Frog watercolor - aquarium plant photo care. Frog's watercolor: a useful plant for ponds

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In my opinion, arrowroot is a perfectionist’s flower. Not only does this plant have wonderfully colored leaves, but also multi-colored veins, lines, circles follow each other in a symmetrical order. So caring for it should be exactly the same - balanced.


Arrowroot is native to South America. Unusual looking the plant certainly attracted the attention of Europeans, and they hastened to bring it to the Old World.

For its ability to lift and fold its oval palm-shaped leaves in a “devout manner,” the perennial grass is often called “ prayer plant" The evening “ritual” saves the leaves from unbearable heaviness - heavy dew that falls in evening hours in tropical forests.

IN South America This plant is extremely popular, it is found in almost every home. There it is called the “pious man,” because the dark spots on the leaves remind Latin American believers of the beads on the rosary. In Japan, there is a legend about a female fox named Kuzunoha, which roughly translates to “arrowroot leaf.” In addition, people often call arrowroot “ Frog Princess“, since the colorful colors indeed resemble the skin of the enchanted Vasilisa the Beautiful.

Officially its name perennial grass received in honor of the botanist, physician, and Renaissance scientist Bartolomeo Maranta. For many years he worked in botanical gardens Rome and Naples, his research was devoted to the study of the beneficial properties of plants, including varieties of arrowroot.

Today starch (West Indian arrowroot), obtained from the tubers of the reed arrowroot ( Maranta arundinacea L.), widely known among culinary experts. It is also used in medicine as a general strengthening and warming agent for colds. And nutritionists recommend using arrowroot in diabetic nutrition.

About 30 types of arrowroot are known, each of which has a unique color. Arrowroot tricolor is most often grown as a houseplant. (Maranta tricolor or Maranta leuconeura erythrophylla/eritroneura). The closest relatives of arrowroot are stromatata and.


When I first got it, I was scared by the reviews of many gardeners who claimed that this plant was very capricious. In fact, this is not so, there are simply a few unshakable rules that must be followed. And although the arrowroot will stoically endure unfavourable conditions, but this struggle will not be slow to affect appearance flower.

Rule 1. The most important and often difficult requirement is to ensure high humidity air. This is especially difficult to do in winter, when the plant begins its dormant period. At this time, watering is reduced to once every 5-7 days.

But if you have dry air, you are forced to water the plant as often as possible. And here you need to be careful not to overwater the flower, since the absorption of moisture by the roots is not as intense as in spring or summer.

Pour excess water that drains after watering into the pan. Irrigate the soil after it dries out upper layer substrate.

Want to know when your next watering is? Stick a long one into the edge of the pot wooden stick. And before you get ready to water the flower, take out the cutting and examine it. If the tree is wet, there are wet clods of earth on it, then put it aside. water procedure. The twig is slightly moistened - it’s time to irrigate the ground. In addition, clay indicators are sold in stores.

Water the ornamental grass with warm and soft water. ( Read how to soften hard water for watering flowers.)

How can you increase air humidity? You can put the plant in a florarium, or spray it in the morning and evening, and to prevent limescale stains from forming, wipe the leaf blades with a soft sponge. Place the flowerpot on expanded clay and sphagnum moss soaked in water. A pot on a damp bedding can stand without a tray, but first make sure that the holes in the bottom of the pot do not come into contact with liquid.

An increase in humidity is fraught with two consequences - the appearance of midges and midges.

Rule 2. Maranta can't stand straight lines sun rays. Burns may appear on the leaves - yellow spots. If the room is too light, then the leaves grow small, ugly, and lose their mathematically verified color.

At the same time, the flower cannot be called shade-loving, but rather shade-tolerant. "Bogomolets" prefers light partial shade.

Rule 3. The “princess” doesn’t like temperature changes and drafts; really, where do they come from in the tropics? Therefore, keep the plant away from split systems, open windows and walk-through areas. At the same time, you don’t have to worry about putting the plant on the balcony to breathe fresh air Naturally, I remember the above.

Rule 4. for arrowroot it should be light and loose. Be sure to add expanded clay to the bottom of the pot. Root system it is superficial and not very developed, so choose a wide and shallow container for the “frog”. One day I took the advice I read on some flower website and wrapped the arrowroot roots in moss. My experiment almost killed the “South American”. The fact is that sphagnum, indeed, retains moisture well, but it also does not allow air to pass through, and this, as you understand, is nothing good flower does not foreshadow.

The plant is replanted every 2-3 years. The plant is propagated by dividing tubers or cuttings. The cuttings are placed in water, and after a while roots emerge from the nodules.

Rule 5. Optimal temperature during the period of vegetative growth - +25-26o C, but the plant feels good even at +28o C. In winter, during the dormant period, the thermometer should not fall below +16o C. After frost, the plant is unlikely to recover.

Rule 6. Add periodically liquid fertilizers into the substrate. Between October and February, reduce fertilizing to a minimum.

In one specialized publication I read advice that helps me out in “Hour X”: 1 egg white dilute in a glass of water. Leave to infuse in cool and dark place(but not the refrigerator). After 7 days we take it out and dilute it in 2 liters of water. Let's feed arrowroot with this life-giving solution. I warn you, the smell is unpleasant, but after such a miracle drink the flower literally comes to life before our eyes. By the way, other plants like it too organic fertilizer, it stimulates their growth and flowering.

Gradually, our ears got used to the silence, and we began to distinguish the indistinct murmur of cranes and the knocking of a woodpecker.
We knew that somewhere here, near the road to the cordon, there was a deep Lake Shuya. We took every depression in the forest, overgrown with impenetrable dark alder trees, as the shores of this lake. But it opened unexpectedly under a steep hill between the pines, surrounded by a thicket of young aspens and old, black alder.
Round, like a bowl, with clear and completely calm water, it reflected all this blue and hazy, flowing day, all its depth and freshness. Every holly bush, white, almost transparent watercolor flowers, snags overgrown with horsetail, shy forget-me-nots in the moss, flocks of fry with their noses buried in underwater roots - all this seemed so fabulous that we spoke in a low voice. It’s as if we were let into a dense, bright land, where we can see how forest flowers open before our eyes, how dew slowly flows from them onto the outstretched palm, how the brown leaf and from under it sprouts, straightening its shoulders under its small brown coat, a stocky boletus mushroom.
The shadow of the overhanging trees fell on the water. The water in the shadow seemed unusually deep and black. A fallen aspen leaf lay on this water like a jewel carelessly thrown in a young autumn. Autumn was still very young, still at the very beginning of its short life.
If only it were possible to slow down the passage of time, so that this quiet light and this amazing day would shine blue over the lake for a long time, so that you could follow for a long time the shadows of birds on the water, the barely noticeable sparkle rising to the sky!
The meaning of the word “perfection” immediately became clear. And at the same time, a slight regret began. About what? That no matter how hard a person tries to convey the charm of this day, these waters, grasses, great silence, as well as all the charm of what is happening now in his soul. And you were still annoyed that you were the only one who saw all this, when all your beloved and dear people should see it. When a person is happy, he is generous, he strives to be a guide to beauty. Now we were happy, but we were silent, because delight does not tolerate any exclamations or external expression.
In a clearing near the lake there was a bench made from birch poles. There was a sign nailed to a pole next to it: “Smoking area.” Below was written in pencil: “Look, take care of this forest. Lighting fires is strictly prohibited. Obezdchik Alexey Zheltov.”
Around the bench, no matter how much we looked, there was only one browned cigarette butt lying - this road was so deserted. And this concern for the forest seemed all the more touching in those places where, perhaps, two or three people would pass in a week. The road, judging by the map, was lost about five kilometers away, in the thickets behind Lake Linevoy.
The cordon stood on a hillock above the quiet creek of Pra. On its roof was nailed a board shield with a black number on a white field - “273”. This number was used to identify aircraft flying over the forests.
Forester Alexei Zheltov, a weather-beaten old man in a faded green cap with a tracker’s badge on the band - two copper oak leaves, sat on a bench near the hut and read a newspaper, as if not seeing us, five people, slowly approaching the cordon.
This was an obvious trick. He had already noticed us through the window a long time ago and deliberately came out to the door with the newspaper. With his entire appearance, Alexei Zheltov (aka “Uncle Lesha”) wanted to show that passersby are not a novelty here and that he, as a courteous person who has seen all sorts of things in life, is not at all curious about who we are, why we came and where we are going.
The conversation that began with Uncle Lesha was already familiar to us - a cunning conversation that confuses inexperienced townspeople.
We talked about the drought, about the fact that somewhere—presumably, in the direction of Kriushi—a forest was burning, about the harvest, news from the newspaper, a fair in Klepiki, but not a word about lodging for the night or about who we were.
Paustovsky Konstantin Georgievich

TASK: Highlight the endings of adjectives.
White, almost transparent flowers of watercolor, shy forget-me-nots in the moss, underwater roots - it all seemed fabulous.
It was as if we had been let into a dense, bright land, where we could see forest flowers opening before our eyes, a brown leaf moving and a stocky boletus mushroom sprouting from under it under a small brown jacket.

White, transparent, shy, underwater, fabulous, dense, light, forest, brown, small, brown, stocky.

White ones. transparent - s. shy - s. underwater. fabulous dense -y. . light - y. forest - s. brown little ones - to them. brown - y. stocky - y.

— Caltha palustris L. Belongs to the buttercup family — Ranunculaceae. This medicinal plant named in accordance with the Old Russian word “kaluga”, which, in turn, is translated as swamp, kaluzhina, puddle. This plant is also called frog grass, frog grass, water snake.

Frog grass is a herbaceous perennial, reaching a height of 15-50 cm.

The rhizome has cord-like root lobes and is short.

The stem is fleshy and bare, can be somewhat creeping or straight, slightly branched at the top. The stem length is from 3 to 20 cm.
If the plant grows in meadows, the stem is usually no longer than 50 cm, and if the plant grows in a river, it reaches three meters.

During flowering, the width of the leaves reaches from 30 to 80 mm, and then the width reaches 300 mm. Large leaves They are distinguished by a dark green hue, are shiny and leathery, kidney-shaped, bright, wedge-shaped or rounded heart-shaped.

Basal lower leaves attached to the petioles, the upper surface ones are sessile. Underwater ones are distinguished by a red-violet color, and surface ones are dark green.

The plant has many flowers, they are large, golden-yellow, shiny, with many pistils and stamens.

The fruit is a collection leaflet, which includes 5-10 leaflets.

Marigold blooms in April-May. In some cases it may bloom again in September. The medicinal plant blooms for the first time only in its tenth year, and the shiny black seeds ripen in September.


Marsh marigold grows in Western and Eastern Siberia, in the Urals, throughout the European part of the country, in Ukraine, the Caucasus, and Central Asia. This plant can be found in damp meadows, river banks, in swamps, near streams and river backwaters, in damp meadows, in the forest zone of Russia at an altitude of up to 2000 m above sea level.

Chemical composition
The chemical composition of the plant has not been studied in detail.

Plants contain alkaloids (ranulunculin, anemonin, berberine, isorhamnetin, protoanemonin), bitterness, tannins, glycosides, saponins, flavonoids, choline, lactones, vitamin C, carotene, starch, sugar. Protoanemonin can be found in the plant if it is fresh. During flowering, the leaves contain vitamin C and carotene.

Rhizomes and roots contain hederagin and oleonolic acid glycosides, triterpene saponins, and alkaloids. Alkaloids, fatty oil and vitamin C were found in the seeds.

The stems and leaves of frog grass are poisonous before flowering and fruiting. After marinating and boiling, they can be consumed.

Medicinal and beneficial features marsh marigold
The medicinal properties of the plant have been determined chemical composition. Medications from marsh marigold restore metabolism, have anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant, analgesic, and antimicrobial effects on the body.

The plant also has wound-healing, anticancer, antitumor, antiscorbutic and antifever properties.

The leaves of the plant are used as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic. A decoction of the leaves is taken as an anticonvulsant, anti-inflammatory and expectorant.

The roots, flowers, grass and leaves of marigold are used to make a variety of drugs that are used to treat various diseases.
This medicinal plant is used to treat scrofula, metabolic disorders, colds, and anemia.

An aqueous infusion of the herb is used to treat asthma, bronchitis, cough, fever, whooping cough, and urinary tract diseases.

Collection and preparation
During the flowering period, the grass is collected and dried in special dryers or ventilated rooms. Flowers are harvested from mid-April to the end of May. Rhizomes are harvested in spring or late autumn.

Due to its mild toxicity, the plant should not be consumed on its own. When taken orally, it causes diarrhea, abdominal pain, vomiting and nausea, and irritates the mucous membranes and skin.

The juice of the plant and fresh crushed leaves are used for eczema, neurodermatitis, burns, bruises, and wounds.

The leaves are crushed, doused with boiling water, wrapped in gauze and applied.
Experts recommend juice from fresh leaves and flower buds of the plant for healing wounds.

Frog watercolor is very common in our reservoirs. This is a very beautiful and quite unpretentious perennial aquatic plant. Its range is Europe and Siberia. The plant received the name frog bite for the peculiar shape of the leaf with a deep, as if bitten, notch. In addition, frogs love to hide among its round, bright green leaves. Numerous leaves on long petioles and a lush tuft of roots also serve as an excellent refuge for other small inhabitants of reservoirs. Frog watercolor purifies the water, and many leaves tightly cover the surface and protect the pond from overheating.

The snow-white, three-petaled flowers bloom continuously from early summer until late autumn. “Whisker” shoots with new plants form from the base of the rosette. Large buds form at their ends, which fall off in the fall, overwinter and give birth to new plants in the spring. They winter well and can withstand even severe frosts in natural conditions. Its small size allows it to be used even in very small indoor ponds.


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