requirement, since they deteriorate over time, regardless of the degree of their purification. A cutting board soaked in such oil will acquire an unpleasant smell of rancid, spoiled oil after 1-2 years. It is impossible to get rid of this smell, and the board will have to be thrown away.

Mineral oil

Best used for prevention mineral oil, which can be purchased in our store. Mineral oil has neither odor nor taste. It is absolutely safe for humans.

Wipe the board with mineral oil and let it soak in, then remove any remaining oil with a dry, clean cloth. Don't be afraid to apply too much oil - in in this case, the bigger, the better. Wipe the board at least once a month.


Beeswax is often added to mineral oil to add density. For centuries, wax has been used as a sealant to protect against moisture in making baskets, fabrics, storing food and other perishables, and for caring for wood. Wax increases moisture resistance (although it still does not make the wood waterproof) and helps protect the cutting board from wear and water. Wax remains on the surface, filling pores and crevices, while oil is absorbed into the wood and cannot create such protective film. A layer of wax prevents moisture, bacteria and dirt particles from penetrating into the wooden surface. In addition, after waxing, the board becomes smooth and pleasant to the touch, and acquires a delicate and pleasant aroma.

You can also buy ointment for boards, consisting of beeswax and mineral oil, in our store. Its consistency is similar to butter. Apply a layer of ointment to the board, rub it with a dry cloth, then let it dry a little and then polish the board until it shines.

Other means

For prevention, you can use a number of oils of plant origin, which have very high price, but are certainly good for health. Coconut and linseed oil contain a large number of saturated fats, so they do not spoil for years. They do not need to be refrigerated, but direct sunlight should be avoided.


All cutting boards, regardless of their type, require regular cleaning and disinfection. Below are several recommended options for caring for cutting boards.

Hot water + detergent

Scientific research has shown that this is the most optimal method for disinfecting any cutting board.

You can use any surfactant-based detergent, such as dishwashing detergent or liquid soap. Disinfectants based on surfactants, they remove any contaminants along with bacteria, and at the same time are absolutely safe for humans. An important factor is that these products do not cause corrosion of metals.

The cleaning procedure is slightly different for large and small cutting boards. If the board fits in the sink, clean it with detergent and hot water from the tap, then rinse and wipe dry.

You cannot place a large board in the sink and wash it under running water, so it needs to be cleaned in the same way as, for example, dinner table- using a damp sponge and detergent. Don't forget to wipe the board dry at the end and make sure there is no moisture left under the board (especially if it has no legs).

NEVER immerse a wooden cutting board in a sink of water or place it in the dishwasher. Water will penetrate into the pores of the wood, and after drying, the board will begin to crack. Exceptions are boards made from composite materials or water-repellent wood (hevea).


After use, the cutting board can be wiped with colorless table vinegar. Acetic acid contained in food vinegar effectively kills pathogenic bacteria (E. coli, salmonella and staphylococcus). For people allergic to other disinfectants, it is preferable to use vinegar.

It is convenient to store vinegar in a spray bottle. This will allow you to easily clean and disinfect the surface of the board. After treating the board, let it dry thoroughly.

Unfortunately, acetic acid destroys fats, including those contained in oils used to prevent boards. Therefore, after using vinegar, we recommend re-treating the surface of the board with mineral oil or ointment.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is an effective means of combating bacteria on the surface of a cutting board. The board must first be thoroughly washed (peroxide is ineffective on a dirty surface), and then wiped with a cloth soaked in a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide (if necessary, you can dilute it with water).

Bath Cleaner

The most effective means disinfectants - chlorine-containing. We are talking about bath and toilet cleaners, as well as bleaches. Working with them requires extreme caution and protective equipment, since contact with the eyes and mucous membranes must not be allowed.

Be extremely careful! When processing, you must wear latex gloves and glasses. Good ventilation required due to the unpleasant odor.

Dilute the cleaning product in water (one teaspoon per liter of water). For effective action disinfectant solution is necessary to keep the surface clean. Pour the solution onto the board, wait a few minutes, then rinse thoroughly and air dry or use paper towels.

NEVER combine chlorine-containing cleaners with others (combining with vinegar will create toxic chloroform). They are also extremely corrosive, so keep your knives away.

  • To remove the smell of garlic, onion or fish, there are three simple ways: lemon, coarse salt and soda. Rub the surface of the board with something, wait a few minutes, wipe off the residue, rinse and dry the board.
  • Always clean the board thoroughly after cutting fish, meat and game.
  • While you are not using the board, keep it dry. Without moisture, bacteria die within a few hours. Moisture and liquids of any type should not remain on the surface of the board for a long time. If the board does not have legs and you store it horizontally on the countertop, always make sure that water does not accumulate under the board.
  • Do not leave the cutting board near a heat source (stove, radiator) unless adequate insulation is installed. High temperatures are contraindicated for hardwood.
  • Do not drill the board, gouge holes, or otherwise damage the surface without refinishing the wood.
  • Don't use just one area of ​​the cutting surface. Distribute the work across the board to ensure even wear.
  • Do not use a sharpened cleaver - it may split the wood.
  • Do not wash knives, forks and other utensils on work surface cutting board.


Instructions: Treat a wooden cutting board with mineral oil.

A wooden cutting board is intended for chopping a variety of food products: meat, fish, vegetables and more. Typically, porous natural wood is used to produce cutting boards. The most popular species are sugar maple, cherry, ash and black walnut. Unfortunately, these tree species are very good at absorbing odors and bacteria that are on the surface of food. If a wooden cutting board is treated with the right substances: for example, oil, then the board will be perfectly protected from a variety of microbes and mold. Here is one of the instructions for caring for a cutting board:

1. Rinse the cutting board in running water if you have used it before. Wipe the surface of the cutting board with a kitchen towel and let it dry completely.

2. Dampen a kitchen towel with white vinegar. Wipe the entire surface of the wooden cutting board with this towel. Vinegar gently and safely sanitizes cutting board surfaces. After wiping thoroughly, let the cutting board dry completely.

3. You can use mineral oil, but only what is called food grade. Do not use mineral oil sold in pharmacies. Before treating the board with oil, you need to heat it up. Pour 1 cup of the product and place it in the microwave. Heat mineral oil in microwave oven for 10 - 15 seconds.

4. Wet the corner kitchen towel in mineral oil and wipe the surfaces of the cutting board.

5. Give the cutting board time to dry. Repeat the process of cleaning the board with oil again.

6. Continue repeating the procedure of coating the cutting board with mineral oil. Allow the board to dry between procedures. When the cutting board no longer absorbs mineral oil, remove what remains with a dry kitchen towel.

You may have heard that wooden cutting boards should be oiled, or you may have even done it yourself. Why is this required, and are any oils suitable? The simplest and affordable option- this is Vaseline oil, which can be found in the pharmacy - with it the cutting board will find a second life.

Why do you need oil?

  • Oil moisturizes natural material, which without impregnation tends to dry over time. Boards that undergo regular treatment last longer and maintain a presentable appearance.
  • Oil creates a natural protective film on the surface of the wood, preventing the absorption of odors and the penetration of bacteria deep into the board. It’s good if the product itself is of high quality and has properties like Epicurean boards, which do not absorb liquids and odors
  • Correctly carried out treatment will protect the surface from microbes and fungi and prevent the formation of mold.
Important: cutting board oil should not be vegetable: it will go rancid and give the product an unpleasant, persistent odor. Unlike vegetable oil, mineral oil for impregnating a cutting board has no odor, no specific taste and will not impart its own aroma to the cut products.

How to oil a cutting board?

Gently pour mineral oil onto the surface and rub with a soft cloth. Coat the board on all sides, not forgetting the sides. Don't be afraid to pour too much oil - the wood will take as much as it needs, and the excess will simply be absorbed into the fabric.

Pure mineral cutting board oil will penetrate deeply and close the pores. This treatment should be repeated from time to time, at least 3 times a year.

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If you want to create a more durable coating that will fill small cracks and noticeable cuts, you can add beeswax to the oil. It will protect the surface from wear, make it smooth in appearance and to the touch, and prevent moisture from penetrating inside. Natural wax is sold in the same place as honey, or in online stores of components for cosmetics and soap making. It is necessary to mix oil and wax in a ratio of 4 to 1. This is done like this: the oil is heated in a water bath, wax shavings are added to it and mixed until the mixture is homogeneous. When using a microwave, you can place the container with the mixture for 30-40 seconds until the wax dissolves.

While the solution is hot, you need to coat all surfaces of the board with it. As it cools protective covering will become stronger, after its formation the board should be polished with a soft cloth. If you are using a new untreated board, then the procedure should be repeated after 6 hours and do not forget to renew the coating once a month.

Such a simple and quick procedure as impregnating a cutting board with oil will extend its service life for a long time. Moreover, if the product is expensive and of high quality, caring for it is simply necessary. Of course, even in the absence of any care, a wooden board can be successfully used, but literally in a year it will “grow old” and lose its attractive appearance.


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