Eight golden rules for repairing apartment electrical wiring. Repairing electrical wiring in an apartment with your own hands How to repair a cut wire in the wall

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Instructions for using the calculator

We have developed for you convenient calculator cost of work and materials. With its help, you can independently estimate how much you will spend on the work you have chosen and the materials necessary for this.

  1. First you need to choose the material from which the walls of your apartment are made. Hover your mouse over the corresponding window and click on it.
  2. Then decide on the total area of ​​the premises in which the work is expected to be carried out. In the “Room area” form, click on the + or – buttons to enter the total area of ​​the premises in which work is to be performed. You can also enter manually using the keyboard.
  3. Select in the appropriate fields the number of different sockets you want to install. Think about the kitchen. How many electrical appliances do you have in your household (refrigerator, microwave, dishwasher, etc.).
  4. Enter the quantity in the same way lighting fixtures to be installed. Enter the number of switches that will turn them on.
  5. Check or uncheck the boxes “Bell”, “Sign in the entrance”, “Sign in the room” in accordance with your choice.
  6. When you hover your mouse over the question mark next to each form field, you will see a tooltip.
  7. When you have finished entering, click on the “Calculate cost” button. By clicking this button, you will receive a “List of Works”, “List of Materials” and their cost. The amount of the discount provided will also be reflected.

Work and materials cost calculator

For your convenience, we have developed the most accurate calculator electrical installation work.

List of materials

  • LEGRAND sockets (France).
  • Decorative frames LEGRAND (France).
  • LEGRAND switches (France).
  • Socket boxes and distribution boxes from HOGEL.
  • Modern, high-quality, meeting all standards, non-flammable copper wire VVG NG Ls or NYM of the required cross-section depending on the load.
  • Corrugated PVC pipe complete with fastenings as needed.
  • Modern high-quality cable for satellite television from CAVEL (Italy) SAT 703.
  • TV sockets LEGRAND (France).
  • Modern cable channels in colors agreed with the customer, either a metal hose with additional internal HDPE insulation, or metal pipes.
  • Internet sockets LEGRAND (France).
  • Splitter (crab) for satellite television.
  • Modern high-quality shielded FTP 5e cable (twisted pair).
  • Modern automation with multi-level protection from ABB (Germany). Circuit breakers, RCD (residual current device), differential circuit breakers.
  • Modern, space-appropriate, compact electrical panel.
  • Consumables: diamond discs, metal discs, drills, drills, terminal blocks, electrical tape, dowel-nails, tires, light bulbs and cartridges.
  • Alabaster and Rothband.

List of works

  • Grilling and cutting walls according to modern technologies for wires, socket boxes and distribution boxes.
  • Installation of cable channels in compliance with aesthetics appearance, or installation of open RETRO wires with an external method of installing electrical wiring. Installation of wires in a modern high-quality metal hose with additional internal HDPE insulation, or installation in metal pipes at internal way installation of electrical wiring.
    Lining of wall passages.
  • Chasing and cutting walls using modern technologies for wires, electrical outlets and distribution boxes.
  • Chasing and cutting walls using modern technologies for wires, electrical outlets and distribution boxes.
  • Laying wires in a groove and, if necessary, in a corrugated one pvc pipe with clip fastening.
  • Installation of socket boxes.
  • Installation of sockets.
  • Checking the system's functionality.
  • Installation of TV sockets.
  • Installation of Internet or telephone sockets.
  • Installation of switches.
  • Installation of light bulb sockets.
  • Installation of modern reliable multi-level automation (RCD, Differential circuit breakers, Protection circuit breakers).
  • Chipping and cutting a niche under switch box. Installation of internal electrical panel.
  • Installation of a specialized grounding kit from leading modern manufacturers.

Owners of apartments in houses built in Soviet times, often worries about the state of the electrical network. Worn insulation and increased loads lead to wire breaks and short circuits. This may cause a fire. In this case, at a minimum, electrical wiring repairs are necessary. To do this, it is not necessary to invite an experienced specialist: everything can be done with your own hands.

Signs and causes of electrical wiring damage

Cliffs and short circuits refer to obvious damage, but you can notice that the electrical wiring is worn out based on other signs. One of these is sparking, accompanied by a clearly audible crackling sound. The cause of sparking is poor contact of wires in the twist or in the socket terminal. This threatens to ignite the insulation and then cause a fire. You can notice poor contact by melted wires in the socket and a blackened inlet.

There can be several reasons for wiring failure.

  1. During the years of construction of the house, the wiring in the apartment was designed for a minimum number of household appliances. No computers or dishwashers It wasn't there then. The power of electrical appliances of those years rarely exceeded 1 kW. Modern technology is very diverse, and power consumption can be more than 2 kW. As a result aluminum wires get very hot, the single-layer insulation cannot withstand it and melts. Because of thermal expansion the conductors loosen the contacts of the terminals of sockets and switches. Sparking appears.
  2. During installation or repair, wires with cores made of different metals (aluminum, copper, sometimes steel) were used. Electrical resistance they are different, resulting in a potential difference. Simply put, a current is generated that heats and oxidizes the twist.
  3. Incorrect operation: several powerful household electrical appliances were connected to one outlet and operated for a long time.
  4. Mechanical damage: not really suitable place a hammered dowel, a nail for a picture or a clock can touch the insulation.
  5. Violation of service life: switches must be changed every 5-7 years, circuit breakers - every 10 years, wiring - 15-25 years (depending on the type of cables, core materials and insulation quality). Partial repairs of electrical wiring are not allowed: it must be replaced in full.

Tools needed to repair wiring

You need to start with the purchase the necessary tool, materials and devices. To work you will need:

  • voltage tester and indicator;
  • Screwdriver Set;
  • pliers, wire cutters and side cutters with insulated handles;
  • tape measure (for measuring cable length);
  • cable;
  • hammer drill with drills and crown;
  • switches, sockets, terminal blocks, socket boxes;
  • alabaster and gypsum putty;
  • flashlight.

To determine cable routes, special devices such as “Woodpecker” are used.

Rules for performing repair work

You should know the routes of the laid cables and the location distribution boxes. To do this, you need to study the wiring diagram.

Then you need to determine the location of the electrical wiring damage and find out the reasons. Such an analysis will help to carry out the repair correctly: it may be necessary to make changes (add an outlet, move it to another location, etc.).

Before starting electrical wiring repairs, it is necessary to turn off all consumers and power supply in the switchboard. Check the absence of voltage with a regular indicator.

If the repair does not involve replacing the wires, do the following.

  1. Open the covers of the junction boxes and release the strands from the insulation for inspection. The oxidized wires are cleaned and the strands are soldered. They should be tightly curled and long enough. Each twist is insulated separately. It is allowed to use modern adhesive tape to connect wires.
  2. Old sockets are replaced with new ones. If replacement is not required, clean the oxidized conductors and tighten the tightening screws in the terminals more tightly. Do the same with switches.
  3. Replacement in progress circuit breakers. In this case, for copper conductors with a cross-section of 2.5 mm², “automatic machines” with a nominal value of 25 A should be installed, for conductors with a cross-section of 1.5 mm² - 16 A.

Repair with replacement of wiring

In this case, the following rules must be observed:

  • for the socket group, a cable with double insulation of copper cores with a cross-section of 2.5 mm² is used; for the lighting group, the cable cores can have a cross-section of 1.5 mm²;
  • connecting wires with cores made of different metals by twisting is not allowed (terminal blocks are used if necessary);
  • You cannot connect cables in grooves: there are mounting boxes for this;
  • For the grounding device, a three-core cable is used, one of the cores of which is yellow-green.

After completing the repair, turn on the power supply and check that the installation was completed correctly. If difficulties arise, you should seek help from professional electricians.

Electricity is an integral part of our life. In every apartment you can find more than a dozen devices that operate from the power passing through the wires. electric current. All of them help simplify and diversify our lives. However, over time, it will be necessary to repair the electrical wiring in the apartment. This is quite difficult work that requires special care and attention.

Preparatory work

Before you carry out wiring repairs, you must select everything correctly necessary materials and tools. The quality of the work performed will depend on them. Another important factor for the success of a renovation is strict adherence to all stages of the process and taking into account the advice of professionals. They will help beginners avoid most mistakes and get the job done in the shortest possible time.

Selection of materials and tools

For successful implementation several repairs need to be prepared in advance mandatory tools. Their choice depends on what exactly needs to be repaired in the apartment. This preparatory stage It will help you not to be distracted while working and not to search for a particular tool for a long time.

For different types electrical wiring repairs may be necessary:

In addition to the tools listed, you will also need some Consumables. All of them are inexpensive and available at any store that sells electrical goods. These include:

  1. Putty for sealing holes punched in the wall.
  2. Electrical tape for connection security.
  3. cable wire to replace those unsuitable for further use parts.
  4. Terminals for more durable and quality connection wires

Any renovation work associated with electric current pose a direct threat to life and health.

To avoid negative consequences and perform quality repairs, you must follow all basic safety rules.

Among the most important advice Experienced electricians can be identified as follows:

Determining the cause of the breakdown

Before starting repairs, it is necessary to accurately determine the cause of the malfunction and find the damaged area. To do this, you need to remember the entire sequence of actions that led to the breakdown.

In most cases, these situations are:


During the operation of electrical appliances, various problems may occur. To eliminate them, you need to call an experienced electrician and spend a considerable amount of money on his services.

However, this work can be done independently. It is important to have at least a little experience in such repairs and follow all safety regulations.

Partial renovation

This type of repair is the most common, since it affects not the entire apartment, but a separate section of it. Need for partial renovation may occur when there is a loss of electrical current to an outlet or switch. In this case, the following actions are performed:

Complete replacement

If done major renovation in an old room or apartment, it is best to start with a complete replacement of the electrical wiring. This will help to avoid accidents and possible fires in the future. Complete replacement Electrical wiring is done as follows:

Repairing electrical wiring in an apartment is a rather complex undertaking that requires the contractor to be attentive, accurate and knowledgeable in his field. At the right approach and following all the recommendations of professional electricians, you can quickly fix any problem.

It is very important to follow safety regulations while working. They will not only save lives, but also help maintain health.

- this is one of the most important elements our existence. When it is there, we don’t notice it, but as soon as interruptions occur, our life loses its former comfort. And the problem that causes no electricity can be very small. In this article I would like to talk about how to fix a broken aluminum conductor.

Let's start with the fact that many live in Soviet-built houses. At the stage of Soviet construction, aluminum wires were installed in apartments, designed to withstand the loads of that time. In the 21st century, the number of devices located in an apartment and consuming electricity has probably tripled. Based on this, there was a need for copper wiring of a larger cross-section. The increased load and time have affected the aluminum wires, so we can observe the following picture in the wiring - whenever the wires are touched, they crack and break off. It often happens that they break off right near the exit from the wall, the protruding end of the wire does not reach even 2 cm. Forget about twisting and soldering, this will be very tedious and very painstaking work. It could be easier. Based on the PUE, we learn that conductors made of copper and aluminum can be connected with a bolted connection. Our bolted connection will be WAGO terminal blocks. We buy WAGO terminal blocks - 16 A, preferably clamp ones, as well as a small piece copper wire with a diameter of 1.5 mm. After the above, we strip all the ends of the wires and insert them into the WAGO terminal blocks, after which we clamp them. I know that many electricians do not like terminal blocks. They are considered unreliable and so on, but in an apartment the 16 A terminal blocks will withstand it, so you shouldn’t bother and invent yourself unnecessary work with wall slitting and twist welding.

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The final cost of repairing the electrical network in any apartment depends on several important factors...

Apartment wiring repair price

Among the factors that determine the final monetary cost of electrical wiring repairs are the following:

  • Volume required restoration or repair work
  • Time frame required restorativeor repair work
  • Quantity and quality of required building materials
  • Overall quality as well as quantity mounted electrical equipment
  • Total residential and non-residential footage electrical wiring for replacement
  • Availability of warm genderAlso, the cost of repairs will be higher if the home is built according to the so-called Smart Home system. It should be noted that repairing wiring in an apartment, the price of the work may vary depending on the remoteness of the house. An important factor is number of storeys apartment building , as well as general apartment area. Moreover, even the material of the walls of the house affects the final cost of repairing electrical wiring.

    Grooving brick walls will cost about 300 rubles - 2 x 2 centimeter grooves. Grooving concrete walls will cost about 500 rubles - 2 x 2 centimeter grooves. Grooving gypsum walls will cost about 200 rubles - 2 x 2 centimeter grooves.

To lay a cable in an open groove costs about 50 rubles, in a cable channel - 150 rubles, in a corrugated cable - about 120 rubles. Installation of an electrical network on brackets, that is, in an open way, on concrete walls will cost about 150 rubles, on plaster walls - about 100 rubles, on brick walls - about 120 rubles. Dismantling the electrical network starts from 100 rubles and above. Searching for an open circuit will cost 1000 rubles and more. Repairing a broken electrical circuit will cost 500 rubles and more.

High-quality repairs of wiring in an apartment, the price of which is too low, is a reason to think about it. It is more advisable to use only high-quality materials and spare parts - this will insure the electrical network system during future operation.

Wiring in an apartment, as well as in a private house, can be replaced partially or completely. To achieve this, an impressive number of activities are carried out, including:

  • Complete electrical circuit diagnostics
  • Determining ways to modernize the electrical circuit
  • Installation of ground contacts
  • Installation of a new electrical wiring
  • Carrying out wiring to the required areas of the house
  • Chasing all necessary walls
  • Grilling all necessary floors
  • Installation of new sockets
  • Installation of new switches
  • Installation of new electrical panels
  • Equipment for creating telephone lines, alarms and other specific equipment

It is important to voice the fact that repairing wiring in an apartment, the price of the work becomes known only after drawing up the final project. Electrical network repair requires a strict sequence works:

  • Creating a Project
  • Gating
  • Cabling
  • Seal of grooves
  • Dismantling old lines
  • Installation of new lines
  • Arrangement of electrical panel
  • Installation of electrical machines
  • Installation electric switches It also connects all power lines. IN last resort is happening installation of switches and electrical sockets. The costs for the boxes are paid separately. In addition, there is an additional cost for installation. sockets and electrical breakers. You also need to pay separately for connecting lighting systems, electric stoves and other household appliances.

High-quality repair of electrical wiring in an apartment price

Replacement wiring most often occurs partial. Less often, the wiring is completely changed. Replacement of electrical wiring is one of the most popular services that is in demand during any repair. It is best if the master has relevant education in the field electrical installations works and other works related to electricity. All the necessary documents and permits, as well as impressive work experience, will not be superfluous.

Apparent simplicity electrical installations work related to replacing all wiring does not comply reality- only professional The master is able to organize replacement of wiring in Moscow in whole or in part. You can contact both companies and private individuals. The price indicated in the estimate should not differ from the one that will be paid at the end of all work. The final cost of changing electrical networks or wiring depends on several important factors. Among them :

  • Client-consumer power
  • Scope of all ordered work
  • The material from which the house is made
  • Open or hidden type of installation Repairing wiring in an apartment, the price can be especially high if a short circuit occurs, or in another case when an unscheduled replacement of the electrical network is necessary. The price of the work may also be increased since at the beginning it will be necessary to organize a temporary electrical supply private house or simple apartment. Sometimes along with a shift electrical wiring all are being replaced electricity meters, especially in Moscow, as well as in other cities of Russia.

Don’t try to skimp on safety when replacing electrical wiring Only the highest quality materials should be used. In most houses of the old housing stock, wiring made of aluminum - it is no longer suitable since modern electrical devices and other devices require a different device electrical wiring, especially those consuming high current. If you do not change the old electrical network in time, then you can destroy all the electrical appliances that are in the apartment. Short circuits and other accidents often occur - that is why it is important to replace aluminum wiring with copper or another that meets the necessary modern safety standards and, accordingly, operation. You should never forget about safety precautions - even the highest quality wiring has its own service life, which is about 20 years.

Repairing wiring in an apartment, price - what it consists of and how to save

Carrying out electrical wiring- this is a necessity for absolutely any apartment and, no less important, for a private house. The electrical network serves as a guarantee that all household devices and household appliances will work correctly and without failures. Cables, threads, tapes and other consumables for recovery electrical wiring You can purchase it yourself or from specialized companies Option number one is more profitable from a financial point of view, but there is also a drawback - the purchased consumables may be of low quality or not at all correspond state standards. Factory consumables are much more effective in this regard - they have a long service life and also have a manufacturer’s warranty.

Trying to replace all or part of electrical wiring independently or to install an electrical network with their own hands, home craftsmen often forget about safety. Electrics require special skills from the master - they do not forgive mistakes. Special knowledge is also required when creating an electrical circuit diagram, when grouping wiring depending on the level of electricity consumption, the number of rooms and other important factors. Knowledge is required in everything - from choosing the cross-section of wires to organizing a project to replace electrical wiring. Most often, a home craftsman without special technical education is a priori unable to make a complex electrical network diagram. For example, phase and zero are often confused - just one such mistake can cost the master not only material resources, but even his life. Repairing wiring in an apartment, the price can be completely different.

To completely change the electrical wiring in a private home, a specialist is required. This person can be not just one electrician, but a whole team of craftsmen. To save money, many companies offer turnkey wiring installation. The electrical network in a private house or apartment follows a similar pattern:

  • Installation of new wires and cables in all rooms of the house
  • Installation of new light switch devices
  • Installation of new sockets
  • Installation of new protected sockets in rooms with high humidity levels. The required number of sockets is selected based on the total number of household devices and other electrical appliances. Adhering to the requirements of regulatory documents, it is necessary to select a copper or other cable with the required cross-section. To do this it is necessary to implement preliminary calculation of the total power, respectively, which is consumed by everyone electrical appliances available in the house. Using a special law (Ohm's Law), the current strength is calculated, which becomes the foundation for selecting the cross-section of the conductor. When overload postings whichor wires can easily catch fireexactly That's why need to take cable With necessary (Necessarily) stock. IN like this case even If net will overloaded ignition Not will arise. Repair postings V apartment price Always individualchoose average meaning cost repairs problematic, But To end articles this number will announced.

From quality execution everyone electrical installations works V straight dependencies located Not only level life inhabitants apartments, But And safety Total buildings. Exactly That's why electrical installation workers processes better Total trust only people with relevant knowledge And education. Only Right installed wiring will be able serve long time And Not will become remind O to myself extra once. IN Moscow Creation electrical postings under key it will cost from 16 before 50 thousand rubles (ceiling at all Not limited) — V dependencies from difficulties project, A Also quantities rooms And others characteristics buildings.

IN end we offer three video V which in detail told How execute repair postings on one's own:


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