Questions for drawing up a psychological portrait of a person. How to create a psychological portrait: a complete guide

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Drawing up a psychological portrait is one of the most difficult and important options. All people know how to adapt and adapt to certain situations, but everyone does it differently. Some people are oriented at a specific moment and easily adapt to a given situation; such people, as a rule, work better when making decisions. Others are guided by the past, are able to act within a rigid structure with a clear framework of permissions and prohibitions, rights and responsibilities - they are able to work when implemented within certain structures. Still others focus on future With not adequate situations of behavior – they often act as generators of ideas.
It is important for every leader to learn to reveal their internal psychological reserves. Why do they need to learn, first of all, to know themselves and others, to identify their temperament, character, personality orientation, etc.
Thanks to these components, you can create a psychological portrait:
1 - Temperament – ​​thanks to temperament, inherent in people from birth, some are fast, agile, prone to emotional reactions, others are slow and calm. Temperament is the foundation of our personality, based on the nervous system and depends on the structure of the human body and metabolism in the body. Temperament traits cannot be changed, as they are most often inherited. It is necessary first of all to understand its features in order to determine the type of human activity.
You need to find your own approach to each type of temperament:
Sanguine people - have a strong nervous system, balanced and mobile, although their excitement is easily replaced by inhibition and vice versa. Such people always promise what they will do, but do not always fulfill their promises, so they need to be constantly checked and monitored. Its advantages are responsiveness, sociability, cheerfulness, its disadvantages are frivolity, superficiality, unreliability.
Choleric – has an unbalanced nervous system, where the feeling of excitement prevails over the feelings of inhibition. They must be busy all the time, because he will direct his activity towards the collective and disintegrate it from within. Its advantages - energy, determination, promotion, disadvantages - hot temper, aggressiveness, conflict.
Phlegmatic - strong, balanced, but inert, motionless type of nervous system. He cannot work for speed and speed, the main thing is not to push them, he calculates his strength and time and will pass his case in any case. Its advantages are stability, constancy, reliability, patience, activity, cons - slowness, indifference, sometimes even dryness.
Melancholic – with a weak, unbalanced type of nervous system. Such people should not be shouted at, put pressure on, or given sharp instructions, as they are very sensitive and vulnerable. Their advantages are goodwill, sympathy, gentleness, humanity; their disadvantages are suspiciousness, vulnerability, isolation and very low performance.
In work, it is easier for a choleric person with a sanguine person, and for a sanguine person with melancholic, melancholic with phlegmatic.
2 – Character – a person’s character expresses his essential characteristics. Character traits are personality traits, stable characteristics of human behavior.
The character structure is divided into 4 groups, which express the individual’s attitude to a certain activity:
To work - hard work, conscientiousness, perseverance, responsibility, initiative, the opposite of this - laziness, irresponsibility, passivity, a tendency to routine work;
Toward the team and to society as a whole - sociability, responsiveness, respect, the opposite - isolation, contempt, rudeness, callousness.
To myself - self-criticism, pride, self-esteem and something modesty, the opposite of this is doubt, selfishness, arrogance, resentment.
To things - neatness, frugality, generosity, the opposite - stinginess.
Character is formed thanks to the moral and volitional qualities of the individual; at this stage, 4 types of character are distinguished:
Demonstrative individuals express their emotions very strongly and experience them. They can lie without realizing it, although they are not able to pretend and constantly try to convince others. They are very artistic people who know how to play with their feelings in public. Thanks to its Artistic people have positive traits - they understand another person very well, they can become writers, actors and social workers. They make their decisions quickly and impulsively, without thinking anything through.
The pedantic character is the opposite of the demonstrative type. Their negative traits - indecision and a constant feeling of fear for their lives, can be expressed positive traits such as punctuality, accuracy, responsibility, prudence. For a long time hesitate when making decisions and carefully consider their actions.
Stuck type - they hold on to their feelings of anger, rage, fear for a long time and experience their achievements just as long and vividly. They are distinguished by touchiness and rancor. They can forgive the offense, but will never forget her.
Excitable type - constantly unhappy, irritable They do not know how to manage themselves, which often leads to conflicts.
Ability – measured by decision certain tasks. They are divided into two types:
General ones are formed by development intelligence. These include hard work and efficiency, attentiveness, composure, mental flexibility, adaptation and the ability to navigate difficult life situations.
Special abilities are the development of a certain type of activity.
Direction is where exactly a person’s activity is directed; there is a focus on oneself, on a task, and on communication. Here it is important to determine the needs for a certain direction of a person’s motives.
Intelligence is the core intelligence – ensuring the realization of a person’s ability to assess a situation and make decisions in accordance with his behavior. Structure intelligence depends on age, education and individual characteristics.
Emotionality – divided into mind, will and emotions. The mind and will obey us, and emotions arise in addition to our will and desires. We can hide emotions and throw them out on I'm rouging, but thanks to this they do not weaken. It is necessary to manage emotions, they are divided into:
Affect – resulting from severe shock, captures the whole person and controls his thoughts and actions.
Emotions themselves - arise on what has happened, expected and remembered events, are reflected in a subjective assessment.
Feelings – stable emotional condition, attitude towards specific events and people.
Mood is a long-term emotional state that reflects the attitude of acceptance or non-acceptance of the world, associated with temperament.
Stress is the body's reaction to an unexpected, stressful environment. May occur due to cold, pain, humiliation.
The ability to communicate is primarily a process of interaction between people. Communication can be verbal - in different forms and non-verbal - facial expressions, gestures.
They are divided into types - dialogue, mass, group, anonymous; channels - visual, auditory, through touch - tactile and through the sensation of your body - somatosensory.
Self-esteem - person evaluates his abilities, actions and capabilities. She may be underestimated, overestimated or adequate, which is quite rare.

It is no coincidence that a person’s face is considered synonymous with personality as such. Even words like " individual"they talk about a person, and " entity» - about a group of people.

It seems that the face is an ordinary part of the body - the front side of the head, but with the help of this part of the body, you can draw a psychological portrait of a person.

Psychological picture personalities are psychological characteristics an individual, containing a description of his inner world and possible actions in certain life conditions.

Although they say that someone else’s soul is in the dark, by carefully looking at the facial features of an unfamiliar person, you can learn a lot of interesting things about him. Experts can determine at a glance how honest a person is - brave or cowardly, strong personality or spontaneity itself.

We all have unique unique faces that from the first seconds of meeting us give out information about us. Looking at our opponent, we try to unravel the secrets hidden behind the expression on his face. We are interested in the essence of the person who may become our chosen one, or companion, or employee.

We are constantly surrounded by many people: in transport, in a work or creative team, among friends. Somehow we recognize faces, and we need this ability. In our brain at the border of the temporal and occipital lobe there is a zone that is responsible for this ability.

The face is a social tool

Researchers have proven that the human brain recognizes faces as a whole, and not as a whole individual parts personalities. Peter Thompson demonstrated this with a photograph of Margaret Thatcher. An upside-down photo, but with unchanged eyes and lips, at first glance, was not noticed by anyone.

The face is an informative, adaptive, social tool about a person’s character, even about his behavioral stereotypes.

A portrait of a person is read on an unconscious intuitive level. We have a certain experience of socialization, and even in childhood, school and in other institutions we have learned to expect identical actions and behavior from people with similar traits.

Expressing emotions

Charles Darwin hypothesized that all homosapiens (Homo sapiens) have the same facial expressions, showing all six emotions.

Researcher Paul Ekman confirmed Darwin's hypothesis after conducting an experiment with Americans and Japanese. He observed people's emotions when watching a horror film. The Japanese behaved more restrained, due to cultural traditions restrain your emotions. But in general, the pattern of fear on all faces was expressed the same way.

The experience of communicating with people allows us to create a psychological portrait of the personality of each interlocutor. But it is not easy to recognize, for example, the dissatisfaction that is hidden behind a person’s smile. Each emotion has manifestations that can be used to determine the true attitude of the interlocutor. Looking carefully at the face, we understand on an unconscious level what kind of person our interlocutor is and what can be expected from him. The face signals character, human basic emotions.

How is a psychological portrait related to a person’s character?

Since ancient times, it was believed that by looking at a person’s face it was possible to create a psychological portrait of a person and find out comprehensive information about him. The ancient Chinese tried to find a connection between the structure of the most interesting surface on the human body and character and destiny. Recognition systems are still being developed today. Physiognomy is the name of this science, which modern criminologists and large companies cannot do without.

  • The Chinese divided a person's face into three parts, each part being of paramount importance for a certain age of the individual. The part from the border of the hair on the forehead to the eyebrows tells about the person’s intelligence and success in his career. A high forehead speaks of a person’s focus and careerism; the presence of one wrinkle on the forehead indicates a person’s desire to develop in one direction. Vivid examples of those with high foreheads were Lomonosov, Lenin, and Einstein.
  • The part from the eyebrows to the tip of the nose can indicate mobility of spirit, strength of personality, and the ability to control oneself. At 35 years of age and older, this zone is especially important. This is the age at which professional development occurs. A large nose indicates a huge vital energy. Such people can realize themselves in business, in social activities, that is, outside. Small and thin wings of the nose belong to an impressionable and fickle person.
  • The lower part of the face speaks of a person's ability to become attached to other people and the likelihood of success in life. For example, a person with full lips is considered to be emotional, temperamental, and open. Those with thin lips strive for science and self-knowledge. Flat cheeks indicate realization through inner potential.

The influence of age on the psychological portrait

Our face changes throughout our lives, and experts say that changes are no less informative than individual parts of a person's face.

Wrinkles on the face tell a lot. What exactly they say is known to researchers. To do this, the entire face is divided into one hundred points corresponding to the year of life. The details of life and destiny at 25 years old are told by the spaces between the eyebrows. And at 60 years old - lips.

But the scientific community rejects the theories of determining fate and the psychological portrait of a person only by the face. In 1872, Cesare Lambroso developed the theory of the born criminal. He argued that criminal tendencies can be identified by distinctive features personality, in conjunction with psychological and physical features. But many experts today do not agree with the scientist’s statements.

The role of appearance in the psychological portrait

Be that as it may, a person's face is constantly working, and for some individuals it works for them, and for others it works against them.

Communication between people in modern society is such that the role of appearance, in particular the face, as the main means of communication, occupies a primary place. This means that the psychological portrait of a person is primarily determined by a person’s appearance.

Italian researchers conducted an experiment. Having sent absolutely identical resume samples, in which only personal data and photographs differed, to various places of work, we received the predicted result. Beautiful women were more often interested in employers. They received significantly more invitations. And potential employers did not ignore handsome men.

No one was particularly interested in the ugly representatives of humanity in the experiment. The conclusion suggests itself. It is generally accepted that beautiful people are paid higher; it is easier for them to convince their interlocutor and get their way. The so-called “gala” effect works for them when general impression about a person, influences the assessment of its particular characteristics. Thus, attractive people are often considered to be endowed with great mental abilities.

Beauty can also play the opposite role, especially in same-sex relationships. American scientists conducted research and found that female employers are more likely to choose unattractive women as their employees, since beautiful individuals are a potential threat.

The assessment of intellectual abilities and attitude to the psychological portrait of a person proceeds in the same way. Beautiful people are perceived as less intelligent, untrustworthy and demanding.

The role of appearance in love relationships

IN love relationships The benefits of an attractive personality seem undeniable. Beautiful people feel more confident, they experience more sympathy from other people. This is a kind of complementarity to the beauty of personality.

A beautiful girl should disappoint her partner in order to hear harsh words. An ugly girl needs to work hard and deserve it Nice words to your address. This is the difference in the psychological portrait of a person.

However, in love relationships, beauty is not always beneficial. Outwardly attractive individuals are more demanding of life, and therefore they select partners with greater pretensions, demand more, expect and are disappointed. Two beautiful individuals often break up because they believe that it is easy to find a replacement.

Psychologists say that when we think about love, we try to avoid beautiful representatives of the opposite sex. Our subconscious tells us that beauty will become a threat to serious and long-term relationships.

According to psychologists, we do not always choose partners based on external data. We choose based on deep psychological reasons, and one of them is how familiar this or that type of personality appearance is to us.

If a girl is confronted with a man similar to her father or his direct opposite, then she will be inclined to choose a man similar to her father. This has nothing to do with determining the psychological portrait of a person; the subconscious itself moves the girl, determining a more advantageous version of the person.

The influence of appearance on people's behavior

Even in everyday life, we wake up, look at ourselves in the mirror, are satisfied with the reflection of our face and go out to meet society. In a crowd of people we look for people like ourselves, because next to them we feel calm. This turns on the focus of attention of similarities. A person, seeing his likeness, automatically becomes calm.

Unravel why we like some people's faces and not others, based only on mathematical formulas or certain standards is impossible. Almost everything scientific theories about appearance are based on evolutionary psychology. takes its origins from our animal past.

It is ingrained in the consciousness of each of us that beauty testifies to high quality genes of its owner. It means that beautiful personality will give strong and healthy offspring.

Today, many scientists believe that beauty is not a sign of the quality of its owner, but, on the contrary, is a sign of stereotype, maximum similarity with one’s own kind. And the easier it is for our brain to process the image of a person, the more beautiful he seems to us. It is based on the principle of saving energy, which works in all cases of life: when choosing a partner, a car, a dog.

What is most important in life: beauty or inner peace?

Ancient Roman sculptors knew how to value people for their individuality, regardless of their attractiveness. And if the Greek sculptors depicted great people with beautiful faces, the Romans presented their people as they really were.

The main value for the Romans was to convey the character, type, and individuality of a person, even if they were ugly and unmanly in appearance. Pompey the Great is depicted in the sculpture with a puffy, slightly stupid and absolutely non-warlike expression on his face. But he was the main opponent of Julius Caesar.

Often people strive to change their appearance, hoping for sharp turns in life. Those who are unsure of themselves take such a step, and most likely this problem dates back to childhood. At the beginning of life, it is important for each of us to feel like a beautiful person. And the first marker for a girl is her father. If he says that a girl is beautiful, then no matter what her appearance is, she will not have complexes about her beauty. And the girl’s life will be at the level of beautiful people.

We can often observe people with an inexpressive appearance, but with inner potential capable of attracting attention, with a certain charm, or, as they also say, charisma, thanks to which they are able to lead masses of people. A person's appearance, no matter how beautiful he is, in tandem with inner world, has always attracted and will continue to attract a large part of society.

A positive attitude, desire for self-development, love for others, kindness and calm can create the most favorable psychological portrait of a person, and it doesn’t matter what appearance the person will have.

This test is designed to determine a psychological portrait. The test consists of a questionnaire that takes into account 17 personality factors. By answering the questions, you will be able to determine the characteristics of your personality, as well as better understand yourself. This will help you find out your strengths and will tell you where else needs to be “improved”. Since the test is fully automated, complete confidentiality of information is guaranteed (that is, the result will be available only to you).

Each question has three answer options. From them, choose the one that you think best matches your views.

You should not take the test if you:

  • Tired;
  • Are in a state of strong emotional arousal;
  • Looking for a solution to a problem.

Because all these factors can affect the correctness of the answers.

When answering questions, remember:

  • Don't overthink your answers. Give the one that comes to mind first.
  • Be sure to answer all the questions in a row, without leaving anything out.
  • If you answer questions not in order, but in a style - 1, 27, 93, 64, 2, etc. then the real picture will be distorted. Because the order of the questions is not random.
  • Of course, a question cannot always describe a specific situation. In this case, try to imagine the average, most frequently occurring situation that corresponds to the meaning of the question and, based on this, choose an answer.
  • There are no right or wrong answers here. Consider that you are simply expressing your opinion and not taking a test.
  • Answer as honestly as possible, in this case you will get the most realistic picture and will be able to get to know yourself better.
  • If you do not answer all the questions, you will receive a distorted description that does not correspond to your psychological portrait.

After receiving the result, you may be surprised that the psychological portrait may contain seemingly mutually exclusive traits, such as courage and indecision. Sociability and isolation. But this is only at first glance. Depending on the situation, they can dominate different sides character. A person can be bold in making any serious decisions at work and timid when meeting women. If a character trait appears two or more times in a characterization, then it is dominant. And in the absence of extreme situations, it is the dominant character traits that will control a person’s behavior.

Below, as an example, is presented the psychological characteristics of one of our employees who passed the test.

Realism, strength, independence. Relies only on himself. Doesn't tolerate meaninglessness. Intellectually developed. Abstract thinking. High ability to learning. Dissatisfaction with oneself, excessive self-criticism. Impulsive, cheerful, full of enthusiasm. Tends to be relaxed, balanced, and content. A person with a developed imagination. Immersed in internal needs, cares more about practical issues. Serene, trusting of people, calm. Conscientious, persistent, reliable, obliging. Entrepreneurial, offering his own solution. Aware, socially accurate, committed to maintaining a good reputation. Extrovert, easy to talk to. Sociable, courageous, spontaneous in emotional sphere, cheerful. Can easily tolerate other people's complaints and tears, as well as difficulties in communicating with people in emotionally intense situations. Possible careless attitude to little things and ignoring danger signals. Open, benevolent, slightly susceptible to feelings of jealousy, cheerful, does not strive for competition, cares about others. Works well in a group. Direct, natural, unsophisticated, sentimental. Emotional stability, endurance. The person is emotionally mature, calm, stable in his interests, efficient (but without nervous fatigue), oriented to reality.

The most important points that influence the success and duration of work of the client and his psychologist are not only the specialist’s skills in determining the type and character traits of the visitor in the first minutes of communication and acquaintance, but also the ability to quickly and accurately draw up a psychological portrait of the individual. This will help establish contacts with clients and avoid unplanned provocative moments. But most importantly, a psychological portrait of a person allows us to speak more accurately about a person’s habits and inclinations, his possible fears and complexes. It also helps to gain the visitor’s trust and overcome the client’s barriers of indecision and constraint.

How to quickly and efficiently draw up a psychological portrait of a personality?

A psychologist must have this skill. His responsibilities include drawing up a psychological portrait of a person whom he sees for the first time and knows absolutely nothing about her. However, in daily practice, this skill will be useful for any person. Naturally, it is extremely difficult to “draw” a fairly accurate portrait in a matter of minutes, especially at first glance. Therefore, it is recommended to observe the person for some time and find out some specific necessary initial data and details.

Psychological portrait of personality and classification of its details

For convenience, all moments of observing a person can be sorted into groups according to the principles of significance and the brightness of the perception of the object of observation by the observer. This classification is very convenient. The first group includes age, gender, posture and physique. The second includes general appearance(clothing style, accessories, image details and neatness). In the third, you can highlight facial expressions, gait, gestures and manner of speaking. And finally, in the fourth, the very large group, highlight the following features and peculiarities:

Shape and features of the face, lips, gaze and eyes;

Certain sexual characteristics and their characteristics (for example, the absence or presence of hair on open areas body);

Arms and hands (joints, shape, skin covering, movements).

Psychological portrait of personality and its characteristics

After considering the features of appearance in detail according to the first three points, you can immediately determine the type of character to which they are inherent. And you can immediately begin to draw a socio-psychological portrait of the individual and identify typical moments. For example, drooping shoulders, a corpulent physique, a cautious gait, black and gray colors in clothes, lack of gestures and laconicism, pronounced folds in the corners of the lips and on the bridge of the nose - all this suggests that this person is melancholic. But the fourth group will already talk about more hidden character traits. For example, pursed lips, a sideways glance, deep-set eyes indicate that the psychological portrait of a person will contain information about the presence of phobias and fears in such a person. As can be seen from simple examples, this technique for determining the type of character and temperament is not so difficult, but very useful. To master it, you only need attentiveness, a penchant for analysis and practice.

Psychological analysis of personality portrait

psychological personality questionnaire emotional

Observing other people, how they work, study, experience joy and sorrow, we often pay attention to differences in their behavior. After all, everyone grew up and was brought up in different families, in different conditions, that is, in different social environment. All this directly affects what a person will be like in his adult life, how he will build his relationships with other people, what character traits he will have... Based on observations of people, having some knowledge of psychology, we can draw up a psychological analysis of a personality portrait. Such an analysis is very useful to draw up in order to successfully manage people, in order to more easily find relationships with them. mutual language, know their strengths and weaknesses.

When starting a psychological analysis of a personality, let’s find out, first of all, what he will be like. Typically, the personality structure includes: temperament, character, volitional qualities, abilities, emotions. These concepts are relatively constant in humans and, taken together, represent a psychological portrait of the individual. Based on these criteria, I will conduct my psychological analysis.

In my work I will conduct a psychological analysis of my friend Christina. Her age is 23 years old. She has higher education majoring in jurisprudence. Currently works in a company that provides notary and legal services to the population. Christina also graduated from music school, piano department. Currently he continues to make music.

Now let's move directly to psychological analysis. First let's talk about temperament. To more accurately determine Christina’s temperament, I suggested that she take the Jung Questionnaire. The results showed that she is an ambivert, that is, she combines the traits of both an extrovert and an introvert. This suggests that big problems She does not experience communication, but ease in it is not characteristic of her. For example, if Christina finds herself in a situation where she needs to show organizational skills (when working in groups at seminar classes, at any events, etc.), then in most cases she will not show her initiative. In contrast to this, I can give the following argument: Christina has many friends, it is pleasant and interesting to communicate with her, everyone treats her well and respects her, when she gets into society, she looks sociable. But she has no special need for this communication. She prefers to spend time alone and rarely meets with friends. This suggests that she combines the traits of both an introvert and an extrovert. It can also be said about Christina that she takes risks only if they are justified. For example, there was such a situation in her life: speaking at a conference on English language, the teacher promised to give the final grade for the semester automatically. Christina understood that it was difficult to learn all the tickets, it was better to overcome her fear and uncertainty and speak at the conference, in the end she spoke and received an A automatically. In this situation, she did so because she understood that it was worth it, her risk would be justified. But when she is asked to participate in debates or discussions, simply for the sake of expressing her point of view, she often refuses. This once again confirms that Christina is an ambivert. The test results exactly coincided with what Christina really is, I confirmed this with examples from her life.

Christina also took the Eysenck temperament questionnaire. The result of the questionnaire showed that she belongs to the phlegmatic personality type. This is manifested in the fact that she has stable aspirations and moods. It is distinguished by a strong, balanced, efficient nervous system. Christina is very hardworking and loves to finish everything she starts. Her facial expressions, speech, movements are calm, to some extent even slow. She also has difficulty switching from one job to another and does not adapt well to a new environment. I will confirm these provisions with examples from Christina’s life. She can work from morning until night until she completes all the work that she has planned or that needs to be completed on time. It often happens that Christina works seven days a week. At the same time, she always has the patience to see things through to completion. But at the same time, Christina can only work successfully in an environment that is familiar to her. For example, when she changed jobs, it was very difficult for her at first. Outwardly, this was not noticeably noticeable, but internally she felt discomfort, although she tried to fight it in order to quickly get used to the new team and in the new workplace. It can also be difficult for her to switch from one activity to another. For example, when she finishes working with clients, she finds it difficult to switch to working with documentation and takes a long time to sway. All this confirms that Christina is a phlegmatic person.

I will now move on to describe Christina's character. Taking the criterion of attitude towards life as a basis, we can say that she is an optimist. Always knows how to find the bright side in events and people. She loves her life and the people around her. Christina rarely gets discouraged, even if she has some troubles. In such cases, she simply tries not to think about the bad, and prepares herself for the fact that all this is temporary, all the bad things will pass. In her opinion, despondency is not a completely constructive emotion. Thanks to this character trait, Christina always, no matter what, moves towards her goals and achieves them. Last year, she took part in the Star Trek competition, and people took part in it different ages, where they showed off the talents they had. In this competition, Christina performed a song. But then she failed to take the prize. Having drawn a conclusion from this situation, she realized that she simply needed to prepare better for the competition and confidently go for victory. At that moment, according to her, she was not at all upset, but on the contrary, she was glad that she had room to grow and something to strive for. . Even this situation from her life suggests that Christina is an optimistic type of person.

Also, when describing her character, I can say that Christina is very disciplined. This character trait manifests itself everywhere in her life. For example, that she is punctual. If he makes an appointment with someone, he always arrives on time, often even in advance. In order to carry out his work more successfully, he draws up an action plan, which he strictly follows. Given the current pace of life, it is very difficult to stick to a daily routine, but Christina succeeds to some extent. She tries to eat at the same time, goes to bed on time if possible, does exercises in the morning, in other words, leads healthy image life. Christina keeps herself within strict boundaries, beyond which she tries not to cross.

If we consider Christina’s character from the point of view of her attitude towards other people, towards the team, towards society, then we can say that she belongs to the individualistic type of people. This is manifested in the fact that she prefers working in groups individual work. Relies only on himself, does not like to ask people for anything. She tries to do everything herself, relying only on herself. This trait has been present in Christina’s character since childhood; I think the reason for this lies in her upbringing. Her parents always encouraged expressions of independence, which developed this character trait in her.

Describing Christina's character from the point of view of her attitude towards herself, I can say that she is self-critical. Adequately evaluates himself and his actions. He sees his own mistakes and tries to correct them if possible. He works hard on his shortcomings and complexes. For example, most recently Christina completed the training “How to become a confident person.” This suggests that she sees her shortcoming, which needs to be fought, and tries to eradicate it. When something doesn’t work out for her, she blames herself, first of all, for it, and not the circumstances and other people, and tries to understand what her mistake is. I already gave an example about her participation in the Star Trek competition. Then, she came to the conclusion that she needed to work more on herself, grow spiritually and professionally, and did not blame the jury or any circumstances for her defeat. All this confirms that Christina is very self-critical.

When analyzing Christina’s character and temperament, I also used E. Kretschmer’s personality typology, according to which a person’s temperament and character depend on their physique. According to this theory, Christina belongs to the type known as asthenic, since she has a thin physique, Long hands and legs, flat chest and weak muscles. This type The personality corresponds to such a character type as schizothymic. This suggests that Christina is closed, serious, stubborn, and has difficulty adapting to new conditions. So it is, this description fully corresponds to Christina. I argued the presence of these character traits above.

Now let's move on to analyzing Christina's abilities. Since childhood, she dreamed of playing the piano, constantly sang and arranged concerts for her parents at home along with her girlfriends. All this testified to her musicality. When she was 6 years old, she entered a music school, the piano department. Upon admission, it was necessary to pass exams where musical ear was tested. Christina passed the exam successfully. During her studies, she almost never had any problems; the teachers praised her. Christina often took part in various music competitions and still does this, often winning such competitions. Today, she continues to develop her musical abilities and studies music.

And now I want to turn to the analysis of Christina’s strong-willed qualities. Taking this criterion as a basis, I can say that Christina is a strong-willed person, that is, a person with a strong will. This is manifested in the fact that, having started any work, setting a goal or fulfilling a plan, Christina knows how to overcome difficulties and failures, both internal and external. This is evidenced by the fact that Christina can spend time at work from morning to night, and sometimes even work seven days a week. Despite the fact that during this work it is accompanied by many difficulties, such as fatigue and the need for precision in work. Also, her behavior in most cases is quite responsible. You can rely on her difficult situation, will never let you down.

Now I will move on to describe Christina's emotionality. U different types People express their emotionality in different ways. Since Christina is a phlegmatic personality type, we can judge that she seems unapproachable to other people, somewhat mysterious. Her emotional state is in complete balance. Most often, Christina restrains her emotions or shows them weakly. And this is all true. Christina is very difficult to piss off. She is very patient. I once witnessed when, while riding on a bus, she accidentally stepped on the foot of the person standing next to her. young man, he answered her something rudely, but Christina simply calmly apologized and continued to talk to me just as casually. This indicates that she keeps her emotions to herself and behaves with restraint. But such restraint of emotions hinders her at performances where emotionality is necessary. Christina has to work hard on this, and this allows her to achieve success.

While conducting a psychological analysis, I talked a lot with Christina, asked her various questions, and conducted tests. This helped me to more fully characterize her personality and identify some features. Conducting such analyzes is very useful, as you begin to better understand people and the reasons for their actions.


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