Seeing your dead mother alive in a dream. Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

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Dreams are a parallel reality that allows a person to get a hint about whether he is doing the right thing, whether he is living correctly.

Particularly exciting are dreams in which a person’s family and friends come to him.

Why do you dream about your dead mother being alive?

It's worth looking into.

Why does a dead mother dream about being alive - basic interpretations

People rarely have bright and colorful dreams. Basically, a person sleeps and does not see any dreams. How nice it is to see an interesting and exciting plot in a dream, and even if the main roles are played by relatives and friends who have been dead for a long time.

Many people are frightened when dead relatives come to them in their dreams. IN Christian tradition it is believed that if a dead person comes in a dream, it means that he wants to warn the living about upcoming trials.

Many people are frightened when they see deceased relatives. They begin to fear that death will soon come for them. But you should not be afraid of such dreams. Most of them are just a signal that the souls of the departed are worried about the living. It is worth thanking the deceased for their care.

It is very good if you can talk to the deceased during sleep. Then you can directly ask why the soul appeared and what it wants to warn about. Dreams happen when the mother appears as if alive. Then the heart really flutters. A person can experience a lot of emotions in a dream. It can be both sorrow and joy.

Priests advise that after such dreams, be sure to visit the Temple and order a service of repose, so that the mother’s soul can be at peace. Perhaps a person has not remembered deceased relatives for a long time, and they remind him of this. You should definitely think about whether you recently remembered your late mother in reality. Perhaps it was your memories that provoked her appearance in a dream.

How can deceased mother dream:

She may appear as a vision, a mirage, but the feeling will be that she is alive;

You may dream of her as young, full of health, cheerful;

Fear can be seen on her face;

You can see her in a dream doing household chores;

She may appear in a pregnant woman's dream;

She may shed tears;

You may dream of your mother being alive and slightly drunk;;

In a dream you can kiss your mother;

In a dream you can see her death;

In a dream, your mother may kiss you;

She can give you things, a note;

You can ask her to give her something.

There can be a huge variety of dream options. The main thing is to understand what your mother wanted to convey to you, what she showed by her behavior. You should not be afraid of your mother in a dream; if you feel guilty before her in a dream, it means that in reality you actually understand that in many ways you are to blame for her.

Why do you dream of a dead mother alive, standing to the side?

Not in all dreams you can talk to your mother. In some dreams, she appears as an image and simply watches her loved ones from the side. Dream interpreters point out that dreams about a deceased mother symbolize that a person is not doing well in his inner world. He is not stable, he may feel guilty before deceased relatives, before living people.

If in a dream the mother silently stands aside- such a dream does not mean that you are deprived of her protection from above. On the contrary, it says that everything is good in your life, and you have wonderful friends and loved ones. You have strong support.

If your mother smiles at you from the side- this is a very good omen. This dream indicates that you are on the right path. If the mother dreamed of being pregnant and happy, such a dream speaks of imminent joyful meetings. If a pregnant girl dreams of a pregnant mother, it means she can easily carry a child and give birth easily. A bright streak will begin in life.

If the mother is worried about something, but does not come close- this means it’s time to figure out whether you are living correctly. Perhaps you have seriously offended someone close to you. It is worth apologizing and not starting any more conflicts.

If your mother silently cleans your house and you watch her from the side- such a dream suggests that it’s time for you to restore order in the house. But not in household matters, but in relationships with loved ones. It is worth dissolving grievances and paying more attention to your husband and children. It is worth doing this in the near future, otherwise serious problems cannot be avoided.

If you dreamed of your mother and you were little in her arms- it means you really miss her in reality. You are lonely and really want care, even though you are an adult and think about your actions. But sometimes you really want someone to take care of you. And then in a dream your mother comes, rocking you in her arms as an infant and you feel calm and peaceful.

If a pregnant woman saw her mother from the side, then in reality she is under the protection of her family, her family and friends. You can go to the Temple and buy an amulet the next day after the dream. She will be illuminated by the mother's blessing for a successful childbirth.

If you dream that your mother is crying– you should regard such a dream as a harbinger of the fact that you and your mother are actually close but you are overcome in life negative emotions. They have overwhelmed you, so you should pull yourself together and not blame anyone close to you for your undesirable life.

If you dream that your mother drinks alcohol or has already drunk. This dream symbolizes that you have too much tension in your life and need mandatory relieve this tension. You should get full rest, you need to be attentive to your health.

There are dreams in which the mother appears alive and suddenly dies. Death may indicate that you have not yet gotten over her loss. Loneliness eats you up from the inside. What to do in this case? Accept the loss and start living in a new way. Stop looking for a solution in the past.

Why do you dream about your dead mother being alive, being with her?

Why do you dream about your dead mother being alive, especially if such a dream tells you that you are together with her? If you kiss your mother in a dream, in reality you are a wise person, even though someone has betrayed you in life. You keep your face and do not descend into empty clarifications.

If you are actively quarreling with your mother in a dream– it’s worth thinking about your conscience, is it clear for you? You may have made mistakes and are trying to hide them in improper ways. If the quarrel happened at home, it means that you are too cruel with your family. You need to become more flexible.

If your mother scolded you in a dream- it means you have already gone too far in your evil deeds. There is no need to experiment with the trust of loved ones. If you clean with your mother, it means you have accumulated a lot of negativity and resentment. Get things in order inside yourself.

Why do you dream about a dead mother according to Miller’s dream book?

A person dreams of a mother as a symbol of the hearth and as a sign that the person is under the protection of the clan. If in a dream your mother gives money or transfers things, it means you will make a profit, receive an unexpected gift, good news.

If you give something to your mother- this means losses are inevitable. Losses are both financial and health problems. The mother often appears in dreams as a clear warning. If your mother is crying over your crib, but you are not in it, such a dream promises you health problems. Problems can affect both you personally and your children.

If the mother is dressed all in black- such a dream suggests that losses and disappointments await you. You shouldn’t relax, you need to make every effort to minimize Negative consequences from terrible events. In any case, such a dream is a wonderful warning that can correct the situation.

Why do dead relatives appear in dreams, why do they appear at the most opportune moments and warn of approaching problems? Is this a coincidence or is it really worth it? Special attention devote to such dreams? What you definitely shouldn’t do is fear for your life and health. Even if the dream promises troubles with them, then everything will be resolved peacefully. Everything will be resolved pretty quickly.

It’s worth remembering that perhaps you were just recently thinking about your mother, and she appeared to you in a dream. If after the dream you are still scared and sad, you should go to the Temple and order a service. It's worth talking to your mother in the temple. You can do this at home, thanking her for simply showing up. That you were able to talk to her and see her again. What you shouldn't do is cry. Tears won't fix the situation. It is worth taking a close look at all the symbols in the dream, taking into account all the nuances.

Mom occupies a very important place in the life of every person, and therefore it is scary to see her death even in a dream. Such dreams may indicate a difficult relationship with her: frequent quarrels and mutual insults.

Our subconscious seems to suggest that we need to be more careful towards our nearest and dearest person and appreciate every minute of communication with our mother. So why dream that a living mother has died?

Mom is the kind of person who will replace everyone. But no one will replace her.

  • A girl dreams of her mother's death: The dream reports that in the life of a young person there will come new stage. Many fateful events await her. They will all have a positive connotation. Perhaps the girl will soon get married, become pregnant and give birth to her first child. She will also be successful in the business sphere; there is a possibility of concluding lucrative contracts and promotions.
  • Seeing a dying mother in a dream: If you dreamed that your mother was in a dying state, it means that her health could deteriorate sharply. In a dream, your mother informs you about her imminent death; prepare for the fact that a favorable period will soon begin in her life. If you dream that your mother is dying right before your eyes, it means that you need to be more polite and attentive when communicating with relatives, otherwise serious conflicts with them cannot be avoided.
  • I dreamed about my mother lying in a coffin: Such a dream foretells that you may have minor health problems. Carefully monitor your diet and lead an active lifestyle, otherwise a mild illness can develop into a more serious illness.
  • The unexpected death of a mother: If you dreamed that your mother died as a result of an accident, it means that you do not need to take on important matters in the near future. All projects that you undertake during this period may end unfavorably for you.
  • Dreaming about the death and resurrection of the mother: Very favorable dream. Soon you will receive wonderful news that you have been waiting for a long time. Perhaps a long-standing court case will end in your favor, or you may hear from a close friend with whom you have long lost contact.
  • Receive news of your mother's death in a dream: A dream in which a person is informed about the death of his mother, but he himself did not see how it happened, means that the dreamer is constantly worried about the state of his mother’s health and deep down is afraid of her death. Another dream indicates that fate will soon provide the dreamer with a chance to improve his material well-being. This dream is also interpreted as the presence of a strong emotional connection with the mother.
  • Ritual attributes for a funeral in a dream: If you dreamed that you were choosing a wreath for a deceased parent, then you will soon be inclined to make useless purchases, which will significantly reduce your financial savings. The dream also tells you that someone may take advantage of your excessive gullibility, and you will lose large sum money. Do not enter into any transactions at this time and refuse to participate in dubious activities.
  • You dream that you are crying at your mother’s funeral: Seeing yourself sobbing when saying goodbye to your mother in a dream means receiving substantial financial assistance. The stronger your cry, the larger the amount received.

Particular attention should be paid to a dream in which a mother is trying to help her son or daughter

The advice of a deceased mother in a dream cannot be ignored, since they may well be useful in reality.

  • Receiving a gift from the hands of a deceased mother in a dream - good sign. Such a dream is a harbinger of unexpected surprises and pleasant long-awaited purchases. The dreamer or the dreamer already for a long time tormented by a passionate desire to acquire something. After such a dream, he or she should have no reason to worry or be dissatisfied: the purchase will be completed in the very near future.

If a deceased mother gives money in a dream, the dreamer should expect quick material enrichment, unexpected profits, receiving an inheritance from a rich distant relative, or moving up the career ladder.

  • If a deceased mother cleans the dreamer's house in a dream, he or she should improve relations with the family as soon as possible. There is a risk of a major quarrel, which could lead to a total break in the relationship.

No less important is a dream in which the deceased mother appears cheerful and kind

  • Hug deceased mother in a dream - a sign of deep longing for close relative.
  • Complaining to your dead mother, telling her about your problems in a dream - sure sign that the dreamer or dreamer needs help in overcoming a difficult life stage associated with a great loss.
  • A smiling or laughing deceased mother in a dream foreshadows joyful, cheerful events.

A very important warning is a dream in which the deceased mother looks sick and tired in her sleep.

  • A dream in which the deceased mother appears sick and sad is a harbinger of problems in the personal life of the dreamer or woman. He or she risks losing a very important, close and beloved person due to his own carelessness, rudeness and arrogance. He or she should moderate his ardor and carefully work on his character to avoid irreparable consequences.
  • A sick and tired deceased mother in the dreamer’s or dreamer’s house in a dream - bad sign. This is a warning that there is discord in the house. It is necessary to drive out everything bad and negative from it as soon as possible, otherwise the dreamer or dreamer runs the risk of serious stress, major scandals and discord between loving and loved ones.
  • If a deceased mother calls the dreamer or the dreamer to follow her in a dream, such a dream foreshadows serious health problems. The cause of the problems will be his or her own bad habits and addictions to alcohol, nicotine or a dissolute lifestyle.

Today we have prepared Full description topics: dream "dead mother": why do you dream and full interpretation from different points of view.

Seeing your deceased mother in everything is a misfortune that close people will help you cope with. If a deceased mother scolds a sleeping person, it means he has let his life take its course and urgently needs to put things in order. If a deceased mother kisses a sleeping person, great joy awaits him.

Vanga's Dream Book

Why do you dream about a deceased mother?

A deceased mother means difficulties and problems that will come soon. If you dream of a deceased mother alive, there is a chance to improve your life and correct all the troubles. If a deceased mother cries, there are dangers at work and in relationships with loved ones.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

dreamed of a deceased mother

The deceased mother symbolizes the bright and an important event in the life of the sleeper, which will come soon. It could also mean receiving a letter from afar. Seeing a dead mother alive means that you will soon be given a unique chance to improve your life. Seeing your own mother die is a sign of a serious illness.

Muslim dream book (Islamic)

deceased mother in a dream what is this for

See living mother dead in a dream - portends her a long life, and also promises deliverance from problems and difficulties for the sleeper. If a deceased mother beats a sleeping person, it means he has committed some sin that needs to be atoneed for. If a mother gives a sleeping person something, it means that he will receive some value from someone from whom he does not even expect. If this thing is dirty or ugly, it means that the sleeper will soon commit a bad deed.

Freud's Dream Book

dreamed of a deceased mother

A person dreams of a deceased mother in difficult times, when he lacks her protection and support. She warns the sleeper from great trouble. If she smiles, it means the sleeper will find the strength to overcome difficulties. If she is sad, trouble will come unexpectedly.

Loff's Dream Book

deceased mother in a dream what is this for

A deceased mother most often dreams of a confused person suffering from separation and loneliness. The dream means the need to pull yourself together, pull yourself together and learn to fight your fears. If you dream of a recently deceased mother, you need to pray for her.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

interpretation of sleep mother deceased

Watching your mother die in a dream means hard times. Seeing an already dead mother, on the contrary, foreshadows a long and happy life for the sleeping person and his family. Seeing your deceased mother naked means theft of valuable property. Seeing a long-dead mother means serious changes in life. If the deceased mother appears with black eyes or a heavy gaze, she is upset by the behavior of the sleeping person. If a deceased mother feeds a sleeping person pickles, you should expect trouble.

Family dream book

The deceased mother dreams of failure; perhaps the sleeping person will be accused of something he did not do. Killing your mother in a dream means a colossal failure in important matters. Watching your mother's funeral means money. If a deceased mother kisses a sleeping person, it means she supports him even after death. Seeing your living mother dead is a sign of her happiness and longevity.

Modern dream book

what does it mean if the mother is deceased in a dream

Seeing your mother in a coffin means that the past has let go of the sleeper, adversity is left behind, and a new one awaits him. interesting life. If a deceased mother beats a sleeping person in a dream, it means that he is on the verge of one of the biggest mistakes in life; this is a warning dream. Seeing a dead mother bathe in a river in a dream means rest and relaxation. If the deceased mother calls the sleeping person to follow her, it is urgent to take care of your health.

Dream book

deceased mother in a dream

Seeing your mother's rich funeral, with a crowded procession and bright colors- to be received large amount money. Sitting by your mother’s bed in a dream and watching her die means that the sleeper will have to worry a lot about his loved ones. But, most likely, these experiences will be in vain. If the deceased mother is alive in a dream, success awaits the sleeper, he will overcome troubles and arrange his life.

If you give something to your mother, losses are inevitable. Losses are both financial and health problems. The mother often appears in dreams as a clear warning. If your mother is crying over your crib, but you are not in it, such a dream promises you health problems. Problems can affect both you personally and your children. The dream book of Nostradamus deciphers the dream as follows. Most likely, they will be unfair, but the deceased may also appear to warn you against something. Perhaps in reality you will make several mistakes, for which you will subsequently have to pay dearly. Try to really consider the consequences of your actions. According to the dream book, it would not be amiss to repay debts and apologize to those whom you have offended.

Interpretation given by the Dream Book of Nostradamus

The meaning of the dream of kissing your deceased mother.

Seeing a single deceased means marriage, and seeing a married deceased means separation from relatives or divorce. Did you happen to see your late mother drunk? The dream book believes that in reality you will not be able to avoid severe depression. Fatigue and apathy will cause problems at work and in business. And family relationships will be under threat.

A dead mother smiles in a dream - what does it mean? I dream about my dead mother crying Why does the deceased mother dream about the interpretation of the dream according to dream books?

Important points:

Other predictors consider the dream to be favorable and believe that prosperity and longevity await the sleeper. The dream book believes that a conversation with a deceased mother in a dream is a call. It is very important to hear and understand the warning sent in a dream. Pay attention to the mother’s words and intonation, listen to your own intuition. This can tell you about the changes that await you in reality. In a dream about a dog in Miller’s dream book, you will see a fox in your home and soon fall in love with an evil woman

Why do you dream about your dead mother being alive?

If the mother is worried about something, but does not come close, then it’s time to figure out whether you are living correctly. Perhaps you have seriously offended someone close to you. It is worth apologizing and not starting any more conflicts.

Not everyone, and not immediately, can come to terms with the loss. If you constantly dream about your dead mother, visit the grave and order a prayer service in the church. Buy sweets and give them to the children. The image of your deceased mother will no longer bother you in your dreams.

Even when they pass away, parents try to protect their children from rash decisions, to reproach them or to cheer them up - isn’t that why they appear in dreams? And even in the plots of dreams, sometimes they rush to the rescue.

By Muslim dream book, throwing yourself into the arms of the deceased in a dream means a long life. If a deceased mother kisses in a dream, this confuses the dreamer in an unexpected way. And it is not surprising that this does not promise good things - only misfortunes and illnesses.

On the other hand, such anxious dreams, like all those associated with a recent loss, reflect sadness and the need for love and protection. This is a completely normal reaction to significant loss. After such a dream, remember your mother in church, light a candle for the repose of your soul.

You can see her in a dream doing household chores.

If you dream of your late mother giving money, you will receive a big bonus, a win, or an inheritance from an old relative. It's a bad sign if you give something to the deceased. Marriage breakdown and health deterioration are possible. Welcome to dream of the deceased receiving favor from Allah. If a deceased person is naked in a dream, it means that he has not done any good deeds in life. If the deceased notifies the dreamer of his imminent death, then he will really die soon. The blackened face of a deceased person in a dream indicates that he died without faith in Allah.

The prediction of why you dream that your deceased mother is crying is more unpleasant. Most dream books adhere to consensus. In reality, you are destined for grief and health problems. However, you can still influence your destiny if you begin to monitor your health more carefully and devote more time to your family.

Dreams are a parallel reality that allows a person to get a hint about whether he is doing the right thing, whether he is living correctly.

Why do you dream about a deceased mother?

According to Freud's dream book, deceased parents appear to us in a dream at important moments in life, when their participation and wise advice are so lacking. An invisible connection with a loved one remains even after his departure. Mom will dream - a warning about danger, listen to her voice.

Dreams of a deceased mother crying in other dream books

  • Ukrainian dream book
  • Dream Book of David Loff
  • Muslim dream book
  • Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation
  • Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus
  • Vanga's Dream Book
  • Love dream book
  • Dream Interpretation of Kopalinsky
  • Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita
  • Modern dream book
  • Dream Interpretation of Yuri Longo
  • Assyrian dream book
  • Esoteric dream book
  • Azar's Dream Book
  • Culinary dream book
  • Lunar dream book
  • Freud's Dream Book
  • Miller's Dream Book

Dreams for pregnant women

Dreams in which a person who has been dead for a long time comes are considered a kind of warning from the other world. Dreams involving a deceased person can warn of troubles that are about to happen, or of big life changes. Dreams about a deceased close relative are considered prophetic. For most people, such a relative is the mother.

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1 Basic information about dreams about a deceased mother

Many people get scared when they see a dead person in a dream. They begin to think that death will soon come for them. However, a dream involving a deceased person only signals that his soul is worried about the living remaining in this world.

In Christian beliefs, dreams in which a deceased mother is seen alive foreshadow future trials. In these cases, priests advise coming to church and praying for the soul of the deceased mother. Also, after dreams with your mother, you should order a repose service. Then her soul will calm down and will not disturb the living with her arrival.

How can a mother come in a dream:

  • Appears like a vision, but seems alive.
  • Mom appears young, cheerful and full of strength.
  • He is busy doing housework or cleaning.
  • The maternal soul conveys something in a dream.
  • Hugs and kisses the one who is dreaming.
  • She looks restless and is crying.
  • He may appear at a set table and drunk.
  • Mom looks scared and tries to say or do something.

There are many variations of dreams. The main thing is not to be scared and try to understand what mom wanted to say.

Why do you dream about a young man you like?

2 Why do you dream of a mother standing on the side?

Sometimes a mother who is no longer alive appears like a distant vision. Some dream interpreters claim that the arrival of the deceased indicates discord in a person’s soul, but this is not always true.

Here are some interpretations of dreams where the deceased mother is only an outside observer:

  • She stands aside and silently watches. Such a dream indicates that everything is fine in the life of the person who dreamed it. House - full bowl, loving family and friends, good job. And the mother came only to be happy for her child.
  • Mom is seen with a smile on her lips. Seeing a deceased person smiling at a person in a dream is a good sign. The soul signals that man walking the right path through life. If the mother is seen pregnant and happy, this indicates that there will soon be a joyful meeting. If a pregnant daughter dreams of this dream, the birth will be easy and the child will be born healthy.
  • The deceased looks worried, but does not approach. This is a signal that a person lives incorrectly, makes many mistakes, or has offended a loved one. It is worth reconsidering your life, and the mother’s soul will not worry.
  • A man, standing nearby, watches his mother cleaning the house. This dream says that there is discord in the family. It is necessary to restore order in relations with family, children and close relatives. Ask for forgiveness from those who were unjustly offended.
  • Mom appears crying. This is a signal that there are too many negative emotions in a person’s life.
  • Seeing a drunk mother. Such a dream indicates that there is not enough rest in life. The person is overstressed and should relax.
  • Seeing mother in bed. To illness and troubles.

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3 Why do you dream about your dead mother being alive?

Often seeing a long-dead mother in a dream and talking to her is a sign that the mother is worried about the person and is trying to support him:

  • Quarrel with mom. Seeing yourself loudly swearing with your mother means having an unclean conscience, burdened with some kind of burden. You should understand yourself and ask for forgiveness from those who were offended. Correct the mistakes made.
  • Mother scolds in her sleep. If the soul of the deceased is angry and swears, she is dissatisfied with the behavior of her child. The dreamer is mired in sins and cannot get out. Offends relatives, deceives or steals.
  • The deceased parent asks for something. In Christianity, there is a custom of placing some thing dear to the deceased in the coffin of a close relative. It could be glasses, a scarf, a mirror or any other item. Sometimes my mother appears in a dream and asks me to bring her something from home. This means that she was not placed with the body in the coffin. In this case, you should simply take the indicated item and take it to the grave of the deceased. If for some reason it is impossible to take the item (moving to another city or country), you need to give it to a beggar and ask them to remember the deceased.
  • The dead mother says something. This story is worth listening to. This is a warning about any danger or, conversely, about improvements in life.
  • A man dreams that he is small and his mother is holding him in her arms. This means that the one who sees such a dream really misses his mother, her affection and support. Seeing himself small, a person tries to return to childhood and again feel maternal care.
  • Invitation to visit. If the deceased invites you to visit her, this does not mean that a person will soon follow her to the grave. You just need to go to the cemetery, correct the monument, clean up the grave. Talk to the deceased, tell about your affairs, sorrows and joys.

If a person in a dream is eager to visit his mother, but at the same time stumbles upon closed door, which means that the time to leave for another world has not come for him. That's why his mother won't let him in.

Why does a girl dream - interpretations of dream books

4 Interpretations of dreams about a deceased mother in famous dream books

Miller's Dream Book . See the mother who real life no longer - unforeseen troubles will happen in the near future. Seeing the parent smiling and happy means there will be good mutual understanding in the family. The daughter has a heart-to-heart talk with the deceased - the husband will be faithful and will not betray.

Vanga's dream book. Seeing your mother at home, in a familiar environment - things will start to go uphill, good luck will accompany you. Conversing with the deceased in a dream means good news will come. For a woman to see her mother in a dream - to a successful marriage. The mother is seen cradling the child - inattention to her own family. Hearing your mother calling in a dream means loneliness in the future. Seeing a mother's tears is a sign of misfortune and illness in the family.

Longo's Dream Interpretation. Seeing your mother as if in reality and talking to her means you need to remember the deceased and visit her grave. Seeing your mother cooking means you need to wait for guests. Seeing your mother sick means discord and trouble at work.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse. Seeing a dead mother in a dream means living your own life long years. Talking with your mother in a dream means news will reach you about enemies and their bad intentions.

Mother and child are so connected to each other that even after leaving for another world, the mother continues to worry about her child. And her soul comes in a dream to bring good news, warn about impending troubles and support.

Interpretation of sleep Deceased in the dream book: Dream Interpretation Sonan‎

Deceased in a dream– Seeing your late mother alive again means that in reality you will have a joyful event, the birth of a daughter, you will provide help to someone who really needs it. For your mercy you will be rewarded with gratitude and respect.
Talking to your dead mother in a dream- to the news. News can be both pleasant and sad.
If in a dream you happened to quarrel with your late mother or watch her from the side without interacting, get ready for trouble, and also pay attention own health.
If in a dream you managed to talk about something, be sure to write down all your mother’s words, most often people so close come to warn you about something, and even if now all the phrases seem meaningless to you, it’s worth remembering them .
If in a dream you hugged your deceased mother, it means that in real life you now really lack care, love and understanding.
If you saw your deceased mother in a dream, perhaps some sorrows and troubles await you in life.
If you see your deceased mother in your home, then peace and tranquility will reign in your family. Children will bring joy, your husband will become a reliable support, household chores will not burden you.
If you see your deceased mother singing songs, then the dream is a warning about some danger, a threat to your health.
If you see your deceased mother in your house in a dream, it means that everything in your family will be fine, your children will not get sick or upset you, and your relationship with your husband will improve.
If the dream is good, you see your deceased mother alive, she visits your home or you have a calm conversation - family happiness and good luck in all matters await you.
Another dream in which you saw your late mother may also indicate that you should honor the memory of the deceased in the near future.
Sometimes you dream of dead people precisely because relatives forget to honor their memory, light a candle in church, or pray for the repose of their soul. Think about how long ago you did this.
Any dead person in a dream was always perceived as some kind of warning.
Hugging mother in a dream- you will be flooded with memories, sadness and longing for the deceased, a lack of tenderness and care in real life.
It's a bad sign if you argued with your mother in a dream. This means that failures await you in life, you will make serious mistakes, for which you will have to pay for a long time.
A deceased mother can appear in a dream for completely mundane reasons - when last time did you light candles in the church for the repose and visit her grave? Dreams of this type should be interpreted directly according to own emotions in sleep and surroundings.
The deceased mother is most often dreamed of in order to warn you about something, or when the time has come to remember her and visit the burial place.
Arguing with your deceased mother in a dream promises an unsuccessful business, making a mistake in reality, an unhappy marriage, or the loss of a child.
The most ominous dreams are those in which the dead are calling for you; if you dreamed that your dead mother was calling for you, this is most likely only a warning of a serious trouble, but not a threat to your life.
It is believed that seeing dead people in a dream– not good, but don’t panic if your late mother visited you in a dream.
Run away from your deceased mother in a dream- to troubles in relationships with others. Most likely, you will encounter anger, hatred and envy.
Run away from your dead mother- in the near future you will feel someone’s anger, ingratitude and envy.
Most often we are talking about the illness of people close to you. Problems can also arise due to your impressionability and excessive emotionality.

The dream came true 103 times

Her illness or misfortune that threatens you.

Seeing a nursing mother in a dream

Collection of dream books

Mother- may reflect the part of your personality that your mother symbolizes.

Mother see- well-being; deceased- disease; sick- trouble.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Seeing mother in a dream- happy event.

See the sick mother- to illness.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

For a man based on appearance and behavior- a responsible period of life, aspirations, achievements. For woman- duties, reproaches, warnings, premonitions.

Young, beautiful- happy event; successful marriage (for a woman).

Sex with mother- knowledge of demonic secrets black magic, too high aspirations.

Dream Interpretation Interpretation of Dreams

Mother see- marks great prosperity and profit; talk to her- there is a sign of good news; live with her- portends great happiness and perfect success in business; seeing your mother dead- portends misfortune and loss.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Mother- the protective maternal image of a woman, her domestic qualities - maintaining a home, cooking, creating comfort, the ability to be loving and attentive. The collective social aspect of femininity. For women of this circle, it is important to reveal and develop the protective side of femininity. The prototype of Gaia and Demeter in Greece, Isis in Egypt, Kali in India. Objective truth of nature
Great Mother, Mother Earth. This archetype is equivalent To the Wise Old Man and represents feminine wholeness, or potential wholeness. It should not be confused with the female potential that is motherhood. In this way, children actually born can help develop the maternal aspect of character. However, this is not necessary, because... this aspect personality is internal and spiritual and can be cultivated in different ways, in particular, in the absence of children, it can be realized in pedagogical behavior. The character in this archetypal space becomes holistic, integrating various aspects of femininity.

Terrible mother- the possessive, destructive side of motherhood, which can arise as a result of the mother’s hyperprotective understanding of her role. Such a mother hinders the growth of the individual, his development and the formation of independence.

A mother holding her child close to her with overprotective love- can appear in children’s dreams in an animalistic and destructive form; or it may be the mother's own dream, with grunts reminiscent of a pig or whining sounds reminiscent of a wolf. The dream may depict a terrible aspect, indeed bringing back memories of being punished by one's mother in childhood. Perhaps a threatening dream could be a symbolic defense against incest.
The archetype of the Terrible Mother is also the image of an angry goddess, such as Kali.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Vedic dream book from Sri Swami Sivananda

If in a dream you talk to your mother- this dream predicts your future prosperity.

If you dreamed that you lost your mother- this one talks about her illness.

Chinese dream book

Mother- portends longevity, great happiness.

Lunar dream book

Mother see- well-being.

Mythological dream book

Mother (foremother, as an archetype)- associations: protection, hope, help, love, compassion, blessing, bestowal, sacrifice, endowment vitality, spiritual revelation.

Medieval dream book of Daniel

Recline with mother- this means safety.

Seeing your mother dead or widowed- portends joy or protection.

See your mother alive- to joy.

English dream book

A dream in which you see your mother and talk to her confidentially and sincerely- means a pleasant and comfortable existence throughout your life.

If a woman who has a faithful friend dreams that she has become a mother- this is a sad dream for her.

If you dream that you have lost your mother forever- this is a prediction of her imminent illness.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Mother symbol- usually indicates the nurturing properties of nature: Mother Earth and Divine Mother. Mother, this is a wise woman living in you, even if you are a man, there are feminine energies. The meaning you attach to this symbol reflects the part of yourself that your mother symbolizes.

Jung states that the mother- is a symbol of collective consciousness and the inner, or night, side of life, as well as a symbol of the source of water.

General dream book

If in a dream you see your mother entering the house- you can safely count on good results in any endeavor.

If you're talking to her- this means that you will soon receive the good news that you have been looking forward to.

For a woman, a dream about mother- means pleasant chores and marital bliss.

If she cries as if in pain- this is a harbinger of her illness or misfortune that threatens you.

Women's dream book

Mother appearing in a dream- prophesies the future of your family.

If you dreamed about your mother as she is in reality at the moment- this means that you should not expect serious changes in the near future; your family affairs are under control.

It means that you are too busy with what is happening outside the home, while your family needs special attention at the moment.

Talking to mother in a dream- to soon receive good news about matters in which you are extremely interested.

If a woman sees her mother in a dream- this means pleasant duties and marital happiness.

Hearing in a dream that your mother is calling you- means that you feel abandoned by everyone or have chosen the wrong path.

Seeing a crying mother in a dream- a bad sign that foreshadows major quarrels, scandal or even family breakup. You still have time to prevent or correct all this.

This means that your family will suffer a misfortune for which you will blame yourself, but in fact there are no one to blame for this event, everyone will suffer.

Seeing a nursing mother in a dream- means that you are in favorable conditions to realize your potential.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Seeing your mother in a dream- portends prosperity, joy, good luck. If she is sick and complains about her illnesses- this will lead to trouble in real life. Seeing her dead- illness in the family and sad news from relatives.

If in a dream your mother is bustling around in the kitchen, cooking dishes, washing dishes- in reality this foreshadows a long life and bright prospects that will certainly come true.

Have a long, emotional conversation with your mother- means that you will soon receive good news. If your mother is silent and does not want to talk to you- this means you will lose something extremely necessary.

If in a dream you hear your mother's voice calling you- this means that you will allow serious mistake in your own affairs, but friends will help you correct it. If you hear your mother crying in a dream- in reality, partners will reveal to you their intentions regarding further joint actions.

Seeing your mother living with you- means pleasant responsibilities in married life. Seeing in a dream the mother of one of your friends in a sick condition or dying- portends sad events in your home.

Seeing your mother resting in a rocking chair- means that you will be visited by happiness that you could not even imagine in your highest dreams. Dreaming that you are kissing your mother- portends that success in entrepreneurship, love and respect from friends await you.

If you see a young nursing mother in a dream- this means that you will have a great opportunity to realize your potential. See yourself as a nursing mother- means that in reality you will have to refute the accusations against you and fully prove your honesty.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

See or talk- they will reveal their intentions to you; see the deceased - long life; dying- sadness and anxiety.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

If the mother is alive- she misses you.

If she's dead- you will suffer for your children.

Seeing a mother-heroine in a dream, that is, a woman surrounded by many children or wearing the “Mother-Heroine” order on her chest- to worry about children.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Seeing your mother in a dream, who has already died- we need to remember her.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Seeing your mother in a dream- to the letter.

Seeing in a dream a woman with the “Mother Heroine” order- you may be childless, or maybe vice versa you will also have many children.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Own mother- (depending on the outline of the dream) the need to take advantage of her talents, skills or someone else’s advice from the outside, or forgive her, ask her for forgiveness. Reflection of collective consciousness.

Eastern women's dream book

I dreamed that your mother appeared in your house- it means that no matter what you undertake, you will succeed.

If you're talking to your mother- the long-awaited good news is just around the corner.

For a woman to see her mother in a dream- a harbinger of pleasant responsibilities and family happiness.

You hear in a dream that your mother is calling you-Remember your responsibilities and obligations. Also think: maybe you have chosen the wrong direction for developing commerce?

If you dream that your mother is crying or screaming in pain- this is a warning about her illness or impending disaster.

Modern combined dream book

If you dream that your mother appears in the house- in reality expect good results from any undertaking.

Talking to your mother in your sleep- promises that very soon you will receive good news regarding matters that concern you.

A woman sees her mother in a dream- This is an omen of pleasant responsibilities and family happiness.

Seeing someone's emaciated or dead mother in a dream- to sadness caused by death or dishonor.

Hearing your mother calling you in a dream- means that you have forgotten about your responsibilities and have chosen the wrong direction for the development of your commercial affairs.

If you dream that your mother is crying or screaming in pain- this is a prediction of her illness or trouble approaching you.

If a woman dreams that she is breastfeeding her child- this promises her pleasant activities. To a young woman similar dream - predicts that she will achieve respect and trust.

If a man dreams that his wife is breastfeeding a child- success in business awaits him.

Seeing a baby clinging to its mother's chest in a dream- a sign of success and satisfaction of desires.

New family dream book

Dream about mother's appearance in the house- portends encouraging results in any business.

Talking to your mother in your sleep- get good news.

Woman's dream about mother- promises pleasant responsibilities and marital happiness.

Seeing the mother of the deceased- to her good health and well-being.

If you hear her call in a dream- think carefully about your behavior and actions, somewhere you made a mistake.

Dream book for the whole family

Nursing mother- you are in favorable conditions to realize your potential, don’t miss the chance.

D. Loff's Dream Book

Dreams about your mother, depending on the nature of the relationship between you- can vary greatly in meaning. At a certain stage of your development, did you perceive your mother as the universal embodiment of love? Did your relationship with your mother include elements of a power struggle, or were there any instances of inappropriate intrusion on your part by her into your personal life? Have you lost contact with your mother (through death or by choice), leaving a number of problems unresolved? The answers to these questions will allow you to decipher the meanings of the many images that are present next to your mother in the plot of the dream.

Jewish dream book

Mother is alive- worries.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

The image of a caring mother in a dream- portends you unexpected support in some difficulty. Don’t be shy to ask someone for help in reality, and people will help you.

Upset or strict mother- a sign that in reality you risk making some serious mistake, fraught with big troubles.

Dreaming that your mother is dying in agony- means that in the hustle and bustle of everyday affairs you have missed something important and big, without which your life may lose all meaning.

Dream book of lovers

A woman seeing her mother in a dream- such a dream promises happiness in love and a profitable marriage.

Vanga's Dream Book

Mother appearing in a dream- prophesies the future of your family.

If you dreamed of your mother as she is in reality at the moment- this means don’t expect major changes in the near future; your family affairs are under control.

Seeing a crying mother in a dream- a bad sign that foreshadows major quarrels, scandal or even family breakdown, but since you received a warning, you have time to prevent and correct all this.

If in a dream you argue with your mother or she hits you- this means that your family will suffer a misfortune for which you will blame yourself, but in fact there are no one to blame for this event, everyone will be victims.

A dream in which your mother is young and sings to you lullaby song - means that you are too busy with what is happening outside the family, while she needs your constant attention. Don’t miss the moment, now you can still maintain warm and trusting relationships with your loved ones.

Freud's Dream Book

Presence of mother in dreams- indicates that the dreamer has an Oedipal or maternal complex.

If a young man or man dreams that his mother is making love or secluded with his father or any other man, he has a clearly expressed Oedipus complex. He is jealous of his mother towards all men and dreams that she belongs only to him and hates his father.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Tell in open window: “Where there is night, there comes sleep. All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn it inside out bed sheets inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

We often have to see relatives not only in reality, but sometimes in the world of dreams. Some people dream about their parents often, others only occasionally, but in any case, such dreams are always special and carry hidden information.

The image of a mother in a dream is especially important - it is associated with clan, with the female part of the soul, with something eternal and primordial. If you dream about your mother, you should definitely ask the dream book about the meaning of this vision.

To understand reliably why you dream of a deceased mother, alive, why you dream of your mother’s death, her illness or something less terrible, you need to calmly read what the dream book says. Don’t be afraid - even if you dream about something unpleasant and frightening, it does not bode well, these are just symbols. There are many in dream books different meanings and plots:

  • Seeing your mother in a dream - as she is in reality.
  • I dream about my deceased mother, as if she were alive.
  • She cries or laughs in her sleep.
  • Argue with her, conflict.
  • She dreamed of being drunk or sick.
  • I dreamed about a pregnant mother.
  • Talk to your mother in your dreams.

These are not all options, but only general, most common ones. Remember exactly your dream, its details and details, and you will be able to explain what your mother is dreaming about.

First, let’s understand why you dream about the mother whose image you saw in your dreams from the outside. Why and why she came into the dream, what she wanted to say and what needs to be understood, interpreters will tell you.

1. As the dream book describes, a mother in dreams is a symbol of the family, feminine wisdom and strength. Well, if a woman has this dream, it is a hint that she is becoming a Woman with a capital W, more conscious, wise and strong. Perhaps your soul and inner world are already ready for transformation, growth, learning something new.

2. If you just dreamed about your mother, and such dreams happen often, this is a direct hint that she needs to pay attention. She even reminds you of herself in your dreams! Why not spend time with her, give her more of your attention and care? Now she really needs it.

3. If you dreamed of a mother who is no longer alive, and you saw her alive and well, then it’s time to remember her and visit the grave. Take time, devote yourself to memories, remember loved one, which is not nearby - but only in the physical sense.

4. The dream book tells what mothers dream about - one of the most terrible stories imaginable. But don't be afraid! Not only is she in no danger in reality. Moreover, great happiness awaits her! Your family relationships will be very bright and pleasant, a good period will come.

5. If a woman dreams about her mother, dream books predict happiness in family life and a strong marriage.

6. For a man, the image of a mother also promises all the best - a bright streak ahead, harmony and calm. Such a dream is a reason to calm down, be more balanced and softer, and relax.

7. If you heard your mother’s voice in your dreams, this is a hint - you are about to make a mistake in reality, or are already doing something that you shouldn’t do. Perhaps the wrong path was chosen, or a bad decision was made. A great opportunity to weigh again, analyze everything, change the chosen path and tactics.

8. A nursing mother (even if it is not your relative) is an excellent symbol of the realization of plans and the fulfillment of desires. If you see a woman feeding a baby, know that soon everything you have in mind will work out in the best possible way.

What is she like?

If not only did a maternal image appear to you, but the mother was cheerful or sad, drunk or sick, and so on, these factors can and should also be interpreted, and the dream book will help.

1. Question: why does mom dream? The dream is strange, but it has good value. This means that in reality you will achieve the realization and fulfillment of all your desires. A period is coming when everything will work out easily and successfully, as if by itself. This period is not to be missed! Take action and many of your dreams will come true!

2. Don’t be afraid if you dreamed about your mother being sick. But give her maximum attention in reality! This dream may be happening precisely for this reason - she misses you, and secretly she suffers because of this. Stay with her, show her care, show her that you love her. It is very important!

3. Why do you dream about your mother being cheerful, beautiful and happy? This is a wonderful sign, symbolizing for a woman - feminine happiness and love, and for a man - a strong family and a period of complete harmony. This also means that you are on the right track and doing everything right.

4. On the contrary, if she is sad or crying, this is a warning - you are doing something wrong. Maybe you often offend people or don't think twice about your words and actions. Maybe you have forgotten about your conscience and are “over your head” towards your goal. This advice is to think carefully about whether you are doing everything correctly and honestly.

5. Let’s figure out why a drunk mother dreams. This dream is a harbinger of strange events for which you are not prepared. You think you know how everything will turn out in reality, but you don't. There is always room for surprises in life, and they will come.

6. Why do you dream about your mother being young, healthy and very beautiful? This is a great sign. Health, healing, harmony and complete happiness await you, as well as peace of mind and peace.


Of course, in your dreams you could not only see your parent, but also talk to her, swear, hug, and much more. Any action also has its own important, which the interpreter will tell you about.

Another question is why the dead mother dreams. This happens quite often, and she comes into dreams for a reason.

  • If the deceased mother was alive, healthy and looked good in a dream, this is a good sign. She supports and protects you, and you should not forget about it. You will have a good period!
  • If your mother, who is no longer alive, tells you something in your dreams, try to remember her words. Perhaps it was advice or a warning. The dead often say important things, they just need to be understood correctly.
  • If the deceased mother was alive in dreams and cried, was sad, you are doing something wrong. Think about where the mistake is, what you are doing dishonestly or incorrectly.
  • Why do you dream of a mother who was alive in your dreams and gave you something? This is advice. Listen to the instructions and advice of wise people, do not rely only on your experience.
  • Arguing with your deceased mother in a dream is also a warning. Look after yourself, take thoughtful actions.

Understand such dreams correctly, they are very important and will tell you a lot. Analyze, think about it - and remember that in reality everything always depends only on you.


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