In January, Orthodox Christians will experience several important church holidays. Holidays in January

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Every believer carefully follows the church calendar, which indicates all important dates and holidays, because each of them has its own characteristics and traditions. So, before some dates it is worth fasting and preparing your soul and body for important event, in some there are special prohibitions in the field of behavior and pastime, and the like. that is why at the beginning of each month it is worth looking at the Orthodox calendar so as not to miss or miss anything.

The calendar for January 2018 contains several important holidays at once. For the Nativity of Christ, which is celebrated on the 7th, believers began to prepare in November, because the holiday is preceded by a strict fast, designed to cleanse a person before the bright day.

We must not forget about Epiphany, which is also celebrated in January. There is a lot associated with this holiday in Russia. interesting traditions and will accept it, so they wait for it with special impatience and trepidation.

About what other important church dates available in January 2018 - see the calendar for details.

It must be said that every day of the year is marked in the church calendar as special. Saints are revered, as well as special events that had an impact on the formation and development of Christianity in general and Orthodoxy in particular. However, some holidays are specially marked bright color, since they are familiar and respected even by those who do not have the habit of attending church every Sunday, fasting and observing other church regulations of a true believer.

Of the main national holidays in January 2018, several can be distinguished:

Christmas Eve is celebrated on January 6th. On this day, believers keep the last, and therefore very strict, day of fasting before Christmas and wait for the first star in the sky, because it will mark the birth of Christ. Late dinner consists of Lenten dishes. The holiday brings together large, friendly families around the table, and young people go out into the streets to celebrate Christmastide. This evening the girls (not at all according to church laws) tell fortunes about their betrothed and their fate.

On January 7, the Nativity of Christ is celebrated. One of the largest holidays of the Orthodox Church. According to the Holy Scriptures, on this day the Son of God, Jesus Christ, was born. This Orthodox holiday should be celebrated in church, and then with family. This day continues folk festivals On the occasion of the holiday, mummers go out into the street and, with special songs, tell the people the story of the birth of the Son of God.

January 14 (Sunday) - Circumcision of the Lord, the portal website informs. This is a great, permanent holiday of Orthodox Christians. It has been celebrated since New Testament times and talks about one of the incidents that occurred in the life of Jesus Christ. This tradition for a long time bore (and in some regions of the planet still bears) no less significance than the sacrament of Baptism.

January 18 (Thursday) - Epiphany Eve (Epiphany Eve). The day before Epiphany, it is not customary to eat before dusk, and it is best to break the fast, as on Christmas Eve.

January 19 (Friday) - Epiphany (Epiphany). One of the central events in the life of Jesus Christ. On this date, the Son of God was baptized in the waters of the Jordan by John the Baptist.

Full church calendar for January 2018:

In January 2018, there is one multi-day fast and several one-day fasts.

So, from January 1 to January 6, the Nativity Fast continues (Filippov). The last week is especially strict - believers limit themselves as much as possible in their diet, spend time in prayer and repentance in order to celebrate the holiday of Christmas with a bright heart. Lent ends, as mentioned above, on the evening of January 6 - believers spend their last Lenten dinner in a particularly solemn atmosphere, after which they go to church for service.

After the service, on January 7, the fast ends and the holiday can be celebrated with meat dishes, sweets and other previously prohibited foods.

One-day fasts take place throughout the year, regardless of the month - on Sundays and Fridays, believers try to limit themselves to fatty foods and other excesses in the name of faith.

Holidays are an integral part of our social life, many of which concern us personally, our loved ones and friends. Holidays are dedicated to many phenomena of human existence on earth. special days. Our profession, work, love, children, recreation, medicine, the world- there is a holiday for everything in the Russian and world calendar.

Along with public holidays, which are closely integrated into our lives, special meaning for many have church, Orthodox holidays. After all, the spiritual component of our life is much more important than the physical one. The most necessary things for us are love, joy, happiness, peace of mind and peace - all these feelings are directly related to our soul.

Almost every day the church celebrates some important Orthodox holiday - be it the historical day of the life of Christ on Earth, the life and work of his disciples and followers. Of course, every church holiday is important for a believer.

However, many Orthodox church dates are not as common as state dates, and in order to learn about them, you need to be really interested and imbued with it. We have put together a calendar for you church holidays in January. Find out on what day in January an important historical religious event took place.


Venerable Elijah of Murom (miracle worker of Murom) - January 1

Remarkable strength and military feats are only one side of the personality of the epic hero. Not everyone is aware of the other, mostly people are believers, religious. Ilya Muromets was not an ordinary person. On January 1, the memory of St. Elijah of Murom is celebrated.

Interesting Russian holidays by month 2019 Church holidays by month 2019 Calendar of Orthodox Church holidays for January 2019

Holy Martyr Boniface - January 1

There are people of God in the Orthodox Church that few are familiar with. However, this makes their strength no less than that of the famous miracle workers. One of the little-known ascetics is the holy martyr Boniface, whose Memorial Day falls on January 1.

Interesting Russian holidays by month 2019 Church holidays by month 2019 Calendar of Orthodox Church holidays for January 2019

Holy Righteous John of Kronstadt - January 2

And after death, turning to some saints, people pronounce the appropriate “father”, “father”. Likewise, the holy righteous John of Kronstadt is often called “father.” Orthodox Christians celebrate his memory every year on January 2.

Interesting Russian holidays by month 2019 Church holidays by month 2019 Calendar of Orthodox Church holidays for January 2019

Saint Peter Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia, wonderworker (1326) - January 3

Most of us know little about some of the saints who held the priesthood. Meanwhile, among them were our compatriots. An example is St. Peter, Metropolitan of Moscow and all Russia, who lived in the XIII - XIV centuries. AD His memorial day, namely the day of his death, is celebrated by the Orthodox Church annually on January 3.

Interesting Russian holidays by month 2019 Church holidays by month 2019 Calendar of Orthodox Church holidays for January 2019

Holy Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker - January 4

Representatives of the fair sex, professing Orthodox Christianity, the so-called female saints are especially revered. Matrona of Moscow, Ksenia of St. Petersburg, Great Martyr Catherine, Paraskeva - there are a lot of them. Saint Anastasia, of course, also belongs to this host.

Interesting Russian holidays by month 2019 Church holidays by month 2019 Calendar of Orthodox Church holidays for January 2019

Christmas Eve - January 6

The most important night of the year is considered to be Christmas Eve, the evening before Christmas. The last day of the Nativity Fast is called Christmas Eve, because the charter on Christmas Eve is to eat juice. Sochivo is prepared from wheat and rice grains.

Interesting Russian holidays by month 2019 Church holidays by month 2019 Calendar of Orthodox Church holidays for January 2019

Traditions and history of the Christmas holiday

January 7 marks the great twelfth holiday - the Nativity of Christ. This is a day of reconciliation, kindness, peacefulness, a day of glorifying Christ. There was no holiday more fun and more free in Rus' than the Nativity of Christ.

Interesting Russian holidays by month 2019 Church holidays by month 2019 Calendar of Orthodox Church holidays for January 2019

Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary - holiday January 8

The day after Christmas, January 8, Orthodox Church celebrates the Council Holy Mother of God. January 8 is the day when the entire Orthodox world remembers the Virgin Mary as the mother of Jesus Christ: the son of God, the Savior of mankind, the Messiah.

Almost our entire life consists of numerous holidays and working days. And the life of an ordinary Orthodox man especially rich in various vows and holidays. But still, unlike the infidels, the Orthodox must each time especially adhere to a certain way of behavior. And these days are completely regulated Orthodox calendars, where almost all holidays and even fasting days are celebrated.

In our article you can learn a lot of interesting things about Orthodox holidays and fasting in the future 2018. If you decide not to lose sight of some events from your real spiritual life, then it’s time to look at next year’s calendar and start living with faith in your soul. Any Orthodox holidays in January next year

So, the year will begin with the Holy holiday - Christmas Eve, which will also take place on January 6th. This is one of the most important days after the last period of fasting. It is on the day of Christmas Eve that one is not allowed to leave the state of fasting until the first star appears in the sky. After another and very long fast, every Orthodox Christian can return to regular food. But here a sharp transition from light food to a heavier form is not appropriate, so addiction will have to take place only gradually.

As soon as dusk comes, all family members will have to gather at the festive table and then enjoy dinner from Sochi. This dish is prepared according to a special recipe and contains the following ingredients:

1) soaked grains of wheat or rice;

5) dried fruits.

From January 6 to January 19 of the same year, Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmastide. This is the only moment for joy and constant fun. It is at this moment that girls begin to guess about their betrothed. But they are also trying to look into the distant future. And yet such a tradition is not very soluble in the church.

And now on January 7, 2018, we can celebrate the Nativity of Christ. This is one of the most popular and even worldwide holidays. According to the Holy Scriptures, Jesus Christ himself was born on this day. This holiday requires careful preparation. He should be celebrated together with other family members. Children especially look forward to this holiday, as this is where they make a wish. But sometimes cherished wish It especially comes true for many kids. And all this thanks to the great hope that a miracle will appear. And who might have it more?

January 14 is a holiday dedicated to the Circumcision of the Lord. This is another of the great Orthodox Christian holidays. It has been celebrated since the time of the New Testament and is ready to tell about the incident of past times that previously occurred in the life of our prophet Jesus Christ. For a long time, this same tradition has dared to carry no less significance than the sacrament of Baptism itself.

On January 18 of the same year, the Orthodox will celebrate Epiphany Eve. In another way it means the Eve of Epiphany. It is the day before Epiphany that you should not eat before dusk. But it will be possible to break the fast during Christmas Eve, and eating juice with juice is perfect here.

January 19 of next year will take place - the Baptism of the Lord, or in other words, Epiphany. This is also one of the main events in the life of the prophet Jesus Christ. It was at this very time that the Son of God was baptized in the waters of the Jordan by John the Baptist.

The best calendar for January 2018

Thus, almost all Orthodox holidays were scheduled in the church calendar, which also contains absolutely all the necessary dates. With it, you will never miss a single holiday, and you will not even miss the chance to post another post. For example, all multi-day and even one-day Orthodox posts will take place in the first month of 2018. Holiday - Holy Week Rozhdestvensky is one of the great days that helps to restrain oneself from hearty food.

This is also one of the final periods, which consists of the strictest and even longest fasts of the year. During this week, you must adhere to the most strict rules and completely limit yourself in nutrition. All this time will have to be spent in prayer, as well as in repentance.

Christmas post. 40 day

Multi-day fast. Its goal is the spiritual cleansing of a person and preparation for the holiday of the Nativity of Christ. The duration of the fast is 40 days.

Christmas Eve (Christmas Eve)

Eve of the Nativity of Christ. The name “Christmas Eve” comes from the word “sochivo” - wheat grains soaked in juice.

Venerable Martyr Eugenia and with her the Martyrs Protus, Jacinthos and Claudia

In honor of the Roman Eugenia and with her three martyrs who suffered for their faith in Christ under Emperor Gallienus in the 260s.

Venerable Nicholas, monk

The church celebrates the memory of St. Nicholas, a military leader under the Byzantine Tsar Nicephorus I. He had the gift of clairvoyance.

What tomorrow, January 7, is an Orthodox church holiday

Church Orthodox holidays tomorrow, 01/7/19


One of the main twelve permanent church holidays. Installed in honor of the birth of Jesus Christ.

Christmas time, 1 day

Solid week. The period from Christmas to Epiphany. The celebration has ancient origins.

Orthodox church calendar for 2019 with holidays and fasts

Church holidays and fasts in 2019

Nativity January 7, 2019. Epiphany (Epiphany) January 19, 2019. Presentation of the Lord February 15, 2019. Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday) April 1, 2019. Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary April 7, 2019. Ascension of the Lord May 17, 2019 Trinity Day (Pentecost) May 27, 2019. Transfiguration August 19, 2019. Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary August 28, 2019. Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary September 21, 2019. Exaltation of the Holy Cross September 27, 2019. Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the Temple December 4, 2019.

Great Church holidays in 2019

Circumcision of the Lord (St. Basil the Great)— holiday January 14, 2019. Nativity of John the Baptist— holiday July 7, 2019. Apostles Peter and Paul— holiday July 12, 2019. — holiday September 11, 2019. Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary— holiday October 14, 2019.

Middle church holidays in 2019

February 12, 2019 — Three saints - Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, John Chrysostom May 6, 2019 — Great Martyr George the Victorious May 21, 2019 — Apostle John the Theologian May 22, 2019 — St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (Summer Nicholas). May 24, 2019 — Equal to the Apostles Cyril and Methodius. July 28, 2019 — Equal to the Apostles Prince Vladimir. October 9, 2019 — Apostle John the Theologian. November 26, 2019 — Saint John Chrysostom. December 19, 2019 — St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (Winter Nicholas).

Church Orthodox fasts in 2019

Multi-day posts

Lent in 2019- from February 19 to April 7. Petrov fast in 2019- from June 4 to July 11. Dormition Fast in 2019- from August 14 to August 27. Christmas post— from November 28, 2019 to January 6, 2019.

One-day posts

Wednesday and Friday throughout the year, with the exception of continuous weeks and Christmastide.Epiphany Christmas Eve— January 18, 2019. Beheading of John the Baptist— September 11, 2019. Exaltation of the Holy Cross— September 27, 2019.

Continuous weeks with no fasting

Christmas time in 2019- from January 7 to January 17. Week of the Publican and Pharisee in 2019- from January 28 to February 3. Maslenitsa 2019 (Cheese Week)- from 12 to 18 February. Light Easter week in 2019- from 8 to 14 April. Trinity Week 2019- from May 28 to June 3.

Note! According to the Church Charter, there is no fasting on the feasts of the Nativity of Christ and Epiphany, which occurred on Wednesday and Friday. On Christmas and Epiphany Eves and on the holidays of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross and the Beheading of John the Baptist, a meal with vegetable oil. On the feasts of the Presentation, Transfiguration of the Lord, Dormition, Nativity and Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, Her Entry into the Temple, the Nativity of John the Baptist, the Apostles Peter and Paul, John the Theologian, which occurred on Wednesday and Friday, as well as in the period from Easter to Trinity on Wednesday and Friday Fish allowed.

Parents' Saturdays in 2019 (All Souls' Day)

Ecumenical parent's Saturday(meat) in 2019— February 10, 2019. Commemoration of all the deceased who suffered for the faith— February 11, 2019. Saturday of the 2nd week of Lent— March 3, 2019. Saturday of the 3rd week of Lent— March 10, 2019. Saturday of the 4th week of Lent— March 17, 2019. Commemoration of deceased warriors— May 9, 2019. Radonitsa in 2019— April 17, 2019. Trinity Parents' Saturday in 2019— May 26, 2019. Dimitrievskaya Parents' Saturday— November 3, 2019.

Church calendar for 2019 by month

Orthodox church holidays and fasts in January 2019

January 1, 2019 — Memorial Day of Ilya of Murom the Wonderworker. January 1, 2019 - Martyr Boniface of Tarsus. January 2, 2019 - Forefeast of the Nativity of Christ. January 2, 2019 - Hieromartyr Ignatius the God-Bearer. January 2, 2019 - Righteous John of Kronstadt, wonderworker. January 3, 2019 - Glorification of the great martyr Juliana. January 3, 2019 - Forefeast of the Nativity of Christ. January 3, 2019 - Repose of St. Peter, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Rus', wonderworker. January 4, 2019 - Forefeast of the Nativity of Christ. January 4, 2019 - Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker. January 5, 2019 - Forefeast of the Nativity of Christ. January 5, 2019 - Holy Martyr Basil and Reverend Martyrs Macarius and John. January 6, 2019 - Eve of the Nativity of Christ (Christmas Eve). January 7, 2019 - Nativity of Christ (Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ). January 7, 2019 - Adoration of the holy Magi: Melchior, Gaspar and Belshazzar. January 8, 2019 - Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary. January 9, 2019 - Apostle Protomartyr and Archdeacon Stephen. January 10, 2019 - 20,000 martyrs, victims in Nicomedia. January 11, 2019 - 14,000 infant martyrs, killed by Herod in Bethlehem. January 12, 2019 - St. Macarius, Metropolitan of Moscow. January 13, 2019 - Saturday after the Nativity of Christ. January 13, 2019 - Commemoration of the Feast of the Nativity of Christ. January 14, 2019 - Circumcision of the Lord. January 14, 2019 - Week after the Nativity of Christ. January 15, 2019 - Forefeast of Epiphany. January 15, 2019 - Repose, second discovery of the relics of St. Seraphim, the Wonderworker of Sarov. January 16, 2019 - Forefeast of Epiphany. January 16, 2019 is the Day of Remembrance of the Holy Prophet Malachi. They predicted the appearance of the Savior, the Forerunner and the Last Judgment. January 17, 2019 - Forefeast of Epiphany. January 17, 2019 - Council of the 70 Apostles. January 18, 2019 - The Eve of Epiphany (Epiphany Christmas Eve). January 18, 2019 - Hieromartyr Theopemptos, Bishop of Nicomedia, and Martyr Theona the Magus. January 19, 2019 - Holy Epiphany. Baptism of the Lord (Baptism of the Lord Jesus Christ). January 20, 2019 - Saturday of Epiphany. January 20, 2019 - Council of the honest and glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John. January 21, 2019 - Week of Epiphany. January 21, 2019 - St. Gregory, wonderworker of Pechersk. January 22, 2019 - St. Philip, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Rus', miracle worker. January 23, 2019 - St. Theophan, the Recluse of Vyshensky. January 23, 2019 - St. Paul of Komel (Obnorsky). January 24, 2019 - St. Theodosius the Great, director of the general life. January 24, 2019 - St. Michael of Klopsky, Novgorod. January 25, 2019 - Tatiana's Day - the day of the Most Holy Martyr Tatiana, who suffered for her faith. January 25, 2019 - St. Sava, Archbishop of Serbia. January 26, 2019 - Martyrs Ermilus and Stratonikos. January 27, 2019 - Commemoration of the Feast of the Epiphany. January 27, 2019 - Equal to the Apostles Nina, enlightener of Georgia. January 28, 2019 - Venerable Paul of Thebes and John Kushchnik. January 28, 2019 - Week about the Publican and the Farsee. January 29, 2019 - Worship of the chains that bound the Apostle Paul. January 30, 2019 - Worship of the first desert dweller and monk Anthony the Great. January 31, 2019 - Saints Athanasius and Cyril, Archbishops of Alexandria. January 31, 2019 - Rev. Schemamonk Kirill and Schemanun Maria, parents of St. Sergius of Radonezh.

Church fasts in January 2019

Multi-day fast in January 2019— The Nativity fast (multi-day) will begin on November 28, 2018 and end only on January 6, 2019. One-day posts in January 2019- January 18, January 19, January 24 and January 26. In the period from January 7 to January 17, there are no one-day fasts, since these days are celebrated Christmas Holidays.Weeks with no fasting: Week of the Publican and the Pharisee from January 28 to February 3.

People work non-stop all year long. Cities are filled with endless bustle, everyone is in a hurry somewhere, doing something. Everyone is busy with their own business. The long-awaited break for every person is the summer vacation and, of course, the holidays in January. The second month of winter has a lot of days off. Not only all children, but also adults all over the world look forward to these joyful holidays. The New Year holidays in January provide an opportunity for millions of people to spend some quality time with their loved ones.

New Year's favorite

A fabulous and desired holiday occurs on the night of December 31 to January 1. With the advent of the New Year, people believe that all troubles and sorrows will be left behind. And only joy, happiness and prosperity await them ahead. All countries differ in their ways of celebrating this wonderful holiday.

Due to continental time zones New Year It happens differently for everyone. However, everywhere - with joy and smiles. Tangerine-candy holiday on January 1, saturated with magic... After all, it is on this night that children receive their long-awaited toys and candies from Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. On new year holidays In January, a Christmas tree is traditionally installed in the main square of the country. As usual, it is the main attribute winter holiday. People set festive tables with all sorts of goodies and decorate their homes with garlands. Most people prefer to celebrate such an important holiday at home with their family. IN New Year's Eve Millions of people, holding their breath, count down the last 60 seconds of the outgoing year along with the chimes. And with filled glasses of champagne they greet the new year. The next day - January 2 - is considered a non-working day.

The greatest church holidays in January

  • Christmas Eve before Christmas - January 6th.
  • The Nativity of Jesus Christ is January 7th.
  • Saint Basil - January 13.
  • Epiphany - January 19.

Holidays in January in Russia follow one another

The next celebrated holiday after the New Year is Christmas Eve. The Holy Evening is celebrated annually on January 6th. This day ends the Nativity Fast. 12 Lenten dishes are set on the table. The food prepared varies, but the same ones are kutia, uzvar, lean dumplings and pastries. However, eat according to Orthodox traditions You can sit down only in the evening, after the first star appears in the sky. The main food on Christmas Eve is kutia, which is where the meal begins.

Kutia is a ritual porridge cooked from wheat (some are prepared from rice or barley grains) with the addition of various sweet additives. It could be raisins, crushed poppy seeds, berry jam, nuts. A large number of Such ingredients are welcomed in kutia, as it is a symbol of prosperity and heavenly life. According to tradition, after a meal in the family circle, children went to “carry supper” to close relatives, as well as to their godparents and godfathers. After tasting a spoonful of kutya, the adults presented the children with gifts. Young people and men without families went to sing carols. Most people go to church for midnight service. On the night of January 6-7, the holiday is celebrated in all churches. The Divine Liturgy takes place.

Birth of the Son of God

January 7 is a holiday celebrated by all Orthodox believers, the Nativity of Christ. The birth of Christ took place, according to the Old Testament, in 5508 from the creation of the world, in the city of Bethlehem.

Like all holidays, Christmas has its own celebration traditions. On this day, a table rich in meat dishes is set. It is also possible that alcoholic beverages will be present on the table.

It is advisable to spend this day in a cheerful and noisy company, since, according to beliefs, you should not be alone on such a divine holiday. On Christmas evening, it is customary to visit parents and go to godfathers. Twelve days after Christmas last Christmastide - holy days on which it is customary to perform merciful deeds.

Sowing at St. Basil's

Now on the night of January 13-14 they celebrate the New Year. This is due to the fact that when moving from Julian calendar The date of a widely known holiday has shifted to Gregorian. But this has not stopped people since the beginning of the last century from celebrating this event in compliance with all traditions. For a long time in Rus', January 13 was celebrated as Vasily's Day, in honor of Vasily the Great. The holiday was associated with sowing, farmers thus cajoled future harvest. This ritual has been preserved to this day. On the Generous Evening of January 13, dressed-up youth and children went to give generously, for which they received delicious gifts from the owners. Carol singers were invited into the house and seated at the rich festive table. Children were treated to sweets, gingerbread and nuts, and relatives could also give small coins.

Early in the morning of January 14, boys no older than twelve went to the houses of relatives and neighbors. They asked permission and, having received consent, sprinkled the owners and their homes with seeds of wheat, rye, oats and barley, saying or chanting shchedrovki and sowing seeds. Shchedrovki are good-natured wishes in poetic or song form, performed for the owners during the Christmas holidays in January. In Russia and beyond, it is customary to perform generosity only for girls, but, on the contrary, boys must sow. A good sign on this day there will be a visit from a man, since girls, according to legend, do not bring happiness. Seeds scattered in the house should not be thrown away, but must be carefully collected away from the threshold and stored until the next harvest.

Mysterious rite of Baptism

Winter holidays in January are celebrated everywhere surrounded by the closest people. The greatest holiday - the Epiphany of the Lord - is no exception. On this day, during the baptism of the Lord on the Jordan River, the Holy Trinity appeared, and the Holy Spirit descended on Christ in the form of a fluttering dove. At Epiphany, people with families visit churches and places with blessed water in order to collect it for themselves and their relatives. As before Christmas, Christmas Eve is celebrated the day before Epiphany; strict fasting is observed on this day.

On the eve of the holy holiday, it is customary to do general cleaning, thereby ridding the house of excess debris and freeing up corners for cleaning. From 18 to 19 January in all Orthodox churches perform a special rite - the Great Blessing of Water. The water consecrated on January 19 is called Jordanian. Holy water, drunk on an empty stomach, has miraculous power, helps to cure diseases and cleanse the soul. People sanctify their homes with water brought from the temple, sprinkling every corner of their house. Surprisingly Epiphany water does not spoil or rot whole year, maintaining its miraculous properties.

Holy water washes away all sins

Holidays in January carry special magical power. Yes, the main event Epiphany day is also bathing in consecrated ponds. This tradition was revived in Russia after the abolition of communist principles. For many years now, on Epiphany Eve or early in the morning of January 19, men have gone to the pond. According to Christian customs, a cross-shaped hole is cut in the reservoir. In this case, an ice cross is erected next to the ice hole and sprinkled with beet kvass.

After which a clergyman is invited to consecrate the reservoir. On this holiday, believers can, as it is believed, wash away their earthly sins and be reborn by plunging into sacred water three times. For the holiday, special crosses are baked from sweet dough, pancakes with honey and various meat dishes. There is a belief that the heavens open at Epiphany, and all prayers and supplications on this day will certainly be heard.

Last day of the month - Jeweler's Day

January 31 is the jeweler's holiday. This international holiday is celebrated all over the world. Jeweler is one of the oldest professions, capable of always feeding its owner. After all, as you know, beautiful jewelry have always been in great demand.


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