Merry New Year: festive competitions for adults. Games and competitions at the New Year's party at home

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Have you already started preparing competitions for the New Year 2019? Yesterday I decided to look for various games and competitions for the New Year, and found many interesting ones that will help us enter the Year of the Pig cheerfully and joyfully.

How to prepare for competitions and games: fun and interesting competitions for the New Year will help save even traditional New Year's family gatherings in the company of a TV, not to mention a party for fun company. However, it is best to prepare a little.

  1. Make a plan for games and competitions. A group of adults will need to eat, raise their glasses to the New Year, and dance, so game program should be carefully woven into the natural flow of the party.
  2. Prepare your props. Having decided what you will play at home for the New Year, make a list of what you will need for this or that competition. It's best to organize props and prizes into themed competitions (I use small gift bags for this).
  3. Stock up on prizes. People love to receive small funny prizes - candies, chocolates, cute New Year's toys. It’s better to take extra prizes.
  4. It is better to make auxiliary materials on cards - if you need to stock up on some phrases, scripts and texts, then write or print them on regular cards in advance, this is much more convenient than using one large script.
  5. Select music, identify your helpers, prepare a place for games.

Collection of competitions and games


The simplest New Year's games and all sorts of competitions where guests don’t have to do anything - for example, they can be asked to burst balloons with wishes inside.

You need to prepare in advance a large bunch of balloons (their number should be greater than the number of guests, just in case), inside which notes with wishes are inserted. For example, you can give a guest scissors and invite him to cut off the ball he likes, and then read it aloud to all the guests - such a simple but cute entertainment helps the company have fun and unite.


New Year's games and competitions based on the question-and-answer model always receive a lot of applause. It’s no wonder - everyone loves to laugh, but there are no difficulties.

So, the host hands out small pieces of paper and pens to the guests and invites them to write down Favorite number(or any other number that comes to mind). If you wish, you can record some sequence and play several circles. When all the guests have completed the task, the presenter says that now everyone present will be able to find out more friend about a friend - he will ask questions, and the guests will answer them, holding up a piece of paper with the numbers written down and loudly announcing the answer.

It is best to choose simple questions - how old is this or that guest, how many times a day does he eat, how much does he weigh, how many times has he stayed for a second year, and so on.

"Not a word of truth"

My favorite pastimes are funny competitions for the new year. Of course, for a group of pensioners you will need to choose something more decent, but in your circle you can always have fun - for example, by playing the game “Not a Word of the Truth”.

The presenter will need to prepare in advance many New Year's questions, such as these:
  • What tree is traditionally decorated for the holiday?
  • What film in our country symbolizes the New Year?
  • what is customary to launch into the sky in New Year's Eve?
  • who is sculpted from snow in winter?
  • who on TV addresses Russians with a New Year's speech?
  • The outgoing year is the year of whom according to the Chinese calendar?
It’s better to write down more questions, you can ask about New Year’s traditions different countries, or the habits of guests. During the game, the host will have to quickly and cheerfully ask his questions, and the guests will answer, without saying a word of the truth.

The one who makes a mistake and answers truthfully, based on the results of the game, can read poetry, sing a song or fulfill various wishes - you can use wishes to play forfeits, for example, the loser needs to put several slices of tangerine in both cheeks and say something like “I’m a hamster and I eat grain, don’t touch it - it’s mine, and whoever takes it will be finished!”. Bursts of laughter are guaranteed - both during the game and during the “punishment” of the losing participant.

"Accurate shooter"

As entertainment for the New Year 2019, you can play snipers. It’s most fun to play this game when the participants are already a little tipsy - and coordination becomes more free, and there is less constraint, and it’s a little more difficult to hit the target.

The essence of the game is as follows - the guests are divided into two teams, and in turn each player throws “snowballs” into a bucket. The bucket is placed at a distance of five to seven meters from the players; you can use lumps of cotton wool, crumpled paper as “snowballs,” or just take a couple of sets of simple New Year’s plastic balls, which are sold in any supermarket.

I decided to improve this game for a New Year's party 2019 for adults and use children's basketball hoops as a “goal” - hitting them with a soft ball of cotton wool is even more difficult than hitting a bucket.

"New Year decoration"

Of course, New Year's competitions for adults can be less sporting.

All those present should be divided into teams of 5-6 people (depending on the number of guests at your party). The teams are given the task of building a New Year's ball. For production, you can only use toiletries, accessories and jewelry that the team members are wearing. The team that makes the brightest and most beautiful ball wins.

By the way, a little life hack- in every company there are people who do not actively participate in competitions and try to just sit out, which is why quite a lot of time is spent on persuasion. So, appoint them to the jury - you can make them score cards in advance, offer them to make a short speech into an improvised microphone. This way they will be simultaneously involved in the general fun, and at the same time they will not have to be persuaded and pulled out from the table.

And of course, the sight of her own mother, who soulfully speaks into a glass of champagne instead of a microphone about how grateful she is to Mikhalkov and the Film Academy for the opportunity to see Battle on the Ice in your own living room - priceless. :))

"Come, forest deer"

By the way, if you are selecting competitions for a corporate event for the New Year or for a party that will not take place in a city apartment, then be sure to play Santa with his reindeer. There is no need to divide the guests into teams; it is enough to simply invite them to split into pairs.

Each pair has a “reindeer” and a “Santa” (you can give one an impromptu antler, and the other a Santa Claus cap - both are sold for mere pennies in a fixed price store before the New Year).

The “deer” needs to be blindfolded and made into a harness - no need to split hairs, a simple clothesline or cord that wraps around the belt will do. The reins are given to Santa, who stands behind his “reindeer.” A track is built from the pins, the leader gives a signal and the competition begins. Those participants who reach the finish line earlier than others and do not knock down the pins win. Instead of skittles you can use empty bottles, cardboard drink cups or paper cones (we made them in the shape of Christmas trees, it was very cute).

"Collective Letter"

When it comes to New Year's games at the table, I always remember how my parents and friends wrote a collective New Year's greeting for everyone present every New Year. You can use a ready-made text (as in the image), you can create your own - the main thing is that it should not contain adjectives - the guests should call them.

The host invites the guests to congratulate each other and say a big and beautiful toast - and waves a postcard on which he has already written a congratulation. Only he didn’t have enough adjectives, and the guests must suggest them. Everyone randomly offers adjectives related to winter, New Year and holiday, and the presenter writes them down and then reads out the result - the text turns out to be very funny!

"Turnip: New Year's version"

If you love New Year's competitions for the whole family, then turnip is what you need!

So, you need to prepare the participants - they need to match the number of characters in the fairy tale. Each participant gets a role in an impromptu performance. It's simple, the participant needs to remember key phrase and the movement that he must act out when he mentions himself.
  1. The turnip will slap its knees and then clap its hands with the exclamation “Both-on!”
  2. Grandfather rubs his palms and grunts, “Yes, sir!”
  3. The grandmother swings her fist at the grandfather and says, “I would have killed him!”
  4. The granddaughter dances and sings “I’m ready!” in a high voice (when men play this role, it turns out just great).
  5. The bug itches and complains of fleas.
  6. The cat wags its tail and mannerly drawls, “And I’m on my own.”
  7. The mouse sadly shrugs its shoulders and says, “We’ve finished the game!”
After everyone has tried themselves new role, the presenter reads the text of the fairy tale (no changes here), and the actors act out their role whenever they hear about themselves. The grandfather planted (rubs his hands and grunts) a turnip (clap-clap, both of them!) and further according to the text. Believe me, there will be enough bursts of laughter, especially when the fairy tale comes to the end, and the presenter will list all the participants in turn.

"Strictly in alphabetical order"

During one of the pauses, the presenter takes the floor and reminds everyone present that the New Year’s celebration is just beginning, but it’s already difficult to remember the alphabet. In this connection, the presenter offers to fill the glasses and raise them, but strictly in alphabetical order.

Each guest must make a short toast to his letter of the alphabet. The first one starts with the letter a, the second one should start with the letter b, and so on. Toasts should be simple:
  1. A It is absolutely necessary to drink to happiness in the new year!
  2. B Let's go healthy in the new year!
  3. IN Let's drink to the old year!
  4. E If we don’t get drunk, we’ll have to eat!
The task for everyone present is to make toasts for each letter of the alphabet, and then choose the winner - the one who came up with the best toast, which is worth drinking for!


If you want to pick up outdoor games for the New Year 2019, play bunny. On New Year's Eve, it is best to play this game at home when there are many guests - it is suitable for a group of friends.

Everyone stands in a circle and holds hands, the leader walks around all the players in a circle and whispers to everyone the names of two animals - a wolf and a bunny, a fox and a bunny, and so on. Then he explains the essence of the game - when the presenter says the name of the animal out loud, the person for whom it was given crouches, and his neighbors on the left and right, on the contrary, pull him up, not allowing him to sit down. You need to play at a good pace so that the participants get into a frenzy.

The main joke of this action is that absolutely all players have a second animal - a bunny. Therefore, after people have taken turns squatting to the names of other animals, the leader says “Bunny!”, and the whole circle suddenly tries to sit down (trying to overcome the possible resistance of neighbors, as was the case with other animals).

Naturally, everyone starts laughing, and a pile of small things gathers on the floor!

"News from the New Year"

A great competition that you can play without leaving the table.

The presenter will need to prepare cards on which unrelated words and concepts will be written - five or six words, no more needed. Each participant receives a card and must quickly come up with the hottest news from the New Year's issue, using all the words from the card. What to write on cards? Any set of words.
  • China, dumplings, roses, Olympics, lilac.
  • Santa Claus, wheel, eraser, north, bag.
  • New Year 2019, fan, tights, pan, scabies.
  • Santa Claus, pig, herring, stapler, barrier.
  • Nettle, tinsel, Kirkorov, fishing rod, plane.
  • Football, shovel, snow, Snow Maiden, tangerines.
  • Snowman, beard, tights, bicycle, school.
  • Winter, zoo, washing, boa constrictor, rug.
How to come up with news? Set an example for your guests by showing them that all words need to be used, and the stranger the news, the more interesting it is.

Well, for example, from the last example I gave, you can build something like this: “In the Moscow Zoo, during winter washing, a rug was discovered in a boa constrictor.” There will be a reason to be surprised, and laugh, and drink to the fact that all the news in the new 2019 will be just as positive.

"We're jumping into the New Year"

As a family, we often organize jumping as an entertainment for the New Year, and 2019 will not be an exception, I’m sure - this is already a kind of tradition.

So, how it happens: after drinking for the outgoing year, the host brings markers and pencils (the brighter the better) and large leaf paper (Whatman paper A0-A1) and invites everyone present not only to enter the new year, but to jump - so that it passes dynamically, energetically and brightly!

And for all your wishes to come true, you need to draw them. On a large sheet of paper, everyone draws their desires - some manage to draw several miniatures, for others it is enough to sketch what they want. By the time the president speaks, the drawing is usually finished or remains finishing touches. After the president’s speech, the presenter invites everyone to join hands, count out the chimes in unison, and solemnly jump into the new year and into the success of their own desires!

By the way, my mother and I usually save the sheet, and next year checking who has what has come true is also a topic for table conversation, by the way.

"The best"

Good New Year's entertainment can happen without a host. Good way keep the guests busy - give them unique tasks, but few people want to just compete, right?

Therefore, we do the following - we hang sweets or small gifts on the Christmas tree. It is best to opt for figured chocolate or other sweet Christmas tree decorations. We provide each with a note to whom the gift is intended, but we write not names, but some definitions that the guests will have to think about and get to know each other better (ideal when there are newcomers who need to join the existing company).

What to write on labels:

  1. The owner of the brownest eyes.
  2. The best high jumper.
  3. To the biggest hooligan (here you will have to tell everyone about your hooliganism in childhood).
  4. The owner of the best tan.
  5. The owner of the highest heels.
  6. The owner of the most dangerous job.
  7. A couple whose number of buttons on their clothes is 10.
  8. To the one who is wearing more yellow today.
I think you understand the main message. Guests will independently begin to find out who vacationed where, who has a brighter tan, measure the length of their heels and discuss work.

"Song from a Hat"

By the way, almost all New Year's competitions at the table involve playing with a hat - some notes are thrown into the hat in advance, and then they are pulled out and carried out tasks for relatives or colleagues.

In the New Year 2019, we will play with our family a popular variation of this game with songs. You need to scribble notes with winter and New Year's words into the hat, each guest blindly takes a note out of the hat and sings a song in which this word appears.

By the way, you will be able to have fun even if during the feast you forget all the songs - most likely, your family, like my relatives, will have a great idea to compose a small song on the go to the most popular tune, or somehow remake one from famous New Year's songs of past years.

By the way, this game is also suitable for a small company of any age - of course, a schoolchild is unlikely to recognize Soviet songs, but the result will be funny, and different age groups will be able to get closer while playing - after all, cool New Year's competitions unite!


Naturally, New Year's competitions for young people are not complete without flirting - why not help friends get closer?

So, the girls put on robes or shirts, and the guys are given thick winter mittens. The essence of the competition is to quickly button up the girls' shirts so that they don't freeze!

By the way, my friends, who love various New Year's competitions for teenagers and young people, wanted to do this competition in reverse - freeing the girls from their shirts, however, they were forced to disqualify the participant - it turns out that even with mittens it is convenient to pull the hem of the shirt and tear off all the buttons at once. Therefore, it is better to fasten it; it is not easy to do this in mittens.

"Let's draw Santa Claus"

Creative New Year competitions for corporate parties are a great opportunity to have fun.

So, holes are made for the hands in a thick sheet of cardboard. We give the players tassels, they must stick their hands into the holes and portray Santa Claus. At this moment they cannot see what they are drawing.

At work, you can divide the team into male and female teams, and give one the task of portraying the Snow Maiden, and the other - Grandfather Frost. The winner is the team whose result is most similar to a fairy-tale character.

By the way, if you are selecting competitions for a New Year's corporate party, do not forget to find funny music - I use cuts from Soviet children's cartoons for New Year's competitions 2019, this usually evokes the warmest emotions.

"We distribute roles"

You can start fun competitions for the New Year for your family with this kind of entertainment.

Prepare more attributes of fairy-tale New Year's characters, put notes with roles in empty Kinder capsules (you can simply wrap them in wrapping paper like candy) and start games at the table for the New Year with an offer to find out who still runs the show.

Everyone present must play their part. These could be snowflakes, bunnies, squirrels, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, the Snow Queen, an overseas guest - Santa Claus and his reindeer. Give out small attributes to all guests that will correspond to their role that night - for example, a crown is suitable for the snow queen, Santa Claus can loudly knock with an elegant staff, and a company of oversized bunnie boys with white ears will decorate any New Year's photo.

Believe me, New Year's table games will take on a new color as soon as Grandma Winter or Mikhailo Potapych, who specially woke up for competitions for the New Year 2019 and New Year's dances, begins to speak a toast.

"Photo tests"

Which cool competitions for the new year without photos?

Make an area for photography and collect some props in this corner - guests will be able to take pictures in different images, and then you can arrange photo tests. So, you will need to determine who is suitable for the role:
  • the most decrepit snowflake;
  • the sleepiest guest;
  • the most cheerful Baba Yaga;
  • the hungriest Santa Claus;
  • the most generous Santa Claus;
  • the kindest Santa Claus;
  • the most beautiful Snow Maiden;
  • the most overfed guest;
  • the most cheerful guest;
  • the most cunning Baba Yaga;
  • the evil Kashchei himself;
  • the strongest hero;
  • the most capricious princess;
  • the biggest snowflake;
  • and so on…
By the way, you can hold this competition a little differently - stock up on props, and invite guests to draw, without looking, the role in which they will be photographed, and the rest of the participants should help with advice and deeds to better embody the image. You can laugh during the process, and when you look at the pictures - fortunately, you can do this in just a few minutes.

"Little things from Grandfather Frost"

Tell your guests this legend about how Santa Claus was walking through the forest with gifts, fell with one foot into a snowdrift and spilled gifts from the bag. The big ones remained in the bag, but the small presents fell out. And you picked them up and now give them to all the guests.

Wrap all kinds of nice little things that you bought in advance in opaque packaging, or you can wrap gifts in small pieces of fabric, like miniature bags, tied with a thick thread or ribbon.

Pleasant little things can include: calendar cards, candles, keychains, pens, flashlights, kinders, liquid soap, magnets.

Every time it surprises with what trepidation guests wait for these gifts... Not only children, but even adults :-)

Well, and finally, be a good magician and predictor, another New Year's entertainment from the site:

Now you know how my holiday will go, and what games you will have for New Year's corporate party or home party? Share your ideas, because it’s better to prepare table games for the New Year and interesting competitions in advance, and 2019 is just around the corner!

Thanks to New Year's competitions, a home holiday will become a bright, unusual and memorable event. Playing in good company is a great opportunity laugh together, be smart and Creative skills, discover new sides in old friends or meet new people in a relaxed atmosphere. We offer several interesting ideas for thematic competitions at home.

Competitions for any company

These are universal competitions for New Year for children and adults, they can be held at home (even if there is not much space in the room) or in a restaurant. Choose these games and the evening will be filled with surprises, laughter and communication.

“For the holiday - by ticket only”

This game will fill the holiday with a lot of unexpected and fun events.
  • a box, hat, vase or other container in which tasks are placed;
  • sheets of paper with written tasks.
How to do it?

A hat or box is placed near the door, from which each person entering takes out a task for himself. Cards are drawn blindly; you cannot inform other party participants about their contents. Violators are given symbolic punishment, for example, eating a piece of lemon without sugar or performing the Yellow Dog dance.

Cards for the game are prepared in advance. What the tasks will be depends on the imagination of the owners of the house and the company that gathers. Usually they write something like: “crow every hour”, “find three people who agree to dance in a circle with you”, “spend the whole evening wearing a Santa Claus hat”, “climb onto a chair at exactly 23.15 and recite a poem”, “say a toast in which all words begin with the letter B”, “persuade the neighbor on the right to dance tango”, etc. The content of tasks should be selected depending on the nature of the company; do not forget that they should be humorous, simple and enjoyable. If a lot of children come to the party, prepare separate boxes with cards for children and adults. At the end of the evening, a vote is held to determine who handled the game better. The winner is given a prize.

"Parade of Heroes"

Funny New Year's competition for adults and children. It always goes interestingly, leaving a lot pleasant memories and bright photos.


  • old glasses, masks, hats, mittens, garlands, clothes, newspapers, toilet paper, paints, lipstick, jewelry, etc. The more varied the items, the more fun the competition will be;
  • cards with characters, for example, the most inflated New Year's orange, the cutest dog, the fattest Snowman, the clumsiest snowflake, the most evil teddy bear, a very drunk Santa Claus, a boring guest, a big greedy person and any others that your imagination tells you;
  • a hat or box in which tasks are placed.
How to do it?

If there are less than 15 participants, then everyone plays for themselves. It is better to divide a larger number of guests into teams of 2-3 people.

  1. The participant draws a character card. He (or the whole team) is given 2-5 minutes to come up with an image from the proposed things and present a mini-performance.
  2. The rest of the guests enjoy the performance, take pictures and guess who is in front of them. It is better to limit the display time to 3-5 minutes so that the players have time to prove themselves.
  3. At the end, the participants vote, the one who makes the guests laugh or surprises the most wins.

Competition for attention

Include fun competitions for attention for adults in the New Year 2017 program, so that unfamiliar participants of the holiday get to know each other better, and old friends laugh sincerely. This game can be started spontaneously because it does not require any props.

How to play?

  1. The first pair is chosen (at will or by lot). It is better to distribute teams so that they contain people who know each other equally. The pair is chosen immediately before the competition, so participants who are waiting for their turn will not be able to prepare.
  2. The playing couple goes to the center. For 30-60 seconds, participants are asked to look at each other.
  3. Then their backs are turned, and the rest of the guests ask them one by one questions about their appearance: “What color are Andrey’s eyes?”, “What’s on his left hand?”, “What color are his socks?” etc. Sometimes they ask deceptive questions, for example, they ask which hand the ring is on, even if there is no such accessory. This will help confuse players.
  4. Even though people saw each other a minute ago, you'll likely learn a lot about their appearance. The pair that gives the most correct answers wins.

For lovers of intellectual games

For those who like intellectual questions, you can offer a word knowledge competition. This game is suitable for adults. The competition requires cards with words and a presenter who knows the correct answers. Make a list of rarely used words in advance unusual meaning, for example, myatka (hustle, crush), surplyas (starting position of a bicycle in track racing), babushi (shoes without backs) durra ( tropical plant, which is used for the production of bread), austeria (tavern, hotel), verki (defensive building), colette (wide turn-down collar in medieval clothing), etc. You can find such words in dictionaries of ancient or foreign words, special reference books. In addition, non-existent words should be included in the list. This will make the game even more interesting.

How to play?

There are several options. You can come up with possible answers for each word and ask participants to guess the correct one. A more difficult, but also fun competition is to guess the meaning of words without clues. Important condition in this case, it is necessary to explain the meaning of the word. Guests play in teams or each for himself.

"New Year's verse"

If you are looking for cool competitions for the New Year, we recommend preparing everything you need for this game. It is fun at youth parties, holidays with friends or good acquaintances. Everyone will be able to show their creativity and laugh heartily.


  • cards with words or phrases (2-3 times more than the number of participants);
  • hat or box;
good mood and imagination. Cards with words are prepared in advance for the game. The more unusual the words, the funnier the result. If the game is played among young people, popular expressions from TV series and songs are used.

How to play?

  1. A large company is divided into teams with an equal number of players. If there are few people, everyone plays for themselves.
  2. The team representative draws a predetermined number of word cards from a hat. Often 5-8 words are enough.
  3. Now, in 3-5 minutes, the player or team must come up with a poem or New Year's song with words on the cards and present it to the others.
  4. The winner is the one who composed the funniest verse and presented it in the most artistic way.

"Guess the cocktail"

Looking for table games for New Year 2017 that you can play with adults? We recommend trying this competition. Props:

  • several clean glasses;
  • scarf or other blindfold;
  • drinks (can be taken from the New Year's table or prepared additionally).
How to play?
  1. Participants are divided into teams of 2-4 people. Each one selects a representative who will taste the drinks. He is blindfolded.
  2. The rest of the players are given 1-2 minutes and one clean glass per team. During this time, they prepare a cocktail for a taster from the opposing team. The bartenders' task is to come up with a new drink, the composition of which is difficult to determine.
  3. When the cocktail is ready, the taster tastes it (you don't have to drink it all) and guesses the ingredients.
  4. The team whose representative correctly names the composition of the drink wins. The game can be played in several rounds. Before the competition begins, it is better to limit the list of ingredients, for example, say that you can use everything that is on the table (in the kitchen), or select 10-15 drinks participating in the game. It is worth discussing the possibility of adding fruits, spices, olives, etc. Hosts can additionally bring tea, coffee, herbs, jam, etc.

Competition “Who will get the cookies?”

If you have already sat at the table, you can choose this game. Sweet lovers will especially like it.
  • 0.5 kg of delicious small cookies (as an alternative - several chocolate figures);
  • popsicle sticks.
How to play?
  1. The participant is asked to hold the tip of an ice cream stick between their lips and place a stack of cookies (or a chocolate figurine) on the other end.
  2. Now you need to walk around the tree without dropping the sweets.
  3. The person who can hold the tallest stack of cookies the longest wins. The prize is won sweets.

    If you haven’t prepared the props in advance, hold a competition with improvised objects: a glass of champagne or an orange on your head.

Competitions for 3-5 people

For small companies a lot has been invented interesting games and competitions. We offer some of them.

"Results of the year"

This competition is approaching the New Year in close friendly company. Its participants will laugh and remember the important and pleasant moments of the past year.

How is the game going?

  1. One participant comes up with a question (or 2-3 questions at once) about the events of the past year, for example, “How many times did we go to the movies together?”, “How many times this year did Yulia change her hair?”, “In what month was the album of this or that another group or a movie? etc. It is important that the situations are familiar to all guests and remind them of pleasant events. The asker must know the correct answer. You can come up with questions that contain false information or describe non-existent events.
  2. The others take turns answering. The one who answered correctly receives one point or a piece of candy as a gift.
  3. On next stage another player asks a question, etc.
  4. The one who gives the most correct questions wins.

"Sad Santa Claus or Snow Maiden"

This funny game does not require props. The participant sits on a chair and looks as serious or sad as possible. He plays the role of Father Frost or the Snow Maiden in depression. As soon as the player is ready, the time is noted. The task of the others is to make the hero laugh so that he has time to congratulate all the guys on the holiday. You can mix it in any way you want, except for tickling. As soon as a player smiles or shows another emotion, he loses and a new one takes his place. The one who stays serious the longest wins.

"Plans for the New Year"

Such competitions on New Year's Eve are relevant if only couples who have been together for a long time gather at the holiday. The game will help you discover new sides in your partners and become closer.


  • 2-3 lists of New Year's questions. The list includes the usual questions: “Where in next year does your other half dream of relaxing?”, “What is his/her favorite color?”, “What was the most exciting event last year? - or funny: “Will she go to Africa this year to save hippos?”, “If he/she flew into space, where?”
How to do it?
  1. One of the pair is given a list of questions. He writes answers to them in two or three minutes, without showing it to his other half.
  2. When the first player has finished, the second player receives a list of questions and answers them out loud. The task is to guess the answers of the other half.
  3. The pair with the most matching answers wins.

    Have a fun holiday and don’t forget that there should be a lot of competitions at the New Year’s table. This year's symbol loves laughter and celebrations. If you celebrate the New Year in a fun and interesting way, the Dog will definitely remember you and bring you good luck in the coming year.

Target: creating a festive mood.

The second game was to feel and pull out tiny candies in a two-liter container filled to the top with buckwheat.
The third game was offered to all children, but the rules were different. On the rope, which was held by the ends by two adults, hung various prizes and souvenirs that had to be cut off with scissors in order to take it for yourself. The children chose the gift they liked, and then, blindfolded, tried to cut it off. The difficulty for them was to navigate the space and make required quantity steps. The youngest was not blindfolded, but they did not help him cut the thread with the gift.
For a 2-year-old child, these tasks were enough. The rest of the time he watched his brother and sister, who actively competed with each other.

Game "Cinderella"
Each participant is blindfolded and asked to sort their slide, in which 3 types of pasta are mixed, into groups. The ingredients can be changed depending on what you have in the house. This could be peas, beans, lentils, dried rowan, etc. The one who completes the task first wins.

Here the eldest grandson, who acted with both hands at the same time, won with a great advantage.

"Cooking Competition"
Behind certain time The participants of the game had to create New Year's menus. The granddaughter came up with a menu for the Snow Maiden, and the grandson for Father Frost. Dishes on the menu for the Snow Maiden must begin with the letter "S", and for Father Frost - with the letter "M". The one with the largest menu wins. At first, the children came up with dishes on their own, but very soon their parents joined them, which greatly enlivened the game and enriched the children’s vocabulary. This competition was won by my granddaughter, who has an excellent auditory memory and a large vocabulary.

Creative competition “Make a Christmas tree”
The children were asked to create their own version of a Christmas tree from the proposed fruits, vegetables and marzipan figures.
Place half an apple cut side down on a plate. A hole is made in this apple into which a carrot is inserted. It will be the “trunk” of the Christmas tree, onto which grapes and other fruits will be attached using toothpicks.

Game "Find the Treasure".
For this game you need to prepare in advance a drawing of the apartment in which the holiday takes place and make several photocopies. Then, on this drawing, mark with a cross the place where the treasure is hidden.
The difficulty in reading the drawing lies in the fact that three-dimensional objects are presented on it as two-dimensional ones, therefore, having quickly understood where to look, the children could not find the hidden object for a long time. For example, knowing that his grandson easily reads diagrams, the grandfather hung the “treasure” on the curtain rod on the side balcony door, which was impossible to understand by looking at the drawing. The game took place in two stages. At the first stage, the children looked for treasures together because, firstly, the granddaughter had to learn from the experience of her older brother and learn to read the apartment diagram, and secondly, Team work unites, and finally, there were gifts for everyone, and the youngest grandson is not yet able to complete such a task on his own. I borrowed the gift idea from the “Merry Holiday” store. There, for 380 rubles, small jars with the name “ Ambulance. For money", "Ambulance. From disgusting studies”, etc. Inside these jars were some sweets of very dubious composition. I thought that I would print labels on a color printer, come up with positive names for the Ambulance, buy sweets that I have no doubt about the quality of, and get wonderful souvenirs for a much lower price. These jars were hidden for children in the bathroom inside washing machine, loaded clean things. The names I came up with are:

Nourishes the brain

excellent study.


Increases obedience.
Reduces stubbornness.
Increases immunity.

I regret that I didn’t take a photo of these jars, because I didn’t plan to post this material on the blog.

Game "Find the turtle."
The turtle is a magnet that hangs on the refrigerator. The game is that I put a turtle in a visible place in the room, and the children must find it, but not scream with joy, not take the turtle in their hands, but sit calmly on the sofa and wait for the other participant to complete the task. I play this game with the children in the garden. It helps to cope with impulsiveness and develops observation skills. Children do not immediately manage to follow these rules. Despite the fact that I always put the object in a visible place, they search for a long time, and if they find it, they cannot contain their joy and break the second rule. Here the presenter has to be inventive in order to find places in the room that, on the one hand, were visible, and on the other, masked the magnet. Instead of a magnet, you can take the most simple objects: a box of matches, an eraser, a paper clip, etc.

This game requires paired pictures that are placed face down. There can be 20 or more pictures. It all depends on the number of players and their age. Players take turns. The one who walks opens any two pictures. If they turn out to be the same, the player takes them for himself; if the pictures are different, they are put back in place face down. The turn passes to the next player. The one who gets the most pairs wins.
While playing, you need to look carefully at the pictures and remember their location. The beginning of the game is the most difficult moment, because there are a lot of pictures and the unpaired ones are almost always opened. During this period, it is necessary to maintain confidence in children that they will soon be lucky and be able to win. We play this game with a mixed group, since adults and children have equal chances.
There is also the “MEMORY” option, when the pictures are different, but the words used to denote them are the same, for example: scythe, board, counting, pear, bow, mouse (computer), exercise (for mobile phone), roller (special vehicle), bow tie (tie), etc.
For the New Year, I came up with a sweet version of the game. After we played regular options, I announced a super game. Instead of pictures there will be candies and chocolates, which I will cover with opaque disposable cups. Everyone knows how to play next. You open identical candies, take them for yourself, and cover them with a glass of different ones. We played it twice and everyone really enjoyed it.
True, I took the photo later, just to show the principle of the game itself.

Master classes
I like it when children draw, sculpt, and become familiar with beauty, so at the holiday I invited them to do work using the plasticineography technique. Everyone, including the youngest grandson, chose a blank for themselves and began to “draw.” Upon completion of the work, a “vernissage” was held for the parents.

Last year its creativity demonstrated by the son, who painted the children’s faces with makeup. They really liked this process, with the exception of the youngest, who categorically refused.

Activities for adults
At the festival, tasks are offered to everyone. They are not difficult, accessible even to schoolchildren, but require attention and the ability to think logically. It’s often that everyone doesn’t have enough attention to answer without errors. Of course, the questions are presented in printed form according to the type of test. All that remains is to highlight the correct answer. Here is an example of one such task.
1. You are running a marathon and overtake the runner who was running second. What position do you take now?
Second first this is impossible third

2. Is there a February 23rd in the USA?
No, only for the military, only for men

3. You are running a marathon and pass the last runner. What position do you take now?
Second first last penultimate this is impossible

4. Winnie the Pooh is...
Boar piglet boar pig none of the above

5. How many animals did Moses take into his ark?
Unlimited quantity of none, two of each type, one of each type

6. There were 5 glasses on the table. Misha drank one glass and put it on the table. How many glasses does it cost now?

7. From rectangular table sawed off one corner. How many angles are there?

8. There are 3 carrots and 5 apples on the table. The child took one carrot and ate it. How many fruits are left?

9. The distance between points A and B is 500 km. A car left point A to point B at a speed of 100 km/h. At the same time, a car drove towards him from point B to point A at a speed of 120 km/h. which one will be closer to point A when they meet?
(The car is considered a material point).

10. The product first rose in price by 10%, and then fell in price by 10%. What is its value now?
101% 100 % 90 % 99 % 109 %

11. How many times does the number 4 appear in numbers from 1 to 50?
1 14 4 6 10 15

Right answers:
1. second 2. yes 3. this is impossible 4. none of the above
5. none 6. 5 7. 5 8. 5 9. they will be at the same distance from point A when they meet (the task is overloaded with information, but it is enough to include creative thinking to instantly find a solution) 10. 99% (with an increase in price by 10%, the product began to cost 110, 10% of 110 = 11, therefore, after the reduction in price it will cost 99%) 11. 15 times (they often forget that in the number 44 two fours).

On New Year's holiday It is impossible to do without riddles, songs and dances. We also had them, but I will not describe them, since such a task was not set.

Traditional and still the best solution will spend the New Year with family, where only the most beloved and close people are present. But it will still be boring to just sit at the table and watch an endless stream of entertaining television programs. It is much more interesting to organize some exciting New Year's competitions for the whole family at home, in which both adults and children can participate equally. By organizing New Year's competitions for children and adults, you can unite your family even closer and make this winter holiday even more magical and unforgettable.

"Relay of Memories"

Usually, before the New Year, people say goodbye to the outgoing year, summing up its results. This can be turned into a game. Let everyone quickly and briefly name the most pleasant moments that happened to him in the past year, and pass the baton to someone else. The one who could not quickly pick it up and continue with his memories becomes a loser, but for this he is awarded the title of “lucky person of 2017.” At the same time, the display of a sense of humor by those gathered is encouraged.

"Draw a dream"

When choosing New Year's competitions for a small company, you can pay attention to the following. Participants are provided with sheets of paper and markers, crayons or pencils. They are then blindfolded and must then blindly try to draw their dream. When all the participants have finished their work, they take off their bandages and, together with other guests, try to guess what kind of dream was depicted on each canvas. The winner of the competition receives a small prize, and the rest of the artists can only believe that their dreams will come true in the coming year.

"Funny drawings"

You need to get a large sheet of corrugated cardboard, in the middle of which make two holes for the hands. Then the competition participants, one by one, must stick their hands into these holes and, without seeing what they are doing, try to draw something, for example, Santa Claus. This fun competition For adults, on New Year's Day, the one who comes up with the most beautiful or funniest drawing wins.

"Not a word of truth"

The presenter for this competition must prepare in advance many questions on New Year's themes, for example:

  • which plant is most often decorated for the New Year;
  • who is customary to sculpt from snow;
  • what is our most “New Year’s” film;
  • that on New Year's Eve rushes into the sky;
  • whose year begins according to the Chinese calendar;
  • who we see on television screens last in the past year.

You can include questions about the guests’ habits or New Year’s traditions in family competitions at the table for the New Year. different nations. In general, the more questions there are and the more diverse they are, the more interesting participation in this competition will be for everyone.

The host must quickly and decisively ask his questions, and the guests must answer them in such a way that there is not a word of truth. The unwary player who tells the truth will receive a forfeit - to sing a song, read a poem or fulfill the wish of one of the participants, just as it happens in the classic game of forfeit.

"New Year's Talisman"

When thinking over a scenario for the New Year in the family, competitions can be chosen with a creative twist. For example, make a New Year's talisman from stationery(tape, pins, paper clips), plasticine and even food. Each participant in the competition is offered the task of making a talisman for one of the participants in the feast from the materials provided in 2-3 minutes. The winner is the one who not only designed the most impressive talisman, but also accompanied it with the most convincing or original explanation of why it is needed.

"Remembering the Alphabet"

New Year's competitions for adult company You can turn on this kind of entertainment. At the height of the feast, the host turns to the guests and says that he has taken so much that he has already forgotten the alphabet. On this occasion, he suggests raising glasses and making toasts to the New Year, which should begin in alphabetical order. Next comes the turn of the guests, who must invent toasts, starting with the letter “A” and further alphabetically. For example, these:

  • Shouldn't we do it again for the New Year?
  • Be healthy in the coming year!
  • To your health!
  • Brilliant thoughts to everyone this year!

When the audience is exhausted and the last toast is said, everyone should vote for the most successful or funniest toast and drink to the health of its author.

“Make your favorite cabbage”

Agree that the funniest new competitions for adults for the New Year should be held with the participation of couples. The essence of the entertainment is that one of the couple is blindfolded, after which he must blindly dress up his partner. Here you will need preliminary preparation– in a large bag you need to put a variety of clothes, preferably incompatible in style, color, etc. Thanks to this, the “outfit” will turn out to be very funny, it will cause fun among all the guests.

You can add competitive principles to this game by having different couples compete in dressing speed. And after the competition is over, until the wonderful outfits are taken off, you can pose in them for the camera.


Everyone's favorite funny New Year's competitions for children and adults, such as snowball fights, are especially win-win. Moreover, you can give yourself such pleasure without going outside. A large pile of old newspapers must be placed in front of each participant, after which the presenter times the time of 1 minute, during which the competitors must make as big a snowball as possible.

There is also a more dynamic version of the snowball fight, which is designed for accuracy. At the same time, the participants should be seated in a row and a personal bucket should be placed at an equal distance from each. Then, on command, everyone begins to crumple newspapers, forming “snowballs” and throwing them into their basket. After a minute or two, the game stops and the baskets are checked - the winner is the one whose catch is richer.

"Frost Breath"

For this fun activity, you need to line up everyone in front of an empty table, on which you place small snowflakes cut out of paper. Then, on command, all participants begin to blow as hard as they can on their snowflakes, trying to make them fall from the opposite end of the table. As soon as the last snowflake falls from the table, the competition ends. And the winner unexpectedly turns out to be the one whose snowflake lasted the longest on the table - all thanks to his frosty breath, because of which it froze to the table.

Be sure to take a couple of competitions from our article “Children’s competitions for the New Year”, then neither adults nor children will be bored.

"Secret Name"

Family New Year competitions on this topic can have two options. On the back of each family member participating in the game you need to attach a piece of paper on which his new name will be written (you can use the name of an animal or the name of a well-known person). And then, throughout the New Year's evening, all those gathered can hint to each other about new names. The one who is the first to guess what his name is now will be the winner of this fun competition.

In the second version of this game, everyone can ask leading questions about their name, but should only receive monosyllabic answers like “yes” or “no.” In the end, he will be able to guess his new name and then the turn to guess goes to the other player.


When choosing intellectual and funny New Year's competitions for the family at the table, you cannot pass by this entertainment:

A volunteer is selected from among the participants. The rules of the game are explained to all participants in the game - the guesser can ask any questions to anyone sitting at the table in any order, but will only receive “yes” and “no” answers. You should also not try to guess what MPS is by letter. Then the player leaves the room for a minute, and all participants are explained what an MPS is - this is my right neighbor. That is, each person sitting at the table should, when answering a question, keep in mind his neighbor to the right. Since each participant in the game has his own right neighbor, the answers to the same questions from different participants can be different (for example, for some it is a man, and for others it is a woman), which only confuses the guessing player. By the way, not everyone, in the end, manages to guess what MPS is.

Take a look at our article “Competitions for a New Year’s corporate party” - perhaps in it you will also find suitable competitions for the family circle.

"Surprise Ball"

Funny New Year competitions for families can play on wishes. To do this, you need to place scraps of paper with written wishes in rubber balls in advance and then inflate them. Each member of the household will choose the balloon they like, burst it and read out a wish for everyone for the coming year.

"Funny Numbers"

Everyone celebrating the holiday should be given a piece of paper and a pencil so that everyone can write any number. After this, the presenter begins to voice questions addressed to each specific person, and the answer will be the number written on the piece of paper. Required here appropriate questions, type:

  • What time do you get up?
  • How old are you?
  • How many chili peppers can you eat in one sitting?


This game can be considered one of the funniest New Year competitions for the family. Couples of different generations should participate here: mother and son or father and daughter. The couple hugs the waist with one hand, while the other two hands remain free. In this state, the “Siamese twins” will need to cut out the figure: one will have to hold the paper, and the other will have to manipulate the scissors. The “Shiva” whose figurine turns out to be more successful will win.

Do you organize New Year's competitions for the whole family? Which of the above competitions did you like the most? Share your opinion in the comments.

New Year's entertainment: games for children at home and away.

Khamidulina Almira Idrisovna, teacher primary classes MBOU pro-gymnasium "Christina" Tomsk.
Purpose: this material It will be of interest to teachers and parents when preparing for the New Year holidays.
Target: introducing students to the celebrations and traditions of the New Year.
Tasks: develop interest in New Year's traditions and customs, form educational and communicative educational skills.
1. Competition "Telegram to Santa Claus".
The guys are asked to name 12 adjectives: “hungry”, “sluggish”, “dirty”, fat”, “red”, “hot... When all the adjectives are written down, the presenter takes out a telegram and writes in the missing adjectives from the list. Text of the telegram: "... Grandfather Frost! All... children are looking forward to your... arrival. New Year is the most... holiday of the year. We will sing for you... songs, dance... dances ! Finally... New Year is coming! We promise that we will only receive... grades. So, quickly open your... bag and give us... gifts. With respect to you... boys and ... girls!"
2. Gift wrapped.
For the competition you need: wrapping paper, bows, scissors, colored ribbons, New Year's rain and tinsel, lace. In a word, everything that is required to create beautiful packaging. Each child holds a gift for the other. Task: beautifully wrap a gift for a neighbor in 3 minutes. Whoever gets the most beautiful packaging wins. Receives a prize.
3.Draw a cheerful Santa Claus.
For the competition you need: 2 sheets of whatman paper and 2 sets of multi-colored markers. Children are divided into two teams. In each team, 1 person must be selected who will alternately bring a sheet of Whatman paper to each member of his team (or it is possible for two adults to perform these functions). The whole team’s task is to draw a cheerful Santa Claus in 2 minutes, but each child at Grandfather’s can only draw one thing (head, eyes, nose, mouth, beard, etc.). The winner is the team who, in 2 minutes, will create the funniest Santa Claus. All members of the winning team, of course, receive New Year's prizes.
4. Guess the melody.
For this music competition We need CDs with New Year's melodies from children's songs. Children sit in a circle and begin to listen. Whoever guesses the song first is awarded a piece of candy. The winner will be the one who has the most candies at the end of the game.
5.Live Christmas tree.
For the competition you need to prepare many different Christmas tree decorations.
Children are divided into teams. In each team they choose someone who will portray live Christmas tree. The task of the other participants is to decorate this Christmas tree in 3 minutes. Prizes are given to those who have the most decorated Christmas tree.
6.Guess Santa Claus.
For the competition you need to prepare: a Santa Claus costume and accessories for it (hat, beard)
They choose one child and blindfold him. In a separate room, other children must choose which of them will wear the Santa Claus costume. The child's task, blindfolded, is to guess which of the children is hiding in the good Grandfather costume. He can touch Santa Claus, tickle him, in general, do everything to guess which of the guys is hiding there. Time is given 5 minutes. The one who guesses correctly receives a New Year's gift. Then the children change.
7. Fun gifts.
This New Year's entertainment for children is based on humor and laughter. Each child brings with him a pre-wrapped gift. New Year's gift for children, it must contain something unnecessary (something that the child has already considered unsuitable and uninteresting for himself. Only the thing must be intact and suitable for use). All these gifts are put into a large New Year's bag. Then all the children simultaneously run to the bag and, without looking, take out a gift from the bag. Then everyone unwraps it together and examines what they got.
8.Magic word.
Participants in the game can sit or stand. The presenter very quickly gives various commands that need to be executed only if the word “please” is added to them. Without this word, the command is invalid and does not need to be executed. The one who makes a mistake gets up or takes a step forward, but does not lose the right to continue the game. The one who makes the fewest mistakes wins.
9. Crooked mirrors.
Having placed the game participants in a semicircle in front of him, the presenter makes different movements to the music. The presenter first agrees with the guys that if he raises his hands up, then everyone puts their hands on their knees; if he bends his arms at the elbows, then everyone raises them up; if he spreads his arms to the sides, then everyone, on the contrary, bends their arms at the elbows, but if he throws his arms forward, then everyone throws them forward. Then the participating children stand in front of the leader, who performs. Whoever inadvertently mixes up the movements leaves the game. When only two people remain who have not made a single mistake, the game ends.
10.Hot hands.
The players stretch out their hands in front of them and hold them with their palms up. The driver walks in a circle. His task is to slap one of the guys on the palm. At the moment when he tries to do this, the player withdraws or lowers his hands. Whoever the driver slaps on the palm, he takes his place. If there are many participants, then two people can drive at the same time.
11. Damaged phone.
The leader thinks of a word and quickly whispers it into the ear of the first team member. He passes the word (also quietly, so that no one hears, and quickly) to the next player, and so on - along the chain. The last member of the team says the word out loud. Sometimes you can hear very funny versions of the hidden word, which was incorrectly conveyed by the “damaged phone”. Many complicate the game: the presenter thinks of not a word, but a whole phrase.
12. Nonsense.
Each player receives a pen and a long piece of paper. First, everyone writes the answer to the question “who?” on top, then wraps what they have written and gives it to their neighbor. Then everyone writes the answer to the question “with whom?” (under the wrapped part, and not on it!), wrap it up and pass it around again, then - “where?”, “when?”, “what did they do?”, “as a result...”, etc. Questions you can add others. Then all this is revealed and read out loud. Usually the result is a very funny and ridiculous story, for example: “Father Frost and Maria Petrovna half an hour ago robbed a store in America. As a result, it began to snow.”
13. New Year's joke “Box of gifts”
For the New Year, you can arrange such a little joke. In the room where you will celebrate the New Year, place a box that has a top and no bottom. The box can be decorated with a beautiful ribbon and write “Happy New Year” on it, and put it in the box you need confetti. It is important that the box is placed in a high place. When a child enters the room and is told that there is a gift for him on the cabinet, he naturally takes off the box and is covered in confetti.
Happy New Year!!!


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