The Witcher 3 the first sprouts of evil kill the monster. Stone Hearts

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You will get access to the first story mission of the add-on immediately after installing it.

After entering the game, find in the journal a task called "The first shoots of evil" and make it active.

Please note that tasks related to the installed add-on (main and additional) are marked in the log with blue exclamation marks.

Let's start the task.

We head to the point marked on the map - to the notice board at tavern "Seven Cats" . Reading the advertisements, we learn that a certain Olgierd von Everec , who lives on the Garin estate, is looking for someone who would undertake to kill the formidable monster that lives in the canals Oxenfurd .

Pay attention to another notice hanging on the board, which says that “The Rune Master has arrived in our area.” By disrupting this advertisement you will receive an additional task "Spell: Start-up capital» , after completing which you will become acquainted with and new game mechanics of the addition .

Having dealt with the notice board, we go to the northeast, look for Olgierd von Evereck to find out details about your order.

Residents of the Garin estate do not want to answer questions Geralt , but only tease him and talk outright nonsense. If during a conversation with them you select a line "A Bunch of Idiots" a fist fight will break out with one of them. Winning a battle will earn you a small amount of experience points.

Regardless of the outcome of the battle, you will be escorted to the second floor, where you can discuss the details of the contract with the real Olgerd von Everek . You will find him looking at a stone statue of a naked girl. During the conversation, he will ask you what you think about this piece of art. Regardless of the answer, Olgerd will break the statue.

When you select the line "Bag of Idiots," be prepared to do some fist pumping

Going down to the first floor and having a drink "for the health of the ataman", Olgerd will tell you what's in the sewers Oxenfurt a huge toad appeared, which, according to him, ate his skilled cook.

Like a real amateur dangerous adventures Geralt accepts the order.

At the exit from the estate, a strange girl named Adele . She will tell you that she lost her lover and will ask you to find his killers. Promising to look into it, you will receive an additional task "Rose on a Red Field". In our opinion, before going to Oxenfurt , it is worth fulfilling the request Adele (you will meet the Knights of the Order of the Flaming Rose, try on , start collecting drawings for , you will almost certainly look into the Ophir camp and find a merchant there and - all this will not take much time, but at the same time it will allow you to feel the atmosphere of the add-on).

It's time to go to the glorious city Oxenfurt . If you have completed the task "Rose on a Red Field", then, upon arrival in the city, do not forget to find Adele and take the due reward from her.

We go to the mark on the map and go down into the canals Oxenfurt along the stairs of the old well. At the bottom of the well we use witcher sense and we see many traces leading deeper. We follow the trail, killing drowners on the way to. As soon as you turn the corner, a cutscene will start in which Geralt meets his old friend the doctor Shani . They get to know each other amazingly quickly. We ask Shani about what she was doing in such an inappropriate place. It turns out that the monster we are hunting for has poisoned the water in the wells Oxenfurt , And Shani It is necessary to collect samples of its venom for an antidote. Unfortunately, the monster killed all the Redanian soldiers guarding the girl. Despite this, Shani says he wants to see it through to the end and shows Geralt road to the site of the attack.

Here you will need to break through the wall Aard , and then jump into another well and fight with the drowners. Here it also turns out that the monster prefers blood mixed with alcohol.

On the way to the lair, more drowners await you, but the biggest battle awaits you ahead. Reaching the monster's lair Shani collects samples of poison, and Geralt tells her to get out in good health, because this is where the witcher’s work begins. Of course she resists, but Geralt stands her ground and she has to agree. Realizing that the monster likes to drink, he pours alcohol on the corpse and remains waiting, after a while this monster appears, eats the corpse and then the battle begins.

If you are well-pumped, then defeating the toad will not be difficult, the main thing is to know that: it spits acid, so before the fight, stock up on elixirs against poisoning; beware of the tongue, it will start to glow before you use it; if you stay near it for a long time, it begins to jump, showering you with toxic waste upon landing; dialogue says she's immune to fire, but that's not true, fry her Igni as much as it will fit.

Having killed the toad, to the surprise of the witcher it turns into a man, Geralt After this, he falls unconscious after inhaling toxic fumes, and the Ophir delegation arrives at the battle site.

Waking up in the hold of a ship Geralt makes a short friendship with another prisoner. It turns out that the huge frog was indeed a prince, and an Ophir one at that, for whom the king sent his the best people, and Geralt killed him. Actually, now he is being taken to Ophir there to bring him to trial for this act. You can also talk to the guards who brought Geralt borscht, although they only speak Ophir, but if I were the witcher (after the story "Last wish" ) was more careful with unfamiliar words. In general, none of the options will bring any benefit. This is where we meet an old friend from White Garden .

Gunther O'Dimm, one of the key characters in the expansion

Gunther O'Dimm or Mister Mirror offers Geralt your help, of course, not for nothing. The Witcher agrees, but what can he do, he wants to live, and Gunther seals the agreement with a mark on the witcher's face, and then suddenly a storm begins. Waking up from being dragged along the ground, Geralt he quickly kills a couple of Ophirians, some mercenary, gets rid of the ropes, takes a sword, and then the battle with the remaining Ophirians begins.

You can crush soldiers without fear; the real danger is the magician. He teleports, casts sand curtains and mini-tornadoes, and also burns well from Igni . Having killed everyone we can, we go to meet with Gunther .

Arriving at the meeting place, Gunther O'Dimm will remind you for the hundredth time Geralt that helped him find Yennefer and asks him for a return favor. The fact is that their mutual friend Olgierd von Everec unlike the Lannisters, he doesn’t know how to repay his debts, so Mister Mirror wants to Geralt was an intermediary in paying off the debt, namely, fulfilling three wishes Olgerda .

Here we seem to be given a choice to agree or refuse, but Gunther will still stand his ground, so Geralt you will still have to deal with the debtor.

Arriving at the house Olgerda , Geralt will find it on fire, although its residents are not particularly concerned about this, an ordinary situation. At the same time, one of the ataman’s people is going to be executed. Having asked what the actual matter is and having listened to a couple of affectionate remarks addressed to us, we have to make a choice from three points. 1 and 3 don’t have much difference: the mustachioed guy is executed, then Olgerd will tell you that he killed the owner of the estate and was executed for this, the owner’s daughter, who was groped by the mustachioed man, will be impaled Olgierd sword in the back and Geralt finds out that he is immortal, boredom.

I suggest you choose the second option and stand up for the barbel, it will come out Olgerd and say: “What’s the matter? I’m in charge here” and will suggest to the white wolf brush him off, if he wins, the guy will be released.

This is where the fight begins, you need to know what Olgerd can teleport (by the way Geralt doesn’t surprise me at all, just immortality yeah) and throw sand in your eyes, the main thing is to hold it against the wall and not let it rest.

The result of the fight is obvious, Geralt will chop off Olgierd head, and it turns out that he is immortal, you will agree that it is much more epic than just a sword in the back. Next will come O'Dimm and will say that Geralt now he is his assistant and he will grant three wishes Olgerda to pay off the debt.

The first desire will be to bring home Maximiliana Barsodi , the family that runs the auction house in Ochsenfurt . The second thing to do is to brother Olgerda , Witold he took his soul away all the time, and he will say the third when the first two are completed.

Of course, every desire has a catch, and that’s what we’re counting on. Geralt will not fulfill them, because Witold is already dead, and the house is unlikely to be given away just like that, but what can you do:

It's time to get started

When, some time later, Geralt told me a story that began at a notice board not far from the Seven Cats tavern, he recalled that something strange was drawing him to this place, as if some invisible secret force wanted him to be there at that particular time. day and at this hour. At that time I barely paid attention to this fact, but later, having heard this story in its entirety, I came to the conclusion that this could not be an accident...


The task is taken on the notice board at the Seven Cats tavern.


You need to pick up your order from the notice board:

Order: Beast in the Canals
Let it be known to everyone that Olgerd von Zverek will give a great reward in gold, precious stones or movable property (according to the agreement) to any daredevil who will go down into the canals of Oxenfurt and kill the monster that has settled there, that hunts for the murders of innocent people with a special preference for young maidens. The task is most suitable for a battle-hardened person, a soldier or perhaps a witcher, who will not run away at the sight of drowners, for this abomination is in abundance there.

For more detailed information contact the Garin estate (which is northeast of Novigrad). Ask Olgierd von Everek

Inside Garin's estate, Geralt will meet cheerful company and will be able to show himself in fist fight if you select the option Bunch of idiots in dialogue. After this, a conversation will take place with Everek himself, who will guide the Witcher into the sewers, promising to reward him generously.

At the exit from the estate there will be an opportunity to take the task Rose on a red field.

A very long adventure awaits Geralt in the canals, so it’s better to prepare in advance. Among the drowners, Geralt will meet his old friend - Shani. However, you can’t expect any help from her in battle, and the local corpse eaters are quite active. The adventure in the dark is linear and will lead to a monster in any case. It turns out to be a giant toad.

How to kill a Toad

One of the options for fighting Toad

The monster explodes well in its own poisonous gas and is vulnerable to Irden, bleeding And oil against the damned, and pumped Oriole will allow you to be treated for poison. You cannot strike more than 2 times with a sword in a row and it is not advisable to stand still.

After defeating the monster, the Witcher will see how the toad becomes a man. The toad will turn out to be an enchanted prince, just like in a fairy tale.

On the ship

The ship Fakbarhiil (Albatross) must take Geralt to Ophir for trial. After a conversation with his cellmate, the Witcher will be forced to communicate with the guards. If you select the correct answer in the dialogue ( 3 …alle’khe uhl eghullath!), then you can earn some experience. All the talk will lead to nothing, but “ I really wish there was someone here with whom we can negotiate«.

After Geralt voices his desire, he will be nearby Gunther O'Dimm. He will remind you of the previous meeting and promise to help, but will leave it as a reminder sign on the Witcher's face. A similar one could be seen on Anna’s hands earlier in the story.

After some time, the action will move from the ship to the shore. Mysteriously, the floating prison was destroyed, but the desires of the Ophir people did not change. We'll have to fight back. Immediately after the end of the video, you will be able to equip normal armor and fight with the survivors. Local magician will be invulnerable as long as at least one more warrior is alive. Ophir Mage easy to fall into trap Yrden, after which it does not cause problems. In extreme cases, you can completely run away from the battlefield, failing the subtask. On the sorcerer's body you can find a letter:

Letter from an Ophir merchant
Werner (Ferner, Perner, whatever your name is)!

It is beyond my understanding why the noblest royal sorcerer Aamad chose you, of all the people in the world, as a guide (the argument that you know the area better does not look convincing to me one bit, because Aedirn has as much in common with Redania as Zerrikania with Ophir, namely: nothing). But, since the decisions of the noblest one are not discussed, I ask you to convey to him the following message: we are camped near the village of Bronowitz. In accordance with the instructions received from His Majesty's court, we share our knowledge and goods with the local commoners. Unfortunately, my predictions about their intellectual level were confirmed a hundredfold, so I again humbly ask permission to move further to urban settlements, where our knowledge and experience will be appreciated.

With regards, Dilla kh'Amanni

A sign on the face will remind you to look into the village Yantra, but this is optional. Regardless of actions and dialogue choices Gunther O'Dimm will give a task and say that he believes that everything will end well, and after that they will all meet and thank each other for what they have experienced together.

It will happen on the Garin estate fire, but few people care about this. More interesting is the execution in the yard, in which you can intervene. If you talk calmly with Everek, a man's head will be cut off, and Everek is pierced with a sword in front of the Witcher. Only this will not bother him at all and he will tell you that the executed man was accused, among other things, of murdering the owner of the estate. If you stand up for a man, there will be fight with Everek. The main skill in this fight is counterattack skill from the red skill line.

Regardless of the choice, Geralt will receive his 450 CZK. This will complete the task.


Two new tasks will become available: “And I was there, drinking mead-beer” and “Open Sesame!”

This is an unfinished walkthrough, but everything important decisions already described

Would you like to have some fun?

Being dead is boring as hell. Neither to have fun even at the most lively festivities, nor to taste overseas delicacies and drinks, nor to wave your favorite saber, chopping off the heads of unwanted marks. Such an unlucky fate befell Witold Von Evereck, who almost left this mortal coil several years ago. Fortunately for Witold, his older brother Olgerd never forgot about him, and when the gray-haired witcher of the Wolf school Geralt from Rivia stepped onto the threshold of the burning Garin estate, who pledged to fulfill the three wishes of the noble robber, one of them demanded that Witold have a lot of fun. How can Geralt do this? Find out from this guide to completing the quest " I was there, drinking honey and beer!"

Visit to Shani

Redanian soldiers at the Shani clinic

At the end of the quest "The First Sprouts of Evil", Gunther O'Dim will give Geralt a bottle of Von Everekov's blood, necessary for the Summoning Ritual, and advise him to contact the red-haired medic and the witcher's faithful friend Shani, who may know something about the location of Witold's remains. can be found in her private clinic in Oxenfurt, located near the Western Gate. When Geralt visits the clinic, he will find Shani in the company of Redanian soldiers, thanking the medic for creating an antidote to the poison of the Toad Prince and promising a worthy reward. In response, Shani will only laugh it off, expecting receive a medal in the shape of a toad. The girl will go for the medicine, leaving the witcher in the company of King Radovid’s subjects, the main of whom will notice that Shani looked at the gray-haired man in a special way, and will ask the witcher if he likes her? Hmm, who is such a girl? won't you like it?! Unless the blind man will, which Geralt will note if he chooses a positive answer. A moment later, Shani will return and send the Redanians away, inviting the witcher to sit down and talk.

Like good old times

In a conversation, Geralt can ask Shani about what happened to her after Vizima? Shani will remember the "Catriona" epidemic, popularly called the "Red Death", raging in Vizima at the time of the events of the game The Witcher . It is noteworthy that the culprit of the infection was none other than Ciri, even if indirectly. In the book " Lady of the Lake"describes how, traveling between time and space, Cirilla accidentally brought an infected flea into the world of the Witcher, which settled in the fur of a rat. This "company" snuck aboard the Nilfgaardian ship "Katriona", which brought the infection to the North. Among the victims of red fever was Shani's mentor , - the lowly Milo Vanderbeck, nicknamed "Rusty", - until his last days he tried to help other infected people. After Vizima, Shani returned to Oxenfurt, where she completed her studies and opened her own medical practice. Unfortunately, before the doctor had time to really settle down, she was pulled out by order Radovida to the front, where she saved wounded soldiers from certain death. Having asked Shani for help in finding the Everek family crypt, the witcher will be in the top ten, because in her third year as a medic she studied the famous dynasties of Redania, among which the Everek couple was mingled. Taking out a dusty textbook and Having found information about the desired family in it, Shani will say that all the deceased family members are buried in the family crypt next to the Everek estate. The girl will promise to bring the censer needed for the Summoning Ritual and invite Geralt to meet at the entrance to the crypt.

Everek family crypt

Shani at the gates of the Everek estate

The Everek family estate is a dark and mysterious place. Unfortunately, at this stage of the plot, you can only admire the facade of the estate, since the gates will be closed, but there is no need to worry - soon there will be an opportunity to explore the interior, as well as meet some of the residents. Despite the situation not conducive to such a thing, Shani will while away the time while waiting for the witcher by weaving a wreath. Geralt will note that the girl has very dexterous hands, and will also ask about the purpose of this wreath. As it turns out, Shani’s friend invited her to the wedding, which will also affect the further completion of the task, but now it’s more important to go to the crypt and call on Witold. Approaching the entrance to the Everek family bedchamber, Shani will not want to go inside and the witcher will have to go there himself. There, four ghosts will already be waiting for him, who will attack the witcher in pairs. The difficulty in fighting ghosts is that they can take an intangible form, in which any attacks from Geralt will not cause any damage. To avoid this, you should use the Yrden witcher trap sign or the Moon Dust bomb.

Witold von Everek's coffin

Having dealt with the ghosts, Geralt will begin to look for Witold’s coffin. This is easy to do - just stand with your back to the entrance and the first coffin on the right will belong to Olgerd’s younger brother. Witold's personal saber, standing at his grave, will also serve as an excellent reference point. After this you will have to fumigate all the halls. The censer taken from Shani is automatically equipped in Geralt's pockets. Get it using the appropriate key and go around all the halls of the crypt. At the same time, the witcher will cast the Summoning Ritual spell.

Hostile Everek Ghosts

The final touch in the Summoning Ritual will be adding the blood of the dead person who needs to be summoned to the lamp burning in the center of the large hall. And indeed, the ghost of Everek will appear!.. But it won’t be Witold at all. The ritual will summon several spirits at once: Alexy, Onorata, Keistut, Ernest and Eulolia Von Everek. They will be very unhappy that the witcher has the blood of their heir. Having expressed their indignation, all six of them will fall on Geralt, wanting to shed his blood. Formally, they are not ghosts and from the point of view of game mechanics they are no different from ordinary people. However, the Axii sign has a very weak effect on them, and they are also resistant to fire and poisoning. It will be most effective to use the same Yrden sign, which allows you to create an impromptu arena and kill each of the Evereks one by one, slowing down the opponents rushing to the aid of their relative. It doesn’t hurt to use signs such as Aard and Quen, which pushes attacking spirits back and protects them from enemy attacks, respectively. The latter will be especially useful against a spirit with a heavy two-handed hammer, whose attacks cannot be counterattacked.

The Ghost of Witold von Everek

When the souls of Witold's ancestors find eternal peace, he himself will appear, thanking the witcher for the action he performed. As it turns out, he wanted to see how the gray-haired man would cope with his relatives. From a conversation with Witold you can find out the cause of his death. Once upon a time, Everek Jr., together with the “boars,” settled in one village, ordering the local peasants to bring them moonshine. But one day, instead of a bottle of barley drink, Witold saw weapons in the hands of the peasants. He had to run to the basement, since he had no chance to fight off five angry brutes, but they still overtook the guy and smashed his head on an oak table. In the angles showing the ghost of Witold from the back, on the back of his head you can see a “fresh” wound, confirming the words of the dead man. If you ask Witold about Olgerd, he will begin to praise his brother with open admiration, focusing on the fact that the red-haired nobleman is not some kind of robber; he loves to read, is drawn to art, and his wife is a real miracle. The Witcher will reveal to Witold the reasons for his visit to the crypt, which will greatly please the latter. But here's the thing - to have fun, Vitold will need a body... And one is standing right in front of him.

In the original, brother Olgerd has a completely different name - Vlodimir (eng. Vlodimir) or abbreviated Vlod (eng. Vlod). However, during localization on Polish language it was decided to change it to Witold, consonant with the name of the Grand Duke of Lithuania Witold (Polish. Witold). It is noteworthy that Witold was the nephew of another ruler of Lithuania, and do you know what his name was? That's right, Olgierd (Polish. Olgierd). Olgerd also had brother Keistut (Polish) Kiejstut), whose namesake in the game is Olgerd and Witold’s grandfather.

Shani tries to bring Geralt to his senses

Geralt will not tolerate the infusion of the spirit very well, losing consciousness. In this state, Shani will find him, worried about Geralt’s long absence and coming to save her friend. Shani will be greatly surprised when Geralt, who has opened his eyes, begins to shower her with compliments. Witold will have to leave Geralt’s body so that he can explain himself to his girlfriend and warn that when Witold is in the witcher’s body, the latter will completely lose control over his actions. The trio will agree that if Shani needs to talk to Geralt, then she should ask Vitold to come out for a minute - a real gentleman cannot refuse the charming doctor. Von Everek will return to the witcher's body, immediately inviting Shani to retire to the grove. She will refuse and Witold was about to go to the nearest brothel when Shani offered an alternative - to join her at a friend’s wedding. In fact, she hoped that Geralt himself would invite her when he saw the wreath, but she was wrong. Witold will immediately agree, and they will agree to meet at the wedding.

Geralt and Witold discuss Shani

Once Shani leaves the crypt, Witold will ask Geralt if there was something between the two of them? You will be able to respond with one of the following remarks:

  • Shani is very dear to me. The Witcher admits that Shani means much more to him than just a friend. Witold will take the hint and promise not to pester her too much.
  • There was nothing between us. Such an answer would almost outrage Witold, who sharply doubted the witcher’s orientation. On the other hand, he is better.

Graveyard Jackal

Do not rush to leave the crypt the same way you came. Using his witcher senses, Geralt can detect in one of the walls of the large hall weakness. Hit it with the Aard sign and examine the corpse lying at the bottom of the cave adjacent to the Evereks' bedchamber. As it turns out, the dead man is a cemetery jackal who paid dearly for trying to profit from the jewelry buried here. Witold will comment on this, expressing contempt for such scavengers. Take the rusty crypt key from the corpse and go deeper into the cave. Geralt will pay attention to the web, the number of which is increasing and increasing, and then he will find those who wove this web. Four arachnomorphs will attack the witcher in a spacious, but still closed area. Try to always be on the move, not allowing the spider-like monsters to surround or corner Geralt. Remember that arachnomorphs are very sensitive to the witcher's Aard sign, which can throw them onto their backs and leave them open to a decisive blow, and are also easily influenced by the Axii sign. On high level It wouldn't hurt to apply anti-insectoid oil to the silver sword. Having cut off the legs of all the spiders, the witcher will move on and find himself in a previously inaccessible room with the coffins of the Evereks. From each coffin you can get an expensive ring, for which any buyer of items will pay very well. Open the door with the key you found earlier and exit the crypt.

Arrival at the wedding

Shani at the wedding

The wedding will take place in the village of Bronovitsy, north of the Everek residence. On the way there, Witold will ask Geralt about the witcher's craft and state that he would like to use one of the signs. Please note that if the witcher turns around and runs in the opposite direction from Bronowitz, Witold will stop him, accusing him of the fact that the “old bull” does not contribute to the fun, only exhausting Witold. In other words, you won’t be able to go about your business at this stage of the quest. Also, fast travel points will be temporarily unavailable, which still send Geralt to the wedding. Having reached the village, Witold will notice that it is not suitable to go to the holiday in dirty armor and, having possessed the witcher, he will “borrow” the kuntush hanging to dry and the boots standing nearby, and will also shave off Geralt’s beard, if any, and change his hairstyle to the version with short temples and tail. Well, in this form there is no shame in going to Shani! After a short dialogue in which Witold and Shani discuss the tediousness of the gray-haired man and Shani’s desire to at least sometimes see Geralt cheerful, the newly minted duo will join the guests who are already having fun.

Meet me, world!

The celebration itself will take place in the center of the village. Upon entering the makeshift courtyard, Shani will notice a tree with a rowan growing on it, saying that as a child she made beads from these berries. Pay attention to this; this information will definitely come in handy later. Also take a closer look at the empty booth, which gives the impression that it’s not a dog living there, but a real werewolf. This will also play a role as the task progresses. The only thing that separates Witold from unbridled fun is a conversation with the newlyweds that will take place...

Shani introduces "Geralt" to Yavnut and Aldona

Right now. Shani will present Witold in the guise of Geralt to Yavnut and Aldona. Despite the request to behave decently, Witold will begin to ask the newlyweds completely inappropriate questions that will make Yavnut jealous. On the other hand, from questioning one can learn that the groom’s parents, like himself, are wealthy owners of a weaving workshop, while Aldona comes from a peasant family. Due to the difference in social status, Yavnut’s relatives were against the union of the young, but the guy still managed to convince them to agree to a “misalliance.” It is also revealed that Aldona previously studied with Shani at the Oxenfurt Academy, studying medicine, but after a year she simply did not have the money to continue her studies.

Interesting or not so interesting fact: Returning to the topic of the genealogy of the Grand Duke of Lithuania Gediminas, it should be noted that Yavnut and Aldona were his children and blood relatives of Olgerd. Too many coincidences, don't you think?

Fire Eater

Aldona's parents

After talking with Yavnut and Aldona, a lot of possibilities open up for Geralt, but I suggest starting with the search for the fire eater. Aldona's puzzled parents will stand in the center of the courtyard. Talk to them and find out that the father and mother of the bride, wanting to prove to Yavnut’s relatives that they are not in poverty, organized a celebration at their own expense. In addition, they invited the famous fire eater from Novigrad itself, which cost Aldona's parents a tidy sum. Unfortunately, at some point the dog Demon broke loose and chased the devourer, forcing him to retreat. The bride's relatives will ask the witcher to find and bring the magician back, remembering that the man did not part with his jester's hat.

Traces of the Demon and the Fire Eater's Jester's Cap

Approach the Demon's booth, which stands near the gate. Use your Witcher Senses to inspect the following items:

  • Booth. As mentioned earlier, the booth will seem very large to Geralt.
  • Large gnawed bone. Witold will comment on this by saying that he saw such a cleanly gnawed bone only after he had not eaten for several days.
  • Kazan. On the cast iron cauldron, which acts as a bowl, the witcher will find marks from the Demon’s teeth.

In fact, this is not necessary, but it is recommended for completeness. But the traces left by a huge dog. Follow them into the forest, examine the fallen branch near the tree and pick up the jester's hat from the ground - an attribute of the fire eater, which he lost during the chase. A little further, Geralt will have to cross a small stream, from the opposite bank of which someone’s screams will be clearly heard.

Do I see well? Did Duraley climb a tree to hide from this dog?

As it turns out, the fire eater himself shouted, taking up defensive positions on high tree. But the Demon will not be as scary as he is painted - in fact, he is an ordinary mongrel with white fur and a black spot on his left ear. To be fair, his barks are indeed threatening. There are two ways to drive a dog away from a steeplechase runner:

  • Use Axiy sign, if he is pumped to at least the second level, and order the Demon to go home. Witold will find such power over the animal funny and will ask Geralt to make the dog roll over. The Witcher will refuse, but Vitold will not be satisfied with such an answer. He will inhabit Geralt’s body and give the order himself, increasingly enjoying the process. However, when Von Everek thinks about making the Demon bite off his tail, Geralt drives the dog away and he runs home.
  • Throw a stick to the Demon. This will distract the dog and he will run after her into the bushes. Vitold will not commit an act of knackering due to the lack of a subject of the crime.

Ah, glorious mead! No wonder you decided to retire to a tree with her

When danger no longer threatens the devourer, he will jump down and thank “Geralt” for his help. Without any ceremony, Witold, in the body of a witcher, will offer you a drink, snatching the bottle from the hands of the fire eater and pouring almost the entire contents of the glass container into himself. Give the rescued one the jester's hat, which he will also be very happy about, since this is a lucky headdress for a fire eater. By the way, on the face of the devourer there is a scar from a burn, apparently acquired during one of the performances. Further events depend on the choice of one of the presented replicas:

  • You'll sober up along the way. Let's go. It's time for fun, but time for business. Witold doesn't have much time to waste on meaningless conversations, so he will invite the fire eater to return to the wedding and work off his fee.
  • How to swallow fire? In case of such a choice, Witold will begin to ask the fire eater what is his secret? As it turns out, before a performance, magicians drink a special liquid that prevents them from getting burned. This will surprise “Geralt”, who voiced his idea that anyone can do this, thereby hurting the feelings of the devourer. The artist will decide that working with those who insult him so much is beneath his dignity and will begin to demonstratively leave. You can return it with the help of 50 Novigrad crowns, persuasion with the Axii sign, pumped up to at least the second level, or you can not try to keep it at all.

Bear-bear... [Censored] for you, not a bear!

If the fire eater doesn't leave, go back to the wedding with him. While crossing the stream, the artist will notice that a bear is rushing towards them! But it seems that he never read the bestiaries, because this is not a bear at all, but a wild boar. Witold will order the devourer to hide while he deals with the formidable beast. The easiest way to do this is to use the witcher's sign Aard on the boar, which, as in the case of arachnomorphs, will knock the animal onto its back and leave its belly open for a fatal blow. But be careful: if the boar gets to the fire eater, it will kill him with one blow. Also, sometimes there is a bug due to which the animal will appear not at the stream, but right next to the tree, and will instantly kill the artist. Such an unpleasant bug can be “cured” by simply loading a save. After defeating the boar, Witold and the fire eater will talk for a while. During the conversation, the rescued magician will introduce himself again - his name is David Aftensboro. Having finally met, David and the witcher return to the celebration in honor of his marriage.

Interesting or not so interesting fact: In the Russian localization, unfortunately, we had to abandon the pun from the original English version. In it, confusion with the definition of the enemy referred to the similarity of words Boar(Russian) Boar) And Bear(Russian) Bear). When Witold points out his mistake to the fire eater, he will declare that he is a magician, not a naturalist. But the man from whom the name was borrowed, David Attenborough, became famous precisely for his studies of the surrounding nature.

Returning Demon and David Afrensboro's performance

Gwent with lows

Lowlifes playing gwent

After a walk through the forest, you can play a game of Gwent. Approach the table, at which three low cards will be thrown into cards. One of them will especially stand out with deer ears placed on its head. Witold casually refers to one of them as a “petty”, which will cause a conflict and the other two lowlifes will demand an apology from “Geralt”. You can apologize, or you can not do it - it will not affect anything at all. Confident in his skill, Witold will put everything he has on the line and the game will begin. The enemy will play a well-equipped Northern Kingdoms deck, choosing the “Foltest Iron Lord” card as the leader, destroying the strongest card/s of the siege row on the witcher’s side if the total strength of the row is equal to or greater than ten. It is recommended to play with a deck of Monsters or Scoia'taels, if they are strong enough, and if you don't know how to play these decks, then choose your preferred deck, but try not to rely on siege row cards.

Geralt of Rivia - the legendary monster slayer and owner of cute deer ears

In case of victory, apart from moral satisfaction and a small purse of coins, neither Witold nor Geralt will receive anything. But in case of loss it will begin funny scene, in which Witold, outraged by the defeat, will leave the witcher’s body, persuading Geralt to do something. The lowly ones, watching the dialogue between the gray-haired man and the void, will take him for a madman and offer to give them five percent of the available gold, and also to put on deer ears. Even if you are not ready to accept defeat in Gwent, it is highly recommended to still lose. Still, when else will you have the opportunity to look at the stern monster killer in a way that Shani will find funny?

Swineherd Competition

The founder of the competition against the backdrop of a participant running away from a ferocious pig

Although it is unbecoming for a nobleman like Witold Von Evereck to wallow in the mud, on such a day an exception can be made, especially since there will be no other opportunity. Approach the pen in which the peasant will run away from the pig. The man standing at the gate will tell Witold that this is how a swineherd competition is being held, and will invite the witcher to take part. Well, what about him? And he is always happy! To win the competition, you need to drive two pigs, indicated by a yellow circle on the back, into special pens. The mechanics of this mini-game are simple: If you want the pig to turn left, then come close to the right; if you want the piggy to turn right, then vice versa. It is not a good idea to stay behind, as from such a position it is very difficult to control the movements of the pigs. At the same time, keep in mind that even though there are several ordinary pigs running around the pen, they will under no circumstances enter the pens, so don’t even waste your energy. If the process takes Witold too long, he will get tired and think about using the witcher’s sign, meaning Axiy, already known to him. Under no circumstances give in to provocations and try to drive the pigs on your own, otherwise they will refuse to give the witcher a reward.

Rewards for winning the swineherd competition

If Witold succeeds and does not use the witcher’s sign, then the peasants will congratulate him on his victory and present him with two prizes: a plush pig for Shani and the Swineherd’s Laurel, which gives a fifteen percent increase in gold when equipped with Roach in the trophy slot.

You've met your destiny

Sitting down with Shani by the cart, Witold will ask the girl why she doesn’t succumb to his charm? Shani will answer that Witold, even in Geralt’s body, is simply not her type. Von Evereck will be outraged by this, because he believes that he is capable of making any girl fall in love with him. Then the red-haired doctor will argue with Witold that he cannot make a good impression on the dark-haired girl in a wreath, sitting alone on the bench opposite. Everek Jr. will approach her and start showering her with compliments, after which he will promise to give her the most expensive gifts and take her to the most expensive beauty salons, if only the girl would agree to spend the night with him. The prospect of being in “high society” will play its role and the dark-haired girl will be ready to agree, but someone will call out to her, addressing her as “ICQ”.

You, you bastard, won’t have to persuade me!

This “someone” will turn out to be one of Aska’s three brothers, dissatisfied with the inappropriate company of the gray-haired man, who also offered their little sister such obscenities. Even if Witold tries to apologize and pretend that he had nothing to do with it and that he was misunderstood, the trio of heroes will have to be taught a lesson with the help of a piece of wood torn from the fence. The brothers will also arm themselves with the same weapons and a fight will break out in the very pen where Geralt recently drove the pigs. During the battle, the use of witcher signs is prohibited, but not the consumption of elixirs and food that restore health. In general, the brothers are weak opponents who don’t do much damage even on low difficulty levels, but still don’t let them surround Witold, because then he’ll just be kicked around from all sides for lack of Aard and Quen. There will be enough space for maneuvers, so defeating your opponents will be a matter of a few seconds. When all three brothers take a dip in the mud, they rush to run away. Aska, who was frightened by the witcher, will follow their example, destroying Vitold’s hopes for a pleasant time in the nearby hayloft. Well, but he had a great fight!

Catch the shoe

People watch the gentleman's attempts to catch his beloved's shoe

The last full-fledged entertainment at the wedding will be the fun, popularly called “Catch the Shoe.” The essence of the game is that the girl throws her shoe into the pond, and her betrothed must dive to the bottom and return the lady's shoe. Of course, Witold will want to take part in this, and Shani will throw his boot into the water. Dive to the very bottom and activate your witcher's sense - with its help you can quickly determine the location of the shoe, and not only that of Shani. Collect all three and dive outside.

Geralt after swimming in the pond

Having got ashore, Witold will boast about his “catch” and offer to personally insert the leg of each of the owners into their wardrobe item. Such a statement will not really please Shani, who will almost begin to be jealous after such words. Witold will hasten to calm her down, assuring her that he was just joking, and then he will put Shani’s boot on her bare foot. This is where this entertainment will come to an end.

Minor fun in the yard

Three "points of interest" available for interaction in the courtyard

In addition to full-fledged fun, Witold can also do the following outdoor activities:

  • Pester an old lady standing near the barn. At first she won’t understand what Witold wants from her, but when she figures it out, she’ll call her a “fool” and run away from him.
  • Drink vodka. Two young girls will stand at the table and invite Witold to drink with them to the health of the young people. He, unable to refuse the ladies, quickly drains the glass.
  • Harass another old lady sitting by big tree between the pond and the pig pen. The granny's reaction will be exactly the same as in the first case.

Dancing in the barn

Gunter O'Dim decided to personally supervise the process of fulfilling the second wish

After completing any two fun activities (not counting minor ones), go to the center of the yard and Witold will hear music coming from the barn. He will immediately grab Shani and drag her inside to dance. At the same time, he will constantly boast that a better dancer than Witold Von Everek cannot be found in all of Redania, and he dances really well. Even Gunther O'Dim, who appeared at the wedding and announced from the stage that the musicians would play something more... Romantic for the witcher Geralt of Rivia and his charming girlfriend Shani, would not spoil the fun.

Witold "thanks" Shani for the wonderful dance

Since the only person who could recognize Gunther is now out of control of his body, Witold and Shani will come together for a slow dance. Along the way, they will conduct a dialogue in which Shani will ask Witold how many girls he had? He will not hide it - decently; but he will also add that all of them are no match for Shani. The music will begin to fade and Witold will ask Shani if ​​she knows how a partner should thank his partner? Before she has time to answer, Witold will kiss the girl, for which Shani will not be ready, but will not be angry. She will ask Witold to come out and let him talk to Geralt. Having returned to spirit form, Witold will hint to the witcher that he did this on purpose to give Geralt a chance to get closer. After a short conversation, the gray-haired man will tell Shani that the man who announced the dance for them is Gunther O'Dim. Obviously, it was no coincidence that he appeared here and it is worth talking to him.

Minor entertainment in the barn

"Points of interest" in the barn

Just like outside, there are several small things you can do inside a barn, including:

  • Drink vodka with the dwarves. Having wished the dwarves sitting at the table not to have their beards tangled under their feet, Witold will empty another glass of barley liquor.
  • Dance. Witold will start dancing near the stage, trying to surprise Shani with his skills. And how! Almost dancing a fiery flamenco!
  • Find a neutral card for the “Cow” gwent. Exit the barn and look to the right. There will be a ladder leading to the attic of the barn and it is worth climbing up. With the help of the witcher's sense, it is very easy to detect a card lying on the floor, when picked up, Geralt's deck will be replenished with the neutral card "Cow".
  • Sit on the pillows. On the same second floor, next to the map lying there, there are several pillows. Approaching them, Witold will invite Shani to sit down and talk a little, but not finding a suitable topic, he will quickly be pulled to his feet.

Conversation with O'Dim

The most important ingredient in gingerbread is time.

After a slow dance with Shani, you will have the opportunity to talk with O'Dim. He will communicate with the guests at the wedding, telling the two ladies about his personal recipe for shortcakes, the main ingredient in which is time. It is this that makes the sweetness crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, but exact time To achieve such a result, you will have to learn by trial and error, experimenting and starting over. Seeing Witold, he will get up from the table and greet him. What does it have to do with Witold, and not Geralt, which will greatly surprise the late nobleman. He will begin to ask O"Dim, what else does he know? Probably, if Witold knew what answer was waiting for him, he would not even ask. "Mr. Mirror", without hiding his contempt for the youngest representative of the Everek family, will tell you that Witold has always envied his older brother Olgerd, because he was always better than Witold in everything. He will deny this in every possible way and accuse Gunther of lying, and it’s not difficult to believe him. O’Dim’s words do not compare well with Witold’s behavior in the family crypt when he first Having shown himself to Geralt, Witold admits that he did not like his relatives and was not going to help them in the battle with the witcher. At the same time, he praised Olgerd in every possible way, demonstrating an exclusively positive opinion about the person whom he allegedly envied. Reminding him that Vitold doesn’t have much time left until midnight, O’Dim leaves.


Witold's speech

As soon as all the main entertainment has been completed and a conversation with O'Dim has taken place, midnight will come - it's time for the ceremony of putting on the cap. Shani, as a friend of the bride, will take part in the ceremony. Witold will take advantage of the moment and go on stage, wanting to give a speech in honor of the newlyweds Shani will ask him not to do this, but if Witold still decides, then the guests will be waiting for the nobleman's story about his attitude towards ordinary peasants. Previously, he did not even consider them to be people and did not want to have anything in common with the commoners. he had several good grooms, but that was the end of any contacts with this layer of society. But today, after what he saw at the wedding, he radically changed his views: even though he still doesn’t want anything to do with the mob, but now this no longer bothers him have fun in their company.

Witold writes a letter to Olgerd

While the eyes of those present will be focused on the ritual of putting the cap on Aldona, with a genuine smile on his face, Witold will sit down at the table and, cutting his palm and using blood as ink, will write a letter to Olgerd. Later it will serve as proof that Geralt fulfilled the second wish of the chieftain of the “boars”.

Gunther O'Dim punishes Witold for insubordination

Witold will leave the barn and leave Geralt's body. However, even though it’s already midnight and the spirit had a lot of fun, he doesn’t want to leave this world. He too liked to feel alive again, and the witcher is unlikely to be able to somehow interfere with Witold... But Gunther O'Dim can. By biting an apple to look like a villain, he will cause unbearable pain to the ghost, and he will literally beg O'Dim for mercy. Once again showing contempt for the Von Evereck family and Witold in particular, he will order Evereck Jr. to return to where he came from, and Witold will have no choice but to obey "Mr. Mirror". After the extraordinary ritual of exorcism, Geralt and O'Dim will discuss further actions, and Shani will ask if the witcher wants to stay at the wedding a little longer? If Geralt agrees, then in parallel with the task “I was there, I drank honey and beer,” a related quest will begin “ Clear Night,” an analysis of which will definitely appear on the website soon.

Return to Olgierd von Everek

Olgierd reads Witold's letter

As in the case of the task “Open Sesame!”, Olgerd Von Everec will be waiting for the witcher in the Oxenfurt Alchemy tavern. When Geralt says that the second whim of the nobleman-robber has been satisfied, Olgerd will not believe it. Well, where has it been seen that someone was able to fulfill a desire that was initially conceived as an impossible one? However, that very letter written by Witold will serve as strong evidence of the “small feat” accomplished by the monster killer. Olgerd will drink to the health of his late brother, praise the witcher for his efforts and agree to voice his last wish. But this is a completely different story, but the task “I was there, I drank honey and beer” will be considered completely completed.

I hope that completing the quest "I was there, I drank honey and beer" from the game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt will be useful for you, dear readers. Enjoy the game and good luck on the Path, witchers and witchers!

« Stone Hearts "begins with a contract. A certain Olgerd von Everek, a connoisseur of art and the leader of a gang of robbers, asks Geralt to kill a huge toad that has appeared in the dungeons of Oxenfurt. Fools say that if you kiss this toad, it will turn into a handsome prince. Many girls went on dates with her and never returned.

The contract leads to unexpected consequences, and Geralt finds himself forced to enter into a contract with a creature calling himself the Glass Man. Olgerd once also made a deal with him and asked for the fulfillment of three wishes from a stranger. And it just so happens that it is Geralt who will have to implement the whims of the robber - in order to pay his own debt to the mysterious fulfiller of wishes.

Question of price

Each order of Olgerd tells a separate story with its own mood and genre. It can be a light-hearted comedy, an action-packed adventure in the spirit of " Ocean's Eleven"or melancholic gothic horror.

A similar manner of changing the narrative style is characteristic of “ Wild Hunt”, however, the environment also changes there (on Skellige, even without any story, you feel as if you are in another game), and in “Hearts of Stone” all the events take place in the vicinity of Oxenfurt. However, now there are an order of magnitude more villages, “question marks” and side quests, and each “desire” has its own scenery. The contrast between the stories is striking.

Oxenfurt itself was also gradually transformed and even expanded with previously inaccessible territory. You didn’t think that you would never visit the main attraction of the city, did you?

Despite the differences in atmosphere, characters and locations, the story maintains its integrity. Even if you have seemingly forgotten about von Evereck and his feud with the Glass Man, Geralt continues to learn more and more about his life and difficult character, and even the most successful jokes (and there is plenty of humor here) do not drive away the ominous shadow hanging over the witcher . The colors gradually thicken, and every now and then hints of dark entity The Glass Man, and even the most joyful scenes take on a flavor of mystical menace.

Man of his word

The appearance of a new mechanic for enchanting objects means one thing: in the second half of the game there is finally something to spend money on. If you help the Ophir enchantment master, he can do crazy things with Geralt's weapons and armor - for crazy money. For example, make the sword throw the Axii sign from a dead enemy to his partner or scorch with fire. And for an additional fee, the enchanter will pick out rune slots for you in any sword and armor, if you wish.

They clearly put a lot of effort into the Russian voice acting, but reasons for quibbles are inevitable. In one particularly interesting scene, the English-speaking Geralt sounds completely ordinary, and the Russian-speaking one even overdid it a little.

To benefit from the powerful spells, the outskirts of Oxenfurt were flooded with high-level monsters and bandits. Among the newcomers here are boars, arachnomorphs and knights of the Order of the Flaming Rose. Yes, the same ones from the first part. What they forgot in the Velen forests and why they trade in robbery, you can find out in one of the side quests.

The behavior of all new creatures has been thoroughly worked out; even ordinary boars can not only hang you on their tusks, but also kick you if Geralt walks behind them. But most of the attention was paid to the new bosses - each has a rich set of attacks, each is dangerous and requires effort.

However, the main problem of the Wild Hunt bosses has not gone away: the battle still comes down to jumping from side to side, bouncing, and sometimes abusing the Quen sign and juggling items from the inventory. Therefore, the more powerful your opponent, the more tiring the fight, and towards the end, such a tenacious whore will come out against Geralt that he will seem like an endriaga. The winning algorithm is always the same, and the developers have clearly given up on experiments, like the kayran from Assassins of Kings.

In one scene, you will be asked to replace a circus shooter and shoot down apples. It’s tempting to check: what if Geralt hits the elf? The developers thought about this point.

Voice of reason

In “Hearts of Stone,” you can feel the attention to detail: in the elaboration of locations, characters, dialogues, and individual scenes. Shani's house is hung with anatomical pictures and teeming with patients, and at the crossroads where the Glass Man makes an appointment with you, you can hear an interesting song of the village children, but only in certain time. The game every now and then makes references not only to world culture (in one scene Geralt quotes Leo Tolstoy), but also to past “The Witchers”. Sometimes - in the most unexpected forms.

Attention in addition is not only encouraged, but sometimes simply necessary. The Witcher never led you by the hand along plot forks, did not inform you which of your choices the game would “remember” and which it would not. In Hearts of Stone, you may encounter completely unexpected consequences of seemingly trivial choices. Unexpected not because they are illogical, but because they are so usual do not do.

For example, in one detective quest, after the first clue, the game offers to draw a reasonable conclusion, return to the employer - and receive a reward. But if you yourself want good Look around, you will find out the whole truth and find another solution.

A variety of things depend on your desire to explore the game and think about your choices - for example, whether you can find blueprints for new witcher armor, the ending of an elegant sex scene with Shani, and even whether Geralt will have the opportunity to influence the ending of the entire game. In a certain scenario, you may not even know that the add-on actually has more than one ending. Well, now you know, but you might not have known.

Remember this: Hearts of Stone encourages the inquisitive.

Not every choice has real consequences - but it can at least lead to an interesting scene or remark. You never know what can affect your destiny.

* * *

“Hearts of Stone” does exactly what you would expect from a good story about a witcher: it takes the classic story about an insidious “wish granter” and retells it in its own way, with a special “witcher” flavor. And how they retell it! This is a great addition. Just what the game deserves.

To get started Walkthrough Hearts of Stone The Witcher 3, your character must be level 30 or higher. You can also take a character prepared by the developers - level 32 Geralt. You have to go through 5 story missions, as well as a number of additional ones. New armor and swords, crafting runes, unexpected encounters, and charismatic characters await you. Among the minuses, it is worth noting bugs - players cannot get some achievements and trophies, there are problems with textures.

The first shoots of evil

The Witcher's adventures will begin in the Seven Cats tavern, not far from Novigrad. Take an order for a monster from the notice board and follow the map marker to the customer’s estate. You won’t be able to get to him right away - you’ll have to talk to a group of young men who are unfriendly. If you do not get involved in a quarrel, you will have to endure mockery, after which you will be taken to Olgerd von Everik. You can behave aggressively and get into a fist fight, after which you will again end up with the customer. He will send you to kill a certain toad-like monster that has settled in the sewers. At the exit from the estate you will receive from the girl side quest Rose on a red field.

Go down the well to the west of the city. Go to female voice– you will meet Shani. It turns out that she came down here with a group of soldiers to get the poison of the monster that is poisoning the water. Next you will go together.

Use your aard to break through the wall to the right of the bent grate. Examine the corpses of the soldiers. You will need a key. It will be found nearby on the commander's body. This way you will descend safely to another level. Deal with the drowners, find Franz's body. Geralt will figure out how to lure the monster. Go through the wooden door.

Boss Toad

How the monster attacks:

  • bounces up, causing great damage;
  • spits poison;
  • hits with tongue.

Look short video to understand enemy tactics in The Witcher 3:

What will help:

  • bombs dancing star;
  • bomb North wind to temporarily immobilize the enemy;
  • oil against corpse eaters, applied to the sword (bombs with a similar effect do not work);
  • igni to set a frog on fire, quen- for guard.

After the battle, a video will start in which the secret of the toad will be revealed, Geralt will lose consciousness, and a detachment of Ophirians will arrive in the sewer. After this, you will wake up as a prisoner on board the Ophir ship. The witcher is being taken to execution for the murder of the prince. On board will be the merchant Gunther, whom Geralt met back in the quest Lilac and gooseberry. He will offer help in exchange for a certain service, leaving a magical mark on the White Wolf’s face as a sign of the agreement. After the conversation, the ship will get caught in a storm and break. Here you will have the opportunity to escape from captivity. Your opponents will be soldiers with shields, spearmen and a magician. The task is complicated by the fact that your armor and swords were taken by the officers, so you will have to fight with what you knock out from the enemy. Be careful with spearmen - their powerful attacks remove a lot of health.

Your tactics:

  • Don't get surrounded;
  • Protect yourself with Quen;
  • If you have a level 3 axii, use it on soldiers to temporarily gain an ally;
  • Igni will be useful;
  • Don't stand still, move around.

The magician teleports and releases air whirlwinds that knock you down. Kill the guards first, this will make it easier to deal with the magician.

Meeting with Gunther

Next, the Hearts of Stone add-on sends you to meet Gunther in Yantra Village. Meditate at the meeting point until midnight. After the conversation, you will go back to the customer. There is a fire on the estate, and Olgerd’s people are going to execute a man. If you stand up for him, you will have to fight with Olgerd, who will turn out to be a strong opponent. If you allow him to kill, a video will start in which Everik will voice two wishes, and story quests will be activated.

Video The first shoots of evil:

Sesame, open up!

Continue the passage of Hearts of Stone The Witcher 3. One of Olgerd’s desires is the house of Barsodi. Head to the Oxenfurt auction house to track down the owners.

After much arguing with the guards, Vivaldi, a familiar dwarf, will come up and take you inside. You can bargain with Countess Mignolle - she has all the drawings for the armor of the Snake school. To earn money, play Gwent. The most gold can be obtained from resale of paintings. Talk to Jaromir near the paintings. He will offer to guess the painting of one artist. Answer - Portrait of a merchant. Then Jaromir will tell you that at an auction you can buy a painting for next to nothing and sell it at a good price to the owner of a bookstore. Don't tell Vivaldi about this!

The first round of the auction will begin with three lots:

  • Bird figurine (needed for the quest Dark commons);
  • Painting;
  • Glasses (not necessary to buy).

Horst Barsodi will come in during the break. It won’t be possible to have a good conversation and Geralt will be kicked out. You will have to fight with soldiers on the street. A stranger will offer to help you. To continue the conversation, go to the herbalist outside the city. There, deal with people from the Order of the Red Rose.

Give the herbalist the password, mentioning the blood extract. The stranger in the basement will say that accomplices are needed - a bugbear and a burglar.

Team search

There are 2 candidates for the role of the burglar - Hugo Hoff and Evelina Gallo. In order not to waste time, go to the girl, because Hugo will be dead. Evelina is located northeast of the city. To recruit her, you will have to take part in the performance. Your task is to carefully shoot 4 apples from your assistant with a crossbow.

There are also two bugbears. To the east of the city Quinto is imprisoned. Release in any way:

  • pay the ransom (200 CZK);
  • win a game of gwent;
  • have a fist fight.

Quinto works silently, which will allow you to enter the treasury unnoticed. However, in the end, the bugbear will betray the team.

The second candidate is the dwarf Bassi. Find him sitting on the roof own home. To dissuade him from committing suicide, use axii. Bassi will blow up the entrance to the treasury, causing unnecessary problems with security, but he won’t betray you.

Brew the potion according to the recipe (buy most of the ingredients from the same herbalist). Find a cook. To do this, eavesdrop on the conversations of the guards patrolling the auction house. Having found out the whereabouts of the cook, move towards him and persuade him (axii) or bribe him (500 crowns).


The team will safely climb into the tower. Then you need to go down a couple of floors below. There you will come across nobles with guards. You will deal with the soldiers, and the organizer of the robbery will take hostages. The alarm will be raised. Further events depend on which of the bugbears is with you.

Quinto. You can negotiate with the guards and stall for time by choosing options in the conversation:

  • Move away from the house;
  • Tell a joke.

During this time, Quint will quietly open the treasury and report it. There's a trap behind the doors.

Bassi. You'll have to fight the guards. The dwarf will blow up the door and the trap will not work.

Horst Barsodi will be inside with people. The story of two brothers will unfold (your employer's name is Ewald) and you will have to take the side of one of them.

Quinto will side with Horst. In the end, the one from Barsodi for whom Geralt stands up will win. After a fight, no one will want to give up the house, which is a box. You can agree: leave the will to the nobleman, and take the box. Or just kill the intractable one and take everything. Search the treasury - there is a lot of useful stuff here. You can leave the house through a recess in the room leading to the basement. Get to the wall, press the lever, get out onto the embankment.

Submit the assignment. If Horst remains alive, Olgierd will not be happy. By killing both brothers, you will greatly please the customer.

And I was there, drinking honey beer

To complete the Hearts of Stone expansion. It is necessary to fulfill Olgerd's second wish - to amuse his brother. The matter is complicated by the fact that Witold is dead. Shani will help you find the grave. She lives in the port area. Wait until the medic prepares medicine for the Redanians, and then talk. Shani will indicate the burial place, and will bring the rest there herself.

Having received the censer from the girl, go down to the crypt and deal with the ghosts. With the censer, go around all the niches, casting a spell. Light a fire in the center. Spirits will appear - the ancestors of the Everiks. Don't let them surround you and drive you into a corner.

After the victory, Witold will appear. To have fun, he will inhabit the body of a witcher, and he will lose consciousness. Shani will pump Geralt out and the three of them will agree to go to the wedding of the girl’s friend, while the ghost will be in the body of the White Wolf.

You will arrive at the celebration before your companion. You'll have to change into a festive suit. You can talk with the newlyweds - there will be no consequences from your tricky questions. Take part in some fun activities.

  1. Find the fire eater. Follow the tracks of a dog that has broken loose. You will find both in the forest. Calm the dog with axiem, and the drunken swallower too. Bring him back. Along the way you will come across a wild boar. Protect your companion, otherwise you will have to entertain the guests yourself if the juggler gets injured.
  2. Drive the pigs into the barn (do not use axies).
  3. Stick fighting (do not use signs).
  4. Catch the shoe (find Shani's shoes in the lake).
  5. Play gwent. If you lose, you'll have to wear funny ears and lose some of your gold.
  6. Dance.

There will be a lot of talk. After the holiday, return to Olgerd and give your brother’s letter.

Video And I was there, drinking honey beer:

And they lived happily ever after

After completing Olgerd's quests, the witcher learns his last wish - to bring a purple rose. This is a gift to my wife during the last meeting. The task is a story that adds a dark tone to the mix.

Go to the Everik estate. Through the gap to the left of the gate you will enter the estate. There you will meet a marauder, whose partner has disappeared here. Look around the yard using your senses. The house is locked. Go around it. The boss will meet you there.


The strange faceless creature does not move too fast, but uses different attacks and magic. Can summon souls. Killing them restores health. There is an energy blast.

Constantly move, dodge frontal attacks with a shovel. After a strong blow, the shovel gets stuck in the soil - this is a chance to quickly roll up and deliver a series of blows. Then leave immediately. Keep your distance; if the enemy's weapon glows, there will be an energy strike. Try to kill summoned souls faster than the Keymaster. Protect yourself with Quen.


After winning there will be a scene with the guardian spirits, after which go into the house. On the first floor, pick up a sketchbook. On the second floor of the estate, the ghost from the painting will attack - use the appropriate oil. The enemy quickly moves and recovers, drawing strength from the paintings. As soon as he starts doing this, hit the painting with your sword.

Having dealt with the spirit, find the bedroom of Iris, Olgerd’s wife. On the bed are her remains. Find an easel in the yard and bury them there, placing the album you found earlier on the grave. The spirit of Iris will appear and offer to be transported into the painting. There you will find yourself in the imaginary world of Iris.

Your task is to restore memories and find out the history of the spouses.

  1. In the gazebo, place the palette on the table, the book in Olgerd’s hands. Burn the bees with the igni sign.
  2. At the fountain, give the glass to Iris. Kill the spiders.
  3. At dinner, light the lamps and fireplace as shown in the picture. Destroy the ghost.
  4. In the bedroom, place the bloody towel near Olgerd.
  5. In the workshop, arrange the items in the following order: glass - center, apples - right, grapes - left. Kill the shadows.
  6. In the laboratory, draw a pentagram with chalk and place the candles in a circle. A fire will start. Get out of the room through the painting. Once in the yard, run to the basement of the house. (to the right of the entrance).
  7. In the basement, put the mug in Olgerd's hands, give the contract to Iris's father.
  8. At dinner, give the tray of food to the Keymaster, place the large and small bowls in front of the dog and cat. Go to the living room, read the letter. There you will face Iris's greatest fear. Olgerd and his doubles will appear in front of you.

During the battle, try not to touch the doubles, otherwise they will immediately enter the battle. Kill them one by one. Keep moving, use aard.

Once you win, talk to Iris. There are 2 actions to choose from: pick up the rose or leave it to Olgerd’s wife. In the first case, the spirit will rest in peace, in the second, it will remain forever in its cage, and you will have to bring the customer a painting of a flower. In both cases the quest will be completed.

Last story mission - Who sows the wind– provides two ending options, which will be discussed separately.

Video Who Sows the Wind.


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