Lemon verbena. Standard dosages of verbena oil

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Lemon verbenaperennial shrub, which is widely used in folk medicine. Verbena is common in almost all components, and South America is considered its homeland. The shrub was brought to Europe in the 18th century by the Spaniards. Fragrant plant Europeans were so captivated that they almost immediately began to use it in the perfume industry. Verbena was very popular in the 20th century, it was used as an ornamental plant, and the shrub was planted in all European gardens. The decorativeness and aroma of verbena receded into the background when valuable essential oil began to be obtained from this plant at an industrial level. Today, large-scale verbena plantations are concentrated in Madagascar, the south of France, and also in the territory North Africa and the USA.

The plant is evergreen shrub with a large crown (see photo). It blooms in small inflorescences of light purple color. The word "verbena" is of Latin origin and means "vine". Verbena received this name due to its characteristic appearance: at the bottom it is lush, but closer to the top you can see twig-like stems that look more like wire than part of the plant. The shrub is also called “lemon Louise” and “bee bush.” The plant received its first name in honor of the Spanish Princess Louise.

Among the people, lemon verbena has long been considered magical plant. People believed that the evergreen shrub could protect against the evil eye and damage, as well as curses. Verbena was considered a plant that fulfills all desires. Traditional medicine used the leaves of the plant for many diseases (at one time, verbena was even considered a real panacea).

There are many legends associated with verbena. The Druids revered this evergreen shrub and called it a cure for all diseases. They prepared miraculous drinks from the leaves of the plant, the recipes of which were hidden from other people. Collecting verbena turned into a real sacrament: it was prepared on a moonless night exclusively in iron bowls; it was not recommended to touch the collected plant with your hands. The ancient Greeks and Romans also believed in the magical origins of the plant. They dedicated vervain to Mars and Venus. A wreath made of bush stems was a symbol of marriage and protected against conspiracies. Christians called the plant “grass of the cross” because, according to legend, it was watered with the blood of Jesus Christ. In Italy, verbena was considered a witchcraft herb, and the goddess Diana, the ruler of witches, was named its patron.

Collection and storage

Lemon verbena is collected in several stages. The leaves are collected for the first time in June, and the second time during the flowering period of the bush. The aerial part of verbena is used for medicinal purposes. The plant is dried in special dryers.

Store dried raw materials in a cool place in paper bags.

Verbena essential oil is obtained from flowering shoots by steam distillation. Store it in a cool place in a tightly closed container.

Beneficial features

Beneficial features lemon verbena is due to the presence in its composition essential oil, which is produced modern industry How separate drug. High price This product is explained by the low yield of verbena. The essential oil is a yellow-green liquid with a fresh, sweet aroma. In aromatherapy it is used to treat and normalize digestive processes. Verbena essential oil acts on the nervous system as a tonic. It is indicated to inhale for hysteria, rapid heartbeat, and dizziness.

The medicinal properties of lemon verbena are widely used in homeopathy. The plant contains aldehydes, glycosides, terpene ketones, essential oils, alcohols, and polyphenols. Verbena is used as decoctions and infusions. Such drugs are natural remedy to normalize food processes in the intestines.

The valuable properties of the plant also lie in its calming effect. The plant contains verbenamine, which has an astringent and healing effect. Verbenamine is one of the most valuable components of the essential oil of this shrub.

In cosmetology, verbena is used as a real beauty elixir. Plant extract is added to creams to relieve redness and cure rashes. Verbena copes well with skin problems, boils, boils. Its essential oil is recommended for treating problem skin. Before applying to the skin, a few drops of essential oil are diluted in a carrier oil, since it is a concentrated product and in pure form may cause burns. Regular use of products based on lemon verbena extracts refreshes and evens out the skin of the face, and also has a pronounced rejuvenating effect. Verbena oil perfectly eliminates wrinkles and sagging skin. It can often be found in anti-cellulite mixtures. It not only improves skin elasticity, but also deodorizes and eliminates sweating.

Essential oil high purity can be taken orally to get a beautiful tan in a short time. Verbena oil protects the skin from age spots caused by solar activity, as well as from burns. In addition, it is a known aphrodosiac. The aroma of the oil relieves fatigue, smoothes out the effects of stress, and normalizes emotional condition. Verbena is sometimes called “food for the mind” because its smell improves blood circulation in the brain and is an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis. The tonic properties of the oil are important for creative people, students, and scientists.

Verbena has high antiviral activity, so the plant is recommended for use during flu epidemics and colds.

Use in cooking

In cooking, lemon verbena is used as natural flavoring. Tea with verbena is very popular in Spain. The drink has a pleasant taste and aroma. Residents of Spain love to drink chilled tea with verbena and mint. Such the drink perfectly quenches thirst and is very refreshing during the hot season. In North Africa, verbena is often found in herbal teas.

The plant retains almost all its beneficial properties when dried, which makes it possible to harvest the leaves for long time. Verbena can be added to various mousses, soufflés, creams, jellies, and puddings. Dried leaves of the plant are often used to prepare desserts. Marinades and sauces will sound new if you add some leaves of this shrub to them.

Lemon verbena due to its rich aroma can be an excellent seasoning for many dishes. Its smell is much fresher and richer compared to other herbs. The plant goes well with strawberries, some types of cheeses, fish products, and poultry. Cooks call the combination of verbena with seafood or meat an interesting culinary solution. For example, pork ham goes well with a sauce seasoned with garlic and verbena.

The plant has the fame of “punch grass”. It is used to flavor alcoholic and soft drinks.

Lemon verbena benefits and treatment

The benefits of the plant are known to folk and official medicine many countries. Preparations based on verbena are used for low blood pressure, anemia, headaches, hepatitis, liver and spleen diseases. Externally, decoctions of the plant are used for sore throats, stomatitis, and rashes. Gargle a sore throat or mouth with a decoction of verbena several times a day until complete recovery.

Lemon verbena is in great demand in folk medicine, healing many diseases.


Lemon verbena treatment method

Atherosclerosis, thrombosis

Pour two hundred milliliters of boiling water over one and a half tablespoons of lemon verbena leaves and set aside to steep for about sixty minutes. Take two teaspoons of the infusion every hour.


At the pharmacy you need to purchase a package of lemon verbena leaves. The leaves of the plant should be brewed with two hundred milliliters of boiling water (one glass will require the entire package) and let stand for about five minutes. Drink twice a day after you eat (for lunch and dinner). The infusion must be drunk until the disease disappears completely.

Diseases of the liver, spleen

You should prepare the following infusion: pour five glasses of boiling water over about sixty grams of lemon verbena leaves and set aside to infuse for about sixty minutes. During the day you need to drink the entire infusion.

For increased anxiety

You need to pour two hundred milliliters of boiling water over a collection of herbs from verbena (two parts), St. John's wort (three parts), lemon balm and ground valerian root (one part each), let stand for about sixty minutes, and then strain. It is recommended to take the infusion before meals, two tablespoons three times within twenty-four hours.

Stomatitis, sore throat

Treatment with lemon verbena is as follows. Steam two teaspoons of ground leaves of the plant with two hundred milliliters of boiling water, let it brew for about sixty minutes, and then strain. You need to take the infusion sixty-five milliliters no more than four times a day, thirty minutes before meals.

If you doubt the effectiveness of lemon verbena treatment, it is better to consult a doctor for advice..

Lemon verbena harm and contraindications

The plant can cause harm to the body due to individual intolerance. Verbena essential oil is phototoxic, meaning it should not be used before sunbathing. It is contraindicated to use the oil during pregnancy, because... verbena increases uterine tone. Like any other essential oil, it should not be used if allergic reactions occur. If you feel discomfort during aromatherapy, it is better to cancel the procedures.

Growing: planting and care

Lemon verbena is grown by cuttings or from seeds. The seed method is the easiest and does not require special costs and effort. Before planting seedlings in the ground, the seeds must germinate in wooden boxes filled with mineral substrate (peat, sand and turf soil).

To do this, you will first need to put the seeds on a damp cloth for about a couple of hours (this will allow the seeds to germinate quickly), and then plant them directly in boxes, cover with film and put them in a warm room where temperature regime will not exceed twenty degrees. The boxes should be ventilated daily and the seeds should be watered as needed.

After twenty days, sprouts will appear. Then the boxes are transferred to a cool room with good lighting and the film is removed. Sprouts are best planted in open ground when it is already warm enough outside. Sprouted seeds must be replanted together with the soil in which they grew, at a distance of no more than three centimeters from each other.

Lemon verbena is not required special conditions glaze. It will be enough to water once every seven days. At the end of July, the interval between waterings should be increased to thirteen days.

As for care, the plant is fertilized only once - during the flowering period of verbena. Also, as necessary, you need to loosen the ground (especially in very hot times), remove weeds, and pick off dried leaves.

Harvesting occurs after the verbena has faded and is covered with pods of dry seeds.

Lemon verbena – ornamental plant with attractive leaves that exude a pleasant scent all year round lemon aroma.

Verbena propagation

The only way to propagate this plant at home is to use cuttings. To do this, in spring, cuttings are cut from the tops of an adult plant. The cut site must be treated with hormonal powder, and then planted in sufficiently moist universal soil for house plants.

After planting, the container must be covered. transparent film, in which there are holes for ventilation. Very soon, young verbenas will take root, after which they will need to be transplanted into separate pots and provided with the care that adult plants require.

Verbena: growth pattern

Lemon verbena has lanceolate, narrow leaves. If the plant is provided with the required care, its height can reach several meters. But this happens quite rarely, usually its height does not exceed 1 meter.

Verbena: care features

The main requirement in caring for lemon verbena is to provide it the right conditions wintering. At the beginning of each spring, it is necessary to carry out formative pruning, and over time, pinch out the tops of young stems. As soil, you can use ordinary universal soil for indoor plants. Young verbenas should be replanted annually, but in pots where adult plants grow, you can simply change upper layer soil.

From mid-spring to early autumn, the plant must be provided moderate watering so that the earth never dries out. In the fall, you should begin to gradually limit watering so that in winter it becomes very economical. At active growth It is recommended to fertilize every couple of weeks.

Although verbena is a light-loving plant, at home it needs protection from too bright sunlight. IN summer time grows normally at room temperature, in winter at night it should not fall below 7 degrees, during the day - 13 degrees.

Possible problems

In case too high temperature air in winter time And high humidity soil, the plant stems will begin to stretch greatly. In this case, the verbena should be moved to a cooler place and watering should be limited.

If the plant is kept in a room with dry air, small yellow specks may appear on the leaves of the verbena - a sure sign of spider mites. To prevent the appearance of such pests, the plant must be sprayed frequently. If pests appear, the verbena should be washed with a strong stream of water and soap. In very severe cases, it is necessary to use insecticidal preparations.

Perennial plant of the verbena family, up to 80 cm high. The stem is tetrahedral, erect. The leaves are oblong, located on short petioles. The flowers are pale purple, divided into 5 petals, numerous, collected in a panicle. Medicinal verbena blooms from May to October.
Medicinal raw materials verbena serves everything aboveground part plants with flowers. The grass is collected during the flowering period. Dry in a dryer at a temperature of 50-60 °C.

Where does verbena grow?

Verbena officinalis grows throughout Russia: in clearings, along roadsides and in fields along crops.
There are many other types of verbena that came from North and South America. They are used as ornamental plants and do not have the benefits of medicinal verbena.

According to the literature, the entire verbena plant is considered poisonous. This is not emphasized among the people.

Collection of verbena plants.

Verbena leaves are collected during flowering.

Medicinal properties of the verbena plant.

In the Middle Ages, verbena served as a real panacea: it was used to treat epilepsy, fever, sore throat, scrofula, skin diseases, leprosy, bruises; it also protected against any infection, which made it a truly precious remedy during epidemics, so frequent in those days. In the last century, much less interest has been shown in the numerous medicinal properties of verbena, although laboratory tests and clinical studies have shown that, thanks to one of the glycosides - verbenamine - it is an astringent, healing, dispersive, absorbable and to a certain extent antifever, antipyretic agent. It has diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, soothing properties.
Verbena preparations are prescribed orally for acute bronchitis, tracheitis, rheumatism, toothache and headache, pneumonia, hypotension, and are used externally for difficult-to-heal wounds, inflammation of the skin, oral mucosa, rashes, boils, to remove unpleasant odor from mouth.

Useful properties of verbena officinalis.

When crushed and cooked in wine, verbena helps against snake bites. In a plaster it cures pain. To treat headaches, according to Russian healers, it is necessary to plant verbena in the spring in virgin soil, to which the patient’s hair is mixed, and water it with water after washing the hair. When the verbena grows, it should be burned and the powder taken orally on the tip of a knife as needed.
To heal wounds, it is necessary to apply freshly crushed verbena leaves to them.
Verbena root cures scrofula, ulcers and abrasions, and applied to the neck in the form of a plaster heals scrofula, mumps and abscesses. They say that if children carry verbena root on themselves, they will study well.
Verbena seeds mixed with annual peony seeds heal epilepsy. Verbena juice is very useful for men suffering from impotence; it is also useful for them to carry this root on themselves. If you drink verbena juice with honey and warm water, breathing improves. For rabies (phobia of water), you should drink verbena stems boiled in wine.

Folk uses of the verbena officinalis plant.

An infusion of the plant, prepared by distillation, is useful for anemia of the optic nerve; further distillation produces a liquid used for tuberculosis and thrombosis.
Verbena was a sacred herb among the Gauls, Persians, Ancient Greece and Rome, they gave it loud names - “Tears of Isis”, “Blood of Mercury” or “Grass of Hercules”.
In Latin, the name of the plant meant "sacred branch" and came to be used to name all the branches with which priests were crowned during sacrifices, regardless of whether they were laurel, myrtle, verbena or olive branches.

Description of the lemon verbena plant.

Lemon verbena has a completely different appearance. This small bush, reaching from 1 to 1.5 m in height, the long and thin branches of which bear oblong, narrow and sharp leaves that spread pleasant aroma lemon. From July to September, lemon verbena will produce weak spikes with small white flowers at the top and pink flowers at the top. inside. Native to Chile, this species requires a hot climate and can only be cultivated in non-greenhouse conditions in the south of France. Its leaves are collected twice: the first time in June, before flowering - these leaves have an ash-green color and have an exquisite aroma, this is the most popular collection; the second collection is collected in October, its leaves are dark green in color and richer in essential oil, but endowed with a less subtle odor.

Useful and medicinal properties of the lemon verbena plant.

Lemon verbena is very widely used in perfumery, but also in the form of tinctures due to its beneficial effect on the stomach. It effectively combats heaviness in the stomach and cramps caused by poor digestion. Moreover, its refined and refreshing taste allows it to serve as the basis for the preparation of very valuable liqueurs. At the same time, lemon verbena should not be abused even in the form of tinctures, since with prolonged use it can irritate the intestinal mucosa.

The use of verbena officinalis in folk medicine.

Verbena is primarily used by people for diseases of the liver, spleen, as well as for “blood diseases”, expressed in the appearance of boils, pimples, rashes, and, in addition, for scrofula and venereal ulcers. In these cases, drink a steam of 60.0 g per 1 liter per day. boiling water

Verbena tea.

12.0-15.0 g per 180.0-200.0 g of boiling water, take 1 tablespoon every hour for arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, vein swelling.

External use of napara with verbena for skin diseases.

In the form of lotions for skin diseases, use a steam of the following mixture: verbena - 10.0 g, womashka - 5.0 g, rose petals - 10.0 g, oak bark - 10.0 g, sage leaves - 5 .0 g and horsetail herb - 10.0 g - As a means of reducing the inflammatory reaction and promoting wound healing.

In ancient times, it was credited with magical properties that supposedly protected against the evil eye, damage and curses. It was believed that it cures all diseases. Nowadays verbena is rarely used, since there are more effective means for the treatment of the liver, spleen, anemia, general weakness, although one should not forget that tea from verbena leaves helps well with atherosclerosis and especially with swelling of veins, blockage of veins, thrombosis.

Infusion of verbena plant for thrombosis and atherosclerosis.

Pour 2-3 teaspoons of verbena herb with a glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Take 1 tablespoon every hour. The same infusion helps with blocked veins.

Verbena contraindications.

A contraindication to verbena is hypertension. It is not recommended if there is a low platelet count in the blood.

Storing verbena plants.

Verbena leaves are stored in boxes lined with paper.

Lemon verbena has a fresh aroma reminiscent of lemon. Its raw leaves are used in salads or to season sweet dishes. In addition, lemon verbena is used to make drinks. Lemon verbena tea has a general calming, appetite stimulating and digestive stimulating effect.

general information:

From Wikipedia: "Aloysia trifolia, or Lemon verbena(lat. Aloýsia citrodóra) is a plant, a species of the genus Aloysia of the Verbenaceae family, growing in Argentina, Paraguay, Brazil, Uruguay, Chile and Peru. It was brought to Europe by the Spaniards in the 17th century."

Chemical composition:

"The plant contains essential oil, the main components of which are: citral (30-35%), nerol and geraniol."

Use in cooking and Food Industry:

“Due to its lemony scent, the plant is used as a seasoning for sweet dishes and as a component of herbal teas. In addition, it exhibits activity against the pathogenic fungi Candida albicans.

Verbena oil is used in the perfume and food industries. The oil contains up to 30% citral, about 1% geraniol, methylheptenone and sesquiterpenes. The oil is obtained by steam distillation of leaves and young branches with a yield of 0.3-0.7% (depending on the ratio of leaves and stems in the raw material). The oil has a pleasant lemon scent and is usually brown in color.

Aloysia trifoliata is often cultivated in cold greenhouses under the name “punch plant” (German: Punschpflanze); sometimes it is used to flavor tea. In southern Spain it is common as a garden plant."

Seasoning dishes:"Gourmets enjoy using lemon verbena in cooking. Its leaves are added to salads, pork and mushroom dishes, and to enhance the taste of sweet dishes such as fruit salads, puddings and in making ice cream. In addition, finely chopped leaves can be used in sugar frosting for lemon pies."*

Seasoning of drinks:"Lemon verbena is often used in making drinks. If you put freshly picked lemon verbena leaves in a bowl for half an hour, hot water, you will get a pleasant refreshing tea. This stimulating and calming tea with lemon aroma is very popular in France and is known there as “Verveine”. This name is also popular in Switzerland."*

Application in medicine:

“Since lemon verbena stimulates the appetite and stimulates digestion, it helps with indigestion and constipation. In addition, it has a slight calming effect on nervousness, insomnia, and has some other properties that help with colds.

Russia, Voronezh
06.05.2013 11:03

For some reason, this aromatic plant is constantly confused with Verbena officinalis. But they even belong to different botanical genera, although they belong to the same verbena family. We bring to your attention a wonderful article by Elena Malankina, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, dedicated to this interesting and useful plant.

So, lemon verbena. Actually, the confusion arises due to the huge number of names in Latin, with each country preferring its own. The most common is (Kunth), but besides it there are also synonyms: Verbena triphylla l'Herit., Aloysia citriodora Ortega ex Pers, Aloysia triphylla (L"Hér.) Britton, Lippia triphylla (L"Hér.) Kuntze, Verbena triphylla L"Hér., and very rarely Zappania citrodora Lam. The name of the genus Lippia comes from the name of the French botanist Auguste Lippi (1678-1704), who traveled to Africa and was killed by the local population in Ethiopia.

Verbena was brought from South America to Europe at the end of the 18th century. The first European botanist to publish a description of this plant was the French Philibert Commerson, when he went with Louis Antoine, Comte de Bougainville, to trip around the world around 1767 In 1797, professors at the Royal Madrid Botanical Garden Casimir Gomez and Antonio Ortega Palau and Verdera named Aloysia citrodora in Latin and "Hierba de la Princesa" in Spanish in honor of Maria Luisa of Parma, Princess of Asturias, wife of the garden's patron, Infante Carlos de Bourbon, Prince of Asturias and son of King Carlos III .

It first appeared in England in 1784. This plant was a great success in Victorian England. Numerous fragrances have been created with the presence of lemon verbena. In general, verbena was lucky to be mentioned in literature. In 1854, in his famous poem"Sylvia", Alfred de Musset also mentioned this rarity:

"Also, a little vervain,

Whose scent was felt... "

It was also the favorite scent of Scarlett O'Hara's mother in Gone with the Wind.

IN early XIX centuries, verbena was brought to India, Martinique, Reunion, and also to Italy. It came to Europe as an ornamental plant, but then it began to be grown in the south of France to obtain essential oil. French colonies(Algeria, Tunisia, Madagascar). There were attempts to grow it in the subtropical regions of the USSR (Crimea, Caucasus, Central Asia).

In France, for perfumery, liqueur production and herbal medicine, it was cultivated in the immediate vicinity of Grasse, Cannes, Antibes, and Nice. But when growing in Anjou, it already had to be covered in winter.

Its common names in European countries associated either with origin or with aroma (Verveine du Pérou - Peruvian verbena, Verveine citronnelle (French), zitronenverbene, citronenkraut (German) - lemon verbena, Verveine à trois feuilles - three-leaf verbena)

It is a perennial shrub native to America. It grows wild in Peru, Chile, the mountains in northeastern Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, where it grows mainly at an altitude of about 2000 m, rising to selected places up to 3500 m. The height of the plant in its homeland is from 3.0 to 5.0 m in height, and in temperate climate- from 0.8 to 2.0 m. This is a plant with straight branches, pale green, elongated (7-10 cm), leaves in whorls of 3-4 pieces. Leaves with a serrated edge and clearly visible essential oil glands on the veins bottom side leaf. The taste is pungent, slightly bitter. Inflorescences at the end of the shoot with small white flowers. Seeds are practically not produced in Europe.

The raw materials of this plant can be found in European pharmacies; its essential oil is sometimes used for colognes and perfumes. The leaves contain up to 0.9% essential oil, the main components of which are citral, limonene, geraniol, trans-ocimene, beta-caryophyllene, germacrene D, and some sesquiterpenes. In addition, the leaves contain flavonoids, mainly flavones (slavigénine, eupafoline, hispiduline, etc.).

In the form of dry raw materials and essential oil, verbena is confused with other species that have a lemon aroma, in particular with boldo (Peumus boldus, family Monimiaceae), which also grows in Chile and is used by the local population for liver diseases and helminthiasis, and Moldovan snakehead, which is grown in many European countries, and, finally, with citronella, the essential oil of which is widespread and quite cheap, unlike verbena.

Beneficial properties of lemon verbena
Verbena and its aroma have antipyretic, antispasmodic and mild sedative effects.

Fresh or boiled, verbena leaves can be used as a gargle to soothe toothache or compress on varicose ulcers.

Often 4-5 leaves are added when brewing or collecting tea, especially if the taste of other plants is unpleasant. Sometimes verbena is brewed separately. This tea is recommended at night and is usually drunk with sugar.

To treat indigestion, flatulence, spasms of the gastrointestinal tract, dyspepsia, neuroses, headaches, minor sleep disturbances, tinnitus, fatigue, brew 5-10 g of leaves in half a liter of boiling water and drink in 4 doses during the day for 3- x weeks.

Verbena is also considered a vasculotropic agent, which allows it to be prescribed in preparations for atherosclerosis and as a decongestant for venous diseases (varicose veins, heaviness in the legs, hemorrhoids, etc.).

Sometimes it is used in European herbal medicine as an antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, for neuralgia, as a disinfectant and tonic.

In moderate amounts, verbena extract has antioxidant effects that have been tested in actively training athletes. Verbascoside was found to be responsible for this effect, which showed high ability bind free radicals and can find interesting application when developing cosmetics, food additives or functional foods. In addition, verbena extract is active against the causative agent of thrush Candida Albicans.

However, like any plant, in excessive doses it can cause irritation in the stomach.

In aromatherapy, essential oil is used in treatment nervous system and digestive problems, as well as externally for the treatment of acne and ulcers. Although there are disagreements among aromatherapists regarding the external use of verbena essential oil. Many people believe that it causes allergic skin reactions.

In the European Union, the use of distilled (obtained by steam distillation) essential oil of verbena and its products in perfumery has been prohibited since 2009, but verbena absolute can be used in perfumery.

In France, more than 500 tons of dried leaves are consumed, primarily for flavoring products, in particular tea. The quality of raw materials is assessed by the intensity of the aroma and the rich green color of the leaves.

The leaves are sometimes used in small quantities in cooking to make sorbet, ice cream or baked goods. Some chefs recommend verbena leaves for cooking white meat or fish, especially steamed ones, especially in Eastern recipes that originally used basil, lemongrass or ginger.

IN South America it is used in the production of sweet dishes, liqueurs and as sedative, and also to enhance the taste of lemonade. In addition, people have long known about the ability of the scent of verbena to drive away aphids and fight mites.

Her lot is the window sill
In our conditions, lemon verbena can only grow as a potted crop, which is taken outside for a walk in the summer. Verbena requires neutral soils that are fertile and well-drained. It should be placed on a sunny windowsill, and in the summer - in sunny place.

Seeds are sown in the ground and placed in a warm place so that seedlings appear faster. If you have a plant, you can propagate verbena by cuttings. They are sensitive to frost and can only withstand a few hours at temperatures around -5 o C.

It is better to apply fertilizers once every 10-20 days or a little less often, simultaneously with watering. In the first half of summer, nitrogen and potassium are added for intensive growth of fragrant shoots, and in the second half of summer they are limited to potassium.

The plant, on the one hand, requires sufficient moisture for intensive growth of shoots, since during periods of drought it begins to lose leaves, but on the other hand, when overmoistened, verbena is susceptible to fungal diseases.

Shoots can and should be cut several times a season. Store them dried or frozen for further use in the kitchen. The raw materials retain the aroma quite well.


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