How long does it take for threads on sutures to dissolve? Indications for surgical incision

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Self-absorbing threads are often used during surgical interventions, including after childbirth. To apply such sutures, they are used various materials, which dissolve on their own over a certain period of time (catgut, lavsan, vicryl).

When to apply self-absorbable sutures

information Self-absorbing sutures after childbirth are in most cases used for ruptures of the internal genital organs (vagina, cervix), because access to these organs is difficult and will be easier if there is no need to subsequently remove sutures there.

For ruptures and cuts in the perineum, various sutures can be applied: both self-absorbing ones and those requiring the removal of threads.

Suture dissolution time

The resorption time of sutures depends on the threads with which it was made:

  1. Catgut. The resorption time depends on the diameter of the thread and the place of its application and ranges from 30 to 120 days;
  2. Lavsan. There are threads with different resorption periods (from 10-12 days to 40-50 days);
  3. Vicryl(60-90 days).

Complications of postpartum wounds

The main complications of sutures in the postpartum period are failure (divergence) of the sutures and their suppuration (infection).

Seam divergence

Failure of internal sutures (on the cervix and in the vagina) is extremely rare. Basically, the divergence of the external sutures applied to the perineum occurs.

The main reasons for the divergence of the wound on the perineum:

  • Early sitting down;
  • Sudden movements;
  • Sex life;
  • Suture infection.

Signs of seam dehiscence:

  • Pain in the wound area;
  • The appearance of wound bleeding;
  • Painful swelling;
  • Temperature rise(if infected);
  • Feeling of heaviness and fullness in the area of ​​the postoperative wound(indicates an accumulation of blood - a hematoma).

Wound infection

In most cases, wound infection occurs due to non-compliance with personal hygiene rules and improper care behind the seams.

The main signs of purulent-inflammatory complications of sutures in the perineum are:

  1. Heat;
  2. Hyperemia(redness) of the wound area;
  3. Soreness;
  4. The appearance of purulent discharge from the sutures.

At the first sign of complications, you should immediately contact your obstetrician-gynecologist for help. The doctor will carry out the necessary procedures and prescribe treatment.

Caring for stitches after childbirth

remember Sutures placed on the vagina and cervix do not require additional processing: a woman just has to follow the rules of personal hygiene to prevent the development of purulent-inflammatory complications. Sutures in the perineum, on the contrary, require increased attention and careful adherence by the mother to all recommendations.

Precautionary measures:

  • You should not sit for a week after giving birth(a longer time limit is possible). A woman is only allowed to lie down and stand. Then you can gradually sit down on a soft surface (pillow) with one buttock, and then with the whole one. Avoid sitting on hard surfaces for 3 weeks;
  • It is strictly forbidden to use shapewear, pressing on the perineum;
  • On the first day after childbirth, you should try to delay the act of defecation.: a woman should not eat a lot; be sure to avoid products that have a strengthening effect;
  • Refusal early start . You should start having sex no earlier than 2 months after giving birth.

Seam processing technique:

  1. Treatment with antiseptic solution(in most cases brilliant green). In the maternity hospital, the sutures are processed by a midwife 1-2 times a day on a gynecological chair. At home, a woman should deal with the wound area independently with the help of relatives or go to see an obstetrician-gynecologist at the antenatal clinic every day for a week;
  2. Physiotherapy(ultraviolet irradiation of the wound). Continuation of the procedures is possible at home with the help of special lamps.

Maintaining personal hygiene:

  • Change sanitary pads at least every 2 hours;
  • Wear only loose underwear made from natural fabrics or special disposable panties;
  • Carry out genital hygiene with baby soap 2 times a day, after which thoroughly wipe the perineum with a clean towel and treat with an antiseptic solution;
  • Clean up warm water every 2 hours(it is possible to use medicinal herbs– , calendula);
  • Wash your genitals after every visit to the toilet.

During labor, women in labor experience tears and cracks in the vagina, cervix and perineum. Today this is not scary; obstetricians quickly eliminate the unpleasant consequences of childbirth. Internal stitches after childbirth are painful and take a long time to heal. To speed up the process as much as possible, they need to be cared for and processed.

Based on the area being sutured, internal (uterus, vagina) and external sutures (perineum) are separated. Each option is performed differently and uses special material, so scars require careful care and proper hygiene.

Internal sutures on the cervix occur due to big size fetus Anesthesia is not used, because the pain threshold after the child passes through the birth canal has not yet decreased. Sew with catgut, self-absorbing threads that do not need to be removed.

Sometimes Vicryl or Capron are used. The sewing material is hypoallergenic, does not feel, and does not cause discomfort. The procedure does not require special care, because the scar is located deep in the middle of the vagina.

Internal and external sutures on the vagina appear through injuries during childbirth, with small and deep ruptures. When applying sutures, local anesthesia is used with novocaine injections. Postpartum internal seams It is applied to the vagina using catgut threads, which do not need to be removed. Scars are felt and remain painful for 2-3 days and do not require special care.

Sutures are placed on the perineum due to cracks, injuries during childbirth and after episiotomy. Internal and external seams on the crotch are made special material, based on the degree of complexity of the rupture or cut.

Catgut is used for light cracks, and silk or nylon for deep wounds. Local anesthesia is used by injecting the desired area with lidocaine. Scars on the perineum hurt for a long time, cause discomfort, require sexual rest, proper hygiene (after every trip to the toilet), and treatment with septic tanks.

Healing time

After suturing the injured area, the mother in labor should know how long the recovery process is. After all, everyone wants to quickly get rid of unpleasant sensations after childbirth.

How long does it take for internal stitches to heal? It depends on the material used to sew. If absorbable threads are used, everything will go away in 12-14 days, the scars will heal within a month after delivery.

When using a material that will not dissolve on its own, the sutures are removed after 5-6 days. The inner seam is healed with silk or vicryl. The characteristics of the organism play a big role. In women with good tissue regeneration, recovery is much faster.

How long it takes for the scar to heal completely depends on the contact of microorganisms with the wound. Good hygiene is required to prevent infection from entering fresh scars.

Many women do not wait for the internal sutures to heal after childbirth; mothers are looking for ways to quickly recover after the birth of the baby. But the most important rule in this case is hygiene and compliance with the obstetrician’s recommendations.

Diagnostics. Before discharge from the hospital, the doctor examines the internal stitches. Next, the woman is sent for an ultrasound, where the sutured areas are examined. The way the internal seams look after childbirth determines whether the woman in labor will go home or not.

Usually the sutures on the uterus are not removed; they remain for life. If catgut was applied, the internal sutures will dissolve on their own after childbirth.

  • do not get up for the first 2-3 days after the birth process;
  • sit on the floor - lying down for the first week;
  • feed the baby only from the “lying down” position, so as not to create additional pressure on the uterus;
  • resume sexual activity after 2-2.5 months;
  • change the pad no later than after 3 hours to prevent infection from getting into open wounds.

In a month, the internal and external sutures will quickly heal, and the feeling of discomfort will leave the woman forever. After the birth of the child, you need to come to an appointment with a local gynecologist at your place of residence. He will conduct an examination and make a conclusion about the condition of the postpartum scars.


The internal seams do not require special attention. Due to postpartum lochia, the woman in labor does not have the opportunity to disinfect wounds and insert sterile tampons.

Following simple recommendations, it is possible to reduce the period during which ruptures and scars heal after childbirth. Don't overload homework, you need to get enough sleep and not get too cold. If you experience discomfort in the area of ​​the postpartum scar, you should consult a gynecologist, this may be a symptom of complications.

To ensure that the internal seams do not take too long, you need:

  1. maintain personal hygiene (wash frequently, change sanitary pads);
  2. do not use panties to avoid squeezing the uterus;
  3. release on time bladder so that it does not interfere with the contraction of the uterus;
  4. do not lift anything heavier than your child;
  5. carry out defecation in a timely manner, because constipation affects the muscles of the perineum, which causes additional pain and discomfort.

You need to eat right for timely bowel movements, drink a teaspoon vegetable oil or flax to prevent constipation. If the internal seams itch, this is good; the sensations indicate tissue fusion.

To relieve discomfort, it is recommended to wash frequently with warm water without soap. It happens that the mother feels discomfort or pain at the scar site. This means that the recovery process did not go as expected.

Possible complications

Can internal seams hurt? The phenomenon is quite possible; it is caused by difficulties with the healing of open wounds. Then medical intervention is required, including medication and antiseptic treatment. The obstetrician must take action and prescribe adequate treatment for scar healing pathology.

Why do internal stitches hurt after childbirth:

  • due to discrepancy (complete or partial);
  • through the peculiarity of the wound healing period;
  • there is suppuration;
  • due to bleeding

How long do internal stitches hurt after childbirth? This depends on the nature of the wound, location and the ability of the body tissues to recover quickly. If the internal sutures hurt for a long time, due to slow cell regeneration, the woman in labor is prescribed warming.

The procedure is performed no earlier than 2 weeks after birth, when the uterus has shrunk to its original size. The scar is heated for 10 minutes for 14 days, or until the discomfort goes away completely.

What to do if internal stitches hurt after childbirth:

  • contact a gynecologist;
  • undergo examination;
  • take treatment.

If hospitalization is necessary, do not hesitate, otherwise the consequences will be dire. By ignoring the advice of an obstetrician, a woman provokes complications in the postpartum period.

When a suture comes apart, it’s scary; it opens up internal bleeding, which is difficult to stop. You need to react quickly and go to the gynecologist. If there is a complication, treatment is prescribed for partial dehiscence and re-suturing for complete dehiscence.

When the scar inside the vagina festers, a woman develops red-green discharge with an unpleasant odor. You need to notify your gynecologist about the pathology, because the presence of infection in postpartum sutures is dangerous for infecting the body. Anti-inflammatory drugs, wound treatment with septic tanks and healing ointments are prescribed.

If the internal scar bleeds, this is abnormal. The case was provoked by neglecting the doctor’s recommendations. For example, when a woman began to sit down or lift weights earlier than expected. In this situation, you need to immediately seek help so as not to miss the moment. Uterine bleeding can be stopped in the first hours after its appearance.

Scars after cesarean section

During surgical delivery there are also internal and external sutures. This is a scar on the uterus, abdominal wall and lower abdomen. As a rule, during such births the woman spends longer in the maternity hospital. A nurse takes care of the wounds, changes the bandages and treats the scars with cutasept.

For the first week, the woman wears a postoperative bandage that supports the internal sutures. On the first day you should not take a shower, then this is not prohibited, you just need to blot the wound dry after each trip to the bathroom. For faster tissue restoration, women in labor are prescribed healing ointments or suppositories.

With poor quality scar care, complications associated with infection occur. Then the adhesive begins to ooze and appears heat. The doctor prescribes antiseptic therapy for several days, then everything goes away. It happens that the seams come apart, this is a sign that the woman has lifted weights. This complication is eliminated by suturing the injured area.

The body fully recovers after a cesarean section no earlier than 2-3 months from the date of birth. All this time you should limit yourself in sports, sex life and heavy physical activity. Then the postpartum period will pass quickly and without any pathologies.

Childbirth is always a risk of tears and cracks, as well as an emergency caesarean section. Therefore, when choosing an obstetrician-gynecologist, you need to be sure that he will perform high-quality suturing. Caring for postpartum scars is also important. Neglecting the doctor’s recommendations provokes serious complications in the postpartum period.

After childbirth, many women are faced with the phenomenon of stitches on the cervix, vagina or perineum. Let's look at what types of sutures there are, what complications can be encountered after their application, and what care they require after childbirth.

Depending on where the sutures are placed, they are divided into internal and external.

Internal seams

Internal ones are considered to be those that were applied for ruptures of the cervix or vaginal walls. Such sutures are applied after childbirth, when the doctor examines the genital organs. The procedure for suturing the uterus does not require anesthesia, since after childbirth the organ is absolutely insensitive. When suturing the vaginal walls, local anesthesia is given. Sutures are applied with self-absorbing threads that do not require removal.

External seams

External stitches include sutures placed on the perineum. They are applied when ruptures of the perineum appeared during childbirth or an artificial incision was made. If necessary, doctors give preference to incisions, preventing ruptures, since their edges are always smooth, which means they will heal faster. External sutures after childbirth are performed under local anesthesia.

The perineum can be sutured with threads, which require removal on the 5th day, or with self-absorbable threads. Also in this area, doctors can use a cosmetic suture, which came to gynecology from plastic surgery. This type of suture is characterized by the fact that the thread passes subcutaneously, and only its entrance and exit from the wound are visible.

How to treat and care for stitches after childbirth

During the first days in the maternity hospital, midwives handle the sutures. 2 times a day they treat the seams with a solution of brilliant green or potassium permanganate. You will continue processing at home. This will need to be done after each water procedure.

This is how external seams are treated. Internal seams do not require special care, provided that you do not have any infectious diseases. And this needs to be taken care of even before pregnancy.

In the first days after childbirth, when stitches were placed, you need to be careful with bowel movements so as not to overstrain the fused tissues. Ideally, at the first urge to ask for an enema or glycerin suppository.

After every trip to the toilet you should wash yourself. In the morning and evening you can use the intimate hygiene product. It is better to wash yourself in the shower, rather than in a basin of water. The sanitary pad needs to be changed every 2 hours. Even if you think it can still serve.

A good option for underwear would be disposable panties, which are made of breathable material. If there are none, then use cotton clothes. Do not put on underwear immediately after showering.

Air baths are good not only for children's skin, but also for your healing wounds. You should not rub the seams with a towel; it is better to blot them or wait until they dry completely.

Shapewear should not be used. The tightening effect cuts off blood flow and interferes with healing. Yes, you want to look good immediately after the baby is born, but wait a couple of months, and then you will be able to wear both a corset and panties.

And the most important. When applying postpartum sutures, you will not be able to sit for about 10 days - this is at least. After this period, if the stitches heal without complications, you can begin to sit on a hard surface. You need to rest while the sutures are healing while lying down or half-sitting. You cannot make sudden movements.

Previously, when newborns were separated from their mothers, those who had postpartum stitches were not allowed to get up until discharge. This allowed the sutures to heal much faster. Now, when children are with their mothers in the ward, bed rest is impossible. Therefore, you need to follow the recommendations regarding sitting as much as possible so that the seams do not come apart or become inflamed.

Complications of postpartum sutures

If a woman has had stitches after giving birth, she is examined by a doctor every day. If no violations are found, then the treatment procedure is standard: hydrogen peroxide and a solution of brilliant green or potassium permanganate. If deviations from the norm are noticed, then a decision is made depending on the situation.

The seams have come apart

If the wound has not yet healed and the stitches have come apart, they are reapplied. If the wound has healed, but several stitches of the suture have come apart, then the doctor can leave the situation as is (provided that there is no threat to the woman’s life). If the entire seam has come apart, then you will need to cut the wound and sew it up again. The stitches may come apart when the woman is already discharged from the hospital. This fact requires an immediate visit to the hospital and calling an ambulance.

The stitches are festering

ABOUT correct processing sutures that heal normally, as mentioned above. If inflammation or suppuration of internal or external postpartum sutures is detected, the doctor will prescribe additional measures to treat the wounds.

Hygienic care will be supplemented with tampons and ointments for sutures. Levomikol, Vishnevsky ointment or other ointments that relieve inflammation and suppuration can be used. If you discover uncharacteristic vaginal discharge while at home, then the next day you should consult a doctor for advice.

The stitches hurt

Painful sensations after applying both external and internal sutures will occur in any case. Normally, internal pain should go away within 2 days after birth. Discomfort when applying external sutures will persist much longer. Especially if you don't follow a routine and try to sit down early.

If the pain only appears when you sit, this is normal (unless it is very severe and can be tolerated). But, if you feel discomfort while standing or lying down, then this may indicate inflammatory process. In this case, the pain cannot be tolerated. Seeing a doctor should be done immediately.

Postpartum sutures are sutures after surgery. In order for them to heal quickly and safely, you must take proper care of them. Of course, after the birth of the baby there will be plenty of other worries. But believe me, your baby needs a healthy mother. The more carefully you take care of your stitches, the faster they will heal and will no longer require attention.


A surgical suture is a connection of tissues after surgery or injury using a needle and thread, made with the aim of speedy healing, as well as protecting the wound from foreign bodies.

Sutures can be placed both on the surface of the body and on internal organs and tissues. Modern medicine also uses methods for seamlessly joining wound edges using adhesives.

Methods and materials for applying surgical sutures

Threads (suture material) used in surgery are divided into two main types: those that are absorbed into the tissue some time after the operation and non-absorbable, which are removed after the wound has healed.

The first type of thread is made from animal intestines (catgut) and synthetic polymer materials(dexon, polysorb, biosin, vicryl), the second type - from silk, flax, polymers (nylon); sometimes metal wire is also used.

You can connect the edges of the wound different ways. You can use a continuous seam with fixing knots at the ends, or you can fasten the fabrics with separate stitches, each of which is fixed with its own knots. The latter method (separate seams) provides more reliable connection, since in this case the seam will remain intact even if the knot comes undone or the thread of one of the stitches breaks.

Skin stitching

There are several ways to connect the skin with sutures: either continuous or separate sutures can be used, and both absorbable and non-absorbable sutures can be used. The cut wound can also be held together with metal clips, staples, or even adhesive tape (for shallow cuts).

A special type of external sutures are cosmetic sutures, applied to the skin using very thin threads. Absorbable materials are usually used when placing subcutaneous sutures when the suture material cannot be removed after the wound has healed.

Most often, a separate vertical mattress or subcutaneous suture is used in surgery. In the latter case, the risk of scar formation at the sites of skin punctures is eliminated. Deep sutures are applied together with other types if there is a danger of divergence of the subcutaneous tissues. In all these seams, every stitch is fixed. Therefore, unlike continuous seams, if one of the stitches comes apart, the others will hold the fabrics together. The choice of suturing technique is determined by the surgeon's preference and specific circumstances, such as the type of tissue being sutured, the location of the suture, and its effect on the patient's appearance.

Consultation with a surgeon regarding sutures

How painful is it to remove a suture after surgery?

This procedure is not very painful, since the materials currently used for stitching the skin have smooth surface. They glide easily through tissues without causing severe pain. But if you cannot tolerate even mild pain, ask the surgeon to use absorbable sutures.

How long do internal sutures last after major surgery?

Some materials used for suturing internal organs and tissues last a lifetime. For example, nylon monofilament is completely inert and, while in the body, does not cause any reaction in surrounding tissues. It does not dissolve, although over time its strength may decrease somewhat.

I recently had stomach surgery. How long will it take for my stitches to be removed?

After the operation, only the threads of the external sutures are removed. This is done on the 7-10th day. If you remove the threads earlier, the seam may come apart, and if later, an inflammatory process may begin around them.

Can a cough or fever physical exercise cause suture dehiscence after abdominal surgery?

Nowadays this happens extremely rarely. In such operations, in addition to external sutures, internal sutures are also usually applied. They determine the strength of tissue connections. To ensure long-term strength of sutures when connecting muscle tissue, most surgeons prefer non-absorbable materials such as nylon. Previously, threads from animal intestines (catgut) were used for this, but since they lose strength very quickly (catgut resorption time does not exceed 30 days), the danger of the seam coming apart was quite high. Nowadays, if the abdominal muscles are properly sutured with non-absorbable suture, the sutures can easily withstand the stresses caused by coughing.

During childbirth, women often experience tearing of the uterus or vagina.

This requires stitches.

In order to avoid problems with these scars, you need to know how long it takes for sutures to dissolve after childbirth and how they need to be removed.

Let's consider this issue in more detail.

How long does it take for different types of sutures to heal after childbirth?

According to localization (place of application), the sutures are:

1. On the cervix. They are installed when the cervix is ​​damaged by a fetus that is too large.

2. Stitches in the vagina. They are applied in case of birth trauma or vaginal rupture of varying depths. Novocaine or lidocaine is used as anesthesia.

3. Sutures can be placed on the perineum if it is damaged during childbirth, as well as during a special incision by a doctor. There are three types of perineal injuries:

Type 1 (damage only skin);

Type 2 (skin and muscle damage);

Type 3 (severe muscle damage, their rupture, which reaches the walls of the rectum).

Depending on the extent and type of perineal injury, doctors may use different types threads (nylon, silk or absorbable).

There are the following types of main threads for suturing:

1. Catgut is a completely absorbable material, the threads of which are separated on the seventh day. This seam disappears within the first month.

2. Vicryl. It is usually used for caesarean sections. It resolves in 60-70 days.

3. Maxon. It completely dissolves approximately 190 days after application.

How long does it take for external sutures to heal after childbirth?

Depending on the place of application, they are distinguished:

External seams;

Internal seams.

External sutures are usually placed on the perineum. They are quite problematic because they can provoke various kinds complications in the form of suppuration, inflammation, infection, etc. To prevent this, a young mother should know how to properly care for stitches. Doctors should inform her about this upon discharge from the hospital.

The healing period of sutures in the perineum takes more than long time, rather than internal sutures on the uterus and vagina. In order for them to heal faster, it is recommended to observe bed rest, sexual rest (at least in the first two weeks), and also treat wounds with special antiseptics.

The healing process of this type of sutures is complicated by postpartum discharge from the uterus, which is a hotbed for the development of infection. To eliminate the possibility of getting hit harmful bacteria into the wound, you should adhere to the following rules:

1. Change your sanitary pad every two hours.

2. Treat the sutures in the first days after application with antiseptics (it is advisable that a gynecologist do this in the first days).

3. Using blotting movements, wipe the perineum with a sterile napkin. You cannot use cloth towels for this purpose, otherwise germs may get into the wound.

4. Do not sit down after childbirth for ten days, so as not to provoke suture divergence.

5. For ten days after giving birth, you should refrain from eating flour products and cereals in order to simplify the onset of stool as much as possible and not cause constipation.

If the sutures in the perineum were made of non-absorbable material, they are usually removed on the tenth day after birth.

If the patient has absorbable materials applied, they do not require removal and will dissolve on their own after some time, but sometimes they also have to be removed mechanically (if complications arise).

How long does it take for sutures to heal after childbirth by caesarean section?

A caesarean section is a rather complex abdominal operation in which several layers of soft tissue are dissected. For their subsequent connection, strong threads are used (vicryl, dexon, monocryl, etc.).

Today it is very common C-section by a transverse incision of the uterus, the length of which is from 11 to 13 cm. This cavity provides every opportunity to minimize blood loss and rapid wound healing.

When using self-absorbable threads, the healing time of the suture will be from three weeks to one month, although sometimes this process takes longer.

It is somewhat more problematic for sutures to heal using synthetic materials: They are removed on the seventh day after application, but it takes three to four weeks for the wound to completely heal.

In addition, the healing period will largely depend on the care of the suture, lifestyle and the woman’s compliance with all medical recommendations.

How to care for seams

How long it takes for the sutures to dissolve after childbirth largely depends on how well you care for your sutures. Exist following rules which doctors advise their patients to follow after suturing:

1. Wear loose underwear so that it does not squeeze the crotch anywhere. It is also desirable that it be from natural materials(cotton).

Wearing shapewear is strictly prohibited, as it interferes with blood circulation in the pelvis. This in turn can cause swelling.

2. Lubricate external scars with antibacterial ointments and solutions.

3. It is advisable to sit down gradually and not make sudden movements.

4. Until the sutures are removed, you should completely avoid any physical activity (lifting weights, playing sports, etc.).

5. You should defecate regularly, otherwise, when defecation is delayed, additional stress will be created in the abdominal muscles, which will only increase pain. To soften the process of defecation, it is allowed to use rectal suppositories (it is recommended to consult a doctor before using them).

6. Every day you need to drink a spoonful of vegetable oil. This will normalize stool and prevent constipation.

7. In the first week after suturing, you should not bend over.

8. In order not to provoke inflammation of the scars, you should not take hot bath. It is best to wash in the shower.

9. Do not apply hot or cold compresses to scars, as this can cause inflammation. It is also not recommended to self-medicate. All your actions must be coordinated with your doctor.

How long does it take for stitches to dissolve after childbirth: possible complications

Quite often after discharge (1-2 weeks), a woman begins to feel pain and discomfort in the suture area. It is very important to respond to such a symptom in a timely manner, otherwise the condition may worsen even further.

Postpartum wounds can cause the following complications:

1. Pain. This symptom appears after every operation, and childbirth is no exception. As drug treatment To relieve pain, you can use special ointments (Contractubex) and dry heating. Take stronger ones medications It is possible only when the woman is not breastfeeding. Otherwise, she should not be prescribed most analgesics, as they may have a negative impact on the baby’s condition.

2. Seam divergence can occur during sudden movement or sports activities. In this case, it is recommended to urgently call a doctor, as blood will ooze from the wound. In addition, this condition is dangerous because in open muscle tissue An infection may occur, which can lead to inflammation, fever and increased body temperature.

3. Itching. Typically, this symptom does not indicate the presence of pathologies or infection in the wound. Quite the opposite - it signals a favorable healing process, so it should not cause concern in women.

To slightly reduce the severity of the itching, you should wash with warm water. Any medicines It is not recommended to use for itching.

4. Wound suppuration is one of the most dangerous complications. Its symptoms are:

Increased body temperature;



Appearance unpleasant odor from the seam;

The appearance of purulent discharge from the wound from dull yellow to dark brown;


Pain throughout the suture area.

If the wound becomes suppurated, the woman is advised to consult a doctor as soon as possible. After the examination, the doctor will prescribe the necessary ointments and antibiotics. Most effective drugs To eliminate inflammation, the following ointments are used: Malavit, Levomekol, Vishnevsky.

It is important to know that severe suppuration of the wound is dangerous not only for the health of the mother, but also for the child, especially if the woman is breastfeeding the baby breast milk.

5. Opening of internal bleeding can occur if the rules of wearing loose underwear and sitting are violated during the first weeks after surgery. This condition is extremely dangerous and requires immediate medical attention.

Immediately before discharge, the attending doctor should tell you the approximate date for suture removal. If a woman stays in the hospital long enough, her stitches can be removed right there. If she is discharged home, she will need to come to the doctor again after some time.

When removing the stitches, the patient does not have to go back to the hospital, since this procedure takes no longer than forty minutes and if the scarring is good, the doctor will let the patient go home the same day.

It is important to know that even if the condition of the wound is satisfactory after the stitches are removed, the woman is advised to be careful and avoid lifting heavy objects. She can return to her usual way of life no earlier than six months after the initial suturing.


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