Duck: why do you have a dream? wild ducks

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In a dream, a person can see a variety of incidents, friends, enemies, and even deceased relatives.

Why do ducks dream? What could it mean similar dream? It's worth looking into.

Why do ducks dream - basic interpretation

Duckling in a dream is not so harmless. Most likely, you will become the object of someone's gossip and negative interest. The bird itself does not bring negativity to a person in reality, but a dream about it may indicate impending troubles. What exactly they will be, and what will cause them - he will tell you about it full interpretation sleep.

It is also important to pay attention to the following details of the dream:

Where exactly did you meet the bird;

Who else appeared in the dream;

Was the duck alive?

How many ducks are there?

What emotions did the dream evoke in you?

If you saw ducks in my house and it is simply overflowing with them - such a dream indicates that there are unpleasant rumors and gossip about you and your home. You will soon find out who is breeding them. If ducks are resting peacefully at your home and do not cause harm or bother you, such a dream suggests that you will soon be able to take a break from constant stress, but it is better to relax not with friends, but alone.

If you dream that everything is yours workplace busy with ducks– such a dream means that at work a lot of attention is paid to your person. Your colleagues are more interested in you than in your professional success. The dream book advises you to stop maintaining close, friendly relationships with anyone at work and simply perform your professional duties efficiently.

This way you will save your nerves and your reputation. If you decide that you need to defend your point of view, then in the near future you should not count on understanding and support in this matter from your superiors. For now, it’s better to wait it out and resolve important issues later.

If ducks suddenly disappear from your dream, someone will play a very bad joke on you. It won’t even be a joke, but a kind of sarcasm, which you will take seriously and be very disappointed in the person. If you see your lover carrying a duck in his arms, it is he who will make fun of you. Don't give in to this of great importance, most likely there will be nothing offensive in this joke, it will just be inappropriate. The dream book advises not to judge your relationship with your partner by it.

Ducks in a dream that can't find a place to settle down - such a dream means that you may fall in the eyes of your colleagues and your loved one. Such a situation does not arise without reason. You are most likely testing the strength of relationships and want a lot from them. But in order to receive, you must first give.

It's also worth paying attention Special attention to those dreams in which you hunt ducks. You will continue to chase success in reality. The opinions of others will be important to you, but you are unlikely to get the desired result.

If you dream about your pet ducks who cackle joyfully - long-awaited profit, long-awaited success awaits you. You have put so much effort into achieving this and now the desired result is in your hands.

if you dream of ducks swimming away from you– it’s time for you to get ready for a long but pleasant journey. If you dream of ducks flying to meet you, such a dream promises you joy in reality. Your home will be filled with happiness and fun.

Black ducks in a dream portend bad news, which may even shock you. You will be unpleasantly surprised by the news you receive; you will most likely not be able to recover from the disappointment you received for a long time. If you see snow-white ducks swimming peacefully along the surface of the lake, such a dream means a successful outcome black stripe in your life. You will be able to overcome the crisis, you will be able to overcome all the troubles that will come your way. life path.

If young a girl sees a flock of ducklings- such a dream may foreshadow her addition to the family; she will soon be able to become a mother. If a pregnant girl has such a dream, her pregnancy and childbirth will be successful, she will be happy about motherhood, she will finally be happy.

Why do ducks dream according to Freud's dream book?

Freud's dream book says that you dream of ducks as a harbinger of empty talk and unpleasant showdowns. You should not prepare yourself for a scandal in advance; most likely, accumulated resentment will play a decisive role in the conflict and you will simply need to let off steam. But after such clarification, the relationship may be completely damaged.

If you dream that you are eating cooked duck, your hopes that your partner will change his attitude and become more loyal to you will not come true. Your partner is a mature personality and he does not consider it necessary to change anything about himself, so only you can decide whether the relationship will continue or not.

If you dream that you are shooting ducks while hunting, such a dream promises you an ambivalent relationship with your lover. The dream book recommends not taking his words literally, but observing his actions. There is much more truth in them than in phrases spoken in the heat of the moment.

If you dream of ducks swimming in the water or flying somewhere, such a dream indicates that an unplanned trip awaits you, but quite an educational one. Thanks to it, you will be able to establish new contacts and open up completely different perspectives. It is important not to miss such a wonderful chance to change something in your life.

If a pregnant woman dreams of a duck’s nest, such a dream means that she will become the keeper of the hearth and peace in the family. Her husband will listen to the opinion of his beloved wife. Pregnancy will bring her only favorable emotions. The baby will be born on time and with good health.

Seeing ducks in the rain in a dream - such a dream means minor troubles in your personal life, these will be minor scandals and disagreements, anxiety and lack of stability in relationships. But you shouldn’t immediately become despondent, the troubles will be minor and they will last for a short time.

Why do ducks dream according to the Esoteric Dream Book?

A duck in a dream, especially a wild one, means a life in freedom and without hassle; such a life will allow you to relax for a while and forget about everyday problems. But don’t relax, petty problems will soon remind you of themselves.

If you dream of a wild duck with a drake, peace and harmony will reign in your house, you will be happy with everything that happens in your life. Pleasant meetings with old friends and acquaintances await you.

If you dream of a domestic duck, you will be absorbed in household chores for some time. This will be good for you, since you have left life to chance and your household is yearning for care and affection. Now is the time to show them how much you care about them.

If in a dream you shoot a wild duck, you will experience a restriction of freedom on the material plane. That is, you will be limited financially and will not be able to afford much. If the duck did not die as a result of the shot, such a dream promises you temporary financial difficulties.

If in a dream you kill a wild duck, such a dream means that domestic disagreements and quarrels await you. A lot of cackling ducks around you means worries and waste. Stay calm and vigilant, because you still have a lot to go through.

Why do ducks dream according to other dream books?

In the women's dream book it is said why you dream of ducks swimming in the river with clear water- dream of a long and exciting trip. If you see ducks flying away, a great gift from fate awaits you. This can be both success in your personal life and in your professional field. Everything depends on you.

If you dream snow white ducks wandering around the yard - a large harvest and prosperity awaits you. Any business you do will become successful and in demand. If in a dream you hunt ducks, such a dream means that you will dramatically change your plans without wanting to. If you shoot ducks while hunting, you should expect complete interference in your plans. strangers. They will be unfriendly towards you because they are pursuing mercantile goals.

In Grishina's dream book it is said that a pair of ducks on a pond portends a romantic acquaintance or communication. If you dream about ducks fighting for bread, such a dream means that you will defend your rights in resolving some issue that is important to you. But you shouldn’t initially count on fighting, it’s better to use everything possible methods to avoid conflict. Whatever the dream, you should always remember that in real life you have the power to change everything.

To dream of a flock of ducks going to a pond - in reality, make peace with your lover after a long quarrel.

Swimming ducks portend participation in an important event that you will have to miss due to illness.

Duck hunting is a harbinger of unforeseen circumstances and unfulfilled hopes.

Flying ducks portend happy marriage, harmony in family relationships, prosperity in the house.

Plucking a duck in a dream means losing money; cooking in the oven, baking with apples - interference in your personal life by parents who ignore your interests; stewed duck is a sign of abundance.

Eating a fat duck dripping with juice in a dream foretells excellent prospects for the future; smoked, deliciously smoky-smelling duck - to luxury and contentment.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Duck

Ducks in clean waters rivers - happy travels, sea trips;
white ducks wander around the peasant yard - prosperity to your home and big harvest;
hunting ducks - sudden changes in the implementation of your plans;
ducks were shot while hunting - interference of unfriendly people in your affairs;
seeing ducks flying is very favorable, fate will smile on you, a happy marriage is possible, or the birth of beautiful children, or new house.
Also see Water, River, Hunting.

Interpretation of dreams from

Birds such as ducks have been known to us since childhood. After all, perhaps, each of us has observed in a poultry yard or in a zoo how this feathered creature amusingly walks around, waddling from paw to paw. But we admire not only live ducks, but also the dishes that can be prepared from them. What if we saw this bird in a dream? Should we expect positive events from such a vision, or does it make sense to prepare for the worst? We invite you to answer the question together about why a duck dreams. To do this, let us turn for help to several of the most complete and accurate collections of dream interpretations.

Dream book of Gustave Miller: duck in a dream

If you dreamed that these birds were swimming serenely in a clear river water, then start packing your suitcase, because exciting travels and unforgettable trips (most likely sea trips) await you. A dream in which ducks with white plumage walk around a peasant's yard promises wealth and prosperity for your home, as well as bountiful harvest. Hunting wild birds portends changes associated with the implementation of your plans. So, if you manage to shoot a duck, expect interference in your affairs from a person who is very hostile towards you. This dream book considers flying birds to be an exceptionally auspicious symbol. Such a dream promises a happy marriage and harmonious family life, the birth of beautiful children, as well as a large and beautiful house.

Freud's dream book: if you dreamed of a duck

According to the interpretation of this source, to see ducks on a festive table- to vain hopes that your partner will radically change his behavior towards you. Therefore, if you are really not satisfied with something in a person, then it is better to break up with him immediately than to wait for years for something that is not destined to come true. If you dream that you are shooting at a duck, then you should not take your partner’s strange behavior seriously. Since some of his actions cannot serve as direct evidence of bad intentions towards you. Ducks swimming in the water or flying in the sky promise the dreamer a trip in which he can learn something very interesting, and perhaps even compromising, about his partner. At the same time, it is very important not to act rashly, but to use the information correctly.

Dream Interpretation of Miss Hasse: seeing a duck in a dream

According to the compilers of this collection, a mallard seen in a dream foretells that you will soon make peace with your enemy. Swimming ducks promise participation in an important meeting or conference. Catching this bird is a reward important information. If you dreamed that you were plucking a duck, then in the near future your life may be filled with squabbles and arguments with loved ones. Eating deliciously cooked meat from this bird is a sign of contentment and well-being.

Islamic dream book: duck

The compilers of this collection interpret the dream in which this bird appears as a symbol of fear of God and piety. Despite this, the dreamer may be in serious danger. If you dreamed that you were talking to a mallard, then in reality you will be able to enlist the support of an influential woman or agree on something important with a representative of the fair half of humanity.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z: why do you dream about a duck?

A live mallard, steadily striding towards a pond, predicts that you will soon make peace with your lover after a rather long quarrel. Ducks swimming in a pond foretell participation in a very important event, which you risk missing due to illness. Hunting for these birds promises the emergence of unforeseen obstacles in business, as well as vain hopes. Flying ducks are seen as a symbol of a happy family life, prosperity in the home and harmonious relations with all my relatives. Seeing ducks that you pluck in a dream means financial losses. If you dreamed that you were baking this bird with apples in the oven, then there is likely interference in your family life on the part of your parents, who ignore your opinion on this matter. Eating the appetizing and juicy meat of this bird means abundance, prosperity and excellent prospects.

If Maly Velesov dream book

This source considers this bird as a harbinger of some good news, possibly related to the pregnancy of one of your loved ones. Why do you dream about ducks and geese on the water? A vision of this kind promises to receive unpleasant news. If in a dream you caught or bought a mallard, then in reality you will soon get married, happy family life and the birth of healthy children. Wild ducks flying into the distance are harbingers of financial losses and numerous problems. Domestic mallards promise the dreamer profit and prosperity.

Ancient English dream book: duck

According to the authors of this collection of interpretations, flying birds promise great income and wealth. Ducks swimming on the mirror surface of a pond are considered a very good sign for artisans and traders. Such a dream also predicts happiness for lovers. A vision in which a duck is forced to dive for food promises the need to perform hard routine work that will not be properly rewarded. It is also likely that you will become dependent on some influential person. Why do you dream of a duck slowly and beautifully swimming past you next to a drake? Such a dream is considered as a harbinger of an emergency. happy wedding any of the people close to you.

Dream about a duck: Esoteric dream book

If you dreamed of a wild bird, then a free life awaits you, not associated with any serious problems or obligations. Why do you dream of a duck paired with a drake? Such a dream predicts harmony in family life. Poultry hints at the need to spend more time taking care of your home and your loved ones. Killing a domestic duck promises problems and difficulties in the family. If in a dream you hunt wild birds, then your freedom may be at risk due to financial difficulties. This dream book also mentions a medical duck. If this item appears in your dream, you risk acquiring a sexually transmitted disease, so you should be careful in communicating with your partner.

For those who have an extensive farm, it is not surprising to see in a dream poultry- chickens, ducks and geese. Why do people who are far from farming and life in the world dream about ducks? rural areas? A duck can mean different things: superficiality and talkativeness, sometimes deception, but at the same time - family happiness and comfort.

What interpretation of your “duck story” will be will depend on what exactly you saw in your dreams. I dreamed of a black duck - in the near future circumstances will develop in such a way that you will be able to devote more time to yourself and your hobbies. However, this vision also warns the sleeper that he should not go to great lengths, so as not to damage his own reputation.

Why do you dream about duck as food? The Assyrian dream book believes that if you dreamed of this bird being fried, then in reality there will always be prosperity in your home, you will not have to spend every day worrying about your daily bread. Also, a roast duck in a dream may mean that the dreamer will meet a person with whom he will develop a warm relationship in the future; for a woman, this may mean a meeting with her future spouse.

However, the vision in which you were carving a roast duck warns that you need to be more careful when handling finances. In addition, as doctors say, any dream in which fatty foods appear may indicate still hidden problems with digestion, so it would be a good idea to see a doctor.

I had to see a lot of ducks in a dream - soon there will be guests in your house. The more buzzing birds there were in your dream, the noisier and more fun the crowd of guests will be. For a woman, a buzzing duck “collective farm” in a dream can mean an imminent matchmaking or wedding.

If you suddenly dream of a lot of dead birds, soon some problems will arise in your life that will be extremely problematic to resolve alone. Do not hesitate to ask loved ones for help, dream interpreters advise.

Wild and poultry

Dream interpretations give great importance what kind of duck you dream about, what it does and how the dreamer interacts with the bird in his vision. Let's try to “sort out” the most common plots of “duck” dreams.

  • The duck in your vision was wild.
  • You dreamed of domesticated animals.
  • Ducks could swim or walk on land.
  • Or take care of the offspring.
  • The ducks dreamed together with the geese.

Because wild ducks are migratory birds who change their habitat twice a year, then the appearance of a wild mallard in a dream symbolizes that in the near future you will have the opportunity to go on a trip. Wild ducks can also portend life changes. If you dreamed of a wild duck together with a drake, this vision promises mutual understanding in the family.

What does he think? Esoteric dream book, a domestic duck dreams of household chores. This image means that for some time it will be problematic to be away from your native walls, because there will be no one to shift the burden of worries to. However, these efforts will pay off, and the dreamer will be rewarded with a warm and friendly homely atmosphere.

As he says Women's dream book, if you see in a dream that ducks are swimming in a pond with clean water, the vision may foretell a vacation away from home, including a vacation on the water or near the water. I dreamed of a lot of poultry - ducks and ducklings and goslings, going to the water - such a dream promises reconciliation with the “other half” after a stormy quarrel. However, a dream where the same poultry swam in lake water warns of the danger of disease - interpreters say that if you do not want to miss an event that you have been waiting for a long time, you need to take care of your health.

Why do you dream of a duck waddling around? If the bird is of normal color, then the vision only speaks of upcoming chores around the house. But if the ducks are white, then Miller’s dream book considers this a very favorable sign. According to the interpreter, ducks white They promise abundance in the house, and if you are a farmer, a good harvest.

Feathered troubles

If you dream of a duck with ducklings, such a dream tells the sleeping person that it has come good time to implement his plans. Fate favors new beginnings, and it is very important not to miss your chance. If you have time to use it, you can receive not only moral satisfaction, but also quite tangible monetary rewards.

For girls and young women, a dream of a mallard with ducklings means that family life will be calm and prosperous, and children will not upset you. If the dreamer dreamed of only small ducklings, unaccompanied by a duck, such a dream may warn of some problems with well-being - it is worth checking the state of your health. Motherless chicks may also mean that you will be adopting a baby in the near future. important decision, relying only on your knowledge and inner instinct.

If you dreamed that a mallard with ducklings were walking on the lawn, it means that your efforts will be rewarded. If a duck swims on or across a lake, followed by little ducklings, your life will be more prosperous and calm, but you will have to work hard. If no one scared away the poultry in your dream, the dream signals: you are moving in the right direction.

If you dreamed that a mallard was sitting on a nest with ducklings hatching from the shell during your sleep, this means you will have to communicate with a large number of people. It is possible that at the meeting you will learn a lot of fresh information that will be very useful to you.

We often dream of geese together with domestic ducks, because very often this bird is kept together, and the images of these domestic birds are interconnected in our minds. Geese are a symbol of prosperity, as well as meeting reliable patrons.

If geese are swimming in a pond in your dream, your tense and troublesome period will soon end and you will be able to allow yourself to relax. If geese walk on land, such a vision suggests that the dreamer needs to be more lenient with his surroundings so as not to create problems in communication. Wild geese dream of a very profitable business offer.

It is very important what sensations you experienced when you dreamed of poultry and when you woke up. If the emotions were pleasant or neutral, such a dream simply cannot have a negative meaning.

Seeing a lot of ducks in a dream, according to the dream book, warns of the unexpected but pleasant appearance of guests, hearing the hubbub of birds is a sign of joy and fun. For a woman, such an image is deciphered as a quick celebration of marriage or matchmaking. Kopalinsky's dream book contains a very confusing interpretation of Duck - Wild - to a free life without any special problems. Wild duck with drake - good family environment. Domestic duck - you will have to sit at home for some time, doing housework. Killing a domestic duck is a serious complication in the family and at home. Shoot a wild duck - your freedom will be limited by material problems, you will have to live by the proverb “if you don’t drown, you don’t burst.”

Kopalinsky's dream book interprets your dream as follows:

Why do ducks dream according to Freud's dream book?

According to the compilers of this collection, a mallard seen in a dream foretells that you will soon make peace with your enemy. Swimming ducks promise participation in an important meeting or conference. Catch this bird to obtain important information. If you dreamed that you were plucking a duck, then in the near future your life may be filled with squabbles and arguments with loved ones. Eating deliciously cooked meat of this bird brings contentment and well-being. Freud's dream book says that you dream of ducks as a harbinger of empty talk and unpleasant showdowns. You should not prepare yourself for a scandal in advance; most likely, accumulated resentment will play a decisive role in the conflict and you will simply need to let off steam. But after such clarification, the relationship may be completely damaged.

Swimming ducks in a dream are a sign of receiving news. See interpretation: hunting. Why do you dream about live domestic ducks?, fat domestic ducks in a dream are a sign of wealth and prosperity for your family.

Dream symbols:

  • Dream Interpretation from A to Z: why do you dream about a duck?
  • If you dream that your entire workplace is occupied by ducks, such a dream means that at work a lot of attention is paid to your person. Your colleagues are more interested in you than in your professional success. The dream book advises you to stop maintaining close, friendly relationships with anyone at work and simply perform your professional duties efficiently.
  • Represents such wonderful qualities as
  • A dead dog is also interpreted as a major disagreement with a friend
  • Why do ducks dream? What could such a dream mean? It's worth looking into.

    If you dream of ducks swimming away from you, it’s time to get ready for a long but pleasant journey. If you dream of ducks flying to meet you, such a dream promises you joy in reality. Your home will be filled with happiness and fun.

    A man saw a fried bird in a dream - in life he will find a life partner whose head he will turn. Butchering a bird carcass in a dream - the dream speaks of problems in the material sphere, exhaustion of moral and energy forces. Cleaning, going through old things, or relaxing at the dacha with barbecue will help you cope with negativity.

    Wild ducks in a dream foreshadow failures, obstacles in business and indicate the irretrievability of losses.

    Dream about a duck: Esoteric dream book.

    If you dream of a domestic duck, you will be absorbed in household chores for some time. This will be good for you, since you have left life to chance and your household is yearning for care and affection. Now is the time to show them how much you care about them.

    If you kill a rooster, goose, or duck, it portends great happiness.

    A dream about duck hunting is a harbinger of drastic changes in the implementation of plans. Seeing a duck with ducklings in a dirty pond means a bright and happy future.

    This source considers this bird as a harbinger of some good news, possibly related to the pregnancy of one of your loved ones. Why do you dream about ducks and geese on the water? A vision of this kind promises to receive unpleasant news. If in a dream you caught or bought a mallard, then in reality you will have a quick marriage, a happy family life and the birth of healthy children. Wild ducks flying into the distance are harbingers of financial losses and numerous problems. Domestic mallards promise the dreamer profit and prosperity.

    Duck cooked in the oven with apples may be dreamed of as a sign indicating that your parents are interfering in your personal life with their rules and advice. They categorically do not listen to your opinion, imposing their tried and tested advice.

    Killing a duck in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as serious difficulties financial situation the dreamer, the presence of ill-wishers who “put a spoke in the wheels,” making it difficult to get out of a problematic situation. Killing poultry means serious complications in relationships between relatives.

    If you dreamed of ducks in the clear waters of a river, they foretell happy travels and sea trips. If a duck bites a person, then the dream book characterizes this picture as a warning. Most likely, enemies have dug up impressive dirt on the sleeping person, which promises huge troubles for the dreamer or humiliating cooperation with enemies, which will not bring anything good except a loss of strength and moral exhaustion.


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