“Spring Tale” Scenario of theatrical entertainment for children of the preparatory group. Script for a play in kindergarten for a preparatory group

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Svetlana Boklina

Target: development of children's artistic abilities through theatrical activities.



Little Fox –

Top –

Squirrel –

Sun -

Magpie. What am I going to tell you now! You probably know it yourself. that there are all sorts of stories in the world, but not everyone gets to know about them. Listen.

There lived animals in the forest - cute guys. September was approaching. So it's time for school. Toptyzhka had also been preparing for school for a long time; he had many things in abundance. He will sit on the grass behind his house, lay out his things and admire it.

The animals see this, approach the bear and start talking to him.

little fox (carefully). Topty, what are you doing? Why did you lay it all out? For whom? For what purpose?

Toptyzhka. And not for anyone or for any purpose, I just admire.

Little fox. Give me that pen, please. I'll practice how to write. I'll give it back to you!

Toptyzhka (hurriedly). No no! You won't give it back to me.

little fox (with annoyance). Yah you! Greedy. (Leaves.)

Magpie (continues). And then the Wolf Cub showed up. I began to look at the little bear's things with delight.

Teen Wolf (very polite). Hello, friend Toptyzhka. Why did you sit here and lay everything out?

Toptyzhka (with admiration). Yes, I admire it!

Little wolf. Your crayons are so beautiful! Where did you get them?

Toptyzhka (boasts). My dad gave this to me.

Little wolf. Give me one piece of chalk to draw. And when I have the same ones, I’ll definitely give them to you too

Toptyzhka (sharp). Never! You will draw it, and I won’t have such a beautiful crayon!

Teen Wolf (sighs). What can you do here? You are the boss. (Leaves.)

Magpie. A little squirrel gallops past. There is a bump in the paws. Suddenly he stops and examines the things that Toptyzhka has laid out.

Little squirrel (exclaims). Oh! So many things! And all the necessary ones! And the pencils are just lovely. Give me an orange pencil, Toptyzhka, please. I will draw a portrait of my mother and return it to you. After all, you still have the same one.

Toptyzhka. I'm not giving it! Suddenly you break it.

Little squirrel. I'm thrifty, I won't break it. Well, give it to me, please!

Toptyzhka. I said I won't give it! So I won’t give it to you!

Little squirrel (regretfully). All clear. (Leaves.)

Toptyzhka (enough). It's good that I didn't give anything to anyone. What a beauty! Oh, someone's stomping again, or what? Of course it's a hedgehog! What does he want?

Hedgehog (admiringly). Well done, Toptyzhka. There are so many things in stock. And they're all new. (Come closer.) Please give me a red eraser for five minutes. I was drawing a picture of a house and made a mistake in one place. I'll correct the mistake and I'll bring you an eraser.

Toptyzhka (with a grin). Look what you want! Give me the eraser. You'll get by somehow. And then suddenly, what the hell, you bite it in half!

Hedgehog. Well you're greedy! (Leaves.)

Toptyzhka. Ugh! Finally got rid of everyone. It even became hot. I'll take things into the house. (Collects everything and takes it away.)

Magpie. Peaceful and pleased with himself, Toptyzhka went out into the clearing in front of his house, lay down on the grass and began to watch the clouds.

Toptyzhka (counts clouds). One two three four five. How fluffy. I wish I could take them for myself. No one would have those.

Sun. Toptyzhka, you can’t do that! There is no limit to your greed. Aren't you afraid of losing friends because of her? Listen to me baby!

The sun is hiding behind a cloud.

Magpie. Meanwhile, something was brewing in the forest. These animals gathered to visit Toptyzhka. Do you hear the noise? They are the ones approaching.

Animals (they run out into the clearing. They are holding a large pie. They hand it to Toptyzhka). This is for you.

Toptyzhka (surprised). That's for me? For what?

Animals (singing).

We respect Toptyzhka,

We wish you all the best.

Throw away your greed

Or the friendship will go wrong.

Toptyzhka (delighted). I, little animals, understood everything. I won't be greedy. After all, we will all soon be entering the same school. Yes, and we live nearby. Both neighbors and friends!

Magpie. And Toptyzhka justified the trust of his comrades: Poland has never been greedy. And the pie was immediately divided in the clearing according to the number of guests and eaten together. And I was there, I tried the delicious pie. She stood in the center of the round dance, sang, danced, and led greed into the forest.

That's it! Never be greedy!

children dancing to the song "Friendship"

“Theatrical activities in the correction of speech development of preschool children”

Characters: Mom, Little Red Riding Hood, grandmother, wolf, hare, little bunny, squirrels, hedgehog, hunter, flowers, bees.

Narrator:. Once upon a time there lived a mother and her little daughter, Little Red Riding Hood.

My grandmother lived behind the forest, she was kind and affectionate.
Little Red Riding Hood loved her grandmother very much and went to visit her.
Spring has come, the sun is shining.
Mom baked a pie - a ruddy side,
To visit grandma and treat her to pies. (Mom bakes pies and puts them in a basket).

Little Red Riding Hood comes out and starts cleaning the house, singing.

I'll get up early and wake up the sun.
I'll help my mother clean the house.
Sunny song, sunny day,
Petya the Cockerel sang this song to me.

Mother. You are already quite big. Look what it is.
You sweep and tidy the floor and help your mother at home.
My daughter, my most beloved. (mother and Little Riding Hood sing)
Where there is spring, there are flowers and gifts, familiar lines from good songs.

On a clear day, a mother takes her daughter for a walk to grandma’s.
Mom and daughter, they are so similar.
Mom and daughter are two drops of sunshine.
Childhood goes away, goes away and still

Love remains in the heart forever.
Mother. We need to go to grandma and take her some pies.
Don’t offend anyone along the way; help anyone who needs help.
Kr. Cap. Okay mommy. (takes the basket and leaves, mom waves to her).


I’m walking to my grandmother along a forest path,
Whoever I meet, I will invite with me.

(a wolf comes out to meet you, the girl got scared, sat down, covered herself with a basket).

Wolf. (singing). Snowdrops bloomed in the forest long ago.
Everyone ran away and only met a fox.
But I want to eat so much, I’ll swallow any animal.
I'm a hungry wolf, my teeth click and click.

(the wolf notices the girl) Who's shaking there like that?
If the hare is a daredevil, come out. You're in deep trouble!
(approaches Little Red Riding Hood, sniffs).
What a wonderful scent! Apchhi!

Of course I'll eat everything! Apchhi! (Little Red Riding Hood gets up).
Oh, what a girl!
Oh, what a hat!
Oh, what cheeks!

Where are you in a hurry?
Little Red Riding Hood. I need to go and see my dear grandma.
Treat you to some pies.
Wolf. Does your grandmother live far away?

Little Red Riding Hood. Far away, in the village, behind the forest.

Wolf. I also want to visit your grandmother, I will go along this path, and you go along that one, we’ll see who comes first.

(The wolf runs away, and Little Red Riding Hood walks through the clearing admiring the beauty, sees flowers standing with their heads down)

Little Red Riding Hood. What beautiful flowers!

But why are you so sad?

Flowers. It has not rained for a long time, so we are withering without water.

Little Red Riding Hood. I will help you, there is a stream nearby, I will bring water for you. (runs away, comes with water, waters the flowers, they raise their heads).

Flowers. Thank you very much Little Red Riding Hood, you are a kind girl, you didn’t let us die, for your care we give you this bouquet.

Little Red Riding Hood. Thank you, dear flowers, I will give it to my grandmother.

(The bees arrive, sing and dance with the flowers)

Bees. Clover, porridge, bluebell and chamomile are blooming,
Let's fly to the meadow in the morning and pick up some nectar, friends.
Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu,
Let's get some nectar, friends.

Our hive is multi-story, every mosquito here knows

We invite everyone to visit and treat them to fresh honey.

Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu

We treat you with fresh honey.

Bees. This is honey from us for you.

In the evening you will drink tea and honey with your grandmother.

Little Red Riding Hood. Thank you, and now I need to rush to my grandmother.

Little Red Riding Hood. Hello, what happened?

Hare. Oh oh oh
My little bunny doesn't jump
He cries loudly in pain.
The bunny pricked his paw, what should I do? That's the problem.

You won't jump anywhere.

Little Red Riding Hood. Don't worry, Aunt Hare, I will help the Little Hare

I'll bandage his paw.

Here's a carrot for you, you'll be able to jump deftly again.

Bunny. (becomes cheerful)

The little bunny doesn't cry anymore, he jumps here and there through the forest.

The bunny's legs again carry him along the grass and along the path.

(The hare, the little hare and Little Red Riding Hood are dancing)

Hare, Thank you Little Red Riding Hood, where are you going? Alone, in the forest.

Treat me to some pies, come with me. There are enough pies for everyone, the wolf also ran to grandma.

Hare. Woooolk? Did you run to grandma? Oh. I don’t like this, I think that your grandmother is in danger, you little bunny run to the hunter, tell everything, and I will go with Little Red Riding Hood.

(The little hare runs away, and the girl and the hare go further and meet squirrels playing).

Squirrels. (singing) A squirrel runs quickly after a squirrel
The squirrels will play burner games.
That's how, that's how whites go into the burners.
This is how, this is how they will play.

From tree to tree, back and forth
Squirrels' paws hurry along the branches.
That's how, that's how Squirrel's paws are.
This is how, this is how they hurry along the branches.

They spin, they spin, they jump, they jump,
Like a fluffy red ball.
That's how, that's how the red ball is.
That's how, that's how the red ball is.

Little Red Riding Hood. Hello squirrels!

Squirrels. Hello, where are you going?

Little Red Riding Hood. I need to go and see my dear grandma.

Treat you to pies

Hare. And the wolf ran to grandma, she and Little Red Riding Hood were in danger

Squirrel. We'll go with you. We will help you in any way we can.

Hedgehog. (Singing) Top, top, top they run along the path.
Top, top, top short legs.
Top, top, top beady eyes
This animal is from a good fairy tale.

Hello! Where are you in a hurry?

All. Hello, hedgehog!

Squirrel. Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother is in danger; the wolf runs towards her.

Hedgehog. I'll go with you too. I will help you in any way I can.
Fir, fir, fir I am stronger than the wolf.
Fir, fir, fir of the fox is more cunning.
Fir, fir, fir, I will find a way out.

I will come to the aid of those who are weaker.

(Everybody leaves).

(Granny’s house, she sits in a chair, spins yarn, sings)

Grandmother. May the golden spinner, I spin, and the thread stretches.

I spin, and the thread stretches, I like this work.

(The wolf runs up to the house and knocks)

Grandmother. Who's there?

Wolf. It's me, your granddaughter, Little Red Riding Hood.

(The door opens, the wolf enters the house, the grandmother backs away, the wolf advances with its paws up).

Wolf. Ha – ha-ha. 1,2,3, 4, 5, 6, 7 I’ll quickly eat you now!

(At this time, on one side, a hunter with a little hare approaches the house, on the other, Little Red Riding Hood and friends).

Hunter. E-E-E no wolf! Do not rush!

Better be careful yourself.

(The wolf trembles, raises its paws up)

Wolf. Oh oh oh! Let go! Forgive me for everything.
I'm not evil, not evil at all. I won't eat anyone here!
An obsession came over me. I'm ashamed of my behavior.
I promise! Don’t offend anyone, but I will help my grandmother!

Hunter. Well, shall we forgive the wolf, brothers?

Why should we fight this?

All. For the sake of such a holiday, we are ready to forgive him.

Grandmother. Granddaughter, my dear! I'm glad to see you.
I see you are not alone here - all your friends are with you.
Come in, I’m very glad to see you all.
Everyone, sit down at the table with us and help yourself to the pies!

Narrator: That’s the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened, well done!

(All artists take a bow.)

The script for the play “A Journey through Fairy Tales” in the preparatory group of a kindergarten.

Educator: Lomovtseva Marina Nikolaevna

Target: comprehensive development of preschool children through theatrical play.

Relevance of the issue:“The theater is a magical land in which a child rejoices while playing, and in play he learns about the world!”

Educational and educational objectives:

  1. Deepen children's knowledge about theater as an art form. Develop theatrical culture skills. Expand the range of information about those who work in the theater. Introduce the types of theater: opera, ballet, puppet, drama, children's. Introduce us to the theaters of our city of St. Petersburg.
  2. Teach a child to see the beautiful in life and people, to instill a desire to bring the beautiful and good into life.
  3. Continue to introduce theatrical screens and puppeteering techniques. Encourage active participation in the puppet show.
  4. Help to comprehend artistic images created by means of theatrical expressiveness (music, words, choreography, scenery)
  5. Strengthen the ability to use means of expression (posture, gestures, facial expressions, intonation, movements)
  6. Teach children to coordinate their actions with partners, to be creative at all stages of work on the play;
  7. Consolidating the ability to master technical techniques for working with different types theater (bi-ba-bo, tabletop, finger)

Speech tasks:

  1. Automation of the pronunciation of all assigned sounds.
  2. Work on diction, intonation, voice strength.
  3. Consolidating practical skills of expressive recitation.

Preparatory stage.

Cognitive-speech direction:

Conversations with children about the theater. Conversation with children about the work of writers and poets, storytellers: K.I. Chukovsky, S.V. Mikhalkov, A.S. Pushkin, S.Ya. Marshak.

Reading literary works: O. Krupenchuk “Petersburg is a city of theaters”; N. Nosov “In the theater”.

Staging sketches; compiling stories from pictures;

Making up short tales, endings to fairy tales. Mnemonic table “My favorite fairy-tale hero”

Children's stories on the topic “How I went to the theater”; “My favorite fairy-tale hero”; “My favorite fairy tale”; games - dialogues on lexical topics.

Quiz “My favorite fairy tales”

Finger gymnastics “Visiting a fairy tale”; “A fun circus is visiting us”

Poems and riddles about fairy-tale characters.

Social and personal direction:

Role-playing game “We are artists”, “Cafe”, “Family”, “Flower shop”

Didactic games: “Catch, throw, name a fairy tale”; “Which book is the hero from”; “Find out by description”;

Word games: “Explain the word”; "My theatrical dictionary"

Printed board games: “Once upon a time there were fairy tales”; “My favorite fairy tales”; "Cut pictures"; “Guess the fairy tale by the silhouette”; "Etiquette"

Outdoor games “The sea is agitated...show the hero of the fairy tale”; “Help the heroes of the fairy tale... (hit the target, quickly harvest, etc.)

Round dance game "Baba Yaga"; “We dance, we dance”

TRIZ technology "Composing"; “Vinaigrette from fairy tales”; "What? Where? When? Why?"

Games for developing emotions, facial expressions and gestures: “Gaits”, “My Emotions”, “Show Your Mood”, “Animal Theater”

Theater bi-ba-bo based on the fairy tale “Little Fox Sister and Gray wolf", table theater based on the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats", finger theater based on the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood", a dramatization game based on the fairy tale "Journey through Fairy Tales"

Artistic and aesthetic direction:

Modeling “My favorite fairy-tale hero”;

Drawing “Portrait of a loved one fairy tale hero", drawing "Journey through fairy tales";

Production of tickets, posters, production of masks, attributes of “Heroes of Fairy Tales” origami; "Paper Flowers";

Drawing "Masks"

Making a homemade book “My Favorite Fairy Tales”

Construction from building material"Theater"; "Fairytale castle"

Listening to the audio recording “Fairy Tales for Children”

Progress of the performance.

Sad Alyonushka approaches the storyteller.
Storyteller. Hello, Alyonushka! Why you so sad?
Alyonushka. Ah, brother Ivanushka is missing. And I looked for him everywhere: in the forest, and in the garden, and I went to Baba Yaga herself. It's nowhere to be found. Has Ivanushka gotten into some kind of trouble?
Storyteller. Wait, Alyonushka, grieve. Now I'll call my assistant. Let's ask him for advice.
Hey my hobby, my hobby,
Little hunchback, little hunchback!
Come to me, my friend,
My faithful horse, little hunchback!
The Little Humpbacked Horse runs out to the music and stops near the storyteller.
You, horse, help me,
Find your dear brother!
I won’t find Vanyusha,
But I will help you.
Here I give you the feather of the firebird,
You will all need it.
The feather will shine
Open doors in fairy tales.
The storyteller and Alyonushka.Thank you, Little Humpbacked Horse! The horse runs away.

(Alyonushka waves her pen.)
Light up, feather, brightly,
Light up, feather, it's hot!
A new fairy tale, begin
My dear brother, find yourself!

Children act out the skit “Sister Fox and the Wolf” (puppet theater).
I'm so tired, so tired! I was walking near the river.
The peasant outwitted and stole all the fish!
(V. Mukhina)
Wolf. Lizaveta, hello!
Fox. How are you, toothy?
Wolf. Things are going well, my head is still intact
Fox. Where have you been?
Wolf. On the market.
Fox. What did you buy?
Wolf. Pork.
Fox. How much did you take?
Wolf. A clump of wool…
The right side was torn off
The tail was chewed off in a fight.
Fox. Who bit it off?
Wolf. Dogs!
Wolf. Well, where have you been wandering?
Fox. I caught fish in an ice hole.
I just dropped my ponytail,
See how much I caught!
(Shows a basket of fish).
Wolf. I want fish too!
Fox. So catch it, I'll teach you.

Alyonushka. Guys, what fairy tale have I found myself in?

Alyonushka. Little fox-sister, gray wolf! Have you met my brother Ivanushka in your fairy tale?
Wolf and fox. No, Alyonushka, we haven’t!

Alyonushka. Waving a pen.

Light up, feather, brightly,
Light up, feather, it's hot!
A new fairy tale, begin
My dear brother, find yourself!

Children act out a scene from the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” (table theater)


Come on, kids, go home!
I go farther for the grass.

The third kid immediately runs into the house and looks out.

First kid

I'm with you!

Second kid

And I'm with you!


You are still very young!
You can meet a wolf in the forest.
Wolves, children, are very angry.

First kid (boastfully)

I can run fast -
I'll run away from the wolf!

Second kid (menacing)

And I will butt heads like that,
That I will bend it into an arc.

And I stay at home
I'm very afraid of the wolf.

The third kid hides in the hut.

Second kid

What to be afraid of? We must fight!

First kid

We will intercede, don’t be a coward!


Oh, you are my protector.
Come on, everyone, hurry up and go home!
Don't open it to anyone
Only dear mother.

The goat strokes the First kid on the head and pushes him towards the house. The kids are hiding in the house and looking out.


And when I return I will sing
Quietly sing your song.
And then let me in,
I'll give you some milk.

Alyonushka. Guys, what fairy tale have I found myself in?

Alyonushka. Goat and kids! Have you met my brother Ivanushka in your fairy tale?
(Alyonushka waves her pen.)

Light up, feather, brightly,

Light up, feather, it's hot!

A new fairy tale, begin

My dear brother, find yourself!

Children act out a scene from the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood” (finger theater)
Little Red Riding Hood.Grandmother! Knock Knock! Open up! I haven't seen you for a long time.
Wolf. Pull the string and the door will open.
Little Red Riding Hood.Grandma, grandma! Why are you like this big hands?
Wolf. To hug you tighter!
Little Red Riding Hood.Grandma, grandma! Why do you have such big ears?
Wolf. To hear you better.
Little Red Riding Hood.Grandma, grandma! Why are your eyes so big?
Wolf. To see you better!
Little Red Riding Hood.Grandma, grandma! Why do you have such big teeth?
Wolf. To eat you quickly! (Catches Little Red Riding Hood.)

Alyonushka . Guys, what fairy tale have I found myself in now?

Alyonushka. Little Red Riding Hood, gray wolf! Have you met my brother Ivanushka in your fairy tale?
Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf.No, Alyonushka, we haven’t!

Alyonushka. What to do? Where to look for Ivanushka now, the last fairy tale is over... Where are you, Ivanushka?
Ivanushka. Here I am, Alyonushka! The guys are visiting kindergarten!
Alyonushka. Hello, dear brother!
Ivanushka. Alyonushka! Let's go home quickly, grandparents won't be waiting for us.

Storyteller. Our journey to the land of fairy tales has ended! Goodbye! See you again!


Script for a musical fairy tale for children preparatory group.

Target: Creation favorable conditions to realize the creative abilities of children in the preparatory group.

Mom, Thumbelina, waves, Frog and her son, Beetle, other beetles, butterflies, flowers, Mouse, Mole and his mole friends, Swallow, Elf and other elves.
Decorations and props:
For Thumbelina's house you will need: children's sofa with a blanket, small table and 2 chairs, fake cakes, a doll set for tea drinking, a watering can, a book with fairy tales.
The Frog's House can be designated using a screen on wheels. You can attach fabric, fake cattails, and water lilies to it. You will also need a table, 2 benches, green breakfast dishes, green wool with plastic knitting needles in a basket for the Frog, green bridal bouquet To my son.
Let's denote the Beetle's house using a tree. We'll put a stump near the tree.
House of the Mouse: a screen with a fireplace, ears of corn in a vase, a table with food (pieces of cheese in a plate), dishes, an abacus for all the moles, glasses for the main mole, a white cape - a veil for marriage, a screen on wheels for the Swallow (because the screen two-sided, then back side decorated like a forest).
Fabric backdrop “Fairytale Country” for the land of the Elves; wings for all elves; wings for Thumbelina; ribbons for all waves; fabric for dance "storm".
Stage decoration:
Thumbelina's house on the proscenium.
The Frog's House is the space in front of the stage, created using a screen.
The Beetle's house - on stage - is a tree and a stump.
For the Swallow, the forest is a screen that has been rolled back and turned over on the other side.
House of Mouse - on stage. Now there is another screen, with a fireplace.
In the finale, only the “Fairytale Land” backdrop is on stage.
The design of the stage can vary depending on the conditions of the preschool institution.

The course of the musical tale:

Ved. Dear mothers, we congratulate you on the most tender, most necessary, most heartfelt holiday, Mother’s Day.

Every day for any of us,

Permeated with kindness and faith,

The warmth of mother's eyes,

And in life by her example,

Will not warm planet Earth

Even the sun when it's not around

To our mother, what life gave,

With her wise, loving gaze.

We will bow to you to the ground,

Please accept congratulations from us,

You keep in your palms,

Our Childhood! May God give you patience!

Today, in honor of the holiday, the children and staff of the kindergarten have prepared a special gift for you - the fairy tale “Thumbelina” Dance of Flowers.

1st picture
Ved . Once upon a time, in a distant land, there lived a woman. She had no children. One day a Fairy came to her and gave her a grain. The woman planted a seed in the ground. And grew from the ground beautiful flower. When the flower blossomed in it, a girl was sitting. She was beautiful, but very small. The woman called her Thumbelina. And so the fairy tale begins.

(Thumbelina’s house, the curtain is closed. Mom comes out and waters the flowers from a watering can. She looks around and doesn’t see Thumbelina.)

Mother (looks for Thumbelina): daughter, where are you? Hiding again?
(He walks around, looking for his daughter. Thumbelina sneaks up behind her, scares her.)
Mother: Oh! Scared me! Playful girl!.. I baked your favorite pie! It's time to drink tea! (They sit down at the table. They eat.
Thumbelina: Thank you, very tasty! Can I go for a walk?
Mother: Well, of course you can. (Rises.) But be careful and careful, because you are so small, no more than an inch. Do you promise?
Thumbelina: Okay, Mommy, I'll be careful.
(Thumbelina’s improvisational dance. Thumbelina returns home. Mom comes up to her.)
Mother: It's already late. Would you like me to read you a story before bed?
(Mom takes the book. Thumbelina lies down on the sofa. Mom covers her with a blanket or rug.)
Mother: In a certain kingdom, in a certain state they lived.
Thumbelina: Mom, you better sing me a lullaby.
Mother: Okay, just close your eyes and go to sleep!
(The frog and her son (from the beginning of the tale, who were on the left behind the curtain) quietly stand behind the screen.) (sounds Lullaby"Tired toys are sleeping")
Mother: Good night, Thumbelina!
(Thumbelina falls asleep, Mom leaves, straightening the blanket. The frog and her son take the screen to the center. They take out a table and 2 catches, a basket with knitting. On the table are 2 green plates with food, 2 spoons, 2 green glasses. A leaf is brought to the center.)
2nd picture
Ved . Let's take a look at the river bank, where the mother frog lives with her son. Here they come... (River bank (in the hall). The frog and his son sit down and eat.)
Frog: Well, we've eaten, we can sleep. . ! (They sleep sitting and stretch.)

Well, now we've slept, we can eat. (Are eating.) Well, now we've eaten, we can sleep.
Son of the Frog: I won’t sleep, I’m tired!
Frog: Then get busy.
Son of the Frog (rises): Tired of it! Frog (rises):
How are you tired if you haven’t done anything yet?
Son of the Frog: And I’m already tired of it.
Frog (fits): Maybe you should learn something?
Son of the Frog: I don’t want to study, I want to get married!
Frog: What do you want?
Son of the Frog: Get married!
Frog: Well, let's find you a bride!
(The Frog leaves, takes a cart, puts the sleepy Thumbelina on it, and brings it to his son. Decorations of the Beetle’s house. The Frog’s son comes out from behind the screen.)
Frog (shifts the inch to the sheet): Is the bride good?
Son of the Frog (goes around it from all sides): Good. Why isn't it green?
Frog: It’s okay, if he lives with us, he’ll turn green!
(The Frog’s son takes the cart away. The Frog remains, knitting a green scarf. Thumbelina wakes up.)
Thumbelina: Oh, where am I? How did I get here? (Looks around.)
Frog (Thumbelina moves away from her during the conversation):
You are our guest. I took you from home and want to marry you to my son. I must confess to you, my dear, this is a groom of the highest qualifications. You will live in the most prestigious quarter. In a very spacious apartment. So what do you say?
Thumbelina: I want to go home. (Cries.)
Son of the Frog(comes out from behind the screen with a green bouquet):
Why are you crying? (Thumbelina pushes the bouquet away.)
Frog: This is her out of happiness! Invite your guests! (Son of the Frog leaves) And I'll go cook a treat!
3rd picture
Ved. The girl Thumbelina did not want to marry the fat son of a frog. And the kind waves hid her.

Dance of the Waves. Suddenly she was picked up by a huge cockchafer and carried away to a clearing where there were many flowers. (House of the Beetle. The curtain opens. The Beetle is standing.)
Bug: Hello, girl. What is your name?
Thumbelina: Thumbelina. Who are you?
Bug: I'm a gentleman beetle. (He gives her his hand and leads her into his house, sits her on a stump.) And this is my home. Bug (sits on his knee, stretches out his hands):Be my wife!
Thumbelina(rises):Let me think!
Bug: I'll wait as long as you want. In the meantime, let me offer you a walk.
Ved. He leads her through the clearing. Beetles and insects come out, a centipede has arrived, a relative of the beetle has arrived, and a ladybug has arrived. They look at Thumbelina.
1st Beetle: Horrible! Unknown beetle! Only two legs?
2nd Beetle: Look, she doesn't even have a mustache!
3rd Beetle: This is impossible! She has a waist!
4th Beetle: Horrible! Completely inappropriate match! (The beetles sit down but there are no places.)
Bug: Alas, we must part.
Thumbelina: But why?
Bug: Because no one liked you except me. Farewell!
(The Beetle sits in the children’s hall. The curtain closes. The scenery of the Mouse’s house. Flowers appear. They sit in 2 lines. Thumbelina admires them.)
Ved. Thumbelina hurried to beautiful flowers there were a lot of them, and she began to admire them. Thumbelina: Hello! What is your name?
Flowers: We are flowers. (The flowers wave their hands in time with the words.) And who are you?
Thumbelina: I'm an inch. Can I stay with you?
Flowers: You look like us. Stay. But know that summer will end soon. Autumn will come, and we will fall asleep until spring.
Thumbelina: What is autumn like?
Flowers: You'll see for yourself!
Ved . Dance of flowers. Flowers run away. Mouse, Mole, Swallow go behind the curtain.

Ved . The cold weather set in, a black storm blew in, it became cold and Thumbelina froze. Dance "Storm""(with a cloth). Thumbelina is freezing and trembling. Suitable for the stage. The curtain opens. Thumbelina dances from the cold.)
4th picture (House of the Mouse.)
Mouse: Who is that dancing over my head? (They go into the house.)
Mouse: Who are you, dear child?
Thumbelina: I'm Thumbelina.
Mouse: Why are you dancing?
Thumbelina: By cold!
Mouse: Are you unsteady?
Thumbelina: From hunger
Mouse: Poor thing, let me feed you and warm you.
(Thumbelina eats a grain at the table.)
Mouse: It's amazing how little you eat." You can stay if you want!

Thumbelina: Thank you very much, Aunt Mouse!
Ved. And Thumbelina stayed to live with the mouse. Under the ground there was a whole underground kingdom: holes of mice, moles, underground passages. (The Mole knocks.)
Thumbelina: Who is this?
Mouse: Don't be afraid, this is my neighbor Mole. Hello neighbor! Come on in! (The mole comes in.)
Mole: Good evening!
Mouse: How is your health?
Mole: Thank you. I feel great.
Mouse: Come on in and have dinner with us.
(Mole sits down at the table, everyone has dinner. A swallow appears in front of the forest screen.)
Mouse: Tell me, what did you do today?
Mole: I was counting my supplies.
Mouse: Dear neighbor, let me tell you something. I think you need... No, you just need an assistant!
Mole: I'm thinking about it too. where can I get it?
Mouse: Listen to me, you need to get married.
Mole: But wives are so gluttonous!
Mouse: There are those who can be satisfied even with half a grain.
Mole: Fairy tales!
Mouse: Not fairy tales! My guest eats extremely little. Look, she is small in stature, no more than an inch. And, then, she is sweet and attractive! Thumbelina, go for a little walk! (Gives her a shawl)
(Thumbelina leaves, the Mole and the Mouse talk and leave the stage behind the scenes. (Thumbelina walks and finds the Swallow in front of the screen.)
Thumbelina: Swallow, hello, how can I help you?
Martin: Hello, girl. How small you are!
Thumbelina: My name is Thumbelina. I want to help you!
Martin: Bring me something to drink, I’m very tired and cold.
(Thumbelina carries water. It could be the calyx of a flower.)
Thumbelina: Dear Swallow, what else can I do for you?
Martin: I would like to warm up!
Thumbelina: Come with me, I'll hide you in warm home Aunt Mouse.
(Thumbelina takes Swallow into the house. They hide on the left. Mouse and Mole appear on the right, they continue the conversation.)
Mouse: So, I strongly recommend that you, dear neighbor, think about everything carefully.
Mole: The fact that he eats little is good. . . As for beauty, this is not at all necessary; I don’t see it clearly. . . He eats only half a grain a day, you say. . . That's not a lot. I'm getting married!
(The Mole comes down from the stage, takes the abacus, counts.)
Mole: Half a grain a day is 182 and a half grains a year. It turns out not so little per year. (Rises back to the stage.) No, I won't get married!
(He goes backstage. The mouse spreads his arms and also goes backstage. An instrumental soundtrack on the theme of spring plays.

Ved . Spring was coming, the sun warmed Mouse's house, the birds began to sing, and Thumbelina took the Swallow outside. Thumbelina runs out and rejoices. He returns to the house, sneaks on his tiptoes, and waves to Swallow. The swallow comes out, both go down from the stage.)
Martin: Be happy, Thumbelina!
Thumbelina: Goodbye, dear Swallow!
(The swallow flies away. Thumbelina returns home. The Mole's friends go behind the curtain to go out, all together in the next scene. The main Mole is already behind the curtain. The Mole knocks. Aunt Mouse goes to open.)
Mouse: Yes Yes. I'm coming, I'm coming!.. Come on in, neighbor, you haven't stopped by for a long time!
Mole: Dear neighbor, I thought almost all winter, counted and decided: what if I really get married?
Mouse: Very correct solution! I’ll go and make my pupil happy, and you dress up properly. Such a solemn day!
(Mole leaves, Mouse turns to Thumbelina)
Mouse: Thumbelina, (inch comes out) Our neighbor has just approached you. (Thumbelina faints.)
Mouse (addresses the audience): Nothing, nothing, she’s out of happiness. .. Blind, rich - a treasure, not a husband! and, excuse me, the queen herself does not have such a fur coat! I'll go find something suitable to wear!
(He leaves, brings a white cape, puts it on the inch.)
Mole (comes with friends): Are you ready, dear? I have the honor to present, my friends!
(Song of moles.)
Mole: I decided to give you a wedding gift: I will fulfill any of your wishes. Ask for what you want!
Thumbelina: Let me say goodbye to the Sun!
Mole: Your will, goodbye!
(Shrugs his shoulder in surprise and the other moles are also surprised. The curtain closes. The screen is pulled back. Thumbelina goes down the steps, walks around the carpet in a circle, looks up. The moles go backstage. The Elf Prince goes behind the curtain. Backdrop "Fairytale Land".)
Thumbelina: Goodbye! Red sun! I'll never see you again! (Getting ready to leave. Swallow flies.)
Thumbelina: Hello! Martin!
Martin: Glad to see you! Thumbelina!
Thumbelina: Swallow, where are you flying?
Martin: To the Land of the Elves.
Thumbelina: How nice it would be if you could take me with you! Swallow: With joy! Let's fly!

Ved. And the swallow flew away, carrying Thumbelina to warmer lands.
(Swallow and Thumbelina fly away. Thumbelina takes off her cape.)
5th picture
(Meadow of elves. The curtain opens. The backdrop is “Fairytale Land.” Flowers run in and freeze. Swallow and Thumbelina fly into the hall through the second door.)
Martin: Here we are! Choose the most beautiful flower for yourself! I'll be nearby!

Ved. They flew to the land of the elves, where little people lived, the height of Thumbelina, with light wings on their backs. (The swallow flies away, and Thumbelina looks back. The Elf approaches her from the stage.)
Elf: Good afternoon!
Thumbelina: Hello!
Elf:Who you are! stranger?
Thumbelina: I'm an inch.
Elf: Which beautiful name! Stay with us! I think we can make friends!
Thumbelina: Thank you! Yours is very beautiful!
Elf: All year round Flowers are blooming here, birds are singing, and cold winter never happens. Don't leave us!
Thumbelina: I'll stay with pleasure!
Elf: Do you want us to teach you how to fly?
Thumbelina: This is my dream!
(The elves put wings on Thumbelina. Thumbelina and the elves and flowers dance. Improvisation. Elves' song. General bow.)

Ved . So Thumbelina remained in the land of the elves, where she found her real home and happiness. The fairy tale is over. I invite all artists to meet you on stage!

Song “Magic Country” by A. Varlamov.


Script for a musical fairy tale

for preparatory group

golden goose

Based on the fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm

Musical director: DETKOVA Lyudmila Evgenievna

Moscow – 2009
Target: to increase the level of musical culture aimed at developing the musical and theatrical abilities of children, to help each child self-realize in this type of activity.


  • develop Creative skills children, the need for self-expression in movements and image transmission;

  • to convey to the consciousness of children the emotional coloring of music through expressive poetic and rhythmic means;

  • develop creative imagination and fantasies.

Presenter adult, the rest are children.

golden goose


Princess Nesmeyana


old lady


Young ladies







Guests from the East
Near the central wall is the decoration of the royal palace.

Presenter. Not in heaven - on earth,

On the thirtieth side,

Once upon a time there lived a king -

Sides of that sovereign!

He was a real king,

Smart, kind, hard-working.

He got up early and early,

I managed to do a lot.

It turns out that the king has a big brush and a bucket. The song from the cartoon “Vovka in far away kingdom""I paint, I paint fences...").

Princess Nesmeyana comes out onto the porch.

Nesmeyana. Hey, dad, it's a bit boring, everyone went somewhere!

I want to cry, I want to sob,

Shed tears and grieve.
Tsar. You, princess, wouldn’t be sad,

Didn't whine, didn't whine -

I would visit the garden

I would lead a round dance,

Look how the girls sing,

They lead a round dance smoothly.

Girls appear to the melody of the Russian folk song “Oh, I got up early” and lead a round dance

Nesmeyana(waves his hand).

I don't feel like bawling,

I'll start crying in no time.

Let them amuse me -

Overseas guests will be invited.

Tsar(joyfully). This matter can be fixed (to the side)

Skomorokhov is here, quickly!
The buffoons run out.
Tsar. Announce to the whole world

Yes, tell me in detail:

The king invites guests

From distant volosts

Comfort the princess-daughter.

He asks everyone to help him.

Only the princess will laugh,

Will burst into resounding laughter -

I'll give it to the young man

Better than your own father.
The king offers his hand to Nesmeyana, she puts her hand on it, and they leave.

The buffoons repeat.

Buffoon. The king invites guests

From distant volosts.

Who will make the princess laugh?

Who will cheer up my daughter?

Then he will give a gift to the young man

Better than your own father.

The buffoons leave. To the side of the central wall is the decoration of a peasant hut.

Ivan gets off the stove.

Ivan. It's kind of cold in the house,

Why? I can `t get it!

I need to light the stove,

Warm your hands and feet.

Looks for firewood, but doesn't find it.

Ivan. I'm doing badly

There is no wood and no fire.

We need to get together

I should go to the forest.
Ivan walks through the forest to the music.

Performing "Dance of the Christmas Trees"

Ivan stops and sits down on a tree stump.

Ivan. I won't be able to finish it before lunch.

I'll refuel in the clearing.

Here is water, and here is bread -

It will be a nice lunch for me!

Ivan sits on a tree stump and eats, an old woman walks by

old lady. Old age is no joy

Diseases are a disaster!

The path is winding

The hill is steep.

Have mercy, Vanya,

Help me

Take off your knapsack

Yes, feed me.
Ivan helps the old woman.

Ivan. Grandma, listen to me,

There is nothing to eat in the knapsack:

There is water and stale bread,

Here is my meager lunch.
He takes a bundle out of his knapsack and unties it. Surprised.

Ivan. What miracle of miracles?

There are pies with meat here,

I'll feed you in a moment,

I'll drink some sweet kvass.
Ivan gives the old woman a pie and a cup of kvass.

Old lady. Oh, thank you, Vanya-light!

The lunch was very tasty.

I wish all your dreams come true,

And the bad will evaporate.
The old lady leaves.

Ivan. I have one desire -

Do only good for people

To meet your beloved

And never part.

Although there is not much hunting,

There's just work waiting for me.
He cuts down a tree, and Ivan sees the Golden Goose in its roots.

Ivan(surprised). Honest mother, look at the goose!

I'll get to you.

Ivan pulls Goose out from behind the stump and puts him on the ground.

Ivan. The goose is magical, maybe?

Can he speak?
Goose. Given to you, Ivan, for glory,

Good people have fun.

I can bring happiness

And in trouble I will help.

Take me with you

Go travel.
Ivan. Yes, you are clearly not simple,

Magical golden goose.

I'll take advice

And I will walk around the world.
Three musketeers enter the hall. The “Song of the Musketeers” from the movie “The Three Musketeers” sounds.

Ivan. How skillfully you sing!
1st Musketeer. What is your business, you insolent?

Dared to get into our song -

We challenge you to a duel!
Ivan. I won't fight with you,

This goose is bothering me!

2nd Musketeer. Apparently the goose is not a simple one?
3rd Musketeer. He's golden, brothers!
Ivan. (boastfully). Goose made of gold - alive,

Only he is not yours, but mine!
1st Musketeer. You, Ivashka, lied about everything!

You stole a goose from the village!
2nd Musketeer. We'll all go together now

And let's return the goose to its place.

The Musketeers reach out to Goose and as soon as they touch him, they stick. Ivan leaves the hall with the musketeers. Three young ladies enter the hall to the music of a quadrille.

1st young lady(boasts).

Listen, girlfriends,

I have curls.

I curled my bangs

Yes, I went outside.
2nd young lady. You surprised me, my friend,

Us with its curl.

There's a pattern on the hat,

Just like Dior himself!
3rd young lady. The dress, you see, is haute couture,

Decoration: velor.

We are beauties, what can we say!

Let's dance!
Performed"Dance of the Boastful Ladies" .

Ivan and three musketeers enter the hall.

1st young lady. Look, musketeers!

They all have cloaks and spurs!
2nd young lady. Musketeers, come to us,

Have fun dancing with us,
1st Musketeer. They wouldn't refuse you a dance,

But we stuck, you see?
2nd Musketeer. Can't get away from him

So everything is side by side on the way,
3rd Musketeer. Come and take a look

Just don't pick it up.

You'll stick right away

And we won't tear you away.
The girls come up and look at Goose with curiosity. They stick to the musketeers.

1st young lady. Musketeers, help,

Unstick us from yourself,
2nd young lady. A fashionable skirt will wrinkle,

You don't have to brag about it
3rd young lady. We need to go home

And we are coming for you.

Ivan walks and sings"Song of Merry Travelers" (words by N. Zaretskaya). - Everyone follows Ivan and leaves the hall. A bugle record sounds. A throne is placed near the central wall. The king sits on it, and Nesmeyana is next to him. The ladies and gentlemen stand at a distance.

Courtier. Gentlemen, "Minuet"!

Childrenladies and gentlemendancing"Minuet" . After the dance toThe avaliers escort the ladies to their places.

Courtier. Attention! Attention!

Trainer from Germany,

With white poodles,

Smart and brave.

Room with trained poodles.

Tsar. Daughter, look, poodles -

Like curly lambs!

They jump and count

And how loudly they bark.

Nesmeyana (dissatisfied). Why do boring dogs matter to me?

Just to beg for a handout.

They flicker before my eyes

And they don't bark, they squeal.

The trainer bows and leaves.

Courtier. A fakir and a sorcerer are coming to you!
Tsar. Oh, ask him, quickly.

Let that hour cast its spell here

And it will make us all laugh!

The fakir shows 2 tricks.
Nesmeyana. Dad, everything suddenly disappears

Yes, it disappears in the box!

Suddenly he casts a spell

And he will take the crown!
Tsar (courtier). Take him out of sight

Yes, look after him, look!
Fakir leaves

Courtier. An eastern guest appeared,

He is respectable, very important

And the girls are in shalwars,

In colorful bedspreads
Performed"East Dance"

Sultan. Ah, princess, the color of poppies,

There are no more beautiful people in the world!

To my illustrious harem

We need a lot of princesses!

Become a beloved wife

You will be happy with me!
Tsar. Oh, you beast from the East,

You are worthy only of reproach.

I have only one daughter,

So blush and white.
Nesmeyana. I won't go to the East,

It's a long way to the East!

To whom will I leave Rus'?

No, I'm staying here.
Vanya enters with Goose, with musketeers and young ladies. She points to the goose, which is next to Ivan.

Nesmeyana. I prefer this goose.
Tsar. Will you be a prince or a king?

Maybe you will be a sovereign?
Ivan. I am not a king, not a master,

And my mother has only one son.
Tsar. What happened to you?

Did you bring everyone with you?
Ivan. I didn't invite them with me,

My goose bewitched them!
Ivan walks through the hall to cheerful music, and tired musketeers and young ladies trail behind him. Nesmeyana starts laughing.
Ivan. Stop crying and crying,

Let's sing songs better!

One two three four five -

Come out and dance!

The goose sits down near the king. Ivan invites Nesmeyana, and the musketeersyoung ladies. Everyone is dancing"Happy Dance" .

Nesmeyana. I won't cry anymore

And I’ll forget about the tears!

I will live with you

I will live and not bother!

It sounds like magical music. The golden goose spreads its wings. It “flies” around the hall and stops near Ivan and Nesmeyana.

Goose. I was given to you for glory

Good people have fun.

And now, Ivan, forgive me

And let me go.
Gus flies away.

Presenter. Since then there has been no grief,

And the people live without troubles.

Nesmeyana does not roar,

He lives well with Vanechka.

The fairy tale ends.


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