Summoning spirits using a needle (ouija board in Russian). How to summon a good spirit: description of the ritual and precautions

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And so on.). But good spirits are unfairly ignored by lovers of magic and spiritualistic seances.

Let's try to correct the current situation and prove what to call good spirit- no less interesting, exciting and educational activity.

In general, good spirits are very friendly and would be happy to respond to any challenge. But no one is calling. Good spirits can contact us both in the waking state, and while in a spiritualistic trance, and during sleep.

A conversation with them can be called a dialogue: a person asks questions of interest, and the spirit answers them. Especially good spirits love when they are asked about the future, giving answers to this in a prophetic form.

Here, by the way, it is important to understand the difference between the concepts of prediction and prophecy. The first is a “fortune teller” like “either it will rain or snow, it will happen or it won’t.” The second is what is really prescribed by karma and will certainly, inevitably happen to you or to the person about whom you asked questions.

What does it take to summon a good spirit?

Before summoning a good spirit, all participants in the ritual need to prepare. First, choose which spirit you will summon, that is, which of the four elements it will relate to. Depending on this, now water, earth magic, air magic or fire magic. As a rule, all good spirits belong to one of the known elements.

After the ritual participants are ready, choose a day to summon the good spirit.

Most lucky days– all days of the week except Friday and Sunday.

Any time for the call is also suitable, but it is advisable to act before midnight, so that, together with the good spirit from the subtle world, some evil spirit(by the way, incubi and succubi really like to do this).

Making a call

Place sticks of incense in the corners of the room chosen for the ritual and set them on fire. In addition, it is good to call good spirits on outdoors(in a forest, in a clearing, in a cave, in a garden, on the bank of a river or lake, etc.). In the center of the room we set up a kind of altar - on a certain elevation it is necessary to install an attribute inherent in a particular element (light a candle, place a vessel with water, pour in a handful of earth).

It is advisable that all participants wear white or at least light-colored clothes. Black and bright colors should be avoided. Ideally, outfits made of linen or cotton are suitable, which can be complemented with painted pantacles.

Draw a geometric figure on a piece of paper, the number of angles in which should coincide with the number of participants (for four people it is a square, for three it is a triangle, etc.). If you are going to perform the summoning ritual alone, draw a circle with a dot in the center.

Sit in front of the altar, creating a semicircle and place a sheet of paper with a figure in front of you. Each participant must attach forefinger right hand to each of the corners geometric figure, or to the center of the circle. Then everyone closes their eyes and the leader (he is chosen according to the same principle as with) begins to call on the good spirit to come.

As a rule, spirits come almost immediately, and their arrival will be indicated by symbolic sounds that you hear (the sound of the wind, the splashing of water, the crackling of a fire, etc.). Once you realize that the good spirit has arrived, you can open your eyes. You will not see the spirit itself, since seeing entities from the subtle world is rarely given to anyone, especially without special and very lengthy preparation. But you will definitely feel its presence in the room.

Now you can ask the spirit your questions about the future, to which you will receive prophecy answers. You shouldn’t ask questions that are too complex for the first time - you still don’t have enough practice in communicating with spirits, so you may misinterpret the spirit’s answers, or even not understand how they can be interpreted.

Therefore, ask in such a way that the spirit can answer in monosyllables - “yes”, “no”, “soon”, “never”, etc. The spirit will convey the answers to you with the help of a leader, to whom they will be dictated into the subconscious and which he will immediately write out in pencil on a piece of paper. After communicating with a good spirit, be sure to thank him for his visit and complete the ritual.

If you want to conduct a seance and summon the spirit of a deceased person, then first of all you need to think carefully about why you need it. There is no need to disturb the souls of the deceased over trifles. If you want to get answers to questions that concern you or clarify a situation, then you can resort to the help of the other world.

Before you begin the spirit summoning ritual, you should observe a few important rules communication with spirits and preparation for a seance.

  1. It is recommended to conduct a spiritualistic seance between 12 and 4 am. At this time, the greatest activity of the souls of the dead can be observed.
  2. Natural wax candles should be used in the ritual; there should be no electric light.
  3. Write down on paper in advance all the questions you want to ask the spirit, formulate them so that they can be answered either “yes” or “no”.
  4. Open the vents or windows, close the doors.
  5. Remove all jewelry and metal objects.
  6. Whatever happens, calmly and respectfully address the spirit.
  7. How to summon a spirit at home

    In order to summon the spirit of the deceased, you will need an old thick book, large scissors and a red wool thread(you can take tape). This seance must involve two people.

    Place the scissors between the pages of the book so that the rings of the scissors stick out. Tie the thread around the middle of the book to attach the scissors to the book.

    After this, one person takes one ring of the scissors with his little finger, the other takes the second ring. The book should be hanging.

    From this moment you can begin to call upon the spirit of a deceased person. Start calling him by name, calling him, asking for help. If you feel a little cold, it means the spirit has arrived. To be absolutely sure of this, ask him: “Are you there?”, and if the book shakes, then the answer is yes.

    Ask questions to the spirit and watch carefully to see if the book sways. If yes, then the answer is yes; if the book does not move, the answer is no.

    Don't forget to thank the summoned spirit for the information provided. After the ritual, be sure to fumigate the room with incense and take a shower. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

I remembered a childhood game. More precisely, this activity is not at all for children, and there is little fun in the case when the session is successful. But in our country it is mainly children who engage in spiritualism. It just so happens that they have little affinity for materialism and fear, but they have more than enough desire for adventure and thrills. So, the challenge of the spirit.

More than once, everyone watching Hollywood cinematic works has seen in horror films or other mystics and thrillers a Ouija board, which is a tablet with letters and numbers, along which the medium moves with a special pointer - as if he does this under the guidance of otherworldly forces who want to communicate. In Russia, the analogue of such a board is a sheet of paper and an ordinary sewing needle: it does not look as impressive, but, as anyone can see in practice, the tool turns out to be much more effective, accurate and objective.

Anyone can make this spiritual set: take a sheet of paper and draw three circles inside each other - concentric. You can simply stick a compass with a needle into the center, draw the first circle, move the foot away and draw the second, then the third. Divide the central circle in half; write “YES” in one semicircle, “NO” in the second. Divide the area of ​​the next circle into ten parts and number from 0 to 9. The last circle is for letters. That's it - the spiritual tablet is ready.

Now we thread the needle. We lower the end of the needle into the recess made from the compass in the center of the tablet (or you can pick it out yourself if you, for example, printed out a picture) and holding it by the thread, make sure that the needle hangs at a slight angle, which will allow it to very easily rotate around its axis from light blow (blow lightly on the needle from different sides), without leaning in any one direction. The needle, rotating, will point with its eye, like a clockwise hand, at a number or letter - depending on the answer required in a particular case.

The session itself should be carried out by placing a sheet of lined paper on a flat surface, in a room with a complete absence of drafts, since the needle on the thread is very sensitive (which is why the spirits’ answers will be very accurate). However, I must warn you that drafts and even noticeable wind will not be a hindrance during powerful contact: in such cases, it happens that the needle even leaves a noticeable mark on polished surfaces, and in the absence of contact, no climatic miracles will help.

Some prefer for a spiritualistic session at night or in specially darkened rooms, candles, invoking spells and even an altar. From practice, I can say that all of the above only helps the mental attunement of the medium; It was possible to establish very fruitful contacts both in electric light, in broad daylight, and in ordinary kitchen table. Although a candle is, of course, the simplest magic switch: by lighting a candle, we begin the ritual, by extinguishing it, we end it (or cut off unwanted communication).

I must warn you: calling spirits does not only mean Elvis Presley, a woman or your deceased relative - this is even more unlikely. The call usually comes from entities living in a given place, most often brownies (and here you can ask yourself a question about the consequences: for example, will you continue to be comfortable living in your apartment if you find out that someone unknown is constantly next to you ?)

Practicing magicians often turn to otherworldly forces for help. For a novice sorcerer, the ritual may turn out to be unsafe: not all inhabitants of the subtle worlds are favorable to people, in addition, they may become angry for needless concern.

It is for this reason that you should be clear about who you intend to call. To begin with, it’s better to get to know harmless perfume. Some of them are so peaceful and responsive that they willingly fulfill requests.

Communication with Entities

One of the basic rules of communicating with otherworldly entities is that you should not be afraid of them. Spirits differ from people only in that they do not have a material shell, but are endowed with other capabilities, sometimes inaccessible to humans.

There are also many similarities: spirits can empathize, be capricious, joke. It is not surprising that they are pleased when people communicate with them in a friendly and respectful manner.

How to summon a harmless spirit?

To feel more confident, choose a daytime time for the ritual and invite friends to participate.

You can summon a good spirit in a familiar environment: in the yard or on the street near the house, there is no need to go to deserted places.

Agree in advance what you intend to ask for, hold hands and say three times:

“Spirit, dear, bright, kind, come to us. Become our assistant and friend."

Close your eyes and try to imagine the person you are calling. If you suddenly feel warm, know that this is his positive response. It's time to tell him about your wishes, then thank him and say goodbye.

It is possible that you will meet again: the spirit may express a desire to come to the rescue, advise, protect. You will have an invisible friend.

Fairy Lady of Wishes

To summon a wish-granting fairy, two items required:

  • Bell.
  • A paper on which the wish is clearly and clearly formulated.

Please note that fairies never miss an opportunity to joke, therefore, think over the text of your desire so that there are no ambiguous interpretations in it.

Use the wording “Let it be” instead of “I want.”

It is advisable to choose a place that is not too crowded for the ritual. so as not to confuse passersby, at the same time, privacy is not a prerequisite.

Take the bell to left hand, in the other, hold a piece of paper on which your wish is written. If you are left-handed, swap objects.

While ringing the bell, walk three circles from right to left, freeze and say three times, continuing to ring the bell:

“Fairy of desires, I call on you, I trust in you. Fulfill my deepest dream” - tell me what you want. Now get comfortable, close your eyelids and mentally repeat the same text three more times.

Don’t doubt your actions and positive results for a second - this is the key to success. Fairies instantly feel any doubts of the caller and may, in turn, doubt the sincerity of your intentions.

Now be careful, don't miss the signs. Anything random and at first glance an inconspicuous event may be the key to fulfillment of desire.

Who can I invite along with my friend?

You can invite a wish-granting fairy to your home. Wait until the full moon to tap into the moon's energy. Daytime is preferable for conducting the calling ritual., since fairies love sunlight.

You should know what fairies don't like: being disturbed because they have nothing to do. Remember that you are dealing with magic, so take the ritual seriously.

First, be clearly aware of what you want and why you need it. Secondly, remain calm and friendly when you feel the fairy's presence. These entities do not harm people under any circumstances.

The worst thing that can happen is that the fairy will not want to communicate. To avoid misunderstandings, prepare properly for the ritual. You will need the following ritual paraphernalia:

  • A sheet of paper with a wish written on it which should be learned by heart.
  • Three glasses or elegant glasses filled with clean water.
  • Three dice Sahara.
  • A little chalk.
  • Clothes with pockets.
  • Small table.

The table can be improvised, for example, a stool covered with a beautiful napkin; it should be placed in the center of a circle drawn in chalk. Keep the note in your left pocket throughout the ritual.

Place the glasses on the table, put sugar in each. Wait for them to completely dissolve, step into the circle and say five times:

“I challenge you, fairy of desires, wake up from your sleep, come to me at least for a minute!”

Recite your desire loudly and clearly, word for word as written on the sheet in your left pocket. At the end of the ceremony, thoroughly wash the floor so that no traces of the circle remain.

Transfer the glasses to the windowsill and leave for several days until the moisture evaporates.

Want to chat with a vampire?

Daylight hours are safe enough to come into contact with dark forces . For example, call a vampire. For what? To get answers to any questions from him.

You have to deal not with himself, but only with his energy, That's why daylight he is not afraid, and he cannot cause physical harm.

You and your friends should Prepare for the visit of an unusual guest:

  • Draw a circle with salt.
  • Lock the doors and curtain the windows.
  • Light two black candles outside the circle.

Enter the center of the circle and whisper:

“Vampire, I call on you.

Come to me, reveal all your secrets to me.

Come in peace to my house and tell me everything you know.”

The presence of a vampire is accompanied by a chill in direct and figuratively: a chilling sensation will make itself felt. Some even manage to see the dark energy clot. There is no place for fear in this ritual; the vampire does not take seriously those who fear him.

You can ask the vampire any questions, preferably no more than three. At the end of the conversation, say goodbye to the guest, thank him and leave with the words:

“Leave where you came from. Leave as if you weren’t invited. Leave my house and don't come back."

When the vampire leaves the room, collect salt from the floor and sprinkle it on the threshold and window sills so that he cannot return uninvited guest.

Seance at home

A seance is perhaps the most popular and time-tested way of summoning spirits. Despite advanced age, it has not lost its relevance today.

As a rule, several participants gather to conduct a session; time, place and cost of paraphernalia are not of fundamental importance for the spirits being called, although some of them have individual preferences.

Uncomplicated preliminary preparation will help participants get into the right frame of mind.

Spiritualism session represents a safe opportunity to touch the world of magic, sometimes with its help it is possible to discover the talent of clairvoyance.

Communicating with a spirit through a saucer scurrying around on a witch board does not require occult experience, even skeptical beginners are pleasantly surprised by the results.

And yet, the greatest effect can be achieved by those who are open to encounters with the new and unknown.

The principle is simple: moving around the board, the saucer marks with a pointer the letters that are to be put into words. Answers may contain numbers or consist of monosyllabic agreement or denial.

For a seance to be successful, follow a few rules:

  1. Summon cute spirits that you trust.
  2. Remember that spirits have personal preferences, for example, not everyone is ready to respond to a call in broad daylight.
  3. In the room chosen for the ritual there should be no foreign creatures: no pets, no uninvited guests like mice and insects.
  4. Participants should not have jewelry or metal objects on their fingers and wrists.
  5. Only one person can conduct a dialogue - a medium, the rest must remain silent.
  6. The connection with the other world is interrupted as soon as the medium removes his hands from the saucer.

Rest assured that famous people who inspire your admiration and respect, as well as loved ones who have passed on to another world, will not harm you and will answer your questions truthfully.

All you need is a magic board and a white saucer with smooth edges. You can buy a witchcraft board in an esoteric shop or make it yourself. Classic version made of special types of wood with symbols carved on the surface.

However, if the board is cardboard or thick paper, and letters, numbers and others necessary elements drawn in pencil, this will not degrade the quality of the “connection”.

You will need a fairly large sheet - at least half a meter in length and width. Draw a circle with it outside write down all the letters of the alphabet in any order, with inside arrange the numbers from zero to nine and the words YES and NO.

You will need one more item: white saucer made of porcelain or earthenware. Make sure its edges are smooth that do not prevent slipping. Turn the saucer upside down and draw an arrow on the side.

It wouldn’t hurt to create an appropriate ambience in the room: Make yourself cozy, light candles and incense sticks, get rid of distracting elements during the session.

Select a medium in advance, think through questions, coordinate actions. From the moment the spirit appears, there should be no extraneous conversations.

The medium holds the saucer over the candle with the inside facing the flame until it becomes warm, then places it in the center of the board and touches with both hands. The rest of the participants follow his example.

“Spirit (name in the genitive case), please appear to us!” - the medium exclaims three times.

Ask the spirit to appear, not to come. An energetic presence is quite enough for a spiritualistic dialogue, but you don’t need a real ghost in the room.

When in the ensuing silence someone feels that something unusual is beginning, the medium asks the first question: “Spirit (name), are you here?” If the saucer points to the word “yes,” you can continue the session. If not, try again or contact another spirit.

At first the saucer may seem slow or, conversely, too restless. Its activity can be adjusted with your fingertips. In the process, the problem will disappear by itself.

The medium should remember the rules of etiquette: greet the guest before proceeding with questions, make sure that he agrees to provide information, thank him for the visit, and politely say goodbye.

Help cards

With the help of a deck of playing cards, you can summon not only a disembodied spirit, but also a person alive and well. Who will we call? For example, a guy you like. The purpose of the ritual is to make him want to seek a meeting with you.

Unlike a full-fledged love spell, the effect of the ritual is short-lived and has no side effects.

Cards have a strong energy memory and store information about everyone in whose hands they have been. To prevent one of the players from appearing in front of you instead of your favorite one, use only a new deck.

Shuffle the cards well, charge them with your energy, talk to them, say the guy's name and start laying them out in a vertical line.

Do not say another word until the ritual is completed. Put the paired suits aside. Ideally, you should be left with four cards of different suits.

If it doesn’t work out, it is permissible to shuffle the remaining cards one more time, but no more. If this does not help, try again no earlier than in a day - a secondary one on the same day will not be counted in the subtle world.

Summoning spirits has long attracted humanity through mysticism. But magicians who communicate with otherworldly entities warn ordinary people about the dangers of such contacts. Let's consider who can be called without getting hurt, simple rituals and methods of calling at home and on the street.

Who can be summoned from the spirits

For a person who is curious about spiritualism, but does not have supernatural abilities, it is important to know that the number of spirits, contact with which is least dangerous, is calculated in just a few.

Therefore, it will not be possible - you need to turn to a certain entity, knowingly choosing it for the ritual.

Who can be summoned from spirits and who is dangerous:

  • Many beginners are sure that it is not dangerous to summon the spirits of deceased relatives. You shouldn't treat someone who didn't get along well during their lifetime.
  • For your own safety, it is better to refuse to call a deceased person who committed suicide or became a victim of violence. Only experienced psychic who knows how to defend himself from attacks from them. In this regard, it is better to turn to the spirit who lived a righteous life.
  • You should not call on a fictional character, instead he will appear inferior being. Its purpose is to recharge the energy of those present during the performance of the sacrament.
  • They often decide to have fun by challenging a person who was famous during his lifetime. The souls of writers, poets, artists, kings or other historical figures are so often subjected to unjustified “pulling out” from the world of the dead that, when they appear again for an entertaining sacrament, they try to frighten their tormentors. Games like this don't end well.

The craziest daredevils also try to film the calling of spirits at home, not realizing that such a disdainful and humiliating attitude towards the afterlife is unacceptable. You may stumble upon aggression and revenge.

Communication with subtle matters living in parallel world- not child's play. This event requires careful preparation, even if necessary. By following the conventions, protect yourself and contact with the mysterious interlocutor will be successful.

Even untrained fans of esoteric practices can summon spirits if they follow the rules for the session:

  • Bright clothes will scare away the entity and may make it angry. Remove jewelry; it will interfere with communication.
  • Do not invite guests from the other world to church holidays and posts.
  • Start the session with pure thoughts, in good mood. It is advisable to fast the day before and not swear over trifles.
  • It is not recommended for people who do not believe in their capabilities and the effectiveness of the ritual to deal with otherworldly forces.
  • If you plan to conduct the ceremony indoors in dark time day, light the candles.
  • All electrical appliances and Cell phones turn it off so that the representative who comes to the house afterlife there was no desire to “play pranks” (to create a closure).
  • Questions should be thought out in advance and can be written down.
  • Before starting the session, ask for protection from higher powers- read the prayer.
  • Not all entities are able to shed light on upcoming events in detail. They anticipate a short period (a couple of weeks).
  • The souls of blood relatives can hide significant information - so as not to frighten in advance and not launch negative program. There are several codes of fate and developments of events: it is impossible to know for sure which of them will work.

For those who want to find out when they are destined to get married, it is better to use traditional methods, For example, .

If you are on initial stage get acquainted with magic, try to get in touch with good forces. The simple techniques outlined below will help.

The ritual is performed independently or in company. This is attracting an entity that will protect you from various troubles.

To perform the sacrament, it is enough to go outside, find a secluded place and say three times:

Kind, clear, bright spirit! Appear to me (us)! Become a loyal friend and helper!

You should close your eyes and imagine the invited guest. After a few seconds, you will feel warmth spreading throughout your body. This sure sign his presence. Ask in your own words for help in business, thank and let go, saying goodbye.

Chills report that someone from the demonic circle has responded to the call. Then say clearly and loudly:

You weren't invited - go away!

Stop trying to make a friend for today. You cannot repeat the call of spirits (video) in the coming days.

Summon a spirit using a saucer - ancient safe way come into contact with otherworldly forces. It is believed that the dish serves as an astral guide.

For successful implementation For the ritual, you need to gather in a company of several people, preferably both sexes. It is not recommended to perform this action alone.

Choose a person who will ask questions. The rest must remain silent throughout the sacrament.

Prepare a board with numbers and letters on which the dish will move. You can buy it at a specialty store or draw it. Heat the plate on both sides over a candle flame and place it on a board located in the center of the table.

Participants sit comfortably around. The medium places both hands on the ceramic surface, others can touch it with one. Main character says three times:

Spirit, appear! We invite you! Come, we beg you!

  • The saucer will begin to move - the idea is a success. Ask the guest who came to the call: “Are you here?” After a positive answer, you can ask questions.
  • Nothing happened - on this day, do not establish contact with the soul again, even in a different way.

This is possible, but it is imperative that during his lifetime he has good feelings for you.

With a session with scissors, you can attract to the conversation any positively minded spirit that is bored on the other side of existence. The sacrament is performed by two people. You should prepare a red ribbon, a gospel (or prayer book).

The scissors are placed between the pages of the spiritual book - the rings are visible from the outside. Tie it with ribbon. The couple simultaneously grabs the rings with their little fingers and synchronously calls on a certain spirit.

If the call is successful, feel the book move to the side. Start asking questions: a positive answer will indicate a shift to the right, a negative answer will indicate a shift to the left.

If you are looking for a way to summon evil spirits or conduct a conversation with the demons of Satan, you cannot do without the help of a real medium and warlock. He will teach you how to behave when a fiend of hell arrives, and will close the portal for other evil spirits.


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