Restoring car mirror amalgam. Master Class

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You will need

  • - Mirror cleaner
  • - Onion
  • - Sponge, rags, cotton wool, newspapers
  • - Water
  • - Ammonia(or gasoline and burnt magnesia)
  • - Chalk
  • - Vinegar
  • - Foil
  • - Transparent tape
  • - Scissors
  • - Silicone sealant
  • - Toothpicks
  • - Wax and turpentine (as needed)


Use scratch marks on silver amalgam. It is necessary to thoroughly clean the damaged area with a mixture of water and alcohol and wipe dry. After this, begin to carefully fill the cracks, using sharpened wooden sticks (you can use toothpicks). After the product has dried, carefully remove the excess and wipe the restored mirror with a damp and then dry cloth.


If you were unable to restore the damaged mirror using the above methods, buy a new product. Never experiment with materials that are hazardous to life and health. For example, there are recommendations to cover up scratches on amalgam using a mixture of certain substances and mercury - working with it at home is strictly not recommended!

Helpful advice

To prevent mirror restoration from becoming a real problem for you, take care of the product correctly. Indoors with high humidity You should buy special mirrors designed for bathrooms. You can independently treat the surface of the amalgam with melted wax and turpentine (1:2) - it will become more wear-resistant. Wipe the mirror surface regularly: first remove dust from it with a dry cloth, then clean it with a special product and polish it with newspapers or soft cloth.


  • Caring for mirrors and mirror surfaces
  • mirror restoration

Unfortunately, you can completely remove a scratch from a mirror only with a special grinder, which costs more than 50 thousand rubles. In other cases, the scratches will be slightly noticeable in certain lighting or from certain specific angles. However, if you don’t want to buy a new mirror, it’s still worth trying to make sure that the scratches are practically invisible and the image is not distorted. Among the methods of “camouflage” there are those that do not require rare or expensive means and tools.

You will need

  • - claw hammer,
  • - screwdriver,
  • - putty knife,
  • - aluminium foil,
  • - knife,
  • - scissors,
  • - transparent tape,
  • - liquid glass cleaner,
  • - transparent silicone sealant,
  • - soft cloth (or paper towel),
  • - blade,
  • - toothpick.


Carefully remove the mirror and remove it from the frame (you may need to remove screws and remove nails with appropriate tools).

Cut a flat, smooth piece of foil slightly larger than the scratch. The foil can be smoothed with a knife. Carefully place the foil over the scratch on the other side of the mirror. Turn the mirror over and look at the result. If the foil has moved slightly, lift the mirror and straighten it (you can stick it with tape).

If the scratch is still visible, wipe the damage with glass cleaner and dry with a rag. Place the mirror on a flat surface with the mirror surface facing up.

Put some clear silicone sealant on a disposable plate (preferably paper). Dip a toothpick into the sealant and scoop out as little as possible to fill the scratches. Change toothpicks often. Once the sealant is completely dry, scrape off any remaining residue by positioning the blade of a knife at a 45-degree angle.


It is difficult to “defeat” dark scratches using these methods. In this case, you will need to use chemicals such as mercury, cerium oxide, ammonia, etc.

You can also deal with particularly noticeable damage using a grinder with a cork polishing tape (you can use the pressure roller of the tape to polish the mirror so that the scratch becomes almost invisible).

Helpful advice

Sooner or later, scuffs and scratches appear on all mirrors. And although most of the defects that appear do not prevent a person from using table or floor mirrors, they significantly spoil appearance mirrors Restoring mirrors at home can solve this problem.

You will need

  • - glass cleaner;
  • - soft towel;
  • - cerium oxide;
  • - ammonia;
  • - lamb wool;
  • - spray bottle;
  • - protective glasses;
  • - paper towel;
  • - dust mask;
  • - latex gloves.


Restoring mirrors helps to completely get rid of scratches whose depth is less than 0.1 mm, and makes deeper defects less noticeable. Clean the mirror using glass cleaner. Use products that contain alcohol - they do not leave streaks. Dry thoroughly with a soft towel. Wait until the surface is completely dry.

Put the mirror on flat surface(for example, on the floor) - this way you will reduce the risk of breaking it. If possible, remove mirrored pieces of decorated furniture if that's what you're refinishing. Sand the mirror using lamb's wool and cerium oxide. Under no circumstances press hard on the surface to avoid breaking the glass.

Sand only the scratches, not the entire mirror. Special attention should be given to deep defects. Of course, it is impossible to achieve their complete disappearance, but you can disguise them and make them much less noticeable. Minor defects will disappear completely.

Mix two cups cold water with fifteen milliliters of liquid ammonia. Wear safety glasses and a mask. Apply the resulting solution to the polished area using a spray bottle. Dry the mirror thoroughly with a paper towel. Repeat the scratch restoration process (spraying and sanding) several times until the defect disappears completely or becomes less visible if it was too deep.

Video on the topic

Mirror restoration- a delicate process. The master is required to have precise knowledge of surface restoration technology and the availability professional tools. Restoration carried out by amateurs can only spoil the already damaged glass, rendering the mirror completely unusable. Outsource the restoration work mirror surface specialists of our company. Craftsmen will come to any district of Moscow and the surrounding Moscow region, assess the degree of damage to the canvas and the possibility of its restoration. We accept applications for visiting specialists by phone or online.

Contact us because:

  • We will restore any mirror surface if it is subject to restoration
  • We will restore canvas of any size
  • Craftsmen have a full range of professional tools at their disposal
  • We employ only professional craftsmen
  • We will only accept payment when the restoration is 100% complete.

Is it possible to restore an old mirror?

Restoring a mirror is a rather painstaking procedure. The capabilities of restorers today are such that they can even collect the fragments and restore the integrity of the canvas. Dust from inside or partial loss of amalgam, clouding of glass and other surface damage typical of very old mirrors are all repairable. However, in some cases, returning the surface to its previous appearance costs more than inserting new glass into the frame. Therefore, mirrors that are museum value or family heirlooms are sent for complex and expensive restoration.
There are also cases when the mirror surface is slightly damaged. There is no point in throwing away a good piece of furniture if it is only slightly scratched, has scuff marks or slight clouding. The surface can be restored to its original appearance by carrying out simple restoration work. Using abrasive chemical substances the mirror can be made to shine again. However, it is important to choose the right product, calculate the dosage and apply required quantity Only an experienced craftsman can make efforts to bring the canvas into proper shape.

Methods for restoring mirrors

To restore mirror surfaces with minor damage, restoration methods such as grinding and polishing are used. If a shallow scratch or abrasion appears on the canvas, the mirror is polished. That is, they are removed from a reflective surface upper layer using abrasives with large particles. It is important to perform this procedure very carefully so as not to wipe the surface too much. You can add shine to glass by polishing it.

Polishing itself, as a method of mirror restoration, is carried out by masters in the event of clouding of the mirror surface. The procedure consists of treating the mirror with abrasives suitable for the given type of surface. As a result, the cloudy glass begins to shine like new.

Mirror restoration can be produced to remove any imperfections from the reflective surface. Grinding and polishing of surfaces is carried out at the customer’s home, without taking the mirror cloth outside the premises. The cost of these services is affordable. You can invite craftsmen to carry out restoration work on any day of the week, including weekends.

Probably every person has some kind of old, old thing, which is a shame to throw away. It is often difficult to place such a thing anywhere, because it does not look anywhere and only spoils the entire interior.
So it is with me. While cleaning the apartment I inherited from my grandmother, I found this old mirror:

I feel sorry for throwing it away, but leaving it just like that is also unacceptable.
First, we need to cover the mirror with double-sided tape. I chose a product made by Buromax.

Depending on the size of the mirror and its shape, you should choose adhesive tape of different sizes. For my case, the middle one worked well.
Carefully cover the mirror with tape.

Advice from personal experience: If your mirror has ever been painted, try to get the tape on the first time. The paint sticks to the glue and the tape becomes unusable.
If you want to make the frame more beautiful, use stationery knife cut out waves from tape.

It is very important that the knife is sharp. In the end it should look like this:

I'm going to decorate the mirror in a romantic style. For this you will need:
1. Beads in several colors.
2. Plastic decorations, which can be purchased at craft stores.
3. Organza ribbon. A bow will be tied from it.

Now carefully remove protective film from tape and sprinkle the frame with beads. You can also use fish bait instead; it will cost even less and will look no less nice. Somewhere should be left free place for other decorations.
We form a bow from the ribbon.

It is tied in the same way as shoelaces. After that, we place the branches where we like and attach a bow on top.

In any bathroom or hallway there is a mirror - the main assistant in creating beauty (especially for women). But what to do if dark spots appear on the mirror?

There are several reasons for the appearance of dark (black) spots on the mirror. If there are dark spots around the edges, it's likely that the cleaner you used to clean the mirror has lingered on the back of the mirror and damaged the finish. If there are dark spots in the middle of the mirror, then they are usually caused by moisture or the cleaning product has reached the middle reverse side mirror and damaged it. Unfortunately, in any case, there is no way to remove dark spots on the mirror. The only solution is to repair the mirror by creating a new frame around it or hiding the stains in other ways. Here are some ideas to help hide black spots on your mirror.

Hide dark spots on a mirror with a frame

What you will need:

  • Decorative glass beads or tiles (glass mosaic)
  • Tube of contour paste (imitation lead)
  • Set of paints for painting on glass
  • Mirror strips (look at home improvement stores)

How to remove dark spots on a mirror:

  1. If there are stains along the edge of the mirror, you can make a frame from several various materials to hide the defects underneath. Use your creativity! Here are some ideas to get you started:
  2. Glue decorative glass beads or tiles (mosaics) around the perimeter of the mirror. If the dark spots are located at some distance from the edge, you can add a few accent beads in their place so that they fit seamlessly into the overall concept of the decorative frame.
  3. Mirror strips can be placed around the perimeter of the mirror in a frame-like manner to hide black marks and maintain the mirror function at the edges.
  4. If you have the opportunity to remove the mirror from the wall and place it in the apartment, you can apply the base of the future drawing (pattern) with contour paste and, after the lead has hardened, complete its creation with paints for painting on glass (stained glass paints). This will give your mirror an original look.

Restoration of mirror amalgam

If the mirror is seriously damaged and there is no way to creatively hide it, you can try removing the reflective surface (amalgam) from the damaged area and applying a new reflective solution to the area. Professionals can restore the mirror for you (search the Internet), but be prepared to pay a lot for it. Or you can do it yourself and much cheaper. Here's what to do:

What you will need:

  • Protective face mask
  • Razor blade scraper
  • Special solvent (for removing mirror amalgam – optional)
  • 3mm mirror the same shape and size as the original

Restoring the reflective surface of the mirror:

  1. Before starting work, check the year of manufacture of the mirror. If the mirror is antique or very old, then it may have been made with mercury and other harmful substances. Think, maybe you should entrust its restoration to professionals? If you decide to do everything yourself, be sure to wear protective clothing, gloves and a mask to avoid any risks or injuries.
  2. Remove the mirror from the wall and place it face down on a hard surface.
  3. Using a razor blade, carefully scrape off the reflective surface of the mirror (amalgam). Be careful not to damage the glass or create debris around it.
  4. If the blade fails to remove the amalgam, use a special solvent. You can buy it in stores that sell goods for home repair and improvement.
  5. Once the reflective layer has been completely removed from the back of the mirror, the easiest way to restore the amalgam is to place a new mirror behind the old glass. Of course, it is possible to recreate a new reflective coating using a special solution, and there are some sites that describe this process in detail. However, it is quite difficult.
  6. Attach the prepared new 3mm mirror to the back of the glass and hang it in its place on the wall.
  7. The mirror should look good, like new!
  • Make sure you get rid of any remaining reflective layer that was removed. Old mirrors contain harmful substances that can be dangerous if placed in a regular trash bin.

Mirrors always need careful care. This is the only way they will always look especially impressive. However, over time, the amalgam on some mirrors may begin to come off, causing it to lose its attractive appearance and reflectivity. If something like this happens to your mirror, don’t despair and immediately take it to the trash heap. Restoring the mirror yourself will help you solve this problem. However, it is necessary to be realistically aware that mirrors are manufactured in factory conditions as a result of very complex technological process. This is why you can successfully restore only minor damage to a mirror surface.

What can cause amalgam to come off?

First of all, you need to know that amalgam can come off if free air circulation from the inside is disrupted. That is why, if transparent spots appear on a reflective surface, you should think about moving the mirror to some other place.

You also need to know that all mirrors are created under industrial conditions by applying a very thin layer of metal mixed with special substances to the surface. The metal is sprayed in several layers over the entire surface, which is impossible to achieve at home. Therefore, do-it-yourself mirror restoration is carried out in order to improve its overall appearance and make small defects less noticeable.

Restoration process

To repair a mirror you will need to stock up on the following:

  • Transparent adhesive for metal and glass.
  • Brush.
  • Hard brush.
  • Napkins.
  • Alcohol-containing degreasing agent.
  • Scissors.
  • Foam sponge.
  • Glass cleaner.

The sequence of actions for restoring a mirror at home is as follows:

  • When starting to restore a mirror, first of all, carefully remove it from the frame and inspect the areas of damage. From above, lightly clean this area with a stiff brush to remove amalgam particles and any existing debris.
  • Once the surface is thoroughly cleaned, wash it with glass cleaner and wipe dry.
  • Now you need to degrease the cleaned and washed surface. To do this, moisten a sponge with any alcohol-containing product, wipe the surface with it and leave to dry.
  • Let's move on to gluing. Cut a piece of foil that is larger in size than the damaged area. Thin layer cover the mirror where it was damaged with a slight overlap around it. Place the cut out piece of foil on top with the glossy side down and press firmly.
  • Very carefully level the foil with a cloth, while trying to remove excess glue.

Important! All movements should go from the center to the edges. And all excess glue is removed using a foam sponge.

  • Once the foil has been glued and aligned and any excess glue has been removed, leave the mirror to dry for several hours.
  • For reliability, the gluing area can be covered with a layer of colorless varnish, but this procedure is not mandatory.
  • Finally, place the mirror back into the frame.

Important! If you were unable to hide defects using this method, then this means... that their area is too large. In such a situation, there is hardly anything that can be done, and there is nothing left to do but simply buy a new product.

  • If there are marks on the reflective surface oil paint, then soak a piece of cloth in turpentine, and then clean the dirt. After this, rinse the mirror warm water and leave it until completely dry.

Important! You can use a small spatula to remove paint. However, you need to be extremely careful not to damage the surface.

  • In some cases, changing the color of the frame can completely change the appearance of the mirror. Based on what the frame is made of, choose suitable paint and paint the frame with it.

Important! Sometimes it may be necessary to remove the old paint layer. For this you can use grinding machine with the appropriate attachment or just sandpaper.

Video material

Restoring a mirror with your own hands is possible only if there are minor defects. It often happens that it is impossible to save an old product because it is too damaged, and attempting to restore it can ultimately only worsen its appearance. Don't forget about it!


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