Do-it-yourself smart home, etc. Do-it-yourself smart home (or where to start when you want to?)

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A do-it-yourself smart home is equipped with modules, each of which is connected to automation. Managing your home space from any room and via the Internet is simple and secure. A budget option automation will cope with the main tasks of creating comfort. Exist ready-made solutions on equipment automation. One of them is modular system on Arduino. It allows you to select the equipment at your own discretion and install the necessary software.

Where to begin?

The main link that will manage the entire system is the computer. It will be the server of our system smart home. A special board must be connected to the processor on which the software will be installed. The optimal solution is to purchase an Arduino board and install the development environment of the same name on your computer.

Finished products from this manufacturer can be divided into 2 categories based on their intended purpose - Arduino boards and shields. The board is a special module, the main element of which is the controller. The necessary programs for managing a smart home are written to the controller. Shield is an additional fee that expands capabilities. It contains one or another peripheral that controls the controller. The shield must be placed on top of the controller.

Important: For each module, an expansion card must be purchased separately.

Exists starter kit Arduino, which contains the most commonly used components. The kit includes a manual that allows you to implement 15 automated projects yourself. The software product is compatible with Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. To program the microcontroller, it is used special language Arduino.

Heating system automation

Both electric and centralized (gas) heating are subject to automation. Implementing a smart home with your own hands is quite difficult. Electrical and physics knowledge required. A standard heating system consists of a boiler (gas, electric, less often solid fuel), pipelines - direct and return. The equipment is connected to sensors, information from which the controller will read. To connect smart heating you will need:

  • - Arduino controller;
  • — Arduino expansion module;
  • - a thermocouple that performs measurements flue gases;
  • — relay blocks — 4 pieces (2 each for activator and pump);
  • — display and adapters for it;
  • — digital water thermometer.

A circuit is assembled based on the above components, and the finished board is installed in the computer processor. A description of how to assemble an Arduino can be seen in the video. A project is created for subsequent assembly printed circuit board in the Fritzing program, the necessary components are installed on it in the program environment. The board is tested for functionality using software. Then, using the Arduino development environment, the program code is written to the assembled controller.

Important: During the assembly process, it is necessary to maintain the proportions of the board. Technical specifications modules are selected strictly according to the scheme.

The code is selected taking into account plug-ins and smart home capabilities. One circuit can implement several difficult decisions for smart home heating automation. There are many tutorials that allow you to program the necessary options in the module yourself. The controller allows you to change system parameters on the fly through programming. The system will read sensor readings and control the operation of the boiler.

"Smart" plumbing

The goal of a smart home is uninterrupted supply cold water and hot control. Autonomous system water supply consists of a reservoir in which water will be accumulated and stored, and a pump. The tank must be designed for daily norm. The pump pumps water from the source, and it can be collected into the container by gravity. To prevent overflows, shut-off valves are installed. When the amount of water reaches the required level in the tank, the flow of water into it will stop.

Water from the storage facility is pumped through pipes pumping station. When the tap opens, the pressure inside the pipes decreases, and the installation begins to operate. When the tap is closed, the pressure, on the contrary, increases, and the station turns off. Filters are installed on the water supply deep cleaning, for sewerage - multi-stage, which allow wastewater to be used again, for example, for irrigation.

Hot water supply is provided using solar panels. The water is heated and accumulated in a special tank. The tank is equipped with high-quality thermal insulation to prevent rapid cooling. This heating kit includes gas or electric equipment for heating water. The water heater is turned on when heating solar battery ineffective or stock exhausted hot water. This implementation of a “smart” water supply system allows you to save costs on heating it.

"Smart" watering is effective for large areas. It allows you to reduce costs and save time on irrigation. The pumps, upon command sent from the computer, begin to supply water through the piping system. Spraying water can be organized in a circle or pointwise. It all depends on the design of the installed injectors. They hide in the greenery of plants or grass and begin to irrigate when water is supplied. The irrigation system is programmed by zones: some water frequently, others - once a day or weekly.

In places where pipes branch, install solenoid valves, which prevent the supply of water to someone else's area. The valve opens only when a command is given from the computer. Only then will watering be carried out in this zone. In places where light watering is required, install drip system irrigation. The main task here is to calculate the frequency of watering so that the plants have enough water and there is no stagnation. Storage tank installed on a hill. Water flows through pipes by gravity and enters the soil through mechanical dispensers.

Automated accounting of resource consumption

The smart metering system is implemented using special gas, light and water meters. Traditional devices are not technically capable of transmitting information independently for further calculations. Terminals with pulse output are installed at the outputs of the devices. WITH pulse outputs counter information is transmitted to the controller. The controller transmits the data to the hub, where the pulses are decrypted, and then software.

Further calculations are carried out by special programs, for example, a calculation table is created in Excel. Most software can not only calculate the cost of services, but also plan them for a given period. The system can connect to the bank and make payments without the participation of the owners. It also compares the compliance of consumption with limits and adjusts the operation of the equipment.

Multimedia device management and security

A smart home system can control the operation of audio and video players, televisions and other equipment not only from one room, but also from the street. The signal is transmitted either through a cable system pre-installed in the wall, or through wireless networks. You can additionally connect any multimedia equipment to the system via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. Each family member in their room will listen to their own content and watch any video without being tied to other residents. The operation of several channels can be configured simultaneously remotely or using the panel.

The system is configured so that when moving from one room to another, the sound from the video “follows” the person. In the same way, you can configure video surveillance. When moving from one room to another, you can monitor what is happening in the house and on the street. Such a symbiosis of the two systems is necessary when there are small children in the house.

“Smart” acoustics can notify residents of emergency events, for example, a water leak or a power outage, and show by video where children are. The multimedia complex easily connects to the Internet for households to view content online. Connecting a smart multimedia module is optional.

The security system is assembled according to the diagram. During the assembly process, it is taken into account that it can be disabled without permission only after disassembling the housing of the board itself. Fire detectors are used for warning. To turn off the system, it is recommended to install magnetic switches. They are resistant to dirt, less susceptible to damage and deformation.

Build smart House doing it yourself can be difficult for a person who does not have special education. Of course, everything can be made much easier by purchasing ready-made smart home modules. However, it is better to create the system yourself.

What is a “smart home”

Before starting work on self-creation various amenities, you need to understand what a smart home system is and what it is capable of.

A smart home cannot be characterized by two or three functions. For a shorter definition, it should be said that in such a system all communications are connected to a computer and controlled with its help. The system carefully monitors the temperature in the rooms of the house, observes and records images from video cameras. With the help of computer technology, you can adjust the light, the temperature of the floor or radiators, turn on various electrical appliances and much more.

The degree to which the house is equipped with various modules is determined by the connected equipment or the imagination and creative skills of the master.

Why is it better to start installing such a system in your home yourself? Because in this case, the owner himself will be able to regulate various modules, complicate and modify them. He will have in his hands the open source code of the system, which he will be able to correct at his own discretion. Ready-made modules and kits do not provide such freedom of action. They are completely dependent on the development company.

Another advantage of independent development is that the specialist will not spend a lot of money either on installing modules or on repairs. If it is delivered ready set, then any modification will be quite expensive. In addition, the kit itself will also be a significant expense.

What a smart home system can do depends largely on the imagination of its creator.

Where to start

You need to start arranging a smart home with the most basic things.

  1. You will need a computer.
  2. You will have to create a website for your home, where various functions will be reflected.
  3. You will need to install special software (programs). To do this, you will need to check compatibility software with a computer".
  4. Make a diagram.
  5. The first functions to be connected may be the simplest ones. You can start with a home monitoring system and indoor temperature control.

Arrangement details

  1. Installing a local server on Linux.
  2. Apache server settings.
  3. Using Linux you can organize a video surveillance system. This requires ZoneMinder.
  4. You need to create a website for a smart home using Apache.
  5. For surveillance, you can install various alarms and USB cameras. You also need to install temperature sensors and install the appropriate software.

This is the minimum set with which you can start arranging a smart home. Having understood the details of such operations, you can move on to more complex things. In order to inexpensively create a full-fledged control system for various communications and equipment functions in the premises of the house, there is no need to invent anything. On the Internet you can find a lot of solutions to create comfort and coziness.

Some masters have been posting their developments for a long time and inviting users to try them out.

Creating a website for your home can seem like one of the most difficult parts. In fact, a ready-made website module can be found on the Internet today. For those who want to start developing on their own, you need to do the following.

  1. Understand PHP and learn to work with MySQL.
  2. The control system for smart home functions will be based on various scripts. They do not need to be developed, most of them are available to users. You just need to understand the installation sequence.
  3. The scripts will run regularly and update information about the system state.
  4. The JQuery library will also come in handy. With its help you can even create an excellent appearance site without studying cascading style sheets.
  5. Working with databases can be made easier if you use an engine to manage the site.

Smart home functions

The functions and possibilities of a smart home are almost limitless. Therefore, only a few of them will have to be considered.

The light can be adjusted using several devices. For example, dimmers can be installed to regulate light levels. Such devices, however, will only work in certain cases. They will not work in fluorescent lamps.

The disadvantage of dimmers is a constant light background noise.

Switches are installed in the place where light switches are usually located. With their help, the light can be turned on and off.


Household appliances can be turned on and off using the same switches as in the case of light control.

There is no need to make all systems at home completely automatic. It is better to leave the option of normal manual control. Otherwise, in case of problems, you will have to work hard.


The surveillance system can be equipped so that cameras located in the house can be monitored even from the workplace. This is not very difficult; a video camera system can be installed as the first function of a future smart home. The essence of this technology is that the signal from the cameras is transmitted to a specific computer. Data from sensors and cameras can even be received on portable devices.

Along with video cameras, you can also install motion sensors. They will work on the same principle. To set up software on your computer, you just need to download the corresponding open source modules. In order to be able to regulate and modify the code in the future, you will have to understand a little about the structure of such systems. It's easier than learning programming.

Desire and work will help you overcome obstacles in mastering the fascinating science of creating a smart home. You just need to not be afraid of the new, and over time you will even become passionate about the process.


We bring to your attention the following videos on the topic of creating a smart home:

IN Lately became fashionable comfortable life. Everyone tries to make it easier for themselves through the use of different devices. The simplest example is a TV remote control, which allows you to change channels and control the sound without leaving the couch. Almost everything can be controlled remotely, as long as the system allows it.

In the same way, you can arrange your own home, which will allow you to regulate it from your computer or phone. It's very convenient and simple. A smart home will allow you to save money and time on many things that previously required effort, energy or personal presence. This can be done while working in the office or on vacation - from the countryside, the sea, or another city.

A do-it-yourself smart home will make the life of the owner and his family as comfortable and cozy as possible.

This system performs the following functions:

  • climate control (heating and air conditioning);
  • lighting (convenient location of light sources, brightness control);
  • security (cameras, motion sensors, control of locks, alarms, monitoring of gas and water leaks);
  • home management.

But it is not at all necessary that a smart home performs all of them. If opportunities do not allow or there is no such need, it is quite possible to configure only several or one system. If a person creates a smart home with his own hands, for convenience, you can configure them one by one, and not all at once.

Creation methods

Smart home is automated system to control electrical appliances in your place of residence using a computer or other gadget. Full automation of living space.

A smart home can be created in two ways:

  1. On your own.
  2. Buy ready-made technologies.

In the first option, you can be smart and save on something. The second option has a number of advantages and disadvantages.


  • verified;
  • reliable;
  • qualitatively;
  • There are ready-made modules that solve the necessary problems.


  • expensive;
  • little flexibility in management;
  • limited module capabilities;
  • protocols, circuitry - closed;
  • inability to interface with other systems.

Therefore, in order to make the most convenient and comfortable housing possible, the best way out is to create a smart home with your own hands.

Foundation to start

IN in this case knowledge and necessary equipment. If it is enough to go to a hardware store to buy pieces of equipment, then you will need to obtain knowledge and you need to know what kind, in what area.

What you need to rely on when creating a smart home with your own hands:

  • on open standards, protocols;
  • cheap components;
  • the already accumulated experience of other people;
  • enjoying the process.

Since the implementation of such an undertaking is quite complicated, in order to do without professionals you need to be an expert in the problems that you will have to face. Areas in which knowledge is necessary in order to build a smart home with your own hands:

  1. Electrician (knowledge of technology, principles of working with the flow of electricity, assembly of electrical appliances and their parts).
  2. Principles of construction automatic systems(all about controllers and signals).
  3. Programming (to create a control panel).
  4. Knowledge of the system itself and the equipment with which you will have to work.

Very often, a smart home is a fairly simple structure. For example, monitoring water leakage, SMS notification, controlling lamps using a remote control.

Possible solutions

In order to create a reliable smart home with your own hands and control it, you need to select the right equipment, develop programs, and experience in engineering and design.

The most difficult thing will be connecting this system with air conditioners, cinemas and other third-party devices.

The main element of a do-it-yourself smart home is considered to be a control panel, usually a computer. It will perform the function of the brain in this large organism. With its help you can solve a huge number of problems within the system. It is flexible, can perform many functions, and combines all components into one whole. The Linux operating system should be installed on it.

After installation operating system on a server/computer, you should create a website for it in Apache. This is one of the most complex tasks. It’s possible to find ready-made modules on the Internet, but if you want to do everything yourself, you’ll have to work. First, you need to understand how php and MySQL work, understand in what sequence to install scripts that will be used all the time, and report information about the system. The JQuery library will help you create a website that is easy to work with and its appearance. The website engine will make it easier to work with databases.

Modern computers have many protocols and standards (RS232, USB, Ethernet, TCP/IP, Wi-F) that make it easier to integrate all units and create a smart home with your own hands. In essence, there is a process of information exchange between different structural parts. Since the house is created with your own hands, and not by a commercial company, then main principle in the understanding that we need to start this. And solve problems as they arise. Evolution is built on experiments.

Before you start, you need to decide on the functions that are most necessary. For example:

  • light/heating control;
  • Fire safety;
  • alarm/door lock.

Safety system

It is necessary to install video cameras in places that require visibility. The signal from them will be transmitted to the main console and recorded (depending on the settings). Thus, it will be possible to control everything that happens in the house when the owner is not there.

Along with video surveillance, you can equip motion sensors. They will work on the principle of cameras; you just need to download the necessary modules and understand them.

You can also control the lock. It is quite possible to configure it so that control is carried out using a smartphone. But there is one point: you need to select a lock with the ability to access without electricity, so as not to remain on the street or locked in the absence of one.


Before going to bed, you really don’t want to get out of bed to press the light switch. A DIY smart home can make life easier in this regard too. You can install devices on all light control keys that will allow you to do this remotely. It is also possible to regulate the brightness of the light (using dimmers) and the number of light bulbs on from your smartphone.

You can also control the humidity level and temperature if you connect 1-wire sensors to the server. This will ensure comfortable living in all weather conditions.

Heating system

Heat control is very convenient thing. The batteries can be adjusted so that the batteries turn off immediately after the owner leaves, and turn on several hours before returning. This allows you to significantly save money and resources.

Heating equipment (boiler, pipelines) must be connected to sensors that will transmit information to the controller. Expansion modules, a thermocouple, relay blocks, display and adapters, and a waterproof digital thermometer will also be useful. All these components are installed according to the diagram, tested, then program code is written for the controller, taking into account the modules and capabilities of the system.

This scheme can solve the problem of heating automation in the house. You can program the necessary parameters yourself or change them in the future. The controller will read the sensors and control the boiler.


Everyone knows that you have to pay for comfort and, as a rule, considerable sums. As already mentioned, creating a smart home with your own hands, rather than with the help of a specialized company, will allow you to save money and avoid installing a huge number of functions they offer, but are not needed by the homeowner.

Even this option is not a small expense. Although this system allows you to save money. If someone forgot to turn off the light, the iron, or left something in the socket, everything can be corrected remotely.

It is also possible to set up a schedule for the operation of different appliances: coffee maker, air conditioner and others. This will make the homeowner’s life much easier and allow maximum savings on electricity.

The most convenient thing is the ability to regulate the heating system. True, it will be necessary to install special temperature sensors, but this will allow you not to overload resources, but to heat the rooms to set temperature. Now there will be no need for batteries to work around the clock.

But still, if it is not possible to create such a system, you can get by with installing certain elements. For example, the lock can be synchronized with the phone, the same can be done with lighting, but you will need special lamps.

Smart home in the office

The same system can be installed at work. For example, if, when leaving, a person always forgets to turn off the computer, coffee machine, air conditioner and other appliances, this can be done from anywhere in the city without returning back. Such a system will make work more productive and less costly. And with the same amount of time spent in the office, productivity will double.

If a person values ​​corporate secrets, a security system and electronic locks that can be controlled from home will come to the rescue. Ideal option There will also be installation of CCTV cameras. Then all the secrets and important documents will definitely remain in their place.


A smart home with your own hands will make life easier and more comfortable. In addition, the process of creating it will help unite the family around solving another difficult problem and will increase the level of knowledge in technical areas. After all, equipping a home control system requires a lot of knowledge and a lot of expense.

All systems are computer/server controlled. Some can be transferred to the phone, especially everything related to notifications.

A do-it-yourself smart home will allow you to control:

  • Security systems;
  • Sockets;
  • Electrical appliances;
  • Lighting;
  • Locks;
  • Heating.

Also other necessary things. And most importantly, it can save you a lot of money on small amounts if you use it on a schedule. This will increase the comfort and overall level of safety in the home. And now it won’t be so scary to leave children alone.

If you install such a system in the office, all trade secrets will remain them, and the level of effectiveness will increase.

Do-it-yourself smart home is much better than programs purchased from special organizations. After all, the owner will not deliberately install a lot of unnecessary applications. Which also helps reduce financial expenses on the equipment.

Therefore, if you want to improve your quality of life, experiment and modernize your place of residence. Forward! After all, this is the key to evolution and development.

Is it possible to equip a house or apartment with a full-fledged automation system, or at least make a simplified Smart Home with your own hands, without entrusting this work to specialized companies?

On the Internet you can find a great many articles on this topic: people talk about their experience of installing both the simplest combinations of the category “light based on motion sensors depending on the time of day”, and more complex ones, controlled via a computer or from a mobile device (for example, from iPad). Many of these solutions are really interesting and useful in everyday life.

What do you need to build a Smart Home yourself?

  1. Electrical knowledge. Understanding of the principles of control of various electrical appliances, experience in assembling electrical panels, knowledge of safety precautions when working with electric shock. Skills reliable connection cable.
  2. Knowledge of the principles of building automation systems: types of controllers, inputs and outputs of controllers, types of signals.
  3. Programming skills for a desktop or mobile operating system to create a management interface.
  4. Clear understanding of operating algorithms.
  5. Good knowledge of the equipment used.

Often, a Smart Home can be found in the form of a fairly simple but limited system, for example, monitoring water leaks, SMS notification or controlling lamps from a remote control. Such equipment exists in the form of ready-made “boxed” solutions intended for self-assembly.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the range of ready-made solutions - “Smart Home in a Box” equipment sets that will allow you to implement the Smart Home system yourself.

This Smart Home system is a comprehensive solution that connects all subsystems into a single network, allowing you to control the entire house from one control panel or tablet computer.

To create a system that is reliable, convenient and easy to learn, allowing owners to feel completely safe, it takes years of work in this area: competent selection of equipment, careful software development, experienced engineers and designers. A worthy alternative This battalion of specialists will receive ready-made Smart Home solutions.

The most complex work involves interfacing with third-party equipment: air conditioning, ventilation, home theater, etc.

In any case, we can always prepare a system design. The project will be completed in full accordance with the wishes and all building codes. It will include cable installation diagrams, switchboard diagrams and an explanatory note with full equipment specifications.

The cost of the project is low, but it will make it possible to produce everything yourself necessary work related to cable installation and assembly of switchboard equipment without the risk of shorting the “phase to zero”.

Ready-made project examples can also help you with the question of how to make a smart home with your own hands.

Since our systems are built on a freely programmable industrial controller (Beckhoff, ARIES, Siemens), having knowledge in this area, a person will be able to independently perform programming, configuration and adjustment in accordance with his own wishes.

The assembly we offer based on an industrial controller and Easy Home control software for Windows, Android or iOS leaves quite a lot of room for self-configuration, as it allows you to easily change the interface, add new elements, change scenarios and associations of switches to light groups, using already established principles.

A self-implemented Smart Home system for an apartment or private residential building will certainly give the owner a huge amount of knowledge and experience, but we recommend that before building a system on a residential property, you discuss with our specialist the possibilities of a future smart building, ways of their implementation and possible difficulties implementation in order to be completely confident in your abilities.

High technology ceases to be something inaccessible, belonging only to scientists in their laboratories. They enter a person’s life more and more closely, providing coziness and comfort. One of illustrative examples, previously found only in fantasy novels, is a “smart home” system that allows you to relieve the owner of a lot of worries: automate the management of all communications, reduce heating and electricity costs, increase the convenience and safety of the home. In reality, this is computer technology, logical and understandable to everyone who wants to understand its structure, allowing you to create this system with your own hands.

What is a “smart home”

This is a high-tech automation system that controls all systems, engineering communications or residential devices. Simply put, it is a processor that supervises and coordinates the operation of all devices connected to it.

Most of the problems that arise for residents are due to a lack of attention paid to a particular communication node or subsystem. Heating, water supply, Electricity of the net at home - all these groups of equipment periodically fail due to minor faults not detected in time, which gradually grow to the size of a serious problem. The complex constantly monitors the functioning of communications and promptly warns of emerging threats or possible malfunctions.

The structure of the complex is designed for maximum convenience for the user, for example, it is possible to control the entire system using a smartphone

Thanks to this technology, it becomes possible to program the time for turning on or off a particular node, or the transition from one operating mode to another. For example, organize daily switching on/off street lighting, increase or decrease in temperature in heating system depending on the weather conditions. It becomes possible to control electronic devices throughout the house using one remote control, allowing you to turn on a DVD in the living room, but watch it on a TV installed in the kitchen, if that is more convenient for the owner.

The capabilities of such a system are great and depend only on the types and implementation options.


There are many varieties of the complex, each with its own pros and cons, which are most conveniently considered in the table.

Types of system Peculiarities Advantages Difficulties
Wiredwork directly, transmitting signals from control sensors to the control unit or actuators via wires laid in the house
  • fast response of wired devices;
  • There is no risk of overloading the transmitting bus with different commands, that is, “freezes” and malfunctions.
  • complex installation, time-consuming and labor-intensive;
  • the need for installation during construction, for finished houses unacceptable
Wirelessconnection actuators and control subsystems is carried out via television and radio communicationsthere is no need to lay wires, which significantly speeds up the installation process, eliminates interference with the structure or disruption of the final finishing of the house
  • the need to frequently replace batteries in control elements;
  • communication with the base via radio somewhat limits functionality.
Centralized complexesallow full control over the state and operating mode of all communications at home from a single control unit - a processor with a large number of connectors for connecting equipment and devicesis able to coordinate and combine all the involved elements of the roomhigh degree of dependence of work on the abilities and quality of the program installed in the processor
Decentralized complexesare a set of microprocessors independent from each otherthe ability to minimize the consequences of failure of an individual nodea large number of separate control elements, which sometimes creates confusion and complicates the setup or configuration process
with open protocol
The control commands used in the system are used by many manufacturersallows you to connect devices from different manufacturers that can be recognized by the processor and work under its controlit may be necessary to partially adapt the elements to each other
Closed protocol kitscontrol is carried out in its own language, developed by the manufacturer, and allows the use of only appropriate devices or instrumentshas a high degree of compliance of all nodes and elementsdoes not allow the connection of foreign devices - they will not be recognized by the system and will not be able to work in conjunction with it

The development of new, improved types of this technology is ongoing. Updated or newly created versions of software or constructive solution capable of performing more complex and responsible tasks.

Advantages and disadvantages

“Smart Home” is a complex and multifunctional system that undoubtedly has a number of advantages:

  • The ability to install in a room and configure any type of it according to your own parameters, from security to water supply or heating.
  • From the first days of operation, this complex allows you to save up to 30% of the cost of maintaining the house.
  • High level of comfort.
  • The ability to use this system not only as a manager, but also as a source of entertainment.

Within the framework of this technology, you can adjust not only the operation of audio and video equipment, but also, for example, the temperature of the water in the pool

However, there are also not the most pleasant moments associated with it:

  • High price. This is the main problem limiting the spread of technology. The costs of acquisition and installation are too high, and the failure of some system components is sometimes beyond repair due to unaffordable prices.
  • Difficulty in laying wires for the system. This procedure is very labor-intensive and is only available at the construction stage ( interior decoration). If you replace the system with a wireless option, its cost instantly increases several times.
  • The need to have a separate room or space for installing equipment. For a small home, this moment becomes no less problematic than the rest. You will need a backup power source and voltage stabilizers that protect components with the control unit from voltage surges. All this needs to be installed, maintained or repaired somewhere.

Despite the existing difficulties, the installation of this system is becoming increasingly popular and widespread.

Do-it-yourself preparatory work before installation

Before you start direct installation system, it is necessary to carry out some preparatory work:

  1. Select a specific type, available for technical and financial positions.
  2. Create detailed project, working drawing of the entire system.
  3. Inspect the house and assess the condition of communications, their readiness for installation of controls and monitoring sensors.
  4. Determine the most comfortable spot for installation, installation and location of the main components and elements of the complex.

Some types of systems require a computer on which the necessary programs are installed, and a home website is created that displays the system diagram and basic controls. Configuration and adjustment of such a complex is carried out from a PC, tablet or smartphone.

This arrangement of icons, each responsible for its own “section”, makes managing the system much easier

Preparation requires a clear understanding of the operating principles, configuration, features or design of the selected complex. If knowledge is not enough, you will have to familiarize yourself with the structure of the system and get necessary information or abandon the idea of ​​organizing such a complex complex using only your hands and head, and seek help from specialists.

Smart home diagram

Before starting installation work, it is necessary to draw up a diagram that allows you to determine all installation points, methods of connection, communication and control of elements.

The complex diagram includes many elements, for example, cameras, video server, sensors and performers

A schematic representation allows you to visualize the configuration and operating principle of the system, and determine its most critical components and sections. It consists of three main groups of elements:

  • Sensors They are the “sense organs” of the system, signaling changes or detected disturbances.
  • Executive elements, mechanisms. These devices have a direct impact on communications, changing the operating mode, switching or adjustment.
  • Control devices, controllers, servers. This is the central part of the system, performing control, executing installed programs and managing its functioning.

This will help you visualize the configuration, detect errors, and draw up a specification for the composition of the system.

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions

To assemble a system with your own hands, it is best to purchase a ready-made kit that meets the needs and capabilities of your home or apartment. Order installation work is described in detail in the user manual, which must be carefully read before starting work and constantly checked during practical operations.

The installation process of the complex consists of connecting actuators and sensors to the central processor. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Installation of control sensors.
  2. Installation of actuating elements - servomotors, switches, taps, etc.
  3. Connecting devices to the corresponding connectors on the processor board.

After installation is completed, trial run, System Setup.

Separate small circuits are being developed for some subsystems

It is recommended to start with the simplest functions and gradually move on to more complex operations. You should not immediately program multi-stage operating modes; first you need to adjust and configure the system using elementary actions.

Features of installation in a cottage and apartment

The composition and configuration of the complex is largely tied to the type or size of the premises.

  • For a private house, cottage or dacha, heating, water and electricity supply subsystems, which are often used in autonomous mode, are relevant.
  • For an apartment connected to centralized networks, control of these elements comes down to timely activation or disabling. Often these elements are not included in the system at all.

The number of actuators involved in the complex increases with increasing autonomy of the home. The less dependence on network or other resources supplied from outside, the greater the fullness of the management complex, the higher its responsibility and significance for the life support of the home.

Controls: voice and manual

There are two groups of these elements:

  • Wireless. Used for communication television or radio technology.
  • Wired. They are connected via a special cable (sometimes using a regular twisted pair cable), have a quick response to commands, and a high degree of reliability.

System functions can be controlled from different devices:

  • Remote Control.
  • Control panels.
  • Control unit, shield - all three of these types imply the use of buttons or a touch screen.
  • Tablet, smartphone, PC - here you can also use the voice method.

Remote controls are wireless devices and are mainly used on closed-code systems. Control panels have a stationary installation type and are usually equipped with a touch screen.

At the request of the customer, a stationary system for adjusting the operation of the complex can be installed

The method of communication with actuators is the same for all types of devices, since ultimately the commands come to the processor, which transmits them to a specific mechanism.

Installation of a “smart home” system is available to trained people who understand the principles and features of the complex. Lack of self-confidence and lack of understanding of certain aspects are grounds for turning to specialists. Mistakes made during the installation of this complex complex in a country house or in an apartment can cause serious consequences, so you need to realistically assess your capabilities so that the created system can only bring additional comfort.


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