Apple Savior: conspiracies, fortune telling and signs of the holiday. To change fate and remove cemetery damage

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The Transfiguration of the Lord is celebrated on August 19. This is significant religious holiday, popularly known as “Apple Savior”. Is it possible to carry out conspiracies and rituals on Apple Savior (Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord)? It is possible and even necessary - at this time love, money and other magic happens.

Many rituals and signs on August 19 are predictably associated with apples. This does not mean that in everyday magic you will do without other important artifacts. It is also very important to learn spells by heart and follow our recommendations exactly. Then you will achieve success.

Often on August 19, conspiracies for rejuvenation are read. If a woman is afraid of approaching old age and wants to preserve her beauty longer, she goes for apples. Read the spell three times, eat an apple and repeat these steps for 12 days. Conspiracy text:

“Nature’s cradle, I turn to you on a gloomy and clear day. Bewitch my apple, give me youth and beauty. Let old age recede and wrinkles smooth out. Amen".

Remove damage to recover

Many diseases are caused by damage caused by your enemies or envious people. To improve your health, you will need to remove the damage. And for this, surprisingly, you need honey, not an apple. Procedure:

  1. Take out a jar of bee honey.
  2. Stock up on sweet linden honey and birch bark.
  3. Take out the flower honey.
  4. Wake up on August 19th in the pre-dawn twilight.
  5. Fill a clay vessel with spring water.
  6. Go to bed.
  7. When you wake up at noon, smear the bark with the collected varieties of honey.
  8. Glue birch bark to your own forehead.
  9. Say a spell.

After the ceremony, you need to wash your face in a vessel and throw the spring water under the birch tree. Rinse and dry the bark thoroughly - now it is your magical talisman. Carry the artifact with you constantly, and the disease will pass. Spell text:

« Good health, happiness and joy, come into my soul, heal my body. Terrible filth and past grief, go away, seep into the ground. Flower, linden and bee honey are delicious. May sweetness fill my life. Let it be so".

For wealth

If you want to find August 19 financial well-being, it’s worth thinking about opening a money channel. Pick three linden branches, put them in a vase and keep them in your bedroom. Wake up every morning for 9 days to do a money ritual. This must be done before noon, otherwise the magic will not work.

Having taken linden branches from the vase, go around your home, hit the corners with branches and read the plot. After 9 days, the branches need to be dried. Keep this amulet until the next Yablochnogo Savior. The plot is like this:

“Money sticks to money, and lost coins are returned. If I spend anything, I get it back a hundredfold. Money sticks to money, wallets stick together. My words are strong. Amen".

Enrichment with apples

This ritual works in cases where a person has unexpected financial difficulties. To fix the problem, buy three beautiful apples and go to the temple. Give two apples to the poor on the porch, and eat the third (the most beautiful) yourself. Mentally say the spell:

“I calm the need, I tell the health resort to wealth. The poor eat up my need and redirect the cash flows. Help me, higher power, get rid of problems and return wealth to your home. Amen".

Getting rid of debts

Most often, the prosperity of a family is hampered by accumulated loans and various debts. Debts are sinking, and something needs to be done about it. The algorithm is like this:

  1. After taking out a debt, take out two bills (lower and upper) from the money stack.
  2. Read the plot.
  3. Place the charmed banknotes in the wallet.
  4. Always carry these talismans with you (you cannot waste them).

Spell text: “I will return the money on time, I will not accumulate new debts. Help me, charmed bills. Help, Lord and apostles. As I said, this is how everything will happen. Amen".

For love

Works best for Apple Spas love magic, associated with various love spells and sugar spells. First you need to get an apple. Buy it or trade it with your neighbors for a small souvenir (this perfect option). Further procedure:

  1. On the evening of August 19, place the apple so that the last rays of the sun illuminate it.
  2. Turn to the west, pick up an apple.
  3. Mentally imagine your lover's face.
  4. Cut the fruit crosswise and put a photo of your loved one inside.
  5. Say the spell three times.
  6. Secure the halves together with red thread.
  7. For the next nine days, get up at dawn and lay out the artifact under the first rays.
  8. In the evenings, recite a familiar prayer.

At night, the apple should be kept at the head of your bed. Put it on your nightstand, for example. A rotten apple will indicate the futility of the union, a dried apple will indicate the success of the ritual. Text of the prayer:

“Jesus helps me, the apostles consolidate my success. I speak to the red apple, fasten it with a thread, and wish to be with my beloved (the name is called). From now on you will be mine. Amen".

Apple and nettle

There is a simpler but more effective spell with apple halves. Find a large apple and three nettle leaves, divide the fruit into two parts. The entire core must be removed, the nettle placed inside and the halves connected, fastening the artifact with red wool thread. After reading the plot, you need to hide the apple, wait 9 days and bury it next to your lover’s home. Spell text:

“My love (boyfriend’s name), come to me. Nettle is passionate and stinging, dangerous to everyone but me. Help me, nettle, achieve what I want. Let this union be for the benefit of others. Amen".

To make your wishes come true

There is an ancient Slavic ritual that facilitates the fulfillment of plans. Take any ripe apple, retire to a separate room and start creating magic. Take a little bite from the fruit, chew each piece thoroughly and mentally pronounce the spell. The words are:

“Only one of us saved. The saints help until the blizzard swirls. Let everything come true - let it work out God's servant(your name), let cherished wish will happen. As I bite into this apple, I make my dream come true. Amen".

Harvesting a Good Harvest

Usually, harvest conspiracies are read during the sowing period, but Apple Spas also allows you to practice household magic. Take three apples, chop them finely into the beds and read the spell. The words are:

“Mother Earth, accept this gift, absorb it into yourself, intercede with your ancestors on my behalf. May a good harvest ripen, and may my family live in prosperity and prosperity. As autumn comes, my bins will be filled. Let it be so".

How to improve your relationship with your boss

Sometimes a person is forced to obey a tyrant boss, fulfill his stupid demands and endure nagging. It will help to cope with this problem the simplest ritual with a candle. Buy a white candle at church, light it at home and place it next to ripe apple. Say the spell out loud:

“Almighty Lord, inflame me with your favor, bestow mercy, bring reason to the evil boss. Have mercy on this person (name of leader), show him the right path. Calm my soul, let me work calmly and feed my family. Amen".

Signs and customs

Most signs of the Apple Savior are associated with productivity and future abundance. Thus, on August 19, it is customary to treat the poor to the harvest in order to attract wealth and prosperity to the household. Popular wisdom also recommends starting to collect peas and apples on this day. There are other interesting signs:

  • during the period between Easter and the Second Saviour, it is forbidden to eat apples;
  • cereal crops it is better to harvest before the Savior, otherwise there will be no harvest at all;
  • stock up on gloves - your hands will be cold in the morning in the garden;
  • the weather on Yablochny Spas will be the same in January (if there is precipitation, expect snow in January);
  • all apples on Second Spas have magical powers;
  • Parents who have lost their children do not eat apples until the Second Savior.

As you can see, Apple Spas refers to religious holidays that allow you to successfully cast magic and achieve what you want. On August 19, you can strengthen your financial situation, find love and even make peace with your boss. Paving the way to an old dream won't hurt either. The main thing is to create light magic and believe in goodness.

On August 14, the Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the Origin (destruction) of the trees of the Cross of the Lord. And people often call this day - Honey Spas.

You should know that Honey Spas is the first day of the Assumption Fast, which ends on the eve of the Assumption.
The Assumption Fast is the only multi-day Orthodox fast in honor of the Mother of God and her Assumption. Therefore he is very strict.
Strict, but sweet, just like the life of worthy people, believing Orthodox Christians after death.

What you can eat during the Dormition Fast:

  • on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays - dry eating (and this is bread, vegetables and fruits);
  • You can eat on Tuesday and Thursday hot food, but without vegetable oil;
  • on Saturday and Sunday - hot food with vegetable oil;
  • Only on the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord and on the Feast of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary can one also eat fish.

Spas Honey arrived in time,
Seeing off the summer
The honey is already ripe in the honeycombs,
Promising a holiday.
This calendar day
They don’t call it Lakomka for nothing:
First Spas, Honey Spas,
He has something in store for us,
Prepared sweets
For honey joy!

The very word “Savior” is associated with Jesus Christ, who is called the Savior. It is to him that the Orthodox Church dedicates these holidays. It must be said that each feast of the Savior in the church calendar has a different, so to speak, official name.

Honey, the very first one saved, V church calendars is called The Origin of the Honest Trees Life-giving Cross The Lord's.
Apple saved, which is celebrated on August 19, according to church canons it is called the Transfiguration of the Lord.
And the last one, third Nut Spas, which is called not made by hands, is noted Orthodox Church in memory of the transfer of the Miraculous Image of the Lord Jesus Christ to Constantinople.

Why are holidays called Spas?

It turns out that this word has ancient, even pagan roots. Long before the advent of Christianity, the Slavs revered the God of the Savior, to whom they prayed for the successful harvest and safety of the harvest. After the baptism of Rus' Slavic traditions intertwined with the Orthodox, and the holidays of the Savior acquired another meaning: Jesus gave each of us the opportunity to sweeten our souls from evil forces, take care of her before the autumn of life comes. And now, during Spasov, we remember Him, trying to think at least for a moment: how do we live?

Our ancestors always swam in ponds on Honey Spas. It was believed that on this day all water acquires magical power- washes away sins, saves from troubles and illnesses. But swimming after August 14 was prohibited - you could get sick and even drown.

There is another name for the holiday on August 14 - Makovei. Those who often visit church know that on this day in churches they remember martyrdom for the faith of the seven Maccabean brothers. But the Maccabees have nothing to do with the harvest festival. It’s just that on August 14, they began to collect poppy seeds in the fields and bake pies with this filling.

Makoveychik - a magical amulet bouquet

On the holiday of Macovei earlier, in pre-Christian Rus', people created special bouquets-amulets - poppy flowers, who protected the family from harm throughout the year. They did not stop collecting poppy seeds even after the advent of Christianity. True, now they are consecrated in the church.
In the old days, poppy seed was made from 17 herbs. Over time, the number of components has changed.

What must be in a bouquet?

1. Symbol incredible beauty, sincere love and loyalty to each other - Kalina;
2. Symbol bright sun, warmth and mutual gratitude - Sunflower;
3. Strong protection against various diseases and illnesses - Rue, Marigold (Calendula);
4. For great harvest and prosperity - Oats;
5. In order for peace, tranquility, understanding and trust to always be present in the family - Mint;
6. So that, as they say: “there is no translation” - Oregano (Materinka);
7. Sincere affection and tenderness will be added - Laskovets;
8. A large number of gentlemen suggests the presence of Tirlich;
9. In case of a quarrel, reconciliation is favored by Donnik;
10. Poppy heads are an essential component of a bouquet; they are also great for insomnia. small child, if you put a consecrated poppy head under your baby’s pillow;
11. A sprig of wormwood – from evil spirits.

Tie the collected herbs with a red ribbon of any length...

Have you prepared a bouquet? Now he should be consecrated in the church and cherished like the apple of his eye whole year- he will protect the house and all family members from illnesses and troubles.

The dried poppy seed is best placed on the windowsill. And to protect your home from witchcraft spells. scatter poppies around the house (at least at the threshold and in the corners of each room).

And remember: on Makovei women are forgiven all unforgivable sins.
By the way, if a child has trouble falling asleep or sleeps restlessly , a consecrated poppy head is placed under his pillow.

Popular belief says: The First Savior atones for a woman’s sins. It’s probably no secret to anyone that living a life without sin is an impossible task, unless the saints can cope with it, but to the common man it's beyond control. The circumstances are like this. that, even in small ways, everyone sins. This sign speaks of that. that if a woman has a sin for which she cannot beg forgiveness in any way, then on this day such a sin will definitely be forgiven her.

For greater confidence in the forgiveness of sins, it was necessary to help widows and orphans with housework - “Throw at least a sliver of wood into the widow’s yard at Honey Spas.” By wood chips they meant firewood. People tried to help in preparing firewood, working in the garden, and doing chores around the house. After all, that one. whoever helps those in need on this day will receive the blessing of the Lord.

Signs for Honey Spas

After the Honey Spa we no longer swam: summer is coming to an end, the water is blooming, the birds are falling silent, the bees are not paying their fees, the rooks are gathering in flocks and preparing to fly away, the roses are fading, the departure of the first swallows and swifts is celebrated.

The farewell to summer begins with Spas. They say: The Savior has everything in stock: rain, buckets, and gray weather.

The weather of this day is used to judge what the third Savior will be like.

  • On the first day of the Savior, bless the wells, bathe the horses in the river, pinch the peas, prepare the threshing floor, and plow for the winter.
  • Plow this winter, this winter.
  • On Maccabees they collect poppies.
  • Rain on Maccabee - there are few fires.
  • Roses are fading, good dew is falling.
  • From the first rescue the dew is good.
  • The first time he saved the deer wet his hoof (the water was cold).
  • The bee stops carrying a honey bribe.
  • Wring (cut) the honeycombs.
  • Whatever the Maccabees believe, break the fast.
  • The first Spas - stand on the water, the second Spas - eat apples, the third Spas - on green mountains sell canvases.
  • On Makovei, summer ends and autumn begins.
  • The Savior has everything in stock: rain, wind, buckets, and different weather conditions.
  • For the first time, the Savior and the beggar will try the honey.
  • This day was also called the Wet Savior, religious processions to the water were held everywhere, and after the blessing of water they bathed themselves and last time This year all livestock are bathed.
  • Help widows on Makovei - help the weak, and happiness for you
  • In the Urals and Siberia, cedar trees begin to cone from the first Savior.
  • Honey Spas sanctifies new wells
  • In the first Savior, any woman’s sin will be forgiven
  • After the first Spas they do not go into the water.
  • For those who are afraid of witches: on this day you need to collect wild poppy seeds and sprinkle them on the house - not a single witch will enter the house.

The day of August 14 is associated with various signs and superstitions, which, in turn, have been noticed for many centuries.

The signs of the Honey Savior helped our ancestors not only get rid of problems and troubles, but also look into the mysterious future. We invite you to familiarize yourself with all the folk signs of the Poppy Savior:

  • The state of the weather at Honey Spas speaks about what the weather will be like at the Assumption Fast;
  • It is believed that absolutely everyone is simply obliged to eat honey on the first day of the Savior, since it has very healing properties and is capable of raising even an extremely seriously ill person to their feet;
  • You can expect a fairly snowy winter if migratory birds have flown away very early. There will be a warm autumn, an extremely long winter and a cold spring if the birds are a little late;
  • In order not to be left without a harvest, they strictly observed the following sign of the Honey Savior: it was from August 14, not a day earlier, that winter crops began to be sown;
  • There was also a belief that it was necessary to start “breaking the honeycombs” on the day of the Savior, otherwise other people’s bees could “pull everything out”;
  • A sign about happiness on Maccabees: it has always been believed that the one who helps any widow on this holiday, that is, a woman who absolutely always needs any support from the outside, will definitely find happiness and will never need food;
  • Few fires should be expected only if it rains on Honey Spas;
  • All housewives always believed and knew for sure that any baked goods would turn out quite excellent if you add poppy seeds collected on August 14 to it, since it has not only decent culinary qualities, but also medicinal properties;
  • It was also believed that poppy collected at the Honey Savior could ward off all the intrigues of witches if you sprinkled it on your house;
  • Previously, absolutely all women believed that if on the day of the holiday they prayed to their Guardian Angel with a sincere request for help to atone for their sins, then the Angel would definitely help her. Only a woman must first forgive herself, and only then turn to the Higher powers;
  • We always tried to dig up to Honey Spa new well, and consecrate it on the day of the holiday. Since such water was always supposed to please its owners not only with clean, but most importantly - with healing water.

Even a beggar must eat honey on Maccabees

On Honey Savior, which is popularly called Maccabeus, every person tried to go to church and bless honey. People say that such honey has a special healing power. He is able to raise even a seriously ill person to his feet. In such cases it is often said that a miracle happened.

In addition, blessed honey can make any wish come true, but you just need to make your wish on the first spoon. By the way, the first Spas is called honey precisely because at this time the honeycombs are filled with honey and beekeepers begin to harvest.

It was from this day that people began to sow winter crops. The old people argued that if you start sowing earlier, there will be no harvest at all.

What does it mean for people living on earth to have no harvest? This is hunger. Therefore, they sacredly believed in this sign and strictly observed it.

On Macabei, help widows - help the weak, and happiness for you

This sign was mandatory for all people living in villages. Life is hard enough for widows. All the work, both male and female, is on her fragile shoulders. It was believed that whoever on this day completely disinterestedly chops firewood for such a woman, brings water or helps in some other way will definitely be happy in life and will never go hungry.

Collect poppies for Maccabees

By this day the poppy is ripening. Now you can safely collect it. But good housewives There is a little secret that allows you to make buns especially tasty and aromatic.

Poppy seeds for baking need to be collected on August 14, then it will have not only valuable culinary qualities, but also medicinal properties.

After the first Spas they don’t go into the water

According to folk calendar It is on this day that real autumn begins. The heat is declining, the nights are becoming cold, and the water in reservoirs is no longer heating up as much as in summer. Currently there is abnormal heat, people continue to swim in the river even in September, but this was how it used to be.

In the first Savior, any woman’s sin will be forgiven

Women have always believed in this sign. Therefore, on this day they turned to their Guardian Angel with a prayer asking for help to atone for their sins. But it was believed that if a woman does not forgive herself, then the Angel will not be able to help her. First you need to forgive yourself, and then turn to the Higher Powers for forgiveness.

Honey Spas sanctifies new wells

In the old days, they tried to dig a well and bring it to life just in time for this holiday. Moreover, before the well was consecrated on the Honey Savior, no water was taken from it. It was believed that the well consecrated on this holiday would always delight its owners with clean and healing water. No one can even harm or poison the water in such a well.

As you can see, there are a lot of signs associated with the holiday of the Honey Savior . And in order to take advantage of this day, modern man needs to prepare. Unfortunately, today we do not know what our grandparents knew. But in vain! We need to revive the knowledge of our ancestors.

Conspiracies, ceremonies and rituals for the Honey Savior

Honey Spas is very rich in magical conspiracies and rituals that must be carried out directly on August 14th.
On the day of the holiday, absolutely all Orthodox Christians consecrate honey, water, poppy seeds in the church, in order to later use them in various magical rituals.

Honey is a fairly strong energy material that can not only improve your health, but also relieve you of numerous troubles and problems. It, in turn, can be stored for quite a long time, and you can stock up on it for future use.

A plot for a successful marriage read in Honey Spas.

The mother reads, makes honey, the words of the conspiracy are spoken to him:

How many bees flew and collected honey,
So much and (daughter’s name) flying around the house
Yes, you don’t know fatigue.
Clean up, sweep
Yes, the house is in order.
How long have the bees worked?
The husband (daughter’s name) has to work so hard,
So that there is plenty of money in the house,
Yes, so that (her daughter’s name) she loved deeply.
What sweet honey
This is what married life is like
U (daughter's name)
It would be sweet and smooth.
Drink honey
Yes, be happy!
My word is strong
Don't cut it with a knife
You can't cut it with an ax:
As I said, so be it.

Then, after the honey has been charmed, you need to sit down and drink tea with your daughter. You can spread honey on bread or put it in tea and just eat it. The main thing is that your daughter eats more of it, her future family life depends on it.

Honey spell - to pacify quarreling people

If there is a quarrel in your house, do the following: brew tea and add one teaspoon of honey directly to it, while saying the following Honey Savior spell: “Honey, soften the ardor of the angry one, pacify him and remove all grievances.”
Next, absolutely every family member needs to drink this tea.
Honey spell for colds

Let it be so!"

Ritual of attracting happiness to Honey Spas

There is a rather special ritual of attracting happiness, which is performed precisely on August 14, that is, on the day of the Honey Savior. For the ritual, which is directly carried out on the growing Moon, it is necessary to have: flower, bee, linden honey, also a little birch bark and spring water. Exactly at noon on the day of the holiday exactly at left hand you need to take the prepared birch bark, with your right hand, in turn, coat this bark with all three types of honey. Then apply the bark to your forehead and read the plot to attract happiness:
“In me there is happiness, joy and goodness.
From me - bad, grief and filth.
How very sweet are three honeys - bee honey, flower honey, and linden honey.
So let my life be filled with all these three joys.”
Next, wash yourself thoroughly with spring water collected in advance in a saucepan and wash the birch bark very well in it. Then pour this water under any birch tree, and you should always have the bark with you. And this one birch bark will serve you as an excellent talisman of incredible happiness and prosperity.

Poppy spell to improve relationships

This ritual for the Honey Savior looks like this: you need to read the spell on the poppy exactly 9 times, and then put it in your pocket or shoes, to the right person.
“Like Yarilo - very loving and dear to all living things,
How a mother pities her child,
So may I also be a servant of God (name),
I will be very nice to the servant of God (name of the person with whom you want to establish a relationship).
Amen. Amen. Amen".

Ritual - protection from damage

On any day, take a poppy at sunrise, great option, if the poppy is consecrated in church, and then speak to it with these words:
“I sow, I sow, I sow poppies. Let it be so, and whoever does not, then let him collect this poppy.
They will not collect this poppy, but damage to the servant of God ( full name) will be taken away.
Amen. Amen. Amen".

Afterwards, you need to pour this enchanted poppy into places where it will be impossible to sweep it away at all, for example, it will be a gap between the wall and the baseboard, or under the wallpaper, and so on. This ritual must begin precisely from front door your home and move around the perimeter only clockwise. You need to take the poppy with your thumb, middle and index finger right hand. If this ritual is performed by a left-handed person, then you need to take the poppy with your left hand.

Ritual of strength on honey

Since honey has the extraordinary energy of the sun, it is perfect for the next ritual, because solar energy enhances its extraordinary properties.
The honey power ritual is performed exactly at noon. It is necessary to take a small jar of honey into the sunlight, open the jar, bring it to your lips and very quietly whisper to the honey, the next extremely old conspiracy:
“Like honey is very sweet, it ripens in the mouth,
So let my strength come to me.
No one opens their mouths at her,
Only for me the honey sweetness warms my soul and heals my body.
Let it be so!"

In order to ensure that absolutely no one can intercept your power, it is necessary to perform this ritual in special secrecy.
After you perform this ritual on the Honey Spas, you need to close the jar of honey and put it in a fairly secluded place so that no one sees it, much less touches it. Further starting from fourth day, before morning breakfast, that is, on an empty stomach, eat one teaspoon of this charmed honey. And you will immediately feel an increase in extraordinary strength and vigor.

And when the honey in this jar comes to an end, you can read the spell for the next jar of honey, because if you don’t have allergies, then you can eat honey almost constantly.

Honey spell for colds

A sick person will recover much faster if you offer him warm milk with charmed honey. It is necessary to read the plot over honey exactly three times:
“Disease-witch, get off me!
Go away beyond the swamps, beyond the forests, forever!
You taste very bitter, but I will sweeten myself with honey and warm milk!
Let it be so!"

Ritual for poppy seeds for trade

The next poppy ritual on Honey Spas is valid until the next waxing Moon. Afterwards you can do it again. You only need to buy one glass of poppy seeds and a handkerchief. Spread the purchased handkerchief on your counter and pour absolutely all the poppy seeds from the glass onto it. Next, whisper the following words over the poppy exactly 9 times: “Whoever steps on my poppy will buy all my goods.”

And then you need to sprinkle this poppy seed in front of your counter every day.

Save Honey! Sweetness-sweetness!

We send a bee poem!
May joy be with you,
Honey will give you miracle powers!

Happy holiday, Honey Savior!

The forces of white magic are especially active on the church holiday of the Transfiguration of the Lord, which is traditionally celebrated on August 19. There are many things associated with him folk beliefs, accepts and customs. And rituals, prayers and conspiracies for the Apple Savior have special power. It is during this magical time that it is customary to remove damage and negativity, heal and rejuvenate the body, and attract good luck, wealth, happiness and love into life.

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    Conspiracies, prayers and rituals for Apple Savior

    The Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, popularly called the Apple Savior, is held on August 19. This time carries a powerful magical charge, and with the help of “apple” conspiracies you can change your life for the better.

    First you should familiarize yourself with simple rules, compliance with which can significantly affect the result:

    1. 1. Rituals should be performed completely alone.
    2. 2. The attitude and sincere belief in the power of the actions performed are of great importance.
    3. 3. Almost all conspiracies are read only for unlit fresh fruits.
    4. 4. Apples from the store are not suitable for magical rituals. It is better to pick them yourself or, as a last resort, buy them at the market.
    5. 5. Candles used in rituals must be made of wax. They should be purchased at church shops.

    For health and youth

    The Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord is the best time to regain good health and get rid of illnesses. On this bright day harvested apples were taken to the church for lighting, and then one of these fruits was added to the holiday pie. According to legend, eating a piece of apple dessert bestowed health for a whole year.

    In addition, in Rus' on this day, women performed rituals to rejuvenate their face and body. Conspiracies to restore former beauty were also considered effective.

    Apple Savior has at all times been famous for its ability to remove damage and the evil eye from a person. On this day, powerful amulets and magical talismans were made to protect against negative impact black magic and healing the body.

    Removing damage

    Sometimes a person feels unwell, but doctors cannot determine what kind of disease has affected the body. In this case, we can say that health problems are caused by damage caused by envious people or enemies. In order to heal yourself, you need to wait for the great holiday of the Transfiguration of the Lord and try to remove the effects of black magic from yourself. All you need for the ritual is natural bee honey. It is better to purchase it on the market; a store-bought product can healing properties not to fully possess.

    To remove damage from yourself, you must perform the following steps:

    1. 1. Buy a small jar of linden and flower honey in advance.
    2. 2. Get some birch bark.
    3. 3. On Apple Spas (August 19), you need to wake up before dawn, when darkness begins to give way to pre-dawn twilight.
    4. 4. Take spring water into a clay jug.
    5. 5. Go back to bed.
    6. 6. The second time you need to wake up at noon.
    7. 7. Spread the tree bark with prepared varieties of honey.
    8. 8. Place it on your forehead.
    9. 9. Say the magic words: “Good health, happiness and joy, come into my soul, heal my body. Terrible filth and past grief, go away, seep into the ground. Flower honey, linden bee honey is delicious. May sweetness fill my life. Let it be so".
    10. 10. After the ritual, wash your face with spring water from a jug, and throw the rest under a birch tree.
    11. 11. You can’t throw away the bark. It should be washed thoroughly and dried in the sun. From now on, it will have healing properties and protect against enemy attacks no worse than any magical talisman. This attribute must be carried with you every day. In less than a week, the disease will begin to recede.

    Rituals for healing

    If the disease cannot be cured, you can perform the following ritual. At Apple Spas or immediately after it you need:

    1. 1. Pick an apple from a new harvest.
    2. 2. Cut it into three parts.
    3. 3. Apply each piece to the sore spot.
    4. 4. Hold for a few seconds.
    5. 5. Wrap the slices in a clean light cloth.
    6. 6. Take them to a deserted place where no one goes (forest, wasteland, etc.).
    7. 7. Bury the apple pieces in the ground. Along with them, illness will disappear into the soil.
    8. 8. Go home without looking back and without speaking to anyone along the way.

    You can also try this simple ritual. In order to recover, it is necessary to pick an apple from a new harvest and wash it thoroughly. In this case, you need to whisper to the fetus, kissing it repeatedly (at least 5 times): “Ush-burmy-shu.”

    How to restore health and youth to yourself and your loved ones?

    This ritual will help improve your well-being and appearance not only from the one who conducts it, but also from his relatives. You need to do the following:

    1. 1. Pick a big red apple.
    2. 2. Cut it into 3, 5, 7 slices (depending on the number of participants in the ritual).
    3. 3. Remove the core from each piece and place them in a deep bowl.
    4. 4. Mix half a glass of holy water and the same amount of cold boiled water in another container.
    5. 5. Pour liquid over apple slices.
    6. 6. Take a pinch of sugar and sprinkle it on the apples in a circle (necessarily clockwise), saying the following curse: “Lord, give me back my youth.”
    7. 7. Scoop up a pinch of granulated sugar again and sprinkle the apples in the same way in a circle with the words: “Lord, give me back my happiness.”
    8. 8. The third pinch must be poured strictly into the middle of the bowl and said: “Lord, give me back what is gone.”
    9. 9. After the ceremony, distribute the slices to all participants, pour the water into a small bottle and wipe your face with it for a week, morning and evening. This will help you gain beauty and rejuvenate your skin.

    For face and body rejuvenation

    The most suitable holiday that will help restore youth is Apple Savior, because the apple has magical rejuvenating properties. If a woman wants to long years to preserve her beauty and delay old age, then she is recommended to perform the following miraculous ritual. Then neither wrinkles nor gray hair will be scary. Algorithm of actions:

    1. 1. Stock up on apples from the new harvest.
    2. 2. Read a special spell over one of them three times: “Nature’s cradle, I turn to you on a gloomy and clear day. Bewitch my apple, give me youth and beauty. Let old age recede and wrinkles smooth out. Amen".
    3. 3. Eat fruit.

    All actions must be performed consistently every day for twelve days. After this, you will notice that your health has improved, your skin has become smooth and soft, your hair and nails have become more shiny.

    Another similar ritual will help preserve beauty and youth. To do this, starting from August 19, for 12 days, you need to read a hex on an apple, and then eat it. Magic words: “O forces of nature, give me health. Bewitch my apples, make them rejuvenating. Let old age not come to me, let it go beyond the mountains and into the swamps. All the wrinkles will be smoothed out, and let everything go well.”

    For financial well-being

    Legend has it that Jesus, accompanied by several companions, went to Mount Tabor. There the prophets Elijah and Moses appeared before them. After this, it was revealed to the disciples of Christ spiritual vision, and they looked at the teacher in a new way. In honor of this bright event, the great feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord was established. It was at this time, according to popular legends, that saints visit the earth in the guise of beggars, testing how hospitable and generous people are. Similar beliefs were also present among the pagans. They also believed that on August 19, the ancient gods came to the human world in the guise of the poor.

    In this regard, there is a sign that it is necessary to give alms to Apple Spas and help the poor and disadvantaged. For this, the Lord will generously reward and give material well-being. And improve financial position and decide money problems special spells will help.

    Opening a money channel

    To gain financial independence, the ritual held on August 19th is perfect. The following actions will help you attract financial flows and gain a stable income:

    1. 1. You need to find an old linden tree.
    2. 2. Pluck three branches from it.
    3. 3. Put them in a vase and keep them in your bedroom.
    4. 4. For 9 days, every morning immediately after waking up, but strictly before noon, you need to carry out a special money ritual: Taking the twigs in your hand, walk around your home, hit the corners with branches and read the spell: “Money sticks to money, and lost coins return. If I spend anything, I get it back a hundredfold. Money sticks to money, wallets stick together. My words are strong. Amen".
    5. 5. After the expiration date, dry the branches and store this homemade amulet until the next Apple Savior.

    For money problems

    If unexpected financial difficulties, you should resort to this magical ritual. Necessary:

    1. 1. Buy 3 beautiful apples.
    2. 2. Go to church with them.
    3. 3. Give two apples to the poor.
    4. 4. Third (the most beautiful and smooth) - eat. Mentally cast a spell against need: “I calm the need, I speak a health resort to wealth. The poor eat up my need and redirect the cash flows. Help me, higher powers, to get rid of problems and return prosperity to my home. Amen".

    Getting rid of debts

    If the accumulated loans are too heavy a burden for the family, it is advisable to use a conspiracy that helps to pay off debts faster. For this you need:

    1. 1. Borrow some amount.
    2. 2. Remove the top and bottom banknotes from the money bundle.
    3. 3. Say the magic words: “I will return the money on time, I will not accumulate new debts. Help me, charmed bills. Help, Lord and apostles. As I said, this is how everything will happen. Amen".
    4. 4. Place the spoken bills in your wallet.
    5. 5. Always carry these money amulets with you.

    For a good harvest

    As a rule, harvest magic is practiced during the sowing period, but the holiday of the Transfiguration of the Lord is also suitable for everyday spells. According to popular belief, if you collect apples at Apple Spas own garden and make juice from them, and then sprinkle the garden with this juice, then next year the harvest will be very rich.

    There is another way to get good harvest. Necessary:

    1. 1. Take exactly three apples.
    2. 2. Chop them finely.
    3. 3. Sprinkle pieces in the garden beds.
    4. 4. Read the spell: “Mother Earth, accept this gift, absorb it into yourself, intercede with your ancestors for me. May a good harvest ripen, and may my family live in prosperity and prosperity. As autumn comes, my bins will be filled. Let it be so".

    To attract love and happiness

    Love magic associated with various love spells and sugar spells works best on the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord. It is believed that it is with the help of “forbidden fruits” that one can forever tie a dear friend to oneself.

    But it should be remembered that love spell rituals are considered great sin, because they deprive a person of the right to choose. Therefore, before carrying out love ritual, you need to think about its consequences, which can be the most unpredictable.

    Love spell using an apple

    To bind the person you like to you, you can perform a magical ritual. It will require a ripe apple, which must be purchased in advance at the market, or even better, exchanged for something. Next you need:

    1. 1. In the evening at Apple Spas, place the fruit on the windowsill so that it is illuminated by the last rays of the sun.
    2. 2. Turn in a western direction.
    3. 3. Take an apple in your palm.
    4. 4. Mentally imagine the appearance of the man you like.
    5. 5. Cut the fruit crosswise.
    6. 6. Place a photo of your lover between the halves.
    7. 7. Say the magic words three times: “Jesus helps me, the apostles consolidate my success. I speak to the red apple, fasten it with a thread, and wish to be with my beloved (name). From now on you will be mine. Amen".
    8. 8. Connect the halves with red thread.
    9. 9. Place the fruit at the head of the bed and keep it there constantly.
    10. 10. Over the next 9 days, you need to wake up at dawn and put an apple on the window under the first rays of sunlight.
    11. 11. And in the evening, say a familiar prayer every day.

    The fruit must be inspected regularly. If it begins to rot, then the relationship is hopeless, but drying out will indicate the success of the ritual.

    Drinking with apple and nettle

    This method is simple, but it is no less effective than the first option. For the ritual you will need a large apple and three nettle leaves. Necessary:

    1. 1. Divide the fruit in half.
    2. 2. Remove the core.
    3. 3. Put nettles inside.
    4. 4. Connect the slices with red woolen thread.
    5. 5. Read the spell: “My love (boyfriend’s name), fly to me. Nettle is passionate and stinging, dangerous to everyone but me. Help me, nettle, achieve what I want. Let this union be for the benefit of others. Amen".
    6. 6. Hide the apple for the next 9 days.
    7. 7. Then bury it near your beloved’s house.

    If a girl has not yet met her betrothed and is not in love with anyone, then she can perform the same ritual to attract love and happiness into her life. But the spell words will be different: “Let that happiness that is now far from me fly to me from distant lands. Let him cover me with his warm, caring wave. Now I have nowhere to give my heart, but as soon as I say it, there will be someone to whom I will give my heart. So that his heart will be warmed by his lover like that stinging nettle. It comes at me, it flies at me, let the fellow like one menu. My word is growing stronger, love is calling to me from all corners of the world.”

    After this, hide the apple in a secluded place and wait for it to dry. As soon as it loses all moisture, a loved one will appear in the girl’s life.

    To make guys like you

    If a young lady is deprived of the attention of the stronger half of humanity, she should perform a ritual with a red apple and tirlich herb (gentian). With these magical attributes, you need to go to a deserted crossroads of pedestrian roads and read the magical plot in one breath:

    “Apple and Tirlich, call the lad to me, from one to two, from two to three, from three to four, from four to five, from five to six, from six to seven, from seven to eight, from eight to nine, from nine to ten, from ten to eleven, from eleven to twelve."

    After the ceremony, both the apple and the grass should be buried there.

    For luck

    In Apple Spas you can read a special conspiracy that will help you find happiness in your personal life: “In me there is happiness, joy and goodness. From me - bad, grief and filth. How very sweet are three honeys - bee honey, flower honey, and linden honey. So let my life be filled with all these three joys.”

    To attract happiness, harmony and love into your home, you can perform the following magical ritual. Necessary:

    1. 1. Trade a few new harvest apples with your neighbors. Give coins or gifts in return.
    2. 2. Wait until evening.
    3. 3. Light a candle.
    4. 4. Place apples opposite it.
    5. 5. Look at the flame and say the spell: “Just as an apple filled with beauty and juice in the summer, so my family fills with love and awe for each other. More beauty in our home comes from love itself, more peace, more happiness. There is so much happiness that we begin to share it with everyone else. And as we share, it becomes even better for us and everything around us. Kindness, beauty, come into my house, mature in it. I keep it for myself and give it to others. As has been said, it will be so, but it cannot be any other way. Amen".
    6. 6. Let the candle burn out until the end.
    7. 7. Give away the fruits that participated in the ritual the next morning. strangers. At the same time, imagine that with each fruit a piece of goodness and love is given away. After some time, this light energy will return with a vengeance.

    About children and easy childbirth

    In order for the pregnancy to proceed without complications and the birth to be easy, the expectant mother needs to perform the following ritual:

    1. 1. Stand under an apple tree.
    2. 2. Hug her.
    3. 3. Tie a rope around your own belt and trunk (symbolically tie yourself to a tree).
    4. 4. Say the magic words: “Apple maiden, my sister, help me, God’s servant (name), to give birth easily. Help me to bear it easily, to endure everything, to love my little child, to talk to him before his time, to talk to him, to persuade him easily in the womb. So that my stomach would not be heavy, would not ache, would not be burdened by the fruit, would not ache, would carry its burden calmly. Amen. »
    5. 5. Take off the rope and leave it on the apple tree.

    To ensure that no one jinxes the child in the womb, you can perform the following ritual:

    1. 1. Find an apple tree.
    2. 2. Dig a small hole under it.
    3. 3. Read the slander: “In the sea-okiyan, on the island of Buyan, there is a curly apple tree, under the apple tree there is a deep hole. I, the servant of God (name), will speak into this pit, so that the child in my womb, the servant of God (name), will be protected from a bad hour, from evil eye, from human slander, from black, white, night, day and midday envy. And you, apple tree, guard this hole, you can’t let the bad things out! You will be my child’s shield from any misfortune. And may my word be strong.”
    4. 4. Spit into the cavity three times.
    5. 5. Bury.
    6. 6. Cross yourself and go home without looking back.

    In order for the baby to develop well in the womb, the following ritual should be performed even before birth:

    1. 1. Find an old apple tree that no longer bears fruit, but is still strong.
    2. 2. Hug her, pressing against the trunk.
    3. 3. Say the spell: “I, the servant of God (name), will come to my grandmother’s apple tree, bow to my waist, and press myself to the trunk. Remember, grandma apple tree, how you were a small seed, how you grew like a thin tree, how you bloomed and bore fruit, how you grew to our joy. The rains didn’t wet you, the storms didn’t break you, the winds didn’t rock you. May the child in my womb, God’s servant (name), just like you, resist illnesses, develop, gain strength, and prepare to come into the world. Let it grow stronger and more vigorous day by day. Amen".
    4. 4. Break off a small twig.
    5. 5. Kiss the broken area three times.
    6. 6. Cross yourself.
    7. 7. Attach the broken branch to your bed.

    To fulfill a wish

    On Apple Spas you can perform an ancient Slavic ritual that will help your cherished desires come true. Necessary:

    1. 1. Stay home alone.
    2. 2. Get a ripe apple.
    3. 3. Bite off small pieces of fruit and chew them thoroughly.
    4. 4. Read the conspiracy to yourself: “Only one of us saved. The saints help until the blizzard swirls. May everything come true and work out for God’s servant (your name), may your cherished desire come true. As I bite into this apple, I make my dream come true. Amen".

    A similar ritual can be performed with an illuminated apple. You need to bite off a small piece from it, swallow it and say the following words out loud: “What is planned is far-fetched. What is far-fetched will come true. What will come true will not pass » .

    To change fate and remove cemetery damage

    This ritual is carried out strictly on August 19, the day of the Transfiguration of the Lord. It is not so easy to perform, but with the help of such white magic you can change your destiny and get rid of strong witchcraft done in a cemetery (the so-called cemetery damage), as well as from all types of black slander. Thanks to the ritual of changing fate, a person will live the period allotted to him by fate, and life will be filled with joyful events and happiness.

    It is done in several stages, but always before sunset. One person, five or nine can participate. At the first stage it is necessary:

    1. 1. Bake red apples according to the number of participants in the ceremony.
    2. 2. Arrive at the most open and deserted space (field, huge clearing not surrounded by forest, steppe). The main thing is that there are no trees, bushes or residential settlements nearby.
    3. 3. Find the center of the selected area.
    4. 4. Draw a circle with a stick about two meters in diameter.
    5. 5. Stand facing each other; hands cannot touch.
    6. 6. Slowly walking one after another, circle around your axis clockwise, singing for about a quarter of an hour a special spell, which must be learned by heart: “We will glorify the Lord, so that we can return to you again. Righteous God, have mercy on us. We glorify the Lord on Apple Savior.”
    7. 7. Eat the cooked fruit afterwards. At this time, you need to read the spell words to yourself.

    The second part of the ritual includes the following actions:

    1. 1. Stock up on linden branches and dry yellowed leaves from trees in advance.
    2. 2. With their help, light a fire in the center of the circle.
    3. 3. When the fire flares up as much as possible, you need to walk around it, repeating the already familiar spell words for about three minutes.
    4. 4. Stop and look at the flame for a while. It should be noted that the fire cannot be extinguished; it must completely burn out and go out on its own. Both fire and smoke have special healing powers.

    The third stage of the ritual should be carried out in the temple. Necessary:

    1. 1. Go to the nearest church.
    2. 2. Donate a feasible amount of money.
    3. 3. Buy one large and two medium candles from the church store.
    4. 4. Light a large candle in front of the image of Jesus Christ and say the words thanksgiving prayer: “Thy holy body, Lord Jesus Christ our God, be unto me eternal life, and Thy venerable blood for the remission of sins; May this thanksgiving bring me joy, health and joy; in your terrible life and your second coming, vouchsafe me, a sinner, to the right hand of Your glory, through the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother and all the saints.”
    5. 5. Bow down and make the sign of the cross.
    6. 6. Place one of the middle candles for your own health near the icon of the saint whose name was given at baptism. If there is no such image in the temple, then the icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant will do.
    7. 7. The last candle must be lit by the Most Holy One Mother of God, then say miracle prayer: “My Most Holy Lady Theotokos, with Your saints and all-powerful prayers, remove from me, Your humble and cursed servant, despondency, oblivion, unreason, negligence, and all the nasty, evil and blasphemous thoughts from my cursed heart and from my darkened mind; and extinguish the flame of my passions, for I am poor and damned, and deliver me from many and cruel memories and enterprises, and free me from all evil actions; for you are blessed from all generations, and the most honorable is glorified your name forever and ever. Amen".
    8. 8. When leaving, give candy and apples to those asking, or leave them in the temple. And go home without looking back and without talking to anyone along the way.

    How to cleanse your home of negative energy?

    Apple Spas is the right time to not only get rid of your own negativity, but also to cleanse the energy of your home. Necessary:

    1. 1. Pick any apple.
    2. 2. Divide it into halves.
    3. 3. Remove the core from one.
    4. 4. Buy a wax candle.
    5. 5. Light it and walk around your house in a circle, stopping near each corner, about doorways and windows. In this case, you need to make circular movements with the help of a candle three times (necessarily clockwise).
    6. 6. The dripping wax should be collected in a plate, cooled and placed in half of the fruit with the cut out seeds.
    7. 7. Connect the cut apple with a thread and bury it away from your home.

    How to improve relations with management?

    Many people have problems at work that are directly related to poor relationships with their bosses. It happens that the manager finds fault with little things, unfairly deprives you of bonuses or even threatens with dismissal. If you are satisfied with the position you occupy, leave workplace If you don’t want to, you can try to correct the situation with a simple ritual.

    It will require the following attributes: white church candle and a ripe apple from the new harvest. Arriving home from the temple, you need to immediately light a candle, put an apple next to it and read aloud, looking at the flame, a magical spell: “Almighty Lord, kindle me with your favor, bestow mercy, bring reason to the evil boss. Have mercy on this person (name of leader), show him the right path. Calm my soul, let me work calmly and feed my family. Amen". After these simple steps, relations with the manager should return to normal.

    Holiday traditions, folk signs and beliefs

    Apple Spas is a sign that hot summer is gradually giving way to cooler autumn. At this time, it is customary to pick apples and peas, which is why most superstitions are associated with the harvest:

    • If in Yablochny Spas you feed the hungry and poor with apples, then next year you can wait bountiful harvest. For the same purpose, it is customary to leave apples on the graves of deceased relatives or abandoned graves, especially children’s ones.
    • It is a bad sign if the poor do not meet on this day. It means that next year will be hungry.
    • It is believed that before the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, cereal crops must be collected, otherwise the harvest may not be expected.
    • If you get up with the first rays of the sun and hear laughter, the harvest will be rich. And the ringing singing of birds upon awakening foretells a favorable year in all respects.

    It is on this holiday that believers observing strict fasting are allowed to eat apples. According to tradition, you need to get up at dawn, collect fruits still covered with dew, and take them to the church for lighting.

    After Easter and until the Apple Savior, it was forbidden to eat apples so as not to violate God's commandment. This is especially true for parents who have lost children. According to legend, for this the Mother of God rewards dead babies with the fruits of paradise.

    Depending on who the girl meets first near the temple, you can judge the upcoming events:

    • if an old man, the parents will live for many years, in love, happiness and prosperity;
    • a woman with her head uncovered - a quick marriage.

    There is also a belief associated with luck. If a fly lands on your hand twice on August 19, then the whole coming year will be very successful. You cannot drive away the insect; it must fly away on its own.

The Second Spas, which is called Yablochny, is celebrated on August 19. This event does not go unnoticed among people. signs and beliefs that are relevant to this day are known for the fact that on this day all fortune-telling, as a rule, turns out to be true.

A little about the holiday

Apple Spas is a sign that a warm or hot summer is gradually giving way to a cooler autumn. On this day it is necessary to harvest. Observant people notice that on August 19 it becomes cool, and birds and animals, sensing the approach of cold weather, begin to behave cautiously and fussily.

Jesus Christ is considered the Savior, that is, the savior of the human race. It was thanks to him that the holiday received its name. Traditions, customs, rituals and signs on Apple Spas (August 19) are very diverse. If you are observant enough and believe in magic, you will notice how, by following all the rules, your life will change for the better.

There are many signs that indicate that good luck will soon visit your life. Here are the most popular ones:

  • If on August 19 a fly lands on your hand twice, then good luck will follow you for a whole year. It has been noted that even if you don’t like flies, you should be patient and wait until the insect flies away.
  • If you treat a poor or needy person on this day, you can expect a good harvest next year.

Many signs that exist on Yablochny Spas are dedicated to women.

Signs for women

A lot of new and even mystical things happen to the fair sex at Yablochny Spas. Signs for women, the observance of which helps not to commit sins, are as follows:

  • As everyone knows, Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise because of one apple they ate. After Easter and before the Apple Savior, a woman should not eat apples, so as not to violate God's commandment. If a girl breaks this tradition, she will take upon herself a grave sin.
  • A woman should not come to church wearing a skirt above the knee or with her head uncovered. This means disobedience to the laws of the Lord.

Such traditions have existed at Yablochny Spas since ancient times. Signs for women occupy a special place in this holiday, since it is the fair sex who are the keepers of the hearth and provide family comfort.

There are also many folk beliefs that help predict the future course of events.

Popular beliefs are not limited to signs for women. For example, there is a tradition that obliges you to eat an apple with honey on this day. This will help you improve your health and give you strength for the whole year. Besides:

  • On this day it is customary to harvest peas and apples.
  • For good luck to follow you, prepare dishes that contain apples for Apple Spas.
  • If you do not reap the grain harvest by August 19, then after this day everything weather will harm him.
  • After August 19 the weather will become much colder.
  • If it’s hot on Yablochny Spas, then the winter won’t be very snowy, but if it’s cold, expect cold and snowstorms.

In addition, there are several conspiracies and fortune telling that young girls often resort to on this day:

  • Cut a red ripe apple into equal halves, put a note between them with the name of the person you like. Place the apple on the windowsill and watch which half begins to deteriorate and darken first. If it’s on the right, then the person you’re interested in doesn’t have warm feelings for you, and if it’s on the left, then most likely your loved one will soon take the initiative to bring you closer together.
  • If you want to perform a ritual that will show whether your dream will come true, take 3 apples different color. Let one be red, the second yellow, and the third green. Place the fruits in one container. Imagine that your wish has come true. Do it in colors. After this, take one apple out of the box. If you come across red, then your wish will come true, and this fulfillment will not take long to arrive. If the apple is yellow, then you will have to make some efforts to achieve your dream. If you pull out a green fruit, then your wish will not come true.

You can not only guess at Apple Spas. Signs, conspiracies, and rituals are also popular among believers.

Rituals and conspiracies for Apple Savior

Signs for Apple Spas on August 19 boil down to the fact that you can attract good luck in your personal life, career and other important areas on your own. This must be done using the following rituals:

  • Pick 3 linden branches and place them in a vase next to your bed. After this, for 9 days, every morning, take the branches out of the vase, walk around the whole house with them, whipping them in the corners. This way you will attract wealth into your life.
  • To bewitch your loved one, take an apple, cut it into equal halves, put a nettle leaf between them, and again connect the parts into one whole. Next, bring the apple to your lips and read the spell: “Fly to me, my destiny, like stinging nettles. Let it be for the good of you, me and everyone around.” After that, hide the apple in a place where no one will find it. Wait until the fruit dries, then bury it in the ground near your loved one's home.
  • To rid your home of bad energy, on August 19, take a large apple and cut it into 2 equal parts, cut out the core from one. Next, take a candle, place it on a saucer, light it and walk around every corner of your house with it. The wax will drip from the candle, you should pour it into the cored apple half. Cover it with the second part of the fruit and fasten it tightly with threads. After this, take the apple outside and bury it deep in the ground.

Signs for Apple Spas on August 19 are not limited to this. There are several other beliefs that seem to look mystical.

  • If parents whose child has recently died do not eat apples before the Apple Savior, then in the next world the baby will receive gifts in the form of heavenly apples.
  • On this day, peas also need to be blessed in church. Good luck will follow the one who shares the blessed fruits with poor people.

Apple Spas is considered Orthodox holiday, therefore, people who believe in God observe all the traditions of this holiday.


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