Calculate the decanate and ascendant by date of birth. Rising zodiac sign or ascendant in horoscope

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[Since the Russian translation of the Dictionary is addressed primarily to the Russian-speaking reader, we considered

1. Find your birthday in the daylight saving time table (see Time modes article) and, if necessary,

subtract 1 hour of summer time from the time of birth.

2. Discard from the obtained result the total value of maternity *) and standard time given in the 1st column of Table 1 **). This will give you the Greenwich time of your birth.

3. Add the value from the 2nd column of Table I to the Greenwich time of birth and get the local

time of birth.

Table 1.
Almaty + 5 hours 08 minutes Novgorod + 2 hours 05 minutes
Arkhangelsk + 2 hours 42 minutes Novosibirsk + 5 hours 32 minutes
Baku + 3 hours 20 minutes Odessa + 2 hours 03 minutes
Bishkek + 4 hours 58 minutes Omsk + 4 hours 54 minutes
Vilnius + 1 hour 41 min. Orenburg + 3 hours 40 minutes
Vladivostok + 8 hours 48 minutes Permian + 3 hours 25 minutes
Donetsk + 2 hours 31 minutes Riga + 1 hour 36 min.
Ekaterinburg + 4 hours 02 minutes Rostov-on-Don + 2 hours 39 minutes
Yerevan + 2 hours 58 minutes Samara + 3 hours 21 minutes
Irkutsk + 6 hours 57 minutes Saratov + 3 hours 04 minutes
Kazan Z + 3 hours 17 minutes St. Petersburg + 2 hours 01 minutes
Kaliningrad + 1 hour 22 min. Tashkent + 4 hours 37 minutes
Kyiv + 2 hours 02 minutes Tbilisi + 2 hours 59 minutes
Krasnodar + 2 hours 36 minutes Ufa + 3 hours 44 minutes
Minsk + 1 hour 50 min. Kharkiv + 2 hours 25 minutes
Moscow + 2 hours 31 minutes Chelyabinsk + 4 hours 06 minutes
Nizhny Novgorod + 2 hours 56 min. Yaroslavl + 2 hours 39 minutes

*) Maternity time existed in the USSR from 21.6.1930 (from 0.00) to 31.03.1991 (3.00) and was reintroduced

01/19/1992 (at 3.00) and is still valid.

**) Data for 1992 are provided from the Reference book. Geographical coordinates and changings

in time calculation within the territory of USSR from 1917 till 1992". “Modeck”, Voronezh 1992. Ibid (or in

other special reference books published for astrologers) you should look for data for other cities and years,

Since throughout the existence of the USSR, especially after its collapse, the boundaries of the belts have repeatedly

changed, and an error of 1-2 hours negates the results of any further calculations.

4. Add the sidereal time obtained from the table in the article “Sidereal Time”. If the result exceeds

24 hours, subtract 24 hours from it.

5. Based on the time obtained in Tables II (a, b, c, d), find the sign in which the Ascendant was at the moment

Your birth: at the same longitude of the area, but at different latitudes, the transition of the Ascendant to

the next sign occurs in different time(for the latitude of the place of birth, see the table “Latitudes and Longitudes

largest cities"):

Table II.

a) Southern cities and regions: Crimea, Caucasus, Primorsky Territory, Wed. Asia (latitude about 45°): b) Lower Volga region, Ukraine, North. Kazakhstan (latitude about 49°):
from 0-30 to 3-16 - Leo
from 0-44 to 3-22 - Leo from 3-16 to 6-00 - Virgo
from 3-22 to 6-00 - Virgo from 6-00 to 8-45 - Libra
from 6-00 to 8-39 - Libra from 8-45 to 11-30 - Scorpio
from 8-39 to 11-16 - Scorpio from 11-30 to 13-59 - Sagittarius
from 11-16 to 13-42 - Sagittarius from 13-59 to 15-49 - Capricorn
from 13-42 to 15-34 - Capricorn from 15-49 to 17-02 - Aquarius
from 15-34 to 16-56 - Aquarius from 17-02 to 18-00 - Pisces
from 16-56 to 18-00 - Pisces from 18-00 to 18-58 - Aries
from 18-00 to 19-05 - Aries from 18-58 to 20-12 - Taurus
from 19-05 to 20-25 - Taurus from 20-12 to 22-00 - Gemini
from 20-25 to 22-18 - Gemini from 22-00 to 0-30 - Cancer
from 22-18 to 0-44 - Cancer
on Wednesday. Volga region, Black Earth region, Southern Siberia, Belarus (latitude about 52°): d) Central region of Russia, Wed. Ural, Baltic states (latitude about 56°):
from 0-17 to 3-08 – Leo from 23-56 to 2-59 - Leo
from 3-08 to 6-00 – Virgo from 2-59 to 6-00 - Virgo
from 6-00 to 8-52 – Libra from 6-00 to 9-01 - Libra
from 8-52 to 11-43 – Scorpio from 9-01 to 12-03 - Scorpio
from 11-43 to 14-14 – Sagittarius from 12-03 to 14-40 - Sagittarius
from 14-14 to 16-01 – Capricorn from 14-40 to 16-20 - Capricorn
from 16-01 to 17-08 – Aquarius from 16-20 to 17-18 - Aquarius
from 17-08 to 18-00 – Pisces from 17-18 to 18-00 - Pisces
from 18-00 to 18-51 – Aries from 18-00 to 18-41 - Aries
from 18-51 to 19-58 – Taurus from 18-41 to 19-39 - Taurus
from 19-58 to 21-45 – Gemini from 19-39 to 21-19 - Gemini
from 21-45 to 0-17 – Cancer from 21-19 to 23-56 - Cancer

1. Taking into account summer time in 1993, subtract 1 hour.

2. We also subtract 3 hours of maternity + standard time (Table I, 1st column); GMT

birth 7:50 - 1:00 - 3:00 = 3:50.

3. To Greenwich time we add the difference between Moscow and Greenwich from the table. I 2nd column: 3:50 + 2:31=

6:21 (remember there are 60 minutes in an hour)

4- Add the sidereal time obtained for July 18 from the sidereal time table: 6:21 + 19:42 = 26:02.

Subtracting the “extra” 24 hours, we get 2:02.

5. Moscow (55°45") is found in Table II - d: Ascendant in the sign of Leo.

The Ascendant is one of the most important factors in the astrological chart, comparable in importance to the Sun and Moon. It correlates with the physical and moral appearance of a person. Therefore, if we consider the personality structure, each of us primarily carries within us the signs of our Ascendant and the planet that is in conjunction with it. And therefore, when we see someone for the first time, we feel primarily the sign of the Ascendant, and not the Sun. The sign in which the Ascendant is placed often shows how we project ourselves onto others and how others perceive us.

To find out the characteristics that are associated with the position of the Ascendant in the chart, it is enough to look at the meanings of the Zodiac signs and apply them to the behavior of the person we are interested in.

In this case, you should be careful and remember that when a planet is in conjunction with the Ascendant, it can, in accordance with its symbolism, make significant changes to the final picture.

Example: Capricorn with an Ascendant in Gemini - a stern character with the appearance of a carefree person. However, if Saturn is in conjunction with the Ascendant, then due to the emphasized severity of carelessness, we simply will not notice - all that remains of the characteristic “Twin” traits is a tendency to curiosity.


A term in psychology that denotes extreme self-isolation. In severe cases, it can lead to mental illnesses such as schizophrenia.

In the astrological chart, tendencies towards autism are expressed in the same way as, for example, introversion: concentration of planets in the eastern (AS) part of the chart, strong Saturn, predominant elements - Earth or Water. Apparently, Cancers and, to a lesser extent, Virgos are more predisposed to isolation and detachment from the outside world.

What is the Ascendant?

The Ascendant is a very important point in every horoscope. When you just start studying astrology, then all these concepts “Ascendant”, “Descendant”... seem like something incomprehensible. In fact, everything is very simple.

When constructing a horoscope, why do we start? From date, time and place of birth. This is the very starting point.

For example, date of birth (DO) 16.09.1980 V 10:00 V Zaporozhye. To buildhoroscope for this person we need to see what zodiac sign was rising on the horizon at the time of his birth and in what degree of this sign Asc fell. In other words, the Ascendant is the degree of the Zodiac that is at east side horizon (or rising degree) at the moment of birth, as seen from the place where the person was born.

In most astrological house systems, the Ascendant (Asc.) is used as the cusp of the first house and is the starting point in constructing the horoscope house grid.

This can be done using Ephemeris and house tables, which is quite clever. But today everything is much simpler - there are professional computer programs. Also, knowing the time of sunrise and sunset on your birthday (which can be found in any even detachable calendar), you can also “estimate” your Ascendant. Here's the simplest way:

  • If you were born at dawn, then the Ascendant will be equal to your Zodiac sign. That is, if you are Cancer, then your rising sign in your Horoscope is also Cancer.
  • 2-4 hours after sunrise the Ascendant moves by about one sign. That is, if you are Cancer, but were born at 7 o’clock in the morning, then your rising sign is already Leo.
  • 4-6 hours after sunrise the Ascendant will move through two signs. This will already be Virgo for our Cancer.
  • Being born in the middle of the day means that the Ascendant moves about three signs.
  • 4-6 hours before sunset - four digits. Our Cancer will most likely already be Scorpio according to the Ascendant. And so on.

That is, at the heart of this very simple method it is implied that every 2-4 hours the Ascendant moves approximately one sign (30 degrees). But this is conditional, of course. Because there are signs that travel through the Ascendant for more than 2 hours, but there are also those that move much faster, less than 2 hours. They are called the signs of fast and slow ascension.

Therefore, the easiest way to accurately determine your Ascendant is to use computer program, which allows you to calculate your natal chart.

So, in our example for DR: 09/16/1980 10:00, Zaporozhye

What does the Ascendant show in the Horoscope?

This is, figuratively speaking, the door through which we enter this world after taking our first breath. We were born. Under what circumstances were we born, what preceded it, how do we perceive the world, what do we look like, our appearance, our reaction? All this information is given by the rising sign.

09/16/1980 10:00, Zaporozhye – The Ascendant in the birth chart is in the 3rd degree of Scorpio.

What can we say about this person?

According to his manifestations, he is Scorpion. We begin to build on this in our reasoning, describing the behavior, character and appearance of a given person.

Scorpio - implies some tension, internal contradictions, aggressiveness. It is possible that before giving birth the mother of the newborn experienced some negative emotions, anxiety, worries, I didn’t really want pregnancy... something was inharmonious. There could have been complications or bad attitude from the staff during the birth. That is, the child went through negativity. As a result, he will be restless, loud, and demanding.

In the appearance of this person, despite the fact that he is a Virgo according to the Sun (“according to the Horoscope”), there will be something Scorpio-like - for example, a hooked nose, a sharp, mocking look, as if from under his brows. The character will show secrecy, some poisonousness, anger, and aggressiveness. In life, such a person will have to face crises more than once. Scorpio attracts negativity.

It must be said that the Ascendant is also how other people see us, what we are in their eyes, our abilities and talents. If at the time of birth the Ascendant was strengthened by connection with anyplanet, then all of the above becomes a priority in the interpretation of the Horoscope. Most likely, it is precisely according to this scenario that the life of its owner, the native, will develop.

Viya Fedyanina

  • Here you can calculate your ascendant

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And the Ascendant are the three most important figures in the natal chart, determining personality and the forms of its manifestation. They rarely converge in the same sign, although such cases do occur (it is precisely such cases that most correspond classical descriptions one or another sign). As a rule, for men, the Sun constitutes the “basis” of personality, its set permanent properties, and the Moon determines the forms of their manifestation - the degree of adaptability to the environment, trends and dynamics of development. For women, both luminaries “change roles.”

The Ascendant shows the degree of realization of the potential inherent in a person. We can say that the solar-lunar horoscope is like a “genotype” of a person, a set of properties, given to a person at birth, a product of a certain geomagnetic situation ( left hand in palmistry). Whereas the Ascendant can be called an astrological “phenotype”, a set of properties acquired by a person more or less consciously throughout life (in palmistry - right hand). This is an expression of that very freedom of will that Ptolemy spoke about, pointing out that the “stars” determine only half of one’s destiny—a person arranges everything else for himself. Another thing is that not all people can (or want) to become “the architects of their own happiness”; many just go with the flow, leaving fate to make decisions for them.

Another difficulty is that in the West it is customary to record a person’s time of birth to the nearest minute, so calculating the Ascendant there rarely causes difficulties. In Eastern countries (including the Soviet Union), such an opportunity is not always available; the error in the time of birth can reach several hours. Here you have to either rectify the Ascendant based on life events, or make do with a solar-lunar horoscope, which, unfortunately, is more like a magazine horoscope for large masses of people.

But let's return to the houses counted from the Ascendant. We received twelve different sizes - their size varies depending on geographical latitude, time of year, and also depending on the time of day. In addition, we received four important points, one of which is the Ascendant. Let's consider them in more detail.

Descendant in cosmogram

Directly opposite the ascendant is the descendant, the descending (or setting) degree. If at the moment of a person’s birth in the East some degree of the celestial circle rises, then in the West, naturally, at the same moment some degree sets and is called the descendant or descendant. The Descendant is a point and is designated by the letters DS.

The ascendant-descendant line represents the horizontal or, more simply, the horizon. If the ascendant corresponds to the human “I”, the beginning of the human personality (edge), then the descendant is the point of knowledge of the environment, the point of a person’s relationship to other people and their relationship to him, it is not without reason that the descendant opens, “the house of marriage and partner.”

Further on the cosmogram there are two more points that make up the points of the IV and X houses; the first point is called the nadir, the second the middle of the sky. The nadir opens the fourth house and is designated IC (from the Latin “imum goal” - the lower part of the sky). The midheaven corresponds to the cusp of the tenth house and is designated MC (from the Latin "medium of purpose", meaning the same).

IN physical sense IC corresponds to midnight and MC to noon: these points of the ecliptic the Sun passes at (approximately) twelve o'clock in the afternoon or night of a given calendar date. On the cosmogram of a person born, say, at 11.45 local solar time, the MC point almost coincides with the position of the Sun, and if born at 12.05, it will leave it slightly behind.

In occult terms, nadir (IC) personifies, as it were, “ initial capital» person, genetic and mental baggage given to him at birth; the midheaven (MC) represents the goal of his aspirations, the “zenith” to which his personality strives in the course of its development. Human life seems to follow the line connecting the nadir to the zenith. This line (IC-MC) is called the meridian.

The horizon line divides the cosmogram into northern and southern, and the meridian line into western and eastern halves. Even a quick glance at the cosmogram is enough to determine how the planets are located relative to these lines and draw some conclusions.

For a better representation, redraw yours on a blank sheet of paper, and draw two lines along the blue arrows, the Ascendant (AS) in the 1st house and the Midheaven (MC) in the 10th house. It is recommended for all novice astrologers to redraw the map; this will help them plunge more deeply into the mystery of the influence of subtle energies.

If most of the planets are above the horizon, that is, in the southern half of the cosmogram, this usually means that the “owner” of the horoscope is a man of action: he prefers to control his own destiny. How Sun is closer to the meridian, especially high position he reaches. This is true even in cases where other indicators are not entirely favorable.

If the planets are located more below the horizon, in the northern half of the cosmogram, then fate is not very favorable to a person: all of his development occurs “inside”, in the soul, without giving a tangible social result. Such a person is usually unable to cope with circumstances. If the Sun or Jupiter is near the nadir (IC), that is, the lowest point of the northern half of the sky, a person often devotes himself to mystical teachings, metaphysics, and occult sciences. If Mars and Saturn are near this point, this indicates tense relations in the family.

If most of the planets fall in the eastern half, that is, within the MC-AS-IC triangle, this means early personality development, bright events in youth, in general, early independence of a person, and other things favorable conditions- and early success in life. If the horoscope is generally unfavorable, this can mean many difficulties and obstacles in the first half of life.

If the planets are concentrated mainly in the western half, that is, in the triangle IC-DS-MC, then the most important events will occur in the second half of life. Such people generally tend to wait and not take active action; they make decisions that are imposed on them environment. At all inner life For them, the external one is more important.

The horizon and meridian divide the cosmogram into four sectors - quadrants. These sectors are rarely equal to each other, because at different latitudes and at different times of the year there is day and night, light and dark time days have different lengths. American astrologer Dane Rudyard in his book “Personality Astrology” indicates that the northwestern sector gives the concept of emotional sphere person, and the southeastern one - about him logical thinking; the southwestern one talks about the peculiarities of his perception, and the northeastern one talks about the ways of processing information.

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The rising sign is the sign rising on the eastern horizon at the time of birth and visible from the place of birth. It is used to mark the dividing line of the First House, which is associated with the physical body. What is important is not only the exact degree of the ecliptic to which this sign rises, but also the entire zodiac sign to which it belongs. As a result of the continuous movement of the Earth, the angle of the ecliptic in degrees changes every four minutes. Bearers of the same zodiac sign who were born more than four minutes apart may have different ascending signs.

The angle of elevation of the ascending sign on the chart indicates a dense line of electromagnetic energy passing into the astral body. People with clairvoyance see it well. Most people do not know the exact time of their birth. Even parents are surprised when they are asked to remember at what exact time the child was born.

Practicing astrologers use various methods to solve this problem. Calculation based on vital dates is possible important events: first serious illness, accidents, death of parents, marriage, birth of a child, etc. Another method is based on comparing the positions of the Houses and the relative positions of the stars and planets in a person’s horoscope with his social status, character traits, type of work or profession, and financial situation. If the moment of conception is known, the ascending sign can be determined on this basis.

Ascendant or rising sign (these terms are equivalent) - important element your horoscope. The Ascendant is the sign that reflects your external behavior; it largely determines how he sees you the world. The word "external" is key when referring to your rising sign, since it represents outside your personality. Taking advantage modern language, we can say that this is your image.

Very often it turns out that the ascendant is responsible for what the world sees in you first of all, what is the first impression you make. Many astrologers believe that your rising sign reveals you more directly than your Sun sign. The Ascendant is compared to the door of a house, the entrance through which the visitor must pass to see the dwelling itself.

The face that a person shows to the outside world is a fusion of the sign in which the Sun is located with the ascendant. This combination determines the unique impression you make. Your Moon sign is associated with the more hidden aspects of your personality. This influence is deep and all-encompassing, but others feel it in your character rather than see it lying on the surface.

Because the ascendant is the sign rising above the horizon at the time of your birth (hence the term "rising sign"), it reflects the moment when your birth began. independent life in this world. It characterizes your interaction with others, your individual style communication.

The Ascendant is called the sign of your “I” - your self-awareness, independence, interest in yourself. In many ways, the rising sign denotes your goals, aspirations, and indicates the main area of ​​application of your creative powers. To some extent, this sign also affects external characteristics and manners. This is your mask facing the world. Like any mask, it can hide true face, but rather it is part of the real person. This is the face that you show to others with the greatest ease and naturalness.

What is the Ascendant? According to the simplest definition, the ascendant is astrological sign, rising on the eastern horizon at the time of your birth. To better understand what this means, imagine the Earth as a small circle at the center of a larger circle. The second circle depicts the sky, the celestial sphere surrounding us. You lie on a small circle (Earth) and look up at the sky at the moment of your birth.

When a person says that he was born under a certain sign, he means the sign of the Sun (that is, the sign in which the Sun is at the time of birth). However, when astrologers talk about the sign under which an individual is born, they mean the ascendant. Previously, the ascendant was considered more important factor, than the sign of the Sun, but in the twentieth century this opinion was abandoned.

However, many astrologers believe that the ascendant line is the main component of the birth chart, since other parameters of the horoscope can be calculated based on its position. One thing is certain: without establishing the ascendant, the interpretation of the horoscope remains limited, and it will never become truly natal, that is, relating to the moment of birth.

Ascendant according to Horoscope

Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Month January February March April May June July August September October November December

Year 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1 995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1948 1947 46 1945 1944 1943 1942 1941 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1 921 1920

The ascendant sign always determines how other people see us and what impression we make on them with our personality. It’s worth getting to know and chat with a person better and you’ll understand what kind of external facade there is so much more hidden.

Here is a sweet, intelligent woman full of modest dignity. She is the head of a branch of a large bank. At work, everything is organized for her. Everywhere is order and cleanliness. The manager knows everything about his employees, comes to work before everyone else and is the last to leave. Caring. Strict but fair. Does not miss a single detail in the work process. Everyone is sure that she is an exemplary wife and mother. This is how the ascendant in Virgo manifests itself.

But appearances are often deceiving. In fact, the woman has the Sun in Sagittarius and she still has not officially married the father of her child, with whom she has been living for more than twelve years thanks to her Venus in Capricorn. She constantly quarrels with relatives, in which Mars in the third house of the horoscope successfully helps her. And often in the evenings he cannot fall asleep, spurred on by such a mobile Moon in Pisces, without drinking fifty, or even a hundred grams of cognac. But outwardly this woman looks like and no one will ever think that she cries into her pillow at night and indulges in fantasies that abound in romance novels.

Remember! Your ascendant is what the world sees. You may be a modest person with an ascendant in the last five degrees of Leo, but many will mistake you for a boss or agency executive. festive events. Or it may happen that a person will be obsessed with issues of family and traditions and will be easily upset at the slightest ill will from the vibrations of his Moon in Cancer, but no one will notice or believe this, because all these internal fluctuations will be covered by an external facade - the ascendant in .

Zodiac signs do not stop for a second. One sign rises in the east, the other sets in the west. The sign rising in the east is called the ascendant sign. The Ascendant is the ascending point of intersection of the ecliptic with the horizon. It is determined by a formula whose parameters include local sidereal time LST (s) and the latitude of the place. Sidereal time is calculated using the formula:

s = S0 + l + UT + UT * m,

where l is the longitude of the location, UT is World Time, m = 0.002737909 – coefficient that takes into account the difference in the speed of sidereal time from solar time. S0 - sidereal time at Greenwich midnight - is given in the ephemeris tables, but you can calculate it yourself using the formula:

S0 = 6.6460656 + 2400.051262 * T + 0.00002581 * T2.

The point opposite the ascending sign on the western horizon is defined as the descendant - the descending sign.

A person can have any solar zodiac sign, but they will always be greeted by their ascendant. Absolutely anyone can rise above the horizon at the moment of your birth. The degree of the ascending sign changes every four minutes. The Ascendant indicates the outer side of an individual's personality and creates the very first impression that an individual makes on others. Usually this is the first five to ten minutes. Remember this.


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