Matinee on March 8 in kindergarten preparatory group. Scenario "March 8" (preparatory group)

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Musical numbers –


1) "Solar drops"

2) "Gave me a ring"

3) "My mommy"


1) "Oh, Cossacks"

2) "I draw the sun"

Games, relay races, competitions:

1) “We bake pancakes”

3) "Know Mom's Thing"

4) “Hugging Game”

5) "Let's play a fairy tale"

6) "Milk the cow"

7) "Tie a scarf"

8) "Dress up the girl"

Progress of the matinee

Presenter: (comes out before the children's performance)

Happy spring holiday!

With joyful excitement

In this bright hour!

Our dears,

Kind, good,


So that you all smile today -

Your children did their best for you.

Please accept our congratulations,

Watch the performance!

Children enter the hall in pairs to the waltz. Stand in a semicircle.


1. The forest froze in a transparent haze,

The ice on the trees is melting.

Drops fall from the branches,

And you can hear the trill of tits.

2. Spring walked along the edge of the forest,

She carried buckets of rain.

Stumbled on a hill -

Buckets tipped over.

3. Drops rang -

The herons began to scream.

The ants got scared

The doors were locked.

4. The drops ring cheerfully, calling Spring with them.

They sing a song about my mom.

And the sparrows tweet poems about grandma.

And on this joyful holiday we congratulate you too.

SONG "Solar drops" (music by S. Sosnin, lyrics by I. Vakhrushnva)

At the end of the song, poetry is read.

5. Frosts do not scare us, the sun shines brightly for us.

Dads bring mimosas into the house - B in March we congratulate mothers!

6. Today is a big and bright holiday in the whole world

Listen, mothers, listen, children congratulate you!

7. Our dear mothers, we declare without embellishment,

That your holiday is the most - the most,

All: the most joyful for us!

They sit down on chairs while listening to the music.

Presenter: Look at our girls. How beautiful and elegant they are. They have unsurpassed talents. We invite our singers to perform. They will cheer everyone up with a humorous song.

Girls walk to the music in pairs through the middle to the sides, in a semicircle.

When finished, sit down.

Presenter: Our boys are not behind the girls in talent.

The boys go out and read poetry:

1. Long live the girls

With or without braids!

Let the sun smile

They're from the blue heavens!

2. B we have a group of girls -

Smart girls, beauties!

And confess to us boys,

Love this!

3. We congratulate you all

And please don't be angry:

Not everyone succeeds

To be born boys!

Presenter: On Kubanskaya Street all the people are worried,

The Cossacks are coming and going - brave fellows.

The checkers are sharp, the horses are clean - good cavalrymen.

Let's see how the boys, future Cossack warriors, can ride horses.

DANCE “Oh, Cossacks!”

Presenter: Spring comes with mercy, with hot sun, with abundant rain,

but we are not afraid of him, we have fun in the morning. Let's show our mothers and grandmothers how we can have fun

GAME - RELAY RACE “We bake pancakes”

Relay race for 2 teams. We bake pancakes, whoever has more.

Will need:

"pancakes"(circles made of paper or plastic, 20-30 pieces

2 toy frying pans

2 toys (or disposable) dishes. Everything is on the table.

The first participants from each team run up to the table, place "pancakes" from the pile into the pans and return to the end of the line.

The second ones run up and turn the pancakes over. Still others put "Crap" on a plate. The game continues until everything "pancakes" won't end up on the plates. Whoever has the most pancakes wins.

Children stand with their backs to their parents. The presenter approaches the mother (grandmother, who is calling her child: "Sun!". The child must guess the mother (grandmother) by voice and raise your hand, saying “My mother (grandmother!”).

At the end of the game, everyone sits down.

A GAME "Know Mom's Thing"

The teacher collects beads, watches, handkerchiefs, etc. in advance, secretly from the children. During the game asks: Whose mother's thing?


Sensitive, nice,

And the kitchen is the main one.

Kulebyaki and roll,

He'll cook it for us for lunch.

Knits socks for the whole family,

He will say tender words to everyone.

I tell her: "Sweetheart",

That's mine …

Children: Grandmother

Who never gets tired of loving

He bakes pies for us,

Delicious pancakes?

This is ours.

Children: Grandmother

Presenter: Dear, dear grandmothers. Children we have prepared a surprise for you

Scene: "About grandmother and granddaughter".

IN "room" toys are scattered, a grandmother and granddaughter are sitting on chairs. The roles are played by children.

Grandmother: My sunshine, are you going for a walk?

Child: What are you saying, I haven’t collected the toys yet!

Grandmother: Come on, my dear, I’ll collect it for you!

Child: Aren’t you going to tell your mom?

Grandmother: Yes, I’ve been hiding everything from her all my life!

Child: Is it true?

Grandmother: Certainly!

Grandma collects toys.

Child: Okay, I’ve collected the toys, now let’s dress me!

Grandmother kneeling in front of her granddaughter. The child stretches out one leg, then the other, the grandmother puts on her socks (shoes), the child jumps off and begins to run, the grandmother, groaning, follows her. The granddaughter got tired and sat down on a chair.


Tell me, grandma, why do I have two eyes, two ears, two arms, two legs, and one tongue and one nose?

Grandmother: Because so that you see more, listen more, do more, walk more and talk less, and don’t stick your nose where it shouldn’t.

Child. Grandma, will you go for a walk with me?

Grandmother: Of course, my dear!

The child comes out, and behind him the grandmother carries a shovel and a jump rope.

Presenter: This, it turns out, is why there is only one tongue and nose. Clear?

This scene, of course - a joke. But let's, loving grandmothers, not turn the joke into reality. Guys, let's once again please our mothers and grandmothers with a beautiful song.

SONG "My mommy".

Presenter: Our guests stayed too long. Let's invite them to participate in our games.

A GAME "Hugging Toy"

Children and mothers form two circle: mothers are a big circle, and children inside are small. To the music, children and mothers walk in the opposite direction. As soon as the music stops, the children run to their mothers and hug them tightly. team: “Find mom! Hug me quickly!” (the teacher gives the command).


Leaves of paper are laid out on the table inscriptions: Spring, Wind, Leaves, Wolf, Dog, Princess, Prince on horseback. AND items: wreath for spring, handkerchief (crown) for the princess, wooden spoons and a wooden horse.

Mothers take turns drawing lots, figuring out what role each of them will play.

Presenter: Now mothers know who they have to portray in our fairy tale. Now I will ask them to take the items they need from the table, and then I will read the story. Each participant in the competition right time will depict the action of his character.

(text read by presenter)

Spring has come, the wind blew timidly, the first spring rain began to fall, the trees rustled their leaves. Far in the forest, a hungry wolf howled. The dog barked furiously in response. And in a beautiful castle she cried bitterly princess: She wasn’t allowed to go to the ball. Suddenly the clatter of hooves was heard from afar, the prince had arrived, he put the princess on a horse and they rode together to the ball.

Presenter: What a great fellow our mothers and grandmothers are! Real actors!

A GAME "Milk the cow"

To play you need rubber gloves; make small holes in your fingers. The gloves are filled with water.

Progress of the game

Child holding a glove

And mom "milking" in a basin, bucket. Who will need more?

Presenter: Boys, show your ability to care for your mother, for example, by tying a scarf.

A GAME "Tie a scarf"

A rope is attached between two chairs, and 3-4 balls are tied to the rope by strings. You need to tie scarves on these balls. Whoever does it faster wins.

A game "Dress up the girl"

Three boys and three girls are participating. They stand at opposite ends of the hall. Near the boys there are chairs on which lie an apron, hat, glasses, beads, and a handbag. (etc.). On command, the boys dress the girls. Whoever did it faster won. The game is played 2-3 times.


If you can't sleep in the morning,

The dream has run away somewhere,

It makes me want to start dancing -

So, the time to dance has come!

DANCE "I draw the sun"


Dear women, kind, faithful!

WITH new spring you, with the drops first!

Peaceful sky to you, radiant sun,

Cherished, purest happiness!

Lots of affection, warmth, kindness to you,

Let your dreams come true!

Children give handmade gifts to their mothers.


1) To develop children’s interest in traditions, to promote the creation of warm relationships in the family.

2) Cultivate a respectful attitude towards mothers, grandmothers, and girls.

3) to form the moral emotions of children

Celebration progress:

Children enter the hall in pairs. Dance a waltz to the music of Tchaikovsky “Waltz of the Flowers”

Presenter: Dear guests! It has already become a tradition here in Russia every year kindergarten Celebrate Women's Day on March 8th. And our children should know about this. This is how we will cultivate in children’s hearts reverence, love, and respect for mothers and grandmothers.
Today on this day we welcome you to our hall and want to please you with our performances. And they were prepared by your most beloved, most charming children.

Children read poetry:

1. “March 8” is a special holiday,

Let's mark it now:
Nature awaits spring
And there is still snow in the yard.
But we are dear to our mothers
Let's give a fun concert!
We wish you warmth and smiles,
Huge childish one for you......
Hi everybody!

2. From the heart

In simple words
Come on guys
Let's talk about mom.

3. Why, when I'm with my mom?
Is even a gloomy day brighter?
Because because
There is no sweeter mommy.

4. Why, when I'm in pain,
Am I in a hurry to see my mother?
Because because
There is no more tender mother!

5. Why, when we are together
Am I the happiest person in the world?
Because because
There is no kinder mother!

Song “The Eighth of March is Mother’s Day.”

Presenter: Our children love to sing and dance.
Our children love to represent adults.
Actors and theatergoers are still small,
Don't be harsh on their performance.

Scene “Three Mothers”


The roles are played by children:

In the center of the hall or on the stage there is a table and three chairs.

A doll sits on one of the chairs

There is a dish with four cheesecakes on the table


Our children are so stubborn!

Everyone knows this themselves.

Mothers often tell them,

But they don't hear their mothers.

Tanyusha in the evening

I came from a walk

And I asked the doll

Tanya enters, approaches the table and sits down on a chair, taking the doll in her arms.


How are you, daughter?

Have you crawled under the table again, fidget?

Did you sit all day without lunch again?

These daughters are just a disaster,

Go to lunch, spinner!

Cheesecake for lunch today!


Tanya's mom came home from work

And Tanya asked:

Mom comes in and sits on a chair near Tanya.


How are you, daughter?

Playing again, probably in the garden?

Have you managed to forget about food again?

Granny shouted for dinner more than once,

And you answered: now and now.

These daughters are just a disaster,

Soon you will be as thin as a match

Go to lunch, spinner!

Cheesecake for lunch today!


Here grandmother - mother's mother - came

And I asked my mother:

The grandmother enters with a wand, approaches the table and sits on the third chair.


How are you, daughter?

Probably in the hospital for a whole day

Again there was not a minute to eat,

And in the evening I ate a dry sandwich.

You can't sit all day without lunch.

She’s already become a doctor, but she’s still restless.

These daughters are just a disaster,

Soon you will be as thin as a match

Go to lunch, spinner!

Cheesecake for lunch today!

Everyone eats cheesecakes.


Three mothers are sitting in the dining room,

Three mothers look at their daughters,

What to do with stubborn daughters?

All three: Oh, how difficult it is to be mothers!

Sketch "Surprise"»

1. Boy: What gift will we give to mom on Mother’s Day? There are many fantastic ideas for this.. After all, preparing a surprise for mom is very interesting! We will knead the dough in the bathtub, or we will buy the dough!

2. Boy: Well, I’ll paint the closet with flowers as a gift to my mother... It would be nice if the ceiling was too, it’s a pity that he’s not tall...

Leading : Don't be upset boys! best gift there will be a dance for your mothers that you have prepared.

Dance to the song “I don’t notice toys” - boys dance

Presenter: How good. That we can congratulate our mothers twice a year! Both in spring and autumn!

(girls come out)

Child: Smile soon
Mom don't be sad!
I'll give you
Sunny days.
I'll give you leaves,
I'll give you flowers.
Let them come true for sure
All your dreams!

Song “The holiday of our mothers is coming”

Presenter: Our young artists love their grandmothers very much. They prepared an interesting gift for them - a skit " Grandmothers»

Sketch “Grandmothers - Old Ladies”

5 boys come out dressed in skirts and scarves, with knitting needles and a skein of thread, and sit on chairs or a bench.

Leading: 5 The grandmothers were knitting on a bench, with 5 balls lying before their eyes. Grandma Tanya, Grandma Manya, Grandma Fenya, Grandma Zhenya and Grandma Nyusha. They are skilled at singing songs and knitting mittens.

“Grandmothers” sing the song “Oh, the viburnum is blooming”

Presenter: Each of the grandmothers cannot praise enough about her grandchildren:

1Grandmother: My old granddaughter helped me all morning.

2 Grandmother: My beloved old lady helped me clean the apartment.

3 Grandmother: And my beloved washed all the dishes.

4 Grandmother: And my granddaughter bought white bread.

5 grandma: And my dear one feeds us lunch. We sit and smile with our grandfather.

Presenter: Granddaughters came running to congratulate their grandmothers on the holiday.

« Granddaughters": You are dear grandmothers, you worked and worked. We invite you to have fun.

“Granddaughters” sing the song “Old Grandmothers”

Presenter: There are grandmothers who live far away and you have to go to them through the forest, where there are evil wolves. But in our group there are very brave children, they are not afraid of anyone. And we will be convinced of this now.

Dance - dramatization of the song “Pancakes for Grandma”

Presenter : What is the most important thing for a child? Of course, native home and a mother who will always take pity and call you with the kindest and most gentle words: sunshine, kitten, bunny...... isn’t that what you call your children? And now I would like the guys to say the warmest, most tender words to their mothers.

Guys, I have my heart in my hands. The heart is a symbol of love. Whoever gets it at the end of the music will tell us about his mother from the bottom of his heart.

Game "Tender words"(children stand in a circle and pass their hearts to each other to the music)

Presenter: We continue our holiday
And we announce the performance.
Famous artists perform
There are the best soloists in the garden!

Girls sing a song - a remake of the song “Wonderful Neighbor” to the music

Presenter: This is what our children are like
Children are the best in the world!
So let's not get bored.
We will sing and dance.

Dance to the song “Mom Be Next to Me.” (girls dance with their mothers)

Presenter: And now I want to invite the boys. They also tried their best and prepared congratulations for the girls. Let's welcome them!

The boys come out and sing ditties:

You, dear girls,
Happy Women's Day!
And now we are ditties for you
Let's sing it very loud!

In our group of girls -
Smart girls, beauties!
And confess, to us boys,
Love this!

You are always beautiful:
Ponytails, braids.
We sometimes pull for them,
Just out of habit!

How does change come
We love to play with you:
We run away as much as we can,
So that they can catch up with us!

We promise you today
Give compliments.
And you will grow up a little,
We will give you flowers!

We sang ditties for you,
But we also want to say:
You always, everywhere and everywhere
We will boldly defend!

Presenter: Children are the same everywhere in the world
And the kids are always after their hearts
Birds, dragonflies. boats, wind,
But they don’t need war!
Children bathe in sunlight
They watch the moon shine in the distance,
Children are the same everywhere in the world
The children of the earth need a joyful world!

The song “Don't be afraid, mom, I'm with you” is sung by the boys

Presenter: Well, our holiday is coming to an end. And I hope that both the kids and moms liked it! I wish you smiles, peace and happiness. May there always be peace, may children always smile!
And in memory of our holiday, the guys prepared small gifts. This is a piece of their heart with warm and tender words for you, dear mothers!

Children, accompanied by music, give paper crafts (bags with flowers) to their mothers and grandmothers.

Compiled by Rusakova E.V. Tula city

Leading: The snowstorms are still blowing, the snow is still lying,

The cranes have not yet arrived to us,

But they smell like melted snow and yellow mimosa

The last tired, capricious frosts.

And, we are heartily glad that on a March day,

You all came to see us today.

(the song “Mom” sounds, children enter the hall with flowers, give them to their mothers, then scatteredly stand in their places)

  1. Today is an unusual day:
    The sun is brighter than yesterday.
    And the smiles are prettier
    And happier kids
  2. What's going on?
    It’s easy for us to explain:
    On a bright day, March 8
    Celebrating Mother's Day!
  3. March 8th is a spring day, and if there is a snowstorm outside the window.

Our dear mothers, your children will always warm you.

  1. Gentle, kind, very sweet
    Women's holiday,
    And cheerful and beautiful,
    Happy holiday to you, mothers!
  2. How many kind and gentle people have come to the holiday today.

The snowdrop blooms for them, and the sun gives warmth.

  1. Our bow and thanks from everyone, and for the sunshine of your eyes,

And for the fact that spring began beautifully today!

  1. And today in this room
    We sing for dear mothers,
    Dear ones - this song
    We give it to you from the bottom of our hearts!

Song "Little Country" remake
We give a song to our mothers, in it there are words about spring,
To your kind, dear, beloved ones, let it fly to you,
The cloud in the sky is mom, the sun is you too!
We send you greetings, telegrams, we give you flowers.


We so want you mommies to smile for us!
It's a holiday in our garden today, guests are in a hurry in the morning!
The prankster March is knocking on the windows, whispering it’s time to go for a walk!
We don’t have time to go for a walk, let’s answer, mothers are visiting us!
There is nothing sweeter in the world than my mother’s kind eyes!
In this spring hour, happy Mother's Day to you!
We so want you mommies to smile for us!

(after the song the children sit on chairs)

Leading: Oh guys, look, I found a strange jug! It is mysterious, wonderful, made entirely of silver! Who's the boss? Whose vessel? He is neither here nor here!

What is hidden in it here? Is it closed with a cork?! (tries to open, but fails)

I'll go find out how to print a jug like this! And you sit quietly! Please do not jump up from your seats!

(goes out into the corridor for a second, a roar is immediately heard, old man Hottabych appears in front of the guys)

Hottabych: A-a-apchhi! Greetings, oh beautiful and wise youths!

Leading: Hello, hello, dear grandfather! Guys, I wonder who came to us?!

Hottabych: I am the famous and powerful genie Hasan Abdurahman ibn Hottab in all four directions of the world, that is, the son of Hottab! But tell me, O most worthy of the worthy, where have I ended up?! Whose beautiful palace is this?! Who is the happiest owner of this wealth? And who are these beautiful creatures What sits in this palace? And who are you, oh, charming of the charming?!

Leading: You ended up not in a palace, but in a kindergarten! This is where they raise children! Am I one of the teachers who raises these beautiful children?

Hottabych: As you said, charming! Are you a teacher? And who are they? Teacher! And what is this, kindergarten?

Leading: And about this, dear Hottabych, you will now find out! Our children have prepared a story about their teachers!

(poems for educators)

  1. It is necessary for children to feel the affection, warmth and tenderness of hands,

A teacher is responsible for children - this is the kindest, best friend.

  1. We arrive at the kindergarten, where the teacher is waiting for the children.

He will ask everyone, give advice, there are no better teachers in the world!

  1. Mischievous children go to kindergarten in the morning -

exercises, frolics, doesn’t get bored, has fun!

  1. Here they pamper us, caress us, and warm us with love, here you and I grow...

ALL: Very fast, like flowers!

Congratulations to parents

  1. We congratulate our teachers, and we dedicate this beautiful dance to them!

Dance “Sun” Sofa, Nastya, Yana

Hottabych: Indeed, how beautiful and cheerful dance! Oh, most amazing of the most amazing! Why are there so many people in your kindergarten?!

Leading: Today we are in this hall, with joy we welcome guests, our mothers and grandmothers, dear, gentle, dear! We are celebrating a spring holiday in our garden today on March 8th!

And now, we move on to the ceremonial presentation of memorable medals to our mothers!
Hottabych: March 8! What kind of holiday is this, what is it dedicated to?!

Leading: But sit down, dear Hottabych, and listen to poems about this holiday!

  1. Today is March 8th, a day of joy and beauty,

all over the earth he gives women his smiles and flowers.

In March, on the 1st, spring begins!

  1. Today is an unusual holiday, a holiday of grandmothers and mothers.
    We heartily congratulate you, we say thank you!
  2. And the Hydrometeorological Center reports today for everyone!

What good weather he promises you!

Spring has come to us very timidly and timidly!

The snow is not white, it is gray and the thawed patch is visible!

  1. A ray of sunshine is shining! And the birds began to sing!

It's spring again! And there's a knock on the window!

The evil blizzard has passed away,
A warm wind blows from the south,
The drops sing to us
That today is Mother's Day.

  1. Icicles are falling from the roof, and it's getting warmer every day,

And now we will sing our song very together!

  1. Spring with leisurely steps,
    It goes around our beloved region.
    AND best holiday- mother's holiday
    Greet me with a cheerful song!


Hottabych: Oh my young lords! You amazed me with your poetic and musical talents! Now I understand what March 8 is!

This is the first spring holiday, all women are congratulated, given flowers... Oh!

(runs away)

Host: Where is he going?
(returns with a bouquet of flowers)
Hottabych: Here (hands flowers to the presenter) Congratulations on March 8th! Please accept this modest gift from me! Well, now let me help you present medals to your wonderful and caring mothers!

Presentation of gifts and medals for mothers

Hottabych: I am delighted with the wonderful gifts these young boys have prepared for their mothers! How much they love them!

Leading: Dear Hottabych! Our children can not only express their love for their grandmothers and mothers in poems, but we also help them! They put away their toys, take care of the plants, wash the dishes, they can even sweep the floor... In general, they always come to the aid of their mothers in everything! Listen here!


Dima: On Women's Day, on Spring Day, we decided to tidy everything up,

Egor: And for tea, bake some cookies, plus do a little laundry.
They brought supplies to the table: salt, flour, beans, peas...
The idea was intricate: to make a mixed pie.
Dima: You can trust me to do your laundry! I took off the whole bed for washing,
I very carefully poured Ariel into the bath.
Then I packed my sheepskin coats and my T-shirt

Curtains, a rug, a teddy bear... and let out a stream with might and main...

Leading: Of course, this is a humorous poem! And we hope that after congratulating your children you will not have to take valerian, because they are very hardworking!

After all, children should help their mother -
Wash the dishes, wash the clothes.
Do all this not for the sake of boredom,
And so that mother’s hands can rest.

And now, to the music, we will teach everyone how to do laundry!

Dance with moms “Washing”

Hottabych: Oh my young lords! You amazed me with your ability to move your legs and arms so cheerfully and quickly! You excellent helpers! Tell me, oh my dear youths, who taught you this?

Leading: Dear Hottabych! Well, how can you not understand! They are taught to work and not to be lazy by their mothers and grandmothers!

Hottabych: Grandmothers?! But I don’t know anything about grandmothers? Who are they?

Leading: But listen! After all, the time has come to congratulate grandmothers on Women’s Day,
Now let’s read poems for their relatives and loved ones!

  1. Grandmother is, of course, mother,
    Mom's truth, but that's not the point.
    You can be stubborn with your grandmother,
    Grandma may not be allowed to rest.
  2. Grandma is such a person
    Who will regret and protect,
    All children in the world love grandmothers
    Grandma will forgive us all our pranks.
  3. Grandmothers knit socks for their grandchildren,
    They will fulfill your whims, bake a cake,
    Grandmothers to our mothers and fathers,
    They won't let us get a slap on the butt.
  4. Grandmothers smell deliciously like jam,
    Good fairy tales and milk,
    They give birthday gifts,
    Making our sweet home cozy
  5. My grandmother and I live very friendly together!

Together we go for walks, together we go to bed,

We wash the dishes together - really, really! I will not lie!

We don't like to be discouraged, we can sing and dance -

Grandma will clap for me, and I will spin and stomp!

I try not to be capricious, I don’t shed tears, but I smile -

We are great friends with her, because we are FAMILY!

  1. Our grandmother has no relatives in the world, we often read and knit with her.
    We play together and cook dinner.
    Let's be friends with grandma for a hundred years!
  2. We congratulate our beloved grandmothers on Women's Day,

Now we’ll all sing a song about them together!

Our grandmothers

Leading: Grandmothers always help us, with them any trouble is no problem,

They will deftly tie the laces on your shoes, explain everything to you and show you everything!

You love going to kindergarten with them! It’s impossible not to love your grandmothers!

And now with our beloved grannies we will play fun game

Game “Who can dress their grandson for a walk faster”

Leading: Hottabych, are you sad?
Hottabych: Oh, most charming of the most charming!

Yes, I think that we awarded mothers with medals, but I see that the grandmothers were left without medals. Shouldn't we give them these awards?!
Leading: How attentive you are, Hottabych! No, we haven't forgotten the grandmothers. And right now we want to award all grandmothers with medals “For Kindness and Cordiality”

Medals for grandmothers

Hottabych: What funny creatures these grandmothers are! Is it possible to get to know them better?

Leading: Certainly! Very naughty grandmothers! Guys, do your grandmothers like to dance?

Children: Yes!

Leading: Then, dear Hottabych, invite the grandmothers to a fun dance!

Grandmothers dance

Hottabych: Yes, now I understand who grandmothers are, why children love them, and most importantly, what they look like! I just don’t understand how people become grandmothers?

Leading: What is incomprehensible here, dear Hottabych?!Girls are girls at first, then they grow upand become mothers!

Hottabych: Do mothers become grandmothers when they grow up?

Leading: It’s absolutely true that new mothers have new daughters, and grandmothers have granddaughters.

That’s why all girls play with dolls from childhood in order to one day become mothers and learn how to care for real children!

Dance "Sponges - bow"

Hottabych: And what do only these cute creatures have grandmothers?

Leading: No, do both girls and boys have grandmothers?

Vova: How can I not love my dear grandmother,

Today, on Women's Day, I'll give her a song,

Song for grandma “Kiss”

Hottabych: What a good and kind song! But I don’t understand, what do boys become? When will they grow up?

Leading: And boys become dads! They sometimes even like to play with dolls with the girls. And now you will be convinced of this, dear Hottabych! We'll play a game with them"Dress the baby"

Hottabych: What kind of game is this?

Leading: But we have a baby, and here are his clothes! Try Hottabych, dress up the doll!(he tries, but nothing works)

Hottabych: Hard work! Does not work!

Leading: But our boys, I’m sure, will be able to cope with this matter!

Game "Swaddle the baby"

(boys play, then girls can play)

Leading: Well done! You see, Hottabych, what kind of boys we have! They even know how to play with dolls! It's because they're friends with girls! They are real men, and today they have prepared a surprise for our young ladies.

  1. We want to congratulate our girls now together

After all, this holiday is for them, and they need to be respected!

  1. We wish you happiness, and we will tell you a secret!

There are simply no more beautiful girls in the whole garden!

  1. Today is a holiday on the planet, girls are celebrating it.

And with impatience at dawn they accept gifts

  1. They are beautiful like stars, and their eyes sparkle with fire,

Well, their smiles are sweet, eclipsing the sun during the day.

  1. Little women have funny habits

draw secrets in each other's notebooks,

They will separate forever, make up instantly, and you can’t be offended by them for a long time.

  1. In our group, we know all the girls almost from the cradle.

They may be shorter than us, but they are calmer and quieter.

  1. There is a girl in our group, I want to marry her,

…………….. everyone in the group is afraid: he knows how to fight great!

This is what I need, a faithful companion and wife!

While I’m walking, I’ll come up and look from afar,

I want to touch the bow, it will probably give me a punch.

Let him at least apologize, no, I’ll endure it, I can’t rush,

Since I decided to get married, I will have to go through everything.

But he will teach you how to fight and will accompany you to kindergarten.

Everyone will begin to fear me and respect me for my courage.

  1. And it’s clear that the feminine principle in everything has developed in life,

and we are the defenders of the fatherland, as necessary, we will save you.

  1. Why throw words to the wind, it just doesn’t suit us.

From all men in this wide world love to you, glory and honor

  1. Congratulations, congratulations and with all our hearts we wish,

Do not offend the stronger sex! Respect us boys!

36. Well, we promise you that we will protect you everywhere and play your games.

37. And share toys, always be the first to make peace.

38. We want to give a song to our dear friends!

Boys’ song “We honestly want to tell you”

(take a knee, hands to heart)

Leading: Well, Hottabych, did you like the performance of our boys?

Hottabych: Yes! Yes! Oh, most beautiful of the beautiful! I really love jam!

Presenter: No! I ask you, did you like the surprise that the boys prepared for the girls?! Tell us your opinion!

Hottabych: A! Mood! Very good!

Leading: No, your opinion about the performance of our boys!

Hottabych: Ah, my opinion! These young knights brought my soul a lot of joy!

You can simply fall in love with your girls! They are so beautiful!

Leading: Of course, because they look like their mothers.

And our surprises today are not over yet!

Our girls love to play with dolls, and they also like to pretend to be their mothers!

Sketch “How beautiful our mothers are”, 6 girls

1. Adults and children know it’s hard to be a mother in the world! All There’s so much work to do, there’s not even time to sit down.

2. And cooks, and does laundry, reads a bedtime story,

And in the morning, with great eagerness, mom goes to work! „

3. For some reason, a rumor got around that mom was the weaker sex.

Well, my mother says that the whole house rests on her.

4. Moreover, with all this, you need to be dressed stylishly.

Mom even has time to do haircuts and makeup.

Dads can't take their eyes off how beautiful our mothers are!

5. I want girls, too, to be like our mothers.

I'll tell you guys a secret, there is no more fashionista than mom.

Mom has so many dresses to count, she even has gold earrings!

6. And mine has lipstick!

1. And my hairstyle is like that!

2. Super beautiful mother my! She paints her nails! And me sometimes!

3. Stiletto heels on mom's feet! I even looked a little like them!

4. We need to dress up like mothers so that we can turn into mothers for a minute!

(they leave to change clothes)

Leading: Every day of excitement, every day of care!

Oh, these young ladies! Oh these mods!

Hottabych: How charming your girls are! Oh, emeralds of my eyes! Oh, the most amazing of the most amazing!

Leading: In the meantime, our girls are preparing for the fashion show, I suggest we don’t waste time, but play a fun game!

A game

Leading: So, our young fashionistas are ready!

Greet them with applause and compliments!

Fashion show

(the girls show the models, immediately behind them Shapoklyak and Kikimora appear on the catwalk)

Leading: Hey, citizens, where are you from, who are you!

Shapoklyak: Didn’t you really recognize me?! No wonder though!

This outfit makes me look much younger! I am Geranda Barmidontovna, an old woman...

Oh, No! I'm completely talking! A girl named Shapoklyak!

Kikimora: And I am a forest Kikimora, I come from a swamp!

Didn't they find out?! I'm wearing a wig today!

And generally speaking! This mess! Why did the holiday start without us?!

Shapoklyak: Yes, we have heard everything and know everything!

Kikimora: You thought we couldn’t smell it?! And my nose is great! Not a nose, but a pump!

Shapoklyak: Not! He's not her pump! And the vacuum cleaner!

(sees Hottabych)

Oh, what kind of dubious-looking pensioners do you have here?

Everyone was invited, look, but they forgot about us! So! Where is our statement?

Kikimora: (rummaging in her skirt) Will I ever find him? Where is it?!

You made it yourself!

(Shapoklyak rummages in his bag and takes out a piece of paper)

Shapoklyak: Exactly! Here it is!

Kikimora: Read it, come quickly!

Shapoklyak: We, the undersigned, declare that you must always and without fail invite us to the kindergarten for the holiday on March 8th.

Otherwise, this holiday of yours(shakes his finger) it won't!

Signed - Shapoklyak and Kikimora. Here!

And also, if you drive us away today, I will set my rat Lariska on you!

(shakes it in front of the presenter, spectators, children, sets it against the old man, shows it to Kikimora, she is very afraid)

Shapoklyak: Oh, you killed me! This is not a real rat!

My Lariska is on a business trip! Hunts mice! And this one is foam rubber!

Leading: Yes, unforeseen circumstances, but, you see, our holiday is soon coming to an end! But of course we will accept your application!

Because March 8th is one of my favorite holidaysholidays in our kindergarten!

Shapoklyak: These are the times! We thought you would refuse us?

Kikimora: Yes! We thought we would have to disturb and create mischief at your holiday!

Shapoklyak: Are you sure you’re not deceiving us?!

Kikimora: That we can perform as artists at your holiday! How are the stars?! From a moment of glory?!

Leading: Well, try it! What number would you like to show!

Shapoklyak: I can write poetry! I have a love for poetry!

Once upon a time there lived a rat Lariska! Wonderful artist!

A rat performed on stage! Scared the snotty kids!

Hee hee hee! Ha ha ha! Ay, my little rat!

Leading: As you said? Snotty ones?!

Shapoklyak: Not really! Sleepy! Oh, what am I saying! These whiny ones! Oh, I'm starting to talk again! And anyway, why are you picking on me?! The whole hunt has been discouraged from reciting poetry!

Kikimora: So, now I’ll show off my talent! This, of course, is not Pushkin!

But a very nice little poem!

Here green frogs! My best girlfriends!

I can party with them in the swamp and in the pond!

Leading: Yeah! I think everyone understands what kind of readers you are!

Shapoklyak: Which?! Just think! Ugh! You don’t understand anything about poetry!

Kikimora: But I, for example, dance great! Just rubbish!

Now I’ll repeat the movements and depict them!

(twitches as if repeating a dance)

I'm ready to perform and show my dance!

Leading: I can't believe it, of course! But try

Hottabych: Oh, my charming lady, named teacher, let these sweet grandmothers dance! After all, all grandmothers dance so well!

Kikimora: Who is this grandmother here, old man? You yourself are an old grandfather! And you are 2000 years old!

Leading: What kind of Kikimora do you allow yourself to do? This is Hottabych! He is, by the way, a magician! Kikimora: Why didn’t you tell me right away?! Now I see that this grandfather is very young!(sings a song) 200 years off your shoulder! Into the maelstrom of dancing with your head!

Young man, dance with me! Dance, dance, dance!

(she pesters Hottabych, he hides from her, first behind the presenter, then behind the children)

Hottabych: Oh, my dear! Let me go please!

Kikimora: Who should I dance with? With these little ones?! They don't even know how to dance!(teases boys)

Leading: What is this? I’ll probably have to turn to the head of our kindergarten, Olga Petrovna! Complain about you! And drive you away from the holiday!

Kikimora: Oh, no, no, no manager! All! I believe, I believe!

Let them just show how they can dance!

Leading: They will not just dance, but will perform a beautiful dance with our girls!

Dance "Star Country"

Kikimora: But here I am, dancing, still better! My dances are not lyrical, but energetic!

funny dance

Shapoklyak: Yeah, she means she had fun! I danced, but I had to sit!

Kikimora: Hey, girlfriend, I’ll dance with you again!

Shapoklyak: No, I will dance a couple dance! Like these kids!

And a man should invite me to it! (coquettishly)

Kikimora: Well, you give it! I don’t see any suitable men here! Just old men!

Shapoklyak: For some, maybe old men! And for whom? A very suitable candidate!

Dance of Shapoklyak and Hottabych

Leading: We hope your performance is over?

Shapoklyak: Yes, and we are very grateful to you for allowing us to show off our talents!

Kikimora: Today we had a real moment of glory!

Shapoklyak: Thank you! I'm so moved! After all, my crocodile, Gena, never invites me to dance!(crying) Kikimora! Let's bring gifts!

(pulls in a large bag)

Kikimora: In honor of the big boy and girl holiday, we have prepared your favorite toys as a gift.

Shapoklyak: Here's a slingshot for you guys to shoot birds!

Kikimora: Here's a noisy pistol to scare each other!

Shapoklyak: This heavy stone can break out windows!

Kikimora: This stick is a lifesaver to wave in all directions!

Shapoklyak: Here's dried chewing gum. it will be delicious to chew,

Kikimora: Here are rubber frogs you can play with!

Leading: Come on, take your gifts back, we don’t need such gifts!

(they collect and sentence)

Kikimora: We do it with all our hearts!

Shapoklyak: How they took it from the bottom of their hearts and collected it!

Kikimora: Packed!

Hottabych: Stop, stop! We'll fix it! I undertake to fix everything! It's unbearable to see this! We need magic here!

Shapoklyak: Dear Hottabych, are you really a wizard?

Hottabych: Of course!

Shapoklyak: Then could you grant me one wish?

Hottabych: I think I can!

Shapoklyak: I would really like you to congratulate me on this wonderful spring holiday!

Kikimora: And they went to visit us with us! It is so romantic! After all, we are women too!

Shapoklyak: I'm so touched! My soul is singing right now!

Kikimora: And mine is just dancing!

Hottabych: This is a very simple wish! And in honor of such a good holiday, I cannot refuse you this, so I will fulfill it!

The time has come for me to say goodbye to you, but I hope to see you soon!

Kikimora: We will come back to you too! We joked and had fun!

Shapoklyak: We've dressed up for you! Now it's time to hurry!

Hottabych: Goodbye friends! (they leave, and the children go out into the semicircle)

Leading: Our holiday is already over, but we want to tell you about the main thing now!

Let me make you a parting promise!

40. Mothers, grandmothers and aunts, congratulations on Women's Day!

And today we make a promise from all the guys!

41. Don't make noise!

42. Don't play around!

43. Don't shout!

44. Don't tumble!

45. And don’t be stubborn with dear mothers!

46. ​​We give you a promise to save you from hassle!

47. But of course, we don’t give you a promise for a year!

48. Not for an hour!

49. For two minutes!

50. Two minutes of silence, peace and quiet!

51. Mothers must understand everything, what it is!

52. Don't interfere for two minutes!

53. Don't scream for two minutes!

54. Don't swing your legs!

ALL: Try it yourself!

Leading: Of course, this is a humorous promise to our children, because they know that our mothers love us just as we are. And we want to see you always young, cheerful, cheerful.We say thank you to all of you! Let's say it again together!

Let songs ring everywhere about our beloved mothers,
We speak for everything, for everything, relatives:
Leading: Mothers, grandmothers, now
We want to congratulate you.
And as a gift we are for you
We give you the “Mom’s Waltz” dance.

Song “Congratulations to Mom”

Girls enter the hall to the sound of cheerful music and stand in a semicircle.
Presenter: There are a lot of kind words in the world
But kinder than everyone and most important
The simplest word is “Mom”
There are no words more dear than it.
1 girl: March 8 is mother’s day,
Every son will congratulate his mother
Every daughter is no matter how small.
Congratulates mom on the 8th!
Girl 2: Oh! The boys cleaned everything up
Mothers and grandmothers were invited
The guests are all waiting for the concert,
But the boys don't come.
Boys (outside the door): Wait! We are all here! (boys enter and stand next to girls)
Girl 3: You boys, us girls
Sometimes you offend
And today we were late
Even on a day like this!
4 girl: You boys, us girls
Sometimes you reproach
That's all we're afraid of
And any of you is a hero!
Girl 5: Ask yourself, but not really,
It's just the opposite
We are girls, for you boys
We'll give you a hundred points ahead!
1 boy: We ask you not to be offended,
We almost didn't stay long
We kindly ask: forgive us
Boy 2: If we teased you offensively,
Honestly, we are very ashamed!
And not out of anger, but out of habit
We often pull your pigtails.
Boy 3: We are all bullies. You know for yourself.
But we won’t offend you anymore!
SONG “MIRACLES” (girls sing)
1 child: With the first ray of sunshine
The holiday has knocked on the door
And icicles from joy
They rang under the window.
2nd child: Let the sun shine tenderly,
Let the birds sing today
About the most beloved in the world,
I'm talking about my mother!
Child 3: How many of them are kind and gentle,
Today it's time for the holiday,
The snowdrop blooms for them
And the sun gives warmth.
4 child: In heartfelt words
The song begins
She is for all our mothers
Dedicated today!
1 child: Children know everything in the world,
If the snow and ice melt,
If the sun shines hotter,
So, Spring is coming to us!
Child 2: The grass in the field is turning green,
Les tried on his outfit,
And he woke up and woke up
Squad of midges and beetles.
Child 3: The rain is pouring cleanly
And paths and bushes.
Blooming in the meadow
Mother and stepmother flowers.
4 child: Birds flew from the south,
The nightingale sings again,
Bird trills rang out,
Spring is coming to us!
DANCE WITH FLOWERS (children sit down)
Presenter: Yes, today is a wonderful day. Light and joyful not only from sun rays, but also from mother’s smiles and happy eyes. There are so many tender and warm words, solemn congratulations, as if they had been saved up all year to say today to mothers, grandmothers, and sisters. While rocking you in the cradle, your mothers sang songs to you, and now it’s time for you to sing a song for your mothers!

1 girl: I am a multi-colored gift
I decided to give it to my mother.
I tried, I drew
Four pencils.
Girl 2: But first I'm on red
Pressed too hard
And then for red
The purple one is broken.
Girl 3: And then the blue one broke,
And the orange one broke.
Still a beautiful portrait
Because it's mom!
4 girl: Why March 8
Is the sun shining brighter?
Boy: Because our mother
The best in the world!
Girl 4: Tell me it’s mom’s holiday-
This is the best day.
Boy: Yes, because this is the best holiday
A holiday for all people!
4 girl: Let me dance
Invite me to this holiday?
Boy: I’m very glad, let’s go with you
Let's be friends!


1 girl: And our boys are such romantics,
They love our braids and bows.
Let the waves splash in the big ocean,
They want to become brave sailors.
2nd girl: Sailor dance on deck,
To show the girls their courage.
They are not afraid of storms or pitching
They are brave, our brave boys.
Presenter: Now we will find out how they prepare to become defenders.

1 boy: And our girls
They don't want to stand on the sidelines
Everyone smiles sweetly
How mothers dress up.
They want to go on the podium sooner,
To show off in a beautiful dress.
Boy 2: Our girls are such fashionistas,
And you and I will go and sit on the sidelines.

1 girl: And our boys can be cowards,
They are afraid of injections, shaking like mice.
Only the doctor will appear in a white coat -
You can't get the boys out from under the bed!
Girl 2: Hey! Brave men! Come out quickly!
There's Doctor Pilyulkin standing at the door.

(Dr. Pilyulkin, a child, enters to the music)
Doctor: Calm down, guys! I'm pleased to announce-
Please cancel the injections today.
After all, it’s a fun holiday, you can’t be upset,
All you can do is sing, dance and laugh!
(a boy approaches him)
Only he will be healthy
Who is not afraid of doctors?
Stronger hands, wider shoulders,
1,2, 3 - breathe more evenly.
Who can ride the ball faster?
He will be the strongest.

(2 boys come out)

1 boy: Do you know, our girls have such a sweet tooth,
They endlessly chew toffees and crack nuts.
Boy 2: Well, well! Girls, look at us
And treat your friends to delicious candy!
Girls (in unison): Look, what are you! Do you want some candy?
In a fair fight you will deserve it!

Presenter: There are so many congratulations on March 8, jokes, songs today. But they didn’t sing or dance for our grandmothers. How so?
1st child: Grandma special surprise
We will give it in honor of the holiday.
But not a dance or a song,
Even better, more interesting!
2nd child: Grandma used to
She read us bedtime stories.
We switched roles
And we'll tell the story ourselves.
3rd child: Dear granny, our dear,
Listen to the fairy tale, but it’s different.
We came up with it to make you laugh,
Along with the song, along with the dance
Give it to you for the holiday!
(participants in the scene put on masks, music sounds, Mom comes out of the house with a basket and addresses Little Red Riding Hood)
Mom: Listen, dear daughter, you have grown up big.
I need to go to grandma and take the pie to her.
And as a gift, Oriflame anti-wrinkle cream.
I can’t go with you, my friends are waiting at tennis.
Say hi to grandma and tell her I'll be there soon.
As soon as I fix the car, I’ll drop by her right away.
Well, daughter, I have to go, I'm expecting a call in the evening.
(mom leaves)
Little Red Riding Hood (shrugs): Grandma can’t have flour,
She's on a diet again.
She needs to keep her form,
She can't gain weight.
Narrator: The girl took the basket and turned onto the path.
Here she is wandering through the forest, quietly singing songs...

Narrator: Only suddenly the baby hears
It's like someone is calling her.
(Wolf comes out)
Wolf: Hey girl, wait, don’t go past the Wolf!
How far are you going? Can I have a look here?
(looks into the basket)
Here lies the cabbage pie,
How delicious it must be!
Where are you going, child?
And who are you bringing the pie to?
Kr. Shap.: I'm going to my dear granny,
I haven't been there for a long time.
I'll live for two days
And I will come here again.
Wolf: Can I come with you, girlfriend?
We need to accompany you.
The path is long, the forest is large,
I must go with you!
Let's congratulate grandma together.
Let's keep her company.
(walking through the forest)
Kr. Shap: Listen, Wolf, aren’t you lying?
Are you leading me right?
Maybe you want to eat me
My grandmother? But in vain!
I read this fairy tale
Yes, and my mother told me.
Wolf: What are you saying, baby? Ha ha ha! You made me laugh.
What's in your granny that you can eat?
Skin, bones - all food, nothing to eat, trouble!
He follows his diet and kicks a ball in the garden all day.
I’d rather go visit and treat myself to some pie.
Narrator: Here they are, walking together, talking about this and that:
About studies, about cinema, who you haven’t seen for a long time.
Now the house has appeared, just one step left.
(knock on the door)
Kr. Shap: Knock-knock-knock! Open the door!
Grandma: Pull the handle harder!
I'm going now, I'm taking a bath.
Sit on the sofa.
(Granny comes out and wipes herself with a towel)
Grandmother: I started running in the mornings and lost a kilogram.
I have to keep in shape, I can’t gain weight.
(puts on glasses)
Oh baby, what is it? Did the Wolf come with you?
Kr. Shap: Yes, grandma, just the two of us. We're bringing you a pie!
Grandmother: Well, then, I’m glad to see you, we all need to make peace!
Kr. Shap: My dear grandmother, I congratulate you on the holiday!
Wolf: Always be like this everywhere, be athletic, young!
Grandmother: I’m so glad today that my friends have gathered.
Kids, run out and sing ditties!

Presenter: We gathered not in vain.
The fairy tale ended beautifully.
Now it's time for all of us
Congratulations to moms again.
1 child: The holiday is looking through our window,
And spring is ringing like a stream.
A ray of sunshine, cheerful
Hastens with congratulations.
2nd child: The word “mother” is like a bird,
It rushes through the spring land.
Congratulations to everyone
And he wishes everyone health.
All children: Don't get sick, don't grow old,
Never be angry
And so young
Stay forever!

Scenarios festive events and matinees dedicated to the International women's day March 8 in preparatory groups.

Contained in sections:

Showing publications 1-10 of 1228.
All sections | Scenarios March 8. Holiday in preparatory group

Matinee March 8th 1st preparatory group. "Holiday of Grandmothers and Mothers" Matinee 8th Marta 1st preparatory group. « Holiday of grandmothers and mothers» . Target: Creation festive atmosphere. Tasks: Develop creative independence, the ability to correctly pronounce given sounds in front of a large audience. Cultivate a desire to please loved ones with poems...

Scenario of the matinee "March 8 - International Women's Day!" in the preparatory group Children enter the hall to the music "8 March is the best day of spring" become a semicircle. Leading: Today we feel as comfortable as at home, Like there are so many familiar faces in the hall. Moms came to us, we are glad to see you all! AND holiday cheerful let's start now! It is dedicated to you - the sweetest and gentlest...

Scenarios March 8. Holiday in the preparatory group - Scenario holiday for March 8 “Magic bells” for children of the preparatory group

Publication “Celebration script for March 8th “Magic Bells” for children...” Integration of educational areas:  Artistic and aesthetic development"  Cognitive development»  Speech development  Social and communicative development  Physical development" Goal:  create a festive...

Image library "MAAM-pictures"

Scenario for March 8 “To My Beloved Mother” preparatory group of preschool educational institution Scenario for the March 8th holiday for the preparatory group at the preschool educational institution “To my beloved mother” (Music sounds, children enter the music room) Presenter: Spring has come again! Again she brought a holiday, a joyful, bright and gentle holiday, a holiday for all our dear women. So...

Scenario for the holiday for older preschoolers “Women’s Day – March 8th”. The course of the holiday: Children run into the hall in subgroups to the music and stand in front of the audience. Dance "Clap Your Hands" 1Ved.: The music of spring is sounding louder and louder, And the sun, smiling, shines brightly! Today children you...

Scenario of the matinee for March 8th “In retro style” in the preparatory group Girl presenter: Hello, our beloved mothers! Boy presenter: Hello, our lovely ladies! Girl presenter: The month of March is a joyful, clear month. Dear women, how beautiful you are! Boy presenter: Some are beautiful in appearance, some are beautiful in appearance, but the majority are beautiful in soul!...

Scenarios March 8. Holiday in the preparatory group - March 8th holiday in the preparatory group

Scenario of the holiday “March 8 with Shapoklyak” Presenter: Today spring has come to us, we feel its breath, The rivers have woken up from sleep, and we can already hear the chirping of birds. With spring, our brightest holiday comes to visit us. We congratulate our mothers, we send them warm greetings. To the music in...

Matinee “Nesmeyana and March 8” for the preparatory group Participants: Children Presenter Nesmeyana Attributes: Medals or chocolates for girls, gifts for mothers and grandmothers. Garbage, 2 dustpans, flowers in parts, 2 easels Children run into the hall to the song “Mom’s Heart” and dance with balloons Presenter:...


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