Conducting a business telephone conversation, basic rules and recommendations. Business telephone etiquette

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Veniamin Levitsky (Magdeburg)

It's impossible to imagine life modern man without a phone. Telephone communication has become one of the necessary needs, an important component of his personal and business life. The telephone provides continuous operational exchange of information at any distance and at any time, allowing you to quickly resolve business and personal issues.

Research shows that on average up to 25% of working time is spent on business telephone conversations and in 90% of cases the telephone is the main working “tool”.

Business telephone conversation is a form of oral remote business dialogue carried out using technical means. One of the features of telephone conversations (with the exception of a conversation with a video image) is the non-use of such important means nonverbal communication, such as gestures, posture, facial expressions, spatial position of the interlocutors.

Therefore, to convey the nuances of a conversation, it is necessary to activate verbal expression, Special attention must be given to voice and speech characteristics: tonality, timbre, voice intonation, use of competent speech formulas.

To improve business efficiency telephone conversation At its different phases, you can use the following recommendations and techniques.

Preparing for a telephone conversation

1. Dial the phone number of the interlocutor only when the purpose of the upcoming conversation is clear to you.

2. Write down in advance the main questions that you are going to ask your interlocutor.

3. Prepare the necessary documents that may be required during the conversation (certificates, correspondence, reviews, reports, acts, etc.).

4. Select optimal time for a telephone conversation, having previously found out from the business partner a convenient time for the conversation and agreed upon it in advance. Unimportant phone calls that you have to do during the working day, do it when they do not disrupt your business rhythm. If possible, use pauses between tasks and meetings for telephone conversations; the most favorable time for telephone calls is from 8:00 to 9:30; from 13:30 to 14:00 or after 16:30. Call your business partner on home phone for a business conversation can only be justified by a serious reason. At the same time, no matter who you call, boss or subordinate, you should not do this after 22 hours, unless there is an urgent need for this or prior consent to the call has been obtained.

5. When conducting business conversations, consider the specifics of use modern means telephone (electronic) communication: radiotelephone, pager, mobile phone, programs Skype. pay attention to information security: valuable and confidential information can become the property of not only hackers, but also competitors; Consider the risk of losing confidential data.

Rules for conducting a telephone conversation

If you are calling, observe following rules conducting a telephone conversation:

1. At the beginning of a telephone conversation, introduce yourself and state its purpose, and only then move on to the essence of the conversation.

2. Try to imagine your caller sitting opposite you and talking to you, using language that is convenient to use in live communication.

3. Maintain a delicate negotiation style, be polite, correct, respectful and friendly, do not show negative emotions, even if you don’t like everything in the conversation.

4. Express yourself clearly and clearly, keep in mind that the phone aggravates speech deficiencies - fast or slow pronunciation of words makes it difficult to understand. Thus, in the countries of Indo-European languages, they speak at a speed of 200 to 500 syllables per minute; speeds below or above these values ​​are defined as “extremely slow” or “extremely fast,” respectively. Pay special attention to the pronunciation of numbers, proper names, and consonants. If in a conversation there are names of cities, proper names, surnames, Internet addresses, etc., which are poorly perceived by ear, they should be pronounced syllable by syllable or even letter by letter to avoid errors;

5. Be brief - as analysis shows, in a telephone conversation 30-40% of the time is taken up by repetitions of words and phrases, unnecessary pauses, unnecessary words. 6. Do not interrupt the conversation if you receive an important telephone call on another device. If absolutely necessary, ask permission to interrupt the conversation and assure your partner that you will call him back in 10 minutes.

6. During a telephone conversation, avoid “parallel conversations” with your employees.

7. Ask the consent of your interlocutor if you want to record the conversation on a voice recorder, connect a parallel device or turn on the speakerphone so that the conversation can be listened to by people in the room.

8. At the end of the conversation, briefly summarize the results, clarify whether the interlocutor understood you correctly, list the measures that need to be taken on the issue under discussion (who exactly, when and what should be done).

9. If necessary, promise to give the interlocutor a brief written confirmation of the telephone conversation, a copy of the voice recording, etc.

10. During a conversation, write down important details such as names, numbers, etc. important information, which your colleagues can then read.

11. Monitor (especially during long-distance and international calls) the duration of the call, take into account its cost, use an electronic counter for these purposes.

12. End the conversation as soon as its purpose is achieved. At the end of the conversation, be sure to say etiquette phrases: apology, words of gratitude, assurances. The end of a conversation, like its beginning, leaves the most vivid impression.

If they call you, Observe the following rules:

1. Who should answer the phone? The secretary (if there is one) or you.

2. When to pick up the phone? After the first ring, but not later than the fourth.

3. First words: Not “Hello”, “Yes” or “Listen”, but “Company...” “Department...”, “Management...” or “Director”, then you can say your last name.

4. Who should you give preference to: a telephone call or a person with whom you are talking in the office? It all depends on the situation: if the conversation ends, ask the caller to wait; if the conversation lasts another 10 - 15 minutes, ask the subscriber to call back via certain time;

5. You are having a long conversation or have a lot of visitors. In this case, write down the phone number and call back after you are free.

6. Who calls back if the conversation is interrupted? The one who called.

7. How to talk about a sensitive topic in front of people in the office? Don't speak at all. Find opportunities to talk later when you are alone.

8. What is the optimal length of a business conversation on the phone? No more than 3 minutes: mutual introduction - 20 seconds, plus or minus 5 seconds; introducing the interlocutor to the course of the matter - 40 seconds, plus or minus 5 seconds; discussion of the essence of the matter - 100 seconds, plus or minus 5 seconds; conclusion - 20 seconds, plus or minus 5 seconds.

9. Who should end the conversation first? The one who called.

After the phone conversation

After completing a telephone conversation, you must record all of it. important points. This way you can capture important information received for later work. Write down who called, when he called, summary conversations, agreements reached.

I hope that the recommendations and techniques outlined for conducting business telephone conversations will help you successfully resolve business issues over the phone, and in conclusion I would like to quote the words of the 17th century French writer-philosopher Francois de La Rochefoucauld:

"...True eloquence consists in saying everything that is needed, but no more...".

Art business communication is important aspect negotiations and has not lost its relevance for many years. The intensity of business communications via telephone is increasing from year to year. And with the development of mobile communications, it is becoming one of the main ways of communication. To improve your telephone conversation skills, it is important to know the subtleties and rules of business communication.


Phone in modern world plays important role, because with its help we communicate with family, friends, colleagues, management and business partners.

So, during a conversation with a certain circle of people, a person uses the appropriate method of communication and, for example, will never conduct a dialogue with his boss as with a close friend. In this situation, a more formal type of communication is used.

Business etiquette should also be used by employees who conduct sociological surveys of the population, receive calls from clients, or conduct telephone negotiations. Often, successful telephone conversations become the key to good business relationships. And even the company’s image may entirely depend on the ability of employees to conduct competent dialogues over the phone.

The time limit for a business conversation for an informative conversation is usually one minute. If the purpose of the call is to solve a problem, then the time period can be increased to three minutes.

Nowadays, most calls are made through mobile devices. Using this remedy communication, some rules must be followed.

  • Always turn off your phone or set it to vibrate when in a business meeting with a client, in a movie theater, or at a seminar.
  • A mobile device is more sensitive to sound than a landline phone. Therefore, in a situation where, while in a public place, you need to have a personal conversation without outside interference, you can simply speak quietly, and the interlocutor will definitely hear you.

  • Don't set your phone to ring too loudly. He can scare others.
  • Try to be brief. In the presence of third parties, the conversation should not last longer than 30 seconds, otherwise there is a risk of looking impolite in front of the person. In case there is good reasons for a telephone conversation, for example, the illness of a relative or a major transaction, then you should notify those present about the situation.
  • Avoid telephone conversations during a business lunch. If there is an urgent need to answer a call, then you should leave the table and talk in a less crowded place.


Ethical standards in telephone communication are important for efficient work companies. The culture of telephone conversations is a special type of business communication. Knowing the rules of etiquette will help strengthen business relationships and increase the profitability of the organization.

  • It is necessary to greet the person with whom you are going to have a telephone conversation. The most suitable phrases for this are phrases related to the time of day (“ Good morning", "Good afternoon" or "Good evening").
  • During a business telephone conversation, it is important to monitor your own intonation. In order not to alienate your interlocutor, you need to speak politely and calmly, avoiding unnecessary emotions.

  • After the greeting, it is recommended to introduce yourself and state your name, position and organization.
  • If you are calling a person, it is always worth checking whether it is convenient for him to talk at the moment.
  • According to ethical standards, you need to pick up the phone after the second or third ring.
  • During the conversation you should not smoke, eat or drink.
  • If the caller is interested in another employee of the organization, then the conversation must be forwarded to him or the waiting function must be turned on.
  • In a situation where you have the wrong number, you need to, without asking unnecessary questions, apologize to the interlocutor and immediately say goodbye.
  • Never call early in the morning, during your lunch break, or before the end of the work day.
  • A secretary or assistant may make or answer calls in place of the manager.

  • You can call a partner or client’s personal number only if he himself has given you his contact information. But on weekends and holidays such calls are prohibited.
  • There are times when the conversation is interrupted due to bad connection. In this situation, the one who called first should call back.
  • Don't drag out the conversation. A long conversation can bore the interlocutor and cause resentment. If the communication has been delayed and the goal of the conversation has not been achieved, then you can call the client back the next day or arrange a personal meeting.
  • After the end of the conversation, it is recommended to thank the interlocutor and politely say goodbye to him, after asking if he still has any questions. This simple action will complete the conversation and encourage further cooperation.

How to prepare?

You should carefully prepare for a telephone conversation and complete a number of certain actions. Let's take a closer look at the main points.

  • You should call your interlocutor only after a clear conversation plan has been drawn up. In order to exclude minor details, you can make graphic or schematic sketches.
  • Write down important questions that you will need to remember to ask during the negotiation process.
  • Prepare documents that may be needed during the communication process (correspondence, reports, contracts).

  • Find out in advance from your interlocutor a convenient time period for making a call.
  • To record the information received, prepare a notebook or diary.
  • Find out the general list of people who will participate in the conversation so that you can address them by name and patronymic.
  • Before dialing the number, try to be in a positive mood, then your emotional condition, undoubtedly, should endear the interlocutor.
  • When making a telephone conversation, take into account the security of communication means in the office, because valuable information may fall into the hands of competitors.

There are also points that should be excluded and avoided in the upcoming telephone conversation.

  • There is no need to discuss business issues with a stranger or a random person. It's better to schedule a personal meeting.
  • It is not recommended to demand a decision from a person who does not have the authority to do so or believes otherwise. He can give consent over the phone, although he will be against this decision.
  • You should not voice requests unless you are sure that the interlocutor agrees with you and wants to help.

There is no need to remain silent on the phone for a long time, otherwise the caller will get the impression that they are not listening to him.

How to talk correctly?

The role of the telephone in business communication is twofold. Very often it distracts from urgent tasks performed during the day, but at the same time speeds up the solution of many tasks. That is why it is necessary to learn the principles of telephone conversations, which contribute to its more effective use.

It is very important to master business communication techniques for employees whose specific work involves telephone conversations with potential clients. Many companies try to establish contact with the caller from the first words in order to make him a real client.

The first impression during telephone communication directly depends on the timbre of the voice and competent speech, because in the first minute the interlocutor presents a virtual image of the person he is talking to.

Firms compete using different ways attracting clients. Important stage in promoting services - telephone sales, and therefore, managers must correctly and tactfully conduct dialogues with customers, otherwise profitable contracts will go to competitors.

The following tips will help you achieve success in business communication over the phone.

  • It is recommended to make calls to a person who has provided you with some useful service. Words of gratitude are very important for future cooperation.
  • Always smile when having a conversation. The subscriber will certainly feel your smile and optimism.
  • During negotiations, try to predict your interlocutor's train of thought.
  • Never use profanity or colloquial language. This is contrary to the culture of communication.
  • Use expressions and terms that the caller will understand.
  • Do not cover the receiver with your hand while talking to someone at the same time. This shows disrespect for the interlocutor.
  • Explain your position confidently and accurately, because accuracy is the courtesy of kings.

Listen carefully to the caller so as not to lose your train of thought. If you ask for duplicate information, the interlocutor may not like it, and your reputation will be at risk.

Business phone etiquette makes life a lot easier. Today there are many companies. Some companies go bankrupt not because their business is going wrong, but because their employees do not know the rules for telephone conversations with clients. Today I would like to tell you about how to conduct business negotiations correctly. If you want to avoid clients turning away from you, learn business telephone etiquette. This will help you look professional in the eyes of your partners.

1. Watch your intonation. During communication, people convey information to each other using three methods: “body language” (55%), intonation (38%) and words (7%). When communicating on the phone, we try to convey to the interlocutor the meaning of our messages using intonation and words .
Intonation - 86%;
Words - 14%.
Your intonation and voice help your interlocutor understand what kind of person you are. When communicating on the phone, you should not lounge on a chair and put your feet on the table. If a person is lying down or half-sitting, the timbre of his voice changes, this happens because the angle of his diaphragm changes. Therefore, a person, even without seeing you, knows that you are lying down.

2. Be sure to greet the caller. If you greet the caller, it lets him know that his call is important to you. When answering a call, you should not say: Hello, I’m listening, and so on.

3. Always try to introduce yourself over the phone. After the greeting, be sure to introduce yourself and say the name of the company. When receiving external calls, two methods are used, the so-called “minimum” and “maximum”: “Minimum” method: Greeting + name of the organization. “maximum”: “minimum” + the name of the person who answered the phone.

4. You try to answer calls after the 3rd ring. If you pick up the phone after the first call, the person who called may think that you have nothing to do. If the phone rings more than 4 times, then the caller will begin to get nervous.

5. When calling, do not say “You’re worried about...” or “You’re worried about...”. Just say: “Good morning, Marina from Ogonyok magazine is calling you.”

6. After calling, ask if the person has time to listen to you. After introducing yourself, do not immediately start talking about business; first, find out if the interlocutor has time to talk with you. There are two ways to use these tips:

Introduce yourself + ask about free time + say the purpose of the call.
Introduce yourself + say the purpose of the call + ask about free time.

7. Try to get to the most important thing as quickly as possible. Introduce yourself and ask for time to talk, don’t waste time with meaningless questions like: So, how do you like the weather?
When communicating on the phone, busy clients don't like to deviate from the topic. Of course, there is a slight exception to this rule if you have developed a good relationship over the years of working together.

8. Using the “hold” function. This feature allows you to retain the client if necessary. This function is designed to: print required document; call to the phone the right person; or ask a colleague for help. If you want to put a person on hold, ask if the other person has time to wait a little, and be sure to explain the reason for the wait. For example: “Can you wait to help me contact accounting?” After resolving the issue, thank the person who was waiting. If you know you'll have to wait a long time, then you shouldn't put the person on hold. Apologize and say that you will call back after solving his problem.

9. If they ask a person who is not at work right now, do not hang up immediately. If the right person is not available, offer your help. If the person does not agree to your offer, then ask to leave a message. For example, like this: What should I tell my colleague? This is called telephone ethics.

10. At the end of the dialogue, say goodbye to your interlocutor. Before you say goodbye to a person, ask: “Can I help you with anything else?”, and only after receiving a negative answer, say goodbye.

11. Try to adapt to the speed of speech of the interlocutor. Don't think that the faster you speak, the faster your interlocutor will mark you. On the contrary, if they cannot keep up with your speech, people will miss your train of thought and become completely confused. Try to vary the speed of your speech.

12. Telephone etiquette is advised. When communicating on the phone, do not be distracted: do not drink, do not eat, and do not smoke. This is very audible over the phone and very annoying.

13. You should not apologize to your interlocutor for wasting his time. This advice also applies to business meetings. If you think that you have distracted your interlocutor from important matters, then do not tell him about it out loud. Just say, “Sorry, our conversation has gone on a bit, I probably took up a lot of your time.” Instead of apologizing, simply thank the other person. It sounds something like this: I understand how busy you are, thank you for the time spent on our conversation.

14. Telephone ethics recommends caution against using a speakerphone. Do not use speakerphone unless absolutely necessary and without warning the interlocutor. If a client hears you using a speakerphone without his consent, he may become wary. Moreover, he can draw certain conclusions. That person has more important things to do besides communicating with me, or most likely someone is eavesdropping on us.

15. Communication with secretaries. If in the course of your work you communicate with secretaries. You must listen to their opinion.

Here several rules of telephone conversation with secretaries. Don't consider yourself above them. Don't insult or humiliate them. As a rule, these people have great power over some decisions of their superiors. Secretaries can become either your allies or enemies, it all depends on you. If they wish, they can present information from you as just another trick of an obsessive idiot. They are able to make sure that your mail never reaches the director of the enterprise. Using the etiquette of a business conversation on the phone, when communicating with a secretary, you get a faithful assistant. Try to build friendly relations with the secretary.

Here's everything you need to know about business etiquette telephone conversation.

According to experts, today over 50% of all business issues are resolved over the phone. This is the most quick way communication, which allows you to establish contacts, arrange a meeting, business conversation, negotiations, without resorting to direct communication. But the way your voice sounds and the way you communicate on the phone largely determines the reputation of the company and the success of its business operations. Therefore, the ability to speak correctly and correctly on the phone is currently becoming integral part company image policy.

The culture of business communication requires knowledge of: general rules of telephone conversation and basic rules telephone business etiquette.

General rules for telephone conversations:

1. Pick up the phone before the fourth ring: the first impression of you or your company is formed by how long you have to wait for an answer;

2. When talking on the phone, you should leave all extraneous conversations for a while. Your interlocutor has every right to attention to himself;

3. During a telephone conversation, it is considered indecent to eat, drink, smoke, rustle with paper, or chew gum;

4. It is unacceptable to pick up the phone and answer: “Just a minute” and force the caller to wait while you deal with your business. This is only possible as a last resort and only within one minute. If you are very busy at the moment and cannot talk, it is better to apologize and offer to call back;

5. Always call back when your call is expected;

6. If you “got to the wrong place,” you should not find out: “What is your number?” You can clarify: “Is this number so-and-so...?”, upon hearing a negative answer, apologize and hang up;

7. Calling home is an invasion of privacy, so always ask if it is a convenient time for you to call: “Do you have time to talk to me?”, “Are you very busy right now?” etc. If the answer is yes, you can talk for your own pleasure, but when you hear the first signs of a desire to end the conversation, you should politely say goodbye. During the service, telephone conversation time is also limited;

8. Talking on the phone should be extremely polite. It is unacceptable to shout and get irritated during a telephone conversation; this is a gross violation of the ethics of interpersonal and business communication. In response to the insult they hang up. Swearing over the phone is illegal;

9. A telephone conversation should be polite, but immediately ended if a guest comes to your home or a visitor to your office. You should apologize and, briefly stating the reason, arrange a call. At home you can say: “Excuse me, I have guests, I will call you back tomorrow evening (morning)”; at work: “Sorry, I have a visitor, I’ll call you back in about an hour.” Be sure to keep your promise.

10. If during a conversation the connection is lost, you should hang up; The person who called dials the number again. If a company representative was talking to a customer or client, then he must dial the number;

11. The initiative to end a telephone conversation belongs to the person who called. The exception is a conversation with elders in age or social status;

12. Nothing can replace warm words of gratitude and farewell at the end of any conversation or conversation. It should be remembered that the farewell words should contain the possibility of future contact: “Let's call next Tuesday,” “see you tomorrow,” etc.

Basic rules business telephone etiquette:

It must be remembered that a business telephone conversation should not exceed four minutes.

You need to call

1. The rules of etiquette require, after hearing the subscriber’s answer:

Greeting and introducing yourself while talking to stranger– the procedure is mutual and mandatory.

The main rule of business protocol is that a telephone conversation must be personalized. If the caller has not introduced himself, you should politely ask: “Excuse me, who am I talking to?”, “May I know who am I talking to?” and so on.

2. If the call goes through a secretary and you are not known where you are calling, the secretary has the right to ask about the reason for the call.

3. Regardless of the circumstances, try to smile, otherwise you will not be able to win over your interlocutor.

4. Always keep a notepad and pen handy for necessary notes.

5. When preparing for a telephone conversation, make a list of issues that need to be discussed. Calling again to apologize that you missed something leaves a bad impression and should only be done as a last resort.

6. If you were unable to find the person you needed, ask when it would be more convenient to call back.

7. Plan your message in advance if you know the information will be transmitted through a third party or through an answering machine.

8. If you are leaving a message on an answering machine, after greeting and introducing yourself, state the date and time of the call, and then short message and words of farewell.

When they call you

According to the rules of etiquette, after picking up the phone, you need to:

1. If they want to talk not with you, but with someone else: “Just a minute, I’ll pass the phone now”; the one who is called to the phone must thank: “Thank you,” “Thank you, I’ll be right there.”

2. If the required person is not there at that moment, then the person who comes up clarifies that this person absent. Such responses should include a request to call back after a certain time: “Could you call back in an hour,” etc.

3. If the phone rings and you are talking on another phone at the same time, you should pick up the phone, apologize, end the first conversation if possible, hang up, then start a conversation with the second interlocutor or apologize and ask to call back after a certain time. It is unacceptable to make a caller wait for more than one minute.

4. It is better to refrain from answering calls if you are holding a business meeting or business meeting. The priority always belongs to the living voice.

5. If you receive a call about an important matter when there are people in the office, it is better to answer the call from the next room or, if this is not possible, ask to call back after a certain time, or reduce the conversation to a minimum.

In modern business communication culture, special attention is paid to telephone conversations. A few axioms of telephone communication, especially if you are calling for the first time.

The art of talking on a mobile phone.

Mobile phones have become an integral part of our lives. Probably, the necessity and advantages of this means of communication are indisputable, and mobile communications should be accepted as a fruit of civilization.

Therefore, we can formulate some general rules etiquette when using a cell phone.

Study its characteristics and functions, in other words, read the manual.

Remember when to turn off your phone or set it to vibrate.

Switched off: meetings, cinema, sport games, worship, seminars, communication with the client.

In vibration mode: in public places where you can answer a call without disturbing others.

If there are people around you but you need to talk, don't shout. A cell phone is actually more sensitive to sound and voice than a regular phone. You can even speak a little lower than usual, and your caller will hear you (and not other people in the room).

Avoid talking on the phone at a restaurant table. If you need to answer a call, ask the caller to wait a minute, excuse yourself, leave the table and talk at pay phones in a restaurant or on the street.

Avoid conversations where you might distract people's attention.

Avoid talking about personal topics where you can be heard. Be aware of who is around you. Don't overdo it dirty laundry in public.

Reduce the ringer volume.

If you do do something wrong, it is better to avoid unnecessary excuses. Saying, “Sorry, I forgot to turn it off,” is just as bad as leaving the phone ringing.

Be brief. If you receive a call and you are not alone, 30 seconds is the maximum.

If you receive a call in a public place or at a private meeting, it is threefold unpleasant: 1) it puts you in a bad light, and you appear impolite and look stupid; 2) it confuses everyone; 3) you put the caller in an awkward position by letting him know that “you are in a meeting” (big deal!), and he pesters with chatter.

Reality shows: by answering the phone during a meeting, you are thereby telling your future client or customer: “I do not value you and my time spent with you. You are not as important as the person who might call.”

But keep in mind: there are situations when you must answer the phone– sick child, anticipation of a big deal, important message.

According to the rules of etiquette, before a meeting you should definitely warn those present that you are expecting an important call and get permission.

How to speak on the phone correctly during business communication.

  • Business communication cannot be imagined without telephone conversations. Partners, officials, clients clarify most of the issues using the phone. The same situation applies to business contacts.
  • How can you use the capabilities of telephone communication effectively and competently, so that you don’t waste precious time in vain and increase your business contacts? Knowledge of telephone etiquette will help create the image of a person who knows the specifics of his work in a business environment.

Telephone etiquette or basic rules of behavior during telephone conversations: list

If your line of work calls on behalf of a company or organization that receives incoming calls or forwards customer calls to other persons, then you definitely need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules of telephone etiquette. This will help you establish yourself in professional environment as a competent specialist, as well as among clients.

The norms of telephone etiquette dictate their terms to modern companies that systematically take care of their reputation. Knowing telephone etiquette is one of them.

Which of the company employees should know by heart and put into practice the rules of telephone etiquette:

  • someone who receives incoming calls
  • someone who, by occupation, calls on behalf of an organization
  • who receives customer calls forwarded to him

What does it mean to adhere to the rules of telephone etiquette:

  • When talking on the phone, it is important to maintain an even intonation of your own voice and not give free rein to your emotions. Since during a telephone conversation one of the three channels that allow people to communicate is activated (they include “body language,” intonation and words), the interlocutor, deprived of one of the channels, begins to perceive the meaning of the message in a somewhat abbreviated form.
  • The meaning of what was said over the phone is conveyed as follows: the absence of “gesture language” leads to the fact that the remaining two channels (intonation and words) account for 100% of the meaning of what was said, more precisely, 86% is allocated to intonation, and only 14% to words.
  • The interlocutor's voice conveys the emotional tone of the message. The interlocutor forms his own impression of who called him. Therefore, by communicating any information to your interlocutor over the phone, you can not only influence the initial perception of it, but you can also create the mood of your interlocutor.

Try to convey your energy and enthusiasm with your intonation.
  • A smile during telephone conversations is also necessary. You should not think that, deprived of the opportunity to see you, the interlocutor will be able to pick up the confidential notes and positive attitude you need in the absence of a smile. Try to convey your enthusiasm through intonation.
  • When talking on the phone, do not lie back on your chair, do not stretch your legs on the table. In a semi-lying or semi-sitting position, the angle of the diaphragm shifts, which changes the timbre of the voice. At the other end of the line they will definitely guess that at this moment you are lying down. The only thing you can convey to a client or employee of another organization with a phone call in this manner is your disinterest and complete indifference.
  • When answering a phone call, do not forget to greet the caller. However, for different times of the day, use the appropriate greeting: “Good morning! Good afternoon Good evening!".
  • By greeting the person who dialed your organization's phone number, you show how important this call is to you and that the conversation brings you joy, regardless of what information you hear. But even if your personal attitude towards the person from whom you need to find out some information over the phone has a negative connotation, then those on the other end of the line should not guess about it.

Don't let your emotions run wild during a phone conversation

There is a category of people who, when picking up the phone, invariably and without any intonation say “Hello!”, “Yes!”, “Listen!”, “Company (name)!”, “At the machine!” You should not be like such “telephone dinosaurs”, because after such a “greeting” the caller is unlikely to express a desire to continue the conversation. Most likely, he will also dryly report necessary information and end the conversation.

A telephone conversation after the greeting includes the name of the organization. When receiving external calls, do not forget to fully name the company or institution where you work.

There are two options for official greetings, which are carried out over the telephone:

Option 1: with a minimal approach.

The person receiving the call greets the caller and names the organization. An example of such a greeting: “Good evening! Editorial board of the magazine "Rocket".

Option 2: with the maximum approach.

This option includes a greeting, the name of the organization, and the name of the person answering the call. An example of such a greeting: “Good morning! The editors of the magazine “Raketa”, Nadezhda Viktorovna is listening!”

Whichever option you like best, use it. Both options help make the person answering the phone seem professional. The caller will have the same opinion regarding the organization.

Reply to incoming call after the 2nd or 3rd call
  • One of the main laws of business telephone communication is that you need to answer an incoming call after the 2nd or 3rd ring. “Telephone” personnel whose duties include answering telephone calls (telephone operators, company secretaries, hotline workers) learn this rule as the most important thing.
  • Why is it not recommended to pick up the phone after the first call? Everything is explained very simply: the caller may think that the employee of the organization was bored before, not knowing what to do, while waiting for the next call. In the few seconds that you have before the second or third call, you will be distracted from what you were doing before and completely focus on the incoming call.
  • Answering incoming calls after the 4th or even 5th call is not recommended for the simple reason that the caller may lose patience while waiting for an answer on the phone. In this short period of time, the caller will have time to form a “definite” opinion regarding the company’s interest in clients and the ability to quickly respond to their needs and problems.

It is not recommended to answer incoming messages after the 4th or even 5th call

Who should introduce themselves first over the phone?

  • After dialing the phone number you need, do not repeat the mistakes of those who begin the conversation with the phrase: “You are being bothered by (name of organization)” or “You are being bothered about an issue.” This is how insecure people or those who want to appear polite start a telephone conversation. Why are these phrases unsuccessful? If you “disturb (bother)” the person on the other end of the line, then from the first minutes of the conversation he will develop a negative attitude towards the caller and the call itself.
  • This will automatically cause a feeling of anxiety, and you are thereby giving yourself a reason to treat your call as unwanted, which only distracts you from important matters.
  • Do not create uncomfortable moments for yourself and the interlocutor with phrases that sound like “I have to disturb you and disturb your comfort because I need to clarify some issues.”

What phrase to start a conversation with? Say hello and introduce yourself. For example, it might sound like this: “Good afternoon! Gennady Pavlovich is calling you from the printing house.”

Who should introduce themselves first over the phone?

Video: Business telephone etiquette

How to properly introduce yourself over the phone when making an outgoing call to a company, office, or home call?

  • Committing outgoing call, be sure to ask if your interlocutor can talk to you. After all, he can have his own to-do list or plan meetings and meetings. Most likely, before picking up the phone he was busy with something and you tore him away from this activity. Keep this in mind when making a call to a mobile phone.
  • After you've introduced yourself, don't immediately jump into the question that prompted you to call him. Find out whether the interlocutor has time to listen to you and only if the answer is positive, move on to business. This way you will show that you value his time and position yourself in the eyes of your interlocutor as a professional. This cannot but inspire respect for you and the organization you represent.

Option 1: First of all, introduce yourself. After this, ask the other person if he has time to listen to you, while stating the purpose of the call.

Option 2: Introduce yourself, state the purpose of the call, and only after that ask if the interlocutor will be able to devote time to you.

How to greet a client over the phone during a business conversation?

If you are not the initiator of the conversation:

  • "Leonardo Art Center" Good evening, Administrator Olga, I’m listening to you.”
  • If you think this phrase is too long, then you can limit yourself to an abbreviated greeting: “Leonardo Art Center, good evening!”
  • Very often you can hear this greeting: “Hello!” However, it is permissible to say hello in this way during a personal meeting, but in business communication such free phrases are unacceptable.

If you are the initiator of the call:

Introduce yourself, name your organization or company and ask if your interlocutor has time to

Video: Correctly introduce yourself to the client over the phone

How to use the phone correctly: telephone etiquette phrases

The key to proper business communication over the phone is the following phrases:

  • If it's not hard for you
  • Thank you for your time
  • Do you have time to wait for an answer? Will I need to contact Purchasing?
  • I will clarify this information and call you back.
  • Thank you for making time in your schedule for this conversation.
  • Thank you for finding time for our conversation, despite your busy schedule.

The following questions will help you clarify the information:

  • Can you hear me okay?
  • Sorry, I didn't hear. Please repeat.

Phone etiquette phrases

How to end a business call correctly?

End the conversation standard question, requiring a clear answer:

  • So, have we agreed on this issue?
  • May I take it that we have reached agreement on this issue?
  • As I understand you (in this matter), we can count on your support?

How to answer phone calls correctly in the office and at home?

Video: How to answer a phone call?


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