Everything you need for table setting. Different ways to serve the table

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Feasts are part of everyday culture; we are used to setting the festive table on New Year and birthdays, weddings and March 8, and even just inviting guests for tea. While worrying about delicious and varied dishes, we often forget about such an important component of the holiday as table setting. And no matter whether you are preparing a gala evening with several courses or serving dinner for family members, you need take into account the basic serving rules tables for all types of feasts.

WESTWING not only loves beautiful dishes and stylish table decor, but will also be happy to tell you how to present them correctly in order to comply with all the rules and at the same time pleasantly surprise your guests. Simple recommendations will help you quickly understand the basic requirements of serving and inspire you to creativity for table decoration.

Basic rules for table setting

Many people believe that table setting rules are limited to the correct arrangement of cutlery and dishes, but in fact they also include general recommendations By appearance tables and chairs and even the order in which dishes are served.

General rules for table setting that will help you give the table a festive look:

  • Table setting begins with chair arrangements for every guest. The distance between chairs is 50-80 cm, each guest should be allocated equal space at the table.
  • The table should not look overloaded. Only those plates, cutlery and glasses that are suitable for the specific serving of dishes should be placed on it.
  • Serving is determined based on the dishes planned to be served, the number of guests, time of day and reason for the feast. So, wedding table setting for a large number of guests will differ from lunch in country house in a small circle of friends.

Now let's look at all the serving steps in more detail.

Table setting rules: tablecloth

Table setting begins with a tablecloth. Classic option is snow-white tablecloth on a table made of thick quality material, for example, satin. Other colors of the tablecloth are allowed if they correspond to your decorative idea and echo the dishes or decoration, but the main recommendation is that the tablecloth be light: beige-pink, cream, soft blue and other pleasant neutral colors.

The main rule of table setting: the tablecloth must be washed, clean and properly ironed. It serves as a backdrop for your stylish serving and dishes, so it should not distract attention. If the tablecloth is too thin or slips on the table, you can place a thin flannel fabric underneath it. It will also muffle the knock of cutlery and glasses on the table. Plastic and oilcloth tablecloths for festive table setting not recommended.

Tablecloth size is calculated based on the fact that its ends should hang evenly by 25-30 cm, but not lower than the seat, and the corners should cover the legs.

Table setting rules: plates

Plates are placed on a neatly laid tablecloth. Please note that all dishes must be from the same set. In the center of each place there is a lower plate, which serves as a stand for a plate with snacks and hot dishes and serves primarily decorative purposes. It is located at a distance of 2 cm from the edge of the table.

Placed on top of it snack or soup plate, depending on which dish you serve first. To the left of the snack plate, diagonally, place a small plate for bread and butter (also called a pie plate).

At each change of dishes, plates are replaced so that guests do not have to eat from plates that are dirty or not suitable for a particular type of dish. Any feast requires at least one change of plates, and sometimes three or four.

Table setting rules: cutlery

Most often it is correct location cutlery raises the most questions when serving, although simple rules apply here too.

  1. Knives are always placed on the right side with the blade facing the plate, forks are placed on the left side with the tip up.
  2. If the menu includes soup, then the soup spoon is placed next to the knife with its spout facing up.
  3. Butter knife Place directly on the pie plate.
  4. Knives and forks depend on the type of food served. There are a pair of forks and knives for a snack bar, a dessert set, and a knife for fish and meat.
  5. The knife and fork for appetizers are placed at the edges, since the feast usually begins with appetizers. Thus, those devices that will be used first are placed further from the plate. When changing dishes, the cutlery and plates are removed.
  6. Then it’s time to cutlery for the second course. Knives differ depending on whether fish or meat is being served; both types of knives are often found. Fish knife features a rounded tip.
  7. The dessert set: leg, fork and spoon are placed immediately behind the plate parallel to the edge of the table. The knife and spoon for dessert are placed with the handle to the right, and the fork with the handle to the left.

Glasses and table setting

As you know, there is a glass for each type of drink. Your task is to place them correctly on the holiday table. Glasses are usually located to the right of the plates in one line at an angle of 45 degrees to the edge of the table.

Since each type of drink is also served in certain time meals (aperitif, main drink, dessert drink, digestif), glasses are removed along with plates and cutlery. The only type of glass that always remains on the table is water glass. Glasses should be placed in the order in which drinks are served, with the farthest glass being used first.

The complete table setting includes the following glasses:

  • Water glass
  • Champagne glass
  • White wine glass
  • Red wine glass
  • Cognac glass
  • Vodka glass
  • Liquor glass

Each of these glasses has its own unique characteristics that allow it to fully reveal the taste and aroma of a specific drink. Therefore, use appropriate glasses for all drinks served!

How to set a holiday table: napkins

The same ones come out for the napkins high requirements, as well as tablecloths. They should be perfectly clean, ironed, preferably white or cream and pleasant to the touch. It is recommended to choose napkins from natural materials , since they come into contact with delicate facial skin and can cause allergies or irritation.

Traditionally, a folded napkin is placed to the left of the plate or directly on the appetizer plate. Make sure that the napkin is neatly folded; for this you can use special napkin rings, which will give the table a ceremonial and solemn look.

Knowing the recommendations for table setting, you can easily apply them in any situation, creatively adapt them to your holidays and decorate the table with flowers, candles and fruits at your discretion, without violating the basic rules.

Table setting using decorations

The main decoration of any event is, naturally, flowers. It is worth listening to the rules of table setting for decoration, as in holidays, and in Everyday life. To make flowers pleasing to the eye, follow some simple recommendations:

  1. Make sure that none of your guests are allergic to the flowers you have chosen for serving.
  2. Do not use plants with strong odor. Mixed with the aroma of dishes, it can significantly spoil your appetite.
  3. Place the vase so that fallen petals do not fall into the food.
  4. For the dining table, choose vases that will not interfere with the communication of guests. These can be low devices for small compositions or vases on a thin high leg.

If you follow the rules festive table setting, That Special attention you need to pay attention to the choice of textiles. In addition to rectangular tablecloths and napkins, table linen includes buffet skirts, table covers, chair covers and round tablecloths. When choosing textiles, you need to rely on the occasion for which the event is being organized, the location and format of its holding. One of the main criteria is also the combination of textiles and dishes.

How to set the breakfast table

For breakfast, bread is sliced ​​and served in a wicker basket or a special plate with a napkin. The oil is served in a butter dish. Sausage and cheese are cut into thin pieces. Jam and marmalade are served in a jam outlet. On the table I place a breakfast plate, a glass for juice and a mug for tea or coffee.

Table setting for lunch and dinner

For lunch and dinner they use canteens, snack bars and pie plates, to the left of the plate is a table fork, to the right is a table knife. Wine glasses and glasses are placed near the knife on top. Also, don’t forget about the napkin holder with napkins.

Tea table setting

The tea table is covered with a bright tablecloth and a tea or coffee set is beautifully arranged. A cup and saucer is placed to the right, diagonally from the dessert plate. A spoon and fork for desserts are placed to the right of the plate. The slot is decorated with flowers in a vase. Coffee and tea are served when everyone is seated at the table. They serve cakes, pastries or pies, sweets and other desserts.

Table etiquette: what is unacceptable

  • The napkin should not be used as a handkerchief or towel.
  • It is not customary to wipe dishes or cutlery with a napkin; it is better to ask for clean ones.
  • After finishing the meal, there is no need to try to give the used napkin its original appearance and fold it. You just need to put it next to the plate.
  • Napkins do not need to be tucked into the collar, but placed unfolded on your knees.

You can clearly familiarize yourself with the rules from the photos that are presented on the website of the WESTWING shopping club. Here you can also choose beautiful, high-quality textiles and exclusive tableware for your feast. If you use WESTWING's advice, your guests will be pleasantly surprised.

Beautiful table decoration for the holidays

Serving comes from French word servir - to serve. Setting is preparing the table before eating (for breakfast, lunch, dinner, festive feast, banquet, buffet, banquet-cocktail, tea ceremony). It includes the correct arrangement of items necessary for eating (tablecloths, dishes, cutlery). The purpose of serving is to create maximum convenience during the meal process, Have a good mood, expressions of attention and goodwill.

Table setting rules

Serving items must correspond to the compiled menu, be in harmony with both the shape of the table, tablecloth, napkins, and the interior of the room, must be selected in shape, texture and color, and reflect the thematic focus of the celebration, if any.

Serving must meet existing rules. In order to set the table correctly and beautifully, you need to know about the numerous serving items, what they are called and what they are intended for.

Before setting the table, you need to think through everything, show artistic taste, accuracy, and most importantly, a desire to please the guests. To create an atmosphere of solemnity and comfort, you will need beautiful dishes, a set necessary devices, snow-white or colored tablecloth. All this will not only guarantee a good appetite, but also a great mood.

Sequence of table setting

1. Tablecloth.

2. Plates.

3. Cutlery.

4. Glassware.

5. Napkins.

6. Spices.

7. Vases with flowers.

8. Cold snacks.

By following this sequence, you can quickly and correctly set the table: arrange numerous items without missing a single detail.

Before serving, glass and cutlery must be polished to a shine with a clean, dry towel or napkin.

For Defender of the Fatherland Day Serving can be more ascetic, using military-themed attributes.

A napkin folded in any of the above ways is placed on a snack plate for each guest. Instead of linen napkins You can use paper ones.

Table setting. Photo

Flowers on the festive table

Flowers are an integral part of table decoration. They enhance the thematic focus of the celebration, adding solemnity, severity or romance. When serving breakfast, flowers put you in a positive mood and fill you with energy for the coming day.

Vases with a small number of flowers are usually placed in the center of the table so that they do not obscure the guests and dishes. Flowers in baskets and large bouquets are not placed on the table, but placed in a specially designated place.

Table decoration with flowers. Photo

You can decorate the table not only with flowers, but also beautiful bouquet from leaves, twigs of rowan and spruce. You can decorate the table and wildflowers, and ikebana in original vases, vases with floating flowers. All this will create an unforgettable holiday atmosphere.

A full table setting will take up space but will draw guests' attention to such a sophisticated approach.

Basic rules for table setting - arrangement of plates, cutlery and glasses:

The art of serving is not so complicated! Read the commentary for each item below. All items in the photo, including a wonderful round table, from the French brand “Du Bout Du Monde”, serving napkins from the brand “Beauville”.

1. Plate.

The bottom plate (the so-called sub-plate) serves as a stand, and is removed only after dessert. The edge of the plate is placed flush with the edge of the table. Plates are placed on it for the dishes that you are going to serve and which will be used during meals. At the very bottom is a plate for the main course. A plate is placed on it for snacks or meals. The soup plate will stand even higher. Without a plate - the plate stands stand a centimeter from the edge of the table.

    Instruments on the left.

    The forks are located on the left. There is a simple rule, and it is not difficult to remember. For many changes, the cutlery is used from edge to plate, that is, first the outermost, left-hand fork is used, then the one next to it and closer to the plate. And so on. The outer fork is for snacks. Then, if necessary, a fish fork, and a meat fork is located at the plate itself.

3. Instruments on the right.

Here is a place for spoons and knives. The outermost one is a soup spoon. Then the appetizers. Further towards the plate are: an appetizer knife and a butcher knife. If necessary, place a fish knife between them.

    Dessert cutlery.

    Small spoons and forks for dessert are placed above the plate, perpendicular to the other cutlery. The handle of the fork points to the left, and the handle of the spoon points to the right.

5. Glasses and glasses are located at the top right of the plate. The order of construction is the one in which they will be used. In front is a glass for the first wine or other aperitif, diagonally - a glass for the second wine. Nearby on the right is a glass or glass for water. It will remain on the table all the time, but unnecessary wine glasses can be removed.

6. Bread plate.

On the left, next to each place, above the napkins and forks, there is a plate for bread. The butter knife is placed on the right edge of the plate with the blade to the left.

tip: when setting the table, start by arranging the plates and gradually add everything else.

Stages of table setting:

1. Lay an old white tablecloth or undyed felt on the table, which will help prevent stains from appearing on the table if water spills. In addition, this fabric will muffle the sounds of dishes, protect the table from hot plates, and the festive tablecloth will lie more smoothly.

2. Lay out a linen tablecloth. When choosing a tablecloth, remember the influence of colors: red and its shades increase appetite, while blue, on the contrary, mutes it. Make sure that the ends hang evenly and that the tablecloth lies flat and without wrinkles.

3.Remember, table settings need color selection. When organizing table decorations and selecting flowers, it is worth remembering that these decorations will always be in sight of guests, so they should not be too bright and pretentious. You should also avoid flowers with a strong scent, as some guests may be sensitive to scents.

Artificial flowers were used here for decoration. It is best to place them, of course, not in plates, but next to glasses or add them to decorate napkins with rings...

4. Place mats under plates and placemats.

in the photo there is a French cotton tablecloth from Nice and place mats with an olive pattern.
Rugs are more of an additional decor; it is good to combine a plain tablecloth and brightly patterned rugs, or vice versa.
This table setting is bright and colorful; the richness of the pattern is appropriate here.

5.Place jugs of water.

6.If a large number of dishes will be served during dinner, then put knives and forks for each of them, in the order of use. On the right side, towards the plate: a soup spoon, a fish knife, two table knives. On the left side, towards the plate: a fish fork, two table forks. A dessert spoon and a cheese knife are placed above the plate, with the handle turned to the right; underneath them is a dessert fork, the handle turned to the left.

7.Napkins are beautifully decorated and placed on a plate. Often they put some kind of sweet in the napkin to please the guest.

If you don't have napkin rings, that's okay. Use ribbons, cotton cord, scrap fabric, suede cord... If you don't have any, just fold the napkin into a pointed rectangle and place it on a plate.

8. Glasses and glasses are placed on the right side, near the soup spoon. They should all be placed close to each other, with the tallest glass being furthest from the guest.

The word "serving" translated from French servir means, on the one hand, preparing the table for breakfast, lunch, dinner, tea, i.e. arrangement of dishes in a certain order, and on the other hand, a set of items (dishes, table linen) intended for this purpose.

Table setting is a creative process, it is multivariate and depends on the class of the restaurant and its specialization.

When setting a banquet table, there should not be a single extra or missing item. All table setting items must strictly comply with the menu previously agreed upon with the customer. At the same time, serving with two identical cutlery and glasses is not allowed, even if they are required according to the order menu. In such cases, only one item of each name is displayed, and then after use they are removed and replaced with the same serving items. For example, the menu provides two snacks - fish and meat. The table is served with one snack plate and one snack utensil. After the guest eats the fish appetizer, the waiter, having removed the used utensils and plate, places clean appetizer plates and appetizer utensils before serving the meat appetizer.

You can place a menu card, printed or typewritten, at each banquet participant’s place of service (on the left behind the pie plate).

Table setting is the final stage of preparation for receiving guests. Pre-setting of tables complements the interior.

Table setting must meet the following requirements: correspond to the type of service - breakfast, lunch, dinner; match the menu served:

snacks, meals and drinks; be aesthetic - match the shape of the table, the color of the tablecloth and napkins (with the shape of their folding) and with common interior hall;

reflect national peculiarity and the thematic focus of the hall’s enterprise, etc., arrange all serving items in accordance with the rules.

Beautiful, stylish dishes, cutlery, table linen High Quality decorate the table, create a solemn festive atmosphere, comfort and, to a certain extent, contribute to appetite.

Table setting is carried out sequentially: covering the table with tablecloths; serving with plates; serving with cutlery; serving with glass (crystal) dishes; laying out napkins; arrangement of equipment for spices, vases of flowers.

Rice. 1. Fragments of serving and arranging dishes and cutlery

Rice. 2. Fragments of serving and arranging dishes and cutlery

Covering the table with a tablecloth. Tablecloths are laid out on tables one at a time, folded. Having unfolded it on the table and taking the edges of one of the sides with both hands, they lift the tablecloth and then sharply lower their hands down, as if shaking it. Air bag formed between the table and the unfolded tablecloth, makes it possible to move it in any direction and carefully lay it in the desired position so that its central folds (longitudinal and transverse) lie strictly in the center of the table, and the ends hang evenly on all sides by 25-35 cm A lower hanging tablecloth interferes with seated guests, and anything less is unsightly. The corners of the tablecloths should fall strictly against the table legs and cover them.

When setting a table with a tablecloth, do not wrinkle it, pull it by the corners or pinch it with your fingers.

If rectangular table If you need to cover it with two tablecloths, then the first of them is laid on the side opposite from the main entrance to the hall or the main passage in it. On the second, top, tablecloth, the edge is tucked inward so that a straight line is formed. straight line. Utility tables are also covered with tablecloths or napkins.

Table setting with plates. When serving, a small dinner plate is placed on a table covered with a tablecloth strictly opposite each chair (armchair) so that the distance from the edge of the table to the edge of the plate is 2 cm. The emblem on the plate should be on the side opposite from the edge of the table.

At banquet serving Place the snack plate on a small dinner plate strictly in the center or aligning the edges of the plates closest to the person sitting. In this case, it is advisable to place a napkin between them, but so as not to cover the emblem.

Then, at a distance of 5-10 cm to the left of the side of the small dinner plate, a pie plate is placed, and their centers should coincide and be on the same line parallel to the edge of the table.

When setting a banquet table, the pie plate can be positioned so that the far edges of the plate are in line with the shallow dinner plate. During everyday service, a small dinner plate is excluded from the serving, and the table begins by arranging appetizer plates, following the same rules as when arranging dinner plates.

Serving technique. When setting the table with plates, the waiter takes a stack (8-10 pieces) of each type of plate separately on a handbrake (napkin) on left hand, and with the right one arranges them.

Each plate must be taken large and index fingers, extended in one direction along the side, and support it with the rest of your fingers. When serving the table with small dinner plates and snack plates, the waiter moves along the table from right to left, and with pies from left to right. It is more convenient to place the pie plates with your left hand, holding the handbrake with a stack of plates on your right hand.

Table setting with cutlery. Before serving, all cutlery is inspected, wiped, polished to a shine with a napkin and laid out on a tray or small dinner plate covered with a napkin.

To the right of the side of a small dinner plate, knives (table, fish, snack) are laid out, with the blade facing the plate, and a tablespoon if the first course is ordered for lunch. In this case, the spoon is placed with the concave side up between the snack utensil and the fish utensil.

To the left of the plate, forks are laid out with the tines up, placing them in the direction from right to left: dining room, fish bar, snack bar. The distance between the plate and the cutlery, as well as between the cutlery itself, should be 0.5 cm. All cutlery must be placed strictly parallel to each other and perpendicular to the edge of the table. The distance between the ends of the handles of the cutlery and the edge of the table is the same as that of the plates - 2 s of service... 76

Rice. 3. Minimum serving for breakfast:

1 - pie plate; 2 - snack utensils;

3 - teaspoon; 4 - wine glass; 5 - napkin

Rice. 4. Minimum serving for lunch:

1 - dinner plate; 2 - snack plate; 3 - pie plate; 4 - tablespoon; 5 - cutlery; 6 - wine glass; 7 - napkin

Rice. 5. Minimum evening service:

1 - dinner plate; 2 - snack plate; 3 - pie plate; 4 - snack utensils (knife, fork); 5 - cutlery (knife, fork); 6 - wine glass; 7 - glass for vodka; 8 - napkin

Rice. 6. Dessert table:

1 - dessert plate; 2 - napkin; 3 - dessert cutlery (knife, fork); 4 - wine glass; 5 - glass for cognac; 6 - coffee pot; 7 - creamer

Rice. 7. Executive service (banquet):

1 - dinner plate; 2 - snack plate; 3 - pie plate; 4 - snack utensils (knife, fork); 5 - fish utensils (knife, fork); 6 - cutlery (knife, fork); 7 - dessert cutlery (knife, fork); 8 - napkin

The number and name of the devices used for serving are determined based on the menu. So, for example, if the menu includes only cold appetizers, then the serving consists of snack utensils; If the menu includes cold appetizers and main hot meat dishes, then the table is served with snack bars and table knives and forks. According to the menu, consisting of appetizers, two main hot courses of fish and meat, the table is served with snack bars, fish and table knives and forks.

According to the menu, consisting of appetizers, soup and two main hot courses - fish and meat, the table is served accordingly with snack utensils, a table spoon, fish and table knives and forks.

When setting the table, dessert utensils are laid out in front of a small dinner plate in the following order: knife, fork, dessert spoon. In all cases, the fork is placed with the handle to the left, and the dessert spoon and knife with the handles to the right.

A dessert set consisting of a spoon, knife and fork, depending on the dessert, is used for serving in whole or in part. For example, most often, with one sweet dish for dessert, the table is served only with a dessert spoon, less often, if the dessert contains fruit or some confectionery, dessert or fruit forks and knives are required.

There is a “fan” arrangement of dessert utensils: the fork is placed first on the table, the tip of the knife is placed on the tines of the fork, and the dessert spoon is placed on top. With this arrangement, each of the dessert utensils will be on the edge at the right moment and will be convenient to take in your hand.

2. serving technique

The waiter, taking a tray or plate with prepared cutlery in the palm of his left hand, first lays out the knives and spoons with his right hand. Then transfers the tray or plate to the palm of your hand right hand and lays out the forks with his left hand. When laying out knives and spoons, the waiter moves along the table from right to left, and when laying out forks, from left to right.

Rice. 8. Dessert cutlery

Table setting with glass (crystal) dishes. The order of arrangement of glasses and glasses required for serving depends on the assortment of drinks.

The order of placing glasses and glasses should correspond to the order in which the dishes are served. So, from right to left, glasses are placed in the same sequence as the intended serving of wines, i.e. a vodka glass is placed when serving appetizers; Madeira for first courses; river for fish dishes; Lafite for hot meat dishes; champagne glass - for dessert sweet dishes, fruits; wine glasses - for water and beer.

As a rule, the wine glass is always placed first opposite the tip of the table knife at a distance of 4-5 cm. Shot glasses and glasses are placed to the right of the wine glass at an angle of 45° to the edge of the table.

If you need to put 4-5 glasses, as, for example, when serving banquets, then they are placed in two rows according to the following rules:

In the first row, glasses are placed lower than in the second row, except for the wine glass, which is always in the first row.

In the second row, glasses and glasses are placed between the glasses of the first row.

More than three types of glass are not placed in one row; all other (higher) types are placed in the second row.

Glass serving technique. Table setting with glass (crystal) is done from a tray or from hands, while wine glasses, goblets and shot glasses should be taken only by the legs, and not by the edges or sides of the dishes.

Polished wine glasses, glasses and shot glasses (each type separately) are placed on trays covered with a napkin (preferably upside down).

They complete the serving by laying out napkins, after which they place cutlery with spices and ashtrays on the table. Spices (salt and pepper) during normal service are placed along the axis of the table, in the center; when serving banquets - in pairs opposite pie plate, through the device, and the salt is placed on the left side of the pepper.

A napkin is a mandatory table setting item. A linen napkin should be well ironed and beautifully folded.

Linen napkins should not be heavily starched, because... A semi-soft napkin is more convenient to use. There are many folding methods, but they all must meet the same requirement that the napkins are convenient and easy to fold, and when unfolded they do not look wrinkled.

When setting the table for breakfast or lunch, as a rule, simply folded napkins are used, and for serving in the evening or on special occasions, more complex shapes folding napkins. At mass service visitors - congress, symposium, etc. - the table is set with paper napkins, which are beautifully folded into 10-12 pieces, placed in vases (napkin holders) and placed on the table at the rate of one vase for 4-6 people. Do not cut paper napkins into pieces and then put them in vases. Flowers serve as a wonderful decoration for a stand. For this purpose they are used as fresh flowers. So are artificial ones in the form of small ikibana. If you use fresh flowers, they should be fresh, not strong-smelling, and they should be placed in low vases, 3-5 pieces in each.


    Vasilyeva-Gagnus L. Rules of etiquette. M., 1999.

    Kukushin V.S. Etiquette. M., 2003.

    Litvin A.N. Etiquette. Rostov-n/Don, 2003.

    Pankeyev I. Encyclopedia of etiquette. M., 2003

    Serving for special occasions differs from regular serving only in the use of themed accessories, the use of more expensive tableware and a larger number of cutlery compared to regular serving.

    How to conveniently and correctly set the table

    Good manners suggest avoiding excess cutlery located near the plate. More accurate adherence to etiquette would be the use of additional serving tables and separate serving of additional cutlery for dishes. Special fish forks, two-pronged lemon forks, cheese knives and sherbet or crab tongs only clutter the table. Except if crab or specialty fish is the main dish.

    If you find yourself in the middle of a dozen spoons and forks placed to the right and left of the plate, simply use them in pairs, starting from the edge to the center. An excessive number of devices can also mean a hint of the brevity of the event. The table setting rules also allow this option. But usually, frankly speaking, an overabundance of cutlery indicates a shortage of waiters or a low class of service.

    There are general rules for table setting

    1. Guests must have all the same utensils.
    2. Napkins are supplied with each appliance; there is an additional supply of napkins and towels, linen and paper.
    3. Bread plates are included with each appliance.
    4. A glass for water is required for each device and is located on the right in front of the plate.
    5. An overabundance of cutlery and cramped spaces are unacceptable. festive table. It's better to put extra tables.
    6. For desserts, special dishes, hot dishes, use additional serving tables.

    Accommodation of guests

    When organizing a celebration, the seating plan, decoration and menu should be thought out in advance and written down.

    Each guest must have an invitation card with a number according to which he will take a place at the table. You can use business cards with the names of the guests, laid out on placemats or beautifully placed between the cutlery.

    Using numbered spaces is more practical because finding a large written number that matches an invitation is easier than reading an intricately and beautifully written name. The comfort of guests is the main requirement for organizing special events.

    Time to set the table

    Many guides say that you should not set the table in advance. This does not mean that waiters should run around with cutlery, pushing guests aside. This means that you cannot start serving a few days in advance.

    1. Tables must be fully set half an hour before the appointed time for receiving guests. What does the concept of “set tables” include?
    2. Tables must be covered with tablecloths.
    3. The decor must be placed and secured. Shuttlecocks, decorative garlands, themed decorations, bouquets in vases - all these elements of the celebration should be placed before the guests arrive.
    4. Tables are numbered in a visible way.
    5. Salt shakers, pepper shakers, and vinegar are conveniently placed in special stands at the rate of at least 1 salt shaker for 4 guests.
    6. Bottles of water are placed. It is possible to place water next to each device.
    7. Opposite everyone seat there should be stand plates. This creates the personal space of the guest. Arranging coaster plates will help avoid possible crowding. If it turns out that there are more guests than planned, the seating plan is changed and additional tables are placed.
    8. Cards with guest numbers or names must be placed in front of each appliance.
    9. After arranging the guest cards, cutlery is laid out.
    10. Table knives lie on the right, with the blade facing the guest, forks are located on the left. If soup is served, the spoon for it is located to the right of the knives.
    11. Arrange the glasses in advance. The optimal number of glasses is a glass for water, a glass for champagne or a wine glass, a glass for strong drinks. Glasses can be built in one line or in a semicircle.

    These rules will help you avoid nervousness, fuss and enjoy the celebration to the fullest.

    Plates of sliced ​​bread can be set out a few minutes before entertaining. Bottles of wine in napkins and champagne in ice buckets can be served after guests have taken their seats.

    Where did the remark come from that it is not advisable to set tables in advance? Mainly from books on etiquette of the century before last. They prepared in advance for special events, especially weddings. Wedding dresses and tablecloths were sewn and embroidered several years before the event. Therefore, starting to decorate the wedding table immediately after the engagement announcement, months before the celebration, seemed completely natural for the young bride. Ceremonial plates became covered with dust, tablecloths faded, silver became tarnished and was stolen.

    Let's not go to extremes and prepare everything in advance.


    Arrangement of cold appetizers.

    • Cold appetizers can be placed a few minutes before guests arrive. At large quantities invited, the same dishes must be exactly repeated for each table.
    • A serving fork for sausages, cheese, rolls and other small snacks will be conveniently placed directly in the dish.
    • It is more convenient to provide canapés with caviar with skewers inserted in advance.
    • Stuffed eggs, baskets, conveniently equipped with tongs.

    Proper table setting involves the use of serving tables.

    Soups, desserts, and specialties are conveniently served from serving tables. Also, tables are indispensable when changing dishes.

    A prudent manager will take care of additional serving table, standing to the side, on which a supply of bread in baskets, towels, napkins, a number of plates and clean glasses will be placed if urgent replacement is required.

    Have a nice holiday!


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