Installation of balusters in baths around the stove. How to insulate a stove in a bathhouse from the wall

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Even if the bathhouse is made of the most quality wood, without a full-fledged air exchange system, it will become unusable in 3-4 years. And during this period of time, it is unlikely that anyone will want to enjoy constant dampness, unpleasant odor and lack of fresh air in the steam room. How to technically correctly arrange ventilation in a sauna with your own hands: device and diagrams - find out all these nuances right now.

Is ventilation needed in a sauna?

Ventilation in a sauna with regular wood stove- scheme

In a steam room where people sweat, the air becomes super humid within a few minutes. It is extremely difficult to breathe in such an environment. Much easier if dry ones circulate air masses. Therefore, ventilation is simply necessary in a sauna in order to regulate the level of humidity and the supply of fresh oxygen. In the absence of ventilation during the procedure warm air will rise to the top, and the cold one will accumulate below, which will definitely not benefit health. Also, if there are no ventilation ducts, they accumulate in the sauna. unpleasant odors and there is a risk of poisoning from accumulated carbon monoxide.

Often, a shower room and a relaxation room are also adjacent to the sauna room. If they are not equipped with air vents, moisture levels will increase. The result is that it is difficult to dry yourself or dry yourself. Over time, mold and mildew will appear on the walls and ceiling, and wood structures will rot. The sauna will last not 15-20 years, but only 4-5.

Which ventilation system to choose for a sauna

Ventilation for this type of premises can be of three types:

  • mechanical;
  • natural;
  • combined.

The first type is quite expensive, so forced outflow is often used in steam rooms. During work exhaust fan A reduced pressure is formed in the steam room and fresh air enters through the air vents. The advantages of the combined scheme are that for its installation there is no need to cross-position the wind grids, which is mandatory rule for natural extraction.

Proper ventilation in the sauna: 3 important points

  • You need to select pipe sections based on standard calculations: for 1 m3 of sauna you need 24 cm of cross-sectional area.
  • Outflow and inflow cannot be placed exactly opposite.
  • It is necessary to install special ventilation valves on the vents of the steam room, with the help of which you can control the air flow.

Natural ventilation in the steam room

This type of ventilation is the most popular, as it is suitable for most rooms, safe, effective and the device is inexpensive. It is necessary to carefully select places in the room for veterinary ducts - the area of ​​the sauna, the height of the ceilings, the location of the stove and, of course, the materials from which the building is made are taken into account.

Correctly placed supply air duct

Important! Ventilation holes should be located on different heights. The input channel is 20-25 cm from the floor, and the output channel is 25-35 cm from the ceiling. It is also important to choose a location for the holes so that they look harmonious with outside baths did not stand out much on the walls of the facade.

Approximate hole sizes 320-410 sq. see, but experts advise doing more of them rather than less. If the process of air circulation in the room is too fast and the temperature in the bathhouse decreases quickly, the outlets must be covered with special dampers - rotating valves, ventilation and adjustable grilles. From the point of view of the aesthetic appearance of the sauna, it is better to use decorative dampers.

Ventilation in a sauna with an electric heater

The flow of fresh air to the stove is carried out by a special channel, which should be located under the floor, and the air outlet closer to it. The hole box is installed 1/4 larger than the cross-sectional area of ​​the chimney. Oxygen should only come from outside. Ventilation can be built with your own hands. To do this, first of all, a box facing the street is mounted along the baseboard. WITH inside it is closed with a lattice, and with an external mesh, so that insects or small pests do not get into the steam room.

Attention! The outflow of air masses is carried out using an exhaust channel, which is located diagonally from the supply channel. It is installed at a height of 25-30 cm from the floor. Next, the outlet rises up to the ceiling and is led out onto the street. For work it is better to use plastic pipes. This design will provide the steam room with high-quality ventilation.

Combined ventilation system

If the steam room has a special structure design, then it is not always possible to arrange in such a room natural system air exchange or mechanical ventilation. For example, if a sauna has three adjacent walls with other rooms, then the inlet and outlet outlets can only be placed on one side.

In such a situation, it is necessary to follow the rules for proper placement of veterinary ducts: the supply duct should be placed at a level of 25-30 cm from the floor, and the outlet duct – 20-30 cm from the ceiling. When cold air masses enter the steam room, they pass through the stove, heat up and rise upward. Such circulation will always ensure fresh and heated air in the sauna. But this method has a drawback - sometimes the air exchange process can be too intense, and it can only be controlled using special dampers on the outlets.

There is another option for combined ventilation - when supply channel It is placed not below, but above the heater. If the outlet is installed a little higher on the opposite wall, it will be quite effective. ventilation system in the steam room. But often for large premises Such circulation is not enough, so experts recommend installing a fan in the outlet duct. With its help, air masses will be better driven through the sauna.

Common mistakes when installing ventilation

  1. Installation of one outlet under the ceiling of the room. The disadvantage of this installation is that all the warm air masses will rise to the top and quickly “pull out” onto the street. Regulate temperature regime it will be difficult in the sauna, and fuel consumption will increase several times.
  2. Installation of supply and exhaust on the same level. Air exchange will be minimal, and the formation of drafts in the steam room is guaranteed.
  3. If the cross-section of the exhaust channel is smaller than the supply channel, then air circulation in the sauna with a steam generator will be difficult.

The main goal of constructing ventilation in a steam room is to ensure constant air exchange in the room (at least 5-6 times). When installing a veterinary system, it is important to avoid mistakes that will lead to problems such as lack of fresh air and drafts.

After ventilation ducts have been installed in a bathhouse with an electric heater or a simple stove, you need to check their operation - just hold a match or lighter to the hole. A visit to a steam room with a properly equipped ventilation system will only bring health benefits and pleasure for the soul and body.

A modern electric stove provides the specified temperature conditions in the steam room and can replace the Russian wood-burning stove. You can install the device yourself, following the attached recommendations.


Installation of an electric oven is simple; instructions from the device manufacturer are always supplied with the purchased product. The specifics of the installation lie in the conditions in which the electrical appliance will operate. Temperature and humidity in the bath create a risk of injury electric shock, therefore, when connecting the furnace, many factors must be taken into account.

Choosing an electric stove for a bath

When purchasing an electric sauna stove, pay attention to the following points:

  1. The power of the product is determined from the condition: 1 kW of the oven - per 1 m 3 of the steam room. If there are poorly insulated areas ( glass doors, windows, tiles) the power of the device must be increased. Every square meter such areas increases the volume of the steam room for calculations by 1.5 m 3. Therefore, it is important to insulate the room well, primarily the ceiling.
  2. The products operate on 220 V or 380 V; the choice must correspond to the voltage in the bath network.
  3. Buy a stove with a capacity of 25% more than the calculated value.
  4. On the market you can find electric stoves with a steam generator for baths, operating in semi-automatic mode. These are small devices without stones.
  5. Choose products with thick walls, they are more durable.
  6. For safety reasons, purchase a product that automatically turns off the power supply if there is a problem with the electrical wiring.
  7. The automation built into the stove should turn off the device if the room temperature is too high.
  8. Ovens can be installed on the floor or attached to the wall. The wall-mounted one saves space in the bathhouse and does not interfere with cleaning.
  9. The device body must be made of metal up to 4 mm thick.

Wiring requirements for an electric furnace in a bathhouse

Electric sauna stoves 220 V with a power of up to 4.5 kW operate on single-phase current. Devices high power use three-phase current. You can connect several heating elements in parallel to the network, but this increases the current threefold. Therefore in in this case select the correct cross-section of electrical wires designed for the power of the furnace.

Consider the following points:

  • For a single-phase network, use a three-core cable, for a three-phase network, use a five-core cable.
  • A prerequisite for wires is the presence of a grounding wire.
  • Attach the wires to the wall using conventional cable ducts.
  • The cable between the control panel and the oven must be in special rubber insulation. Sometimes this cable is supplied with the oven.
  • Reinforced insulation wires are expensive, so it is recommended to reduce their length. To do this, near the stove (no closer than 1 m), on the wall, install a metal mounting box. Between the box and the remote control, covertly lay ordinary wires in vinyl insulation, and from the box to the oven - wires with reinforced insulation. Pull the heat-resistant wires through a metal hose or pipe, which you ground.
  • In conditions high temperature twists of copper and aluminum wires oxidize, so all wires in the structure must be copper.

Rules for placing an electric furnace for a bath

It is recommended to install the electric oven in the closest front door corner. Manufacturers produce corner electric stoves for Russian baths; some models can be hung on the wall. Modern products can be installed in the middle of the steam room if all requirements for safe operation apparatus.

Please meet the following requirements:

  1. The gaps specified in the technical documentation of the device must remain between the hot surfaces of the stove and the walls of the bath. Typically the gaps are 50 cm.
  2. The device can be placed close to a flammable surface if it is protected by a special screen.
  3. For safety reasons, the device is fenced protective structures. The gap between them and the stove must be at least 7 cm, different for each device.
  4. Behind the stove, provide an inlet for ventilation of the bath. It is made at a height of 5-10 cm from the floor. The air should exit through a hole on the opposite side of the room. The diameters of the ventilation holes range from 150 to 250 mm, depending on the power of the stove.
  5. A foundation for floor structures is not needed; make a solid base from fireclay bricks or metal sheet on a heat-insulating base.
  6. You can cover the floor on which a small stove stands with non-flammable material, for example, ceramic tiles or a slab made of asbestos-cement material. Please note that the stove has a lot of weight with stones.

Features of installation of electric furnace elements in a bathhouse

All electric furnaces contain the same components, connected to each other by cables. Fundamental electrical diagram The device is simple: voltage from the mains is supplied to some terminals of the remote controller, and other wires going to the heating device are connected to the output terminals. If there is a steam generator, wires are stretched from the remote control to it. The installation of each element is carried out according to certain rules.

Installation of the furnace body in the bathhouse

The housing contains heating elements and their connection points. There are models in which space is allocated for stones, a water tank or a steam generator.

If the stove must work with stones, it cannot be turned on if they are absent; the heating elements will fail. Rinse the stones well before laying. The sizes of stones are also regulated. Usually pebbles measuring 5-9 mm are used. The heating rate of the steam room depends on their size.

Installation of a control panel for an electric furnace in a bathhouse

Using the remote control you can set the temperature and various effects. Sensors allow you to see changes in heating. In modern electric sauna stoves, the control panel of the device is often built into the stove body, and the device is configured directly from the steam room. Remote control is also supplied with the device and performs duplicate functions. When installing the remote control, adhere to the following recommendations:
  • Due to the high temperature and humidity in the steam room, install the remote control on the wall in a room that is maintained at room temperature.
  • Stretch the wires from the remote control to the electrical panel and connect to a separate circuit breaker. The switch must be rated to match the power of the electric furnace.
  • The circuit must also contain an RCD.
  • The remote control and the stove in the baths are located in different rooms, so make wall penetrations to pull the wires through.
  • After making a hole in the wall in the opening, install a tube made of non-combustible material through which pull the cable. Then seal the hole with non-flammable material, such as cement.
  • Do not lay electrical cables and wires from sensors in the same wall penetration.
  • It is advisable to carry out the laying of cables at the stage of erecting the walls of the bathhouse.

Temperature and humidity sensors for an electric furnace in a bathhouse

The sensors are connected using special heat-resistant cables. Sensor wires must be solid; multiple cables connected to each other cannot be used for extension. They are installed in the places specified in the oven operating instructions. Typically, sensors are installed above the stove, shelves or above the exit from the steam room.

Grounding an electric furnace in a bathhouse

The room must have its own grounding circuit to which the stove is connected. The circuit is buried in the ground at the construction stage of the bathhouse. The grounding cable from the furnace to the circuit is pulled through cable channels. If there is no circuit, connect the oven grounding cable to the neutral terminal on the electrical panel.

And finally, we present a video about electric sauna stoves:

This is a list of basic installation rules electrical device ends in the bathhouse. By completing them, you will be able to install an electric sauna stove with your own hands and get a safe, easy-to-use unit.

Installation metal furnace in the bathhouse requires prior selection suitable place, because you cannot simply install a bathhouse in the center of the room without appropriate protection and the possibility of heating both rooms of the structure (bathhouse and dressing room). Need to follow the requirements fire safety, and also take into account the dimensions of the bath and the materials of its manufacture.


PPB requirements

For many years now the installation of metal sauna stove There are certain restrictions, expressed in several rules:

  1. in the process of purchasing a factory-made stove, it is imperative to obtain instructions for it and install the structure in strict accordance with how the manufacturer indicates;
  2. if the walls of the stove are not protected, then the distance from them to the walls of the room should be at least half a meter;
  3. the thickness of the non-combustible wall carrying the fuel channel through itself must exceed 13 cm;
  4. if the ceiling has its own fire protection with metal mesh or a similar method, then the distance from it to the top of the furnace must exceed 0.8 m;
  5. if the ceiling was not protected with fireproof materials, then the distance should be at least 1.2 m to the top of the structure;
  6. the combustion door through which fuel is supplied into the structure should be at a distance of 125 cm from the opposite wall;
  7. There must be at least 3 cm between the wall and the front wall of the stove.

Choosing a location for a conventional stove:

Optimal location of a stove with a remote firebox:

Installation algorithm

Is it possible to do without a foundation?

  • If the bathhouse initially has a concrete floor, then the construction of a separate foundation is not required. For ease of cleaning, you can install tiles or porcelain stoneware on top, and in the space directly under the stove you can leave only the base floor material.
  • If the floor has a wooden base and you need to put an iron stove on it in a bathhouse, then before doing this it is imperative to provide a non-combustible surface for the structure. However, in this situation, the presence of a foundation is also not necessary.

For structures that weigh more than 700 kg, installation of a foundation is required, so you will have to calculate its dimensions based on the dimensions of the structure itself and add 10-15 cm on each side.

Making the foundation

The future user of the stove design has only 2 available options foundation on which it can be installed:

  • Concrete. This is the most common option used in ovens. It is worth considering that it will take time to cool down, and the greater the depth and size of the required foundation, the longer this time will be required.
  • Fireclay brick. Installing such material allows you to quickly carry out all installation processes and even use it on a visible surface under the stove as a decorative material.

Which option to choose should be determined by your own needs, the size of the stove and its weight, so you can correctly install an iron stove in a bathhouse with your own hands only after choosing a specific model.

Use the following scheme:

To correctly install a metal furnace, you must follow the selected algorithm, which consists of several sequential actions:

  1. dismantling the floor in the selected area according to the size of the structure + 10-15 cm on each side;
  2. deepening the resulting hole by 50 cm and further filling it with crushed stone;
  3. double layer installation polyethylene film for waterproofing. This step is optional, but it is highly advisable to carry it out in order to obtain a high-quality final result of the work;
  4. make a frame from a mesh in dimensions that are 5 cm smaller on each side of the pit;
  5. fill the structure with concrete and then level it using a vibrating screed;
  6. check the evenness of the distribution of the mixture with a level; if defects are found, they need to be corrected;
  7. a two-layer roofing felt is installed on the hardened concrete, and its layer is sometimes made so as to raise the structure 5-10 cm above the floor;
  8. after the final hardening of the concrete, you should install the furnace as provided by its manufacturer and weld the outer part of the pipe to the inner part, if this is not provided for in the original plan of the instructions, because this The final stage works

Preparing the walls

Preparing the walls means that it is necessary to place protective screens at the points of contact of the stove with the wall and another 1.5 m in each direction from it. This will be the most reliable solution that will not require high costs from the bathhouse owner.

For additional protection, you can treat the wood in this area with a special solution that prevents fire.

Ceiling preparation

This process is a little more complex than with walls, because it involves providing access for the pipe on the part of the ceiling that connects to it. That is why it is also advisable to treat the ceiling with a special impregnation and cover the hole for the pipe on the sides with a protective screen or a layer of metal to avoid the possibility of fire.

It is important to install a large metal plate at the junction of the pipe and the ceiling, so that there is 20-30 cm of metal from this point in all directions.

Installation of the furnace itself

There are many options for installation, so how to install a metal stove in a bathhouse will depend only on which design model was chosen for installation. There are structures made of hardened metal, cast iron, as well as a number of alloys that have high heat resistance.

To get a high-quality finished result, you should be guided by fire safety requirements, general principles installation of furnace structures and the requirements of the manufacturer itself. Then the result will not disappoint.

Installation of a hanging tank and heat exchanger

If these are structures created independently, then you should definitely adhere to the safety rules and operating principles of the installations, because due to the difference in pressure, you can provoke an explosion of the structure or deformation of the metal sheet from which it is made.

It is also worth considering the location of the structure. It can be installed both inside and outside the oven:

Installation and removal of the chimney

First select the required diagram output chimney:

Next, you need to determine the installation location of the bathhouse itself and make a hole in the ceiling in the place where the manufacturer indicates the presence of a chimney near the stove.

Next, the finished hole receives fire protection.

The following work takes place in 3 stages: installation protective casing; installation of the pipe itself and ensuring its tight fit to the joint; finishing docking places.

A more specific algorithm is developed on site and depends on the dimensions of the furnace, as well as the materials used to make the walls/ceiling.


One of the main mistakes is self installation ovens without referring to the instructions supplied by the manufacturer. Even if the stove was purchased without instructions, you can request it through the official website or by contacting the manufacturer using contact information.

It is possible to install a metal stove in a bathhouse with independent efforts. This process will require care and strict adherence to the manufacturer's instructions. It is important to ensure fire safety. Not only the comfort of using bathhouses, but also the lives of their visitors depends on it.

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Availability of electricity in country house, allows you to simplify as much as possible the installation of a steam room in a bathhouse or sauna under construction. The ease of installation and compactness of an electric sauna stove, see for yourself, allow you to quickly and effectively solve the issue of arranging the main place in the sauna, the steam room.

How to choose the right electric stove for a bath

An electric furnace for a bath is a heating electric device, which, like all electrical appliances, has technical specifications one of the main parameters is power.

The power of the electric furnace is selected at the rate of 1 kilowatt of power per 1 cubic meter. steam room meter. The calculation is simple, for a steam room 2 by 2 meters with ceilings of 2.2 meters, you need an 8.8 kW electric oven. Provided that the walls, floor and ceiling of the steam room are well insulated.

If there are doubts about the quality of insulation, then the power of the purchased heater (the accepted name for an electric sauna stove) needs to be increased by 25%.

The second criterion for choosing an electric furnace for a bathhouse will be the available power supply voltage. In our country it is 220 or 380 Volts. Electric furnaces with a supply voltage of 380 Volts are quite rare, although they are more economical.

It is worth noting that sellers must indicate, along with the power, the volume of the steam room in which this stove can operate. Unfortunately, almost all sellers deliberately overestimate the volume of the steam room in relation to the power of the electric furnace. The explanations are trivial; the volume of the steam room with ideal thermal insulation is indicated.

When choosing a heater, you should pay attention to the volume of stones loaded into the stove. The characteristic is not fundamental, but it affects the following. Electric sauna stoves with a volume of stones from 20-40 kg are more suitable for saunas, since spilling them with water should be done rarely and the air in the steam room will be dry. Heaters with a load of 40-60 or more kg of stones can be shed without restrictions and they are more suitable for baths, where the air in the steam room should be more humid.

Installation of electric stoves in the bathhouse

When installing electric stoves in a steam room, you need to pay attention to three important factors: safety, security and safety.

The combination of two “enemies” in one place, water and electricity, and the presence of a person without clothes, puts the issue of safety in the first place.

Security Solutions

Electrical safety when installing an electric furnace in a steam room is solved by the following measures:

Grounding. The electrical circuit for powering the heater must be made of a cable with a separate grounding conductor. The body of the heater must be grounded, that is, connected by a grounding conductor to the main grounding bus of the house or a grounding contact in the apartment's electrical panel. When powered at 220 Volts, a three-core cable is used; at 380 Volts, the cable must have 5 cores.


Dedicated power group. To power the heater, a separate electrical group must be allocated, protected by a circuit breaker. The rating of the circuit breaker is selected according to maximum power electric furnaces.

Residual current device. Electrical circuit of an electric sauna stove, except for protection circuit breaker, must be protected by an RCD (residual current device). The RCD rating is 10 mA.

Correct choice of cross-section and type of power cable. To eliminate fire safety problems, you need to choose the right section electric cable heater power supply. The choice of cross-section of the cable cores depends on the power of the electric furnace.

A cable is selected for power supply, with copper wires. Let's stop here.

Any heater is not connected to the power supply directly. From the electrical panel, the power cable is connected to the stove control unit, and from it it is connected with a separate cable to the heater itself. The stove control unit is moved outside the steam room.

With this connection we get two lines of one circuit. One is walking along normal premises home from the switchboard to the control unit. Second the chain goes in a super-humid and aggressive (temperature) steam room. Hence the different requirements for the cable.

  • From the switchboard to the control unit, a cable with copper conductors with a cross-section according to the table above is used;
  • A rubber insulated cable is used from the control unit to the oven (it is supplied with the oven). The passage of the power cable through the wall in the steam room is made in a sleeve with an inclination towards the steam room.
  • To protect the rubber cable in the steam room, it must be protected in a metal corrugation or in a metal pipe. The corrugation or pipe must be grounded.
  • To reduce the length of the final power cable, a metal junction box can be installed in the steam room, in which the power cable is disconnected from the rubber hose of the oven.

Removal of control devices. Control block electric oven The bathhouse is taken outside the steam room. The control unit includes: thermistor, control panel, external switch (if equipped), distribution cabinet, relay cabinet (if provided).

Proper installation of a stove in a bathhouse requires compliance with fire safety rules. Existing standards PPB stipulate the need for fire breaks, insulation of walls adjacent to the body and chimney pipe, as well as a non-combustible base for installation.

The best location of the stove is determined - safe and at the same time ensuring uniform heating of the steam room.

Where to put the stove in the bathhouse

The choice of location for a sauna stove is influenced by several factors:
  • Type of construction - installation of an iron sauna stove with an external firebox in a bathhouse somewhat limits the possibility of choosing a place for placement. Modern models equipped with a telescopic firebox. If necessary, you can increase the length of the firebox by adjusting the size to the thickness of the partition.
  • The principle of operation - with rare exceptions, furnace equipment for a bath it uses the principle of air heating of the room. To ensure uniform heating of the steam room, the stove is installed in a place with minimal interference in the path of convection currents.
  • Warm-up efficiency– it is recommended that the combustion chamber be as close to the base of the floor as possible. This placement will ensure improved air flow and uniform heating of the steam room.
    Some owners install a stove, deepening it by 10-15 cm, which allows increasing heat transfer and heating temperature of the floor covering. The solution is effective. But, installing the stove significantly below floor level, although theoretically possible, is inconvenient. You will have to make a pit of sufficient size to make it possible to put firewood into the firebox from it.

If you correctly install the stove in a bathhouse with a firebox from the dressing room, it will be possible to simultaneously heat two adjacent rooms. For safety, the tunnel under the elongated combustion channel is made 5-10 cm larger in size. The gaps are filled with non-flammable insulation. After which they are closed with special linings that come with the furnace equipment.

A detailed diagram of the installation of the stove in a bathhouse with a firebox from the dressing room is described in the operating instructions.

Fire safety when installing a sauna stove

Fire safety rules when installing an iron stove in a bathhouse stipulate requirements related to mandatory compliance with fire breaks and measures aimed at preventing emergency situations.

The body and chimney pipe become very hot during combustion. Over time, wood, experiencing constant thermal stress, oxidizes, which causes ignition, even without the presence of open fire. For this reason, fire safety requirements when installing a stove in a bathhouse require compliance with three important rules:

  • Provide safe distances between the stove body and walls made of flammable materials.
  • Install the stove on a non-combustible base.
  • Use fire-retardant material to reduce the thermal load on walls located near highly heated parts of the stove.
Exist general rules that must be observed during installation:

Use fire retardant material to insulate the stove and chimneys, required condition for safe operation.

Distance from the stove to the wall of the bathhouse

The PPB specifies fire-safe distances - gaps that prevent a possible fire. The standards state:
  • A gap of 110–125 cm is left between the stove body and the wall made of flammable material. After thermal insulation, the distance is reduced to 50–80 cm.
  • In the direction away from the opening door of the combustion chamber, minimum distance 120 cm.
Fire safety standards indicate the minimum distance to combustible objects from the stove body. All other items: shelves, wooden partitions and walls are removed by at least 110 cm.

Furnaces with a remote tunnel into an adjacent room are physically impossible to remove to a sufficient distance. Therefore, the partition between the steam room and the dressing room is made of non-combustible material: brick or gypsum fiber board.

How to install a stove on a wooden floor in a bathhouse

The stove in the bathhouse is installed from the floor, at a level as close as possible to the base, or 10-15 cm below it. It is easier to comply with this standard if the foundation and installation site are prepared in advance.

In the case of concrete floors lined with ceramic tiles, the stove is installed without the need for additional protection grounds. Wooden floors will need to be protected from fire:

Metal stoves weigh up to 80 kg. Rules for installing a metal sauna stove on wooden floor in the bathhouse do not indicate the need for a full foundation for installation. The rules are aimed at protecting wooden floors from fire.

How to insulate the walls around the stove

Thermal insulation of the furnace from wooden wall, mandatory norm. The surface of flammable materials is protected in several ways:
  • Brickwork.
  • Ceramic tiles - you can line the walls around the stove by covering them (in the case of wooden walls) with pre-gypsum fiber board (GVL).
  • Thermal insulation material - for protection, special heat-resistant boards are used for wall cladding or basalt wool. The material is fixed to the surface using hardware. The surface is covered with galvanized or stainless steel.
After installing the heater and protecting the walls, they proceed to installing the chimney.

Installation of a chimney in a bathhouse

There are basic recommendations for installing a chimney. Temperature flue gases reaches 450-550°C. Regular metal pipe heats up red hot.

Safety standards stipulate that it is not enough just to isolate the stove from a wooden wall; it is necessary to protect the surface in places of contact with the chimney.

Fireproof cutting is required where the chimney passes through the floor slabs and roof.

Choosing a chimney type

For connecting a sauna stove and from of stainless steel. Each option has its own advantages and purpose:
  • Ceramic chimney is used for internal connection. The pipe passes through the floor slab and roof. The advantage of ceramics is durability, resistance to aggressive and acidic environments, and the almost complete absence of condensation.
  • Sandwich chimney - both internal and external installation are provided. In the second case, the pipe is led out into the street through the side wall.

The sandwich chimney and ceramics are assembled like a construction set. Self-installation not complicated. To facilitate installation, manufacturers provide step by step instructions With detailed description works

All component materials used when installing chimneys must comply with existing SNiP and PPB. Not recommended for use

Throughout the entire passage of the chimney, adjacent walls protect against thermal load. The right technology wall insulation includes:

The last layer covering mineral insulation, made from any non-flammable material. After reinforcing the basalt slabs, the wall is lined with ceramic tiles, natural or artificial stone.

Compliance with fire regulations protects the bathhouse from fire and makes visiting it safe and comfortable.


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